How to dry apples at home: preparation and drying in the oven, microwave, outdoor. Dried apples in the oven - save forever the taste of summer

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Council: If you use the grid instead of the opposition, the fruit will be processed more evenly and will not stick to the surface.

Dry apples can be both in the oven gas stove and electric. On the quality of the workpiece, the type of device and the principle of its work will not affect. In any case, apples can darken, but watch them not burned. A certain role is played by the power of technology - drying in weak slabs will require more time.

If the oven does not have a convection function, you will have to open the door so that the evaporated moisture is freely out, and the process went faster. This can cause certain discomfort, because during the period when fruits dried, it is worth a pretty warm weather. The problem is solved by providing ventilation - you can open the windows and turn on the hood.

A high-quality drying is obtained in the oven, evenly processed from all sides, if you do not be lazy, you will follow it and turn over time. This method has a rather significant disadvantage - a limited place. That is, it will work out so much drying, as far as the opposite is enough. And on the second or third party often does not remain no strength, no desire.

Drying apples in the sun and in the microwave

Experienced hostesses have finished driving fruit at home over gas burners. Sliced \u200b\u200bslices or circles are riveted on the thread and hang. This is a very fast way - the product will be ready after 2 hours. But it is necessary that the extractor work during the whole time.

We also offer to use the oldest method and dry apples using the Sun. The process is very simple. Prepare fruit in the same way as usual. Spread pieces on tables or boards covered with paper or clean cloth. It can be done right in the yard of your home, on the balcony or on the windowsill, if you live in the apartment. Cover the fruit of gauze from above to protect against flies.

Drying lasts 3-4 days, if you put the blanks on the sunny side. In the shade it will take a little more than a week. Daily apples need to turn over, and put into the room at night.

Council: To determine the readiness, evaluate the product from different parts of the lattice or bent. All pieces should be one color and degree of drying.

Comfortable and modern option for the workpiece - microwave. Apples in such a processing practically do not lose vitamins. Radiation affects each piece evenly, and it is highly dried both from the inside and outside.

Solk or circles are unfolded with a thin layer on a special dish and exhibit a microwave oven to the power of 200 W. Check the degree of drying need every 30 seconds, the pieces should be turned over as needed. A total of 3-5 minutes will leave for cooking, depending on the thickness of the cutting.

There are many ways to prepare apple drying, each chooses in accordance with their capabilities. But, of course, the dryer remains the best. Preserving vegetables and fruits for the winter by removing more moisture from them - direct function of the device. That is why such a processing is considered the best. Consider this option in more detail.

How to dry apples in the electric row

Time for preparing: 30 minutes

Number of portions:30

Energy value

  • calories - 23.1 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.22 g;
  • fat - 0.01 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.9


  • apples - 5 kg.

Step-by-step cooking

  1. Wash fruit and cut into pieces with a thickness of no more than 5 mm. Seeds and frozen remove.
  2. Equally spread apples along pallets.
  3. Turn on the device. Place the temperature of 60 degrees. On the drying of one party you will leave about 8 hours. It is advisable to check the condition of the workpiece several times.

Council: Do not clean the home fruits from the peel - almost all useful substances are concentrated in it. But the skin also accumulates toxins, so it is better to remove it from fruits purchased in the store.

Feature of cooking in varieties of apples and storage conditions

Not all apples are suitable for this type of workpiece. Summer varieties, for example, GRUSHOVA, Katya, Arcade, White Pour, Melba and others, contain a large number of sugars, because of which they do not breathe well and the product is loose. Such a drying, maybe fit on compote, but nothing more difficult to do from it. If you decide to put on the workpiece of the summer variety, cut the fruit of the fond. To do this, you can purchase a special knife.

Autumn or winter sour-sweet apples are much more suitable - Makintosh, Strameding, Jonathan, Golden, Welshi. But the best for this purpose is the variety of Antonovka. Such fruits and freshly stored longer than summer, and devoid of moisture, will save the necessary qualities even more than a long time.

After drying, it is necessary to move pieces and postpone those in which the moisture remains. You can bring them to the condition or send to compote immediately. Store the product in the bag of fabric. From time to time check the condition of the workpiece to prevent insect infection and mold. If you add dried fruits into a clean bank, close tightly and remove into the refrigerator, they will be suitable for eating for two years.

Council: So that the drying does not dry, soak the crude apples in the salt solution for a couple of minutes. To do this, distribute salt in water at the rate of 1 t. L. per liter. Remove the treated apples and, without wiping, take a drying out on the street.

Home drying is not only raw materials for compotes. It will come in handy if you want to prepare fruit pilaf, muesli or cupcake. There is no absolutely nothing complicated in cooking and you will not find the best way to process apples in harvest years.

Apples are a very useful and tasty product. Perhaps this is the most common fruit that can always be found in stores regardless of the year. There are many varieties and all of them are rich in vitamins and microelements, which are very useful for the human body.

Apples are used not only in the fresh form, they can be preserved, boiled and dried in the sun or in aerogrile. The last way is most popular, so let's learn how to properly dry apples in various ways.

Preparation of fruits

Dried apples are one of the most economical ways of billet fruits for the winter. The main role is played here that the fruit processed in this way remains all its beneficial properties. In the future, it will be possible to brew compotes, brew teas, make a filling for pies and is just like that.

Compliance with technology is the main condition for the preservation of vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, the knowledge of how to dry apples in the oven, aerogrile or other kitchen appliance is useful to each mistress. Where to start?

First, the fruits must be sorted in size. It should be noted that any varieties are suitable for drying. Sweets are sweeters from white pouring. This is one of the early grades, it is very tasty and juicy.

Secondly, they are thoroughly washed and leave to dry in the air. For the manufacture of drying, the fallen fruits are mainly used. When washing, cut off the spoiled areas, you can cut the core with seeds and remove the peel.

The next step is optional, but if you want drying to save whiteness and not yellow, then do this:

  • Prepare a salt solution, 1 liter of water 1 tsp. salty salt;
  • To the resulting liquid, lower the apples for 2-3 minutes;
  • Remove them and without wiping, leave to dry in the air.

The treated fruits are cut by slices and lay on the grid or a baking sheet in one layer.

Drying in the Sun.

If time and weather allow, the optimal option is to dry the apples in a natural way. In a private house, roofs and attics are used for this. Sliced \u200b\u200bby slices and the fruits treated in the salt solution are laying out on a baking sheet or strung on a thread.

Before putting fruit to dry, they should be littered, so that flies and other insects do not climb on them. On the table, you can maximize the slices in 2 layers, it is better to ride them with a small interval. After that, the container is exposed to the sun or hang apple garlands in a dry and warm room.

How dried apples in the sun? So that they dried evenly, they should be turned over to the other daily on the other. The sun should constantly fall on her lobes, so that Tara will have to move several times during the day.

It is undesirable to dry the fruit on a cloud day, the process is considered correct only when direct rays come. Not suitable for this classes and a rainy day.

When drying in the room it will be necessary to ensure that it is regularly ventilated, the air was not wet. The dampness is not needed in this matter. It is recommended to periodically move the apples in the rope so that they evenly dry and do not stick out.

How many apples dried naturally? This process is long and depends on the weather. It is usually required at least 10 days. If the drying is well sucked on both sides, it is elastic, it does not break and does not stick to each other, then it can be cleaned.

When to dry the fruit in the sun or the attic is no possibility, you can use the accelerated methods - to dry the fruits in the oven, airhril, electric rig or microwave.

Accelerated drying methods

Swelling apples with natural ways is not always possible. In this case, folk savings and household appliances comes to the rescue.


The easiest thing is to decompose the slices on the counterness and put it on the warm batteries, turning the dried slices daily. Air humidity in the room where apples dries should be low. How much fruit will dry? On average weekly it happens enough.

If you live in the city, then knowing how to dry apples in the oven is very useful. On the preparation of one piece of drying will leave 7-8 hours. Before laying out the chopped fruits on the baking sheet, check it with foil or paper for baking.

To begin with, the temperature should be low about 45 degrees. After 2 hours, increase this figure to 65 degrees, and 30 minutes before the end of the drying, set the temperature regulator by 50.

Remember, in the drying process, the fruits allocate moisture, so it will be possible to open the oven to release steam, and each hour turn slices to the other side. At the end of the process, get drying and decompose on a clean dry towel - let it cool down.


Knowing how to dry apples in the microwave, you will be able to recycle a bucket of fruit for several hours. This is the fastest way, but it is important not to overcome the fruits. Prepared slices lay out on a plate in one layer.

Power should not exceed 300 kW. Turn on the stove for 2 minutes, after turning off the timer, immediately get the plate and check the product availability. If necessary, then dry. After cooking the first portion, put the second and, putting the right time, turn on the microwave.


If you wish, you can dry apples and in airhril. For this grid, existing in the set, shut down with parchment paper and, putting the prepared fruits from above, put them alone over the other. How do apples dried in aerogrile? Temperature set 100-120 degrees, blowing speed should be low. With such modes on one bookmark you will spend about an hour.

It should be remembered that fruits will dry from above faster than below. Therefore, it will be possible to turn off the device and change the grids in places. At the same time, the lobes turn over.


Apple drying can be made not only in aerogrile, but also in the electric grid. For this, the prepared fruits decompose on the aggregate grids in one layer and put inside the device. At a temperature of 60 degrees for cooking 1, the portion will need about 8 hours.

How else to dry apples in the electric rig? To improve the taste, the cut fruits can be left for a day to mock in sugar syrup, and then dry. The amount of sugar is arbitrary. It is added to boiling water and thoroughly stirred.

The cooled syrup is poured chopped fruits so that the water covered them completely, and leave in a cool place. The next day, the slices fold on the colander and give the syrup dragging, after that they are laid out on the grid.

How to store a finished product?

How much is the finished drying? It depends on the correctness of the preparation. Well dried fruits can save useful elements for years. They are packaged in cardboard boxes, glass or plastic container, in the plastic bags.

Dried apples are extremely practical. First, it is convenient to store them. And if you keep storage conditions, then they will lie for a very long time. Secondly, they are very easy to do: you don't need to cook long, spend sahara kilograms or sterilize banks. It is enough to cut and put on the sun. The main thing is to cut and put it right and correctly. We tell about it:

What apples choose?

The seed box should be small, the skin is thin, and the taste is bright, the best sour-sweet. And, of course, the fragrance. Otherwise, why do you want all this? Good suitable for drying both summer and autumn varieties: Antonovka, Peping Saffron, Cinnamon.

How to prepare apples for drying?

Before drying, apples need to be washed, remove all the beats and worms, remove the seed box. There is a special device in the form of a metal tubule, which takes out a seed box from an entire apple. If it is not, then we act in the usual way, cut the fruit for the quarter, cut out the box and then cut into slices.


If you managed to remove the core from the whole apple, you can cut the fruits for drying with circles.

The thickness of pieces should be about 5 mm.

So that the apples in the drying process did not oxidize and do not darken, you can act in two ways:

  • blanch apples sliced \u200b\u200bfor drying, that is, lowered them for a few seconds in boiling water;
  • lower in 1.5% salt solution, that is, the liter will be needed 20 g of salts (this is a tablespoon with a slide).

In the salt solution you need to lower the apples if you are going to dry them in the sun, outdoors. Salt will scare flies and other insects.

How to dry?

In the oven. Scatter with a thin layer apples on babysitter. Put at a temperature of 50 degrees. For an hour, apples will become encouraged. Then the temperature needs to be increased to 70 degrees - apples will be dried and led away. Finally, at the end of the drying, the temperature needs to be increased to 80 degrees to sterilize apples. The process will take hours 6-7. Every hour apples need to mix.

In the sun. You can decompose fruits on the nozzles, on the grids. Hang them on the thread and hang in a ventilated, very sunny place. Every day, apples need to turn over. When they were rolling and decreased in the amount of two times, you can pour the contents of two opposes to one - they will not stick. On the hot sun process takes 3-4 days.

Over stove. Apples are riveted on the thread and hang over the stove. And include it. It is suitable only a gas stove, the apples will not succeed over the electric burner, and you will break on electricity. Such a drying is fast, it takes 3-4 hours, depending on the thickness of the cutting.

In the electric zoom. Very comfortable thing for those who do a lot of blanks. Salves need to be distributed in drying, set the necessary temperature (usually it is specified in the instructions) and wait a couple of hours. No constant attention is required.

How to determine what apples are ready?

Apples should decrease greatly in size. The dried properly fruits are not broken, they are elastic, not sticky. Apples can be blond or dark, it does not depend on the quality of drying, but only on what kind of grade you chose.

How to store?

In fabric or paper bags, in a dark, cool, ventilated place. You can not pack apples in packages and plastic containers, they moldy.

What to cook?

The most common - compote from dried fruits or just dried apples. But these are the possibilities of dried fruits are not limited. Of these, you can make salads, sauces, stove pies. You can cook from dried apples. Extras for pancakes, add them to soup, even cook jam.

Salad with dried apples

  • 1 handful of dried apples
  • 100 g prunes
  • 2 tbsp. l. Money
  • 30 g of different walnuts.

Step 1. Apples and prunes soak.

Step 2.. Cut in small pieces. Mix.

Step 3.. Nuts to nourish, add honey and nuts to fruits.

Dried Apple Charpeck


Step 1. Apples soak, then boil (the decoction can be used as a basis for a compote).

Step 2.. Seven yolks from proteins. Proteins save and leave, and yolks to be confused with sugar to a white state.

Step 3.. Add room temperature oil to yolks and beat.

Step 4.. Add flour with a bundle. Stir everything so that there is no lumps.

Step 5.. Beat proteins to a steep foam and introduce sugar. Put in the dough and gently mix.

Step 6.. A shape lubricate with oil and sprinkle with flour. Apples put in the dough, stir, pour everything into the form.

Step 7.. Bake at a temperature of 180 g about 50 minutes.

Drying apples is a great way to preserve the fruits of beneficial properties and vitamins, which is known since ancient times. With the right approach to the process, the apples do not lose their qualities and are used as an independent product, or an excellent addition to various dishes.

Preparing for drying - Why is it important to choose the right fruit?

Dry apples at home can be in different ways. Someone prefers to use proven "grandmothers" methods of natural drying, someone - the possibilities of modern and special equipment (electric dryers, airhril). However, the easiest and most common way is drying in the oven or on the contrary.

Regardless of what kind of drying method you choose that ripe fruits save the maximum of their elements, taste properties and have not been damaged during the cooking process, it is necessary to choose correctly and prepare apples. First of all, find a suitable variety. Experienced owners recommend using late varieties - Anis, Aport, Antonovka. They differ in that they have a characteristic sourish or sour-sweet taste, thin skin and the necessary structure, which is ideal for drying for the winter.

You can dry by other, sweeter, summer varieties, however, most often, after processing in the oven or on the burner, the slices of sweet varieties become practically tasteless, sugar evaporates, and their taste properties are evacuated. Before drying, it is also important to inspect the apples: they should be ripe, solid, without rotten areas and with a good meat structure, which will not be reassigned when cutting them. If necessary, remove damaged areas, sometimes they can be cleaned of the skin (especially if it is too thick).

Next, apples are thoroughly washed, sorted, it is better to use the fruits of the same size and one variety, in which case it will be much easier to monitor the uniformity of the drying in the process. Some lovers put apples with blanch before proceeding to their drying, but it takes part of the beneficial properties, so we do not recommend it.

You can cut the fruits by either slices or circles, while it is important to remember that the sliced \u200b\u200bslices are very rapidly darkened due to the high content in iron apples. To avoid darkening, we recommend omitted sliced \u200b\u200bslices in salty water (1 tbsp. Spoon per liter of water) or wet them lemon acid.

Oven apples - Review of the traditional method of preparation

Drying apples in the oven - the process is unprecedented and requires a certain patience and preparation. It is possible to dry the fruit both in the electric stream and on the gas stove, however, the first option is still more preferable, especially if the stove is equipped with an additional function of convection. In addition, some models of gas stoves do not have additional temperature adjustment, which is why it is difficult to control the process of uniform heating.

Regardless of the type of oven, carry out the drying in compliance with the following rules:

  • overturn heat up to 60-70 degrees at the lowest temperature;
  • prepare a baking sheet with food or grille, they neatly laid slices in one, maximum, two layers;
  • put the baking tray or grille and cook at least 6-7 hours, gradually increasing the temperature in the oven to 90-100 degrees;
  • if the stove is not equipped with additional ventilation, open the oven cover, it is necessary for normal evaporation of moisture;
  • periodically shake the slices, with periodicity every hour, stirring them for more uniform drying.

Too high preparation temperature or large fire will very quickly turn the juicy slices in small, tasteless coal. After the cooking time expires, check the readiness of dried fruits. Solk should be elastic, do not break when flexing, not to highlight moisture or juice, while they must save their fragrance.

It is necessary to store the obtained storehouse of vitamins in a dry, protected from light, in glass jars, the bottom of which is pre-covered with paper. You can also use food paper bags or special linen fabric bags.

We harvest the fruits for the winter in the electric rig and microwave

With the help of such an instrument, like an electric dryer, you can dry not only fruits, but also berries, mushrooms, various herbs. The standard dryer is equipped with two pallets (lattices), which are evenly laid out of apples pre-sliced \u200b\u200bor "bagels". It is very important to follow the thickness of the poles, it is better that it is not more than 6 millimeters.

After the slices are decomposed, turn on the device and select the optimal drying temperature. For modern devices, 50-60 degrees are recommended. If the size of the standard size, then the preparation of ready dried fruits will go about 5-7 hours. After that, be sure to check the degree of readiness, if necessary (if the juice is distinguished or structural elasticity is released), give apple slices to climb some time.

Many modern housewives use standard microwave ovens for the preparation of fruits for the winter as an alternative to the oven or electric dryer. As far as this method is useful, it is difficult to judge, it is only known that the apples dried in the microwave lose some of their vitamins and are not always obtained by such as with the traditional drying method. However, the time for their preparation is reduced several times, while it is additionally not necessary to use parchment paper for the bench and constantly monitor the process.

Slide apples in the microwave is very simple. They must be cleaned from the skin and cut into small slices. Then carefully put them in one layer on a special plate and send to the microwave. Install the optimal power of 200-300 W and set the timer for 3-4 minutes. After the time of time, fruits must be removed and turned over manually. Then reproduce time and power again, and everything is ready! Check the readiness in the traditional way.

Useful secrets and recipes of delicious delicacies from dried apples

If the method of drying in the microwave does not suit you, and at the same time there is not enough time to monitor the process when cooking in the oven, there are several useful tips, how to speed up the cooking time so that the fruits do not lose their properties. Wash the fruit well, then cut them with slices and lower for a few minutes in boiling water, after which you are upcoming them for 10 minutes on slow fire. Next, remove the slices and immediately cool them under the jet of cold water. As soon as the apples have cooled, send them into the oven on the contrary or grid, observing the above-mentioned sequence. With this approach, drying time will be reduced to about 3-4 hours.

Another way implies the use of steam. Hold the chopped fruit under a dense steam from boiling water using a special or colander. Then also cool them with cold water and send in the oven. This method is better suited when the fruits are cut off with slices, but circles.

And finally, we describe several tasty and useful "grandmother's" recipes, where dried apples are the main ingredient. Rinse a kilogram of juicy fruits, clear the middle, put them on with neat circles and put into a bowl or other dishes. In parallel, fall asleep 200-300 grams of sugar sand into a saucepan with water. Water boil a few minutes before turning sugar into syrup and fill it into a bowl with fruit. Let it brew within a few hours, and then send the received "rings" on the drying. At the exit, there will be very tasty and ready-made sugar circles that will become a great dessert with cold winter.

Dried apples can also become an excellent substitute for candies, marmalade or ordinary jam. In addition to juicy fruits, you will also need cinnamon, citric acid and sugar sand. Lay out the washed and cut slices on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then in a separate container thoroughly mix cinnamon, sugar sand and citric acid. The resulting mixture evenly sprinkle the fruit slices and send them into the oven or dryer in the new form. After several hours of baking, remove the dessert from the oven and leave for a couple of days to dry naturally. Then pack slices on jars or sacrons, and delicious winter delicacy is ready!

There are many other useful recipes, as well as all sorts of drying methods such a wonderful and tasty fruit like an apple. But even without additional seasonings, apples dried by a natural or traditional way is helpful, tasty and inexpensive!

In winter, when fruits and vegetables are needed to maintain immunity and to avoid avitaminosis, the question arises about how to store them. The optimal option is to store reserves for the winter in a dried form. If they do not lose their food value, but on the contrary, vitamins and minerals retain. An apple is 90 percent consists of water. When drying, water content decreases to 15 percent. That is, water is evaporated when dried, and all other beneficial substances remain. Therefore, dried apples are not only useful, but they can be easily stored, and from them you can make many delicious dishes.

To dry apples at home, you do not need to have special knowledge or complex technical equipment. This is also plus suking apples. All you need for drying Apples - Oven.

Apples must be taken from the calculation, which of 10 kilograms of fresh apples is obtained about 1.1 kilograms of dried.

For drying, they usually take the sour-sweet and sour varieties of apples, such as Antonovka, as the best dried fruits come out. Apples need to go through - fugged, worm or thickened needs to be removed, the rest washed. Wash apples are good, because they are usually treated with special chemicals. To avoid poisoning them, apples must be carefully flushed.

After all the apples are woven, they need to be cleaned and cut. You can clean the skin, then the drying process will go much faster, as the water will evaporate better. Apples need to be cleaned from seeds and cores. It can be chopped by either slices or circles, but the thickness of each slices should not exceed 1 cm. Cut the apples need to be a sharp stainless steel knife, because the apples are quickly oxidized when interacting with iron. For drying apples in the ovenYou can not clean them from the skins and cores, in which case you save more valuable substances, but visually the first option looks better.

So that the sliced \u200b\u200bapples are not darkened (and they darken quickly because of oxidation), they need to be blanched. Apples blanched as follows: in hot water, not brought to a boil (which is important) you need to lower the apple lobes for only a few seconds. You can also hold them in a 1.5 percent saline solution of 2-3 minutes. At the same time, apples lose some of the acids and sugars, but these losses are insignificant.

Next, you must lay out apple slices on the baking sheet. Recommended not to use iron trays, and it is best to take a sieve or grille, or to ride apples on a wire or thread. Straw apples with a smooth layer so that they cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe opposition.

Process drying apples in the oven Consists of three phases:

1 phase occurs at a temperature of 50 ° C, when apples are rolling.
2 phase - temperatures need to be increased to 70 ° C to evaporate the bulk of water.
3 Phase, shutter, at a temperature of 80 ° C - sterilization.

Drying apples in the oven It takes 5-6 hours.

It is important not to raise the temperature sharply, if at the very beginning you will make too high temperatures, the apples will cover the crust and water from them will not be able to evaporate. You can not cover the door tightly at the beginning of the drying process, as water evaporates in large quantities and it would be good to air the oven so that the apples are not burned. You can only close the door on the end of the drying when the water has already evaporated.

Apples are also possible

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