What harm can a humidifier cause? Types and types of humidifiers When you need a humidifier.

reservoirs 29.08.2019

Many do not take the temperature and humidity of their homes seriously. Hence there is a misunderstanding of why a humidifier is needed, some even consider it an unnecessary device. The quality of the air in the apartment affects the well-being of the owners living in it. One of the most important indicators of the microclimate in the room is such a parameter as humidity. A humidifier is able to normalize and maintain it at an optimal level. His inconspicuous work has a better effect on the general well-being and health of a person.

Using a humidifier will provide a favorable microclimate in the house all year round. During the heating period, its use is especially important, since radiators and other heating devices with closed windows make the air in the room extremely dry. This makes it difficult for the body to absorb oxygen, which causes rapid fatigue. In the warm season, it is also necessary to humidify the air. When it's warm outside open windows At home, there is a natural renewal of air masses with which dust, plant pollen and other impurities enter the room.

If the humidifier works, then all the dust that has fallen will quickly settle, which will prevent it from entering the lungs.

The concept of air humidity itself refers to the amount of water vapor contained in the air mass, which is determined by the percentage. The range of 40-60% is considered to be favorable and optimal for humans. Lesser and greater value can cause respiratory diseases and mold formation, respectively.

The negative impact of dry air

With dry air in the body, there is a lack of moisture, which leads to dryness of the mucous membranes, which contributes to the occurrence of respiratory diseases. The lack of moisture in the air also has a negative effect on the skin, hair and nails. In people with allergies, dry air provokes seizures, since the amount of dust in such an environment is higher. Completely healthy people headache, loss of concentration, general malaise may occur.

If there are children in the family, then you especially need to take care of the quality and humidity of the air in the nursery. Young children are more sensitive to low moisture content in the air due to the peculiarities of their body's thermoregulation. Significant temperature and humidity characteristics in the bedroom. Extremely dry air can cause you to wake up with a dry throat.

If you feel dry skin on your face, hands, dry cough, itchy nose and throat, difficulty breathing, you should take measures to increase the moisture content in the room air.

Why do you need a humidifier and what is its role

The task of the humidifier is not only to normalize the moisture content in the air, but also to maintain its optimal value in the room. The device will monitor the humidity indicator and, if necessary, turn on to maintain the set value. That is, you can independently set the required level of moisture content, which is useful not only for health. In some cases, a certain value of temperature and humidity characteristics is required, for example, for collectors who store old books, paintings, furniture and other things that require special conditions storage.

The device is able to maintain the desired value of humidity in the air, provided that the space is isolated from external environment. With the windows open, the set humidity level may not be at the proper level. The device itself is completely safe and easy to use. During its operation, no additional costs are required for the purchase of any Supplies(not for all types and models of devices). After filling the device with water and placing it in a convenient place, you can turn it on and it will begin to create a microclimate. The air humidifier can function continuously both day and night. At the same time, it will not interfere with the usual household chores, as well as rest and sleep, since it works quietly.

Types of models

When it is clear why you need a humidifier, you need to choose the right one so that it meets all the requirements for creating a microclimate in the house. The main thing when choosing is to determine the type of device suitable for you. Humidifiers used in everyday life are divided into several types according to the principle of operation:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic.

The traditional type, also called "air wash", is the most affordable means due to its low price and simple device. Its action is based on the natural evaporation of water. At the same time, it does not heat up, and why should it - everything happens by itself. As water evaporates, it gradually increases the moisture content of the air. The water poured into the container of the device enters the pan, after which it enters special elements on which it evaporates. Evaporators can be in the form of discs, cartridges or special filters.

The advantages of such devices are their affordable price, low energy consumption, low noise level during operation. The negative side of the device is the insufficient efficiency of humidification and the inconvenience of use, caused by the need to use only distilled or demineralized water. Also, periodically you will need to change the installed filters.

Steam humidifiers have a similar principle of operation, but only with water heating. In a container with water there is a pair of electrodes heating it. Under this action, the water evaporates and the escaping steam saturates the air with moisture. Some models of this type of humidifier allow use them as inhalers. This function allows you to warm up the respiratory system. To do this, along with a humidifier, special nozzles are included.

The steam type of devices has a protection system. When all the liquid from the device's capacity has evaporated, it will automatically turn off. Because the device has heating elements it consumes a significant amount of kilowatts. This indicator varies depending on the model in the range of 0.3-0.6 kW.

The following type of ultrasonic humidifiers is considered the most efficient and effective, which is why it is in great demand. It is arranged quite complicated on piezoelectric elements. They convert electrical vibrations into mechanical vibrations, which create waves of different pressure in the liquid. As a result of this action, water no longer boils at a temperature of 100 degrees, but at a lower value. The resulting steam sends a fan into the room and humidifies the air to the desired level.

The main advantage of ultrasonic humidifiers is that the resulting steam is cold, not hot, like the steam types of these devices. It is both safer, you can not get burned, and more comfortable especially in hot, dry weather. In addition, the ultrasonic appearance of the devices allows for more accurate control the humidity level at home, does not require consumables, can work with ordinary tap water. Based on this, when choosing a humidifier, you should pay attention to Special attention precisely on the ultrasonic type of devices.

Main characteristics and additional features of air humidifiers

Price different types devices to be in a fairly wide range. The cost is affected by the capabilities and availability of additional options for the model. To choose a suitable humidifier, you need to consider the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the device is supposed to work. Different models have their own performance and some of them are not suitable for large areas. But even high-performance humidifiers are not able to cope with the task in the entire apartment. Therefore, you will need to purchase several devices or move the humidifier from different rooms. The performance of the humidifier depends on the power it consumes. Therefore, you will have to choose between efficiency and efficiency of the device.

Models also differ in noise level, this figure, depending on the model, can vary between 5-70 dB. How quiet the appliance will operate depends on design features and fan speed. The duration of operation depends on the size of the water tank, the smaller it is, the more often the humidifier will have to be filled. When the liquid runs out, a special signal will notify you. Typically, devices with a tank volume of 5 liters are able to work all day.

Exist portable humidifiers which are compact and mobile. To make it work, it is placed in a glass of water and connected to the USB connector of the computer. Portable humidifiers allow you to saturate the air with moisture locally at your workplace, which will allow you to work comfortably and productively.

In the characteristics of humidifiers, there is an indicator of maximum air exchange. Based on it, you can understand how much air the device passes through itself per hour of operation. If the model has a hygrostat and the ability not to exceed the set humidity level, then you can not be afraid of dampness in the room. Some models are regulated by a built-in timer, having worked set time the device will turn off and turn on again after a specified interval.

Certain models are equipped with filters that provide cleaning of varying degrees. Filters are of the following types:

  • pre-cleaning, performs coarse cleaning;
  • fine cleaning HEPA filters, consisting of materials based on glass fibers;
  • electrostatic, purify the air from microparticles, using an electrostatic field;
  • photocatalytic, they oxidize the toxins contained in the air with ultraviolet light, they also have the longest service life.

It will also be useful if the humidifier has an air ionization function. The escaping steam is additionally enriched with negatively charged ions and dust particles sticking together will settle faster. Air ionizers are also manufactured as separate devices.

With a constant stay in a room with dry air, the mucous membranes, which should always be moistened, become thinner, their protective functions decrease, they more easily pass bacteria and viruses. The mucous membranes of the eyes and nose are mainly affected - both of them can be excellent gateways for infections.

What instead of a humidifier

Salt solution will help maintain a normal level of moisture in the nasal mucosa. If you experience discomfort, you can buy a pharmacy "flush" - a spray or drops for 300-500 rubles, this is convenient, but expensive. To save money, you can prepare a saline solution yourself: buy at a pharmacy sea ​​salt, dilute it with purified water and use even a pipette, even a cotton swab to moisten the nasal mucosa. Fuss is not as much as it seems, but there will definitely be benefits.

There is always more dust in dry air than in humid air.

Dust particles sink down and settle on the surface under the influence of gravity, that is, they must be lighter than air. The higher the level of air humidity, the more the dust absorbs moisture and the faster it settles on surfaces, from where it is easier to remove than from the air. Dust in the air is a direct way to provoke an asthmatic attack or bronchospasm in allergy sufferers and asthmatics. And also for those who for the time being they are not.

Dust under microscope | NIAID/Flickr.com/CC BY 2.0

What instead of a humidifier

It is believed that vacuum cleaners with aquafiltration work as humidifiers, releasing purified humidified air outside. As an additional tool, it works, but the effect of such moisturizing is limited to the time of cleaning and a short time after it.

Eyes suffer

The mucous membranes of the eyes have already been mentioned, but for them there is a double danger. The skin around the eyes is extremely thin and always dry, as there are practically no sweat and sebaceous glands in it. That is why it ages earlier than the whole face, and special care products are being developed for this zone. The already small amount of moisture in dry air evaporates from the skin very quickly, and the eyelids suffer more than the rest of the face.

In combination with working at a computer, watching TV shows and movies, dehydrated mucous membranes of the eyes and skin of the eyelids give great chances for the development of various kinds of inflammation -.

What instead of a humidifier

You can, of course, drip all kinds of saline solutions that mimic tear fluid, now there are a lot of them in pharmacies. But it is better to constantly be in a zone of comfortable humidity.

Sleep gets worse

The heron withered, the heron dried up, the heron catastrophically did not get enough sleep - the finale is known. Comfort is very important, and we spend a third of our lives sleeping. A humidifier is often bought in the nursery so that the baby sleeps well.

But don't forget about yourself either. A lot depends on the quality of sleep, first of all, working capacity and mood. Using a humidifier - especially with an ionizer (a generator of negatively charged particles that can hold moisture) - improves sleep quality.

What instead of a humidifier

At least wet cleaning before bedtime. No forces? Then a humidifier.

Deterioration of the skin, nails and hair

In summer they are spoiled by the sun, in winter - by heating: moisture from the surfaces of the skin, nails, hair simply evaporates, and there are not always enough internal resources to restore the balance and normal state of the covers. The recommendation to drink more water is universal and correct, but drinking plenty of water will not stop the process of evaporation of liquid in warm and very dry air.

What instead of a humidifier

No one has canceled moisturizing and nourishing cosmetic and medical-cosmetic products. But it will be a struggle with symptoms, giving a temporary effect. Moisturizer in combination with care gives an optimal effect.

Bad not only for you, but also for flowers

If you love cacti, you can skip this step. But everyone else houseplants in dry air they suffer a lot, do not bloom, grow worse, which means that they cope worse with their functions as oxygen suppliers in the home. The math is simple: worse conditions- less green less area leaves and shoots. Less green means less oxygen.

Erich Ferdinand/Flickr.com/CC BY 2.0

What instead of a humidifier

Watering and spraying - yes, of course. But with the right level of humidity constantly maintained, the plants feel better.

Can a humidifier hurt?

According to SanPin "Sanitary and hygienic requirements for air-thermal conditions in children's educational institutions", the relative humidity of the air there should be 40-60%. These norms, developed with the participation of doctors, can be taken as a guideline for the "weather in the house."

If you use a steam or ultrasonic humidifier, which can quickly increase the humidity level, you need to control it: a figure above 60% should make you wary. In such an atmosphere it will be stuffy.

If the humidity level is constantly exceeded, there is a risk of development in a humid environment (after all, not only the air is humidified, but also furniture, carpets, curtains, floors, walls) of pathogens, such as fungi.

Do you need a hygrometer?

In a steam or ultrasonic humidifier, it is necessary to have a hygrometer and the function of auto-shutdown of the device when it reaches given humidity. Humidifiers with natural way humidifiers do not need this function, because they “do not know how” to go beyond the norm.

To accurately determine the level of humidity in a room, it is best to use a separate hygrometer rather than a built-in humidifier.

Today, the air humidifier has become a familiar device that can be found in almost any apartment or country house. Consider why it is needed, the scope of its application, as well as those cases when the presence of this equipment in the house is simply necessary.

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the terminology. A humidifier is a device used to increase moisture content in the air, which decreases due to several possible reasons:

  1. The use of additional heating devices - convectors, thermal fans, etc., which very much "dry" the air in the room, literally burning oxygen.
  2. Improper organization of air flows in a residential area (apartment, house). This happens due to improper design, incorrect location of windows and doors. In this case, the humidifier must be at least in the bedroom and rooms where the owner spends a lot of time.
  3. The "sunny" side of the windows, because of which the apartment can always be hot and unnecessarily dry.
  4. Extremely high and low temperatures, when the level of moisture in the air decreases for natural reasons (summer and winter).

It should be mentioned that there is a kind humidity level coefficient, which is necessary for a comfortable life and ensuring an optimal level of operation for equipment:

  1. For humans, it ranges from 40 to 75%. This information comes from a lot of research. The calculation was based on the “comfort zone”, when breathing is even, and a person does not have to apply additional efforts to take a breath (unconscious breathing). By the way, in the desert, the humidity is about 30%, and breathing becomes difficult, it attracts attention, while in some apartments, during the heating season, with completely clogged windows, the humidity can reach up to 25%.
  2. In the case of plants, the coefficient is not lower than 50%. For normal growth, most indoor flowers require high humidity, simulating natural conditions their original habitat.
  3. Books and antiques - from 40%.
  4. Furniture - from 35%.
  5. Electrical appliances (including large household appliances and sophisticated appliances based on microchips and motherboards) – from 45 to 65%.

This table is very conditional and depends on many factors and performance characteristics.

The context for the desired level of humidity may vary depending on the circumstances in which the person or object is located.

Main Applications

To the question of why you need a humidifier in the apartment, you can easily answer the following:

  • First, for reasons taking care of your health. Dry air is not good for the human body, besides, not all indoor plants are able to maintain their existence in an "arid climate", they need moisture, not only in the form of constant watering, but also in the form of the necessary moisture content in the indoor air. Human body needs less moisture. In conditions of low humidity (below 40%), people may experience weakness, discomfort, lack of strength, dizziness, and a whole range of symptoms that can be mistakenly attributed to diseases. In fact, it is worth bringing the humidity level to the comfort zone, and some of the problems can be eliminated.
  • Secondly, humidifiers are needed for ionization (it is better if the device has such a function) and cleaning the room from dust and microscopic dirt. Dirt and dust settle in the existing filters, which, after washing or replacing, are ready for use again. This is a very important factor that makes the device useful, and in some cases (poor environmental conditions of the area in which the house is located) completely irreplaceable. In addition, the humidification function has a positive effect not only on health, but also on the entire microclimate of the apartment (flowers), and ionizers saturate oxygen with negatively charged particles.
  • Thirdly, humidifiers are needed for those who experience various kinds of problems with the respiratory system and for a comfortable life they need to maintain a certain level of humidity. Special mention deserves the function of inhalation, which is present in the humidifier. It is often used in hospitals and clinics.

Practical benefits

Some users are wondering if a humidifier is really needed. Theoretically, it is always necessary, in almost any dwelling, since the level of humidity is rarely able to independently be maintained at the proper level. This is facilitated by constant climate change, a sharp drop in temperature and humidity, magnetic storms and many other natural aspects.

If a person realized that this device is still necessary for him for everyday use, it remains to answer one more question, namely, why do you need a humidifier at home? In addition to the advantages listed above, one can also note keeping some things which require a certain constant level of air humidity for long-term storage. It is no secret that rare silks and clothes made from certain types of fabrics do not like a dry climate, the structure of the fibers of the fabric is such that without the necessary moisture, they simply begin to dry out.

A few words about the dangers of low humidity levels and the benefits of humidifiers:

  1. Books and magazines, as well as collectible stamps and coins, must be stored in a specially humidified room. Antique metals and paper are extremely sensitive to arid climates. However, it is important to observe the measure here.
  2. Furniture, especially wood and chipboard, is also not very well preserved in low humidity. Wood (even its most durable varieties) begin to dry out, cracks may appear on the surface of objects.
  3. Do not forget that an arid climate (less than 30% moisture in the room) is a source of harmful diseases, since in dry conditions the dust becomes light ("volatile") and is not in a bound state, but swirls around the room. With proper moisture, dust particles swell and settle on the surface of objects, from where they can be easily cleaned off. And a significant part of them gets into the purifier itself and remains on the filter. Thus, the climate inside the house becomes cleaner and safer.
  4. Dust tends to get inside the equipment, especially in places where static electricity accumulates. A thick layer of dust can lead to breakage, so it is recommended to clean the devices from dust from time to time. Although the use of humidifiers does not completely solve this problem, it helps to significantly reduce the level of “dustiness” in the room, and ionization “disperses” dust, further improving the microclimate of an apartment or house.
  5. Dry skin can often be associated with low humidity in a house or apartment. And this is another argument in favor of why a humidifier is still needed. Sometimes it is enough to start using the device to make sure that daily use of body and hand creams is not necessary at all. The skin is not the only thing that can be negatively affected. Due to lack of moisture, all mucous membranes, eyes, nose, and even throat suffer. Constant dry mouth is not always synonymous with thirst, it can be in an excessively dry climate. Watery eyes are a fairly common problem, especially familiar to those who suffer from allergic diseases. For such people, a humidifier is simply vital, because “dry” dust carries the main allergens (pollen flowering plants, wool, etc.).

As you can see, broad scope practical application humidifier at home, speaks of its versatility and usefulness.


Humidifier - what is it for and why is it needed? As practice shows - to ensure a constant level of humidity in the house, as close as possible to the ideal. Additional features include air purification from harmful dust and saturation of oxygen with negatively charged ions. As a result, there is a decrease negative factor affecting health. The risk of allergic reactions, bronchial and asthmatic complications decreases due to air purification and saturation. Humidifiers are a useful and affordable device.

Now devices that allow you to regulate such important air parameters as temperature, ionization and humidity are in great demand on the market. Let's talk about the latter.

Household humidifiers did not appear yesterday, but they did not gain much popularity: humidifiers offered by the Soviet industry for use in everyday life sprayed water into the air from special nozzles. Moisture settled on various surfaces, which was not only unpleasant, but also dangerous - moisture could get inside the appliance, causing it to fail. Modern ultrasonic humidifiers are free from this disadvantage, thanks to the principle of their work. With the help of ultrasound, droplets are “knocked out” from the surface of the water so small that when they get into the air they are “weighed”, that is, they are held by the Brownian movement of air molecules.

Air humidity is a factor that is especially significant in a house where there are small children. Of course, everyone wants only good things for their children, but how often, armed with good intentions, we “do good and do good”. Let's try to figure out if a humidifier is needed in the house, or is it better to limit ourselves to traditional wet cleaning.

To begin with, let's decide, why do we need to additionally humidify the air in the room? Where does the natural moisture go? The two main enemies of humidity are heaters and air conditioners.

What causes moisture to decrease

Sometimes you hear that heaters “burn out” or “evaporate” moisture. This is obviously not the case: it is impossible to burn out moisture, water, as you know, does not burn. “Evaporation” of humidity also does not threaten, water is already in the air in the form of steam in its normal state, otherwise there would be fog in our room, and dew would fall on the furniture. Why do heaters reduce humidity?

The fact is that when it comes to humidity in residential premises, we mean, first of all, relative humidity, because it is it that affects health and well-being.

Relative humidity is measured as a percentage, which shows the ratio of the amount of water in the air to the amount of water that the air, in principle, could contain in itself at a given temperature. The higher the air temperature, the more “capacious” it is for water.

What happens when air is heated? Obviously, its temperature rises, its "capacity" rises. Thus, the denominator of the fraction of relative humidity increases, and, consequently, the value of relative humidity itself (with a constant value of the absolute amount of water in the air) decreases. The relative humidity in the room drops.

What happens when using the air conditioner? The idea of ​​“freezing out” moisture in an air conditioner is just as untenable as the “evaporation” of air in a heater. When the air is cooled, its “capacity” decreases, the relative humidity quickly increases to more than one hundred percent, the “excess” of the moisture contained in the water passes into a liquid state and is removed. It is this water that drips from drain pipes protruding from the walls of air-conditioned buildings.

The air entering the room from the air conditioner has almost one hundred percent humidity. But relative humidity, as we already know, depends on temperature. The air from the air conditioner, once in a warm room, heats up, its "water requirement" (the denominator of relative humidity) increases. The air is ready to absorb "its" water back, but it has already flowed out into the street through the drain pipe. Again, the relative humidity of the air becomes lower.

Pros and cons

So, we found out that additional air humidification is really necessary and beneficial, now let's see if the use of household humidifiers will harm. To do this, consider the typical claims and concerns of humidifier users.

- "I began to use a humidifier to escape the heat, in the apartment there was nothing to breathe without it better." First you need to separate the concepts of "hot" and "stuffy". Although these concepts are close and interrelated, they are not identical. “Stuffiness” is, firstly, the absence fresh air. No humidifier will ever replace banal airing.

Secondly, it is always stuffy where it is hot and humid. Moist heat is always much worse than dry heat. Tropical heat is more excruciating than desert heat, although desert temperatures are much warmer. If you do not want to go to the desert and the tropics, then you can conduct a small visual experiment here: just compare your feelings from a dry sauna and a wet Russian bath at the same air temperature. The result will be obvious.

Unfortunately, children are most often affected by the heat at home. Unfortunately, there is still an opinion that in the room where the child is located, it must be hot. Heaters, heaters, convectors are added to central heating radiators. And if (as always with the best of intentions) a humidifier is turned on in a hotly heated room ... A bath at home is provided.

What to do, because heaters dry the air and humidification is necessary? Yes, it is necessary to humidify the air, but not as a substitute for ventilation and normal temperature conditions. If you want it not to be stuffy - open the window and turn off the heater, the temperature in the living room (especially where there are small children) should not exceed 20-23 degrees.

- “We had this humidifier, so the child did not climb out of sores. When it came to obstructive bronchitis, the humidifier was abandoned. That's right high humidity- an ideal habitat for microorganisms, including pathogens. Especially if the humidity is associated with high temperatures, as we have already discussed above. Humidity must be carefully monitored, because high humidity is no less harmful than low humidity.

To control humidity, you need to purchase a special device - a hygrometer. There are humidifiers with built-in hygrometers, but in this case, you must remember that if the humidifier is turned on, the built-in hygrometer will show the humidity near the source of humidification, which means that its readings will always be slightly higher than the average humidity in the room.

Undoubtedly, the benefit of a humidifier with a built-in hygrostat is a humidity sensor that automatically turns off the humidifier when the humidity in the room reaches a predetermined value. If there is none, and we will monitor the humidity ourselves, then the comfortable value of relative humidity is in the range of 45-60%. For young children, the humidity can be slightly increased - up to 50-70%.

- “There is only one harm from an ultrasonic humidifier - all the furniture and the TV screen are in a whitish, hard-to-wash coating. And the water from it is dead. Ultrasound is just high frequency sound waves that are not perceived by the human ear. In no way does ultrasound affect the structure of water, and all the talk about " dead water from the realm of fantasy.

But the salt coating is the pure truth. Unlike steam humidifiers, which supply steam into the air, leaving salts inside, an ultrasonic humidifier throws water into the air along with all the substances soluble in it. In this sense, water from an ultrasonic humidifier is much more "alive" than from a steam one. In order to avoid the appearance of plaque, it is recommended to use distilled water in ultrasonic humidifiers. And this must be reported in the manufacturer's instructions accompanying the humidifier.

So, let's summarize: are steam and ultrasonic humidifiers harmful, or can and should they be used? We can say with all responsibility: household air humidifiers are certainly necessary and useful, but they will bring benefits only if they are used subject to a number of conditions:

  1. Before turning on the device, read the instructions and do not neglect its requirements. In particular, do not use tap water to fill ultrasonic humidifiers.
  2. If the device is not equipped with a gyrostat, monitor the humidity yourself with a hygrometer. Remember that too much moisture is no less harmful than too little. Relative humidity should be between 45-60% for adults or 50-70% for children.
  3. In no case should you try to replace humidification with ventilation and air temperature control. The normal air temperature in a residential area is 20-23 degrees.

If your house is hot, you suffer from respiratory diseases, you have small children - do not hesitate, buy a humidifier. But don't forget the terms beneficial use this appliance.

So we realized that the humidifier is very useful and reasonable application. But which model should you choose? In our opinion, the German Smower Multi Action humidifiers have proven themselves the best. The company has a good reputation as a manufacturer of quality climate control equipment. In addition to the humidifier, this unit also has an air purifier, which makes it even more valuable.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Today, many have heard about the benefits of air humidity for health and the body, so they often ventilate the room. Opening the window, you fill the room with a lot of particles of dust, exhaust gases and other harmful substances. How to humidify the air without allowing impurities? Use water-powered humidifiers. Instruments provided in different options, differing in principle of operation, efficiency and cost.

What is a humidifier

This is a household climate device designed for additional humidification of the air in the room. The devices are small, operate almost silently, can be used in any room, providing a human-friendly level of moisture. Products are simple, special knowledge and skills in operation, do not require additional manipulations for installation.

Types of climate technology

Studying the benefits and harms of air humidifiers, it is worth studying the types of modern devices. They differ in the principle of vaporization and are represented by four types: cold, hot steam, ultrasonic and "air washers" (humidifiers-purifiers). Each device provides a certain level of moisture, has a different efficiency, has its own advantages, disadvantages, benefits, harms, differs internal device, absorb all harmful particles from the atmosphere.

Cold (natural) evaporator

This type of equipment is also called traditional, classic, since they appeared among the first. Cold evaporators work silently by running air with a built-in fan through an evaporator filter (sponge), which is moistened with a special antibacterial agent. This ensures that the incoming air stream is cleaned of dust, microbes and harmful organisms, giving out fresh vapors at the exit.

Such products require cleaning the filter, the fluid reservoir from lime deposits and replenishing the lack of water every week. Additionally cleans water resources from over 650 types of bacteria, refreshes the climate and charges it with negative ions generated in the climate by a built-in ionizing silver rod. Some models of natural vaporizers are equipped with an antibacterial cassette that kills pathogens.

A significant advantage of such devices is the minimum power consumption, low cost and the ability to turn off independently. As a result, there is no waterlogging of the climate and does not require constant monitoring by the user. Some models come with a built-in hygrometer (humidity sensor) and hygrostat (helps maintain the specified humidity level). Thanks to these meters, the equipment turns on and off independently when necessary.


The hot type steam generator heats the water in the tank to a boil using two electrodes, and then releases a jet of hot sterile clean steam into the room. When the liquid in the tank has completely boiled away, the device turns off on its own. The advantage of such a humidifier is that when water is boiled, all harmful organisms die, impurities remain on the walls of the tank, and the room is irrigated with absolutely clean steam.

When purchasing such a product, choose models with a built-in hygrometer, hygrostat, since steam evaporators, unlike cold ones, saturate the air with moisture much faster. As a result, constant human monitoring will be required so that the humidity indicator does not exceed a favorable level. Or buy sensors separately. Such equipment is high-performance, the most powerful, but it is connected to the network for a short time, so it does not consume much electricity.

Steam humidifiers are a great option for a child's room, but it's important to keep your little one at a safe distance from the device. Burns may result from contact with hot steam. At the same time, you should not refuse to use such equipment, because most models are equipped with special containers for adding natural essential oils, medicines, decoctions of herbs. As a result, in addition to moisturizing the atmosphere, there is also aromatherapy, inhalation of the bronchopulmonary tract.


Ultrasonic type equipment is equipped with many automatic functions and is considered the most modern, with high performance and productivity. All devices are sold with a built-in hygrostat and hygrometer, and the humidity indicator can be set either by a person or by the evaporator electronics. Additional features can be a liquid crystal display, filter contamination alert, shutdown when water is completely evaporated, the ability to remote control etc.

The principle of operation is based on the transformation of water into wet dust using high-frequency vibrations of ultrasound. From the chamber where vaporization occurs, water enters the membrane. The latter vibrates and crushes the liquid to the state of water dust. A special fan draws in air, which is passed through this dust under pressure and humidified. The output is a cold fog, fine particles that can be seen. It is safe for others and is able to lower the temperature of the room.

The resulting water dust can settle as a white coating on mirror surfaces and furniture due to the content of salt impurities. To avoid such incidents, pour distilled, purified water or special cartridges that purify water into the device. Ultrasonic humidifiers not only have high efficiency, economical energy use and compact size, but also stylish design suitable for any interior. All these indicators provide devices with high popularity among users.

Is a humidifier useful in an apartment?

The benefit of the device is that the product maintains an optimal level of microclimate - from 40 to 65% humidity. In a dry climate, the body spends more fluid on moisturizing, reducing its own protective functions, which can cause dryness, peeling of the skin, sore throat, irritation of the larynx, increase susceptibility to the effects of various infections, diseases, and lead to dehydration. Increasing cases of falling into Airways allergens such as dust, animal hair. When they become dry, they rise into the air and then enter the lungs.

The problem is especially relevant in winter period when the central heating system is operating in the premises. In summer, you should not refuse the evaporator either, since air conditioners dry the air. Houseplants also suffer from a lack of moisture, especially those that need regular spraying (the first indicator is the drying of the tips of the foliage), wooden coatings (parquet, laminate), furniture wear is accelerated. The action of humidifiers is aimed at eliminating all of the above problems.

Many vaporizer models are sold thanks to tips medical workers. Doctors say that a dry climate is not only harmful, but even dangerous to human health. The optimal moisture level is from 40 to 65%. When dryness is below the first limit, dry skin appears, drying of the mucous membranes, deterioration in work digestive system increases the workload on the heart. Exceeding the maximum limit leads to fatigue, the appearance of chronic diseases, bad smell, dampness, mold, and fungal growths.

What is the benefit of a humidifier

All the benefits and harms of air humidifiers have long been studied and known. There is a wide range of such devices on the market today. Being present in the house, the equipment creates conditions favorable for the life and health of adults, children, animals and even indoor flowers. Humidifiers bring their benefits to everyone, let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the device for children and pregnant women.

For children's body

The benefits of air humidity for a child are due to many factors. Pediatricians distinguish among them the following:

  • Moisturizing mucous membranes. The lack of moisture leads to a change in the structure of the mucus, creating ideal conditions for the entry of viruses, the active life of pathogens, the occurrence of respiratory diseases, sinusitis, pneumonia, rhinitis. Redness, itching appears on the eyes.
  • Speed ​​up recovery. Drying up of bronchial mucus when coughing can provoke bronchitis, make it difficult to breathe and lead to inflammation of the lungs.
  • Allergy warning. When moistening dust, pet hair, their accumulation in the air is blocked.
  • Sleep normalization. Children sleep peacefully, do not act up.
  • Regulation of heat transfer in children. Prevents the appearance of crusts on the mucous membranes that make breathing difficult.

During pregnancy and lactation

Distinguish following points the positive effect of moisture sprayers on the body of the expectant mother:

  • Oxygen ionization increases immunity, increases the body's resistance;
  • Comfortable humidity of the atmosphere helps to transfer pregnancy easier;
  • A humid climate does not allow the skin to dry out, prevents dehydration, and energizes.
  • The use of essential oils along with moisturizing normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Harmful effects of the device

Studying the benefits of oxygen ionizers, it is worth mentioning the dangers of devices on the human body. Devices that emit hot steam can cause burns if the safety precautions are not followed. Untimely cleaning of the humidifier, changing cassettes, cartridges leads to the accumulation of harmful substances that are subsequently emitted into the atmosphere.

Can you get sick from a humidifier?

It is worth noting that the interval of comfortable room moisture does not exist in vain. If the safe maximum humidity mark is violated, the respiratory tract accumulates a lot of mucus, where pathogenic bacteria effectively multiply, causing harm, causing many diseases, one of which is tonsillitis.

Is an ultrasonic device harmful?

The household ultrasonic humidifier, with maximum vibrations in the membrane, operates at a frequency of up to 20 kHz, these ultrasonic waves are completely safe for humans. Such a unit is considered one of the most harmless, but the probability negative impact still exists. It consists in the salt content and harmful organisms in water that is not heated.

During release into the atmosphere, these substances enter the body through airborne droplets, causing harm in the form of worsening asthma, allergies, bronchitis, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children. The only contraindication to the use of an ultrasonic device is the presence of a pacemaker, the operation of which can be affected by waves.

Pros and cons

We already know the benefits and harms of air humidifiers, but now let's look at the pros and cons of devices. The advantages are as follows:

  • humidification, air ionization;
  • high performance with low energy consumption;
  • cleaning, air filtration (ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • ease of operation;
  • safe steam (ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • Availability additional features(ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • protection against liquid boiling away (steam type of devices);
  • affordable price (traditional, steam).

Along with many positive qualities climatic equipment that saturates oxygen with moisture, the following disadvantages are also distinguished:

  • risk of burns from hot steam (steam);
  • noise (traditional, steam);
  • regular replacement of filters, cartridges (traditional, ultrasonic);
  • the need for purified water (ultrasonic, traditional);
  • high cost of ultrasonic models.

Operating rules

After reviewing the benefits and harms of air humidifiers, you need to study the recommendations on correct use units:

  • Read the instruction manual carefully.
  • It is desirable to place the device in the center of the room at a height of at least 1 m; it is impossible to put it on a carpet.
  • Install at a safe distance from children.
  • Make sure that steam does not get on furniture, household appliances.
  • Change filters, replaceable cartridges in time, wash parts, trays, tanks from plaque that can be harmful.
  • Pour purified, distilled water into the humidifier tanks.
  • Control the moisture level yourself if the device is not equipped with a hygrometer.
  • Support temperature regime rooms at the level of 20-240 C.
  • Provide regular airing, ventilation of the room.

Optimum temperature-humidity mode

The most favorable room temperature for a person is considered to be from 18 to 200, but this figure varies depending on the season. So, for a warm period, the optimal level is 22-250 (but not more than 260) with a humidity of 30-60% (but not higher than 65%), for a cold period - 20-220 (but not more than 280) with a humidity of 30-45% ( but not more than 60%). It is comfortable for a child's body to be at 18-220, such a temperature regime will provide good dream, the benefit of the bronchopulmonary pathways. Humidity should be maintained within 50-70% (reduced in winter), and in the presence of a cold - no higher than 60%.

Working hours

This indicator depends on the level of humidity in the atmosphere of the room. It is determined using a hygrometer, which is often built into climate equipment. When the maximum humidity is reached, the device must be switched off if the function automatic shutdown not provided by the manufacturer. When the product has a low performance, and the room is too low humidity or there are drafts, the humidifier can be left on all night, there will be no harm from this.

Filter replacement

The frequency of filter replacement is indicated by the manufacturer in the operating instructions for air humidifiers. The average service life of a part is 3 months, sometimes more or less. If the device is intended for a children's room, the filter should be changed at least once a month. It is impossible to violate the deadlines, otherwise contaminated parts will be harmful to health. You can buy this product in stores household appliances where moisture evaporators themselves are sold.

Humidifier water selection

If you want your product that humidifies the air to work well and correctly, do not use ordinary tap water containing various impurities. They contaminate the filters of steam devices, cold type cartridges and are emitted into the atmosphere by ultrasonic devices. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to fill in distilled, demineralized, settled or filtered liquid.

How to choose the right humidifier

After reviewing the types of humidifiers, their benefits, harms, advantages and disadvantages, it remains to find out how to choose such equipment for the home. Experts recommend adhering to the following principles:

  1. Room area. The instruction contains instructions on what quadrature the unit is designed for. not worth it for small room buy a device with a higher performance, there will be no benefit from this.
  2. Power. Study how much electricity is required to operate the equipment, so that subsequently comfortable humidity does not turn into harm to your wallet.
  3. Noise level. Optimal - 34 dB or lower, but not more than 40 dB.
  4. The size. The smaller the humidifier, the more often you will have to add water. Choose models with a tank volume of at least 5 liters of liquid, which will ensure uninterrupted operation of the device.
  5. Design. Choose evaporators for your interior.
  6. Availability of additional functions: built-in hygrostat, hygrometer, timer, rotating atomizer, inhalation container, etc. Rely on personal wishes and needs.
  7. Price. This selection criterion depends on your budget.

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