Advantages and disadvantages of natural light. Increased voltage value in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body

reservoirs 29.08.2019


Department: "Life safety"

Settlement and graphic work

discipline: "Life safety"

On the topic: "Natural light"

Task 4, option 10


group student

Rashnikov A.V.


Pavlenko Yu.V.

Mineral water

1. Lighting characteristics and units of measurement 3

2. Advantages and disadvantages of natural lighting. General provisions lighting. 6

3. Views natural light 8

4. The principle of rationing natural light 10

5. Calculation of lateral one-sided natural lighting in the production room. 15

5.1 Determination of the normalized value of K.E.O. 15

5.2 Determination of the total area of ​​light openings. sixteen

5.3 Determining the number of skylights 17

6. Plan and section of the room indicating the accepted light openings 19

References 19

    1. Lighting characteristics and units of measurement

To characterize light, certain lighting concepts and quantities are used.

Often it is necessary to observe phenomena that are associated with the action of energy sources located at a considerable distance. So, we feel the energy of the Sun in the form of heat and light, despite the fact that it is located at a great distance from the Earth. In such cases, the transfer of energy occurs through radiation. Such energy is called radiant. It propagates in space in a straight line in the form of electromagnetic oscillations, called electromagnetic waves. To measure wavelengths λ in the visible part of the spectrum, fractional values ​​​​of the main unit of length - a meter are used: 1 micron (μm) is equal to 10 -6 m; 1 nanometer (nm) is equal to 10 -9 m; 1 angstrom (A) is equal to 10 -10 m.

The power of radiant energy is called the radiant flux, which is the amount of radiant energy transferred per unit of time. It is measured in watts (W). The human eye perceives radiant energy within wavelengths from 380 to 760 nm. This part of the spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations is called the visible part of the spectrum. Acting on the eye, it causes a sensation of light. The action of individual parts of the visible part of the spectrum at certain ratios is perceived by the eye as white light. These include the radiation of daytime diffused light from the sky, the sun, etc.

Sensitivity of the eye to radiation different lengths waves of the visible part of the spectrum is not the same. It is called the spectral sensitivity of the eye. The normal human eye is most sensitive to yellow-green radiation, the wavelength of which is 556 nm. The power of radiant energy, characterized by the sensation of light produced by it, is called luminous flux. The unit of luminous flux is the lumen (lm). Lumen is the luminous flux emitted by a platinum plate with an area of ​​0.5305 mm 2 at a solidification temperature of 2042 ° K (Kelvin). To measure large values ​​​​of the luminous flux, a kilolumen is used, which is equal to 1000 lm.

The distribution of the luminous flux in space is characterized by its spatial density, which is determined by the amount of luminous flux per unit solid angle. The spatial density of the light flux is called by the power of light. The unit of luminous intensity is such a spatial density of the luminous flux, when a luminous flux of 1 lm uniformly spreads within a solid angle of 1 st (steradian). This unit of light is called a candle (sv). A steradian is a unit of measure for a solid angle. It is equal to the solid angle that cuts out on the surface of a sphere with a radius R area numerically equal to the square of the radius of the given sphere r 2 .

The surface density of the incident light flux is called illumination. It characterizes the amount of light flux per unit surface. If the incident light flux is evenly distributed on the surface, then the illumination E is equal to

where F pad - luminous flux in lm;

S is the surface area on which the light flux falls.

The illumination created by a uniformly distributed luminous flux of 1 lm on a surface of 1 m 2 is called lux (lx). Lux is taken as a unit of illumination. The illuminated object will be the better seen than great strength each element of the surface receives light.

The ratio of the intensity of light emitted in the direction under consideration to the area of ​​the luminous plane is called brightness. By measuring the luminous intensity in candles and the projection of the luminous surface in square meters, we obtain the brightness expressed in candles per 1 m 2. This unit is called the nit (nt). A uniformly luminous flat surface has a brightness of 1 nt, emitting light in a direction perpendicular to it with a force of 1 sv with 1 m 2.

Thus, the main light quantities are luminous flux, luminous intensity, illumination and brightness.

  1. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of natural lighting. General provisions of lighting.

On the railway transport and in transport construction, lighting, to a large extent, natural lighting, is of particular importance in ensuring the safety of train traffic and creating healthy, highly productive working conditions. Clear visibility and discrimination of signals (traffic lights, semaphores, etc.), instrument readings on control panels are possible only with sufficient illumination of the object in question, the correct placement of light sources in relation to the illuminated object and objects in relation to the eye of the worker.

The adjustment of the eye to different levels of brightness in the field of view is called adaptation. Adaptation allows people to navigate well in bright light and in conditions of almost complete darkness. The time required for the eye to readapt from one brightness level to another varies. Adaptation to high brightnesses (light adaptation) is fast, in contrast to adaptation to low brightnesses (dark adaptation), which takes longer.

An object can be detected if there is some difference in the brightness of the observed object and the background against which it is viewed. The greater the contrast, the better the object can be seen against the background. The ability of the eye to perceive the smallest contrasts is called contrast sensitivity. The lower the contrast perceived by the eye, the higher its contrast sensitivity. As the background brightness increases, so does the contrast sensitivity. However, it should be noted that the increase in contrast sensitivity occurs only up to a certain value of the background brightness, after which it gradually decreases.

The accuracy of visual work is also determined resolving power normal eye, which is equal to one. The sensitivity of the eye to discrimination small parts will be the greater, the lower the resolving power of the eye.

The reciprocal of the resolving power of the eye is called visual acuity. Visual acuity equal to one will be with the resolving power of the eye also equal to one. With a resolving power equal to two, visual acuity will be 0.5.

Visual work (visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, discrimination speed, etc.) is determined by the following factors: the degree of brightness of the objects in question, the presence of contrast between the object and the background, the angular size and time of observation of the object. Improving the visual work of the eye is provided by increasing the illumination of working surfaces with the obligatory elimination of glare from the field of view.

  1. 3. Types of natural light

Daylight- lighting of premises with direct or reflected light penetrating through light openings in external enclosing structures. Natural lighting should be provided, as a rule, in rooms with a permanent stay of people. Without natural lighting, it is allowed to design certain types of industrial premises in accordance with the Sanitary Design Standards for Industrial Enterprises.

There are the following types of natural lighting of premises:

    lateral one-sided - when the light openings are located in one of the outer walls of the room,

Figure 1 - Lateral one-sided natural lighting

    lateral - light openings in two opposite outer walls of the room,

Figure 2 - Lateral daylight

    upper - when there are lanterns and skylights in the roof, as well as skylights in the walls of the building's height difference,

    combined - light openings provided for side (top and side) and overhead lighting.

Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation (Institute)

Department of Air Traffic Control


by discipline: Life Safety

on the topic of: Natural and artificial lighting. Requirements for the organization of artificial lighting.

Prepared by: Valkov Denis D-10-3

Checked by: Larisa Nikolaevna

Ulyanovsk 2010

1. Introduction

2 Creating optimal working conditions in the workplace

3 Types of lighting

4 Light sources

5 Lighting regulation

6 Fundamentals of lighting calculation

7 Operation of lighting installations and control

8 Requirements for the organization of the workplace in terms of ergonomics. Ensuring a normal microclimate and air environment in production

9 Industrial lighting systems and requirements

10 Artificial lighting

11 Natural light



Occupational safety is a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, organizational, technical and medical - preventive measures and means that ensure safety, health and performance of a person in the process of work.

Labor protection identifies and studies the possible causes of industrial accidents, occupational diseases, accidents, explosions, fires and develops a system of measures and requirements to eliminate these causes and create safe and human-friendly working conditions.

Solving issues of environmental protection is inextricably linked with the issues of labor protection.

The complexity of the tasks facing labor protection requires the use of the achievements and conclusions of many scientific disciplines, directly or indirectly related to the tasks of creating healthy and safe working conditions.

Since the main object of labor protection is a person in the labor process, the results of studies of a number of medical and biological disciplines are used in the development of industrial sanitation requirements.

There is a particularly close relationship between labor protection, scientific organization labor, ergonomics, engineering psychology and technical aesthetics.

Success in solving problems of labor protection to a large extent depends on the quality of training of specialists in this field, on their ability to make the right decisions in the complex and changing conditions of modern production.


The organization and improvement of working conditions at the workplace is one of the most important reserves of labor productivity and economic efficiency of production, as well as further development the most working person. This is the main manifestation of the social and economic significance of the organization and the improvement of working conditions.

To maintain long-term human performance great importance has a work and rest regime. Under the rational physiologically justified regime of work and rest is meant such an alternation of periods of work with a period of rest, in which high efficiency of socially useful human activity, good health, high level work capacity and productivity.

After the establishment of a normal production process, the shift mode of work and rest of workers becomes a factor in the rhythmization of work, effective tool prevention of worker fatigue.

The rational organization of labor in the workplace is associated with such a problem as the correct organization of work throughout the week, which is ensured by a systematic scientific organization of production.

To maintain a long-term working capacity of a person, not only the daily and weekly regime of work and rest, but also the monthly one is of great importance, therefore, labor legislation provides for a weekly uninterrupted rest of at least forty-two hours. A rational annual regime of work and rest is provided by annual leave.

To create optimal working conditions in the workplace, it is necessary that the enterprise establishes the optimal indicators of these conditions for each type of production, consisting of data characterizing the working environment. professional selection.


Industrial lighting is:

Natural: due to direct sunlight and diffused light from the sky. It varies depending on the geographical latitude, time of day, degree of cloudiness, transparency of the atmosphere. According to the device, they are distinguished: lateral, upper, combined.

Artificial: created by artificial light sources (incandescent lamp, etc.). It is used in the absence or lack of natural. By appointment it happens:

workers, emergency, evacuation, security, duty. According to the device it happens:

local, general, combined. It is impossible to arrange one local lighting.

Rational artificial lighting should provide normal conditions to work with the allowable consumption of funds, materials and electricity.

In case of insufficient natural light, combined (combined) lighting is used. The latter is lighting in which natural and artificial light is used simultaneously during daylight hours.


Most often, gas-discharge lamps (halogen, mercury ...) are used, since the service life is long (up to 14,000 hours) and the luminous efficiency is high. Flaws:

stroboscopic effect (pulsation of the light flux, which leads to visual fatigue due to the constant re-adaptation of the eye). Incandescent lamps are used when, due to the conditions of the technological environment or the interior, the use of gas discharge lamps is impractical. Advantages: thermal light sources, simplicity and reliability. Disadvantages: short service life (1000), low light output (efficiency). Luminaire: a lamp with fittings, the main purpose is the redistribution of the luminous flux in the required direction; protecting the lamp from environmental influences.

By execution: open, closed, dust-tight, moisture-proof, explosion-proof.

According to the distribution of the light flux: direct light, reflected light, scattered light.


Natural and artificial lighting is standardized by SNIP II 4-79 depending on the characteristics of visual work, the smallest size of the object of distinction, the background contrast of the object with the background. For natural lighting, the coefficient of natural lighting is normalized, and for side lighting, the minimum KEO value is normalized, and for the upper and combined - the average value.

For each room, a distribution curve of KEO and illumination is plotted in the characteristic section of the room - the frontal plane passing through the middle of the room perpendicular to the glazing plane. The measurement of the internal is carried out at a level of 0.8 m from the floor level. The normalized characteristic for artificial lighting is the minimum illumination in the workplace Emin (lux).


Illumination in the workplace should correspond to the nature of visual work; uniform distribution of brightness on the working surface and the absence of sharp shadows; the amount of illumination is constant in time (no pulsation of the light flux); optimal directivity of the light flux and optimal spectral composition; all elements of lighting installations must be durable, explosion-, fire-, and electrically safe.


The main task is: determination of the required area of ​​light openings - in natural light. Determining the power of lighting installations - for artificial. To calculate the artificial, there are 2 methods: the method of luminous flux utilization factors; point method (calculates the illumination of a certain point; local illumination).


Operation includes: regular cleaning of glazed openings and fixtures from dirt; timely replacement of burnt out lamps; network voltage control;

regular repair of lamp fittings; regular cosmetic repairs. For this, special mobile carts with platforms, telescopic ladders, suspension devices are provided. All manipulations are performed with the power off. If the height of the suspension is up to 5 m, they are served by ladders with stepladders (2 people are required). Lighting control is carried out at least once a year by measuring the illumination or light intensity using a photometer; subsequent comparison with the standards.


The factors of the meteorological conditions of the production environment are: air temperature, its relative humidity, air velocity and the presence of heat radiation.

To ensure normal conditions for human activity, microclimate parameters are normalized. The norms of the industrial microclimate are established by GOST 12.1.005-88 SSPT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for air working area". They are the same for all industries and all climatic zones. The microclimate parameters in the working area must correspond to the optimal or permissible microclimatic conditions. Optimal conditions ensure the normal functioning of the body without straining the mechanisms of thermoregulation. Under acceptable microclimatic conditions, some tension of the thermoregulation system is possible without compromising human health.

The parameters of temperature, humidity and air velocity are regulated taking into account the severity of physical labor: light, medium and hard work. In addition, the season of the year is taken into account: the cold period of the year is characterized by an average daily outdoor temperature below + 10 ° C and a warm period with a temperature of + 10 ° C and above.

To control the weather conditions, the following devices are used: thermometers, a thermograph and a paired thermometer; actinometer when measuring the intensity of radiation; psychrometer or hydrograph when measuring relative humidity; anemometer or catathermometer for measuring the speed of air movement.

Ventilation is a set of devices for ensuring normal meteorological conditions and removing harmful substances from industrial premises.

Ventilation can be natural (aeration) and mechanical, depending on the method of air movement. Depending on the volume of the ventilated room, there are general exchange and local ventilation. General exchange ventilation ensures the removal of air from the entire volume of the room. Local ventilation provides replacement of air in the place of its contamination. According to the mode of action, ventilation is divided into supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust, as well as emergency. Emergency is designed to eliminate the gas contamination of the premises in emergency situations.


V industrial premises natural, artificial and combined lighting is provided. Premises with permanent stay of personnel should have natural lighting. When working at night in industrial premises, artificial lighting is used. In cases of performing work of the highest accuracy, combined lighting is used. In turn, natural lighting can be, depending on the location of the light openings (lanterns), side, top and combined. Artificial lighting can be general (with uniform illumination of the room), localized (with the location of light sources, taking into account the placement of jobs), combined (combination of general and local lighting). In addition, emergency lighting is provided (turned on when the working lighting is suddenly turned off). Emergency lighting should be at least 2 lux inside the building.

In accordance with the "Building Norms and Rules" SNiP 23-05-95, lighting should provide: sanitary standards for illumination at workplaces, uniform brightness in the field of view, absence of sharp shadows and glare, constancy of illumination over time and correct direction of the light flux. Illumination in workplaces and industrial premises should be controlled at least once a year. An objective light meter (Yu-16, Yu-116, Yu-117) is used to measure illumination. The principle of operation of the luxmeter is based on measuring the current from the photocell, on which the light flux falls, using a milliammeter. The deviation of the arrow of the milliammeter is proportional to the illumination of the photocell. The milliammeter is calibrated in lux.

The actual illumination in the production room must be greater than or equal to the normalized illumination. If the requirements for lighting are not observed, visual fatigue develops, overall working capacity and labor productivity decrease, the number of defects and the risk of industrial injuries increase. Low light contributes to the development of myopia. Changes in illumination cause frequent re-adaptation leading to the development of visual fatigue.

Glare causes blindness, eyestrain and can lead to accidents.


Workplace illumination standards are regulated by SNiP 23-05-95.

When setting the illumination norm, it is necessary to take into account: the size of the object of distinction (eight digits are set from 1 to UE), the contrast of the object with the background and the nature of the background. Based on these data, according to the tables of NIP 23-05-95, the illumination norm is determined.

When choosing artificial lighting sources, their electrical, lighting, design, operational and economic indicators should be taken into account. In practice, two types of light sources are used: incandescent and gas-discharge lamps. Incandescent lamps are simple in design, have a rapid flare-up. But their luminous efficiency (the amount of emitted light per unit of power consumption) is low - 13-15 lm / W; halogen ones have 20-30 lm / w, but the service life is short. Discharge lamps have a luminous efficiency of 80-85 lm / W, and sodium lamps 115-125 lm / W and a service life of 15-20 thousand hours, they can provide any spectrum. The disadvantages of gas discharge lamps are the need for a special ballast, a long warm-up time, pulsation of the light flux, unstable operation at temperatures below 0°C.

To illuminate industrial premises, lamps are used, which are a combination of a source and fittings.

The purpose of the fittings is to redistribute the luminous flux, to protect workers from blinding, and the source from pollution. The main characteristics of the armature are: light intensity distribution curve, protective angle and efficiency. Depending on the luminous flux emitted by the lamp into the lower hemisphere, lamps are distinguished: direct light (n), in which the luminous flux directed to the lower sphere is more than 80%; predominantly direct light (H) 60-80%; scattered light (P) 40-60%; predominantly reflected light (B) 20-40%; reflected light (O) less than 20%.

According to the shape of the luminous intensity distribution curve in the vertical plane, the luminaires are divided into seven classes D L, W, M, C, G, K.

The protective angle of the luminaire characterizes the angle that the luminaire provides to protect workers from being dazzled by the source.

Calculation of artificial lighting of the industrial premises is carried out in the following sequence.

1. Selecting the type of light sources. Depending on the specific conditions in the production room (air temperature, features of the technological process and its requirements for lighting), as well as lighting, electrical and other characteristics of the sources, is selected desired type light sources.

2. Choice of lighting system. With homogeneous workplaces, uniform placement of equipment in the room, general lighting is adopted. If the equipment is bulky, workplaces with different lighting requirements are located unevenly, then a localized lighting system is used. With high accuracy of the work performed, there is a requirement for the direction of lighting, a combined system is used (combination of general and local lighting).

3. Selecting the type of lamp. Fittings are selected taking into account the required distribution of light intensity, air pollution, fire and explosion hazard of air in the room.

4. Placement of lamps in the room. Luminaires with incandescent lamps can be placed on the ceiling in checkerboard pattern, along the tops of square fields, in rows. Luminaires with fluorescent lamps are arranged in rows.

When choosing a layout for luminaires, it is necessary to take into account the energy, economic, lighting characteristics of layouts. So, the height of the suspension (h) and the distance between the lamps (I) are associated with the economic indicator of the layout (?e), the dependence?e = l / h. With the help of reference tables, an appropriate layout of fixtures is selected.

Based on the adopted layout of fixtures, their required number is determined.

5. Determination of the required illumination of workplaces. Rationing of illumination is carried out in accordance with SNiP 23-05-95, as described above.

6. Calculation of the characteristics of the light source. To calculate the general uniform illumination, the luminous flux utilization factor method is used, and the illumination of general localized and local illumination is calculated using the point method.

In the utilization factor method, the calculation of the luminous flux of the source is carried out according to the formula:

where En - normative illumination, lx;

S - illuminated area, m2;

Z - coefficient of minimum illumination;

K - safety factor, taking into account the deterioration of the characteristics of sources during operation;

N is the number of fixtures;

Luminous flux utilization factor.

The utilization factor is determined by the room index In and the reflection coefficients of the flow, walls and floor according to a special table.

The room index is calculated by the formula:

where a and b are the length and width of the room;

h - the height of the fixtures suspension.

In the calculation of illumination by the point method, the formula is used:

where is J? - normative luminous intensity at a given point on the surface, cd;

d is the distance from the source to the surface point, m;

The angle formed by the normal to the illuminated surface and the ray incident on the surface.

For an approximate calculation of the power of the required source, the method of specific powers is used. The source power is determined by the formula:

where P is the required specific power of lighting fixtures per unit of illuminated surface, W/m2;

S is the area of ​​the illuminated surface, m2;

N is the accepted number of fixtures.

After determining the characteristics of the required light source, a standard source is selected. Its characteristic may have deviations ranging from 10% to +20% of the calculated one.


Natural lighting is created by sunlight through skylights. It depends on many objective factors, such as: time of year and day, weather, geographical location, etc. The main characteristic of natural lighting is the coefficient of natural light (KEO), that is, the ratio of natural illumination inside the building Ev to the simultaneously measured external illumination of a horizontal surface (En). KEO is denoted by "e":

Natural illumination is standardized according to SNiP 23-05-95. To establish the required normative value of KEO, i.e. It is not necessary to take into account the size of the object of distinction, i.e. the category of visual work, the contrast of the object of distinction and the background, as well as the characteristics of the background. In addition, the geographical latitude of the location of the building (light climate coefficient m) and the orientation of the premises along the horizon (c) are taken into account.

Then e \u003d ensm, where en is the tabular value of the KEO, determined on the basis of the category of visual work and the type of natural lighting. In natural light, its unevenness is normalized, i.e. the ratio of maximum to minimum illumination.

The higher the level of visual work, the less uneven illumination is allowed.

To determine the required areas of light openings, the following dependencies are used:

For side lighting (window area):

where Sp - floor area, m2;

en - normalized value of KEO;

ho, hf - light characteristic of windows and lanterns, respectively;

K is the coefficient for taking into account the shading of windows by opposite buildings;

r1, r2 - coefficients that take into account the increase in KEO in side and top lighting due to light reflected from the surfaces of the room;

O is the total coefficient of light transmission of light apertures.

The KEO calculation is based on its dependence on the direct light of the sky and the light reflected from the surfaces of buildings and premises. So, with side lighting e? = (E?q + E3qK) ?or, where: E?, E3q - geometric coefficients of illumination from the sky and the opposite building; q is the coefficient for taking into account the uneven brightness of the sky; K is the coefficient for taking into account the relative brightness of the opposing building; ?o - coefficient of light transmission of light openings; coefficient for taking into account the growth of KEO due to the reflection of light from the surfaces of the room.

The geometric coefficients of illumination are determined graphically according to the Danilyuk method by counting the number of participants (sectors) of the sky visible in the light aperture in the vertical and horizontal planes.

KEO is determined for the characteristic points of the room. With one-sided side lighting, a point located at a distance of 1 m from the wall, the furthest from the light openings, is taken. With two-sided side lighting, KEO is determined at a point in the middle of the room.


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AND artificial lighting SNIP II 4-79 is standardized depending on...

Natural or natural lighting - the view obtained from natural sources Sveta. The internal natural insolation of the room is created due to the directed radiant energy of the sun, the light streams scattered in the atmosphere, penetrating the room through the light openings, and the light reflected from the surfaces.

Artificial lighting is obtained using special sources of light radiation, namely: incandescent lamps, fluorescent or halogen lamps. Artificial light sources, as well as natural ones, can give direct, diffused and reflected light.


Natural insolation is inherent important property associated with a change in the level of illumination over a short time period. The changes are random. It is not within the power of a person to change the power of the luminous flux, he can only correct it by certain means. Since the source of natural light is located approximately at the same distance from all illuminated objects, such lighting can only be general in terms of localization.

The artificial method, unlike the natural one, depending on the distance and direction of the light source, allows you to make general and local localization. Local illumination with a general option gives combined option. By means of artificial sources, the light indicators necessary for certain working and rest conditions are achieved.

Pros and cons of two types of lighting

Scattered and uniform light beams of natural origin are the most comfortable for the human eye and provide undistorted color perception. At the same time, the direct rays of the sun have blinding brightness and are unacceptable in workplaces and at home. Decrease in the level of illumination in cloudy skies or in the evening, i.e. its uneven distribution does not make it possible to confine itself to a natural light source. During the period when the duration of daylight hours is long enough, significant savings energy consumption, but the room is overheated.

The main drawback of artificial lighting is associated with a somewhat distorted color perception and a rather strong load on the visual system resulting from micropulsation of light streams. Using indoor spot lighting, in which the flickering of the lamps is mutually compensated and, in terms of its characteristics, is closest to diffused sunlight, eye strain can be minimized. Also, spot light can illuminate a separate zone in space and allows you to treat energy resources economically. Artificial lighting requires an energy source, unlike natural lighting, but such lighting has a constant quality and strength of the luminous flux, which can be selected at your discretion.


The use of only one type of lighting in most cases is irrational and does not meet the needs of a person in maintaining his health. Thus, the complete absence of natural insolation in accordance with labor protection standards is classified as a harmful factor. An apartment without natural light is even hard to imagine. Sources of artificial light make it possible to provide maximum comfortable lighting parameters and are also used in design decoration premises. For general lighting chandeliers are used most often in living quarters. Sconces or floor lamps are great for highlighting a local area. Thanks to the lampshade or ceiling, the light from such sources is soft and diffused. This property makes it possible to widely use such lamps not only for the practical purpose of lighting, but also to highlight any element of the interior. In addition, modern artificial light sources are so diverse and pretty that they themselves perfectly decorate the interior.

The lack of natural light must be filled with artificial, which is essential condition and a means of expanding human activity.

▼Requirements for artificial lighting:

Sufficient intensity and uniformity generated lighting;

Should not have a blinding effect;

Should not create sharp shadows;

must provide correct color reproduction;

The spectrum created by artificial light sources should be close to the natural solar spectrum;

The glow of light sources must be constant over time; they should not change the physical and chemical properties of indoor air;

Light sources must be explosion and fireproof.

Artificial lighting is carried out by lamps (lighting installations) of general and local lighting. The luminaire consists of a source of artificial lighting (lamp) and lighting fittings. As sources of artificial electric lighting of premises are currently used incandescent and fluorescent lamps.

▼Compared to incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps have a number of advantages:

1) create diffused light that does not give sharp shadows;

2) are characterized by low brightness;

3) do not have a blinding effect.

However, fluorescent lamps have several disadvantages:

1) violation of color reproduction;

2) creating a feeling of twilight in low light;

3) the appearance of monotonous noise during operation;

4) the periodicity of the light flux (pulsation) and the appearance of the stroboscopic effect - a distortion of the visual perception of the direction and speed of movement of rotating, moving or changing objects.

To redistribute the luminous flux for the desired purposes, lighting fixtures are used. It also provides eye protection from the brilliance of the light source, and the light source from mechanical damage, moisture, explosive gases, etc. In addition, fittings perform an aesthetic role.

To characterize artificial lighting, the type of light source (incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, etc.), their power, lighting system (general uniform, general localized, local, combined), type of fittings and, in connection with this, the direction of the luminous flux and nature light (direct, diffuse, reflected), the presence or absence of sharp shadows and brilliance.

Reflected brilliance - characteristic of the reflection of the light flux from the working surface in the direction of the eyes of the worker, which determines the decrease in visibility due to an excessive increase in the brightness of the working surface and the veiling effect that reduces the contrast between the object and the background. The requirements for lighting installations are reflected in the Appendix (Table 4).

The hygienic regulation of artificial lighting is based on such conditions as the purpose of the room, the nature and conditions of work or other activities of people in this room, smallest dimensions the details under consideration, their distance from the eye, the contrast between the object and the background, the required speed of distinguishing details, the conditions for adapting the eye, driving mechanisms and other objects dangerous in terms of injury, etc. (Appendix, Table 5).

The uniformity of lighting in the room provides general system lighting. Sufficient illumination in the workplace can be achieved by using a local lighting system ( table lamps). Best conditions lighting is achieved with a combined lighting system (general + local). The use of one local lighting without a common one in office premises is unacceptable.

We all noticed that autumn-winter period many often experience a deterioration in mood, a decrease in immunity, drowsiness, and a decrease in efficiency. Often, a decrease in the body's defenses can be caused by an insufficient amount of sunlight, which is necessary for metabolic processes, the functioning of the central nervous system and the formation of vitamin balance in the body.
Our article will tell you how to deal with the lack of natural light, providing yourself with good spirits and body.
As you know, our homes use natural and artificial lighting. Natural (natural) lighting can vary not only depending on the time of year, but also on the time of day, and weather conditions. Naturally, the place of residence is of great importance.
In our country, there are standards for natural and artificial lighting various premises, according to their purpose. In practice, the occurrence of dark areas of the apartment due to constructive solutions buildings are quite common.
In addition to the shortcomings of the layout, the level of natural light is also affected by external factors. This may be a residential or office building that was built next to your home, or heavily overgrown trees and shrubs under the windows that prevent sunlight from entering your apartment.
What to do in such a situation? Increase the number and power of artificial lighting lamps? This is not an option, since no lamps and chandeliers will be able to "endure" all the functions of natural lighting.
When there is a lack of sunlight in the room, the following ways to replenish it are possible.
Using space planning options
In order to visually expand the space and fill it with light, you can remove some partitions in the room that are not load-bearing structures. It is possible to combine a kitchen-dining room, a kitchen-living room, a living room-corridor, etc. A studio apartment generally consists of one room, divided into certain functional areas.
If it is vital for you to clearly delimit the space on separate rooms, it is possible to use partitions in the interior that do not reach the ceiling, or translucent glass or plastic partitions that do not interfere with the passage of sunlight.
Sometimes through holes (openings) are made in capital partitions, which are either left open, having beautifully decorated the borders, or covered with glass. Glass can be: smooth or with a relief surface structure; transparent or matte; plain or patterned.
Recently, designers have begun to use in the role glass partition large aquariums. This option looks great in the interior of hotels, bars and restaurants. Although not everyone will decide to install an aquarium partition in their apartment, and the room should be large enough in area so that such a partition looks appropriate in this interior.
window openings
As known, Sun rays penetrate into the premises through window and balcony openings in the walls of the building. Therefore, if your apartment clearly lacks natural light, do not use tinted glass for glazing. Do not clutter window sills flower pots, vases and other items. Use curtains made of light, airy and light-colored fabrics (for example, organza).
Using the reflective properties of various surfaces
The lighter interior decoration rooms, the more reflective it has. Ceilings in many apartments have White color, which is very rarely used for wall and floor coverings. If you need to increase natural light, use light and warm colors throughout the room.
The same applies to the color of furniture for such an interior. surplus light colors can be compensated by the use of any elements more dark color. For example, furniture can be made of dark wood with light upholstery. In addition, some parts of the furniture may have glass or polished surfaces that reflect the sun's rays well.
A good option for the floor would be laminated flooring or ceramic tiles.
Textiles used in interior design are also of no small importance. Bright hues curtains, bedspreads, decorative pillows or a silk carpet on the floor will help fill the room with solar energy and help you save good mood even on cloudy autumn days.
Finally, mirrors play a huge role in the interior, with which you can not only reflect sunlight but also point it in the right direction.

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