What kind of wallpaper to glue the hall to make it seem bigger. Combining wallpaper in the living room - ideas on how to beautifully combine two colors in the interior of the living room (95 photos)

landscaping 30.08.2019

Modern homeowners are trying to buy fashionable wallpaper for the living room, not always thinking about how harmoniously they will look in the hall.

If you pay attention to this room, pick up fashion ideas for the living room, wallpaper will help create an atmosphere in this room. home comfort and harmony.

The photo shows fashionable wallpaper ideas for the hall.

Let's talk about how you can get the desired result, make the hall beautiful and multifunctional. For starters, you can check out fashion ideas offered by design agencies. Wallpaper ideas for the hall in the apartment are presented in the photo.

Advice! interesting view has a combination of several wallpapers in one living room. But before the start finishing works, you will have to pay attention to the preliminary preparation of the walls.

Start decorating the living room with it

Any redecorating you have to start with a good idea. Let's try to find out how appropriate the combination will be in the living room various kinds wallpaper. How fashionable to stick wallpaper in the hall so that the room looks beautiful and natural?

In any room there are several zones. For example, there is a place to rest and sleep. The living room is no exception general rule, by combining wallpaper here you can highlight the dining part and space for a good rest.

Advice! To carry out zoning, you need to think over the color scheme of each part of the hall.

For example, the dining area is decorated in cold, light colors. Warm wallpapers are selected to decorate the dining area. Interior professionals do not disregard the texture of finishing materials for walls.

Wallpaper selection

For the living room, it is important to choose not only the texture of the materials, but also their type.

Attention! Canvases with a deep relief are combined with plain canvases.

Fashionable wallpaper for the hall perform certain functions in this room. They visually expand the space in the room, favorably emphasize the style chosen for this room.

For example, you can visually make the living room wider, raise the ceilings in the room.

Attention! Care must be taken with the varied combination. Do not get carried away with the amount of finishing materials. Professionals recommend limiting yourself to 2-3 types of decorative wall paintings.

If you go too far with wallpaper, there is a high risk of turning the hall into a motley spot, devoid of harmony and taste.

The specifics of living room decoration

Let's talk about how to choose the right trendy wallpaper to combine them on the walls of the living room. Interesting and helpful tips, original ideas for the hall, you will find in the video fragment

If you are the proud owner of a small living room with a low ceiling, then you need to add light to the room. This will make it possible to visually expand the room.

Attention! In a small room you can not use finishing materials dark colors, since they "steal" the space.

The pastel range, which will not give you the desired result, will not work for combination, will look boring and monotonous.

Combination options

Experts distinguish two main options for combining wallpaper in the living room: by texture, by color. Let's talk about what rules you need to follow when independently decorating a room such as a hall.

When choosing the color of finishing materials for walls, it is important to take into account many nuances, so experienced designers advise beginners to seek professional advice from interior art specialists.

For fans of a peaceful and calm living room, design experts advise choosing several shades of the same color. This option is offered by many manufacturers of finishing materials for walls.

For example, catalogs immediately offer a combination of 2-3 different trellises that differ only in shade. The advantage of this choice can be considered the fact that manufacturers offer ready-made solutions in the photographs so that consumers can understand how appropriate this wall decoration option would be in their own living room.

For lovers of bright and cheerful rooms, interior professionals are advised to give preference to a combination of contrasting finishing materials.

Regarding the selection of wallpaper according to texture, we note that designers recommend supplementing embossed materials with silk fabrics, selecting photo wallpapers for textile trellises.

Advice! Correct selection textured materials will help create a harmonious image in the living room.

Examples of interesting solutions

In addition to combining tapestries by texture, color scheme, you can use other methods of combination. For example, a living room that uses vertical combination will have an interesting and unusual look. This principle is recognized in the world of interior fashion. the classic way visual change of space in the living room.

Advice! Adjacent or contrasting canvases will help give the hall an elegant and solemn look, fill the room with additional lighting.

When connecting multiple wallpapers, use classic trick"butt". If desired, you can use other technologies, for example, combine canvases with zigzags. In this case, a dynamic image will be created in the living room, suitable for fans of modernity.

There are no special requirements for the design of joints in the design world. The only rule is a clear repetition of stripes of the same height and width.

Among the latest fashion trends in combining finishing materials, one can note the use of a wave-like decoration method. This technique will not only give the original appearance walls, but will also bring into the decorated room home warmth and harmony.

They look good as a duo purple colors, complemented by beige muted shades.

Attention! The colors selected for combining the walls in the hall must necessarily overlap with each other.

If you decide to purchase wallpaper with patterns for wall decoration, the pattern on them should be bright and large.

When choosing materials of two colors, you can use an interesting technique that involves the addition of the main tone with two additional ones that slightly emanate from the main color. It is this design option for living rooms, according to interior professionals, that is the most convenient and suitable for typical city apartments.

Horizontal decoration

Many interior specialists are happy to use this particular combination of finishing materials in their work. The method involves gluing the upper part of the wall with light monophonic canvases, and trellises of dark shades are used in the lower part. This contrast allows you to visually change the size of the hall.

The wall seems to be divided into two parts, and when making a joint between individual canvases with a special border, you can get interesting option, ideally fitting into the parameters of the classic interior style.

Advice! For this type of wall decoration, a border is suitable, which has a variety of geometric shapes and shapes.

Thanks to horizontal combination you can visually increase the size of the room, focus on certain elements of furniture. It is necessary to select wide trellises in order to achieve the desired result. If the living room has low ceilings, then it is better to purchase wallpapers that are at least one meter wide.

In a hall with high ceilings, it will be very problematic to cope with this type of pasting on your own.

Advice! To simplify the process of wallpapering, you need to mark the joints with a pencil, and align the docking line first on the floor surface.

As borders used to separate the tapestries, you can use moldings or wooden slats. If desired, you can use an inexpensive paper border.

When choosing a border, you need to choose options that will not only mark the dividing line between different canvases, but also harmoniously fit into general style premises.


In order to create a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere in the living room, to divide the space into several separate zones, you can use different design techniques. Among different ways transforming the space in this room, the combination of various types and types of wallpaper is of interest. In addition to the usual horizontal and vertical stripes, interior designers are currently using wavy and zigzag wall decoration methods in their projects.

Unconventional ways to combine several wallpaper become fashion trend interior fashion.

Depending on the personal preferences of the property owners, the features of the room being designed, you can choose the best option that will turn the hall into a cozy and spacious corner for relaxation.

You are renovating an apartment, you have reached hall , prepared the basis, and do not know what to do next? So what is next wall decoration . And here comes the stupor. Do not panic. We will help you choose wallpaper design for the hall , and consider all the nuances of them use.

The modern design of wallpaper for the hall is diverse.

Before choosing products, look into your wallet. You must have made hall design project showing all expenses. If not, this is the time do . Calculate the repair budget, this will help to avoid surprises. Now we know the amount we can spend on wallpaper.

  • Pay attention to quality (make sure that there are no defects);
  • Choose your wallpaper in accordance with style and colors premises;
  • If you have children or pets, consider ways to protect yourself. walls from their paws and legs.

Think carefully about everything possible options to avoid regrets.

Maybe the walls Just paint it or brick it up? Since we are already selected wallpaper , let's get down to business.

In the room all details must be harmoniously combined. Only in this way you will be able to create beauty and comfort in the room. First of all, decide on the general mood hall . What do you want to create in it, a cozy nest, modern design full of light and colors room or a quiet place to relax?

Focus on the existing details (furniture, accessories, textiles) to choose the design and color of the wallpaper for the hall.

So, focus on 3 main criteria.

The table shows the most good options. In addition to those suggested, other combinations can be used.

Let's consider them in more detail.

style matching

The first criterion that we took as a basis - style premises. He plays the main role wallpaper should fit harmoniously into the overall picture rooms.

We bring to your attention several styles.


Style icon - classic. It has remained unchanged for many centuries. Only minor parts change, but the basic principles remain.

The classics are characterized by calm features and sharp lines.

If you want to pick wallpaper with a pattern, here are some tips:

  • The pattern should be discreet;
  • Choose brown or black base colors with white patterns;
  • Give preference wallpaper with monograms or floral ornaments;
  • Patterns should be soft, rounded (straight, rough lines are unacceptable for classics)

For this style monochromatic textures are perfect wallpaper . They have a heterogeneous surface, but at the same time they do not have pronounced silhouettes.

In general, classic wallpaper should be calm colors, solid colors (low-key pattern is allowed).

Match style best paper wallpaper.


This light, free-spirited style isn't just used in homes along the Côte d'Azur.

Recently, the squaring of city apartments allows you to embody any fantasies.

So, picking up wallpaper for mediterranean current, pay attention to sea symbols. They may appear in combining different colors and textures of wallpaper , in ornaments. The most common for a marine theme is the inclusion of details with blue and white stripes. You can pick wallpaper this color and decorate them with part of the wall above the sofa.

The main concept of the style: a lot of light and free space.

For this reason, only light colors are used here. wallpaper (it is allowed to intersperse dark elements to create accents), and marine ones are required.


Modernity knows no boundaries. But it has its own rules. For modern design clear lines are characteristic, as in the classics, but they are rougher. And in general, the style is categorical and sharp. combinations.

For modern, you can safely choose wallpaper with geometric shapes, straight lines, displaying broken silhouettes.

Another postulate of style is the creation of contrast. So wallpaper combinations radically opposite colors fit the best.

Often used black color , which is a symbol of modernity. It is in perfect harmony (in contrast) with white, turquoise, blue, yellow. Can use and related compositions: brown, gray, olive.

Art Nouveau has a glossy sheen, it is well suited for vinyl wallpapers, paper with the appropriate coating (for shine).

Widely used photo wallpaper with urban or geometric drawings . In combination with stretch ceiling You'll get room dreams in modern style.


Sometimes it is not possible to realize the dream of any one style, and convey it thoroughly with all the nuances. Then power comes into play combination. Yes, you can decorate the hall according to several currents. Pick up furniture in Provence style, make the ceiling classic, and walls in eco style. There is one golden rule in this process!

In order not to make a “circus” out of the apartment, use similar styles.

Important! Combining styles, select adjacent currents.

In this case wallpaper play a primary role, and set the vector for the rest of the details. Even resorting to combination styles, everything should be harmonious. So every detail depends on the other.

Since wallpaper is the main element, decide what style it will belong to.

It is best to choose a calm, neutral background against which you will build the entire composition. rooms . A great option for plain paper or non-woven wallpaper.

Color matching

All aspects must be taken into account. In addition to conforming to the general style, wallpaper should be in harmony with furniture color and other accessories. Selection colors is a whole science. But we will try to clarify its main postulates.

Lighting conditions, the size and shape of the room play a decisive role, because the color, saturation of tone and the pattern of the wall covering can significantly change the perception of the interior.

On the color scheme of the wallpaper influenced by several factors:

  • Room style;
  • Its area;
  • Individual preferences;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Furnishings and other details;
  • Lighting.

Let's figure it out. Of course, individual preferences come first - everyone obeys them. choice . The style of the room certainly influences. Use a combination of yellow-green bright glossy wallpaper interspersed with blue is unacceptable for classics, while Provence or Art Nouveau will fully support this combination.

Area, ceiling height and natural light also affect the choice of wallpaper color.

After all, for small room it is better to choose light colors. They visually expand the room, and help make room more spacious. If in room gets enough daylight, light wallpaper compensate even better small space. In this case, do not clutter walls with patterns, photo wallpaper and graffiti. Select preferably plain or textured wallpaper white or any other light shade.

Use glossy surfaces (if style allows), this will help reflect light and make the room even brighter and bigger.

When space gives vent to fantasy, you have the right decorate the hall in both dark and light colors. Latest will do its even more spacious, gentle and airy. in a large light hall and the host and his guests will feel free and at ease. If you want to create comfort in living room dark colors work best for this. For a light cozy atmosphere, you should choose warm colors from the spectrum. They include all shades brown, beige (all pastel colors), olive.

With such wallpapers you will be able to create a pleasant mood for friendly gatherings or quiet family evenings.

Another factor: color wallpaper must match furniture . Doesn't mean they have to be the same, they have to be in harmony. If you have already purchased furniture , then remember its color when choosing wallpaper . If not, you have the option to start over from scratch, and select any color you like.

Using the color of wall coverings and its saturation, you can create various interior effects - for example, highlight functional areas.

Suitable material

Now we will select the necessary for our undertakings material . As you know, paper wallpaper previously so widely used are already somewhat fading into the background, due to the fact that more and more new models appear. So, many already know vinyl, non-woven and liquid wallpaper . Let's analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Each type of wallpaper has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Even though paper wallpaper fade into the background, they are still in great demand. This is justified by their price. Their main positive quality is low price(compared to other types ). But among the representatives of this group, you can also find very expensive models: with velvet inserts, interspersed with gold or other precious stones The human imagination is limitless.

A variety of colors and patterns allows you to choose suitable design for any interior, whether classic or modern style.

Another plus: they are easy to use . Glue paper wallpaper maybe even a small child (as we often helped parents with repairs in childhood).This option is suitable for any style.

You will find a huge variety paper wallpaper and you are sure to find what suits you.


Long used for kitchens, such wallpapers moved into the hall . They have a shine, and are only suitable for modern styles , more calm they also bypass.

With the help of polymer fibers, interesting designs are created.

Another disadvantage: poor breathability. Such the material does not give the walls breathe, which can lead to the formation of mold. It is not used in room With high humidity, and in a corner room (since corners often break here).

Vinyl wallpapers used to decorate a particular place. They are bright, often printed. Here you will find many options that perfectly complement the glossy stretch ceiling.

Non-woven vinyl coatings have a leveling effect and work as an additional heat and sound insulating layer.

It is worth noting that lately there are silk-screened vinyl wallpaper. They are made on special technology, with its help, inclusions of silk thread are made on the vinyl surface. This option is quite expensive, but it will give hall luxury and nobility.

Vinyl with silk threads used for the top layer allows you to create impressive modern designs wallpaper for living rooms.

These two kinds most commonly used for decoration walls in the hall . It is worth mentioning the existence of non-woven, liquid and textile wallpaper. These are combined types having a backing as a base, and upper layer thread, paper or vinyl.

A selection of wallpapers for the hall seems not so difficult, and even fascinating.

We hope you will be able to achieve success in the repair and implementation of your own ideas.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 15 minutes

The hall is a kind business card families. Tastefully selected wallpapers will help to make it unique, reflecting the needs and personality of the owners. When deciding which wallpaper to glue in the hall, you need to take into account many criteria: material, color, pattern, compatibility with interior details. Consider the principles of choosing finishes that will help you make the right decision and make the main room in the apartment stylish and comfortable.

Types of wallpaper suitable for the living room

A wide range of materials leads to confusion inexperienced buyer. Therefore, before going to the store, you need to decide on the type of wallpaper, which is now quite a lot.

  • Paper ones are cheap, environmentally friendly, varied in colors and textures, but short-lived.
  • Acrylic, in comparison with paper, is endowed with additional strength and resistance to moisture.
  • Vinyl sheets are beautiful, durable, but do not let air through, creating an unfavorable microclimate. When decorating the hall, it is better to combine them with other types of wallpaper. A popular variety is silk screen printing.
  • Non-woven fabrics have gained a reputation as the strongest, most durable canvases that can mask irregularities on the wall. Used alone and as a base for painting.
  • Liquid wallpaper - a composition of textile or cellulose fibers, dyes and glue, applied quickly and easily, without seams. Eco-friendly, suitable for decorating rooms with a complex configuration, hide irregularities.
  • Textiles have many textures and options. Silk, linen or cotton fabrics on a non-woven basis - good decision for the hall. They demonstrate the wealth and delicate taste of the owners.
  • Velor wallpapers are paper base coated with nylon fibers.
  • do not attract dust, do not burn, they are difficult to damage, mold does not start on them. Made only from natural materials, breathable, attractive looking.
  • Natural wallpapers made of bamboo, cork and wood form the original surroundings of the hall, do not interfere with air exchange. Cons - poor moisture resistance, susceptibility to mechanical damage.
  • Photo wallpapers are always popular, you can buy ready-made options or order a specific image. The theme of photo wallpaper is almost limitless at a very affordable price.
  • Metallized fabrics allow you to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation. They are based on paper, the top layer is a special foil. They look unusual and are able to transform the living room beyond recognition.

Rules for choosing wallpaper for the hall

Practically proven recommendations will help create a stylish and comfortable interior:

  • In a living room with low walls, do not glue dark wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern, light ones will look much better here - plain or with a small image.
  • In a hall with a high ceiling, canvases with large patterns or horizontal stripes are appropriate.
  • In spacious living rooms, dark finishes in deep tones look good. You can choose a monochrome version or large drawings.
  • In a room where the side with windows is oriented to the north, blue and gray shades of wallpaper are not recommended. Without sufficient lighting, they will cause a feeling of cold. And vice versa: in rooms facing south, cool tones will add freshness.
  • The color palette of decoration should be in harmony with the overall color of furniture, accessories, flooring.

Fixing design flaws

Not everyone can boast of the ideal shape and condition of the hall, which sometimes looks like a narrow trailer with low ceiling, uneven walls. can fix a sad picture.

  • Visually increase the volume of a small-sized living room with a light finish with a small pattern.
  • A low ceiling will seem higher if you decorate the walls with wallpaper with vertical ornaments or stripes.
  • Visually expand the space will allow horizontal lines. The same effect is created by the design of the lower part of the wall with dark canvases, and the upper one with light ones.
  • To divert attention from irregularities, to create the right perspective, photo wallpapers will help.

Choice of colors

The choice of color for wallpaper should be approached as seriously as possible, based not only on your own preferences, but also on the advice of experts. It has its own immutable laws, the violation of which does not end in anything good.

  • For a small living room, it is better to choose pastel colors. Interesting ideas here you can implement using lavender, mint, pink color.
  • In a cool room, apricot, peach, strawberry tones of the wallpaper will help create a cozy, warming atmosphere. At the same time, one should not forget that warm colors visually “compress” the space.
  • In a hot living room, aquamarine, lilac, pale blue or mint wallpaper is appropriate.
  • When decorating the walls of the southern rooms, it would be right to dwell on shades of gray, blue, blue. The same should be done for living rooms facing the east, southwest or southeast side. For rooms where sunlight feels like a master, it is better to choose a wallpaper that does not fade.
  • An atmosphere of luxury can be created by using mother-of-pearl, silver, gold colors. But this must be done very carefully: excess in this case is a direct path to bad taste.
  • On the wallpaper in the living room look good cherry, green, burgundy colors, deep royal blue color. Accessories and borders of classic beige and cream shades will suit the interior of such tones.

Wallpaper and furniture color

Furniture Wallpaper colors Suitable shades
Dark Calm, light, without massive patterns
  • vanilla,
  • apricot,
  • light chocolate,
  • carmine,
  • aquamarine,
  • light purple
Brown or reddish Dark
  • Dark blue,
  • rich green,
  • burgundy,
  • purple

Any options

The dark tone will emphasize the white elements of the interior.

Beige shades - for a calm atmosphere.

Also suitable:

  • fuchsia,
  • sea ​​wave,
  • eggplant,
  • honey,
  • shades of juicy greens.
  • Pastel wallpaper - for balancing.
  • Antagonistic colors - for lovers of contrasts.
Bright contrasting or pastel colors
Multicolor Gray with chalk pattern or plain.
Blue bright or light

For fun companies:

  • yellow;
  • Red

For a relaxing holiday:

  • beige,
  • cream,
  • white,
  • light blue,
  • lilac,
  • jade,
  • turquoise.
Any Any
peach bright or light
  • blue,
  • yellow,
  • gray,
  • pearl.

Win-Win Options

The choice of color, pattern, wallpaper texture is subject to the general line in the design of the hall, which subjugates all plans and actions.

Timeless classic

The classic interior suggests a neutral background, harmoniously combined with expensive furnishings. Flashy wallpaper options are banned. Dim stripes or ornament are allowed.

Floral motifs

Flowers on the walls have also become classics of the genre for a long time. There are countless variations: from dim background ornaments to huge images that have transformed into self-sufficient interior components.

Floral theme is present in classic version and in modern minimalism, in Provence and Japanese style. Floral wallpapers bring a romantic touch to the living room. They are chosen by people who avoid excessive rigor of the interior.

Choosing such canvases, you should not recklessly follow the principle of absolute conciseness. The asceticism of colors will balance the original texture.

Photo wallpapers and macro pictures

Photowall-paper after some break is again popular. In modern performance, they strive for maximum realism. This is especially noticeable when enlarged photos (macro pictures) of real people, plants, natural phenomena and objects.

Wallpapers with an urban theme, macro images of flowers, reproductions of famous paintings are in demand.

Unity with nature

An interior with reminders of wildlife is typical for those who are tired of living in big city. You can buy bamboo, cork or other wallpapers of natural origin or with the image of nature in the living room. It is only important that they are in harmony with the decor of the room.

Variations on the theme of stripes

Stripes are used to mask the flaws of the room. But even without these problems, it does not hurt to take a closer look at such wall coverings. Canvases with such a pattern are good both on their own and paired with partner wallpapers.


The popularity of this method of decorating walls is increasing. The main reason is the need for. For example, a dedicated dining area looks impressive in the hall. Many people have a need for zoning space for a TV. The reception is very helpful when circumstances force you to use the living room as a bedroom.

When choosing wallpaper for the hall combined options always remain profitable. The combination of different textures, colors and patterns plays two roles at once. Firstly, this is the aesthetic side, and secondly, the wallpaper has more functions. And it is beneficial for the interior in any style. The main condition is to find the right techniques for each room.

How to choose material

The first task that a person faces before starting to combine wallpaper in the hall is the selection of material. This room does not have any features that need to be worked out. Therefore, choosing the right finishing material becomes easier.

There are a lot of types of wallpaper, they are based on:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • glass fibers.

An important element is the texture of the wallpaper. Materials with similar surfaces are ideally combined. So, during the gluing of different materials, difficulties may arise, for example, when joining two canvases. It is worth looking at the indicators printed on the labels of the rolls - the figure with the thickness must match. If it is different, then problems may arise when gluing and combining two types of wallpaper.

Basic finishing rules

To avoid common mistakes in creating an interior, you should know a few nuances:

  • If the room has small area, low ceilings the best option there will be combined wallpaper for the hall in warm colors. It is worth choosing the lightest color combinations.
  • The solar scale is also suitable for large living rooms. Colors with a cold undertone can add sophistication to the room and expand the space.
  • When choosing dark shades, you need to consider that they absorb the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, making it visually smaller.
  • In the hall it is appropriate to use pastel colors. To avoid dullness, it is recommended to make bright and unusual accents with a combination of wallpaper in the living room.

All these points should be adjusted to fit your design ideas. In the planning process, you need to remember that the wallpaper is the background for the rest of the decor. Do not turn the walls into vulgar and clumsy paintings.

Fashion ideas for the living room

For those who want to create not just cozy place in the house, but also to remove all reminders of 2019, you should adhere to the latest trends in the interior. The main ones are:

  • patterns, ornaments that came from 2019;
  • embroidery, textile wallpaper;
  • relief walls;
  • vegetable prints;
  • combining matte canvases with embossed ones.

The most interesting thing is that all these elements are recommended to be combined. In 2019, this combination technique was recognized as risky. From 2019, the method of focusing attention on one of the walls has moved into the trend of the new. This allows you to manipulate both the size of the room and its design.

When using trendy design options, you need to take into account the overall style of the room. It is not uncommon for one piece of furniture to destroy the entire image.

On video: wallpaper combinations.

Vertical combination method

This combination of wallpaper in the living room is used most often. This method gained popularity due to the simplicity of execution, because it is very easy to “fit” a vertical strip into the interior. At the same time, it will take a little time for the sticker of the canvas itself. It is best to use proven color combinations. The most versatile is white in combination with black. You can take shades of these colors, namely pastel, brown, gray and others.

Drawing is allowed. But it will look better on an accent strip. The use of contrasts will help create an interior in a strict and sophisticated style. It is important to consider the width of the stripes. In the case of sharply opposite colors, they should be the same. But if the wallpaper has similar shades, it would be better to make less bright stripes, twice as many saturated ones.

Using the Horizon

Often designers combine wallpaper in the living room with horizontal stripes. This method is more complex and should be approached with caution. But the result will be worth it. Best of all, this wallpaper design is suitable for a room in classical style. The ideal option will complement them wood trim in the form of panels.

The most common way good combination- use a combination of wallpaper in the living room in the form of a light top and a dark bottom. Creating an interior with contrasting colors is difficult. Most often they resort to combining different shades of the same tone.

In order to hide the junction of two canvases, you can stick a special tape on it or close it with a border.

The procedure for placing wallpaper on the walls is also not easy, because here you need to be able to accurately calculate the length of the strips and take into account the joints, especially if one of the coatings has a pattern. It is better to entrust such work to professionals who will quickly and efficiently finish the room. In addition, it will be possible to avoid damage to materials and unnecessary expenses.

There is also such a combination: wallpaper in the hall + combined inserts. This design technique is widespread. Its main advantage over others is originality and simplicity in execution. So everyone can get a spectacular living room using this technique.

There are several features that will help you navigate the variety of ideas:

  • For decoration, you can choose different materials: fabric, photo wallpapers, panoramic coatings, wood.
  • It is necessary to combine the inserts with each other, then they will not look ridiculous.
  • The ideal option is when the materials of the inserts and the accent wall are the same. This will make the interior more businesslike.

This combination method has another trick that will make the wallpaper for the living room unusual. This is the so-called patchwork technique. It is much more difficult to implement it, but it also looks spectacular. The essence of the method is that one of the walls or a section of the room is filled with pieces of wallpaper. At the same time, even old flaps from rolls will do.

You can place wallpaper patches on the surface in a different order: horizontally, vertically, or even randomly. This is the beauty of this method.

  • choose parts of the wallpaper that are suitable for the style;
  • the color scheme of all used segments should not be in conflict;
  • it is worth attaching the flaps to the wall with adhesive tape - this will help you see the picture in full and evaluate its quality.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Even the craziest ideas can be adapted to a certain style.

Dividing a room into areas

If it is necessary to carry out zoning of the room, many, in the hall of their house, choose a combined wallpaper. Since the living room is traditionally the most large room, then there is where to show imagination. A universal technique is to separate the eating area from the rest area. To do this, you need to choose the right combination of colors.

The dining area is a place where it should be comfortable to eat. So, nothing should be distracting. Here, tones with cold notes will be the most suitable. They can create the right atmosphere. For relaxation, you should choose more comfortable, inviting colors, because in this zone a person should feel relaxed. Warm shades of pleasant, delicate colors will be beneficial.

As for the textures, you can also play with them. Don't put on a lot different wallpapers, it will be enough to choose a plain material and a structural canvas.

The first step should start with selecting the background. In the interior of the living room, this is the most important indicator. Starting from the background, it is worth planning the rest of the elements. So, plain wallpaper with a smooth finish can complement embossed canvases. As decorative elements it is better to use patterns and prints. This option for combining wallpapers was fashionable in 2019, but even now it does not lose popularity.

In the repair process, you should consider not only the design of the wallpaper, but also other things. The combination should include walls, furniture, curtains, small parts, home appliances.

What to avoid

Connecting several canvases in a room - not an easy task. Despite the fact that there are many rules for combining, the same mistakes are repeated. There are actions that lead to unaesthetic combinations.

Most often, such a mistake is made in interior planning: a small pattern + a glossy surface + a large structural pattern. This combination is too catchy. The eyes will not be able to focus, and the design will quickly get bored, especially if the palette of tones of the coatings is very saturated.

It is impossible to imagine a modern living room both in a house and in an apartment without combined wallpaper. They are able to add unusualness and style to any room. But at the same time, inept use leads to abrupt and inappropriate design solutions. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of paintings, it is worthwhile to think carefully about the combinations of all the elements in the room.

Combination ideas (44 photos)

To know how to choose wallpaper in the hall of two colors, you can always turn to the opinion professional designers who already have a few correct rules at the ready.

Firstly, wallpaper should be selected by shade. The most successful and versatile combinations are combinations of and, and, and, and, and, and, and silver.

In addition, sometimes great solution will the use of the same, which will differ in shades of the same color. This solution is suitable for those who are interested in how beautiful it is in a hall of two colors, but do not want the result to be too catchy and clumsy design.

Fans of plain walls and those who plan to focus on furniture or accessories will find a way out for themselves in this method.

Those who want brightness and unusualness should pay attention to wallpapers of different color categories. The main rule is not to use several saturated, bright colors simultaneously. It is best to combine two of some colors. Moreover, if you choose one juicy, then the second is necessarily neutral.

Advice: not only the above colors are well combined, but also their shades. Look for suitable options, choose the tone. Sometimes the same color, but in different shades, looks completely different.

Secondly, wallpaper is selected by combining according to texture: matte with glossy, rough with .

Thirdly, drawing plays an important role in the harmonious combination. Motifs with and flowers with stripes will look best.. The last one is the calling card of the design.

In general, patterns can be used in different ways. For example, designers love horizontal division of walls. At the same time, always try to decorate the bottom with the help, the top - with wallpaper with a small pattern, or make the bottom plain, and the top - in stripes or with large patterns.

How to choose wallpaper colors?

We have already briefly mentioned which colors and their combinations are considered the most successful. However, with the help of certain colors and shades, you can also create the necessary atmosphere, correct the shortcomings of the room and make it the way you want.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to beautifully stick wallpaper in a two-color room, then it will be useful to listen to the following recommendations.

In addition, there are several various options how to stick wallpaper in the hall of two colors. Let's take a closer look at each combination example.

accent walls

Perhaps one of the first answers to the question of how to stick wallpaper in two colors in the hall comes to mind exactly accent wall idea. The very name of this technique already speaks for itself. An accent wall is that wall in a room that stands out from the rest. original texture, color, pattern.

Often it is decorated using at the same time. The image for the accent wall is selected based on the main color of the interior: for example, if the wallpaper on the walls is in blue hues, the plot will be the most original photo panel, but with a slight splash of blue.

Why is this technique so popular among interior designers? Everything is very simple: it is scientifically proven that a person’s impression is formed in the first 15 seconds. And if you attract him with something beautiful and original for this time, then the whole interior will seem like that to him.

In addition, this wallpaper combination option is very functional: skillfully designed accent wall can visually enlarge or reduce the room, hide its flaws and emphasize its merits.

For small rooms, when combining wallpaper with photo wallpaper, choose pictures with a horizon line - believe me, there is no better way to visually expand the space than this.

Exists a few rules on how to design an accent wall.

And although picking up wallpaper in a room of two colors is an activity that takes a little more time than usual, but the effect of such work is strikingly different from simply pasting the walls with plain coatings.

Remember that there is nothing more stupid than combining cheap and elite wallpapers with each other and gluing them side by side. This will in no way help the interior look richer, but general atmosphere will surely ruin it.

At the same time, listen more to your own feelings. Moderation, a sense of style and your own preferences will tell you your ideal combination.

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