Weight of metal swing gates 3 5x2. General specifications

Water bodies 03.03.2020
Water bodies


The sliding type of the gate is quite reliable, but their installation is a rather responsible event, because even the slightest mistakes can lead to big problems. It is better to entrust the calculation of the necessary parameters to professionals. However, this is not at all a prerequisite - everyone can carry out an independent calculation of the sliding gates.

This is a rather difficult moment, but everything will turn out to be much easier if you know the basic parameters that must be taken into account. First of all, attention must be paid to such of them:

  • width;
  • height;
  • length;
  • components and materials.

If you know the values ​​of all these indicators, then you can do the calculation of the sliding gates with your own hands. At the same time, if one of the many additional parameters is unknown, it is better to play it safe. To do this, it is enough to take the necessary components with a margin.

Materials for sliding gates

Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out all the required calculations. Not the last place in the case of c is occupied by the calculation of construction materials.

The following details depend on it:

  • total weight of the structure;
  • selection of components;
  • installation process;
  • sailing;
  • dimensions and weight of the counterweight.

In most cases, either corrugated board or steel with a thickness of 2 mm is used. The weight of these materials differs markedly. In the first case it is 4 kg / sq., In the second - 17 kg / sq. Accordingly, all further calculations will differ. When choosing, you should choose those that are designed for a weight one and a half times the weight of the overall structure, which will ensure ease of action and durability.

Width and requirements for it

This indicator of sliding gates depends on such a parameter as the width of the opening. For example, if the gate is designed for an opening of 4 meters, then a canvas with a length of 4 m + 200 mm is required. It is they who will ultimately cover the gaps on both sides. It is necessary to add 200 mm in the case of other dimensions.

Accordingly, the optimal width of sliding gates should not differ much from the width of the opening, which they should cover.

Foundation as an important part of a sliding gate

The foundation deserves special attention. For example, the foundation for sliding gates with a length of 4 meters must withstand the load not only of the structure, but also of the possible influence of other factors. One of them will be additional load from wind or other conditions.

The cost of the foundation often reaches 30-40% of the total estimate of work, but it is he who in many respects will ensure the stability of the structure.

Required size of rollers and pipes

The installation of such products is a rather laborious process with the need to calculate many indicators. One of these is the pipe size for sliding gates. On the example of a door with a door leaf width of 4 meters and a height of 2 meters, a pipe of 60 * 70 mm for the main frame and 40 * 20 mm for internal fastening is sufficient. This will be enough to withstand the loads of large gates, however, with the increase in size and weight, it is necessary to increase the size of the pipes.

Another important factor is the size of the rollers for sliding gates. In the above situation, you can use both polymer and metal rollers with a guide with a length of 6 meters and an applied section of 60 * 70 mm. Since the weight of such a structure, sheathed with corrugated board, will be less than 400 kg, then such a set will be enough to perform functions.

Beams and product heights

The dimensions of the sliding gate beam depend on the length of the gate. Before this indicator, it is necessary to add 1.5 lengths of the product. This size will be enough to carry out all the necessary actions by the automatics and for the stability of the structure. When choosing all the details of sliding gates, it is necessary to be guided, first of all, by the dimensions of the opening. It is this indicator in the future that will affect many parameters and the final result of the work.

When choosing a sliding gate, the height of the finished specimen is of particular importance. Usually it is about 2-2.5m. This is quite enough for the fulfillment of the task set - the fence from the outside world. A higher height will only bring additional weight and increase the sailing effect, which in turn will create additional stress on the rest of the structure. In this case, the height of the sliding gate from the ground depends on several factors.

Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

  • dimensions of component parts;
  • terrain features;
  • correct installation of all parts.

The main thing is to take into account every nuance, even the smallest one - an error of a few centimeters can lead to incorrect operation of the entire mechanism.

Length and weight of different designs, counterweight

There is one simple way to calculate the optimal length for a product. Based on it, the length of sliding gates should be calculated as follows: gate length + 200mm + 1.6 opening length - this is exactly the manufacturer's recommendation. This is necessary to create sufficient counterweight.

The weight of the finished structure deserves special attention. The weight of sliding gates of 6 meters usually fluctuates around 600 kg. It all depends on the materials used for cladding. At the same time, the weight of a sliding gate of 5 meters will be approximately 500-550 kg. Accordingly, all required parts should be designed for a minimum weight of 600-650 kg. The minimum weight of sliding gates of 4 meters will be at the level of 300-400 kg. In this case, the weight will not have any special differences.

Buy with installation or do it yourself?

If you have certain knowledge, you can make a sliding gate with your own hands from scrap materials. Everything you need for this can be found in the nearest hardware store, and many structural elements can even be at home. It is enough to know what material is needed for sliding gates and a little skill, after which the result will not be long in coming. However, it is better to entrust the entire process to specialists.

Video: calculating the size of a sliding gate

Fire Safety Certificate:

The enterprise ___ manufactures smoke-proof fireproof metal gates:
VMP 02/60 with fire resistance EI-60, TU 5284-005-51740842-2005

Fireproof swing gates are designed to block the spread of fire through building openings, as well as to create conditions for the safe evacuation of people and protect the paths along which extinguishing is carried out in buildings and structures for various purposes. The design and characteristics of the gates comply with the fire safety requirements established in SNiP 21-01-97 *.

Constructive scheme:

Fire gate characteristics

    Gate design: The gates are made of a steel box and hinged leaves made of metal, three-layer, wall panels with three-layer mineral wool insulation (hereinafter referred to as PMTS), fixed along the perimeter in a metal profile. In one of the gate leaves there is a wicket (in terms of design, the wicket is identical to the door of the metal fire-prevention dummy series DMP-G 01/60). The gate can be made with a threshold, or without it, with a wicket, or without it (at the request of the Customer). To seal the gaps in the event of a fire between the gate leaves and the frame, as well as between the frame and the wicket leaf, a thermally expanding elastic material and a rubber seal are used.


    Gates complete set: hinges, levers (for opening gate leaves), lock and handle, cylinder mechanism, door closers (for both leaves); anchor bolts and decorative caps for them. Instead of a closer, it is possible to install an automatic drive (at the request of the Customer).

    Wicket complete set(identical to the DMP-G 01/60 configuration): self-closing hinges - spring-loaded and structural (apart from their direct functional purpose - opening / closing doors, they also act as a door closer), a Nemof lock and handle, a cylinder mechanism, a door closer (on request Customer); anchor bolts and decorative caps for them.

    Coating, appearance:

    The gates are painted with polymer powder paint; basic colors are light gray shagreen (Ral 7032), or in PMTS color (Ral 9002). On the outer surface of the Gate there is a metal nameplate with a fire safety sign, fire resistance rating (EI), serial number and date of issue, information about the manufacturer.

Gate weight

Mounting in the prepared building opening (license of the State Administration of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 2/21813) of swing gates - 10% of the cost (see section ""). It is possible to manufacture gates for non-standard openings.

To place an order for a fire gate, you need to fill in.

Swing gates are a classic type of gate and, perhaps, the oldest. Despite this, swing gates are still popular. Swing gates are what your guests and neighbors pay attention to, and what you use every day.

The design features of swing gates make it possible to use them for closing and opening premises for various purposes and as an entrance gate. The set of gates includes pillars, leaves and, at the request of the customer, a wicket. The gate leaves are attached to the posts.

Features of swing gates

Swing gates can be single-leaf and double-leaf. From a practical point of view, double-leaf gates are the best option for swing gates.

Swing gate leaves are made of various materials. One of the most common materials is corrugated board. Builders and property owners have appreciated the quality of this material, which has several advantages over others. In the production process, the profiled sheets are covered with an anti-corrosion layer, which significantly increases their service life.

Installation of swing gates from a profiled sheet is quite simple, if you wish, you can do it yourself. The variety of the color range of the material and its properties allow you to create unique and reflecting the taste of the owner of the product. Profiled sheet gates look solid and dignified and, importantly, have a low price.

Sandwich panels are widely used as a material for the manufacture of swing gates. The cost of such gates is also low, and sandwich-panel gates have a number of the following advantages:

  • interesting appearance of swing gates;
  • increased service life due to the use of an aluminum profile in the door structure;
  • reducing the weight of the door structure while maintaining a high level of rigidity;
  • the possibility of creating a harmonious ensemble of garage and entrance gates.

Metal is still one of the main materials in the manufacture of swing gates.

Advantages of metal swing gates:

  • high strength;
  • quick installation;
  • various gate designs.

Swinging metal gates can be without frills, in the form of an ordinary metal sheet, or real works of art using elements of artistic forging and combinations with other natural materials.

Wide price range of swing metal gates. The simpler the gate option, the lower its price. And unique forged products of author's design can cost as much as several ordinary gates.

Swing gates made of lattice structures. A distinctive feature of this type of swing gate is its transparency. The advantages of lattice gates include their weight, which reduces the load on the gate hinges. The use of a lattice when creating a gate allows you to create their unique design.

For swing gates, the main disadvantage is the process of opening and closing them, which requires the presence of a person and the application of a certain type of effort. But this disadvantage can be easily eliminated with the help of modern automation equipment. The use of automation for swing gates is profitable and comfortable.

First, it saves you a lot of time. Secondly, automatic opening and closing of gates allows to increase their service life, thirdly, some models of automatic devices for swing gates allow to increase the distance of remote control up to 100 meters.

Automatic devices for swing gates are divided into several types. According to the type of effort, automation is divided into linear and lever, according to the principle of operation, into hydraulic and electromechanical, according to the location of installation - overground and underground.

Currently, the most popular for swing gates are linear drives. Affordability of price, ease of installation, convenience and safety of use - these are all characteristics of a linear actuator.

Lever drives are most suitable for swing gates with a solid base and a maximum width of 3.5 m.

Automatic drives of the underground type are the most complex and expensive device, but they provide guarantees of absolute reliability.

Automatic drives for swing gates allow automating swing gates with a leaf width of up to seven meters and a weight of up to 1650 kg. The automatics can also be mounted on swing gates that have been supplied earlier and are already in use. Automatic swing gates are controlled by a remote control.

Swing gates are reliability, convenience and modernity.

You can make an order for swing gates with installation and call a measurer by contacting our specialists, contact numbers are presented on the website. Delivery and installation of swing gates will be performed by highly qualified specialists.

The cost of swing gates depends on their size and configuration.

The weight of a metal door depends on the thickness of the metal in the door leaf structure. The rule is simple, more thickness means more mass. Most of the entrance doors profil doors are lightweight, this value ranges from 40 kg. At the same time, there are doors of the middle weight category (this is 60-70 kg), as well as the so-called specialized doors, the weight of which is veiled from 120 kg and more. Let's take a closer look at what makes up the weight of a metal door and what it actually shows. An equally important role in the weight of the door is influenced by the weight of its metal frame. The design feature of the door leaf also makes its contribution. We are talking about the number of stiffeners, the configuration of the frame and the thickness of the steel sheet welded to it.

The front door should weigh exactly as much as its functional purpose requires. This principle is the basis for calculating the weight of metal doors.

Of course, single-leaf metal doors weigh less than double-leaf doors (a door with two leaves). Practically equal in size, the latter are superior in weight to the former due to the complexity of the design, as well as higher requirements for reliability and strength. Do not disregard decorative trim, lining, locks, hinges and other additions, which together also form the weight of the metal door. Insulated metal doors are definitely heavier than conventional doors. However, manufacturers try to keep this difference as low as possible. This goal is achieved through modern insulating materials. Their presence inside the door leaf leads not only to the preservation of heat inside the house, but also to muffling of extraneous noise emanating from outside it. In the center of such a door frame and door leaf there is a volumetric and at the same time negligible weight seal (usually rubber). Wood paneling, plywood and the construction of a double narthex give an equally small add-on.

How much one or another metal door weighs can be found in the accompanying documentation for the product.

How much does a metal door weigh

Based on the foregoing, it turns out that the weight of the metal door block depends on the configuration of the product. The weight of a simple metal door is significantly less than doors of the insulated or specialized (the same fire door) type. A considerable increase in the weight of the door block can be provided by the installation of an additional metal door grill. At the same time, a door block with one door grill has a lower mass than that of the same conventional metal front door.

Do not forget that the weight of the door is not so important as the material from which it is made.

How much does a fireproof metal door weigh?

Fireproof metal doors are specialized structures, the functionality of which includes refractoriness and fire resistance. A number of key features affect the weight of a fire door. These include: the type of door frame, the thickness of the door block and steel sheet, the characteristics of the fire-resistant material, the fire resistance of the metal structure. Fireproof metal doors are divided into two types:

  1. First generation doors consisting of: rectangular pipes in the frame and sheet steel with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm. The average weight of such doors is 50-55 kg / m².
  2. Second generation doors consisting of: 2 mm thick bent steel profile. The weight of such doors is 40-45 kg / m².

To calculate the weight of a fireproof metal door, the following formula is used: multiply the area of ​​the door block by the weight of a square meter of the door. Door types and their approximate weights:

  • 1st generation fireproof metal doors - 55 kg / m²;
  • 2nd generation single-leaf doors - 42 kg / m²;
  • 2nd generation double-leaf fire doors - 45 kg / m².

Today's market provides the widest selection of metal doors from various manufacturers. But special, far from positive, attention should be paid to metal doors. from a Chinese manufacturer. Most of such products are made from low-quality raw materials and often lend themselves to opening with an ordinary knife. Besides, the weight of such doors is often less than 30 kg, which only increases the likelihood of low quality. All this means that when choosing a door, you need to be very careful about very cheap products. Summing up, we note that the weight of a metal door is not the main indicator of its quality, strength and burglary resistance. Today's manufacturers, on the contrary, strive to increase the coefficient of reliability of doors, while gaining in their weight. In addition, the excessive weight of the door structure complicates its operation and leads to early wear of the door hinges.

Sections of the article:

Choosing a new door to an apartment as an entrance or interior door, any person pays attention to the quality of workmanship, material and appearance. However, in some cases, one of the most important selection criteria is the severity of the structure. There are several reasons why reliable information is needed about how much a metal door or a product made from other materials weighs.

Children and elderly people will not be able to open a heavy structure. There is also a high risk of serious injury when hitting a door with a large mass. In addition, one should take into account the need to create additional fasteners for products heavier than 60 kg.

What affects the weight of the product

The main elements that directly affect the final weight are the selected material, the available filling, as well as their thickness. In addition, the following elements affect the weight of an interior door or entrance structure:

  • Main and additional fittings;
  • Internal heat-insulating layer and its density;
  • Sheathing elements;
  • Main blade thickness;
  • Box.

Also, when calculating the mass of a composite structure made with decorative inserts different from the main materials, it is important to take into account the difference in the density of materials and the dimensions of the elements. The size of the thin steel sheet used for the lightest blades is 0.8 mm. The thickest sheet is made with dimensions of 4 mm.

To reduce the total weight and, at the same time, to give a significant strength to the product, stiffeners are placed inside, between the two main sheets. Between them, in most cases, to increase sound and thermal insulation, manufacturers put polystyrene or mineral wool.

At the present time, the lock mechanism significantly affects the weight of a metal door. In most cases, manufacturers equip canvases with a set of 2 locks, the nominal weight of each of which can reach 7 kg.

Iron products

It is rather difficult to name the exact weight of metal doors, since iron can have different thicknesses and workmanship. However, approximate figures can still be deduced.

The design of the simplest standard products weighs in the range of 40-50 kg. The lightest are Chinese-made structures with powder spraying and a steel plate thickness not exceeding 2 mm. Such products do not have special decorative elements, and their weight is about 40 kg.

The most acceptable weight for an entrance metal door together with the frame ranges from 60-70 kg. Such a structure often has a decorative veneer or laminate coating, or is finished with MDF panels. Products with expensive natural solid wood elements usually weigh more than 100 kg. In the manufacture of high-strength doors with multilayer steel execution, the total weight of the door leaf is more than 150 kg.

It is important to remember how much the selected iron door actually weighs. Since, despite the high efficiency of heavy elements, there is a rather significant drawback in the issue of ensuring safety. Such products are not only inconvenient during installation, but also tend to deform during operation from their own gravity. Therefore, such input elements need additional care in the form of a systematic adjustment of the bearing loops and the position of the canvas itself.

The most massive products using steel are special-purpose doors, namely:

  • Fire safety models;
  • Armored systems;
  • Products with improved anti-burglary characteristics.

Such structures can have a nominal weight of the order of 120-150 kg.

Interior doors

The severity of a structure made with plastic can be calculated from the ratio of the weight to the dimensions of the canvas. So, 1 square meter of the product contains 1.5 kg of material. In the case of using metal inserts inside the structure, the weight will already be 2.5 kg per 1 sq. M.

The weight of wood doors depends largely on the structure of the material used and the type of wood species. The mass of the material made from solid deciduous trees is more than 20 kg. for 1 sq.m. In the case of using light and soft, often coniferous types of wood, the nominal weight of a wooden product is reduced to 15 kg per 1 sq. M.

Using these numbers, it is easy to calculate the severity of an interior door of a deaf type of manufacture. So, given the weight of all the accessories necessary for the product, including handles and locks, the approximate data will be as follows:

  • Plastic construction about 5 kg;
  • Glass about 20 kg;
  • Wooden, depending on the breed, from 25 to 40 kg.

However, it should be remembered that the weight of a wooden door with glass or plastic components can be strikingly different from a deaf type design. By the same principle, door elements differ, having different design solutions, but at the same time made of the same type of materials. So, a high sliding door, when manufactured using natural elements, will not be lighter than 100 kg.

A door made of MDF material can weigh no more than 10 kg, when it is made hollow or in the case of using cardboard filling. In the case of filling the interpanel space to enhance the heat-insulating and sound-absorbing qualities with tempered glass, the weight of the product increases significantly.

The heaviest structures made with solid natural wood materials are oak doors. Their weight can significantly exceed the weight of a metal door. The use of such massive structures at home is justified only if it is necessary to give a respectable look and with the obligatory presence of a large free space and strong walls. An alternative option, in which you can get the same effect, but with a much lighter construction, is to use lightweight products with decorative veneering.

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