Decorating a corner fireplace in the living room. Corner fireplaces in the living room interior (50 photos) - shapes, ideas

reservoirs 25.06.2019

Majority modern dwellings decorate with active hearths or artificial fireplaces. For their location, a living room, study, bedroom and even a kitchen are suitable. Each of the rooms has its own special charm, atmosphere and sets in a different way. However, only with a real fire or its imitation in the room can a truly relaxing atmosphere be achieved.

As for the huge country houses where the rooms have large areas and a lot of free space, it will not be difficult to install a hearth. More problems occurs in owners of small apartments or summer cottages, where there is a lack of space. The only sure way out is to equip the room with a corner fireplace that fits perfectly into any interior.

Cozy interior of a modern house

Benefits and types

Before purchasing any design, it is important to understand in detail its types. Today, consumers are offered to install corner fireplaces in the interior of a living room or other room of a symmetrical or asymmetrical type.

In the first case, the task of the designer or the owner of the room is to create a basic concept based on the location of the hearth, that is, focusing attention on it, thereby creating symmetry.

It is very important to choose correct angle room for the location of the product, because it is necessary to make sure that the fireplace is easily visible from anywhere in the room, regardless of the angle.

The rest of the interior items are installed in mirror image or opposite the hearth. Experts note that when using just such tactics, the heating of the room will occur in the best way.

Cassette hearth with large chimney

Fireplaces, which are classified as asymmetrical types, are an element of the interior, thanks to which it is possible to produce competent zoning rooms, but they must be used in rooms with large area where there is no lack of space. In this case, the division of the room occurs without the use of other interior items.

Depending on the design features and the design of the product itself, it can be interpreted for any conceived concept. Moreover, at present, a wide range of facing materials is presented in construction stores.

The corner fireplace in the interior helps to complete the whole design, it is distinguished by a simplified installation method, even in situations where the construction of a chimney was not previously planned. As for the type of firebox, depending on the wishes, it can be chosen both open and closed.

Speaking about the advantages of chimney-free products, even with a heat transfer of only 20%, it is worth noting the following aspects:

fresh blue room interior

  1. The product is quite compact.
  2. The ability to observe the fire from any angle from different corners of the room.
  3. Additional space heating is provided.
  4. High level of security.
  5. Originality of execution.
  6. A variety of designs (it can be rough in the loft style, gentle in the Provence style, strict in the classic style, and much more).

However, you should always remember that artificial fireplaces or variations thereof cannot be the only source of heat in a dwelling.

Selection rules

Initially, all fireplaces are divided according to the type of fuel used: wood, gas, electricity. What exactly to choose in a particular case depends only on the preferences of homeowners. If you only need to additionally decorate the interior or emphasize the true design of the living room, I do not pursue the goal of maintaining heat in the house, then a gas appliance is quite suitable.

Electricity in the living room

Homeowners who, when building a fireplace, primarily place functional hopes on it in terms of heating, should give their preference to capital structures that use wood as the main fuel. Here, the corner fireplace has one significant advantage - unlike rectangular and square structures, it will heat two walls at once. However, it can only be installed in the room where there is a chimney.


According to technical rules, only those owners of apartments and houses whose room area exceeds 20 squares can install a fireplace in the corner of a room or under one wall, and in some cases this figure reaches 25 meters. In addition, only electrical products are installed in multi-storey buildings, although they fit into the interior no less organically.

The modern interior of the living room with a corner fireplace has recently been decorated with designs that have custom shape and production materials. Moreover, it is increasingly possible to meet foci,.

Modern eco-fireplace

Best of all with fireplaces look rooms in which a classic, Scandinavian, English or country concept is implemented. The main condition is only that when facing and finishing the room inside, as well as the hearth itself, identical or adjacent materials are used.

If used electric option products, then it is best to decorate the room in cold colors. At the same time, for owners of large premises where it is possible to mount a fireplace on gas fuel, warm colors are ideal.

Thanks to a wide range of heating appliances presented in thematic stores, everyone has the opportunity to decorate a room with a fireplace, whether it be a living room or an office, according to their preferences.

Design and finishing

If during the construction of the house the fireplace was planned initially, then at the final stage the hearth is finished with special materials that increase waterproofing and heat transfer. The next step is always a decorative or aesthetic design of the structure, thanks to which the living room or any other room will be brought to a common concept.

When choosing the main finishing material, it is necessary to focus on the main design of the room. At right approach it will be possible to emphasize the sophistication of the room, point out the high aesthetic taste of the owners of the house and favorably highlight the design itself in the room.

Finishing the portal with artificial stone

The design of a corner fireplace always depends on the type of finish. Most wanted facing materials tiles, tiles, brick and stone protrude. The interior may contain structures that will not be lined at all.

For example, if the fireplace was originally built from high-quality bricks, which have excellent color and careful processing. The only negative is that over time the material may fade or darken.

Some people resort to the plastering technique. After the masonry has been completed, it is applied to its surface mortar, and after drying covered water-based paint. Such material can be both smooth and textured, while the choice colors depends on the preferences of the owners of the house.

Fireplace craftsmen often decorate their hearths. These are special clay tiles, on the front of which there is a drawing or pattern. As a result, very colorful designs are obtained, and the design itself fits perfectly into the old Russian design concept.

The corner structure can also be finished with real marbles. Although this material is expensive, it looks really elegant and stylish. Suitable for use in classic styles, where it is necessary to emphasize the luxury of the room.

However, when erecting a fireplace, the most important thing is to choose the right angle in which it will be installed. If you treat this process without due attention, then there is a possibility that the hearth in the design will be lost.

Corner fireplaces in various interiors, regardless of their design and type of fuel used, always look unusual, interesting and stylish. In such rooms it is pleasant to spend time with family and close friends.

Among heating appliances, there is probably only one that not only performs its practical function, but also serves as a stylish, elegant decoration of the interior - a fireplace. Not always the dimensions of the living room allow you to install a classic front fireplace, but it has a compact alternative - a corner one.

Features and types of corner fireplaces

In addition to compactness, corner models have other advantages:

  • higher efficiency: heat is reflected from the walls;
  • part of the heat is transferred to adjacent rooms;
  • corner fireplace allows more design solutions, suitable for almost any style.

The fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere in the living room. Open models are usually low-powered. A hearth with a closed firebox can become the main source of heat in a private cottage. In city houses central heating its role is most often decorative, but in severe frosts or in the event of a heating pipeline failure, it can be used for additional / backup heating.

Fireplaces are divided by type of fuel:

  • wood burning. Classic variant, the most economical country house. In urban areas, wood heating is not used;
  • gas. It is also economical, but, like wood, it is difficult to install: a chimney is required, high-quality ventilation rooms. Installation is possible with the permission of local gas services. If the fireplace is connected to the main gas, this procedure can only be performed by a specialist;
  • biofireplace. Powered by bioethanol;
  • electric. In fact, an imitation, but very expressive: the design includes a screen that reproduces the effect of smoldering firewood, flames, etc. The electric fireplace is the easiest to install, it does not require the installation of a chimney. Environmentally friendly, no permissions needed. In operation, it is more expensive than others, due to the high cost of electricity.

The fireplace consists of several working units:

  • firebox, open or closed;
  • portal - decorated facade;
  • chimney (for models running on gas or wood);
  • smoke collector - a closed chamber in front of the chimney. It is used in fireplaces with an open fire chamber, intended for removal of gases in a pipe.

Some fuel-burning models are equipped with built-in fans. The fan improves draft and promotes uniform heating of the room.

Design styles

If you decide to heat the living room with a fireplace, before choosing and installing, you need to decide on common style living room and, in accordance with it, choose the design of the model.

The style of the fireplace design depends on overall design, which, in turn, is selected based on the size of the living room. V great hall there are no restrictions on the choice of artistic direction. You can furnish the living room in the style of baroque, rococo, empire. In this case, the design of the fireplace is a marble or granite portal, many decorative details, and gilded stucco molding is required.

In style empire stucco can depict weapons, battle scenes, musical instruments. Baroque - floral or heraldic ornaments. In rococo decoration required element- a curl in the form of a stylized auricle. Decorations for the mantelpiece - lamps imitating candelabra.

To save money, you can replace natural materials- stone, marble - modern imitations. But the workmanship must be high: a cheap kind of fake will bring disharmony to the whole design of the living room.

In small living rooms in style high tech or minimalism fireplaces are finished with steel, ceramics, glass. The main features of these styles are a minimum of decorations, a lot of shiny surfaces, metal, glass. Metal colors - steel, chrome. It is better to install an electric fireplace, it will organically fit into modern design.

For country music you can use tiles with intricate floral ornament. They are also suitable for decoration in the Scandinavian style.

English fireplaces historically frontal, but you can imitate the style with trim. The English fireplace is characterized by the severity of forms, the stinginess of decorations. Facing - stone. Can be used ceramic tiles imitating stone. Appropriate heraldic symbolism.

If you fold the fireplace with your own hands, you can not do the cladding at all, leave the brick walls. A good option finishes - decorative plaster: depending on the brand, it can imitate the texture natural stone and others finishing materials.

Fireplaces are symmetrical and asymmetrical. When decorating a room, the symmetrical one becomes the center of the composition, it should be visible from any point. Asymmetrical models are used for zoning the living room space. Around such a hearth, you can equip a classic corner for relaxation: a soft corner sofa or a pair of armchairs with textile upholstery, on the mantelpiece - photographs or framed miniatures, souvenirs in the chosen style.

Installation Requirements

The place for installation is selected carefully. Air flow is required, but drafts are excluded. You can not put a fireplace between the window and the door - because of the draft, sparks can scatter around the room. For fire safety reasons, all flammable objects and materials - curtains, carpets, textile accessories, electrical appliances, wiring - should be located at a distance.

Installation will require solid foundation. Depending on the mass of the stove, this is either a thick sheet of non-combustible material (metal, asbestos), or a cement screed. For very heavy models, you need your own foundation, like for furnaces. In front of the firebox of open fireplaces that run on fuel, non-combustible material is also laid - for example, refractory ceramic tiles.

The chimney in a private house is led out onto the roof in such a way that the pipe protrudes at least 0.4 meters above the ridge. In addition to a non-combustible lining on the floor, fire-resistant layers are also required between the walls of the device and the walls of the house. For this purpose, you can use non-combustible basalt wool. She also insulates the "street" part of the chimney to avoid condensation.

A person for himself and for his family creates coziness and comfort in the house. It must be warm in it. In the recent past, every house had a stove, thanks to which it was possible to heat all household members and guests. In a warm house, I always wanted to gather with family and friends, have intimate conversations, drink aromatic tea and eat bagels.

Nowadays, not so much for heating, as for the interior, fireplaces are installed in houses and apartments. The fireplace is a room stove folded against the wall, in which the firebox is wide open. It can be real, with a chimney and a pipe, or it can be electric, which is available to apartment residents. multi-storey buildings. It can be installed in any part of the living space, thereby decorating the interior of the hall.

Corner fireplace in the interior of the living room

Corner fireplaces may differ:

  • in form;
  • by model;
  • to size;
  • by material.

Modern people joyfully welcome such an invention in every living space. If we consider the corner fireplace, it is functional and comfortable. For its placement does not require a certain space, it is enough to free one corner in the room. Such a source of heat can emphasize the excellent taste of the owners, refined interior hall and the value of tradition.


Despite its beauty and functionality, the chosen heat source is a dangerous purchase, even if it is just an electric fireplace. Before you start building or installing it, you need to take care of safety.

The main thing is to choose the right place for such a building. It cannot be installed between air sources, which means that there should not be any windows or doors near it. Flow fresh air can cause a fire, but this should not be allowed. You can not place a corner fireplace in a room between two street walls- it's wasteful. After all, all the heat will go outside, and it must be protected and left to heat the house.

Varieties of heat sources

Choosing a fireplace for a room is not so easy, as their choice is huge.

There are several types of fireplace installations:

  1. Electric fireplace- functional, during operation it radiates heat, like a real fireplace. An electric fireplace is often used in an apartment of a multi-storey building, for decorating the interior of a hall.
  2. False fireplace. From the name itself, it becomes clear that this view is only an imitation. It does not turn on in any way, does not heat up in any way and does not give off heat - it simply performs its decorative function.
  3. Wood burning fireplaces are an excellent option for a private home and country cottage. They are installed in large rooms where there is a strong floor. If such a heat source is installed in the corner of the room, then its side walls will heat the neighboring rooms - this is very beneficial. The wood-burning heat source creates cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the living room, the sound of crackling logs makes you believe that the fireplace is real. Outgoing warmth will be conducive to long-term and productive communication. Ideal for home or garden.
  4. gas fireplace represents the principle of wood burning, but instead of firewood, gas is used, thanks to which it becomes warm and light. It is considered cleaner than wood burning, but dirtier than an electric fireplace.

The heat source, located in the corner of the room, can be either wood-burning or electric. The latter became widely known to city dwellers, whose living room area is insufficient to install a wood-burning fireplace in it.

To decorate the interior of the living room, it is better to choose a corner option, it can be gas or electric (electric fireplace). To create warmth and comfort in the house, it is better not to find a wood-burning fireplace. It is worth considering that permission is needed for its construction, and the place chosen for installation must meet fire safety requirements.

Advantages of corner fireplaces

Not so long ago, a fireplace was used to heat the house, now it is used as an additional source of heat or as a decorative element.

Benefits include:

  • compactness;
  • heat in the room;
  • large view of the flame;
  • security level;
  • creativity;
  • variety of styles;
  • economy.

When installing a fireplace, you should not give up another type of heating in your home.

When installing a decorative electric fireplace, you need to prepare for high costs. A gas corner fireplace will help create unique interior and it will be cheaper.

The corner heat source can be asymmetrical and symmetrical. Thanks to an asymmetrical fireplace, you can not divide the living room into conditional zones using partitions and furniture. It fits easily into any interior, it is easy to install and use. At the choice of the customer, the fireplace can be made with an open or closed firebox.

The symmetrical design of the corner fireplace speaks for itself. In the interior of the living room, the emphasis is on it, as on the central exposition in the museum, because it will take up a lot of space. Such a building should viewed from anywhere in the room. It is better to put furniture and a TV in front of him, but not next to him. The fireplace is excellent source heat, for its decoration you can use any material that is intended for cladding.


corner fireplace in classical style looks simple and concise. It can be distinguished by strict and clear lines, for an expensive and sophisticated look. It will never go out of fashion.

In the style of Provence and country, it resembles an old wood-burning stove. Looks cute while indoors comfortable with him.

The baroque fireplace has shiny surfaces, ornate patterns that shimmer with golden sheen. Its decoration can be wood carving, which makes it exquisite and unique.

In Art Nouveau style, the corner heat source may have a non-standard rounded shape. For its manufacture, materials such as cast iron, polyurethane and glass are used. To decorate the modern interior of the room, a fireplace in this style is used.

The Empire style cannot be confused with another. The product is decorated with stucco, columns, prints of birds, people and animals, wreaths and rosettes. A ready-made heat source located in the corner looks unique.

High-tech style involves the use of a decorative fireplace, the shape of which can be completely different - it all depends on the designer's imagination and the preferences of the owners. It will be a great addition to a modern interior.

Corner fireplace in the living room

Finishing corner fireplaces

Having completed everything technical points and having chosen the style of the future room, we proceed to finish the surface of the fireplace. Walls need to be finished by special means to improve the heat dissipation and waterproofing of the living room. Next, we create an aesthetic appearance.

Finishing material should match the design of the room, emphasize the uniqueness and uniqueness of the interior, and the excellent taste and good income of the owners. Brick or drywall can be used as a finish.

The following methods are used to finish the heat source:

  1. If a beautiful and high-quality brick was used during its construction, then finishing can be omitted. The disadvantage of this finish is the possibility of the coating to lose its previous color over time - to darken.
  2. After the masonry has dried and the structure has shrunk, its walls can be plastered in order to subsequently cover them with paint.
  3. The use of tiles that have different colors.
  4. Facing with stone or marble slabs. This building looks very presentable.

As a finish for a corner fireplace in the living room in small apartment, modern building materials are used: steel, glass, ceramics. For an apartment, it is recommended to opt for an electric or biofireplace. Minimalist style - best option for such a space.

V large room in the living room, the style of the chosen heat source can be any, as well as the design of the room itself.


Summing up, I would like to recall the main thing: the interior of the living room, in which the corner heat source is located, looks stylish and compact. Its location significantly saves space, while at the same time heating the premises adjacent to it, which is very economical and practical. The shape of the fireplace is original, it stands out among other rectangular heating devices.

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