We prepare fragrant bath salt with our own hands. DIY bath salts

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What a pleasure to take after a hard day hot bath With salt. And if this salt is made with your own hands, it is doubly pleasant. Our mester class with photos talks about 4 ways to make bath salts at home.

Method I. Pick and mix

Select salts

The main ingredient in bath salts is English mineral salt, otherwise called Epsom salt (after the name of the place Epsom in England, where it was first mined); it is widely used as a cosmetic. But other salts can be added to it to enhance or change the effect on the skin, as well as for the aesthetic component - for example, small crystals of sea salt look very beautiful, and pink Himalayan salt, in addition to its spectacular color, is good because it adds a mixture of "mineral "hardness" - this is important for areas with "soft", salt-poor water.

You can not add oils at all, you can use only one, or you can create a mixture of them, like a mixture of salts. A pleasant aroma added to salt can help you relax or, conversely, focus. The popular floral combination of lavender, rose and lilac helps de-stress and relax with a light, sunny feeling, while the rich scents of eucalyptus, citrus and mint help sharpen the senses and focus.

Mix your own combination of your favorite scents, but remember to add each oil one drop at a time as you work to find the right combination, so you don't go wrong with the intensity and balance of the scent.

Dried herbs or petals are often added to bath salts to decorate the mixture and add a new twist to its fragrance. Try adding a handful of rosemary, cumin or mint, whole or ground. Dried rose petals or lavender are just as good.

Your salt may be colorless, but its hue is another unique feature. You can choose any colors; usually they are combined with aroma (for example, for salt smelling of eucalyptus - green, for lavender - lilac). To color the salt, add a couple of drops of food coloring.

Method II. Sea bath salts

Take the ingredients

You will need 140 g of sea salt, 140 g of Epsom salts, one teaspoon of essential oil (or a mixture of them - how to mix the oils, see above), and, if desired, ground dry herbs.

Combine the ingredients and put in a jar

Mix both types of salt in a separate bowl, and then add the oil, trying to evenly distribute it throughout the mixture. Mix thoroughly, and then, if desired, add dye and pour salt into a jar with a tight-fitting lid (any salt absorbs moisture very well, which is usually a lot in the bathroom).

Method III. Bath salt with baking soda

Measure out the ingredients

You will need 140 g Epsom salts, 140 g. baking soda, two tablespoons of liquid glycerin and essential oil. You can also add a handful of dried herbs or petals (whole or chopped).

Mix and put in a jar

Pour soda into salt, and then pour in glycerin and mix thoroughly. Add oil, as well as herbs or petals.

Transfer the mixture to a jar with a ground-in lid and add 2-3 tablespoons to the bath with hot water whenever you want.

Bath salt recipes are quite easy to home cooking and they carry great benefit for the body. Homemade bath salt recipes are also valuable because you can choose the best recipe for each specific case.
All bath salt recipes are built around the same principle: salt, a little soda or starch, emollient oil, color (optional) and fragrance (essential oil).

Ingredients used in bath salt recipes:

  1. Salt. She, of course, can be anyone. But the better its quality, the more useful the procedure performed with it will be. For my bath salt recipes, I usually use natural (non-iodized) coarse sea salt and Dead Sea salt in a 3-5:1 ratio.
  2. Base vegetable oil. Also any, to your taste - almond, avocado, olive, peach, shea, etc. In bath salt recipes, oil is used to further soften and nourish the skin during treatments.
  3. Soda in bath salt recipes helps to cleanse the skin, normalize metabolism, a bath with salt and soda eliminates allergic skin reactions, irritation and inflammation, and tightens the skin.
  4. Corn starch - softens the skin, gives it a matte, silky and powdery feeling, and also eliminates peeling.
  5. Powdered milk - used to soften and nourish dry skin, cleanses and rejuvenates the skin.
  6. The essential oil in the bath salt recipes not only adds flavor to the bath, but also turns the bath experience into a real aromatherapy session.
  7. Dye is a completely optional component, but if you really want to add aesthetic beauty to salt, then it is best to use food coloring.

Lavender bath salt recipe.

Lavender bath salt is an excellent remedy for relaxation after a hard day at work, promotes relaxation, relieves fatigue, normalizes night sleep, and also helps to cope with depression and stress. In addition, real lavender essential oil (I usually use French lavender from Provence) is considered one of the few oils that is allowed for children, so if you reduce the dose by at least 2, you can use it for children. Such procedures will bring healthy sound sleep to children.

To prepare lavender bath salt (for 1 procedure for an adult or 2 for a child), you will need:

  • sea ​​salt - 250g.
  • Dead Sea salt - 50g.
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp.
  • almond oil 0.5 tbsp
  • lavender essential oil - 5-7 drops.

We mix salt with cornstarch, and drip lavender essential oil into almond oil, combine everything together and mix thoroughly.

If you want to color the salt, then add a few drops of food coloring to it. desired color and mix well.

If you are not going to use the bath salt right away, but plan to store it or maybe give it to someone, then dry the salt on paper for one to two hours, otherwise it may stick together in the jar.

Anti-cellulite bath salt recipe with grapefruit.

As you know, sea salt dissolved in the bath is able to remove excess fluid from the body, have a draining effect on the skin and tighten it. Dead Sea salt has especially strong properties in this regard. You just can't take advantage of this.

It is clear that cellulite from baths alone is unlikely to dissolve, complex care is required to eliminate it, and a bath with salt and anti-cellulite oils can become the easiest and most enjoyable part of this complex.

To prepare anti-cellulite bath salt (for 1 procedure) you will need:

  • sea ​​salt - 200g.
  • Dead Sea salt - 100g.
  • baking soda - 2 tbsp.
  • grapefruit essential oil - 10 caps.

Preparation is the same as in the first case: just mix everything in sequence.

3. Milk bath salt recipe.

Milk bath salt is a real luxury for your body! Give it a try, your skin will thank you!

To prepare milk bath salt (for 1 procedure) you will need:

  • sea ​​salt - 250g.
  • Dead Sea salt - 50g.
  • powdered milk - 2-3 tbsp.
  • essential oil - 7-10 drops. (any, your favorite)

The preparation of milk bath salt is the same as the previous recipes. All mixed up.

Salt must be dissolved in a bath with warm (not hot!) Water, take a bath for 15-20 minutes, then pat your skin dry with a towel.

Baths with sea salt not only have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents, but also improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Have a good day!

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Here you will learn how to make a useful and fragrant salt for a bath for your child or as a gift for a baby's birthday.
The recipe is so simple that even a 4-year-old child can cope with the manufacture of such salt.

How to make DIY bath salt for kids. Video:

You will need:

1. 200g. coarse sea salt.
For newborns, take 500g. sea ​​salt to reduce the concentration.

2. Essential oils of lavender, tea tree and blue chamomile.

3. Glass jar suitable volume with a tight lid.

For baby's nightly bath the best salt bath salt with tea tree, lavender and blue chamomile.

These essential oils soothe the child, help him fall asleep, strengthen the immune system.
And if wounds or irritations appear on the baby’s skin, these oils accelerate healing.


1. Required amount Pour sea salt into the prepared jar.

2. Drop onto the salt already in the jar:
* 20 drops of lavender essential oil,
* 10 drops of tea tree essential oil,
* 10 drops of blue chamomile essential oil.

Do not be surprised that the chamomile is so blue.

3. Close the jar with a lid.

4. Turn on incendiary music.

5. Shake the jar thoroughly for 5-7 minutes for better mixing and distribution of essential oils in salt.

The blue color of chamomile oil will help you determine if dancing with a jar is enough. 😉

6. Remove the jar for 3 days in a dark, dry place, but periodically shake the salt.

After 3 days, the bath salt is ready for use.


Shake bath salt before use.

To bathe a child in big bath dissolve 3-5 tbsp. bath salts.
To bathe a baby in a small baby bath, use 1-2 tbsp. salt.

Use this salt for your baths too.

Leave the children with someone you trust and enjoy moments of peace and inner happiness.


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With love to you and your beloved children!
Your Natalia May.

How to make aromatic bath salts with your own hands - tips and recipes

Warm fragrant bath- this is what we dream about when returning home after a busy day at work. It seems that there is nothing more pleasant in the world than to plunge into the snow-white foam, forgetting for a while about all the problems, worries, surrendering to the power of wonderful aromas. A few minutes of bliss in a fragrant bath - both from fatigue and bad mood there was no trace left. No wonder - bath salts treat not only the body, but also the soul. And to make aromatherapy even more effective, try making your own bath salts. You will save not only money, but also the time that you will have to spend looking for your favorite fragrance if it is suddenly not in the store. In addition, handmade bath salt is a guarantee that there will be no skin problems - you will know exactly what is added to the composition of cosmetics. Making fragrant bath salt is very easy.

How to make your own bath salt

1. Choose a base

No need to invent anything, everything has long been tested and the best foundation considered ordinary sea salt. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and it is quite inexpensive. Both adults and children can take a bath with sea salt, it has a multidirectional effect and there are practically no contraindications. Baths with sea salt relax and soothe, relieve inflammation and heal small wounds, and iodine also has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland. Add to this the tonic effect of sea salt itself on the skin, and the fact that so many sores and skin problems lend themselves to such a pleasant treatment.

When choosing sea salt for the base, pay attention to the composition - there should not be any additives in the salt - neither dyes nor flavors.

It happens that sea salt at the right time is not at hand or in the nearest pharmacy. In this case, you can use the usual table salt, the one used in cooking.

2. Choose flavors and additives

If you want to not only soak in warm salty water, but also improve the condition of your skin, prepare pink bath salts. In the early morning, as soon as the dew is gone, pluck the petals from a few roses. Take 200 gr. sea ​​salt and a convenient jar with a lid. Fill the jar almost to the top, alternating layers of flower petals and salt, close tightly and store in a warm place for several weeks. This salt is added in 5 tbsp. bath spoons. In addition to roses, you can add other flowers that grow in your garden.

Do you want to relax and improve your mood? For this, there is nothing better than a bath with lavender salt. Three small cups of sea salt and two tablespoons of baking soda are mixed together and 15 drops of lavender essential oil are added. Salt is placed in a jar, left for a week. To enhance the effect, you can also add a little dried lavender.

Need to cheer up? Prepare a tonic salt for this case. Pour two cups of sea salt into a jar, add 15 drops of peppermint essential oil, 10 drops of rosemary oil and 6 drops of eucalyptus oil. The jar is closed, shaken and cleaned in heat for a week.

It is believed that with rapid fatigue and chronic fatigue, adding a few drops of tea tree essential oil to sea salt helps. If you notice problems with nervous system- add lemon, mint, lavender oil to the salt. When there are wounds, inflammations on the skin, you can add rosewood oil to the salt, which also helps with dry, problematic skin. The process of preparing aromatic salt is the same - selected salts are added to the salt. aromatic additives, tightly close the jar and clean for a week in heat. In order for the salt to be better saturated with aromas, the jar should be shaken periodically. For one bath, it is usually recommended to add 200 grams of aromatic salt.

Choosing aromatic additives Be sure to consider individual odor tolerance. If fragrant salt is ideal in its action, but you can hardly stand the smell, about any positive result after such water treatment and there can be no talk. Poor health and psychological discomfort will completely block everything beneficial features sea ​​salt and essential oils.

Bath salts are the perfect base for aromatic creativity. You can make regular bath salts, you can make effervescent bath salts, you can add different ingredients to your salt, you can make different fragrances, you can pack them in different fun jars, you can come up with different labels - in general, there is a lot of room for imagination. Such gifts are made in an elementary way, and if you guess the composition (and this is not difficult when you think about who exactly you are making your salt to), then the gift will be received with a bang!

As a base, you can take ordinary white sea salt (sold in pharmacies), and if you want to make a chic gift, take salt dead sea, and make a luxury blend based on it. As additional ingredients will go vegetable oils- they care for the skin, nourish, soften it, after a bath with such salt there is no need to use body milk. You can also add baking soda to your salt (softens the skin), milk powder, flower petals, citrus peel, dried herbs, etc., etc.

Effervescent bath salt

In fact, this is the same salt as ordinary salt, the only difference is that when added to water, a reaction begins and the aromatic composition is released more actively. Two spoons of such salt per bath already give the desired SPA effect. Such salt is made in an elementary way, in three stages, and such a gift can easily be made together with children - as practice shows, they are delighted with both manufacturing and use.


  • 2 ½ parts sea salt
  • 1 part drinking soda
  • ½ part citric acid.

First, essential oils are rubbed with sea salt, then soda and lemon acid, then - dry dyes, flower petals, herbs and other components. Everything is poured into a beautiful jar with a tight-fitting lid, tied with a beautiful ribbon to which you can attach a nice card, and is presented with a big smile and best wishes! The lid of the jar must be of good quality, if air enters, then the salt will turn into a fragrant cobblestone, and each SPA procedure will begin with quiet fury - “that's disgusting, come on, pick it up!” If moisture gets into the jar, then the reaction will immediately begin and the gift will deteriorate.

For example, here is a set of two salts for you: a relaxing salt with lavender and sage and an aphrodisiac salt with a rose (especially for cases when there is an urgent need to feel like a goddess). They were made especially for one of my friends, for whom I traditionally make bathroom stories every year.

Relaxing Lavender & Sage Effervescent Bath Salt

  • sea ​​salt
  • dried lavender flowers
  • simple aromatic composition: 10 drops of lavender, 2 drops of sage, 2 drops of mint (for 400 g of salt)

The bath reduces pressure, soothes before going to bed, removes stress. Gets very hot in the bath hot water, then 2-3 tablespoons are added there effervescent salt, then it is better to go out for 5 minutes and close the door to the bathroom tightly - during this time the composition will open completely and the water will gradually cool down to a comfortable temperature. After that, you can climb into the water and let go of all the anxieties of the past day.

Aphrodisiac salt with rose oil

  • sea ​​salt
  • soda and citric acid in the specified proportion
  • rose petals
  • a simple aromatic composition - 6 drops of ylang-ylang EO, 6 drops of rose EO, 4 drops of sandalwood EO, 4 drops of nutmeg EO per 400 g of salt (I borrowed the recipe from T. Litvinova's book “Aromatherapy for Professionals”). Salt can be slightly tinted with lingonberry powder or red clay.

And do not forget to write on a beautiful card step by step instructions by using your gift, in the end you are giving not just bath salt - you are giving a wonderful half an hour of home spa!

Aroma recipes

You can make themed bath salts that will perfectly warm and cheer you up in Epiphany frosts. Here are some simple aromatic Christmas recipes just for the basics that you can develop further on your own. The proportion is given for 1 glass of finished salt:


  • 3 drops EO orange,
  • 2 drops EO ginger
  • 1 drop EO cinnamon

A very warm and cozy aroma, with such salt you can give a fluffy terry towel, it is perfect.


  • 3 drops grapefruit EO
  • 2 drops cypress essential oil

This is one of my favorite winter compositions, it reminds me of summer and the Mediterranean, and it really lifts my spirits. This mixture also works as an immunomodulator, it is good to take such baths when everyone around is sneezing and coughing.


  • 3 drops Bergamot EO
  • 1 drop EM neroli
  • 1 drop jasmine essential oil

A tart warm aroma that fights well against winter depression. Neroli is a very expensive oil, but it has many great properties, like jasmine oil - these two acquisitions will definitely not be superfluous in your cosmetic household.

Such salts must be packed in glass containers, natural essential oils are not friends with plastic. Don't forget that working with essential oils requires caution and that only 100% natural essential oils can be used for cosmetic purposes.

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