What you need to know about vinyl wallpaper with a paper backing. How to glue paper backed vinyl wallpaper

reservoirs 14.06.2019

The emergence of a sufficient number of different options wall and ceiling decoration still does not overshadow the great popularity among various segments of the population of the use of wallpaper, because their reasonable cost and good performance characteristics well balanced with each other.

Vinyl wallpapers are in special demand today. paper basis, which, if you try hard, you can glue yourself.

Vinyl wallpaper is also enough strong and durable, but the process of pasting them (like any other type of heavy wallpaper) has its own nuances that you should be aware of.

Basic work before sticking vinyl wallpaper

Many amateurs argue that it is not at all necessary to carry out preparatory work before gluing, but in fact the final result depends on this process.

Just before pasting the walls with paper-based vinyl wallpaper, you need to know where to start from the beginning. The process itself consists of several stages:

  • wall preparation;
  • wallpaper preparation;
  • applying glue;
  • wallpapering.

How to prepare the walls?

The entire surface of the walls should clean well from old wallpaper, paint, plaster; with the help of special materials to even out irregularities; putty cracks and cracks; it is desirable to treat the walls with an antifungal compound.

The surface must be absolutely dry before gluing. An important nuance in this process, there is a moment of difference in humidity and room temperature, therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor that there are no drafts, open windows and working air conditioners.

Preparing wallpaper for sticking

Pursuing the goal of saving as much as possible cash, most people prefer wallpapers of unknown brands of manufacturers, presented on the market at very low prices.

But practice shows that it is not worth saving on this product, but it is better to study the manufacturers of high-quality wallpapers and make a choice, but even this factor does not exclude the need to check some of the nuances.

Then we start cutting the wallpaper in such a way that vertically there are allowances about 10 cm. And when using wallpaper with a pattern, it is recommended to calculate its rapport before cutting and, in accordance with it, cut into strips.

Glue application

This is the third stage of preparatory work, which is quite important in the process of pasting the premises.

At this stage, you need to right choice glue, specially designed for paper based vinyl wallpapers. The adhesive must be of high adhesive strength.

For example:

  • "Kleo";
  • "Metylan";
  • "FINTEX";
  • "SAMTEX";
  • "Quelid";
  • "Moment";
  • "KMC-N";
  • "Express Universal";
  • Express Vinyl.

It is not surprising that the choice of glue is so diverse, because the range of wallpapers today is also impressive, and demand, as you know, creates supply.

Naturally, the product domestic production will cost less than imports.

Having gone a little deeper and having studied the options presented, you can easily navigate and decide where and how there is an opportunity to save money and whether there is, in general, any sense in saving.

Do you put glue on the wall?

It should be remembered that glue for paper-based vinyl wallpaper must be applied exclusively on the surface of the canvas, then some time (about 5-10 minutes) is given for the glue to be absorbed and the fibers of the base to swell.

The swelling time for each strip of wallpaper should be the same.

The glue should not be applied in a very thick layer, otherwise it may protrude during the gluing process, which will lead to damage to the front side of the wallpaper.

And this is very undesirable.

While the glue is absorbed and dries, you need to walk around the whole room and remove the sockets, switches, after de-energizing them.

Wallpaper canvases are glued over the holes formed, and only then everything returns to its place.

How to glue in the corners?

This final step follows start from the corner of the room. First of all, it is necessary to note with the help of a sinker, laser level or plumb a vertical line, which will later serve as a guide.

Then one person on a stepladder applies a strip of wallpaper near the ceiling, and the second one aligns the edge along the reference line.

Allowances formed at the ceiling and floor should be carefully cut with a well-sharpened knife under a narrow spatula or ruler.

A wide spatula may also be suitable for this purpose, but only if the walls of the room are perfectly even.

When using a knife with a dull blade, there is a chance of wrinkling and tearing the wallpaper. The edge of the canvas near the floor is hidden under the plinth, which is best removed first.

We glue the wallpaper sheets end-to-end

It should be remembered that paper-based vinyl wallpaper glued exclusively end-to-end, therefore, in no case should you stretch them in breadth when pasting.

If you make such a mistake, then there will definitely be gaps in the bare wall, since the canvas will simply “sit down” in width.

It is best to press the wallpaper against the wall with a special rubber roller or a brush with short bristles, Special attention giving seams.

On a paper basis it is impossible to paste right after drawing glue. To do this, the strip smeared with glue is folded base to base. The swelling time is indicated on the wallpaper, the denser the material, the more time is required. When swelling, the fibrous parts of the paper swell and the wallpaper stretches a little.

Variety of vinyl wallpapers

It is worth talking about vinyl wallpaper separately, since not everyone knows what kind of animal it is. And this is not surprising, since they appeared on sale not so long ago, and many simply did not have time to get used to them. They cost more, but they are worth it.

For starters, they are very durable. Consist of two layers. The first layer can be both paper and interlining. The second layer determines the name of this family. Vinyl. Or polyvinyl chloride, if that's your preference.
Among the vinyl family there is a special kind: foamed vinyl wallpaper. They are obtained when a layer of vinyl is subjected to a special heat treatment, in order to obtain a beautiful distinct relief. They are good in two senses at once: firstly, they are pleasant to look at. Secondly, the problems of the walls are not so visible under them. The third reason to buy foamed vinyl wallpapers is that they are vinyl: they can be washed.

In addition, there are other defining vinyl wallpapers. For example, among them there is a special interesting view, which is called compact vinyl wallpaper. They imitate rather heavy materials, like stone. They are very durable.

Heavy vinyl wallpaper is good because the unevenness of the wall is not so visible under them.

And vinyl wallpapers with chemical embossing are distinguished by the fact that they are the most durable and hardiest in our family.

The silkscreen vinyl wallpaper is very beautiful. Their very name suggests that silk threads were woven into the upper surface of the wallpaper during production.

What else can be said about vinyl wallpaper? It is better to take non-woven vinyl - they retain their shape when wet, and therefore they are easier to glue.

Well last view, which you should consider is . Much stronger than paper and has its own advantages, even compared to vinyl wallpaper. Due to the fact that they have the most voluminous pattern, with their use you can make the wall more beautiful and ... richer, or what? The wallpaper itself has a multilayer structure.

The greatest convenience when using non-woven wallpaper is that they can be stuck on a wall smeared with glue. And do not smear the wallpaper itself. Most vinyl wallpapers have the same advantage, although their cheaper paper-based look still shrinks just as well in the process as regular paper wallpapers.

Many fizelinovye wallpaper go under painting. This means that after you have glued them, you will need to paint them. True, not immediately, but only after a day: at least a little, but they must be allowed to dry.

You probably already had time to think that too much is given to the choice of wallpaper in an article that was supposed to talk about tips for wallpapering them. Calm, just calm. Although the text above is more like brief digression into the world of wallpapers, but certain features depend on your choice finishing works. And if you've been careful enough, you've noticed a few important tips about wallpaper selection.

For example, as mentioned above, non-woven wallpaper must be glued to a wall already smeared with glue. At the same time, they themselves do not need to be soaked with glue. They also seriously differ from paper ones in that they need to be glued not overlapping, but end-to-end, since they do not shrink.

Prepare the walls as carefully as possible. Although some types of heavy and embossed wallpapers allow you to hide small wall irregularities, their possibilities are still not unlimited.

Be sure to leave an allowance of about five centimeters above and below. When the wallpaper dries, it may shrink. This applies primarily to paper wallpaper and paper-based wallpaper.

Now about the markup. The first piece of wallpaper must be measured according to the height of the wall, but all subsequent ones can be measured already by the finished piece. So it will be more convenient.

While the wallpaper is impregnated with glue, it is necessary to prime the wall itself directly. The primer can be either a ready-made deep penetration primer or a liquid diluted adhesive.

Having rolled the impregnated sheet with a kind of accordion, so that inner side all the time remained inside the folds, we start gluing from above. Gluing should always start only from the top.

During finishing work, it is necessary to carefully close all windows and doors, and eliminate any possibility of a draft.

Those wallpapers that are going to be painted are glued end-to-end.

Dilute the glue quickly. It is even better if one person stirs the water in a bucket, while the other at this time pours glue in a uniform stream. This will help avoid lumps. And one more thing: it will still be possible to add water to the thick glue. It will not be possible to add dry powder to liquid.

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper, make sure that your wall is level, there are no cracks and notches, the surface is cleared of the old coating. You can glue wallpaper on old wallpaper, but this is undesirable. However, no one forbids gluing wallpaper on water-based paint. To get rid of old wallpaper, wet the wall and clean the wall. If necessary, level and putty the wall.

Properly glue vinyl wallpaper only on a dry and even surface. Wallpaper can be glued only in rooms without drafts, with closed windows and turned off the air conditioner. Before the sticker, they are also treated with a special fungicidal composition to prevent the formation of mold under the wallpaper.
The wallpaper is cut into strips, leaving a 10 cm length allowance. When cutting the vinyl wallpaper with a pattern, the adjacent panels are carefully selected in height so that the pattern matches as much as possible. The cut strips of wallpaper are stacked on top of each other with a pattern down. Each such stack should contain no more than 10 stripes. Here you can see that this process is different from how.

If the base is paper, then the glue is applied to the cut strip. Vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis cannot be glued immediately after applying the adhesive. To do this, the strip smeared with glue is folded base to base. The swelling time is indicated on the wallpaper, the denser the material, the more time is required. When swelling, the fibrous parts of the paper swell and the wallpaper stretches a little. The swelling time should be the same for all strips, and the adhesive layer should be uniform and thick enough. This is important for clean seams and a flawless finish. A video on how to glue corners with wallpaper is presented on our page.

Wallpaper on a non-woven base is easier to process; when sticking them, the glue should not be applied to the reverse side of the wallpaper, but directly to the wall. Another advantage of this type of wallpaper is that when sticking it, it is not necessary to withstand the time required for impregnation, the non-woven material ensures the stability of the wallpaper's dimensions. The best glue for non-woven wallpaper is methylan. It is better to check the method of applying glue with the instructions on the roll.

Wallpapering technology
It is always better to glue vinyl wallpaper from the corner. It is more convenient to glue vinyl wallpaper with two people, when one applies and aligns the top, standing on a stepladder, and the second supports the lower end of the strip, standing on the floor and carefully aligning the edge with a vertical line drawn along the wall.

It is always necessary to glue vinyl wallpapers end-to-end, that is, the panels do not find each other. Make sure that the glue does not get on the front side of the panels. If this happens, immediately wipe it off with a dry cloth (not a brush)

The remaining material under and at the plinth is carefully trimmed with a wallpaper knife along the ruler. When using blunt knives, it is possible to tear or crumple the wallpaper. The bottom edge of the wallpaper should be bent onto the plinth by 5 mm. If possible, it is better to remove the plinth before starting. You can watch a video of how to glue on our page.

Near sockets and switches, the wallpaper is not cut in advance, but glued directly onto the holes for switches and sockets. When the glue dries, holes are cut at the locations of sockets and switches. After the work is completed, the sockets and switches are screwed into place. Be sure to de-energize the sockets before starting work.

The wallpaper panel should go from one side to the other by no more than 3-4 cm. The first panel on the other wall is glued from the very corner, overlapping this area.

Wallpaper care

Most vinyl wallpaper allows wet cleaning, including the use of cleaning products. However, you must first familiarize yourself with the information on the rolls.

How to choose and stick vinyl wallpaper on paper or non-woven base

Non-comprehensive instructions for choosing and sticking vinyl wallpaper on paper and non-woven base from personal experience


Choose wallpaper design. Coloring and drawing is a matter of taste, but there are basic rules:
- Bright hues visually increase the room, dark - reduce.
- Too large drawing, especially on small area, looks bulky, too small causes flickering in the eyes.
- vertical stripes visually increase the height of the room, horizontal or border - reduce the height, but increase the length.

Choose a wallpaper base. It can be paper or non-woven.

Non-woven properties:
1. Advantages:
- simpler technology, no need to apply glue to the wallpaper and soak it, the glue is applied directly to the wall.
- as a result, less time is required for gluing.
- with high-quality preparation of walls and good glue initial strength is higher than that of paper-based wallpaper
- better smooth out small bumps and cracks on the walls
2. Disadvantages.
- since the wallpaper is not impregnated with glue, they are completely non-plastic (do not stretch), therefore, unlike paper ones, it is impossible to “wrap” around a fairly large irregularity without cutting.
- non-woven fabric transmits light better than paper, so if you have a wall with the remnants of old colored coatings, very dark, or all spotty, it will be noticeable through non-woven wallpaper (especially light ones).

Paper properties:
1. Advantages:
- Respectively, it covers old coatings well
- stretches, it is easier to close, for example, a slightly protruding mounting box or “fit” an uneven corner.
2. Disadvantages:
- when applying glue, you can stain the wallpaper with it
- initial matchmaking is worse
- it is more difficult to glue the edges (usually, they have time to dry during the impregnation and have to be greased)
- easier to accidentally break.

Assess the condition of the walls and consider what material they are made of
1. Remove old coatings. If you really don’t feel like it (actually, you need it))), or it doesn’t work out to the end, it’s better to glue wallpaper on a paper basis, because when glue for non-woven fabric is applied to the wall, they can just fall off.
2. If there are strong irregularities, the walls should be leveled with putty. In this case, you risk getting a smooth, but spotted wall. On it you can glue either paper wallpaper, or dark non-woven, or already putty completely in White color, but it's already true hard work which requires separate instructions.
3. Prime the wall. There are three options. Special primer before wallpapering, diluted wallpaper glue or universal leveling primer. IMHO, the result is about the same and depends more on the manufacturer than on the type of material. A primer is especially needed for concrete and wood (including chipboard) and for non-woven wallpaper. If glue is applied to an unprimed, highly absorbent material, it can simply be completely absorbed, and, in fact, it will not remain on the wallpaper.
4. Look at the wall again. Are there any small imperfections? “Thick” wallpaper with a three-dimensional structure will really help to hide them.

Choose wallpaper and glue. Wallpaper first. Then under them - glue. Please note that there is not only "vinyl" and "non-woven", but also "heavy vinyl", "structural vinyl" and much more, see the packaging or consult the seller. Personally, I vote for rasch wallpaper and any Italian interlining, from inexpensive ones - “palette” and “home color”, quelyd adhesives and “moment”. But, for sure, there are other worthy manufacturers. But the “methylan” glue, I remember, did not please me. True, it was a long time ago, maybe it has gotten better since then.

Prepare your tools. Optimal set:
1. Basin for wallpaper and a bucket for clean water
2. Two pressure rollers - wide (main) and narrow (for joints), a special plastic spatula
3. Fur roller, wide brush, narrow brush - for applying glue
4. Newspapers or polyethylene to cover the floor
5. Scissors and a construction (or powerful stationery) knife.
6. Tape measure, ruler and pencil
7. Rag and sponge to remove excess glue.
Look like that's it. You can do without half, but it will be more difficult to work

Actually, a sticker. Firstly, carefully read the instructions for wallpaper and glue, there are a lot of useful things. I will not duplicate. The principle for non-woven fabric is simply cut and stick on a wall smeared with glue. For vinyl on paper - wet with glue, fold, hold for 5-10 minutes, unfold and stick.

A couple of nuances.
1. Wallpaper is glued butt to butt. But do not make the joint too tight, otherwise the wallpaper will swell in this place. The fit should be perfect, but a small gap is better than pressure between adjacent sheets.
2. It's no secret that our walls are usually crooked. I advise you to glue not on a plumb line, but on the most noticeable vertical elements of the interior - window hole, doorway, the corner of the room. So visually it will be smoother than if it is actually smooth)
3. Passing inside corners is a problem. Often, at the bottom and at the top, the corner “converges” to the center of the room, and a wrinkle appears on the wallpaper. If the wallpaper is paper, a small one can be smoothed out. If we can't, we do it. One cut is made along the entire length of the fold with a knife or scissors to overlap the excess on top of each other. Then we work only with a very sharp knife and carefully so as not to tear the wallpaper (especially paper ones)! We draw one line with a knife, which should cut through both layers of wallpaper along the entire length of the fold. It is not very important how even it will be, but the line should be continuous and clear, without breaks and folds. Then we simply remove the cut off excess, smear it with glue (it probably had time to dry) and get the perfect joint.
4. Very small wrinkles can be removed by cutting off each side separately with a ruler. The main thing here is a good eye and slowness.

Removing air from under the wallpaper.
In my opinion, it is best to do this with strong movements of a special plastic spatula. But, if the wallpaper has a very delicate pattern of something that looks like soft polyurethane, it can also be cut off with a spatula. Then we use a large roller, with an effort to move the bubble to the edge of the wallpaper. You can also use a cut with a knife in place of the bubble, it will not be noticeable.

Sockets and switches. The pads need to be removed. Then it is better to de-energize. But if it’s not possible, at least stick it with something like tape so that it doesn’t finish, otherwise it will hurt. It is better to cut holes for them after the wallpaper has dried, because it is easier. With interlining, you can immediately, it does not get wet and is cut normally. Just, again, do not get into contact if it is energized.

Like, basically everything. Comments are welcome. If there are questions, I will try to add.

Vinyl wallpapers consist of a paper or non-woven base coated with polymer coated. They are strong and durable, but vinyl (like any other heavy wallpaper) has its own nuances. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper can be glued only on a dry and even surface. Therefore, you first need to clean the walls of old coatings (wallpaper, paint, plaster), putty all the cracks and carefully level the surface.
Before wallpapering, the walls are primed with a deep penetration primer or a special glue for vinyl wallpapers and treated with a fungicidal composition that prevents the appearance of mold under the wallpaper. You can only glue vinyl wallpaper on a completely dry wall!

The wallpaper must be cut into strips, leaving an allowance of 10 cm in length. If there is a pattern on the wallpaper, select adjacent panels in such a way that the pattern matches as much as possible. Before cutting the wallpaper, check that all rolls have the same series - wallpapers from different series may vary slightly in shade.

You need to glue vinyl wallpaper end-to-end. But such wallpapering has its own nuances: after drying, vinyl wallpaper can “shrink”, and gaps will appear between the panels. Therefore, less glue is applied to vinyl wallpapers than to paper ones, and in no case are they stretched in width when glued. The wallpaper is pressed against the wall not with a spatula, but with a special rubber roller or a brush with short bristles, especially carefully ironing the seams.

For the same reason, wallpaper must be glued in a room without drafts - when dried, they are “capricious”, do not tolerate changes in humidity and temperature. Therefore, in no case should you open windows or turn on the air conditioner until the wallpaper is completely dry.

Vinyl wallpaper glue must be diluted according to the instructions, usually it needs to stand for 5-10 minutes to swell. Glue is applied either only to the wall, or to the wall and wallpaper - this should be indicated in the instructions on the roll with vinyl wallpaper. It depends on the base: you need to apply glue to wallpaper with a paper base, but not to wallpaper with non-woven backing.

If you are applying adhesive to paper backed vinyl wallpaper, make sure the edges are not dry. Paper-based wallpaper is not glued immediately after applying the glue. They are folded base to base so that the glue swells (the swelling time depends on the density of the material and is indicated on the package). In order for the seams to be clean and the wallpaper to look perfect, the adhesive layer must be thick and uniform, and the swelling time must be the same for all panels.

Two people need to glue vinyl wallpaper. One person climbs onto a stepladder and puts the top edge of the wallpaper against the wall. The second one stands on the floor and supports the lower edge of the panel, carefully aligning the wallpaper strip vertically (to do this, you can draw a vertical line on the wall in advance to navigate along it).

Then you need to lightly press the wallpaper to the base and force out air bubbles with a brush: from top to bottom and from the center to the edges. If glue protrudes from the edge of the wallpaper, it must be wiped off immediately with a clean cloth. It is important to ensure that the glue does not get on the front side of the wallpaper.

Excess vinyl wallpaper under the ceiling and near the plinth should be cut along the ruler with a sharpened knife. If the blade is blunt, it will crumple and tear the wallpaper. The bottom edge of the wallpaper is bent under the plinth by 5 mm (it is better if you remove the plinth before gluing, and then put it back in place).

With regards to sockets and switches, they are de-energized before starting work, removed, wallpaper is glued directly over the holes, after drying, the necessary sections of the wallpaper are cut out and the sockets and switches are screwed into place.

Glue selection.

Maybe some of the most zealous guardians of traditions use glue cooked on their own from flour and PVA, but it’s still easier to use glue bought in a store. Is it better? Actually, yes. If you take a closer look at the composition that is indicated on the packaging of the glue, then most likely you will be disappointed in your best expectations. "And here is starch?!" Yes, and there is starch. But besides it, there are still a bunch of additives that improve more interesting qualities of glue than just the ability to firmly stick wallpaper. Let's be honest - you can also improve ordinary self-made flour glue by adding ordinary PVA to it. Try some more wallpapers like this. But you yourself were convinced of this while ripping off the remnants of old wallpaper from the walls. Here, the main strong point of the glue is not the strength of gluing, but the ability to resist the occurrence of fungus. And he loves the walls of his home very much.

In addition, some adhesives have an interesting feature in the form of a color application indicator. The freshly mixed glue itself becomes Pink colour, it gives exactly the same shade on the walls, but under the wallpaper and after drying it becomes completely transparent. Comfortable? Still would! The main headache when applying glue to the wall and wallpaper is to apply it so that there is not the slightest gap anywhere. Otherwise, in this place, the wallpaper will begin to peel off, and over time it will take on a rather strange look.
So, we figured out the glue, now let's think, as it were, with the wallpaper itself. Usually everything happens the other way around, first the wallpaper is chosen, and this is understandable, and only then the glue, if necessary. In principle, this is correct. We talked about glue at the very beginning to convince you to carefully look at its composition before buying and make sure that you are buying exactly what you need.

In total, you will first meet three types of wallpaper on the market: paper, vinyl and non-woven.

Everyone has long been accustomed to paper wallpapers, and they are rightfully considered the most popular. Mostly because they are the cheapest. Zealous supporters of ecology can breathe easy, although trees were really used during their manufacture, but that is why they are considered the most environmentally friendly. They play a small role in the role of heat and sound insulators, but for us they are mostly attractive because they can be used in almost all dry rooms.

There is nothing to say about the aesthetics of paper wallpaper - it is on highest level. Some have, among other things, a relief pattern.

But they have quite serious shortcoming. For example, they cannot be washed. Paper, after all. For the same reason, it is pointless to glue them in wet rooms. They are also quite easily torn and clearly repeat all the features of the relief of the wall. In all other respects, this is a completely worthy representative of the wallpaper world.

How to glue non-woven vinyl wallpaper

In any room, gluing non-woven vinyl wallpaper is much easier than using ordinary paper ones. In addition, if you buy high-quality glue in the store that is specifically designed for this type of wallpaper, then there will be no problems with sticking them on the walls in the kitchen or bedroom.
You will need

- rubber spatula;
- rubber roller.


1 First you need to prepare the surface by removing old wallpaper, tiles, dust and other defects. Walls must be puttied, sanded and primed. After the primer dries, you can start wallpapering.

2 When gluing vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, they can not be completely smeared with glue. For this type of wallpaper, you just need to smear the walls with high-quality glue, and smear the wallpaper a little around the edges. But when lubricating walls, saving glue is not at all worth it. It should be applied quite thickly, smearing every inch of your wall as you apply it.

3 For more convenient application of glue, it is best to use a special model of a roller for wallpapering. You may also need a brush to apply high-quality glue to the most inaccessible places for rollers on the surface of the walls and in their corners. After you miss the edges of the wallpaper sheet and all the walls, you can start gluing. For convenient smoothing of vinyl wallpaper, it is best to use a modern rubber roller or special rubber spatulas and brushes.

4 When sticking non-woven wallpaper, all the glue is applied not to the wallpaper, but to the wall, which is why the wallpaper sheet itself will always remain dry. Therefore, it will never get wet and will not tear while sticking to the wall. Also, the advantage of this method of gluing vinyl wallpaper is that if the sheet does not fit properly on the wall, then it can be immediately carefully removed and glued again without damaging the structure of the sheet.

Vinyl wallpapers

Of the many presented on construction market Vinyl wallpapers are the most popular wallpaper. This is quite logical, because they can be of various textures and colors, they wash well and are not able to fade in the sun.

It is quite natural that today many people who have started repairs have a question - “how to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly?”. And this question is quite correct, because there are some nuances in pasting walls with vinyl wallpaper, which, of course, should be observed during repairs, otherwise you can ruin the material and lose a significant amount of money to buy a new one.

The peculiarities of the technique of pasting with vinyl wallpaper are connected, first of all, with the fact that they tend to significantly stretch in width when wet. In this regard, they are highly discouraged from being lubricated with glue strongly enough and plentifully. Also, do not leave vinyl wallpaper for a long time to "swell". Such wallpapers should be glued as carefully as possible, without stretching one iota, but pressing against the wall with little force.
Secondly, vinyl wallpapers can be quite thick, as a result, gluing by the "overlap" method is completely excluded. Naturally, it is necessary to glue end-to-end. If there is no pattern on the canvases, then you can make an overlap of 10-15 mm, and then cut through two layers at once. After removing the extra strips, the joint of the canvases should turn out to be just perfect. If the pattern is present, then in case of fitting, you should join the edges with your hands.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper is prepared as indicated on the package. Glue should be intended exclusively for vinyl wallpaper, no "universal" ones will work. The canvases are rolled out to the required length, just in case, adding up to 70 mm to each (walls may have a height difference). Wallpaper should begin to be glued from the corners that are closest to the windows. Using a plumb line, it is necessary to mark a vertical line from the corner at a distance of the width of the canvas. It is on it that the first canvas will be glued. Before pasting, of course, the prepared walls are primed exclusively with the glue that is often indicated in the instructions for vinyl wallpaper.

Each canvas is smeared in such a way that even minor gaps do not remain on it, but, making sure that it does not turn out too thick either. After that, the canvas is folded in half (to prevent drying) and left for about 8-10 minutes to “swell”. Next, the panel is straightened and glued to the surface, of course, making sure that it does not stretch. The wallpaper is pressed down with a stiff brush or a clean cloth.

How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper Often the question may arise - "how to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly so that they do not move apart and do not" bubble ". In this case, there are some rules. Vinyl wallpaper is desirable to glue when temperature regime not exceeding 23 degrees Celsius. They are very afraid of drafts, even more than their paper counterparts. Vinyl wallpaper should dry gradually. If the vinyl wallpaper was stretched during gluing, then after drying, gaps form between the canvases.

you can glue wallpaper + on old wallpaper how to glue wallpaper + on water-based paint how to glue corners with wallpaper video glue wallpaper design + how to glue paper wallpaper video best glue + for non-woven wallpaper

With the development of interior design technologies, many various kinds wallpaper. Today, vinyl material, which has a paper base, has become very popular. Such canvases have a high density, do not lose their attractive appearance for a long time. give the walls beautiful view you can, knowing how to properly paste them.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis

It is not recommended to glue paper-based vinyl without surface preparation and the material itself. In order for the meter-long wallpaper to lay down beautifully and evenly, to hold on for a long time, you need to take a few preparatory steps:

  1. First, clean the walls of previous coatings: old paper and plaster.
  2. The surface on which you want to stick the wallpaper, consisting of vinyl and paper, must be flat. Be sure to level it with special materials.
  3. Fill cracks and repair with putty mixture uneven areas.
  4. Eliminate the risk of mold by treating the walls with a primer against fungi.
  5. Please note that there are no drafts in the room, there are no air conditioners turned on. Such measures are required, since paper-based wallpapering requires absolute dryness of the surfaces.
  6. Before you start how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper, cut them into canvases. required size, leaving 10 cm in stock. Lay face down, start applying glue. The surface will be well saturated if you fold the cut in half for a while with the adhesive mixture inside. If the pattern on the material is repeated, number each cut so as not to spoil the pattern.

Sticking paper-backed vinyl wallpaper

After completing the preparation of the material and leveling, priming the surfaces, proceed to gluing. To do this correctly and evenly, instructions on how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper will help you:

  1. You need to start gluing from the corner of the room. It is important to draw on the wall straight line on which the first strip should be glued. You can mark it using special tools: level and plumb.
  2. Glue the wallpaper strip on top and start aligning down vertically. Smooth the surface of the canvas with a roller in the same direction to remove air bubbles and unnecessary glue.
  3. Making movements with the tool from the center to the edges of the cut, secure the edges.
  4. Wipe off excess adhesive with a clean cloth. If the border of the cloth does not stick well, brush a little with a thin brush, dipping it in glue.
  5. Wallpaper created from vinyl, by analogy with other heavy types, must be glued end-to-end.

What glue to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper

When sticking these canvases, it is recommended to use only a special mixture. The packaging of this composition indicates that the product is intended for vinyl or heavy materials. It is necessary to prepare the adhesive mass, strictly following the instructions indicated on the pack. It is important to maintain the correct ratio of powder and liquid so that the adhesive does not turn out to be too thick or liquid. Mix the required amount of the contents of the package with water and let it swell a little.

A good wallpaper adhesive for vinyl can be selected according to the following criteria:

  • it is easy to dilute with water;
  • there are no lumps during cooking;
  • has a subtle, unsharp smell;
  • adhesive mass provides slip, which will make it easier to align the cuts when pasting;
  • the composition includes a component that prevents the appearance of fungi under the paper;
  • does not provoke the formation of spots;
  • may remain usable for up to 2 weeks.

On the modern markets glue for vinyl sheets is represented by several well-known brands:

  • "Moment";
  • "Express Vinyl";
  • "KMC-N";
  • Metylan;
  • Kleo;
  • Fintex.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

It is not very difficult to attach cuts to the protruding corners in the room. To do this, you just need to wrap the edge of the canvas over the ledge. But this technology is only suitable if the corner has smooth edges. Otherwise, you need to fix a strip of paper on one side of the wall with an allowance of 3 cm. The stock must be wrapped and attached to the opposite part of the corner. Cut the fixed allowance with a clerical knife so that a small edge remains. The next canvas is glued with an overlap, which should not be more than 5 mm.

How to stick vinyl on inner corner:

  1. Attach the first wallpaper to the wall with an allowance of 5 cm, which should be located on the opposite surface.
  2. Lubricate the protruding piece with PVA glue. Glue the second strip so that it does not touch the wall nearby.
  3. Smooth the place of gluing with a special wide brush plastic or roller. If the adhesive comes out, wipe it off with a clean cloth.
  4. When the adhesive dries, use a paper cutter to cut through two layers of paper at once from the bottom up.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper back to back

Technology, how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper end-to-end:

  1. Having well glued a piece of paper with glue, attach it strictly along the line marked with the level.
  2. The sticker must be carried out so that there is a supply of paper of about 5 cm, located above and below.
  3. Sticking vinyl is complicated by the fact that the material has the ability to shrink during drying and high extensibility when glued. Therefore, when you press and smooth them, avoid stretching in width so that cracks do not form during drying.
  4. Glue the next cut exactly to the previous one so that the edges touch. Carefully roll the seams with a small roller.
  5. If, after drying, you find small gaps, try to eliminate them by slightly bending the edge of the canvas, smearing it with glue. Pull the wet vinyl up to the seam line.

Video: paper-based vinyl wallpaper sticker

The renovation in the kitchen is almost complete and in order to transform the walls, you decided to stick vinyl wallpaper with a paper backing on them. The question immediately arises - how to do it technically correctly? This must be dealt with so as not to redo all the work again.

In the middle of the 20th century, vinyl wallpaper with a paper base was already actively used. This material was very fashionable and incredibly popular.

The fact is that such wallpapers have a lot of advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • great strength;
  • ease of removing contaminants.

Unfortunately, it has not been without a number of shortcomings:

  • the bottom paper layer is less durable;
  • paper can easily stretch when the glue is absorbed;
  • little difficulty in gluing.

However, these shortcomings are almost imperceptible with the undoubted advantages of these wallpapers. In addition, given the low price, this type of wallpaper is unrivaled.

Wallpaper for the kitchen (video)

Types of vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen

Vinyl wallpaper has many types and types. Their classification is huge, but the main qualities can be distinguished.

According to the structure of their surface, vinyl wallpapers are divided into:

  • embossed,
  • smooth.

Methods for finishing the surface when pasting with vinyl wallpaper with a paper base are as follows:

  • profile,
  • embossed.

All types of vinyl wallpaper are made by spraying the desired layer of vinyl onto the substrate. Types of processing also differ in variety. .

It could be:

  • Silkscreen. It is used for light wallpaper. A thin layer of PVC is applied to the paper. Using hot stamping on polyvinyl chloride, you can create various textures. Silkscreen designs vary.
  • Compact vinyl. The vinyl layer can look like fabric, natural stone, or whatever. possible types plasters.
  • Heavy vinyl. This type embossed and practical. With the help of heavy vinyl, the effects of voluminous embroidery and wrinkled leather are created.
  • Chemical stamping. These wallpapers have glossy smooth surface with which any contamination can be easily removed. They are also distinguished by their solid strength, as well as resistance to sunbeams and humidity.

Textures of vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis (video)

Materials and necessary tools

For pasting the kitchen with vinyl wallpaper with a paper base, you will need:

  • building level;
  • ruler;
  • roller;
  • small brush;
  • brushes for applying primer and glue;
  • putty knife;
  • sponges to remove excess glue from the wallpaper;
  • scapula.

Preparation stage

Before sticking wallpaper, you need to carefully prepare all surfaces. The walls must be straight. They should not have the slightest cracks, defects and remnants of the old material. By the way, it can be easily removed if you pre-wet it, and then scrape it off with a spatula. Do not forget that you will need to remove all switches and sockets, if you have them in this small room.

With the help of a fungicidal agent, additional processing of the walls is carried out. Thus, the chance that fungus will never appear on them increases. When this treatment is completed, you will need to wait for the surfaces to dry completely.

It is also necessary to isolate all possible sources of intensive air intake. This condition is mandatory.

Finally, you need to prepare the wallpaper itself. Before sticking them, you will need to carefully measure and cut off the desired strip. In this case, it is necessary to add to its length an average of about 10 centimeters.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis. Instructions for sticking in the kitchen

All wallpapers that are made on a paper basis are never immediately glued to the wall.

Initially you need:

  • spread wallpaper on the floor;
  • smear them with glue;
  • fold this material three times to each other with a greased base;
  • leave in this position for a short period of time.

The last point depends on the individual characteristics of certain wallpapers. To know right amount time can be in the instructions written on the package. Glue must be applied in equal layers.

  • pasting starts from the corner;
  • the stripes will not go crooked if you use the building level at this stage;
  • glue must be wiped off immediately if it gets on the side of the picture;
  • it is forbidden to stretch the material during gluing along the width, as this can lead to the appearance of various kinds of irregularities, as well as deformation;
  • an overlap of 3 centimeters is left in the corner on the other wall;
  • the canvas is superimposed in a corner when gluing strips on the other side;
  • all excess material is cut with a sharp knife;
  • the plinth must be removed in advance so that the wallpaper has a neat look.

On average, vinyl wallpaper should dry for at least two days.

So, pasting the kitchen with paper-based vinyl wallpaper does not seem to be some kind of complex process. It is enough to use the above recommendations, and this room will attract the admiring glances of guests.

Sticking vinyl wallpaper (video course)

Wallpapering is a complex and time-consuming process that does not tolerate mistakes. If you choose the wrong glue or violate the application technology, everything will have to be redone again. The nuances of gluing largely depend on the type of material. Today, vinyl wallpapers are the most popular, which have established themselves as a durable, wear-resistant and non-fading coating. When choosing it for wall decoration, you should know how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper correctly.

Features of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl coating is a layer of PVC applied to a paper or non-woven base. Its main advantage lies primarily in its long service life. In addition, vinyl does not tarnish under direct sunlight, which is very important for wallpaper with a bright pattern, it tolerates high humidity well, which makes it possible to use such a coating in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

The only thing that can negatively affect the vinyl coating is temperature changes. Therefore, you should not stick it in the immediate vicinity of sources of strong heat, for example, near a fireplace or over a gas stove.

In addition, the material is characterized by poor breathability. The problem can be solved by purchasing special wallpaper with micropores. This option passes air well, but successfully resists the accumulation of moisture, so you can not be afraid that water will penetrate through the pores under the wallpaper.

There is a common myth that vinyl flooring is dangerous to human health. It did not appear from scratch, but only certain types of paper-based vinyl wallpaper have such a drawback. Reviews of poor quality products from unknown manufacturers will indeed be unflattering. If you take wallpaper for the walls of a reliable manufacturer, the production of which complies with all environmental and sanitary safety standards, then they will be absolutely harmless to your health.

It is worth highlighting the following positive traits vinyl cover:

  1. It can be glued to different types surfaces (concrete, plaster, wood, chipboard, etc.).
  2. Due to the density of the vinyl layer, such wallpapers mask cracks and uneven walls well. However, for this it is necessary to use thick grades of coatings.
  3. A wide variety of design options, which makes it easy to choose a coating for a specific interior.
  4. Possibility to choose rolls of standard or meter wallpaper. How to glue both of them correctly will be discussed below.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper-based vinyl wallpaper and non-woven

The basis of vinyl wallpaper can be paper or interlining. Each of these materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that must be considered before gluing. Non-woven wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • glue is applied directly to the wall, they do not need to impregnate the wallpaper, which greatly simplifies the process of gluing and makes it faster;
  • non-woven base is stronger than paper, respectively, ready product will also differ in greater strength and wear resistance;
  • unlike paper-based vinyl wallpaper, gluing non-woven wallpaper will effectively hide surface irregularities and cracks in the walls.

Disadvantages of non-woven base:

  • interlining is non-plastic, therefore it is quite difficult to paste over roundness, protrusions and embossed surfaces with wallpaper with such a base;
  • the non-woven base is transparent enough that any stains on the walls or the remains of previous coatings will show through.

Advantages of wallpaper on a paper basis:

  • paper stretches well, which means that with wallpaper with such a base, you can easily paste over ledges, niches, columns, corners, etc .;
  • the paper has a high density, the base of the surface will not show through it.

Disadvantages of paper base:

  • glue must be applied not only to the wall, but also to the wallpaper;
  • paper quickly absorbs liquid, which increases the consumption of glue, and also requires high speed;
  • paper wallpapers are easy to tear or scratch;
  • the adhesion of the paper to the wall surface is long enough, so the wallpaper strip must be pressed against the wall for some time.

Given the characteristics of the materials, you can easily learn how to quickly and correctly glue vinyl wallpaper on both paper and non-woven base.

Useful advice! Correctly gluing paper wallpapers (as well as non-woven ones) is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main rule is to carefully prepare the walls, the final result will directly depend on this.

Types of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers can be classified according to the type of surface structure (embossed or smooth) and the way it is finished (embossed or profiled). Also, many properties depend on how the top decorative layer is applied to the wallpaper:

  • Screen printing is the lightest type of vinyl covering. The top layer consists of thin polyvinyl chloride, on which a variety of textures are applied. This type it is distinguished by a wide variety of design options and similarity in appearance to silk fabric;

  • compact vinyl - a heavier version of the coating, upper layer which imitates various materials(fabric, stone, brick, plaster, wood and many others);
  • heavy vinyl - the thickest version of the coating, which is characterized by the greatest surface relief. Can be stylized as leather, embroidered and other materials. Due to the density of the vinyl layer, high strength, and also it becomes possible to hide cracks and uneven walls;
  • chemical embossed wallpapers - differ from other types with a smooth glossy surface, from which dirt can be easily removed. Among the advantages of this type are high resistance to moisture, detergents and direct sunlight. Another name for such wallpapers is washable.

A separate type of wall covering - wallpaper for painting. You can stick vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis (both on the walls and on the ceiling) and paint it in any color you like. The main advantage of such a coating is the possibility of repeated repainting.

The choice of a suitable type of wallpaper depends on the characteristics of the walls, their quality, the purpose of the room and the desired style in the interior.

How to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper: the choice of glue

Properly selected adhesive for paper-based vinyl wallpaper is the key to successful gluing of the coating. A poor-quality composition can lead to the formation of bubbles, bumps and lagging behind the wallpaper from the wall. Experts advise giving preference to products of foreign manufacturers, which, although more expensive than domestic ones, are of higher quality. The peculiarity of gluing in the case of vinyl coating is that the material itself is quite heavy, therefore adhesive composition should fit well and quickly.

A good glue for vinyl wallpaper is one that fixes the canvas on the wall quickly, but not instantly, so that it is possible to fit the strips at the joints, align them vertically and horizontally. In addition, the adhesive must prevent the development of mold and mildew under the wallpaper. This is very important in the case of vinyl, since it does not pass air well, and the appearance of microorganisms under the coating layer, alas, is not uncommon, especially with high humidity in the room.

Useful advice! The consumption of each specific type of glue is indicated in the instructions or on the packaging. It is a mistake to assume that the more glue, the better. On the contrary, excess can seep through the seams and stain the surface of the canvas.

It is also undesirable to use universal wallpaper glue for gluing a vinyl covering. There are specialized compositions, each of which is suitable for work in certain conditions. Such conditions can be the type of surface on which the wallpaper is glued, the type of vinyl coating, the humidity in the room, and much more. Therefore, if you are not sure which adhesive composition better fit for gluing e.g. foamed vinyl wallpapers on paper backing concrete wall, it is better to consult with an experienced specialist.

It is important that the adhesive has the following characteristics:

  • in the process of mixing, clots and lumps should not form. They can subsequently lead to uneven surfaces pasted over;
  • must have antifungal properties, prevent the occurrence and development of mold;
  • already cooked good glue can be stored for a day without drying out;
  • in the package, the composition can be stored for several years;
  • must be environmentally friendly and safe for human life and health;
  • the process of preparing the composition should be extremely simple and understandable even for those who do not have experience in the field of such work.

Necessary tools for work

Numerous thematic videos “how to glue paper wallpaper correctly” demonstrate a number of tools that you may need in the process of doing the job:

  • a level or plumb line in order to mark the lines of gluing on the walls, as well as a pencil or marker for drawing;
  • brush for applying adhesive to the wall. You can also use a roller with a medium or short pile for this;
  • a large rubber roller - to smooth the already pasted canvas on the wall;
  • knife or scissors for cutting rolls and cutting holes for sockets and switches;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • foam rubber or soft fabric - remove excess glue at the joints;
  • table or stepladder.

Gluing wallpaper in the corners of the room (both external and internal) is quite difficult, so the process is best done together, it will be faster and more efficient. A partner can hold a stepladder, feed tools, or cut a new canvas while you stick the previous one.

How to remove old wallpaper from the wall

There are several tricks on how to quickly and effortlessly remove the old coating from the wall. To do this, you will need a narrow and wide spatula, a special stripping fluid, a web perforation tool and ordinary plastic wrap.

First, apply a softening solution or water with the addition of detergent to the old wallpaper. In this state, the coating is left for 15-20 minutes. Polyethylene film needed to cover furniture and close sockets and switches. After the wallpaper has soaked, it can be easily removed from the wall with a spatula.

In the event that a particularly strong adhesive composition was used for gluing, and it is impossible to soak the old canvas, you can use sandpaper. This will take longer, but will allow you to completely remove the old coating from the wall.

How to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper: wall alignment

In order for the walls with the coating glued to them to look as attractive as possible, they must first be leveled. This is especially true for owners of old apartments, the walls of which do not have an ideal surface. The alignment method is selected depending on the vertical deviation. This parameter is checked using a level and a cord, and if the deviation is only 5-10 mm, it is enough to simply treat the surface with putty.

Leveling with putty

The starting layer of putty is recommended to be applied in two layers, between which a special paint grid can be laid. This will prevent the occurrence of microcracks on the surface. The direction of the layers in this case can be perpendicular to each other, so you level the surface in all directions.

When working, it should be borne in mind that the angle of the spatula determines the thickness of the layer, the smaller the first, the thicker the second.

The final layer is also applied in one or two steps, after which it is finally leveled with a fine-grained sandpaper. Under wallpapering, this layer can not be applied, but it is required if painting is planned.

Plaster leveling

Labor intensive and complex plastering work should be used when the wall is so uneven that it can be seen with the naked eye. For this, it is best to use special plaster mixes based on cement, which contain polymer additives. The presence of the latter makes it possible not to use a polymer mesh, since the composition is very durable. In residential areas with normal humidity, the following types of plaster can be used:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • lime-clay;
  • lime-clay-gypsum;
  • cement-lime.

Before proceeding with leveling the surface with plaster, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it from dirt and dust, prime it. After that, two vertical beacons are installed along the edges of the wall, between which intermediate beacons are mounted. The alignment itself is performed in three stages:

  1. Spray - application of liquid plaster with a layer of approximately 3-5 mm. The surface must be pre-moistened for better adhesion. This layer is transitional between the bulk of the plaster and the wall on which it is applied.
  2. Soil - a second layer is applied to the first layer, which should be about twice as thick. Its thickness can be 5-7 mm.
  3. Nakryvka is a finishing thin layer of plaster, with the help of which uneven ground is smoothed out.

Plasterboard leveling

For very uneven walls, drywall sheets can be used, which not only levels the walls, but also increases the level of heat and sound insulation in the room.
If the surface irregularities do not exceed 7 cm, then the sheets can be fixed on it using a special gypsum composition. If the curvature is greater, then you will have to mount a special frame, to which drywall is subsequently attached. Sheets must be fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 30 cm. Joints between sheets are sealed gypsum mortar, they also cover the caps of self-tapping screws.

In conclusion, the drywall surface must be puttied, and only then move on to the question of how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper. Is it necessary to smear or not the walls of the plasterboard with glue? - frequently asked question, the unequivocal answer to which is yes, it is necessary. Wallpapering on drywall occurs using the same technology, which is also relevant for other surfaces.

How to glue wallpaper: video and step by step instructions

After you have decided on the type of coating and the adhesive composition, you can proceed directly to gluing. This is done in the following sequence:

  • walls are being prepared. This process involves pre-drying the surface. If the wall has been recently plastered, the plaster must dry completely. Otherwise, there is a high risk of peeling the wallpaper;

Useful advice! In order to check the dryness of the wall, you can stick a small strip of polyethylene on it and leave it overnight. If by morning wet drops appeared on it, then the wall needs to be dried more.

  • primer is applied. This may be a special solution or the adhesive composition on which the wallpaper will subsequently be glued. The primer is designed to repair cracks in the walls and hide minor irregularities;
  • in a special container, according to the instructions, glue is diluted. You need to mix it for at least 10 minutes, the solution should be homogeneous, without clots and lumps;
  • using a level, the top line is drawn, which will be a guideline for gluing the first sheet of the coating;

  • the room is de-energized, all sockets and switches are removed from the walls. Holes for them in the canvas can be cut both before gluing and after it. The main thing is to mark with a pencil exactly where you need to make cuts;
  • Before gluing, you need to make sure that there are no drafts in the room. It is highly recommended not to turn on fans or air conditioners during the process and open windows;
  • each roll is cut into strips. In this case, it is recommended to leave an allowance of 10 cm in length. Before cutting, cut lines are drawn with a tape measure and a pencil;

  • glue is applied to the prepared canvas. The solution must be applied evenly, well smearing the edges of the strip. It is very important not to leave dry, not smeared areas, which later will not stick to the wall and create a bloating effect. The question of how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper was discussed above;
  • glue is applied to the wall. If you are using meter rolls, skip this step and proceed to the next one;
  • prepared canvases are glued to the wall. This must be done end-to-end, without overlap. Residues of glue that show through the seams are removed with foam rubber or a soft cloth;

  • the edges that remain below and above are trimmed with a blade or a clerical knife. It is best to do this when the sheet is already dry, otherwise the cut runs the risk of being uneven.

How to stick vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis in the corners and on the ceiling of a room? These processes have their own subtleties, which will be discussed below.

The nuances of wallpapering on the ceiling

The process of gluing wallpaper on the ceiling is carried out before the walls are pasted over.
For finishing the ceiling, it is better to choose a lighter version of vinyl, as heavy wallpaper can come off under its own weight. Otherwise, the difference with pasting the walls is minimal, but this process is more laborious, and it is in the case of the ceiling that the help of a partner is very useful.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room

From what angle to start gluing wallpaper is absolutely not important, but it should be borne in mind that this process requires special care. The task is facilitated if the corners in the apartment are even. If they have errors, they must be corrected, otherwise the final result will be unsatisfactory.

When gluing a vinyl sheet in the corners, it is necessary to cut through one of their joints. This means that when less than one strip remains to the corner, then you need to measure the distance to it (from the glued surface) and cut off the canvas with an allowance of 3-4 cm. These centimeters will go onto the perpendicular wall. Then you need to stick the second canvas overlap, and in this place carefully cut through both canvases. Thus, you will get a smooth and neat joint. At the junction, the wall is smeared with glue, and the wallpaper is smoothed with a roller.

How long does paper-based vinyl wallpaper dry?

The answer to the question of how long the glued wallpaper will dry depends on many factors. First of all, this is affected by how well the work surface was dried before gluing. Optimal Performance environment during drying and further gluing - the temperature is not lower than 19-21 ° C and the humidity is not more than 75%. At high humidity or low temperatures, the wall can dry out for a very long time, which, in turn, can affect the peeling of the wallpaper, their deformation and discrepancies at the joints.

Remember to hold other types repair work can be done only after the wallpaper is completely dry.

Also, the drying time of the wallpaper can be affected by the presence of drafts or air currents from climate equipment. Drafts during gluing lead to the fact that the coating dries unevenly, and this leads to its deformation. If you do not want to re-glue the canvas several times, then do not use air conditioners, fans and other climatic equipment and close all windows and doors.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact drying time of the canvas, as it depends on the following factors:

  • the type of adhesive used in the process;
  • the amount of mortar applied to the wall;
  • room temperature and humidity level.

The minimum drying time for non-woven fabric is 24 hours. For paper bases, this period is slightly shorter. The time also depends on the density of the vinyl coating and the presence of micropores in it.

There are a number of general points that must be taken into account when gluing vinyl wallpaper:

  • vinyl conducts electricity well, so you need to lay the wallpaper in such a way that it does not come into contact with bare wiring, otherwise you risk injury;
  • in the process of drying, the canvas, which has a paper base, shrinks. Therefore, special attention should be paid to joints and seams. So that they do not diverge, it is recommended to glue the wallpaper with an overlap. They will tell you how to properly glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper, video and photo instructions that can be easily found on the Internet;
  • if you do not want the microclimate in the bedroom or children's room to change significantly, then you should not paste over the walls of these rooms with vinyl. It's all about its very low level of vapor permeability;

Vinyl wallpapers have low vapor permeability, so it is not recommended to glue them in children's rooms and bedrooms.

  • no need to save on the quality of the coating and glue, it is on them that the durability, wear resistance and attractive appearance of the wallpaper depend;
  • for gluing canvases in rooms with high humidity PVC wallpaper will do just fine, as it will protect the walls from moisture.

Don't be afraid to experiment, try wall papering different wallpapers. Photos of combining wallpapers look very attractive, the main thing is to choose the right pattern, color and texture. Use rolls of different thicknesses and types, use original design solutions, combine tones and textures, and you can create a stylish and memorable interior on your own.

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