Useful products in English. Food in English

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Beginners learning English need not only to understand the grammatical subtleties, but also constantly replenish their vocabulary. It's much easier to do this when the words aren't scattered around. different categories, but are grouped into thematic blocks. Today we will get acquainted with a large amount of active vocabulary, which denotes drinks and food on English language. The topic is undoubtedly extremely important, because study is study, and lunch should always be on schedule! We will learn how to express the processes of eating, we will learn how to designate the names of dishes and use common phrases when going to cafes and restaurants

Vocabulary on the topic: Food and drinks (Food and drinks) - Names of foods and drinks

Before learning how to make whole sentences, you need to accumulate as many food items in your dictionary as possible. The tables given below contain the main types of product designations in English with translation. These expressions are useful in speech in order to indicate your favorite and least favorite dishes, or to conduct a simple dialogue with the waiter.

fruits/vegetables vegetables/fruit

  • banana - banana;
  • kiwi [ˈkiːwiː] - kiwi;
  • pear - pear;
  • apple [æpl] - apple;
  • cherry [ˈʧerɪ] - cherry;
  • strawberry [ˈstrɔːbərɪ] - strawberry;
  • grapes - grapes;
  • orange [ˈɔrɪnʤ] - orange;
  • plum - plum;
  • lemon [ˈlemən] - lemon;
  • pineapple [ˈpaɪnæpl] - pineapple;
  • watermelon [ˈwɔːtəmelən] - watermelon;
  • melon [ˈmelən] - melon;
  • carrot [ˈkærət] - carrots;
  • potato - potato
  • tomato - tomato;
  • cucumber [ˈkjuːkʌmbə] - cucumber;
  • onion [ˈʌnjən] - onion;
  • pepper [ˈpepə] - pepper;
  • beet - beets;
  • radish [ˈrædɪʃ] - radish;
  • cabbage [ˈkæbɪʤ] - cabbage;
  • corn - corn;
  • green pea - green peas;
  • mushroom [ˈmʌʃrʊm] - mushrooms;

Meat/ bird/ fish-meat/poultry/fish:

  • lamb - lamb;
  • beef - beef;
  • rabbit - rabbit;
  • liver - liver;
  • pork - pork;
  • veal - veal;
  • tongue - language;
  • ham - ham;


  • turkey - turkey;
  • chicken - chicken;
  • duck - duck;
  • goose - goose;
  • hazel grouse - hazel grouse;

  • salmon - salmon;
  • shrimps - shrimp;
  • crab - crab;
  • herring - herring;
  • trout - trout;
  • plaice - flounder;
  • eel - eel;
  • bream - bream;
  • sturgeon - sturgeon;
  • cod - cod;
  • sardines - sardines;

Drinks - drinks:

  • milk - milk;
  • water - water;
  • juice - juice;
  • milkshake - milkshake;
  • yogurt - yogurt;
  • lemonade - lemonade;
  • mineral water - mineral water;
  • soda - soda;


  • tea - tea;
  • coffee - coffee;
  • cocoa - cocoa;
  • hot chocolate - hot chocolate;
  • whiskey - whiskey;
  • cognac - cognac;
  • wine - wine;
  • beer - beer;
  • brandy - brandy;
  • champagne - champagne;
  • rum - rum;
  • cocktail - cocktail;

The list of words about food would be incomplete without the indication of cereals and seasonings. Let's fill in these gaps.

Of course, when communicating on the topic of nutrition, it is impossible to do without the appropriate verbs and adjectives. Here are the most common examples.

Verbs Adjectives/Participles
  • cook - cook;
  • bake - bake;
  • steam - steam;
  • help oneself to - put yourself (on a plate)
  • pass - pass (dish)
  • eat - eat;
  • grate - rub;
  • cut - cut;
  • spread - spread;
  • stir - interfere;
  • poach - cook;
  • add - add;
  • boil - boil;
  • drink - drink;
  • feed on - eat;
  • taste - taste;
  • fry, roast - fry;
  • stew - stew;
  • thirsty - tormented by thirst;
  • underdone - underdone;
  • tough - hard;
  • canned - canned;
  • fatty - fatty;
  • bitter - bitter;
  • salty - salty;
  • hungry - hungry;
  • stuffed - stuffed;
  • lean - lean;
  • sour - sour;
  • delicious - very tasty;
  • nourishing - nutritious;
  • raw - raw;
  • tender - gentle, soft;
  • spicy - sharp;
  • tasteless - tasteless;
  • sweet - sweet;

All vocabulary cannot fit in one educational material, but it was not right, because it is impossible to learn hundreds of words at a time. We have tried to give small, but frequently used thematic blocks in the language. Next, consider a few everyday situations, one way or another related to nutrition.

Food in English when expressing the time of day

Most often, in conversations there are moments associated with regular meals. That is, we want to tell the interlocutor about what we ate for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In order to build such a dialogue, it is necessary to learn the designation of these processes. Consider them with the help of a table and at the same time give examples of popular dishes.

traditional food
Schedule Related words English food
Breakfast - breakfast.

Rarely used brunch - late breakfast.

have breakfast - have breakfast;

at breakfast - during breakfast;

for breakfast - for breakfast;

bacon and eggs - scrambled eggs with bacon;

toasts with jam - toasts with jam;

porridge - porridge;

sandwiches - sandwiches;

pancakes - pancakes;

corn flakes - corn flakes;

Dinner / Lunch - lunch

(lunch means a break for lunch during the working day).

have dinner / have lunch - have lunch;

at dinner - at lunch;

for dinner - for lunch;

beefsteak - steak;

chicken soup - chicken soup;

roast beef - roast beef;

Caesar's salad - Caesar salad;

cutlet - cutlet;

mashed potatoes mashed potatoes;

Supper - dinner have supper - have dinner;

at supper - during dinner;

for supper - for dinner;

pizza - pizza;

fried fish - fried fish;

chicken - chicken;

lasagna - lasagna;

pilaf - pilaf;

potatoes with vegetables - potatoes with vegetables;

As you can see from the examples of dishes, traditional British cuisine is quite mixed up with American and European cuisine. Whether this is good or bad, we will leave it to the true English to decide, but for us, such a simplification is very useful, because. You can always find familiar names on the menu. By the way, consider how you should behave in catering establishments.

Situations in cafes and restaurants

Of particular interest for the traveler, and for those who move to English-speaking countries for permanent residence, is visiting restaurants and cafes. What expressions should be used so as not to lose face? Let's analyze the basic words on the topic "visiting a restaurant" and see how you can make a dialogue with the waiter.

In cafes and restaurants
Cutlery Dishes Phrases for dialogue
plate - plate

napkin - napkin;

knife - knife;

spoon - spoon;

saucer - saucer;

glass - glass;

corkscrew - corkscrew;

decanter - decanter;

cup - a cup;

fork - fork;

salad servers - devices for salad;

teaspoon - a teaspoon;

goblet - glass;

sauce boat - a device for sauce;

tray - a tray;

dessert plate - dessert plate;

side dishes - side dishes;

tuna salad - tuna salad;

vegetable soup - vegetable soup;

beef filet - beef roll;

lamb chops - lamb chops;

grilled fish - grilled fish;

lobster - lobster;

baked chicken - baked chicken;

apple pie - apple pie;

ice-cream - ice cream;

cheesecake - cheesecake;

We would like to book a table for tonight We'd like to book a table for tonight;

Can you get the waiter? - Could you call the waiter?

We would like a menu, please Giveus,please,menu.

I'm ready to order I'm ready to order now.

Could you bring me…, please? - Could you bring me... please?

We'll have two rice with vegetables and a Greek salad, please - Us,please,tworiceWithvegetablesandGreeksalad.

A glass of (water, juice, red/white wine and etc.), please – Wineglass (water,juice,red/whiteguilt),please.

Can you get me another (coffee, tea, pizza, salad and etc.) and the check, please? - Not could would you bring to me more one (coffee, tea, salad, pizza and t. P.) and check, please.

Waiter, can we have the bill, please? - Waiter,canusplease,check?

We did a great job today! We learned how food is denoted in English, what dishes are popular with the British, and even captured the topic of visiting cafes and restaurants a little. Do not lose your purposefulness and diligence, and you will definitely be able to master a foreign language to perfection! Good luck!

It is hardly possible to find a more important and discussed topic in life than food. Food is given great importance, both in the media and in everyday life. This topic is multifaceted and inexhaustible. It has become a hot topic these days. healthy eating. People are divided into groups according to taste preferences, endlessly discussing the advantages and disadvantages of vegetarianism, different diets, the benefits and harms of various products. Yes and in Everyday life we cannot do without food and cooking. It is not surprising that when learning English, the topic "Meals and cooking" (Food and cooking) is very popular and a must-learn. Having in your arsenal a set of words on this topic, you will be able to support any conversation that somehow affects food, besides, the rows of price tags in the supermarket in English will no longer be able to confuse you.

Meals in English.

Actually initial stage learning, everyone who learns English learns such words as breakfast, lunch, dinner. These words are found in educational materials very often and are usually memorized by themselves, without additional effort. But still, in fairness, let's call these words. Generally, there are four main meals:

Breakfast |ˈbrekfəst| breakfast

Lunch |lʌntʃ| lunch, dinner

Dinner |ˈdɪnər| lunch, dinner

Supper |ˈsʌpər| dinner

In England, there is traditionally another separate meal, which is called:

Tea |tiː| tea

The English tradition of "5 o'clock tea" is known all over the world and is still observed in many British families. Despite the name evening tea can be served at any convenient time between lunch and dinner (from one to six in the afternoon). Traditional tea is served on a table by the fireplace in the living room. There must be milk or cream, cookies, jam on the table. Moreover, the British pour tea into milk, and not vice versa.

We buy groceries in the supermarket.

And now let's go for groceries and English words on the topic "Food" in the supermarket.

Let's go to the meat department - meat section

There we can buy, for example:

Meat |miːt| meat

Pork tenderloin |pɔːrk ˈtendərlɔɪn| pork tenderloin

Stew beef |stuː biːf| beef stew

Turkey |ˈtɜːrki| turkey

Ground turkey |ɡraʊnd ˈtɜːrki| ground turkey

Sausage |ˈsɔːsɪdʒ| sausage

Ham |hæm| ham

Then we go to the dairy department - dairy products and buy:

Butter |ˈbʌtər| oil

Cheese |tʃiːz| cheese

Cream |criːm| cream

Mayonnaise |ˈmeɪəneɪz| mayonnaise

Milk |mɪlk| milk

Yogurt |ˈjoʊɡərt| yogurt

In the grocery department grocery section choose:

Bay leaves |beɪ liːvz| Bay leaf

Biscuits |ˈbɪskəts| cookie

Cake |keɪk| cake

Candies |ˈkændiz| candies

Chocolate |ˈtʃɑːklət| chocolate

Coffee |ˈkɔːfi| coffee

Flour |ˈflaʊər| flour

Ground pepper |ɡraʊnd ˈpepər| ground pepper

Olive oil |ˈɑːlɪv ɔɪl| olive oil

Sugar |ˈʃʊɡər| sugar

Tea |tiː| tea

On the way to the checkout, grab:

Bread|bred| bread

Eggs |eɡz| eggs

Juice |dʒuːs| juice

Coke|koʊk| Coca Cola

Ice-cream |aɪs ˈkriːm| ice cream

Also in the department of vegetables and fruits - vegetables and fruits buy:

Apples |ˈæpəlz| apples

Cucumbers |ˈkjuːkʌmərz| cucumbers

Potatoes |pəˈteɪtoʊz| potato

Tomatoes |təˈmɑːtoʊz| tomatoes

Now, with complete product packages and English words, let's move on.

By the way, at the same time we suggest you grab a few verbs, meaning what can be done with these products:

Bake |beɪk| bake

Boil |bɔɪl| cook

Cook |kʊk| to cook)

Roast |roʊst| fry

Names of prepared dishes in English.

When studying words on the topic “Food in English”, it makes sense to learn words not only meaning the names of products, but also the names of some dishes - dishes. Some of the words that we mentioned above, of course, can also act as separate dishes and appear on the menu of a cafe or restaurant. But we want to bring to your attention in addition a few familiar and widespread names of ready-made dishes in English.

Beef steak |biːf steɪk| steak

Pancake |ˈpænkeɪk| pancake

Bouillon |ˈbuːjɑːn| bouillon

Fried potatoes |fraɪd pəˈteɪtəʊz| fried potatoes

Mashed potatoes |ˈmæʃt pəˈteɪtəʊz| mashed potatoes

Porridge |ˈpɔːrɪdʒ| porridge

Cutlet |ˈkʌtlət| cutlet

Pork chop |pɔːrk tʃɑːp| pork chop

Pie |paɪ| pie

Scrambled eggs |ˈskræmbəld eɡz| scrambled eggs

Consolidation of learned words in practice.

Of course, the list of words presented in our article is far from complete. We have touched on only a small part of this truly inexhaustible topic. Food in English with translation is a topic that you will return to again and again as you improve your language skills.

At the same time, however, it must be recognized that, despite great amount words on the topic "Food in English", you do not have to puzzle over where and how to practice their application. A variety of training methods literally lie on the surface. For example, before the next trip to the supermarket, you can make a list of necessary products in English. Sitting in a cafe, you can take a picture of the proposed menu and, while waiting for an order, see how many names of dishes or products from it you can name at once, and at home, in your free time, try to translate this entire menu. In addition, from the same menu, you can choose favorite dish and disassemble it into ingredients - write down in English what it is made of. The task can be made more difficult by not just listing the products, but by writing the recipe in full sentences using the appropriate thematic verbs.

If you want to not only consolidate new words, but also practice their use in speech and do exercises on their application, the online tutorial will help you with this. Short texts, stories and funny stories on various topics will be good help to improve vocabulary and practice listening and writing.

For example, you can find the names of products on the site in the story about the girl Lima - “A special diet”. Here is an excerpt from that story:

Lima went to the fridge and began to get food out of it;
sausage, cheese, meat, vegetables, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, bananas and apples.
Mother came and asked what Lima was doing.
"I decided to go on a diet."

special diet

Lima went to the refrigerator and began to take food out of it:
sausage, cheese, meat, vegetables, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, bananas and apples.
Mom came in and asked what Lima was doing.
“I decided to go on a diet.”

You can find out what diet Lima adheres to and listen to many other stories in English with translation on our website. and learn English with us!

Online pronunciation of vegetable names in English. Vegetables are an important part of everyone's diet. They contain carbohydrates and proteins, are a source, sometimes the only one, of irreplaceable biologically active substances. Possessing alkaline reaction, vegetables neutralize acids that are formed when eating meat and flour dishes, deliver vitamins to the body, primarily vitamin C, as well as B1, B2, E, PP, K, provitamin A, supply vital minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iron, nitrogen. They include enzymes and organic acids, fiber and pectins, which allow you to regulate the processes of digestion and the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract,

meat products

Online pronunciation of the names of meat products. Meat, as food, has always been known to mankind, in all epochs of its development, and often served as the basis for its survival in ancient times. The “energy reserve” that protein-rich meat foods gave people elevated meat to the rank of one of the most common and revered foods in the world.

Fast food

Online pronunciation of fast food in English Dishes fast food exist in national cuisine various countries of the world (for example, Italian pizza). In 1921, the White Castle Company opened in Kansas, whose signature dish was outlandish hamburgers at the time. The stable price (5 cents until 1946) and outlandishness attracted buyers, and doubts about the safety of the product were dispelled as a result of the cunning move of the company's owner Billy Ingram (when specially hired people in white coats made it look like even doctors were buying hamburgers). In the late 1940s, White Castle began to have competitors, of which McDonald's became the most serious.

Online pronunciation of fruit names in English. A fruit is a juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub. Fruits are an important part of the food of humans and many animals. AT Old Russian the word "fruit" did not exist, any fruits were called vegetables or vegetables, the word "fruit" was borrowed in 1705.

Online pronunciation of berry names in English. The benefits of berries are manifested due to their unique vitamin and mineral composition. Vitamins A and C act as antioxidants and protect cells from damage and premature aging. Berries contain a lot of dietary fiber, which stimulates the metabolism. All berries contain a lot of potassium, which is very useful for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Potassium is able to normalize high blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle, and together with antioxidant vitamins and strengthen blood vessels. There are quite a lot of sugars in berries, which should also be taken into account when using them., you need to comply with the norm (no more than 400g of fruits and berries per day /)

Online pronunciation of drink names in English. Drink (from ch. nourish) - a liquid intended for drinking. Water - the basis of most drinks consumed by humans, is consumed both in pure and carbonated or mineralized form (both extracted from natural mineral sources and with additions)

Sweets in English

Online pronunciation of the names of sweets in English. The first sweets appeared in ancient Egypt and Greece. Then they were desserts made from honey and fruits or dates. They also added nuts. Home-made sweets were common until the 20th century, they were prepared and sold wholesale and retail.


Online pronunciation of food names in English with transcription. Oddly enough, but one of the incentives for the development of technologies for long-term storage of products was numerous wars. So, for example, Napoleon even announced a special competition for the invention better way food storage. After all, his army during long-distance campaigns needed provisions. The French scientist Nicolas Francois Appert won this competition. It was he who decided to subject the products to heat treatment and then place them in hermetically sealed containers.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds - online pronunciation in English. In nuts, useful minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc., are 2-3 times more than in many other foods. All varieties of nuts are rich in vitamins A, E, group B, P. In addition, nuts have another important advantage: all the nutrients in them are stored for a very long time, unlike, for example, vegetables and fruits that lose most of their vitamins and minerals during one winter.

Irish breakfast

Online pronunciation titles Irish breakfast foods in English. Traditional Irish breakfast consists of the following ingredients: pork sausages, bacon bits, eggs, black pudding, white sausage, tea or coffee, and toast or traditional soda bread.

Dishes from chicken eggs

Online pronunciation names of dishes prepared from chicken eggs in English. The taste of an egg depends entirely on the taste of the yolk., and the taste of the yolk is from what the chicken is fed. Homemade eggs are tastier than factory ones. To give the eggs a special flavor, chickens are sometimes specially fed with spices.

What is an apple made of

What is an apple made of? online pronunciation in English with transcription. Apples are low in calories. 100 g of a fresh apple contains only 47 kcal. The product is practically devoid of fat, but it contains carbohydrates, which allows a person who has consumed an apple to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. Great for those who want to lose weight and those who are on a diet. 100 g of baked apples contain almost 66 kcal and will also not harm the figure. But in 100 g dried apples 253 kcal, so you should not get carried away with them if you want to maintain your weight.


Online pronunciation grilled products. Both barbecue and barbecue are a celebration under open sky. Americans call this type of recreation barbecue, the British - barbecue or grill, the Germans - grill, and the Russians - shish kebab.

Edible oils

Online pronunciation of the names of oils in English with transcription and pronunciation in Russian letters. Oil - the collective name for a number of chemicals or mixtures of substances that do not dissolve in water. There are three main groups of "oils": some "oils" are fats, mineral oils are products of petroleum refining

Sugar honey syrup

Online pronunciation titles in English: sugar, honey, syrup. Sugar is the common name for sucrose. Cane and beet sugar is an important food product. Regular sugar refers to carbohydrates that are considered valuable nutrients providing the body with the energy it needs.

condiments spices

Online pronunciation names of spices used in cooking. Aromatic and spicy plants people began to use for cooking long before salt. Today it is impossible to establish what exactly drove the ancient people: did they want to improve the taste and smell of food, did they try to get new taste qualities habitual dishes and products or added spices knowing about their useful properties.


Online pronunciation of dairy products in English. From a large family of dairy products, dairy products- those that are produced by fermenting milk with various bacteria. So, yogurt is fermented with a bulgarian stick, acidophilus with acidophilus bacillus, rennet cheeses with rennet secreted from the stomach of calves, and the preparation of homemade yogurt and cottage cheese is possible due to the work of lactic acid lactococcus, which is constantly found in spontaneously sour milk.

Fruit names are plural. Fruits are mostly digested in the intestines, not in the stomach. Plus, they digest fairly quickly (some in as little as an hour or less). Our brain "works" on glucose, and fruits are the best source of blood sugar.

Online pronunciation of names: vegetables, fruits, berries and other food products in English with transcription, translation and pronunciation in Russian letters.

Hi all! For a lesson we have been repeating the material covered earlier, and this lesson is no exception. In order for knowledge to be thoroughly fixed in our head, it is necessary to repeat it regularly. Therefore, today we will repeat the vocabulary about the things that you want or need to buy. You will also learn a lot of new English food words. Food name in English

Listen carefully to the English speech of Americans, repeat all the words after the native speaker in order to learn to perceive English by ear and pronounce correctly all expressions in American English.

Product name in English

Using the table with "food" vocabulary in English and Russian, you will master new material much faster, as the visualized information is much easier to remember.

breakfast breakfast
notebook notebook
a pen pen
soda water, sparkling water soda (a drink)
stereo system stereo
Nouns: food, food (Nouns: food)
banana banana
bread bread
broccoli broccoli
cereals, grain products cereal
cookie cookie
egg egg
flour flour
fruit fruits
lemon lemon
lettuce lettuce
meat meat
milk milk
onion onion
orange orange
pizza pizza
salad salad
soup soup
sugar sugar
tomato tomato
vegetable vegetable
get sick to ache
eat, eat / ate, ate to eat/ate
until until
cold cold
ready ready

Remember this table and then you can easily buy any food and food in an American store.

Hello everyone, friends! We haven’t seen each other for a long time, since for the last two weeks I’ve been missing in, which gave me a lot of emotions, impressions and new interesting acquaintances. When you live in the same space and constantly communicate, encountering other people's opinions and points of view, you have a pure interaction with their habits and characters. Shaking, renewal, clearing of consciousness, exit to new experience. Alternately teaching people English and cooking, I suddenly discovered that the biggest and most portable topic in any language is the topic of food.

As the notorious Nikolai Yagodkin said, drawing a quick diagram on this topic on a flipchart, food is what everyone constantly wants and least of all remembers. The most inconvenient thing is to twist in memory on foreign language all sorts of pots«, « beaters«, « to shred«, « rub«, « shred". Add to that a huge variety. fruits and vegetables with which nature generously rewarded us. As a result, dates with pears are forgotten immediately, and the hackneyed Apple is spinning in my head and, rather, thanks to Steve Jobs, and not to the fruit.

This week I decided to start a series of posts and decided to start with cooking and on this topic. It is believed that cooking is an occupation, but in fact it is not quite so. As it turned out, men are not averse to doing delicious pancakes and stand at the stove, talking in English. I noticed one thing - food really conveys the energy and character of a person, sometimes even a mental state. Food-rubber, as in McDuck, is generally contraindicated for long-term use, since it has neither mental nor physical-vitamin energy. Food cooked in bad mood tends to annoy you after its adoption. Therefore, in a bad mood, I don’t even go to the stove. However, food should be prepared with positive emotion and mentality. In general, I have already talked about life, but all the words including junk food in you can find on the site by entering in the field English and choosing the desired topic.

Let's take a look at popular words in cooking.

Crush- press.

You must crush garlic to make garlic sauce. You have to crush the garlic to make the garlic sauce.

Mash- crush, squash

Let`s do mashed potato with milk! Let's make mashed potatoes with milk!

Mix- to mix, mix

We can mix apples, yougurt and bananas together. We can mix apples, yogurt and bananas together.

Server- submit.

Please serve this dish to that man. Please serve (serve) this dish to that gentleman.

Slice- cut into slices

You can slice this bread if you want to help. You can cut this bread if you want to help.

Stir- whip

Stir up the eggs with milk. Whisk eggs with milk.

Melt- melt

Please melt the ice cream to make it warmer. Please melt the ice cream to make it warmer.

Grill- Grill.

Please grill a hamburger to me. Please fry me a hamburger.

Simmer- boil on low heat.

The soup has simmered down! The soup is out!

Pinch- pinch, pinch

Please, pinch the peace of bun. Please take a bite of the bun.

Pour- pour.

Pour me some coffee. Pour me some coffee.

Sprinkle- to sprinkle

And sprinkle it lightly with pepper. And sprinkle lightly with pepper.

Peel- peel (from the word "peeling")

Can you peel the banana? Can you peel a banana?

Grate- rub on a grater.

Can you rate the cheese? Can you grate the cheese?


Squeeze the lemon here. Squeeze a lemon here.

carve- cut, cut.

Carve the chicken. Cut up the chicken.

Spread- smudge

Please, spread the butter on the bread. Please spread butter on the bread

Strain/drain- strain

Please strain the tea. Please strain the tea.

A few more words.

Whisk- beat with a whisk. because Whisk- it's a whisk

Fry- Fry

boiler- Boil

Bake- Bake

Roll-roll out

Poach=Simmer- Slow cook

Roast- Roast

A small recipe that can be found on the Internet.

pay attention to Nutrition Facts(Nutritional value)

Per serving- per serving

calories- calories

protein- protein

Carbohydrates- carbohydrates

fats- Fats

Roasted chicken- fried chicken


Spinach- Spinach

Stuffing- stuffing. About what the word means Stuff you can read here.

walnuts- Walnut

Boneless- no bones

tablespoon- tea spoon

ground pepper- ground pepper. How ground coffee"Ground coffee".

extra virgin- (first pomace)

pre-heat- (Preheat)

400 degrees- 400 degrees

cut along- cut lengthwise

lay out- lay out

attached- attached

cutting board- cutting board

pounds- beat off with a hammer (like a chop).

to flatten- align

rub- rub

season- spice (not just as a season)

non stick- non-stick

wilt- roll, dry

thaw- melt

fold- wrap

sheet pan- form for cooking (sheet)

roastin pan- brazier

rack- lattice, stand

let rest- let cool

Have a great day and delicious food,

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