Fast pizza in the microwave. Pizza in the microwave - the fastest recipes for your favorite dish

reservoirs 18.10.2019

The site “Beautiful and Successful” knows how every housewife wants to please her family with something tasty and how little time is sometimes left for cooking. That's why great solution in such a situation will be a pizza cooked in a microwave oven.

It will not only bake in a matter of minutes, but will also surprise you with an unusually pleasant taste. So today we will share with you the secret of how to cook pizza in the microwave.

What is good pizza in the microwave?

It is enough just to cook pizza in the microwave once to understand - in your own way. palatability it is in no way inferior to the one that is cooked in the oven. And sometimes she even wins.

In addition, the main advantages of pizza in the microwave include the following:

  • This pizza is baked not only quickly, but also thoroughly. And all because the microwave allows it to warm up both outside and inside at the same time.
  • Pizza doesn't burn in the microwave.
  • You can use any dough for making pizza in the microwave - yeast, yeast-free, puff, chopped, unleavened, kefir.
  • Pizza in the microwave oven is convenient to check for readiness and take out - there is no risk of getting burned from touching a hot baking sheet or oven walls.
  • There are no restrictions on pizza toppings. It can be absolutely anything - liquid, thick, raw, semi-prepared, sweet and more.
  • Well, and most importantly - it will take you record time to prepare such a pizza.

If you do not know how to cook pizza in the microwave, we promise that this process is extremely simple. However, it will be useful to adhere to some simple rules.

  1. Pizza should be placed in a preheated microwave.
  2. The utensils in which the pizza is prepared must be suitable for use in a microwave oven. It is important that it does not have any gold painting or metal decorations.
  3. It is better to cook pizza in a deep form, since during the cooking process a lot of fat and liquid can be released, which will spill into the microwave.
  4. After covering the pizza pan with foil, make sure that it does not touch the walls of the microwave.
  5. If you are making your own dough, make it a little more liquid than the recipe says.
  6. Despite the fact that the dough suitable for pizza in the microwave should be more liquid, on the contrary, it is important not to overmoisten the filling.
  7. When spreading the layers of the filling, do not put the cheese on top, as they can interfere with the uniform heating of the lower layers.
  8. If you are using yeast dough, then it is better to put the filling on it immediately after rolling. This way you won't let the dough flake more than you need.

Basic pizza recipes

There are a lot of recipes for making pizza in the microwave.

Puff pastry pizza "Cheese"

Today, you can easily buy ready-made puff pastry for your pizza in the microwave. However, it turns out to be especially tasty if you cook it with your own hands.

It's not difficult at all. It is enough to mix one and a half glasses of milk and half a glass of water, half a pack of pre-chopped creamy margarine, a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. The prepared dough should be put in the refrigerator for at least two hours and only then used.

After the specified time, put the dough into a mold and send it to the microwave for 5 minutes. Then we take it out, grease with tomato sauce, sprinkle with grated and put it in the microwave again so that the cheese melts properly.

Pizza on an ordinary yeast-free dough "Sea"

The dough for this pizza in the microwave is the easiest to prepare.

It is enough to mix one egg, 250 grams of flour, half a glass of water and 30 grams of vegetable oil. As a filling, squid pre-soaked in vinegar, canned tuna, boiled carrots and pickled mushrooms are perfect.

The role of dressing will perfectly play the sauce with horseradish. It is enough to put such a pizza in the microwave for only 10 minutes - and it will be ready.

Pizza "Assorted" on yeast dough

To prepare this pizza, you will need to mix a glass of flour, half a glass of milk and half a glass of water, one egg, 60 grams of sugar and 50 ml of vegetable oil. After you knead the dough, add 75 grams of dry yeast to it.

Sausage and cheese can be used as a pizza topping. You can put a couple of finely chopped pickled cucumbers in it.

Before laying out the filling, the base of the pizza must be greased with tomato sauce or mayonnaise. Pizza should be baked for about 6 minutes, while the microwave power should be maximum.

Now you know how to quickly cook pizza in the microwave. This will not require much time and effort, and therefore you can regularly pamper your family with various delicious delights.

Greetings, my dear cooks. Do you love pizza? If yes, then this article will be of great interest to you. I will tell you how to cook pizza in the microwave. The yummy will cook very quickly. And there are many filling options - for every taste.

To begin with, an example of a "classic" version of the dish. If you are running out of time, you can make yummy on finished basis. Such cakes do not require additional baking, so the total cooking time is reduced.

To make this pizza, you need to take care of the following components in advance:

  • 2 cakes;
  • 2 pcs. tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper (take green, it will look harmonious);
  • 300 g of ham;
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 6 tbsp mayonnaise (better if).

Expose to microwave oven power 800 watts. Then send the cakes there for 2-3 minutes. While the base is heating up, prepare the filling.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, then wipe dry and cut into thin rings. We wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds and cut into half rings. Ham can be cut into cubes, and cheese according to your desire. Mix soy sauce with mayonnaise.

Lubricate the warmed cakes with the mixture soy sauce with mayonnaise. Then lay out the ham, then the tomatoes and peppers. And spread the cheese on top. Bake this yummy at 800 watts for 3-5 minutes.

Fast pizza on a loaf

This dish is prepared in 10 minutes. Well, this is not surprising - the base is ready, and the filling is quickly baked.

For the cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5-6 pieces of loaf;
  • 4 tbsp milk;
  • 1 egg.

Filling products:

  • 150 g grated hard cheese;
  • 2 tbsp ketchup;
  • 5 slices of sausage;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers (take small ones).

Gently chop the loaf and fill with milk. Then mix it all up well. Separately, beat the egg and send it to the total mass. As a result, you should get a watery slurry. Transfer this mixture to a high-sided bowl or silicone mold. Carefully level the mass with a spatula.

Next, pour the base with ketchup (evenly distribute it on the surface of the “cake”). Then lay out the filling - sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers and sausage in circles, as well as grated cheese. Other ingredients can be used if desired. These can be olives, mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.

Send the casserole for 10 minutes in the microwave, setting it to the “microwave + grill” mode. Then take out the pizza. While it is hot, you can sprinkle cheese on top.

A large portion will come out of this set of products - it will turn out for several people. By the way, here is a step-by-step video recipe for this dish.

Mini pizza on a loaf

You may ask: is it possible to cook exactly the same pizza, but in a mini format? There is nothing easier. You can bake it in an ordinary plate (the main thing is that it is suitable for use in the microwave).

For the base, you will need 3 pieces of loaf and an egg. Mix the crushed bread with raw egg, then put this mass on a plate and level it. Place sausage slices on top. Next, add the sauce (mayonnaise + ketchup + spices). Then sprinkle the casserole with cheese and send it to the mikra. This delicacy is ready in 5 minutes. If you like a crispy crust, leave the dish in the microwave for a couple more minutes.

How to make pizza on pita bread

The recipe for this dish is very simple. I just . It also came out fast and delicious. For the dish you need the following products:

  • lavash leaf;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 100 g of ham, sausage or fried meat;
  • 50 g grated hard cheese;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise.

Lavash is cut to the size of the plate in which we will bake the dish. Lubricate the base with ketchup. We cut the meat (sausage or ham) into cubes 1-1.5 cm in size. Then we spread the pieces on pita bread. Cut the tomato into half rings. And evenly spread the tomato on the meat layer. Then grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

We send the yummy to the microwave and bake for 4-5 minutes. Everything is ready: knead with pleasure. Only this pizza is barely enough for 1 person. Therefore, when cooking for a large company, increase the number of such mini-pizzas in proportion to the number of eaters 🙂

Making pizza without yeast on kefir

It's crazy tasty dish Seafood lovers will appreciate it. For the base, stock up on the following components:

  • 2 tbsp wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 2 eggs.

We will prepare the filling from:

  • 100-120 g of boiled mussels or squids;
  • 200 g canned fish (for example, tuna);
  • boiled carrots;
  • boiled egg;
  • 60 g pickled mushrooms;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise + ketchup.

First, knead the dough: add soda, sugar + salt to kefir. Whisk the eggs lightly. Mix kefir and eggs with flour. After the dough is set aside - let it rest for half an hour under a closed towel.

Next, roll out a thin layer. We spread the base on a baking dish, which must be greased in advance vegetable oil. We make small boards. Then lightly grease the dough with mayonnaise. Mash the canned fish well and spread evenly. Top with ketchup.

We cut the boiled egg into rings and put it on top of the ketchup. Then cut the carrots into rings or small cubes. Put it on the next layer. After that we have chopped pickled mushrooms, mussels or squids, and then grated cheese.

Set the microwave to maximum power. We send the dish to the microwave and bake for about 10 minutes. Before serving this yummy, sprinkle it with chopped herbs and garnish with olives.

How to make pizza on a potato pancake

As a cake, you guessed it, there will be a potato base. For its preparation you will need:

  • 4 medium sized potatoes;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp wheat flour;
  • salt.

For the filling, stock up on the following products:

  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 5 slices of ham;
  • half a tomato;
  • 2 tbsp ketchup.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a medium-sized grater. Remove excess liquid. Then mix with egg, salt and flour. We spread the mass on a form, lightly greased with oil. Then we send the base to the micro for 5 minutes, setting the “microwave + grill” mode. Then take the potato pancake out of the microwave and turn it over.

Lubricate the potato base with ketchup. Then lay out the ham and sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomato rings. And sprinkle cheese on top. Then bake in the same mode for another 5 minutes. That's it - time to take a sample.

Cooking yeast-free pizza

For the cake you need to take:

  • 70 ml of water;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • salt.

The filling will be represented by such products:

  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 70-100 g of sausage;
  • half an onion;
  • a quarter of a tomato;
  • fresh greens;
  • olives;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup.

Mix flour with water, then add some salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. We roll out a thin layer and cut out a circle the size of a microwave plate. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil and send the base to it. We make small boards.

Then we send the dough to the microwave. We set it to maximum power and bake for 5-6 minutes. As a result, we will have a finished cake. We will lay out the filling on it.

Mix ketchup with mayonnaise - the sauce is ready. Lubricate the cake with this sauce. Then lay out thin onion rings, sausage slices and tomato slices. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and arrange chopped olives beautifully.

We send this beauty for 5 minutes in the microwave and set the maximum power. Before serving, decorate the yummy with herbs. And I advise you to carefully study this video instruction.

How to make puff pastry pizza

We will make the basis of ready dough. You will need 1 sheet of puff pastry. For the sauce, I advise you to take a little ketchup and mayonnaise - they will need to be mixed. For the filling, everything that is in the refrigerator will do - ham, bell pepper, cheese and what else you will find edible there 🙂

Roll out the pizza dough thinner. Then we cut it to the size of the microwave dish. We send the base to the microwave for 5 minutes and bake in the “microwave + grill” mode.

Lubricate the finished base with tomato-mayonnaise sauce. Then lay out slices of ham and semicircles bell pepper. And top with grated cheese. And again put the dish for 4 minutes in the mikra. Then we take out the yummy and enjoy its divine taste.

Additional Tricks

  1. Don't make the base too thick. The maximum thickness is up to 1 cm. Otherwise, the dough will not bake.
  2. First of all, it is better to bake the base. And already on the finished cake place the filling. So the base will not turn out raw.
  3. And yet, for the filling, try to use those ingredients that have already been pre-prepared. Meat should be fried, eggs should be boiled, etc. And do not save on cheese - you can take more of it 🙂

Today I decided to take a break and do what I love - cooking delicious. The main dish of today is pizza in the microwave, I suggest you write down the recipe with a photo, as it turned out very tasty. You should not buy a pizza blank in the store to throw it in the microwave and heat it up. You can spend 10 minutes of your free time and everyone will be waiting on the table homemade pizza which is much tastier than store-bought.

The recipe for pizza in the microwave is quite simple. Products for cooking need the most common. Labor costs are minimal, and everyone will like the result. Another plus of this recipe, I think that everything is cooked at home. Fresh and high-quality products are used, which means that such pizza will be not only tasty, but also safe.

Knowing what pizza is made of is important. In stores, you can often buy ready-made pizza from stitched ingredients. You can get poisoned with such a semi-finished product! Another thing is homemade pizza. The dough is prepared without yeast, and all the freshest and most delicious is used for the filling. This is the only way to get a delicious dish for one hundred percent.


To prepare the dough for fast pizza in the microwave, you need the following products:

  • 1 egg (I got an egg with two yolks, so don't let the photo fool you)
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt (so that the dough is not fresh).

For the filling, you can take:

  • sausage "Salami";
  • hard cheese;
  • fresh tomato;
  • tomato sauce;
  • basil for serving.

How to cook pizza in the microwave - step by step recipe

  1. Let's start with quick test. To begin with, we take wheat flour of the highest grade.
  2. A little salt is needed to make the dough tasty.
  3. Add 1 egg. Yes, I used one egg, but I got it with two yolks, so this is how the photo turned out, as if with two eggs. I hope I don't confuse you with this photo. Whoever reads the text will definitely read this clarification/explanation.
  4. We pour milk. This time I have a store-bought fat content of 2.6%.
  5. From these simple ingredients, knead the dough.
  6. It should be soft and supple (softer than dumplings). Let it rest under a towel.
  7. In the meantime, we take on the most delicious thing - the filling. Cut the salami into thin slices. It took me 8 slices for one pizza, but it all depends on the size.
  8. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Here I also do not indicate the exact proportions, since you can add as much cheese as you personally like. I add a good handful of grated slightly salty cheese.
  9. Roll out the dough and place on a glass plate. The cake should be thin, and the plate can be sprinkled with flour so that the base does not stick.
  10. Lubricate the base with delicious tomato sauce or ketchup. I have homemade sauce And it's very flavorful, which is a plus.
  11. Lay out the sausage pieces. We do this evenly, leaving a little space between the circles.
  12. Now we cut the tomato into circles and spread it on the base between the sausage.
  13. Generously sprinkle all this beauty with cheese and send it to the microwave at the highest power. We cook for 10 minutes at a power of 700 watts.
  14. We decorate the finished pizza with fresh basil and serve it to the table, while the cheese is still stretching with appetizing threads.

If you like this dish, write me about it in the comments. Your few lines will really support me and show that you need this project. After all, I write all my recipes for you - my readers. With that, I say goodbye to you today and look forward to your comments!

Microwave Pizza Video Recipe


  • flour - 200 grams.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - a pinch.
  • soda - a pinch.
  • milk - 100 ml.
  • cheese - 120 grams.
  • sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • filling - to taste.
  • servings: 1 pizza.

How to cook pizza in the microwave:

First of all, let's prepare the dough. To do this, sift the flour into a deep bowl, beat the egg, add salt and soda. We extinguish the soda with vinegar or lemon juice.

Mix all ingredients quickly and add milk.

Knead the dough, which should gather well into a ball and lag behind the hands. If necessary, add a little more flour or add a little milk.

Roll out the dough in the form of a circle, with a diameter of slightly more sizes microwave glass dish. Lubricate the plate with vegetable oil and transfer the rolled dough onto it.

From the edge in a circle lay out the longitudinal pieces of cheese. By the way, cheese can be safely replaced with sausage cut into strips or whole sausages, with the latter, by the way, in my opinion it turns out especially delicious!

We close the cheese, tucking the edges of the cake, forming the sides, pressing the dough in a circle.

Now, as expected, grease the dough with sauce. The sauce, of course, can be anything, I have ketchup and mayonnaise in equal proportions with the addition of fresh herbs.

Sprinkle on top a large number of grated cheese.

Next, distribute the filling. I had some fried mushrooms and boiled sausage, which I cut into cubes.

Put sliced ​​tomatoes on top of the filling.

And at the end sprinkle everything with grated cheese.

We cook pizza in the microwave for 8 minutes at a power of 750 W, if there is a “grill” mode, then you can set it at the end and cook for another 1.5 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished pizza with fresh herbs.

The pizza is well baked, it turns out appetizing and tasty. If you have a lack of free time and you often resort to buying semi-finished products, then I recommend trying this recipe. Literally in a matter of minutes, delicious, hot and fragrant homemade pizza will be waiting for you on the table.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Sincerely, Oksana Chaban.

Greetings, my dear cooks. Do you love pizza? If yes, then this article will be of great interest to you. I will tell you how to cook pizza in the microwave. The yummy will cook very quickly. And there are many filling options - for every taste.

To begin with, an example of a "classic" version of the dish. If time is running out for you, you can make yummy on the finished basis. Such cakes do not require additional baking, so the total cooking time is reduced.

To make this pizza, you need to take care of the following components in advance:

  • 2 cakes;
  • 2 pcs. tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper (take green, it will look harmonious);
  • 300 g of ham;
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 6 tbsp mayonnaise (better if it is homemade).

Set the microwave to 800 watts. Then send the cakes there for 2-3 minutes. While the base is heating up, prepare the filling.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, then wipe dry and cut into thin rings. We wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds and cut into half rings. Ham can be cut into cubes, and cheese according to your desire. Mix soy sauce with mayonnaise.

Lubricate the heated cakes with a mixture of soy sauce and mayonnaise. Then lay out the ham, then the tomatoes and peppers. And spread the cheese on top. Bake this yummy at 800 watts for 3-5 minutes.

Fast pizza on a loaf

This dish is prepared in 10 minutes. Well, this is not surprising - the base is ready, and the filling is quickly baked.

For the cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5-6 pieces of loaf;
  • 4 tbsp milk;
  • 1 egg.

Filling products:

  • 150 g grated hard cheese;
  • 2 tbsp ketchup;
  • 5 slices of sausage;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers (take small ones).

Gently chop the loaf and fill with milk. Then mix it all up well. Separately, beat the egg and send it to the total mass. As a result, you should get a watery slurry. Transfer this mixture to a high-sided bowl or silicone mold. Carefully level the mass with a spatula.

Next, pour the base with ketchup (evenly distribute it on the surface of the “cake”). Then lay out the filling - sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers and sausage in circles, as well as grated cheese. Other ingredients can be used if desired. These can be olives, mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.

Send the casserole for 10 minutes in the microwave, setting it to the “microwave + grill” mode. Then take out the pizza. While it is hot, you can sprinkle cheese on top.

A large portion will come out of this set of products - it will turn out for several people. By the way, here is a step-by-step video recipe for this dish.

Mini pizza on a loaf

You may ask: is it possible to cook exactly the same pizza, but in a mini format? There is nothing easier. You can bake it in an ordinary plate (the main thing is that it is suitable for use in the microwave).

For the base, you will need 3 pieces of loaf and an egg. Mix the crushed bread with a raw egg, then put this mass on a plate and level it. Place sausage slices on top. Next, add the sauce (mayonnaise + ketchup + spices). Then sprinkle the casserole with cheese and send it to the mikra. This delicacy is ready in 5 minutes. If you like a crispy crust, leave the dish in the microwave for a couple more minutes.

How to make pizza on pita bread

The recipe for this dish is very simple. This is how I cooked pizza in a pan. It also came out fast and delicious. For the dish you need the following products:

  • lavash leaf;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 100 g of ham, sausage or fried meat;
  • 50 g grated hard cheese;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise.

Lavash is cut to the size of the plate in which we will bake the dish. Lubricate the base with ketchup. We cut the meat (sausage or ham) into cubes 1-1.5 cm in size. Then we spread the pieces on pita bread. Cut the tomato into half rings. And evenly spread the tomato on the meat layer. Then grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

We send the yummy to the microwave and bake for 4-5 minutes. Everything is ready: knead with pleasure. Only this pizza is barely enough for 1 person. Therefore, when cooking for a large company, increase the number of such mini-pizzas in proportion to the number of eaters 🙂

Making pizza without yeast on kefir

This insanely delicious dish will be appreciated by seafood lovers. For the base, stock up on the following components:

  • 2 tbsp wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 2 eggs.

We will prepare the filling from:

  • 100-120 g of boiled mussels or squids;
  • 200 g canned fish (for example, tuna);
  • boiled carrots;
  • boiled egg;
  • 60 g pickled mushrooms;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise + ketchup.

First, knead the dough: add soda, sugar + salt to kefir. Whisk the eggs lightly. Mix kefir and eggs with flour. After the dough is set aside - let it rest for half an hour under a closed towel.

Next, roll out a thin layer. We spread the base on a baking dish, which must be greased with vegetable oil in advance. We make small boards. Then lightly grease the dough with mayonnaise. Mash the canned fish well and spread evenly. Top with ketchup.

We cut the boiled egg into rings and put it on top of the ketchup. Then cut the carrots into rings or small cubes. Put it on the next layer. After that we have chopped pickled mushrooms, mussels or squids, and then grated cheese.

Set the microwave to maximum power. We send the dish to the microwave and bake for about 10 minutes. Before serving this yummy, sprinkle it with chopped herbs and garnish with olives.

How to make pizza on a potato pancake

As a cake, you guessed it, there will be a potato base. For its preparation you will need:

  • 4 medium sized potatoes;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp wheat flour;
  • salt.

For the filling, stock up on the following products:

  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 5 slices of ham;
  • half a tomato;
  • 2 tbsp ketchup.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a medium-sized grater. Remove excess liquid. Then mix with egg, salt and flour. We spread the mass on a form, lightly greased with oil. Then we send the base to the micro for 5 minutes, setting the “microwave + grill” mode. Then take the potato pancake out of the microwave and turn it over.

Lubricate the potato base with ketchup. Then lay out the ham and sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomato rings. And sprinkle cheese on top. Then bake in the same mode for another 5 minutes. That's it - time to take a sample.

Cooking yeast-free pizza

For the cake you need to take:

  • 70 ml of water;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • salt.

The filling will be represented by such products:

  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 70-100 g of sausage;
  • half an onion;
  • a quarter of a tomato;
  • fresh greens;
  • olives;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup.

Mix flour with water, then add some salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. We roll out a thin layer and cut out a circle the size of a microwave plate. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil and send the base to it. We make small boards.

Then we send the dough to the microwave. We set it to maximum power and bake for 5-6 minutes. As a result, we will have a finished cake. We will lay out the filling on it.

Mix ketchup with mayonnaise - the sauce is ready. Lubricate the cake with this sauce. Then lay out thin onion rings, sausage slices and tomato slices. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and arrange chopped olives beautifully.

We send this beauty for 5 minutes in the microwave and set the maximum power. Before serving, decorate the yummy with herbs. And I advise you to carefully study this video instruction.

How to make puff pastry pizza

We will make the base from the finished dough. You will need 1 sheet of puff pastry. For the sauce, I advise you to take a little ketchup and mayonnaise - they will need to be mixed. For the filling, everything that is in the refrigerator will do - ham, bell pepper, cheese and what else you will find edible there 🙂

Roll out the pizza dough thinner. Then we cut it to the size of the microwave dish. We send the base to the microwave for 5 minutes and bake in the “microwave + grill” mode.

Lubricate the finished base with tomato-mayonnaise sauce. Then lay out slices of ham and half circles of bell pepper. And top with grated cheese. And again put the dish for 4 minutes in the mikra. Then we take out the yummy and enjoy its divine taste.

Additional Tricks

  1. Don't make the base too thick. The maximum thickness is up to 1 cm. Otherwise, the dough will not bake.
  2. First of all, it is better to bake the base. And already on the finished cake place the filling. So the base will not turn out raw.
  3. And yet, for the filling, try to use those ingredients that have already been pre-prepared. Meat should be fried, eggs should be boiled, etc. And do not save on cheese - you can take more of it 🙂

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