If you are in a bad mood. Bad mood

Site arrangement 11.10.2019

There is not a single person on the globe who would not periodically or regularly experience a bad mood. It is not so scary if such a state of depression comes rarely, but passes quickly. We are all humans, not robots. But what to do if a bad mood has become your habitual state?

Bad mood- this is a kind of signal from the body that you are not satisfied with this life. First of all, you need to deal with the cause of a bad mood! And for this, sometimes it is necessary to carry out complex psychological or even philosophical work “on the mistakes”. The reasons can be very different. You are guaranteed a bad mood if you have to communicate regularly with unpleasant people, trouble at work or quarreled with a loved one. If a person does not get enough sleep, it also makes him irritable and nervous. Often the cause of bad mood are health problems, chronic pain syndromes.

Prolonged bad mood and a state of depression can eventually lead to the development of real depression and neurotic conditions. There is a phenomenon of seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder. At the same time, a bad mood most often visits you in autumn-winter period, and women aged 25-44 are twice as susceptible to it as men. In itself, a bad mood and depression lead to a disruption in communication between brain neurons, an imbalance chemical compounds norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. But it is this “happy trinity” that is responsible for the state peace of mind, joys, the state of being in love, i.e. for happiness.

You can, of course, enjoy your bad mood, get a kind of buzz from self-pity, sitting at home and sorting out dull thoughts. But at the same time, you run the risk of ruining relationships with loved ones. In addition, an eternally sad and dull person becomes uninteresting to anyone. And who wants to spend their life alone? So, we must fight with a bad mood with all our might!

As soon as you are seized by another bout of bad mood, try to urgently find some kind of active activity. For example, force yourself to do general cleaning, or, better yet, go for a walk, visit friends, go to fitness, dance or play tennis or bowling. Engage your brain with intellectual activity - chess, a funny movie or a fascinating book will instantly distract you from soul-searching and even more immersion in a bad mood. At the same time, do not forget about good nutrition and rest. Get rid of negative emotions and irritation will help water procedures let it be a bath with aromatic additives or salt, a contrast shower, a trip to the pool.

But sometimes the moment is missed and the bad mood turns into depression. In our country, every third adult suffers from some form of depression, but only every fifth of them turns to a psychotherapist. The processes of oppression and inhibition during depression gradually cover the entire body - a constant feeling of fatigue and weakness, it becomes more difficult for a person to think, his memory and attention deteriorate significantly, which affects his working capacity and quality of life in general.

As a rule, depending on the nature of the bad mood and the form of depression, the psychotherapist prescribes different antidepressants. The effect of antidepressants is due to the influence of serotonin (the hormone of happiness and pleasure), norepinephrine, etc. on the system. Have a good mood it is much easier to solve psychological problems, change your attitude towards different situations. Unfortunately, all major groups of antidepressants begin to have a significant positive effect by the end of the second week. And during these two weeks, the person continues to suffer, experiencing a bad mood.
This circumstance required an active search effective ways therapeutic effect on depression in the early phase of therapy. A significant breakthrough in research was the method of xenon therapy. The inert gas xenon has a direct effect on the release of serotonin, which determines its anti-stress effect, which occurs quickly and is persistent, after the first procedure, positive motivations for successful treatment are formed, smaller doses of psychotropic drugs are required, and the course of treatment is shortened.

And a slice of chocolate can turn our mood upside down. This does not mean that a bad mood needs to be "jammed". But to please yourself with the food that you want now is not a crime. Can you burn extra calories? sports exercises. They will not only help you to be more fit, but also contribute to the release of endorphins - the so-called "hormones of joy." Both will improve your mood. Even a simple walk can change a lot. Don't be lazy to get outside, especially on a sunny day.

Get creative

Research carried out real British scientists have shown that creative activities improve mood. Drawing, music, writing - everything can help. And it does not matter at what level you have mastered each of the cases. Even if you don't know how, try to learn. Your efforts will not be in vain!


Right now. Even if you feel bad, squeeze a smile out of yourself. And here we turn to a study that proved the theory of mutual communication between a good mood and a smile. The hypothesis was that facial expressions can change mood. Therefore, at the moment when you feel bad, remember to smile.

Do a good deed

Doing something nice for someone else will make you feel much better. Therefore, if you still can’t make yourself happy, try to make someone else happy. Whether the deed is great or small is not so important. Even a small step can bring pleasure.

listen to music

As I write this article, Pink Floyd is playing in the background - one of my favorite bands. I listen to them not only during work, but also when I want to get a little pleasure. No one is obliged to listen to this particular group, everyone has their own preferences. But music is magical.

I will not undertake to argue what exactly happens to the brain at the moment, the sounds that are pleasant to us. But I can say that it really helps. So if you want to relax and forget about your problems for a while, turn on your favorite music and enjoy.

Don't take it out on others

We are all selfish and think of ourselves first. This is fine. But the next time you feel bad, try not to spoil the mood of others. If you feel that you are about to insult or offend another person because of your mood, it is better to leave and be alone. Later you can thank yourself for such an act.

seize the moment

Close your eyes and think of anything but a green zebra. Now tell me what are you thinking?

Our brain is so arranged that if we get hung up on something, we will continue to think about it more and more. In a situation with a bad mood, this is unacceptable. Do you feel like you only think about your sorrows? Switch to other thoughts immediately. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Better yet, do something that can really distract you.

Breathe and clear your mind

Yes, yes, the advice is like I'm a master of oriental martial arts. But a few deep breaths really help to calm down. Consider this the simplest form. And she, as many know, is able to work miracles. Sit comfortably in a quiet and nice place and try not to think about anything for a few minutes. This can be a little difficult at first. :-)

Find reasons

If a bad mood rarely happens to you, there is nothing to worry about. But if this happens more often than you would like, pay attention to possible reasons. You can start a diary to write down all the key events of your life. And then, analyzing the records, get to the bottom of the causes of their own frustrations.

Solve the problem

The last point is the most important. If you have found the cause of your bad mood, you need to deal with it. If it's a person, talk to him. If there is a problem, try to solve it. No need to waste all thought and free time to it, but don't let it take root in your life.

And a slice of chocolate can turn our mood upside down. This does not mean that a bad mood needs to be "jammed". But to please yourself with the food that you want now is not a crime. And extra calories can be burned by sports exercises. They will not only help you to be more fit, but also contribute to the release of endorphins - the so-called "hormones of joy." Both will improve your mood. Even a simple walk can change a lot. Don't be lazy to get outside, especially on a sunny day.

Get creative

Research carried out real British scientists have shown that creative activities improve mood. Drawing, music, writing - everything can help. And it does not matter at what level you have mastered each of the cases. Even if you don't know how, try to learn. Your efforts will not be in vain!


Right now. Even if you feel bad, squeeze a smile out of yourself. And here we turn to a study that proved the theory of a mutual relationship between a good mood and a smile. The hypothesis was that facial expressions can change mood. Therefore, at the moment when you feel bad, remember to smile.

Do a good deed

Doing something nice for someone else will make you feel much better. Therefore, if you still can’t make yourself happy, try to make someone else happy. Whether the deed is great or small is not so important. Even a small step can bring pleasure.

listen to music

As I write this article, Pink Floyd is playing in the background - one of my favorite bands. I listen to them not only during work, but also when I want to get a little pleasure. No one is obliged to listen to this particular group, everyone has their own preferences. But music is magical.

I will not undertake to argue what exactly happens to the brain at the moment, the sounds that are pleasant to us. But I can say that it really helps. So if you want to relax and forget about your problems for a while, turn on your favorite music and enjoy.

Don't take it out on others

We are all selfish and think of ourselves first. This is fine. But the next time you feel bad, try not to spoil the mood of others. If you feel that you are about to insult or offend another person because of your mood, it is better to leave and be alone. Later you can thank yourself for such an act.

seize the moment

Close your eyes and think of anything but a green zebra. Now tell me what are you thinking?

Our brain is so arranged that if we get hung up on something, we will continue to think about it more and more. In a situation with a bad mood, this is unacceptable. Do you feel like you only think about your sorrows? Switch to other thoughts immediately. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Better yet, do something that can really distract you.

Breathe and clear your mind

Yes, yes, the advice is like I'm a master of oriental martial arts. But a few deep breaths really help to calm down. Consider this the simplest form. And she, as many know, is able to work miracles. Sit comfortably in a quiet and pleasant place and try not to think about anything for a few minutes. This can be a little difficult at first. :-)

Find reasons

If a bad mood rarely happens to you, there is nothing to worry about. But if this happens more often than you would like, pay attention to possible reasons. You can start a diary to write down all the key events of your life. And then, analyzing the records, get to the bottom of the causes of their own frustrations.

Solve the problem

The last point is the most important. If you have found the cause of your bad mood, you need to deal with it. If it's a person, talk to him. If there is a problem, try to solve it. You do not need to spend all your thoughts and free time on this, but do not let it take root in your life.

Bad mood

After reading this useful article, you will know how to cope with a bad mood and learn how to gradually let go of unresolved problems from your memory.
Bad mood- This is an irritated psychological state, which is caused by a decrease in the quality of life and internal dissatisfaction from everything that happens.
Surely you have noticed more than once that absolutely nothing can contribute to a bad mood. Here you have woken up since morning and have felt as something is indignant inside. And there are no objective factors for this in general. This phenomenon is called spontaneous activity and can manifest itself regardless of the will of a person.
If you do not go into the wilds of scientific formulations, then it is safe to say that a bad mood makes a person offended by himself. You try to deal with it, but to no avail.
So what to do if you feel a constant or chronic malaise from a bad mood. Of course, you can not guess on the coffee grounds, but as soon as possible contact a knowledgeable doctor who will boast to you of his deep knowledge in the field of psychology. But why don't you try to cope with a bad mood on your own, using the techniques suggested below in practice.

one). If in the morning you feel that you do not want to do anything, first of all take this situation under strict control. At this very moment, you will feel how something inside is desperately resisting interference and trying to fill your essence even more with deep sorrows. From the point of view of church canons, a bad mood is nothing more than dissatisfaction with what should give pleasure. Through force, try to smile, suggesting to yourself that you can still feel how everything around is moving. Think back to the toughest moment that ever happened in your life. Roll it over in your head, wishing it never happened again. Psychologists say that this technique helps a lot to cope with a bad mood, even in moments of monstrous grief.
2). Leaving the house for a work shift, look around and try to determine what you lack for complete happiness. You walk, hear sounds and observe beauty. If you are annoyed by a certain fragment, then try not to get angry with it, gradually forming a complaisant attitude towards objective reality inside your soul. Chronic irritability is the main cause of bad mood in most people. The ability to restrain is a guarantee of tolerance and good mood, which is directly dependent on the volitional qualities of a person. Do not get irritated over trifles, then you will not have to shed tears, not understanding what caused them. Constant dissatisfaction with life just forms a chronic breakdown and resentment against the whole world around.
3). If the low mood syndrome is due to objective factors related to unresolved issues, then understand one thing: problems will be solved as they come, and impatient waiting will only unwind the already shattered nervous system. Sit down at the table and try to clearly define the so-called measure of risk in the event that an adverse event occurs. What do you lose by doing this? And what can you realistically do to solve the problem now? If you are powerless, then again, by the method of self-hypnosis and strict internal control, declare to yourself the inevitability of what will happen anyway. Keep in mind that constantly bad mood observed in people who are no longer able to enjoy what they so persistently strived for.
4). Fight bad mood with the so-called forced detachment from the traumatic factor. Never dwell on deep sorrows so as not to get off ahead of time to the grave. This is one of the most powerful arguments forcing a person to switch to something else. Through force, force yourself to think in purely positive categories and with the help of scientific philosophical works.
5). Take a look around again. Not to rejoice in the fact that someone has failed. This technique helps to cope with a bad mood by comparing your hard life with those who are doubly hard. Watch the truly mourning, then you can feel that a bad mood is just a slight fatigue that requires closer observation of your inner world.
6). If a bad mood is a heavy loss, then believe that any grief cannot forever keep you in a tight rein. The moment will come and you will accept the situation as a fatal inevitability, which is designed to make you a more persistent person.

I really hope that Bad mood You can calm down with your endless optimism, which, like an eternal flame, burns somewhere in your soul.

If you have been diagnosed with a mild degree of depression, it does not matter. It is easy to deal with without using special means and medicines. A few steps will get rid of the obsessive pessimistic mood.

Step 1. Sports and exercise. During exercise, the level of endorphin in the body increases. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the psycho emotional condition. Experts also recommend starting your day with exercise and a contrast shower.

Step 2 Healthy sleep . Sleep disorders are the most common cause sudden depression. Try to normalize your routine. Fall asleep earlier by putting all your gadgets away. In a dream, thoughts are cleared of negativity.

Step 3. Change of scenery. Maybe you don't like the place of work? Don't be afraid to change it! Unloved work is another common reason stressful, and with them - a protracted, difficult to treat depression. Find what you like. Spend more time outdoors, discover new places, fill your life with pleasant memories and impressions.

Step 4. Reading. good literature- this is not only the development of intellectual abilities, but also a great way to get rid of depression on your own! The book distracts from obsessive thoughts, helps to gain new energy and vitality.

Step 5: Get creative. Scientists have long proved that during creativity, a person throws all negativity aside, and his thoughts are completely cleared. Drawing, music, writing, sports... Find a hobby that you enjoy.

Step 6. Walking with friends. Close people are able to work real miracles with just one presence. Even if depression progresses, and you don’t want to see anyone at all, overpower yourself: this will be a huge step towards healing.

How to get rid of depression on your own: folk methods

Depression can be dealt with by hand. Few people know, but many of available products have a stimulating effect, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect. We present to you a few simple ways, which will help in a matter of days to get rid of the obvious symptoms of a depressive disorder.

Nuts + dried apricots + honey. All ingredients will need an equal amount - 100 grams each. Pass nuts and dried apricots through a meat grinder, then add honey. This mixture should be taken within a month, one teaspoon 2 times a day before eating.

herbal drink. Collect one tablespoon of lemon balm, peppermint and currant leaves, one teaspoon of thyme. Add two tablespoons of ordinary long leaf tea here. Mix. Pour a teaspoon of this "tea" with a glass of boiling water, and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. Taking a glass of drink 3 times a day, you can get rid of depression, lethargy and apathy on your own.

Healthy breakfast. Take a banana, a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of pine nuts (you can walnuts), as well as sprouted wheat grains. Grind everything in a blender, adding a glass of milk. Drink such a cocktail every day as breakfast, and after a month you will notice how your emotional state has begun to stabilize.

Depression is not a death sentence. Correct diagnosis, and the right method of treatment can correct the situation in a matter of days. You can get rid of it yourself, but you should not neglect the advice of specialists. After all, no matter how trifling the symptoms of mild depression are, they can always progress, developing into a severe form.

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