How to make a bath bomb mold. Foaming bath bomb

landscaping 12.06.2019

If you are one of those people who adore comfort and are also looking for some zest in everything, you probably know something about bombs that are rapidly gaining popularity, which are also called geysers. It is these small sizzling balls that give a special touch to the usual bath and turn it into a kind of art that you don’t really want to part with. It is they who can bring a touch of grace, amazing sensations and even bright colors to this daily ritual.

And if still DIY bath bombs are made, so their benefits simply increase at times. First, they become 100% useful. After all, at home you can make them only from natural and food ingredients. And you can easily create various options for any level and direction of usefulness. These crafts look very stylish and can be perfectly packaged to give to people you love. Well, and, of course, a very pleasant moment in all these home-made processes is the opportunity to get a high-quality, extremely useful and very cheap product. After all, often buying ready-made bombs is a very expensive pleasure.

All in all, the benefits of making these mini cosmetic masterpieces are enough to give it a try. And here the question arises for many: how? Indeed, despite their popularity, these small magical spheres still remain an intriguing mystery for many. Although in fact, everything is very simple here: they rush into the bath while bathing and begin to hiss, reacting with water. This allows all the components in the bomb to actively fill the bath with all the useful things that are in this very bomb and enjoy the result of their action on your loved ones. You can see how it all happens in the video:

What are the benefits of bath bombs?

Since the main ingredients of such creations are soda, salt, citric acid and various oils, then, first of all, we can consider the benefits of these particular components.

So, soda softens water and has a beneficial effect on the skin, acid becomes a conditioner and removes toxins, and the benefits of salt has long been known - strengthens the immune system, fights cellulite, improves cell metabolism, maintains skin elasticity, relieves fatigue and soothes nervous system. And if you add to such a cocktail essential oils, then the benefit will be generally invaluable. All this is in such wonderful bombs, which are prepared quickly and are easy to use, and in general - a bath with them becomes a heavenly delight. But this, of course, if you know exactly their composition. Therefore, if you want to be sure of the exclusive use of the bomb used, the best option than to make it with your own hands, not to be found.

How to make bath bombs

The essence of creating such interesting balls comes down to two ways.

First way involves mixing all the ingredients (soda, citric acid, natural filler, base oil and essential oils) without adding water.

Second way, practically, does not differ in composition from the first (except for the amount of base oil added), but water is already used here.

Important! Whichever way you choose, there are certain rules, compliance with which will allow you to get the perfect result:

  • Salt and citric acid are better, pre-grind. For example, a coffee grinder.
  • In the process of working with acid, it is very desirable to use a mask and rubber gloves, since without them there is a risk of irritation of the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract citric acid dust.
  • If possible, it is better to give preference to silicone options as molds. They are more convenient, make it easy to separate the mass from the walls.
  • The mixture in the molds must be well tamped so that there are no voids left. If both halves of the vessel are filled, they must be connected without scrolling, but simply pressed down well.
  • To avoid premature reaction, make sure the surface of the molds is completely dry.
  • After being removed from the mold, the bombs must be allowed to dry before use. As a rule, 8-10 hours are enough for this.
  • Corn starch, oatmeal or milk powder can be used as natural fillers.

bomb recipes

Basic bomb

2 parts (we take as a basis 100 g) soda;

1 part (50 g, respectively) citric acid;

1 part (50 g) sea ​​salt.

And essential oil (about 10 drops are enough for this amount).

Water in a vessel, thanks to which it can be sprayed onto the mass. A standard spray bottle will work just fine.

And, of course, molds.

All these ingredients are mixed (do not forget that salt and acid must be ground beforehand). Then, little by little, you need to sprinkle water on them, constantly mixing the mass. The texture of the bomb mixture should be like slightly wet sand.

If it is ready, you can ram it into molds for 8-10 hours. After that, you can take it out and use it.

Advice: since the bomb does not contain various cosmetic oils, it may be difficult to remove it from the mold. To prevent this from happening, the container can be lubricated vegetable oil or cover with cling film.

Bright colorful bombs

This recipe will be more difficult. But the bath will be filled with additional oils and unusual colors.

You will need:

1 cup sifted baking soda;

0.5 cups of Epsom salt (English), cornstarch, ground citric acid;

3 tsp water and melted coconut oil.

About 10 drops of essential oil;

Color palette of food dyes;

Dried flowers (optional)


Advice: if you use different essential oils, then you can add them later, when the mass has already been laid out in different dishes. Then ready-made bombs will not only different colors and with different flavors.

Advice: can be mixed different colors in one form, then you get beautiful wavy transitions.

Advice: here you need to be very careful, because the mass can crumble.

Exquisite pink bomber

Such a bath will be covered with the petals of your favorite roses.

We will need:

1a glass of soda;

½ cup dry and sifted cornstarch;

½ cup chopped citric acid;

½ cup salt (ideal if you mix two types: sea and English).

2 tsp tablespoons of essential oil (you can take any oil);

You will also need a base oil. You can take coconut or any other that is available to you. It will need from 2 to 4 tablespoons. Here you will need to look at the progress of preparation. First, add 2 tablespoons, and if the mixture is not well molded in your hands, gradually add the rest to the desired consistency.

If desired, you can add food coloring (a couple of drops).

Possibly water in a spray bottle;




And, of course, dried rose petals.


By the way, such geysers can be beautifully packaged and presented as a gift.

Mistakes that are made in the manufacture of bombs most often.

  1. The ball does not hiss enough in the water. Perhaps you just overdid it with the addition of water. Try to reduce the amount next time.
  2. The mass does not stick together well in the form. Try adding more oil.
  3. When removed from the mold, the bomb cracks or falls apart. Try leaving the mixture in the molds for a few more hours. Another reason may be the wrong consistency, it may take several attempts to guess the correct one.
  4. Even after a day in uniform, the bomb still falls apart. Here you can try to let it stand for a couple more days, and if this does not help, then the reason is not enough water. This can be corrected only at the next preparation.
  5. The geysers hold their shape but crack a little. This indicates that a little more water than necessary was added and a slight reaction took place. It usually doesn't hurt much. appearance and even adds zest to the product.
  6. Bombs become soft in storage. This is due to the high humidity. These items are best stored in a dry place.

Now that you have all necessary information about bombs, you can become a real expert in making them. And having tried to make at least a couple of the proposed recipes, you will easily understand that you can make other types of small geysers. To do this, you just need to experiment with base oils, essential oils and food coloring. Such experiences can become very exciting and incredibly creative. And you will be able to become not only a pro in the preparation of such homemade cosmetics, but also get the opportunity to improve your health, relax nicely, preserve beauty and, of course, delight your friends with pleasant presents.

There are many types of tinctures that can care for.

All this variety can be combined into a hissing bomb that will give you a lot of pleasure.

What's the secret?

Bath bombs are a mixture of lye and acid with all sorts of ingredients added. The last components are:

  • various aromatic oils;
  • natural components - flowers, clay, needles;
  • vegetable fats that help moisturize the skin. Most often used, almond, sunflower is also possible;
  • some water to hold the structure together.

The hissing process is based on the neutralization reaction- when exposed to citric acid, carbon dioxide is released, which creates the effect of bubbling.

Did you know?Soda is a substance that is part of human blood. Its slightly salty taste can be felt when a finger is cut.

How to DIY

To achieve the desired result from a bath bomb will help knowing the recipe for its manufacture and step-by-step instruction how to do it by hand.

What you need

Before you start, find all the components you need, namely:

  • baking soda;
  • citric acid;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • flowers;
  • deep container for mixing;
  • measuring spoon;
  • coffee grinder;
  • form for the finished product.

Important!It is better to mix and grind bulk components using kitchen machines, since natural ingredients are sold in the form of large fractions and it will be very difficult to achieve the required degree of grinding by hand.

Step by step recipe with photo

By choosing the components that match your type and personal preferences, you can begin the manufacturing process itself.

To make one water bomb, for a single bath, mix the ingredients in the following proportions:

  • 4 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. acids. Stir the resulting mixture. For these purposes, an ordinary spoon will be enough, since both components are finely dispersed.

  • To the available substances, add 2 tablespoons of sea salt. If it is large, you need to grind it in advance or use it at this stage. electrical appliances to obtain a homogeneous mass (coffee grinder, mixer, etc.). Otherwise, when you use the bomb, the salt will dissolve very slowly, and you will feel sediment at the bottom of the tub. It can ruin all the fun.

  • In this recipe, we use cornflower flowers. It is better to sort out the petals from the inflorescences in advance and use only them. The use of "middles" will create a feeling dirty water. They are heavier than sheets, when they get into the liquid they will settle and will “float” at the bottom of the container.

  • The next step is to pour in 2 scoops of olive oil. It is used to moisturize the skin and to better hold our homemade bomb. This component will make the mass more malleable and we will be able to form it not only in the form of a bar, but also to make it look like a sphere.

  • Lavender essential oil is recommended for restful sleep.

Did you know?Lavender has the anti-inflammatory effects of sage and the soothing effects of valerian. And at the same time it has a pleasant aroma.

For a single use, just add 10 drops. After that, mix everything thoroughly, reaching the state of "wet sand".

  • On the resulting mass, spray a little water from the dispenser. We stop the supply of liquid with the appearance of the first signs of hissing.

  • The finished mixture is placed in a mold that will give a finished look to our product. Tamp tightly and leave for 10-15 minutes to solidify the components.

  • After this time, we turn the container over onto thick paper or cardboard to dry completely in the open air.

  • If during this process it crumbled a little, shape its edges with a knife or spatula.

  • It should take 5-6 hours before using it, maybe more.

The method of using the bomb is based on immersing the product in warm water. At the same time, you can see the bubbling effect of soda and acid, feel the pleasant smell of lavender. An oily film with petals forms on the surface and the liquid is filled with sea salt minerals.
All these components moisturize, tone and soothe your body.

Variety: choose the smell, color, effect

At home, you can make a wide variety of compositions for bombs. They can look exactly like the store ones, and if you dream a little, you will get real masterpieces.

You can achieve various using water-soluble liquid dyes. It is not recommended to take powdered types of these substances for these purposes - they settle on the walls. Their use will allow you to make not only plain balls, but also interesting products with halves of different colors.

Natural coloring components do not have such wide possibilities, but their presence in the composition will give the ball very gentle tones, for example:

  • lavender - lilac;
  • jasmine - yellow;
  • combination, and neroli - light green;
  • and - orange;
  • cocoa - brown;
  • - from yellow to orange.
All these components perform not only aesthetic functions. After dissolving them in

Soaking in a warm bath - what could be nicer? Is that a bath with a fragrant bomb. Buying it can be expensive, but making it yourself is quite easy and even interesting. You can make your bomb exactly according to the recipe or get creative and create your own. unique options: add various aromatic oils and skin-friendly ingredients: salts dead sea, oils, flower petals and stuff like that.

You can find some bomb ingredients right in your kitchen, but if you want something more healthy for your skin, you will have to go to the store. useful products or visit a dedicated body care department.

You can use your creations yourself or make a great gift for friends and family. Try to make a bomb exactly according to the recipe, and when you understand the technology, experiment with the ingredients.

Step #1 Equipment

For a homemade bomb you will need:

  • kitchen scales
  • large mixing bowl
  • cold water sprayer
  • latex hand protection gloves
  • eye protection
  • gauze dust mask
  • sieve to sift the mixture
  • bomb molds (if you don’t find a spherical mold, you can use any options for baking, for ice cubes, etc.)

Step #2 Ingredients

  • 300 g soda
  • 150 g citric acid
  • 5-10 ml of essential or aromatic oil of your choice
  • 5 ml of plain oil (it can be sunflower, olive, grape, sweet almond, jojoba oil or others, to choose from)
  • food coloring of desired color

It's better to make smaller bombs because they stick better and larger ones fall apart more often.

One more thing: start with a small amount, because first you need to find the best consistency. Everything is important in making bombs, right down to weather conditions- at high humidity must be added less water, otherwise the bomb will turn into a bubbling mass.

Step 3 Mixing the Ingredients

Sift the baking soda through a sieve into a large mixing bowl so there are no lumps left. Mix baking soda and citric acid in a bowl.

Step 4 Add Oil

Add aromatic and regular oils to the bowl. Most essential oils won't make the mixture sizzle, but some, predominantly citrus, will. If this happens, mix them as quickly as possible.

Do not mix aromatic and essential oils together - add either one or the other.

Step 5 Separate the mixture

If you decide to make multi-colored balls, it's time to divide the mixture into different containers to color it differently. In the photo, the mixture was divided into three parts.

Step #6

Now we start to color the mixture. If you are using food or cosmetic coloring, add it drop by drop to get desired color. Stir the mixture quickly with your hands so that it does not foam.

If you are using powder dye, just add a little bit to the mixture and mix until you get the color you want.

Stir until the mixture has a uniform shade, without spots. You need to mix especially carefully if you are using powder dye. It is best to “grind” the mixture between your fingers.

If the mixture gets wetter, don't let it sit, or it may settle. On the contrary, you need to do everything as quickly as possible.

Step 7 Add Water

Add some spray water, then stir continuously to avoid fizzing. Be careful not to add too much water - the mixture should still be a little crumbly but stick together if you just squeeze it in your hand.

Step number 8 Fill out the form

Fill the mold with the mixture. If you are using two halves of a sphere, place the mixture in each and pin them together. Do not twist the halves, just press them firmly together. Wait a few minutes, then carefully remove the bonded mixture from the mold.

Step number 9 Dry

Leave the finished bombs in a dry and warm place for several hours.

Step #10 Use or Give

That's it, your fragrant homemade bath bombs are ready. Just drop them in hot water and enjoy.

Remember: the fresher the bomb, the more it will sizzle, and if you do not pack your products, it is better to store them in a dry place. You can wrap them in cling film to keep them fresh longer.

Well, if you decide to give them, just choose a beautiful package and a ribbon, and the gift is ready.

One of great ways relax is accept warm bath. Take her with fragrant fizzy bombs handmade, doubly nice. As they say, everything ingenious is simple, you can easily cope with the manufacture, plus this is a great gift for a girlfriend or work colleague. And what a holiday for children, the very process of "launching a bomb" is even difficult to describe.

We are offering to you basic recipe, one of the simple ones. Turn on your imagination and experiment - change the color and aroma of the bomb, add healthy ingredients.

Here is the bath bomb recipe:

  • 30 g of citric acid;
  • 60 g of soda;
  • 40 g of powdered milk or starch;
  • food coloring;
  • 1.5 st. l. oils (to your taste - peach, almond, olive, etc.);
  • essential oil (7 drops);
  • mold (also at your discretion).

How to make DIY bath bombs quickly and easily:

  1. We put on gloves.
  2. Let's start preparing the bombs - mix the dry ingredients, first grind the citric acid well in a coffee grinder. Separately, mix the oils and food coloring, a couple of drops are enough. Now combine the dry and wet ingredients, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps and the ingredients are evenly distributed. The consistency of the mixture resembles wet sand and sticks together well in the hands. If the mass comes out too dry, carefully add water and mix quickly.
  3. Press each layer fairly tightly into the bomb mold. You can first put dry herbs or flowers, berries, green tea, coffee beans, chocolate, whatever your heart desires into the mold, and then fill it. After a minute, remove the mold and let the bomb dry for several hours, but it is better to leave it to dry overnight.
  4. Voila, feel free to take a bath and lower the bomb. It will slowly dissolve with a soft hiss and bubbles. But it will leave behind an incredible aroma in the air and a lot of useful substances in the water. Moreover, bombs make your skin soft and velvety, have a beneficial effect on hair growth, and besides, it is a great aromatherapy and relaxation at home.

A few tips:

  • Ready-made bombs should be stored in cling film.
  • If the bombs have increased dramatically in size after being removed from the mold, do not be alarmed. You have added too much water or oil. Wrap the bomb tightly in a bag and put in the freezer. Then feel free to use it.
  • Bath bombs can be a great gift if you make beautiful packaging for them with your own hands.

You can perfectly relax, unwind, put your body and spirit in order if you take a bubble bath. Bath bombs have recently become fashionable, but those who have already tried this miracle know its extraordinary effect on the body. Today we will try to make such sizzling bath bombs with our own hands. The recipes for making them are easy and safe enough that you can make them with your kids and then try them out in a full bath!

Homemade bath bombs

To begin with, here is the simplest base recipe that can be used for children's games in the bathroom. After learning how to make the base of the bomb, then you can experiment with flavors. So, we will need:

  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • coarse salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • any vegetable oil.

An important clarification. Soda should always be 2 times more than citric acid, only in this case we will ensure the correct chemical reaction. Also don't forget to wear gloves!

Citric acid, soda and salt thoroughly, for several minutes, grind and mix in a cup. We make sure that there are no lumps! Now gradually add the oil, rubbing the mass with your hands. The mixture should be plastic, but at the same time dryish. No need to achieve the consistency of plasticine! The resulting mass is tightly rammed into a previously prepared container. The easiest thing at home is to take baking dishes or a container from Kinder Surprise. To make our workpiece fit tighter, you can add a little alcohol to it. Thus, the mixture will be moistened and compacted better. In no case do not use water for this - it will start the reaction, and alcohol will have no effect. Plus, it will evaporate quickly. Now we leave our bath bombs to harden for several hours. After that, we can easily remove them from the molds and they are ready to use! It is enough to throw a bomb into the bathroom, as it begins to hiss, releasing a lot of bubbles - this is gone chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide.

Bath Bomb Recipes

Now that we understand the meaning of making bath bombs (and have learned how to make them), it's time to bring some recipes for making them.

The general idea of ​​flavoring bombs is as follows: there is a base (we made it with our own hands a little higher), to which aromatic components (for example, essential oils) and, possibly, some dyes are added.

The choice of oil should not be thoughtlessly approached, because they have a different effect. For example, olive oil good for dry skin, and coconut or almond for oily. Lavender soothes and relaxes, while citrus oils invigorate and tone.

Essential oils should be added drop by drop. When adding essential oils to the base, the bomb may begin to hiss. In this case, you need to quickly mix the mixture. If it doesn't help, add a little baking soda.

Below you will find some recipes for sizzling bath bombs.

Soothing Bath Bomb Recipe

This soothing bath bomb is based on lavender. Add a few drops of lavender oil and purple food coloring to the base. The complete recipe for a relaxing bath bomb looks like this:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • lavender oil - 10-15 drops,
  • purple food coloring - 5 drops.

Tonic bath bomb

Bath bomb with the addition of orange and cinnamon oils is an excellent tonic and cleanser for the skin. The recipe for the bomb is also quite simple:

  • citric acid - 2 tablespoons,
  • soda - 4 tablespoons,
  • sea ​​salt - 8 tablespoons,
  • orange essential oil - 10-15 drops,
  • cinnamon essential oil - 5-7 drops,
  • orange food coloring - 5 drops.

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