What should be a computer chair. How to choose a computer chair

garden equipment 16.06.2019
garden equipment

Nowadays, there is probably no home left that does not have a computer or laptop, and every day people spend more and more time behind the monitor screen.

However, with each subsequent hour spent in front of the computer, an extra problem falls into the treasury of our health. We squint and stoop, and from all this we develop scoliosis, because the spine begins to bend from such stress.

But most often, working with a computer cannot be avoided, and in order for this not to cause any deviations in our body, it is very important to equip the workplace in the right way, which means choosing the right computer chair.

Computer chairs can be divided into several categories.

Economy version of a computer chair

There are thousands of chairs in stores different style And appearance, with almost no custom elements. They will certainly fit into any interior and satisfy your taste.

If you only turn on your computer to surf the Internet, social media, watch a movie, chat with friends, or play games, then this option is for you.

These chairs are suitable for those who sit at the computer for no more than two hours a day. Any chairs are already allowed here: wooden ones with carved armrests or soft and huge ones, similar to the chairs of big bosses in large companies.

Option for advanced users

If you sit at the monitor screen at home or at work from 2 to 5 hours, working or playing games, then a simple model is absolutely indispensable.

A big plus is the presence of a specially curved back, which repeats the shape of the spine. In this case, the pressure on the back and spine will be minimized.

A chair for such a long work with a computer requires more settings:

  • landing depth,
  • chair height,
  • tilt angle,
  • back height.

Chair option for people who work in front of a computer all day

For this category of people, the importance right choice armchairs cannot be overestimated, because their health directly depends on the arrangement of the workplace.
For such a long work, you will have to purchase the so-called high-comfort chairs. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they distribute the load evenly on all the muscles of the body thanks to special options.

For example, they allow you to simultaneously change the position of the seat and the angle of the backrest, depending on your posture. Many have a special footrest or headrest.

There are even more complex models made for people with spinal problems. Such chairs allow you to work almost in an upright position.

With all the dynamism modern life, any person, striving for comfort, spends quite a lot of time in a sitting position. Working at a computer is becoming an integral part of different age groups, and people spend more and more time sitting on the Internet.
So that prolonged sitting has a positive effect on general condition body, and especially on the health of the spine, it is necessary to create conditions under which it will feel natural. To create such an environment, a properly selected computer chair will help, which should be chosen in compliance with all basic requirements.

In order to feel comfortable and not harm your health, spending a lot of time sitting at a computer, when buying a chair, you need to take care that it can adapt to the figure of the person sitting, providing the most comfortable working conditions.

If the body is in the wrong position long time, the back spontaneously begins to bend, resulting in deformation of the spine. Prolonged stay in this position leads to curvature, skeletal fatigue and posture disorders, which can subsequently be supplemented by related problems: headache, problems with the pelvis and legs, pain in all parts of the back, from the neck to the lower back.

Only being in the correct position, the spine will not experience excessive stress, this affects the overall well-being and performance. A smart chair will invisibly maintain the correct position of the body during the entire process of work, creating comfortable conditions for it. Before buying a computer chair, you need to understand what qualities you need to pay attention to. The comfort of a chair depends on:

The presence or absence of various properties of a chair depends on the criteria for its use: the amount of time spent sitting on the chair, and the number of people who will use it. Having decided on these criteria, it is easier to figure out which computer chair to choose so that it becomes reliable, durable and orthopedically designed correctly.

Manufacturers of computer chairs try to think through all aspects of improving their ergonomics and functionality as much as possible. The price of a computer chair directly depends on its ability to adapt to the various requirements of those sitting on it, and the materials from which it is made. Buying a computer chair inexpensively, with high functionality and made of expensive materials will certainly not work. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance the necessary set of requirements, and based on this, choose the most suitable option. It makes no sense to pay for features that will not be used later.
For those who spend no more than two hours a day at the computer, an ordinary chair that is not equipped with any additional functions is quite suitable. In such a short time, the back and legs may get tired from insufficiently comfortable sitting, but this will not seriously affect health. With a longer sitting on a chair, you need to take care of organizing a comfortable environment for productive work. From the created conditions will depend not only momentary conveniences, but also health in the future.

seat height

If several people will use the computer chair, then for the correct position of the legs it will be necessary to change the height of the seat, adjusting it to different heights. For this purpose, computer chairs are equipped with a special seat height adjustment mechanism. The most attractive are models in which you can change the height of the seat without getting up from your chair.

With proper sitting, the body should form right angles, on all bends of the legs. Between the thighs and lower leg, and further between the feet on the floor and the lower leg. The legs should not be in a hanging or, conversely, in an elevated position, this can lead to impaired blood circulation and muscle tension.

dynamic back

Particular attention must be paid to the shape and the possibility of changing the position of the backrest. Its shape, in the lumbar region, should have a characteristic bend, repeating the anatomically correct position of the back.

When choosing a computer chair for the home, it is enough that the back height reaches the middle of the shoulder blades. Spending a lot of time at the computer at home, there is always the opportunity to get up and rest, giving the opportunity to relax the muscles of the neck. For those who like to relax without looking up from the monitor, it is better to purchase a chair with a higher back and equipped with a headrest. Its presence will allow in the process of work to periodically allow the muscles of the neck to relax, preventing the appearance of headaches and neck pains.

Sitting on a chair should rest firmly on the entire surface of the back, evenly distributing the load on all muscles. This supportive position will provide adjustment of the back of the chair, changing the depth of the seat. In addition to reliable fixation of the back, this mechanism will allow you to properly position yourself on the seat, changing its depth so that the knee area does not rest against the edges of the chair, creating excessive pressure on the blood vessels.

The design and material of the cladding

Computer chairs for the home have many design solutions for the location of the legs. In most models, this is one support, diverging at the base into several legs with wheels. The safety and reliability of the chair in operation depends on the strength and stability of the leg structure. Easily sliding on the floor surface, it should not roll over. Special rubberized rollers on wheels will avoid scratches on the floor.

For the seat upholstery of computer chairs, materials of various textures and colors are used. It is better to choose a color scheme in accordance with the general style of the room, so that the chair harmoniously fits into the interior. When choosing the texture of a fabric, you should pay attention to its hygroscopic qualities and naturalness.

It is preferable to choose a medium-soft seat and back, they are more comfortable for long-term work than hard or too soft ones.

Convenient and practical additions

The presence of armrests significantly reduces the load on the shoulder and prevents pain in the neck, but only if they are properly located. The permanently fixed armrests are adjusted to average parameters and cannot be changed, so it is more convenient to purchase a computer chair with a mechanism that adjusts the height and width of the armrests.

A computer We are increasingly entering our lives. Computer desk today it is a place of ever longer, sometimes many hours, more and more often professional stay of many millions of people not only in the office, but also at home. The correct position of a person is a matter of productivity of his work and health.

A few hours of daily work at the computer can correct or ruin your posture.

It is impossible to independently maintain the position of the back during work - for this they created. It provides, controls, regulates correct position, the functioning of the body for a long time, adjusts to specific person- his height, weight, dimensions, habits.

During work, such a chair provides the optimal position of the back, legs, arms, head, during a break - the opportunity to stretch.

For home - decide taking into account the time spent for a computer ohm. If only 2-3 hours - you should not spend money on an expensive model. If social media, games lure for 4-5 hours, then it's time to think about convenience.

7-8 hours spent daily on articles or documents force us to take care of not only comfort, but also health.

If for a computer Because not much time is spent, you can abandon the orthopedic versions of models with additional mechanical functions and choose a bright, elegant one that will complement and decorate the interior of the room. You need to try many options before making a choice. computer chair under yourself.

You need to sit in chairs, adjusting to your dimensions, look for and feel comfortable in different positions, until you understand that this is yours.

The second important question is financial side. There are hundreds of models on the market for all tastes.- from budget to executive. Cheap office armchair at home will look too simple. Choosing for your family and yourself, it is worth spending money.

Orthopedic "breathable"

Is an the best option, which helps to maintain posture, has a therapeutic effect on scoliosis. It will help in the prevention of osteochondrosis, relieve neck numbness.

Its cost is higher than that of serial chairs, but when it comes to health, it's not worth saving.

The term "orthopedic"means the presence of a number of specific functions, the ability to adapt to the user:

  • Curved back a, anatomically corresponding to the curves of the human body;
  • breathable material;
  • With an overhead roller in the lumbar area.

Herman Miller, Aeron, Mirra, SAYL are famous American orthopedic furniture companies. Their products are characterized by comfort, well-thought-out posture support, care for the comfort of the body.

Sitting in them, you feel lightness, freedom.

It is also worth noting the South Korean company "Duorest" and the German "Topstar".

Manufactured chairs are equipped with an adjustable headrest, rocking function, ergonomic seat.

Orthopedic properties are also given by a double backrest, armrests of variable height.

There are options for people spending at a computer but a little time for which style and beauty are important.

Adjustment is not important here at all, the main thing is bright colours, original design.


In the manufacture of chrome-plated aluminum, plastic, fiberglass, polyurethane, wood inserts are used.Upholstery when choosing a computer leg chair is a significant detail, especially for a home interior.

It can be made of: leather, leather substitute, fabric.

Upholstery is divided according to the following parameters:

  • Wear resistance;
  • Organoleptic indicators;
  • care requirements.

The higher these figures, the more comfortable they feel while sitting in a chair, but the price should increase accordingly.

The upholstery of the chair made of genuine leather prevails in its usefulness, breathes, and lasts a long time.

When there are animals or small children in the house, minor damage occurs.

Choosing the best

Modern fabric upholstery, which is about 2 times cheaper than leather, is not inferior in its service characteristics, but is reliable in operation.

There are many options from inexpensive fabrics.

Eco-leather upholstery is gaining popularity, this material is resistant to temperature extremes, does not require special care. Also aboutAcrylic mesh, which is common and fashionable today, will be a good solution. For the home, a quality cozy option is preferred.

Acrylic mesh allows the back to “breathe”, rigidly supports posture during work, has orthopedic properties, which is also important for children.

How to clean upholstery

Vacuum with a soft brush first. For leather, eco-leather, acrylic mesh materials with high wear resistance, it is convenient to use a soapy solution, after which the material is wiped to eliminate streaks.

Often even a simple vacuum cleaner can help get rid of dirt.

Suede, nubuck, other materials that are afraid of moisture must be cleaned very carefully, using special means for cleaning carpets, upholstered furniture, car showroom.

As a rule, sponges or brushes with soft bristles are used to clean furniture upholstery.

Easiest with fabric upholstery- all means will do, the main thing is to follow the recommendations.

Baby chair

"Do not tear away from the computer a” – we hear these words more and more often. Alluring contact networks, a huge amount of information involves teenagers, makes them spend more and more time on the Internet.

First of all, it is necessary to be guided by the parameters of convenience and comfort.

How to choose a computer chair for a child - they decide taking into account the fact that it regulates the position of the legs, back, contributes proper formation posture, reduces the risk of problems with the spine.

The spine of a child is still being formed, which means that computer chairs for children must meet the requirements of health care.

These chairs should have:

  • back height and "for growth", providing support for the spine;
  • The presence of seat depth;
  • The absence of armrests (will exclude the possibility of leaning, which can lead to a curvature of the spine);
  • Lack of rotation (protects against falls);
  • Footrest;
  • Upholstery from environmentally friendly materials.

Your child is growing, which means that Baby chair for a computer to "grow" with it.


Today there is a great opportunity to pick up for homeideal for the room where it is installed a computer . There are so many models that differ in design, color, upholstery texture that it remains only to choose the right one.

The armchair should be an addition and decoration to the interior of the room, the upholstery should be pleasing to the eye and body.


Unlike office models, a home chair is equipped with a minimum number of functions and adjustments. Of course, it must be able to turn and move.

It is desirable that it be equipped with a headrest that relieves tension in the neck muscles.

Changing the seat height will allow you to use armchair m to all family members, for this there must be a lifting mechanism- "piastre". This is the assembly that connects the seat to the gas lift stem. It is equipped with a convenient lever.

The price of such chairs is relatively low, which makes it possible to purchase them for all categories of the population.

But if one of the family members is in the chair for a long time, it is important that he has mechanisms that determine the rating a computer armchairs for the home:

  • "Permanent contact" to change the position back and, seat depth;
  • Spring device for back support;
  • swing mechanism , giving a feeling of freedom during breaks;

Computer chairs are an integral part of any office and almost every home.

Dreams and reality

An improved version of the “multiblock” rocking mechanism with fixation deserves consideration back and in several positions. Can choose swing mechanism with an offset axis for those who like to lean on the floor.

Such a computer chair provides the possibility of a working posture in different positions.

Additional comfort is provided by the mechanism for adjusting the height of the armrests. Availability additional features will increase the price of the product, but the convenience is worth it.

If you have the funds, why not buy such a chair?

In addition, issued exclusive models for fans:

  • With a special stand for the keyboard;
  • Allow to sit, lie, stand during work;
  • Computer chair - rocking chair;
  • With built-in massage device.

The more perfect the mechanism, the less stress a person experiences, which in one way or another affects his health.

The price, accordingly, increases with each function. But if they are produced, it means that someone buys them, they make life easier for someone, preserve their health.

When buying a chair, “try on” it for yourself - if it’s convenient, feel free to take it.

VIDEO: Computer chairs for home.

Modern man is surrounded by computers everywhere. They work behind them, use them for entertainment at home. But in order to spend time at the computer comfortably, you definitely need to buy a suitable chair. Depending on how exactly the computer is used, the workplace may be different. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, we offer you a rating of the best computer chairs for home and office, as well as several useful tips how to choose this piece of furniture and what to look for when buying it.

Usually computer chairs are required for work office workers, because they most working hours are spent behind the monitor. Along with this, with the development of the Internet, a huge number of people working using a computer at home have appeared. Now the profession of a freelancer is very common and no longer surprises anyone. Such people need to organize a comfortable workplace at home, and a comfortable chair is also needed there. But if only professionals are engaged in the selection of furniture in the office, the selection of a home chair falls on the shoulders of the user himself.

How to choose a chair for home

The main parameter that determines the choice of furniture for sitting at a computer is the amount of time that the chair will be used for its intended purpose. Another important point- this is how many people will use this piece of furniture. If more than one person will use it, the workplace should be adjustable.

If a person uses the chair for a short amount of time, then there is no need to purchase an expensive complex device. You can spend 2-3 hours at the computer on any seat available in the apartment. It could be:

  • comfortable chair with back and armrests;
  • soft chair;
  • office workplace with minimal adjustment.

For active use

If a person spends several hours a day at a computer, no matter for what purpose, then here it is necessary to buy a special chair that will have a large number of adjustments:

  • the ability to adjust the seat height and depth;
  • the possibility of adjusting the inclination and height of the back.

In this case, it is better to choose a piece of furniture with an orthopedic back design adjacent to the spine. This allows you to reduce the load on it. For this purpose, many seats are equipped with semi-soft padding stretched over the frame. In the lumbar region, such padding has an additional support strip.

For complete work

If the chair is chosen for full-fledged work at the computer, when a person spends more than 5 hours in this position, then it makes sense to choose an expensive complex model that is not limited only to back and seat adjustments. Such devices have increased comfort indicators, with a synchronous change when the position of the human body changes.

Among other things, such workplaces can be equipped with a headrest and a footrest. The most complex and advanced models of chairs have the ability to remember body parameters and adapt to a specific person. In such a device, a person can even work in an upright position if there are problems with the spine.

Video tips for choosing a computer chair

How to choose a chair for work

A good workplace, in which it will be possible to work comfortably, should have all the possibilities for adjusting the position. This refers to the ability to change the height, degree of inclination or rotation. This allows you to create optimal conditions for the most comfortable position of the body and, if necessary, unload the back, stretch the neck and joints. The easiest way to do this is to simply lean back.

At good device there must be shock absorbers that allow you to change the angle of inclination and lift the seat gradually, and not rearrange it in fixed mode like cheap models.

If the model is orthopedic, then it is able to maintain the natural position of the back and even has healing effect on the initial stages curvature of the spine and with a slight violation of posture.
A high-quality device will not allow a person to roll over while moving. Therefore, you can fearlessly do a warm-up on it and be confident in your own safety.

The armrests of the professional seating position must be adjusted to different sides- move apart and rise if necessary. In such conditions, it will be possible to relieve tension from the shoulder girdle and unload the hands.

The presence of a headrest will allow you to relax tense neck muscles and adjust the position of your head. This allows you to remove the load from the neck and prevent the development of pain.

For comfort when sitting on a chair for a long time, the edges of the backrest should have a slight bend to keep the body in a straight position.

For durability, the frame of the device must be made of durable steel. For safety and comfortable sitting, a cruciform seat design should be provided, which allows you to evenly distribute the load on all areas of the buttocks.

Particular attention should be paid to the upholstery material. Synthetic fabric is comfortable and comfortable, but with prolonged use, an unpleasant feeling of staleness and the smell of sweat can occur. A chair with leather upholstery is much more expensive, but in such a chair the skin will breathe. In addition, these chairs are easy to clean, they do not leave stains from spilled liquids.

Gamer's chair

Addicted to computer games makes you spend in suspense playing for several hours, and even most of the day. In this case, for normal health, a gamer simply needs a special device, which is in many ways similar to a professional one, but at the same time has a number of significant differences.

Such a chair must necessarily have an adjustment that adapts to the position of the body, so that the game is not only captivating, but also not painful. In such a model, the body will not get tired, and the spine will not bend.

Some models of computer chairs for players may have specific details that recreate the interior of a car or cockpit. In such a chair, the most comfortable conditions for the game are created.

The seat should have an anatomical shape, protect the neck and back of a person from overvoltage and damage. Some models do not have multifunctional stands for arms and legs, but are a simplified version of a professional workplace.

Video comparison of gaming chairs:

Computer chair for a child

It is generally accepted that the computer harms the child rather than helps. Therefore, the later the child has his own computer and a chair for him, the better for his health. If the time has come and the student needs a computer chair, then you should pay attention to adjustable chairs with bright upholstery.

Such a device should be able to change the height of the seat as the child grows. The upholstery can be chosen according to the gender of the child - girls will suit bright colors, while boys prefer a more restrained color scheme.

How to choose a chair for a child - in the video:

Best Inexpensive Computer Chairs

Alvest AV 218 PL

The Russian furniture manufacturer - the company "Alvest" is engaged in the production office furniture for a long time now. The budget models of this manufacturer are in great demand, since their quality is in no way inferior to the quality of more prestigious and expensive counterparts. The device of this model is equipped with an ergonomic back, eliminating muscle tension and bringing comfort when working at a computer. All products of this company are subjected to a thorough three-step test, so the chair has a very reliable design. The model is one of the most popular, successfully combines simplicity and reliability. The seat height is regulated by the gas lift mechanism, the upholstery is made of textiles, the chair has 4 reliable wheels.


  • good quality;
  • strength of structural units;
  • a large range of colors;
  • low cost.


  • not detected.

The average price is 2140 rubles.


iray Group Prestige Golf

This model office chair manufactured by one of the fastest growing furniture manufacturing companies. The products of this company have affordable prices, are distinguished by high wear resistance, high-quality materials are used in the production of products.

Thanks to optimal pricing policy model is in high demand modern market. This chair is ideal for employees. It is conveniently adjustable in height, there is an adjustment of the inclination of the backrest, the lower part is distinguished by the optimal design. The upholstery is made of pleasant to the touch textiles. A particularly pleasant moment is the extensive range of colors.


  • durable construction;
  • quality parts and assembly;
  • increased wear resistance of parts;
  • many colors.


  • not detected.

The average price is 1690 rubles.

Nowy Style Prestige GTP

This model is produced by a well-known Ukrainian company " A new style”, which is one of the largest manufacturers of office furniture. The model is one of the most popular among the inexpensive segment. The seat design is simple yet comfortable to use. In the production of the model, high-quality and non-harmful materials are used. Upholstery can be made from textile material or from faux leather. This model has comfortable armrests, an anatomical backrest, the chair is adjustable in height.


  • comfortable backrest;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • upholstery made of textile or artificial leather;
  • quality construction;
  • low price.


  • not detected.

The average price is 2000 rubles.

Best Mid-Range Chairs

Among the manufacturers of office furniture in the middle price category, this company occupies one of the leading positions. The range of the company includes unique models that allow you to work in comfortable conditions throughout the working day.

This device can be called a typical example of the quality of the company's products. A durable gas cartridge, which is a structural element, is able to cope with a load of up to 120 kg. The plastic used in the manufacture of this chair is of high quality and increased durability. The model is equipped with comfortable soft armrests and upholstered in eco-leather. In addition to excellent specifications This model is also stylish. It is available in several color solutions. One of the features of this product is an ergonomic backrest that relieves the load on the muscular corset and spine. Therefore, even after long sitting back doesn't hurt.


  • excellent modern design;
  • variety of colors;
  • ergonomic back;
  • comfort during use.


  • not found.

The average price is 6200 rubles.

Bureaucrat CH-797AXSN

The Russian company Bureaucrat is one of the most popular computer chairs and armchairs on the market. The assortment of this company has more than a hundred different models of various price categories. A special place is given to products of the middle price range. These devices are suitable for both ordinary employees and managers or executives. Models fit perfectly into any style of office interior, as plastic of different colors is used for their manufacture.

The CH-797AXSN model features excellent adjustable gas lift, swing system and durable support system. The back of the model is made of mesh, which does not impede air exchange and allows the skin to breathe. In this case, the muscles of the back can not be strained.


  • usage modern technologies in the production process;
  • high-quality upholstery material;
  • a wide selection of colors;
    optimal price.


  • not found.

The average price is 4200 rubles.

The best premium executive chairs

The premium models of this company's products have allowed it to become a leader among manufacturers of office furniture in this segment. They are representative, elevated level comfort and ease of use.

Device for executives XH-2222 has modern design, which allows it to adapt to the body weight of any person. The model is equipped with comfortable armrests made of durable materials and covered with soft textiles. The upholstery is made of high quality leather and a special mesh. The back has an ergonomic design that creates maximum comfort for the back.


  • natural materials for upholstery;
  • durable construction;
  • ergonomic shape;
  • solid look.


  • expensive.

The average price is 12300 rubles.

This Russian company manufactures chairs for executives and operators. In both areas, the company was able to break into the leaders in terms of the number of sales. Models belonging to the premium class are considered a special pride of the company, as they are a vivid example of quality and reliability.

For production, only proven materials are used: genuine leather, high-quality textiles and durable plastic. As a result, the product is characterized by high wear resistance and resistance to various damages. The model has a special swing mechanism, it is possible to adjust the position of the backrest and fix it in one position. Workplace withstands up to 120 kg load. The model has a stylish, but strict design, which advantageously complements the interior of any office.


  • comfort during use;
  • ergonomic shape;
  • high-quality materials for coating and construction;
  • solid design.


  • expensive model.

The average price is 7800 rubles.

Metta Samurai S-3

This Russian company presents products with special unique properties. Premium segment products have a well-thought-out the smallest details ergonomic design, are particularly durable and feature a wide range of features.

Elena Aralova, executive director of Martela, a working interior design company, has compiled a list of things to pay attention to when choosing office chair.

To bookmarks

Which piece of office interior "eats up" almost half of the entire budget for furniture for a new office? Work chair. And this is also a suitable excuse for mass manipulation and shamanism: "Here's a synchro-extra-super-mechanism for you, so 1099 euros is the most suitable price for it ..."

Jens Kapelmann, head of sales for Dauphin, one of Germany's largest chair manufacturers, gave us advice on how to sort through a million chairs and a billion options, how to identify a good office chair, and most importantly, how to choose the most worthy option for the least money.

The algorithm is as follows (all questions are arranged in order of importance, in descending order):

  • Does the chair have a synchro mechanism? This is when the seat and back synchronously and automatically repeat the movements of the person sitting: forward, backward, sideways. Thus, without losing the contact of the spine with the back of the chair, the person is in active movement, the spine is relaxed, there is no unnecessary tension on the muscles. This is the main thing. Without a synchro-mechanism, a chair is not a chair, but a stool with a back.
  • Is there a backrest adjustment? Every person different weight, therefore, the different efforts that we put on the back of the chair must be proportionally compensated by its resistance. Otherwise, fragile little girls will sit like soldiers, unable to overcome their backs. And large men are always in a relaxed reclining position, which is not very well received by the authorities. It's good when you find a balance: the back should deviate relatively easily - but not so much as to "fly away". Adjustment can be mechanical or automatic.
  • Seat depth adjustment. She definitely should be. According to the rules of ergonomics, there should be a distance from the edge of the seat to the inner bend of the knee with the width of your palm. If it is less - you "slide" from the chair. If it is more, you drown in it, forcing the leg muscles to strain unnecessarily.
  • Is there a negative seat angle. And, at the same time, backrests, less than 90 degrees - this is when the backrest, following the seated one, sort of descends to the table. The negative tilt of the seat is needed in order to get rid of excess pressure on the inner thigh, due to which the blood flow in this place is pinched and the muscles do not receive proper nutrition and oxygen. This happens when you are forced to work for a long time in a position tilted to the table (writing with a pen, peering at the data on the monitor). Claim a negative slope!
  • Where are my armrests? When you want to save money, the first thing you get rid of in a chair is the armrests. And this is a mistake. The armrests are aligned with the tabletop, so the wrist, forearm and hand on the keyboard (or with a pen) are always at the same level. The arm (including the shoulders) is always relaxed. And that's great. There are no armrests - and all day long your muscles do nothing but support your arms, causing your shoulders to rise higher and higher, leading to slouching and increased voltage in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle. In the armrests, the ability to adjust their height and width is important. All sorts of 3D and other mechanisms - from the evil one.
  • Is the back height adjustable? More precisely, the height of the lumbar support. Well, if yes. The lumbar support provides the closest contact between the back of the chair and the point of greatest curvature of the spine. It is bad when the lumbar support rests on the buttocks or, on the contrary, almost on the shoulder blades. The tighter the contact, the more relaxed the sitting posture. But, in fact, the height of the backrest does not play an ergonomic role. This is purely a symbol of the status and importance of the seated person, nothing more.

Everything. The "minimum" program has been completed. The remaining options are a matter of subjective wishes and available budgets.

And finally, a few comments:

  • The mesh back is not inferior in ergonomics to a regular back upholstered in fabric. Mesh is more convenient in summer time- well passes air, is ventilated.
  • The headrest is a completely empty fixture. It has no ergonomic role. The headrest is needed in order to demonstrate the status of the seated person, to emphasize his high position.
  • The plastic base of the chair is not inferior in its characteristics to the metal one. Modern plastic in chairs is special, high-strength. Serves quietly for 10 years or more, is not particularly susceptible to any serious damage.
  • When choosing an office chair, it would be good to pay attention to the fabric with which it is upholstered. Main characteristic fabrics - an index of its abrasion, wear resistance. It is expressed in martindales. For an office chair, this index must be at least 80,000.
  • It is worth specifying the type of wheels. They are for hard floors (with soft felt nozzles so as not to damage the floor) and, on the contrary, for soft floors (with plastic nozzles to glide better on the carpet).
  • The normal warranty for the office chair is 5 years. If they give less - a reason to think.
  • A real work chair cannot be cheaper than 400 euros (price in Russia, including customs duties, delivery). If you need to save money: choose cheaper fabric, a plastic chair base, mechanical rather than automatic adjustments, a lower back. It is impossible to save on mechanisms and armrests. Then it's wiser to go to IKEA and buy a nice, pretty stool. Same result, and also very cheap.

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