Nutrition for weight gain. Vegetable oils and fats

Landscaping 10.10.2019

A strong, healthy body with developed muscles and a moderate percentage of fat is in vogue now, so more and more people are showing a desire to gain mass. Weight gain can be a problem for ectomorphs who find it difficult to gain weight. But this is quite real. However, in order to achieve the goal, you will need to radically change your usual diet, using a special diet based on high-calorie carbohydrates and proteins.

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Why Gain Weight?

Lack of weight is natural for some people. This is due to the characteristics of the physique, given genetically. People who are too thin by nature are called asthenics or ectomorphs. They have thin bones, long limbs, and gain weight with great difficulty.

For such people, it is normal to have a reduced percentage of fat. At the same time, they do not have health problems. But sometimes asthenics want to get fat in order to acquire more expressive forms and not just a thin, but also a toned body. This can be achieved by building muscle at home with a specific sports diet and resistance training.

Sometimes you need to gain mass without muscle growth. This is due to a lack of weight in a child or adolescent, as well as pregnant women, which leads to health problems in the former and to the risk of premature birth in the latter. With this option, strength training is contraindicated, but you can increase weight by adhering to the nutritional system described below.

Sometimes a person needs to get better for medical reasons. This applies to those cases when the lack of body weight negatively affects health (the digestive system, heart or other organs are malfunctioning).

Nutrition rules for weight gain

Proper nutrition is critical to increasing lean body mass. This is not a diet in the standard sense, but a balanced diet without serious restrictions.

Calories still have to be counted to achieve the result. But the daily calorie content should not be cut, but increased.

Calories for weight gain = 1.3 x weight (kg) x 30

That is, the baseline calorie requirement for weight maintenance is increased by 30%. If there are no results from such a surplus, you can add another 20-30%.

Some people think that eating a lot is very simple. But not everyone can follow the new diet at once, which involves increased meals 6 times a day. Therefore, at first you will have to eat literally through force.

In addition, we must not forget that it is not worth eating everything in order to gain weight. In this case, only the fat layer will increase, and the muscles will not receive enough nutrients. For this reason, it is necessary to adhere to such a ratio of BZHU.

Both men and women need to eat in this way. Most girls are afraid to increase the calorie intake for fear of gaining excess fat. But without a surplus of calories, you will not be able to increase muscles and get beautiful, seductive forms. Therefore, the main thing is to maintain the balance of the BJU. Then the weight will increase mainly due to the muscles.

Top 10 foods for weight gain

The diet for weight gain should include foods that promote muscle growth and increase the daily calorie intake. But it is worth considering that you need to use such dishes in combination with strength training. Only then will it be possible to quickly gain high-quality mass.

The table lists the top 10 foods on a diet for weight gain, indicating the energy value and composition of the BJU.

Products Brief description of properties Caloric content (100 g) Composition (proteins / fats / carbohydrates), gram per 100 g
Chicken breastContains high amounts of protein needed for muscle building113 kcal23,6/1,9/0,4
Red meat (beef)Rich in lean protein, valuable amino acids and creatine to boost strength187 kcal18,9/12,4/0
SalmonFatty fish (salmon, tuna, trout, cod, carp) are a source of beneficial unsaturated fatty acids that are essential in a weight gain diet.142 kcal19,8/6,3/0
EggsContains an easily digestible protein and a complete set of amino acids, thereby helping to accelerate the process of muscle recovery and growth157 kcal12,7/10,9/0,7
Curd 9%An affordable analogue of casein protein, the nutrients and protein from which are slowly released and absorbed over a long period of time, which provides nutrition for the body for a long time159 kcal16,7/9/2
Oatmeal with milkA source of carbohydrates and energy, which a person desperately needs during a period of weight gain95 kcal3,7/2,9/14,2
RiceContains complex carbohydrates and protein, making it an excellent side dish for meat or fish344 kcal6,7/0,7/78,9
Nuts (walnuts)High-calorie foods high in polyunsaturated fatty acids654 kcal15,2/65,2/7
Cheese (Russian)Dairy product containing calcium and saturated fats, which you should not fear while gaining weight363 kcal24,1/29,5/0,3
White breadThe most high-calorie type of bread that contains fast carbohydrates257 kcal8/2,3/48,9

It is useful to use any nuts:

  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • cashew;
  • peanut;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

All types of nuts are high in calories and contain polyunsaturated fats and valuable microelements.

A diet for weight gain can be called a protein diet. It is this nutrient that is needed to build a beautiful, textured body. In addition, carbohydrates and fats must be present in the diet. Without this, it will not be possible to increase body weight.

Menu for the week

Considering all of the above rules for drawing up a diet for gaining mass, you can make such a menu for a week with a scheduled diet for every day.

Eating Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
BreakfastFried eggs from 6 whites and 3 yolks, orange juiceTea, sandwiches with cheese and butter, dark chocolateCottage cheese, milk, bananaOatmeal with milk, orangeSix boiled eggs, grapefruit juice
SnackMuesli with milk, bananaProtein barThree boiled eggs, yogurtProtein barMuesli with milk, bananaThree bananas, walnuts, kefir
DinnerBuckwheat, chicken fillet in mushroom marinadeRice, fish filletPearl barley, fish cakesBuckwheat, chicken breastRice, beef stew
Second snackProtein barFlakes with milkCottage cheese, milk, bananaProtein barAlmonds, candied fruits, kefirCottage cheese, milk, bananaProtein bar
DinnerPotato wedges with porkBuckwheat, beef stewRice, chicken breastFish baked in the oven with vegetablesBarley, beef stewBuckwheat, tongueRice, pork
Snack before bedCurd 9%Casein proteinGainerCurd 9%Casein proteinGainerCurd 9%

The period of weight gain should last a certain time. Usually it is 1 to 3 months. When the muscles have increased enough in size, it is worth changing the diet to reduce the calorie surplus. Usually, in thin people, muscle relief is clearly visible due to the low percentage of fat, so it makes no sense to arrange strict drying.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

Especially depressing for me were the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person as much as his eyes.

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Today, when all the media now and then discuss the problem of excess weight, there is a large group of people who dream of gaining this mass. And it turns out to be very difficult to do. After all, muscle and adipose tissue does not form by itself. You need to make every effort to this.

Weight loss problem

In fact, this question remains sore for both men and women. The reasons for underweight can be very different.

For example, stress or serious illness, as well as pregnancy and childbirth. In these cases, the body is depleted and it needs time and energy to recover. At the same time, people not only look not very attractive (too thin limbs or a sunken stomach), but also feel unwell: constant dizziness, drowsiness, apathy, depression. In addition, low weight can prevent a woman from becoming a mother, since pregnancy simply does not occur. For this, experienced doctors always advise to gain the missing pounds. A weight gain diet exists to meet this challenge.

General rules for gaining weight

Most people who decide to get fat go to extremes and make many mistakes on the way to achieving their cherished goal. The diet for weight gain is created specifically in order not to make these errors. Remember a few simple guidelines:

It is impossible to get fat quickly, only moderate growth of muscle and missing adipose tissue is encouraged.

Accept the fact that you will eat only high-quality and healthy food, while calmly gaining weight.

No fast food and other junk food, due to it, hormonal disruption will eventually occur in your body, and you will get a terrible result in the form of health problems.

A weight gain diet involves an active lifestyle and exercise. Thus, you can properly distribute the gained pounds throughout the body.

Before starting the path to completing the missing mass, try to be examined by a highly qualified doctor in order to exclude the presence of various diseases.

Of course, there are many different types of weight gain programs. They differ in terms, quantity and quality of food consumed, passive or active lifestyle and others. But the fundamentals are the same for everyone. For example, it is recommended that you eat often and try not to skip a single meal. Actively train your muscles every day, increasing the load each time. Your diet should be filled with varied and healthy foods: dairy products, cereals, baked goods, vegetables and fruits, meat and fish. This is how a diet for weight gain may look like (menu on one of the days):

1) Breakfast: cocoa or coffee with milk, porridge with jam, jam, dried fruit, a sandwich with butter and cheese.

2) Second meal: any fermented milk drink (kefir or fermented baked milk), bakery product.

3) Lunch: soup with meat broth, fresh vegetable salad (which helps to cleanse the body of toxins), meat or fish with a side dish.

4) The fourth meal: juice or fermented milk product, bakery product.

5) Dinner: meat or fish with a side dish.

6) Sixth meal: milk or fermented milk product (snowball, yogurt), fruit.

How to gain weight for women?

An urgent question for those who have recently become a mother or have suffered severe stress. Believe me, there are representatives of the fair sex who do not like the reflection of their own bony body in the mirror.

There is no need to be afraid to eat a little more than usual, this will only lead to the appearance of beautiful roundness, but not to excess weight. First of all, for a girl with a low weight, it is important to maintain reproductive function, look and feel good. Both men and women can follow a diet such as a weight gain diet. In this case, the main thing for the girl is to keep a flat stomach, stay without cellulite and highlight her beautiful zones. This is how an approximate menu for a woman who wants to get fat might look like:

For breakfast: chicken and buckwheat;

For lunch: any fruit;

For lunch: fish and garnish, fruit;

For the second lunch: fermented milk product or cottage cheese, fruits;

For an afternoon snack: cocktail, smoothies and fruits;

For dinner: vegetables, meat and side dishes such as potatoes.

All this should be combined with an active lifestyle, daily workouts and the desire to build muscle mass. If we are talking about body fat, then healthy fats, a lot of flour and sweets must be added to the diet. As a result, such a weight gain diet will help a girl not only look more attractive, but also feel much better.

How to gain weight for men?

What is considered the most important in weight gain for men? This is muscle building plus the prevention of obesity in problem areas, for example, on the stomach. To do this, you need to review and correctly adjust your diet.

Then a diet for weight gain will have the most positive effect on your figure. Count the amount of basic "building materials" in our body that you use, and compare them with the norms, say:

Carbohydrates: 4-8 g per 1 kg of body weight, for this you need to eat vegetables, fruits, bakery products;

Protein: 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, for this, eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese should be present in the diet;

Healthy fats: eat fatty fish, nuts, quail eggs.

Based on the above basics of a specialized diet for men, a menu for every day might look like this:

1) Breakfast: any porridge with milk, tea or coffee with milk, a sandwich with butter and cheese, meat and potatoes.

2) Second breakfast: fruits, nuts, yogurt or cottage cheese.

3) Lunch: salad with mayonnaise or sour cream, meat soup, a second course with meat, fish, side dish, juice or tea with something sweet is required.

4) Second lunch: salad for every taste, milk and bakery product.

5) Dinner: meat, eggs, garnish for them, juice or tea, necessarily a bakery product.

6) Before going to bed: fatty cottage cheese.

Eating a lot of carbohydrates for weight gain

A carbohydrate diet for weight gain will consist in alternating the eponymous "building material" used. Usually athletes who need to build muscle mass very quickly are addicted to this program. Due to carbohydrates, this is quite simple to do, you just have to carefully monitor their amount:

1st and 2nd days: low amount of carbohydrates;

3rd day: high-carb diet for weight gain;

4th day: moderate amount of carbohydrates.

This menu should be kept for about a month.

Calorie Counting for Weight Gain

Understand that you can increase the calorie content of any dish not only due to its fat content, you just need to add more proteins and carbohydrates to the diet. A high-calorie diet for weight gain allows the use of various sauces and dressings on the menu. Buy more fatty varieties of cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, kefir and yogurt for such food.

Boil more rich soups and borscht, fry cutlets and meatballs before steaming them. Add butter to the potatoes.

The main secret of any diet is the right attitude, good mood and belief in the best. Do not try to gain weight very quickly, this way you will harm your body. You can't overeat, you are in a competent relationship with your body, know how to listen to any of its changes and requests.

A great many women want to lose weight and for this they sit on all kinds of diets, dreaming of losing those extra pounds. However, none of them thought that getting fat is even more difficult. In this article we will try to help "skinny women" cope with this task: we will tell you how to gain weight for girls, share a list of foods that help to gain weight, as well as recipes for food for weight gain.

Diet to gain weight involves following certain dietary rules. Before meals, for example, you can eat an apple or drink fruit juice; after eating, be sure to lie down for 15 minutes; eat more protein, fat and carbohydrates; love white bread, pasta and potatoes; drink more than 2 liters of liquid per day; eat high-calorie foods before bed.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl

Be sure to exercise, ride a bike or visit the pool so that the weight is evenly distributed over the body, otherwise you will only lose your waist, and your figure will become ugly.

Another tip on how to quickly gain weight for a girl is to eat immediately after training. While exercising in the gym, do not refrain from eating for two hours after exercise, as is usually recommended.

40-50 minutes after exercise, high-calorie carbohydrate or protein foods will benefit your figure: ice cream, nuts, scrambled eggs, bananas, hamburger, etc.

What does it take to gain weight? First of all, calm down. If you want to gain weight, don't do it spontaneously. It is not at all necessary to gain weight quickly - it can even be harmful to the body. Establish a diet, connect some folk remedies, and you will definitely reach your goal.

Foods to help you gain weight

It goes without saying that in order to gain weight, you need to eat high-calorie, carbohydrate-rich foods. However, do not get carried away with foods high in sugar - this can lead to the development of diabetes.

Ideal foods to help you gain weight are nuts, dried fruits (especially raisins and figs), full-fat milk, honey, beer, and barberry. In order to gain more weight, do not be lazy to cook porridge, seasoning them with a piece of butter.

Weight gain recipes with nuts and dried fruits

Milk, nuts and raisins are ideal foods for weight gain recipes.

In the morning and evening, drink 1 cup of hot milk, to which add 10 chopped almonds and 1 tablespoon of pitted raisins (use a blender). Wheat porridge (grain) cooked in milk with butter also helps. In general, all cereals with milk with sugar and butter contribute to weight gain.

Very useful for weight gain diet figs with nuts. Such a composition will also be useful: take 2-3 pieces of fresh or dried figs, 5 almonds and soak them for 3 hours in warm milk. Eat soaked figs with nuts every morning (washed down with the same milk, adding a pinch of anise or fennel to it). The course is 40 days.

What else do you need to gain weight? Walnuts, beer and honey are irreplaceable here. Crush three walnut kernels, pour 200 ml of beer, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir this mixture and drink at a time. If such a course of treatment is carried out for a month, the weight gain will be 2-3 kg.

Weight gain recipe: infusion of barberry

If a girl wants to gain weight quickly, she needs to increase her appetite. An indispensable assistant in this will be barberry - it improves appetite and digestion, has a choleretic effect. Pour two tablespoons of twigs and leaves of a plant with 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew in a warm place for 2 hours, strain and take 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals.

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Oddly enough, there are many people who want to gain a few pounds. Despite the desire of a modern person to keep weight normal and prevent it from gaining, some are unhappy with their physique and consider him too thin. Men and women who want to get better are making an effort to do this, rearranging their diet. But their job is usually to build muscle, not excess fat.

Lack of weight problem

Sometimes a person is not able to get rid of excessive thinness due to the fact that he suffers from a serious illness. Only in conjunction with taking medications, a certain diet can help cope with this unpleasant phenomenon. Therefore, if the rapid loss of kilograms is combined with deteriorating health, you need to seek medical help.

Effective therapy will achieve the desired result.

When do you need a diet to gain weight?

Approximately ten percent of the population of European countries is underweight. This statement applies to people of both sexes. According to medical research, there are 5 categories of people who need a diet to gain weight:

  1. Individuals predisposed to thinness.
  2. Patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. People who lose weight due to psychological reasons (depression, nervousness, emotional overload).
  4. Persons who have undergone major surgery or are recovering from a severe pathology.
  5. Athletes looking to increase muscle volume.

If a person belongs to one of these categories, a certain nutrition system will help him gain kilograms. But in order to talk about the right diet, you need to figure out for what reasons the weight is reduced.

The main factors

Before adjusting the food intake, experts advise to undergo an examination.

Issues such as diet for weight gain, menu and diet are resolved only after assessing the state of the body.

As other important factors provoking weight loss, experts call:

  1. Accelerated metabolism.
  2. Abuse of alcohol-containing products, coffee, tobacco.
  3. Incorrect diet.
  4. Lack of calories.
  5. Emotional overload.

Losing weight is far from harmless. This is a problem that in some cases can lead to a worsening of the condition. In the presence of pathologies, treatment in conjunction with a specially selected diet allows you to normalize both body weight and well-being.

The main misconceptions of those who want to get better

The basic principle of a diet for gaining weight is the correct balance of nutrients.

It is important to consider not the amount of food, but the calorie content. Many of those who wish to gain weight eat large amounts of food. Such a diet not only interferes with gaining body weight, but also creates problems in the form of disturbances in the activity of the stomach and intestines. After all, it is difficult for the digestive system to cope with overload.

As for the energy value, it should be increased gradually. Many people mistakenly think that this can be done abruptly. But experts advise adding about two hundred calories per day to the usual diet. Excessive consumption of animal fats and sweets has a negative effect on health.

What is the right diet to gain weight?

Important principles

So, in order to add a few pounds, you need to adhere to these tips:

  1. Eat food frequently. Its amount should be small.
  2. The time for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner must be clearly set.
  3. The intervals between meals should not exceed 3 hours.
  4. You should eat slowly, calmly.
  5. You must consume at least 2 liters of water daily.
  6. Before going to bed, you need to drink a glass of milk or yogurt.
  7. It is recommended to refuse alcohol-containing products.

While observing the main principles of a high-calorie diet for weight gain, it must be remembered that the diet should be varied. Good rest is also important. You should sleep at least 8 hours.

Sample diet

An example of a weekly diet for weight gain is the following.

For lunch - the first dish with noodles, 100 g of fried chicken and peas, a pear, 2 slices of bread, tea.

For an afternoon snack are offered: half a glass of kefir, 4 dried fruits.

Dinner is 150 grams of crushed potatoes with a cutlet, 2 sandwiches with cheese, juice.

Second day

In the morning they eat 100 g of millet porridge, 5 hazelnut kernels, yogurt, drink tea.

For lunch - 250 grams of chicken soup, pasta, bell peppers, fresh cucumber and jelly.

In the evening, you should eat 100 grams of omelet with cheese, tomatoes and ham, cookies with milk and honey.

Third day

Breakfast is three hard-boiled eggs, 100 g of vegetable salad with olive oil. For dessert - 30 grams of dried fruit with tea.

In the afternoon, they eat noodle soup. For the second, 100 g of beef pulp with beans is suitable. Additionally: compote and orange.

In the evening, they eat a sandwich with cucumber, tomato, cheese, chicken and tomato sauce, chocolate, drink fruit juice.

Fourth day

In the morning, pearl barley porridge with kernels of nuts, honey and apples will do. The breakfast also includes bread and butter, tea.

In the afternoon, they eat cabbage soup with meat broth, 100 g of pasta with cheese, meatballs, vegetables with sour cream, drink compote.

The afternoon snack consists of a boiled egg, cedar seeds, a sandwich with butter and juice.

Dinner - 150 g of fried sea fish with crushed potatoes, salad, tea with milk.

Fifth day

Breakfast - 100 grams of pasta with vegetables, compote, 4 plums.

In the afternoon they eat 250 g of pea soup with smoked meats, boiled pork pulp, tomato salad, 2 slices of bread, drink jelly.

An afternoon snack is a bun with a curd filling, a banana, a glass of yogurt.

In the evening, you can eat 150 grams of fried fish fillets (salmon, tuna), cauliflower, bread and butter, drink juice.

Sixth day

In the morning, we offer 100 g of beef, stewed with onions and pasta, cocoa.

In the afternoon - cheese soup, croutons, tomato salad with feta cheese, lemon juice and herbs, one hundred grams of fried tuna, compote.

Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt and a handful of almonds.

In the evening, you can eat 150 grams of pasta with sauce, fried chicken fillet, bread with bran, drink carrot juice with cream.

The seventh day of the diet for weight gain (on the menu for the week)

In the morning, they eat a cottage cheese casserole with dried grapes and sour cream. Optional: sandwich with cheese, cocoa.

In the afternoon - fish hodgepodge, 100 g of meatballs and pasta with sauce, cucumber. Also, the lunch includes two pieces of bread, tea.

As an afternoon snack, pancakes with sour cream, pear, juice, several kernels of nuts are suitable.

Dinner - stewed turkey with tomato sauce and green beans, 40 g of cheese and cocoa.

Features of the diet for men

The body of the stronger sex does not function like the female. And therefore, it is important to take into account some of the nuances when choosing food for gaining body weight.

First, the metabolism in men is quite fast. Representatives of the stronger sex may not get fat by consuming a large number of calories. With weight gain, adipose tissue is deposited throughout the body. Due to the characteristics of the body, a diet for gaining weight for a man should be based on the following principles:

  1. About seventy percent of the diet consists of foods rich in proteins (meat, dairy products, fish).
  2. Porridge should be cooked in milk and butter.
  3. The man's menu includes dishes from vegetables and herbs. Meat and fish dishes alternate. In this case, preference should be given to lean varieties.

Sample diet

In the morning, you should eat oatmeal with the addition of dried fruits, bread and cheese, drink coffee with cream.

Second breakfast - 100 grams of kernels, milk cocktail with banana.

Afternoon snack - a glass of yogurt, fruit and cookies.

Hard-boiled eggs (4 pieces), bread and butter, cheese and tea are suitable for dinner.

If a man visits the gym, he needs to consume fruit juice or 50 grams of dried apricots (dried grapes) 20 minutes before training.

The right diet for women

A diet for a girl's weight gain should not include a large amount of sugar and fatty foods. After all, a rapid increase in body weight leads to such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite. Even those who have a lean physique are susceptible to the formation of an "orange peel". The diet should consist of five meals. You should not increase the calorie content too much and quickly. Pastries, chicken thighs, convenience foods, liquor and fast food should be excluded.

Useful products that will allow you to achieve results and not harm your health are meat, low-fat fish, cheeses, ham, white bread. Suitable: cottage cheese, grated soup, halva, marmalade, compote.

Approximate diet

In a diet for a girl's weight gain, the menu looks something like this.

As a snack, cottage cheese with sour cream is used, all this must be washed down with compote.

Fruit is offered between breakfast and lunch.

The daily meal includes: soup, 2 slices of bread, crushed potatoes, cutlet, vegetables. As a sweet dish, you should eat marshmallow with tea.

Evening meal - baked meat, vegetables.

You can drink a glass of yogurt at night.

High protein diet

Experts advise such nutrition to those who go in for sports. It is aimed at the gradual build-up of muscles.

There are several rules that will allow you to achieve good results, adhering to this regimen. First, you need to go in for sports. Secondly, you should give preference to dishes cooked on the grill or steamed. Thirdly, you need to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Here is one of the options for a protein diet for weight gain.

Breakfast - some rice and chicken breast pulp.

Snack - an orange, a handful of nut kernels.

Lunch - beans and carrots stewed with meat, tomato.

Afternoon snack - apple (kefir).

Evening meal - fish, vegetable salad.

Nutritional Principles for Gaining Mass

Frequency and number of meals

The opinions of coaches, nutritionists and athletes were divided. Some advocate the usual option - 5-6 meals a day, others - for 3-4. In the first variant, the body receives building elements every 3 hours without interruption. This is important for athletes who perform at a professional level. The second system is suitable for amateur athletes. For them, in addition to the three main meals, there will be one additional, but in the form of pure protein.

Daily calorie content

Muscle grows when there is an excess of calories. It is important what foods these calories come with. Meals for gaining muscle mass must come from the right diet. And the percentage of the formed subcutaneous fat must be kept under control.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Protein Is a building block of muscles. In the food consumed, they should be 30-35%. The daily rate for 1 kg of body weight is 1.5-2 grams.

Fats. For muscles to grow normally, the body needs to receive up to 20% of fat from the total diet.

Carbohydrates- energy. Their limits are 50-60%.

Optimal meal times

It is better to coordinate your meals with your training schedule. Meal with a carbohydrate bias 2 hours before training. You can eat bananas right after physical activity. But a full meal should be no earlier than 40 minutes after exercise, with proteins and carbohydrates.

Diet: foods and foods for gaining muscle mass

Food for gaining muscle mass should primarily be beneficial for the athlete's body. It is important that they fully meet his needs for all nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

1.With proteins:

Chicken, turkey meat;
dairy and fermented milk products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese);
Fish and seafood;
legumes (chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans);
nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
cereals (buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth)

2.From fat:

Fatty fish;
vegetable oils (olive, linseed, grape seed oil);
nuts and seeds (flax, sesame)

3.With carbohydrates:

Cereals (wheat, millet, barley, rice, oats);
pasta (wheat, corn, rice, rye, spelled);
vegetables (potatoes, carrots);
fruits and berries (bananas, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries);
dried fruits (raisins, figs, dried apricots, prunes, cranberries).

4. Vitamins and minerals

Each group of plant and animal food contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron and others. For the normal functioning of the human body, the diet must be varied.

Menu for the week for gaining muscle mass

Consider the option of a weekly menu with 6 meals a day.


»Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), oatmeal with 1 banana and honey.
»Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese with any fruits, berries.
»Lunch: baked chicken breast with vegetables, boiled bulgur.
»Dinner: steamed fish, avocado salad, whole grain bread.

natural yoghurt with fresh fruits and berries.

Post-workout meals: boiled chicken breast with rice.


»Breakfast: an omelet of 3-4 proteins, herbs, oatmeal in water with apples.
»Second breakfast (snack): natural yogurt, banana, a handful of walnuts.
»Lunch: steamed fish, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, buckwheat.
»Dinner: baked chicken breast, salad with egg whites and herbs.

Pre-workout meals: whole grain crisps with honey, nuts.

Post-workout meals: turkey with stewed vegetables.


»Breakfast: oatmeal with 2 apples, honey and nuts.
»Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese casserole with berries.
»Lunch: steamed turkey with vegetables and rice.
»Dinner: boiled fish, fresh vegetable salad.

Pre-workout meals: fruit salad (apples, grapes, oranges).

Post-workout meals: tuna in its own juice with fresh vegetable salad.


»Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), cheesecakes with banana and honey
»Second breakfast (snack): natural yoghurt with nuts and fruits.
»Lunch: boiled chicken, vegetable salad with avocado, brown rice.
»Dinner: cheesecakes with dried fruits, kefir.

Pre-workout meals:

Post-workout meals: steam beef with buckwheat.


»Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), oatmeal with apples and honey.
»Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese with any fruits, berries, nuts.
»Lunch: fatty fish baked with bell pepper, boiled potatoes, fresh vegetables.
»Dinner: chicken breast and grilled vegetables.

Pre-workout meals: natural yogurt with banana and strawberries.

Post-workout meals: steamed turkey with fresh vegetables.

Read more: The bodybuilding benefits of saturated fat


» Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with banana and honey.
» Second breakfast (snack): protein omelet (3-4 proteins), vegetable salad.
» Lunch: boiled beef with vegetables, buckwheat.
» Dinner: steamed fish, vegetable salad.

Pre-workout meals: fruit and berry salad with natural yogurt.

Post-workout meals: baked chicken breast with vegetables, brown rice.


» Breakfast: cheese cakes with protein, fruit salad.
»Second breakfast (snack): 3-4 egg whites (boiled), herbs.
»Lunch: pasta with seafood, vegetable salad.
»Dinner: turkey and grilled vegetables, herbs.

Pre-workout meals: whole grain crisps with apple, honey, nuts.

Post-workout meals: cottage cheese with natural yogurt and banana.

For those who find this menu option too complicated and expensive in terms of money, you can create a budget food ration. Where there will be more cereals, less variety of meat products and not much fresh fruit. Homemade muscle building meals consist primarily of steamed, oven-boiled or boiled meals. The basis of nutrition for a beginner should be protein products: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk.

The role of sports nutrition in gaining muscle mass

The diet for the mass is quite painstaking. It is often difficult for an athlete to do without taking additional funds - sports nutrition.

Why include sports nutrition

Correctly selected sports nutrition provides an additional boost of energy for training, increases the athlete's endurance and helps to gain muscle mass. Supplements help the body recover faster. They complement the complex of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. When a regular diet cannot fully provide an athlete's body with all the necessary nutrients, sports nutrition comes to the rescue.

Who needs a gainer

When muscle mass is gained with great difficulty, you can use a gainer. The sports supplement easily copes even with neglected cases: with a thin physique, lack of mass.

Read more: How to burn fat without losing muscle mass?

Who needs protein

Protein will help those athletes whose training regime is very intense. At the same time, there is a desire to transform your body - to build muscle mass. Protein - protein concentrate, up to 90%.

Who needs creatine

A strong natural energetic, which will be useful for amateurs athletes who are eager to increase their strength indicators. Creatine saturates the muscles inside, as it freely penetrates into them. Thus, the mass grows faster.

Who needs amino acids and BCAA

The advantage of supplements is instant absorption. Muscles that have worked hard need reinforcement. Amino acids and BCAAs reduce muscle breakdown after intense work. That is, they are needed by everyone who trains hard.

The result that you want to achieve from training depends not only on the set of exercises, intensity of training and diligence, but also on the diet. It is important to choose the right nutrition for weight gain.

How to start a weight gain diet for a woman?

When do you need to start gaining weight? First, take a look in the mirror: the collarbones are sticking out, the thinness is too obvious, and you don't like the reflection? But this is not a reason to start a diet, so after a mirror, take a calculator and calculate your body mass index.

Numbers above 18 and no more than 25 are the norm, below 18 is a shortage, and in this case, immediately go to the diet menu for weight gain.

The desire to gain weight should not be the reason for using the “reverse diet” scheme, when sweet and fat are consumed in exorbitant quantities, and even at night. In any case, the menu should be useful, otherwise you can harm your health and start the process of uncontrolled weight gain. The rapid rounding of forms leads to such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite, and in thin girls it appears instantly.

Weight gain and subcutaneous fat gain are different things, and in the first case, a nutritious diet is combined with sports, in the second, they simply eat a lot. We will provide a diet and a set of sports activities that will help round out the shapes and pump up the abs.

  1. To gain weight, you still need to eat more and instead of 2 thousand calories consume about 3-3.5 thousand. But the daily calorie content is calculated individually and on average is 20% of the daily energy consumption.
  2. It is difficult to get used to the more high-calorie menu, and there is no need to eat chicken thighs and bread rolls. Divide your calories into 6 meals: 2 breakfasts, lunch, dinner, snacks between meals, and a glass of yogurt before bed.
  3. Prepare foods that are easy to digest and digest. This can be fruit smoothies, mashed soups, minced meat, drinks with honey, curd with sour cream.
  4. Do not include fast food, ready-made semi-finished products (pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, etc.) in the menu. There are a lot of calories and harmful substances in them, and all these dishes are tastier and healthier if you cook them yourself.
  5. Quality cheese, nuts, fish, good ham, white bread, halva are your best friends, especially if you are involved in weight-gain sports.
  6. It is more rational to replace sweet carbonated water, alcoholic drinks in large quantities with fresh juices, compotes with added sugar.

Weight gain menu for the week

When drawing up a diet menu for weight gain, it is worth knowing that all foods are conventionally divided into carbohydrate and protein. Carbohydrates, especially quickly absorbed, provide energy, and protein is an invaluable component for gaining muscle mass.

But before going to bed, you can't eat them, because the unspent energy and calories will go straight to body fat. But the chemical composition of the menu looks like this:

  1. 50% protein food.
  2. 40% of food contains carbohydrates.
  3. 10% vegetable and animal fats.

You can diversify the presented menu with pasta with tomato sauce, milk soups, and even semolina.

  1. Breakfast.
    For breakfast, it is best to choose oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, cooked in broth with butter or milk, 3-5% fat. Porridge is a source of fiber and very nutritious. The volume of porridge does not exceed 200-250 grams, otherwise there will be heaviness in the stomach.
    After delicious porridge - a sandwich with cheese and butter or toast with sweet jam. You can wash down breakfast with tea with honey or coffee with sugar and milk.
  2. Lunch.
    The second breakfast consists of the favorite protein foods of bodybuilders. This is cottage cheese with sour cream, you can add honey, 2 glazed curds or curd mass with dried apricots of your choice. It is better to drink it with fruit compote, juice.
  3. First snack.
    During a snack, eat fruits: strawberries, apples, bananas, citrus fruits, grapes.
  4. Dinner.
    Lunch consists of 3 courses, as in childhood:
    • First choice: borscht with sour cream, fat fish soup, chicken noodle soup with skin. A couple of slices of bread, of course.
    • For the second - mashed potatoes with cream or milk. The mashed potatoes must be accompanied by a fish or meat cutlet, vegetable salad.
    • Dessert to choose from: biscuits, marshmallows, halva. It is recommended to drink it with juice or tea.
  5. Second snack (afternoon snack).
    During your afternoon snack you can eat fruit, vegetable salad. If it's still a long way to dinner, then enjoy some cottage cheese with honey.
  6. Dinner.
    For dinner - meat baked in the oven, you can choose pork or beef, for example. To help digest the meat, eat it with a juicy vegetable salad or the same vegetables, but stewed.
  7. Third snack before bed.
    A glass of kefir or yogurt will be an excellent end to the day.

If it is hard to eat that amount of food, then just reduce the portions and add several meals per day. Do not forget about water, just place bottles of water around the house and, as you pass by, take a few sips. You should consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day, in this regard, it is recommended not to lean on salty foods.

Many women believe that building muscle is the loss of a seductive silhouette. This is not a misconception, because nothing is more effective at helping you gain weight evenly than sports. Don't worry, your body won't become masculine without special sports nutrition, and we offer light loads suitable even for non-athletic ladies.

Start training 2 times a week for 40 minutes - 1 hour.

During the lesson, pay more attention to simulators: for the press, strengthening the muscles of the back and chest, treadmills. Do a light warm-up before class. If fitness wasn’t your favorite pastime in the past, it will take time for your body to get used to. Get ready for the fact that after the first 3-4 sessions all muscles will ache.

Women's home complex for gaining mass

If you don't have time for the gym, then you can do this program in your free time at home:

  1. To strengthen the muscles of the chest - work with dumbbells (can be replaced with liter bottles of water), a rubber expander, start doing 5 push-ups from the floor a day.
  2. To strengthen the press - twisting left and right.
  3. For legs, hips, calves, buttocks - squats with a weight holding up to 1.5 kg, squats with dumbbells, side lunges.

To choose a diet and a set of exercises, women are advised to visit a nutritionist, fitness trainer and only after that start adjusting their body. In combination with a high-calorie diet and exercise, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins. They support the body and increase appetite.

Who needs weight gain diets?

Nutritionists and nutritionists have studied women who were painfully thin for many years. Thus, several groups can be distinguished, which are united by common problems.

  • Firstly, these are people with a genetic tendency towards thinness. If there have already been such cases in the family, then you should not sound the alarm - thinness is quite normal.
  • The second category includes women with psychological problems. These include frequent stressful situations, depression, anxiety states that interfere with normal eating and weight gain.
  • A special group is people who have suffered from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, surgical interventions that provide for a special diet and dietary table.

In this case, it is impossible not to mention athletes who seek to build muscle mass to give relief. In this case, it must be remembered that the diet for weight gain should be different for men and women, therefore, it is necessary to compose your diet carefully together with a trainer and a nutritionist.

All other false factors are already the work of doctors, and simple diets for weight gain will not eliminate them. But still, the first thing to do is to undergo a complete medical examination to identify a factor in weight loss.

The next step is calculating

Every weight gain diet should include an ideal weight calculation. And if medical research has shown that you do not have any pathologies, you can proceed to the calculation stage. A nutritionist can advise every girl to use a special weight calculator that is available on various nutritional sites.

In such a system, it is necessary to enter indicators of age, height, gender and wrist mode, after which the result will follow.

You can also use the simplest option: subtract 110 cm from your height (if a person is under forty) or 100 cm (if a woman is over forty). Then compare the result with your real weight. Gaining kilograms, remember that this cannot be done very abruptly, because health problems may arise, you need to limit yourself to one or two kilos per month.

Calculating the calorie content of the diet and menu is another important step. A calculator will also help every woman in this, where the indicators of the initial weight, gender, height and degree of physical fitness are entered. To this result, you need to add about 300 calories to gain muscle mass.

At the same time, it is necessary to weigh yourself every day and enter your results in a table to control the entire process. If a woman or girl sees that she is recovering very quickly, this is a signal to reduce the number of calories eaten. As for athletes, to gain muscle mass, they need to consume 40 kilocalories per kilogram of body.

The diet for weight gain should contain proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, as well as the entire menu. As for protein, for women, 1.4 grams should fall on one kilogram of weight, but if you are actively involved in sports, then this figure should be increased to 1.5 grams. If we talk about fats, then you need to consume them 1-2 grams per kilogram of weight, and carbohydrates - 5 grams.

Drawing up a diet

A diet for weight gain should have its own clear diet to achieve optimal and cherished results. To do this, you need to buy specific products, primarily those containing protein in large quantities - meat, fish, poultry, seafood, milk, cheese, cottage cheese. As for carbohydrates, they need to be taken from all kinds of cereals, vegetables and fruits, which are also rich in fiber. Also, do not forget about cereal bread and bran bread, flour products from durum wheat.

As for baking and white bread, they are permissible in small quantities, you cannot overdo it with such products.

For a girl or a woman, a nutritionist can advise butter or vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, peanut) in the diet for gaining weight from fats. It is worth excluding margarines or other harmful vegetable fats from your diet, and vice versa, include nuts, seeds, fish oil capsules in it. Milk also contains lipids, so don't forget about them. It is necessary to eat in small portions, but often - 5-7 times.

Diet for weight gain for a girl: an approximate menu for a week

  1. On the 1st day of the diet for weight gain, for the first meal, we eat scrambled eggs (3 eggs), a sandwich (slices of chopped meat, tomato, cucumber), and also a walnut. Drink green tea, juices. For lunch - 200 gr. soup, one hundred gr. stewed chicken and green peas, wholemeal bread, apple, tea. For an afternoon snack, eat ½ cup of fermented milk product and four dry fruits. As for dinner, prepare yourself a small portion of mashed potatoes, one hundred gr. cutlets, cheese sandwich, vegetable juice.
  2. On the 2nd day, have breakfast one hundred grams. millet porridge in milk, ½ glasses of yogurt, five nuts, green, weak black tea. For lunch, cook 200 gr. chicken soup, 100 gr. potato ravioli, 1 bell pepper, juice or jelly. For an afternoon snack, eat 100 grams. any berries and drink ½ cup of yogurt. As for dinner, the best option in this case would be an omelet with cheese and tomatoes, a few cookies, milk.
  3. Start the 3rd day of the weight gain diet with three boiled eggs, one hundred grams. vegetable salad, 50 gr. dried fruits, weak tea. For lunch, cook 200 gr. noodle soup, 150 gr. boiled veal and beans, orange, juice. For an afternoon snack, you can eat 50 gr. dried fruit and a glass of yogurt. Dine on a chicken sandwich plus cucumber, tomato, cheese. On this day, you can afford a little chocolate.
  4. For the 4th day, first soak the boiled barley for half an hour, add honey, nuts, dried fruits to it. Eat bread and butter and drink tea. Dine with meat broth, 100 gr. pasta, meatballs, salad with vegetables. You can drink weak black tea. An afternoon snack is 1 hard-boiled egg, fruit juice, nuts. Dine 100 gr. fish cooked in sunflower oil, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, tea or compote.
  5. As for the fifth day, you can start it with a hundred grams. ravioli, one hundred gr. vegetable salad, fresh juice or tea. Dine with pea soup on smoked ribs, boiled pork, salad with vegetables. You can drink jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can eat a bun with cottage cheese, any fruit, 100 gr. gingerbread or cookies. You can drink everything with yogurt. Dine on fish - fried tuna, stewed cabbage, butter sandwich, tomato juice.
  6. Start the sixth day with veal stewed with onions, you can also eat some durum wheat pasta and drink milk. For lunch, prepare a salad with olive oil, fry a piece of tuna, wash it down with tea, compote. After a few hours, you can have a snack with a glass of kefir, a few nuts. As for dinner, you can cook spaghetti bolognese, fried chicken breast, wash it all down with vegetable juice.
  7. On the last day, have breakfast with a cottage cheese casserole, a sandwich with cheese, tea. Dine with meat hodgepodge, meatballs with pasta, one cucumber, two slices of bread, tea. For an afternoon snack, prepare pancakes, fruit juice, eat nuts. Dinner should be hearty - 100 gr. turkey meat with green beans, 50 gr. hard cheese, 200 ml. berry juice.

If you need a diet for weight gain, first identify the problem that prevents you from gaining the desired mass. Then find a way to calculate the calories you need. Then, after consulting with a nutritionist, trainer, create a menu for the week with all the necessary products and ingredients.

The right diet for weight gain

Noticing pathological thinness and deciding on weight gain, it is important not to make a common mistake: just increase the amount of food consumed. This, firstly, will not be enough, and secondly, this approach is fraught with digestive problems, and, thirdly, an aversion to food may come.

It would be correct to increase the calorie content of your menu gradually - adding 200-300 calories every day. It is also important to increase the number of meals - up to four or five times a day. Fractional meals in small but high-calorie portions will have a better effect on physical and mental health.

General dietary rules for weight gain: 30 minutes before a meal, it is recommended to drink 250 ml of juice from vegetables or fruits, while drinking with meals is highly undesirable. It is also not recommended to go in for sports after eating. The diet should be dominated by proteins and carbohydrates: legumes, various cereals cooked exclusively in milk, pasta, white bread, you can use honey and sugar, fruits and juices. It will be useful to use vitamins during the period of weight gain.

You can increase the calorie content of familiar and favorite foods. For example, a casserole of vegetables, pasta and any other side dish can be sprinkled with grated hard cheese, salads are well seasoned with sour cream. In general, this product should definitely be included in the diet for weight gain - it significantly increases the calorie content of the dish.

Are you not interested in this topic at all and did you come to the project site only to lose weight? Therefore, gaining weight is out of the question? Real facts show that a large proportion of people are underweight, have anorexia, and are trying to build muscle. Many people believe that gaining weight is easier than losing it. But this is not the case in all cases.

Every day we risk our appearance, our figure, our health and our lives. In pursuit of the ideal of beauty, we do not notice how we harm our body and our own psyche. has long been a "fashionable" disease. Her network includes not only those who exhausted themselves with strict and frequent diets, but also those girls who were not overweight at all before the disease.

The effect of diets can give a positive result only if they are correctly selected taking into account your physiology, diseases of internal organs, or as prescribed by a doctor for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. And here it does not matter for what purpose you turned to them: to burn kilograms or gain weight, to cleanse the body or during Lent, to improve the condition and appearance of the skin or hair.

The biggest mistake people make when trying to gain weight is the intention to eat everything and in large quantities, stop exercising and deliberately lead an inactive lifestyle. Of course, you can cope with the basic desire. If you do not have any diseases due to which you will never be able to get better, then the weight will come quickly, on a huge scale and without intention to go back. This is how you cripple your health. The process of gaining weight should be as gradual as getting rid of it. Have rigid diets that promise to lose incredible amounts of kilograms in a few days ever lead to good and proceed without health consequences? Unlikely.

Before you begin to purposefully gain weight, you should consult with your doctor and find out the main reasons for your thinness. The reasons for underweight can be different: hard physical labor, constant stress, lack of time for rest, hormonal problems, allergies, heredity (genetics), diseases of internal organs, fast metabolism, poor appetite, exhausting diets, etc. If you analyze the index indicators body weight (BMI), then insufficient body weight is noted with a BMI of 16-18, and as soon as the result falls below 16, this is a pronounced body weight deficit. Unfortunately, underweight women can face problems of conception, gestation and childbirth. In particular, very thin people have weakened immunity and they are more susceptible to viral diseases.

What actions should be taken to gain weight?

Step one: improve appetite

Here are some helpful tips:

It is a good, sound sleep that will allow you to relax and gain strength, relieve stress due to which you lose weight and increase your appetite.

For proper sleep, 6-8 hours is enough, depending on your daily activity and fatigue. Unfortunately, complete sleep deprivation or partial sleep deprivation is fraught with negative consequences.

Step four: exercise

Until this moment, you believed that physical activity is shown only for those who want to say goodbye to excess weight? No! Many are aimed at building muscle mass and giving certain parts of the body a roundness effect.

There is a rule for the growth of muscle mass: it grows only when the amount of energy received from food exceeds the amount of energy consumed by the body.

By following these simple and helpful tips, you can gradually gain weight to the point you need and stop in time. Be healthy!

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