Installation of large display glass. Repair of glass showcases

Landscaping 29.08.2019

We are often approached with this problem, they ask many questions, to which we will immediately give answers. First of all, I am interested in how much the service for the replacement of display glass costs, but on the phone we can only say approximately, since many parameters affect the cost. Which ones and how the whole process takes place:

1. On the phone, you should say the approximate dimensions of the broken display glass (for example, two by three meters).

2. If possible, its thickness.

3. Whether it is simple or hardened (it is easy to determine, hardened is broken into small chips).

4. Is there a tinted or shockproof film on it?

5. In what frames it is installed, options: plastic, aluminum, wood, old metal corners of the times of the USSR

6. At what height from the ground is it located and where geographically (Moscow region or Moscow region outside the Moscow Ring Road)

And this is not all the parameters that affect the price, so the question "how much per square meter?" - just not appropriate. On average, the price of replacing display glass with installation and delivery can cost from 15,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles or 3,500-5,000 rubles / sq. M. In terms of time, repair and installation of showcase glasses in our company is possible in one day. The scheme of work is very simple, let's say you have a simple display glass with a thickness of 6 mm and approximate size 2000x2500 mm.

The mobile team immediately goes to your facility with a larger glass and cuts it on the spot to the desired one. This is how we solved the problem of unnecessary trips and wasting time on measurements, negotiations, etc. We work both for cash and non-cash payments.

Replacement of display glasses price

The price for replacing display glass starts at 15,000 rubles. This cost includes measurement, glass production, delivery and installation and dismantling, with sizes up to three square meters. m. If the dimensions are larger, then you can approximately calculate yourself, provided the glass thickness is 6 mm, 4000 rubles / sq. m. Decide in advance whether you need recycling, it is not included in the price.

Much depends on the complexity of the installation, but it is different for everyone and is revealed only after the inspection of your object by our specialist. Someone has old frames, from the times of the USSR, which are rusted and, when removed, fall apart in their hands.

In addition to replacing the display glass, it is necessary to replace both the glazing bead and the sealing rubber. Someone has showcases at a height, although not great, but installation is very inconvenient to do. And so on, everyone has their own ...

Installation and replacement of stained-glass windows and glass on kitchen furniture

The company "ProRestavratsiya" carries out a professional, efficient installation of stained-glass windows and glass inserts, which were made to order.

Stained-glass windows attract attention with their decorativeness. This detail can play a dominant role in the interior of the kitchen, or it can be a light addition. Backlit stained glass windows look especially impressive. If the backlighting is not included in your plans, you can make the stained glass even more attractive by using bright colors and decorative elements.

Stylish decor suits different directions:

  • country;
  • Gothic;
  • modern.

The color scheme is different, while stained-glass windows are produced both in monochrome and in paints. Thanks to the use of various technologies, stained-glass windows are made using fusing, sandblasting, and broaching techniques. Stained-glass windows with decals, with a pattern on glass with a film, with sandblasting are magnificent. New technologies and materials make it possible to create unique products that successfully combine the flavor of past eras and the innovations of today.

Using stained-glass windows in the kitchen allows:

  • transform the appearance of the kitchen facade and the entire room as a whole;
  • give the kitchen a special charm and personality;
  • correctly and very accurately place the necessary accents.

You can install completely transparent stained-glass windows, products with frosted or textured glass, which will reliably cover the contents kitchen cabinets and shelves. In addition to kitchen facades, stained-glass windows can be mounted in other elements of the kitchen interior:

  • window;
  • table;
  • ceiling;
  • working area.

Installation and replacement of stained-glass windows is one of the main activities of our company, thanks to which we can provide comprehensive services in the event that you need urgent production, installation or replacement of a stained-glass window.

Warm and cold glazing on the kitchen facade

If you purchased new furniture and if you want to supplement it with stained-glass windows or replace the glass elements with stained-glass ones, we will carry out all the work on time, carefully and efficiently. For this, our specialists use special materials and equipment:

  • liquid Nails;
  • glazing beads;
  • hinges for furniture with plugs, if in the process of work it is supposed to hang a stained-glass window and its further use in the form of a door;
  • silicone, etc.

To install stained-glass windows using the above equipment, in furniture facade an additional recess is formed in which the glass is fixed. If the opening is of considerable depth, a groove is made for the installation of glass products. Another option for installing stained-glass windows is installation in a metal profile.

Final cost of installation glass elements and stained-glass windows directly depends on the complexity of the work performed.

Replacing stained glass

Replacing the glazing on the facade is necessary in several cases, including when the product is destroyed and worn out. It is also produced if the client wants to update the interior of the room.

For work, specialists need to remove all glazing beads or disassemble the facade equipped with a metal profile. After that, the old stained-glass windows are dismantled and the installation of new structures is carried out. Professionals perform all stages of work in a timely manner and efficiently.

To increase the service life of stained-glass elements, during their installation, a special film is applied to the back of the product, preventing the formation of sharp fragments in case of mechanical damage to the glass. How larger area canvas, the higher the need for this procedure.

If you want to transform your furniture or want to replace a damaged stained-glass window or glass inserts, ProRestavratsiya specialists will help you with this.

We offer profitable terms cooperation. For each order, regardless of its volume, complexity and final cost, we approach responsibly and invest all our skills and experience. We offer the best prices in the region for services for the replacement and installation of stained-glass windows and glass. In addition, you can take advantage of the opportunity to restore furniture or replace other damaged parts.

Thanks to the efforts of our specialists, your home will become more comfortable, luxurious and functional, and the kitchen will regain its former beauty and even become more luxurious.

To replace the façade glazing, simply contact us for details. Further, the master will perform all stages of the work professionally, which will allow us to guarantee the durability and practicality of stained glass components and glasses.

If the insulating glass units are damaged, they must be urgently replaced. If only one glass is broken or cracked in a multi-chamber structure, repairs can be dispensed with. This will save a fairly large amount. But if the glass unit is damaged completely, only it will help complete replacement... It is time consuming and difficult process requiring special skills. That is why the repair and replacement of double-glazed windows is a job for skilled craftsmen, especially when it comes to display glass.

How to urgently replace display glass quickly and efficiently? Everything is very simple:

  • Call us or fill out the feedback form
  • We will arrive at a convenient time for you
  • We will measure / determine the cost
  • We will offer a replacement option
  • Get new display glass

Possible causes of damage to display glass

Urgent replacement of display glass is required in the following cases:

  1. Cracks have formed due to temperature changes.
  2. The display window was broken as a result of mechanical shock.
  3. There was a depressurization of the glass unit, due to which condensation constantly forms on the surface of the showcase.

Good specialists will be able to quickly assess the scale of work and eliminate defects as quickly as possible.

What is the difficulty of replacing showcases

Showcase glasses are installed in shops, entertainment venues, offices, and other commercial premises. Their key feature- large size and thickness. Accordingly, they are very heavy, so it is impossible to replace them without special equipment.

Storefront replacement should only be performed by experienced professionals who have a proven track record of performing similar tasks. This work is different from replacing conventional window designs. The installation of display glass is significantly complicated due to their scale and large mass. One awkward or awkward movement and it can crack. Buying new glass will require more material investments than cooperation with good masters... It is important to consider this when choosing specialists.

Often, glass units are installed on aluminum windows, as they can withstand such heavy weight double-glazed windows. But even so aluminum windows repairs required,.

Urgent replacement of display glass: stages of work

Replacing shop windows and other establishments requires strict adherence to the work algorithm. It provides for the implementation of the following stages:

  1. Elimination of broken glass fragments.
  2. Thorough cleaning of the frame.
  3. Installation of a new structure.
  4. Final fixation and fixing of new glass.

At the request of customers, the replacement of display glass can end with the coating of its surface with a special anti-vandal film. It will significantly increase the strength, and therefore extend the service life.

When replacing broken display cases on a very large scale is performed, special equipment and equipment. Machine manipulators are often used.

Professional approach to repair and replacement of display glass

Repair and replacement of showcases is one of priority directions activities of the company "MosRemOkno".

Advantages of cooperation with MosRemOkno:

  1. A staff of professional employees - repair of showcases will be carried out by qualified craftsmen, whose experience will allow you to perform the work accurately and competently.
  2. Efficiency - the company's employees realize how important it is to restore the integrity of the showcase, therefore they act as quickly as possible.
  3. Quality materials - we use only reliable components and materials.
  4. Implementation of tasks of any level of complexity - replacement of shop windows non-standard form, work at height.
  5. Flexible price policy- the cost depends on the number of glasses, their area and characteristics.

A multi-year warranty is provided for all work.

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The quality of the glass used for the manufacture of display cases is carefully checked by specialists. However, the operating conditions of the products can subject this fragile material to a difficult test, as a result of which the glass becomes covered with a network of cracks or scratches, loses its transparency and breaks. Such a breakdown makes it impossible for the further operation of the shop window and poses a threat to the safety of visitors to the outlet.

To save you from the need to purchase new equipment, Optima Group specialists are ready to perform professional repair of glass showcases in Moscow. Experienced professionals:

  • Completely inspect the product and outline a list of works;
  • Perform turnkey repairs and provide a product that is ready for further use;
  • Provide guarantees for the work performed;
  • During renovation works will take into account the features of the product, the specifics of the work of the outlet and the wishes of the customer;
  • They will carry out prevention of possible further destruction of the showcase and give recommendations on its operation.

Repair of glass showcases in the Optima Group of Companies is carried out using the same materials that were used in the manufacture of the product. As a result, the renovated showcase will completely retain its appearance and sizes. This will allow you to install and operate it in the same place, as well as to leave the selected principles of displaying and demonstrating the goods unchanged.

Benefits of professional glass showcase renovation

/ Showcases

The showcase is the face of the store that provides up to half of the total sales. A cracked showcase will fundamentally damage the store's image and reduce customer confidence. A broken showcase is completely dangerous for others.

Our specialists will replace display glass or glass units in a short time. The price depends on the type of glass, dimensions and its thickness, the presence of protective films, the type of glass fastening (frame) and the place of installation. For example, to replace display glass on the second floor, an aerial platform will be required, which will directly affect the cost of the order. And yet, replacing glass in a showcase or even a double-glazed unit is much cheaper than new glazing.

Shop windows repair prices

* Indicated are APPROXIMATE prices for display glass / double-glazed windows, up to 3210 * 2250. The final cost of replacing a showcase is compiled individually, as it depends on many factors.

Types (classes) of anti-vandal films:

  • P1A - protection against fragments (remain on the film) when glass is broken. Used in offices, shopping centers.
  • A1 - used in restaurants, warehouses, factories, offices and facilities under physical protection.
  • A2-A3 - used in banks, jewelry stores and other objects where material values ​​are stored.

* The width of the film roll is 1520 mm, i.e. on larger showcases, the film joint will be visible. Its location is previously negotiated with the client.

You can also have us or showcase glass without installation.

How we are working


Application / call to our manager, filling out a questionnaire


Drafting approximate estimate, offer


Departure for inspection, selection of tint film (if necessary)


Final cost estimate, work execution

Our competitive advantages:

  • Replacement of display glass in a short time
  • Complex work with the involvement of special equipment and industrial climbers
  • Weekend editing and holidays, night work
  • Showcases of almost any complexity
  • 2015 prices
  • Full package of documents for cash and bank transfer

Working with us, you are dealing with just one contractor. We take measurements, manufacture and deliver glass / double-glazed windows, carry out assembly work, we take out construction waste (as agreed with the client) and provide a guarantee for the work performed.

Showcase glazing can be made of M1 glass, with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm, triplex (glass glued with a polymer film) from 6 to 20 mm. The glasses themselves can be tinted, tempered, polished, vandal-proof (with a protective film).

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