How plaster is applied. The use of gypsum plaster

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

For implementation finishing works in rooms or on external (street) surfaces, special construction loose mixtures are used. Dry compositions are presented in two versions: on cement and on gypsum.

The latter is more preferable due to its environmental friendliness and the ability to form a high-quality finish surface.

Preparation of gypsum plaster

Consider what tools, materials will be needed and what the right recipe preparation of gypsum plaster mortar using the example of the mixture "Rotband"

To perform the actions you will need:

- directly the plaster mixture itself;

- clean water, better heated to 25-28 degrees;

- a suitable container for mixing water and dry powder;

- a construction mixer or a drill complete with a special mix nozzle;

- Master OK.

Watch a video on the preparation and use of gypsum plaster

Cooking method

1. Prepare a dry, clean container of a suitable volume. It is preferable to use a plastic container, since metal is very difficult to clean after work.

2. The "Rotband" plaster mixture and water are taken in a quantitative ratio: 1 bag (30.0 kg) per 18 liters of water.

Read also: Airgel-based insulation: characteristics, types, pros and cons of airgel thermal insulation

3. The dishes are filled with water and the plaster mixture is poured into it - 5-7 full trowels.

Attention! Water, tools and utensils used must be absolutely clean, as dirt particles will significantly reduce the setting time of the mixture. It will cure before use or in the middle of the finishing process!

4. The composition is thoroughly mixed manually with a trowel or in an automated way (drill, mixer).

5. The “Rotband” powder remaining in the package is added to the solution and stirring is carried out again until the lumps and clots completely disappear.

Important! If you leave lumps, even small ones, the dry matter in them will actively absorb water, which will lead to premature setting of the mass!

6. Let the solution stand for 3-4 minutes and repeat mixing again.

7. Upon completion of the last manipulation, the solution is ready for use. The mass must be used within 19-24 minutes immediately after preparation.

Plastering walls with gypsum wide application when eliminating surface irregularities for the purpose of further painting or wallpapering. Such a composition is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies, has no smell, is quite simple to use, is economically consumed, is not afraid of fire, has heat-insulating and noise-suppressing properties.

The indisputable advantages also include the ability to maintain a constant microclimate in the room, since gypsum quickly absorbs excess moisture when it appears, and then also easily gives it away when the air becomes excessively dry.

Also, the surface, pre-treated with a gypsum mortar, is not afraid of driving in nails and screwing in dowels.

Most often, walls, ceilings and partitions of residential premises, as well as offices and other buildings of a similar purpose, are finished with a gypsum composition. It is not recommended to use it for leveling walls in bathrooms and laundries, where high levels of air humidity are present all the time. For these purposes better fit moisture resistant dry plaster mix. It is also undesirable to use gypsum mortar for leveling walls in unheated rooms and on open street facades.

Gypsum plaster is applied to the most different grounds - concrete, foam concrete, brickwork, cement-sand, as well as other surfaces. The only condition is that the material is not susceptible to moisture.

Please note that if the surface to be coated has serious damage, it is necessary to repair them with cement first, since the gypsum coating is applied in a thin layer and will not be able to hide cosmetic defects.

Gypsum plaster is highly plastic and therefore makes it possible to create fillets in the ceiling area.

Wall decoration with gypsum plaster, due to the characteristics of the material, has certain nuances, which will be discussed in detail below.


First of all, you need to prepare the work surface, namely, clean it from dust and possible contaminants and pre-prime it. This manipulation will provide better adhesion and tighter adhesion of the treated surface with the composition. Before applying the composition, determine the desired thickness of the plaster layer: the thinner it is, the more liquid the composition should be. Distribute the composition along the wall with a thin spatula, and for leveling use the rule - a long, even rail 1.5-3 m long.

In the case of applying plaster in several layers, before proceeding with the next one, let the previous one dry properly - this will take at least 3 hours. Distribute and align the first layer, moving horizontally, the second layer - on the contrary, vertically.

Gypsum plaster does not form cracks, so the surfaces treated with it provide ample opportunities for decorative processing. To work with concrete bases, a gypsum mixture with priming materials is used.

In process of drawing plaster lays down evenly, and then gets ideal smoothness. For complete drying of the coating, at least 5 days are required, after which the surface is ready for final finishing.

Types and design

For a long time, plaster has been used as a base and as a leveling component. At present, it is widely decorative varieties, which can easily compete with wallpaper in popularity. It is easy to combine with other types of finishes and, as a result, to realize the most daring design ideas. It can be smooth or textured.

decorative plaster can be divided into types according to the binder:

    Acrylic elastic, perfectly applied to the most different surfaces, suitable for creating decorative elements and patterns with a roller or spatula. Present on the market in the form of a ready mix. Optionally, you can add the desired dye to it. Suitable for use in bathrooms and kitchens. For applying plaster to the base, special installations can be used, which is usually done with a large amount of work. Please note that in order to obtain a uniform shade and equal texture, it is necessary to constantly mix the composition so that it does not lose its uniformity, and, if possible, do not interrupt work for longer than half an hour. The resulting surface can be cleaned using mild detergents.

    Mineral. Cement is used as a binder. This composition is sold in powder form. Of the positive aspects, one can single out its strength, resistance to mechanical damage, good soundproofing properties. Allows the possibility of staining or varnishing.

  • Silicone produced on the basis of synthetic resin. It is plastic, easy to apply, after drying it forms a water-repellent film on the surface, which makes it possible to cover surfaces in the bathroom with it. Durable, not afraid of mold and fungus. It is used exclusively for decorative purposes and does not require preliminary preparation of the surface for application, as it perfectly levels the walls. The price category of such plaster is slightly higher than that of the previous types. It is sold in containers of various sizes, which is extremely convenient for creating a unique interior design during the final finishing work.

  • silicate- manufactured using liquid glass. It is the most durable and durable type of coating, prevents wall rotting and mold, therefore it is more often used for exterior finish facades, although sometimes used for indoor work. Does not suffer from temperature changes and wind. It comes in white or can be colored. Great for porous substrates such as foam concrete.

To work with other surfaces, careful preliminary preparation is necessary. Also, among the shortcomings, it is worth pointing out a possible change in the color of the coating under the influence of direct sunlight.

By appearance gypsum plaster is divided into the following types:

    Structural - with the addition marble chips or quartz, looks like an inhomogeneous granular surface. Highly breathable and moisture resistant.

    Textured - demonstrates high adhesion with brick, wooden and simply smooth plastered surfaces. Easily creates an imitation of wood, fabric or stone, it is possible to paint the composition in different colors. This type of plaster perfectly masks irregularities.

    Venetian - imitates marble or onyx, often used in interior decor in classical style. The application of such plaster requires careful preparation of the walls, including reinforcement, putty and primer. Then the paint is applied with a rubber spatula. Each smear requires thorough drying. May be matte or glossy.

    Flock - a new development containing acrylic flakes in the composition. Creates an imitation of suede or velor, widely used for finishing ceilings and columns.

I would like to briefly highlight the most popular types of finishes at the moment:

    "Bark beetle"- contains mineral granules, which, when applied, imitate a pattern similar to the paths of a tree beetle. It is used only for finishing work, it fits perfectly on drywall, brick and concrete bases.

    "Lamb"- Contains minerals. Typically used for facade works, perfectly fits on any kind of surface, previously cleaned of dirt and primed. After drying, staining in any desired color is possible.

    "Fur coat"- has been ranked first in popularity for a long time. Before starting work, mix the composition thoroughly, because decorative elements over time tend to settle to the bottom of the tank.

How to knead the composition?

The recipe for the solution is extremely simple:

    Pure water is collected in a deep trough or bucket at the rate of 0.5-0.7 liters per 1 kg of powder.

    The mixture is poured into the container and thoroughly mixed using a mixer to construction works or drills. If this technique is not available, the solution is mixed by hand until smooth.

    Compared to cement, the gypsum mixture hardens very quickly, keep this in mind, this is an irreversible process and cannot be slowed down.

When working, pay attention to the following nuances:

    Gypsum plaster hardens very quickly, so there is no more than half an hour to apply it to the surface.

    After hardening, the composition is unsuitable for work. It is unacceptable to try to dilute it again with water or add new components to slow down the curing process.

    In the room where the work is carried out, there must be dry air and the temperature was not lower than +5 and not higher than +25 degrees.

    Make sure there are no drafts, otherwise the result of the work may be spoiled.

    Before you start plastering, make sure that all the necessary wires (for example, electrical or related to alarms) are laid.

    Remember that plaster is annoying respiratory organs- it makes sense to protect yourself if you are doing the work yourself.

    If there are aluminum or steel parts in the walls, dismantle them or treat them with an anti-corrosion agent, since gypsum tends to oxidize metal objects.

    At the end of the work, make sure that there are no unwanted marks or stains on the plastered surface. If they are found, remove them with a special degreaser or steam.

    The surface ready for final finishing is best re-examined in good light.

    Take your mix seriously. It is better to give preference to brands that have long been known on the market and have good feedback from buyers.

    When kneading, it is allowed to use a construction mixer for faster and more uniform preparation of the mixture.

    Do not forget to carefully study the base and prepare it for work - concrete and wooden wall priming before plastering is necessary in different ways.

Subtleties of application

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare to cover the floor with a protective film to prevent the composition from getting on it. Carefully read the instructions for use of the powder with which you are going to work.

Before diluting the gypsum mixture, you need to prepare the work surface so that it is as clean and dry as possible.

It will be correct to do this in several stages:

    pieces of concrete are chipped off, which do not adhere well to the surface of the base;

    tap the wall - if a dull sound is heard, the concrete has become loose, it must also be knocked down;

    cracks and shells are cleaned and filled with cement;

    dry surfaces are polished with a steel brush;

    dust from the walls can be brushed off with a soft brush or removed with a vacuum cleaner;

    gypsum coating will not adhere to oil paint, therefore, the latter must be removed using a special nozzle on the drill, polish the surface of the stain with a hard steel brush or wipe it off with a solvent, and then apply a layer of gypsum composition;

    for pre-treatment of walls made of basalt and granite, specialized compositions are used, applied to the surface in the form of an aerosol. After a period of time, the solidified mass is removed from the surface in the form of a film that has absorbed all the contaminants, after which the walls are primed with an acrylic primer - it is important to prevent runoff from the walls and the formation of air bubbles;

    in order to improve the adhesion of the base and the coating, a primer is used, for concrete walls suitable tool "Concrete-contact";

    walls made of bricks and blocks are treated with a primer with deep penetration characteristics to reduce their hygroscopicity. Before working with a wooden base, also use specialized tools.

Plastering of walls is carried out with the help of beacons or without their use, as well as with or without the installation of a reinforced mesh.

Work without a lighthouse is carried out when you need to slightly trim the wall in a plane or create an external decorative layer. Often this is done by hand. Using the rule, irregularities on the ceiling and walls are determined - the tool is pressed in different places, thereby indicating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. These areas are applied gypsum composition and spread over the surface. Further, using the rule, the presence of a gap between the tool and the machined surface is determined.

If the tool fits snugly, the same algorithm is worked out in the next section. All planned sections are processed in a similar way. The approximate thickness of the layer will be 2-3 mm, after the composition has dried and its surface has been polished, you can proceed to decorative trim grounds.

Working with beacons is appropriate when working with large areas bases when it is impossible to carry out plastering by machine. Specialized lighthouses are used as beacons. metal profiles, fishing line or thin cables.

Smooth walls are a guarantee quality repair. And one of the simple and reliable ways to level and decorate walls is to plaster them. In this article, we will analyze in detail all the issues related to gypsum plaster: what is it for, what are its features and technical characteristics, pros and cons, and applications. We will also show you how to work with this material.

The use of gypsum plaster

Plaster mixes based on gypsum are used primarily for finishing walls and ceilings. living rooms, as well as other rooms with normal humidity.

It can be placed on such grounds as:

  • brickwork and clay walls;
  • over concrete walls and (concrete contact processing is needed);
  • to the old gypsum plaster subject to its good strength;
  • on cellular foam concrete, aerated concrete and expanded clay concrete;

Since gypsum is able to absorb moisture, it is used only for interior decoration dry rooms during surface preparation or .
Gypsum plaster can be produced in the form of:

  • starting mixtures or ready-made solutions;
  • fine-grained finishing;
  • decorative compositions.

Current prices:

Gypsum plaster

What is included

The main component of this type of plaster is building gypsum - calcium sulfate hydrate obtained by firing gypsum stone and crushed to a powder. The composition can also be added:

  • fillers that reduce weight and increase thermal insulation properties light plaster: perlite, vermiculite, foam glass or expanded polystyrene;
  • plasticizers and setting retarders;
  • additives that increase the whiteness of the surface - salts various metals(zinc or titanium white) or lime;
  • components that increase their strength;
  • additives that regulate the setting time of the solution and the time of its hardening.

Gypsum plaster is environmentally friendly clean materials and absolutely not hazardous to health. Moreover, due to its hygroscopicity, it is able to "breathe", that is, absorb excess moisture and, on the contrary, give it away, thus regulating the microclimate in the room.

A separate type of gypsum plaster is gypsum polymer. It is used for leveling brick and concrete surfaces. Gypsum polymer compositions in some cases can also be used for exterior finishing work.


The quality of mixtures on gypsum binder is regulated . According to this document, the main indicators of dry material include:

  • humidity: moisture content of not more than 0.30% of the total mass is allowed;
  • limiting size of granules (grains);
  • volumetric weight: 800-1100 kg/m3 (loose) and 1250-1450 kg/m3 (compacted).

Properties of prepared solutions:

  • water consumption during mixing - 0.6-0.65 l / kg
  • mobility: the ability to spread under the influence of its own weight; according to GOST 31376, the diameter of the spread sample of the prepared solution (~ 600 g) should not exceed 165 mm (± 5);
  • setting time - at least 90 minutes for mixtures of machine application and 45 minutes for manual plastering;
  • complete drying time - after 5-7 days; this indicator depends on the additives in the mixture and differs from manufacturer to manufacturer; you can find out exactly how much the plaster dries in the instructions on the package;
  • the ability to retain moisture without allowing it to drain: at least 90%;
  • consumption with a layer of 10 mm - 8.5-10 kg / m2 (manual application) and 7.5-9 kg / m2 (machine).

Properties of gypsum plaster in hardened form:

  • compressive strength - 2.5 MPa;
  • adhesion force with the surface - 0.3 MPa;
  • density - 950 kg / m3;
  • vapor permeability - 0.11-0.14 mg / pchPa;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.25-0.3 W / m * C;
  • shrinkage - does not shrink

Although vapor permeability (the ability to pass water vapor) of plastered surfaces is not regulated by GOST, it is also important. technical specification, which determines the scope of the plaster.

When purchasing gypsum mixtures, you should pay close attention to their expiration date. Due to the ability to easily absorb moisture, they are not stored for more than 6 months from the date of issue. After this period, their properties change, they begin to clump, and the high-quality alignment of the walls with them becomes problematic. It is also necessary to pay attention to the tightness of the packaging, which protects against excess moisture - you should not buy plaster in torn bags.

Pros and cons

The main disadvantages of this material are low moisture resistance and strength - the surface plastered with gypsum can be scratched or chipped quite easily. The cost is slightly higher than the cement-sand mixture, by about 15-20%, but this is an insignificant minus.

But still, gypsum has much more advantages:

  • high plasticity: it is easier to work with gypsum mortar than with others; the complexity of the process is significantly reduced, and this is a significant plus;
  • lack of shrinkage: for cement mixtures, it is a couple of millimeters per square meter;
  • surfaces plastered with gypsum are smoother, without pores and granularity;
  • good adhesion: gypsum mortar adheres to the surface much better than sand-cement; therefore, a reinforcing mesh to strengthen the surface can not be used; it is required only in new buildings due to the possible shrinkage of the building;
  • good heat and sound insulation properties: a wall covered with a layer of gypsum stores heat and protects against noise better than concrete surfaces;
  • it can be applied in a thicker layer (up to 50 mm) without reinforcing mesh;
  • light weight: walls covered with gypsum give less load on the foundation;
  • economy: when comparing the cost, many pay attention only to the weight of the pack; however, it is necessary to take into account specific gravity mixtures - after all, the consumption of gypsum per 1 m2 is 9-10 kg, while cement for plastering the same area will need 16-18 kg.

Expert opinion

Alexander Guryanov

Plasterer and decorator

Many refer to the advantages of gypsum and a higher setting speed than cement-sand mortar. However, it is difficult to call this a significant advantage. Indeed, a surface treated with gypsum plaster hardens 1-1.5 hours faster than a surface coated with a cement composition.

You should not hesitate when working with it - it will be problematic to smooth out the solution that begins to solidify. Don't dilute too much of the mixture if you're working on your own. It is better if one person cooks, and the second plasters.

How to mix dry mix

Consider the preparation process and the proportions of the gypsum solution. The dry mixture from the bag is poured into a prepared container already filled with water. According to the instructions, 600-700 ml of liquid is required per 1 kg, that is, about 20 liters of water will be needed for a 30-kilogram bag of gypsum.

A small amount of mortar can simply be mixed with a trowel or trowel. If it is difficult to make large volumes with your own hands, then it is better to use a perforator with a mixing nozzle or a construction mixer.

The solution should stand for 3-5 minutes (component response time). Then it is again thoroughly mixed until the complete disappearance of all lumps. The solution should turn out to be viscous and plastic, but in no case should it drain from the tool.

Gypsum plasticizers

However, at home, it is quite possible to make gypsum-based mixtures with your own hands, for example, quite plastic. But the reaction between gypsum and water is quite fast, so gypsum plaster hardens quickly.

To make a solution convenient for work, one of the plasticizers must be added to it:

  • diluted pva glue, about 1% of the total;
  • lime, used as a plasticizer and to increase the setting time;
  • wine, lemon acid will also slow down the setting. FROM Special fluids such as Plast Retard PE can extend the setting time to several hours, prevent cracking and improve the wear resistance of the gypsum.

Application in wet rooms and outdoors

As we have already mentioned, gypsum plaster is able to absorb moisture, so its use in wet rooms, and even more so for facade decoration not desirable.

If it is necessary to make the gypsum surface moisture resistant (for example, in preparation for tiling in the bathroom), it is coated with a deep penetration primer on acrylic base. Ideal for tiles suitable soil concrete contact.

Polymer waterproofing mastic, for example, Plitonit Hydroelast, also has good moisture-proof properties. It is applied over a carefully dried layer of plaster with a brush or roller in several layers. Each of them must be applied after the previous one has dried. Tile sticker is allowed only one day after application. It is recommended to fill the exit points of pipes and corners of various structures with the same mastic.

How to plaster with gypsum mortar (video)

You can work with gypsum plaster using a plastering station or manually. Machine application is a separate topic for conversation, and we will consider it in another article. And here we will analyze the nuances of manual application.

  • the thickness of each layer can be 30-50 mm; if necessary, a new layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried;
  • dry mix consumption in the absence of large irregularities with a layer thickness of 1 cm - an average of 9-10 kg / m2;
  • gypsum mortar can be applied not only to brick, concrete surfaces and aerated concrete, but also to the previous layer of cement or gypsum plaster;
  • surface leveling is carried out using beacon profiles or gypsum beacons - a small amount of the mixture, which is applied pointwise or along a line to the wall and leveled; after they dry, a solution is thrown between them, and then the entire plaster mass is leveled with a building rule; the thickness of the layer in this case will be equal to the height of the beacons;
  • for dedusting, protection against shedding small particles and strengthening the surface after plastering, the surface must be primed;
  • to obtain a flat plane, before painting or gluing thin wallpaper, the walls are additionally puttied;

The video below shows all the stages of finishing: how to properly knead, apply and rub.

Grouting and polishing

Grouting is the manual removal of small irregularities, seams, transitions between layers. Usually rubbed after the plaster has dried. To do this, take a metal or plastic grater. The tool is moistened with water or a primer intended for application after plastering, and the surface is treated with circular or vertical and horizontal movements, periodically cleaning the grater from the solution. Special attention give to the corners.

The video above (time 5:35) shows the process of surface glossing - creating a perfect plane without finishing putty. Glossing and rubbing are very similar methods, using the same tools and techniques. But the difference is that this happens on freshly set and still wet plaster. This saves time, and there is no need to apply putty.

Lined wall finishing

After applying a layer of plaster, it is necessary to determine how further finishing will take place:

As you can see, gypsum mixtures are extremely in demand in finishing and repair work and are used everywhere.

We hope that this article was useful to you and that you found the information you are interested in. Please leave your questions and comments in the comments below.

Layers up to 5 cm are acceptable. Maybe thicker if it doesn't fall out. Only the final drying time depends on the layer thickness. But dry only natural way, without any heaters or hair dryers!

And here's another moment. With a thick layer, under its own weight, it will, as it were, go a little beyond the boundaries of the wall strip. Not scary. As soon as it begins to set (about 30 minutes), simply cut off these excesses with a wide spatula.

The density of the mixture is such that when taking its spatula, it does not spread and keeps its shape (it is thicker than sour cream).

  • Suitable, but on the package, and if you add liquid glass it dries up at the moment, if there is no other then add the mixture in small portions to the water and stir until the consistency of thick sour cream and then cover with layers of no more than 1 cm without drying, you can mix with tow for reinforcement , to speed up drying, you can use a hair dryer. Source: SO THAT IS SO
  • Scope: Rotband - gypsum plaster mixture with increased adhesion. Rotband plaster can be used to plaster any type of surface (concrete, brick, polystyrene foam, chipboard, etc.)
  • Preparation: The surface of the plaster must be cleaned of dust, oil stains, fragile or flaking elements. The room temperature during plastering should not be lower than +5 degrees Celsius. Treat strongly absorbent surfaces with Knauf-Grundirmittel primer, and surfaces such as concrete with Knauf-Betokontakt primer.

    Preparation: Pour Rotband plaster (30 kg) into a tank with 18 liters of clean water and mix with a plaster mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    Consumption: approx. 8.5 kg/m² with a layer thickness of 10 mm.

    Shelf life: about 6 months.

    How to knead cement plaster? -

    cement plaster- it's special building mixture, the main components of which are cement, sand and water. For the preparation of cement plaster, the following cements can be used: pozzolanic Portland cement, Portland cement, slag, aluminous or expanding cement. In most cases, either Portland cement or Portland slag cement are used, since these are the most common in the world. construction sites.

    As for sand, both natural sand (quarry or river) and crushed sand can be used here. But again, most often natural sand is used to prepare cement plaster. It is worth remembering that the size of sand granules and the presence of clay, dust and silt impurities in it can have a significant impact on the quality of the planned solution. It is forbidden to use sand for mixing plaster, which contains more than 5 percent of the total mass of impurities. Such sand is considered highly contaminated, and therefore unsuitable for the production of cement plaster. Water for the preparation of cement plaster is used only clean water with a temperature in the range of 15-20 degrees. By following these rules, you can prepare a cement mortar for a durable and be sure that the plaster will perfectly adhere to the wall surface.

    The process of preparing cement plaster is not complicated and not particularly laborious. All the necessary proportions of the components in the mixture depend only on the fraction of sand, the brand of cement and the brand of mortar that is required in the end.

    In most cases, cement wall plaster requires for preparation: one part of cement to three to four equal parts of sand. Water, on the other hand, can be added only to the “eye of the master”, since it simply should be enough to obtain a completely homogeneous mass. Containers for preparing the solution can be very different. The main thing is that it is convenient for the worker to fully stir the mixture to a homogeneous mass. Do not forget that cement plaster does not like to wait long and it is necessary to use the prepared mixture for a maximum of 2 hours. Otherwise, the water in the mortar will begin to evaporate, and re-dilution of the mortar will lead to the loss of the main qualities of cement plaster, such as strength. First of all.

    Cement plaster will remain plastic for some time after applying it to the walls. And this will allow you to correct the surface in case of obtaining a not so smooth and expressive texture that you would like.

    Plaster. plaster solutions. how to cook by hand.

    As the proverb says: "Repairs are easy to start, but almost impossible to finish." Yes, that is often what happens.

    To plaster mortar better "clung" to the surface, it must be cleaned in advance and, preferably, moistened. Depending on the source materials, various plaster solutions can be prepared and used.

    A small digression: upon request, monuments of Korostyshev, you will find a lot useful information. Keep the memory of loved ones.

    Cement plaster mortar- prepared from a mixture of one part of cement and three parts of sand. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed in a dry form, and then gradually diluted with water until the solution is brought to the consistency of thick sour cream. To speed up the setting of the solution, you can add a little PVA or building gypsum to it.

    To slow down the setting, a small amount of any detergent. As a filler, only clean, dry and sifted sand should be used, this is a guarantee of the strength of the solution.

    lime mortar for plaster It is prepared from one part of lime dough and three parts of sand. Lime dough is made by "slaking" quicklime (pun intended, but true).

    The whole thing is mixed well and water is added until a thick pasty material is obtained. For the strength of the solution, you can add a tenth of the cement of the total volume or the same amount of PVA glue to it.

    Lime-gypsum mortar: to prepare such a solution, you need one liter of dry gypsum (alabaster), which is diluted with water until a mass similar to batter is obtained. Then another three liters of lime mortar are added and everything is stirred very quickly, but thoroughly. This solution sets very quickly - within three to four minutes. Therefore, it must be used immediately after preparation.

    This mortar is stronger than lime mortar and faster than it seizes.

    Quicklime-boiler- a dry and lumpy substance that is sold in a dry packaged form (usually in bags of 2 kg). using lime is "extinguished" like this:

    in a bucket ( not plastic!!!) with dry lime, warm water is poured in until the lumps of quicklime are completely covered. It is necessary to quickly cover the bucket with something heavy, otherwise, when “boiling”, the lime heats up very much and scatters in all directions with the corresponding consequences. After quenching, a cloudy white solution is obtained, which is drained by straining through gauze. After a day, the remaining mixture will finally thicken and become a "lime paste".


    In accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings" ...

    The geometric criteria for plastering are as follows: "Deviations from the vertical (horizontal) of the plastered surface should not exceed (in mm per 1 m): with simple plaster - 3, improved - 2, high-quality - 1.

    Irregularities of a smooth outline (per 4 m2): with simple plaster - no more than 3, depth (height) up to 5 mm, improved - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 3 mm; high-quality - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 2 mm "(SNiP 3.04.01-87)." deviations of window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars, husks, etc. from the vertical and horizontal.

    They should not exceed: with simple plaster - 4 mm per 1 m, improved - 2 mm per 1 m and high-quality - 1 mm per 1 m. Radius deviations (checked by a pattern) curved surfaces from the design value (for the entire element) should not exceed: with simple plaster - 10 mm, improved - 7 mm, high-quality - 5 mm. Deviations of the slope width from the design should not exceed: with simple plaster - 5 mm, improved - 3 mm, high-quality - 2 mm "(SNiP 3.04.01-87).

    Mortar for wall plaster - basic principles and recipes

    The mortar for wall plastering contains three components in its composition: binder, filler and water. Binders include gypsum, clay, lime, and cement. As a filler, sawdust, sand, slag, shavings can be used. A solution that has the consistency of dough is considered optimal. For execution plastering works use ordinary and decorative solutions.

    The composition of the mortar for wall plaster - what to look for?

    When choosing a material for plastering walls, you must be guided by the following provisions:

    • For stone and concrete facades that are constantly exposed to precipitation, Portland cement or Portland slag cement mortars are used.
    • For stone and concrete facades that are not exposed to precipitation, mortars made on lime and cement, as well as on various types of binders containing lime, are used.
    • For and gypsum surfaces - lime mortars, to which clay or gypsum binder is added.

    For internal plaster premises where air humidity during operation exceeds 60% (bathroom, laundry room, bathhouse, etc.), the first layer of plaster is applied from cement-lime and simple cement mortars.

    Mortar for wall plaster - a decorative type of mortar?

    Decorative solutions are used for facades of buildings and indoors. As binders, in the manufacture of decorative solutions, the following are used:

    • Colored, white and ordinary Portland cements for facades and walls inside;
    • Lime and gypsum for colored interior walls.

    In the manufacture decorative solutions various fractions of limestone, tuff, dolomite, marble, granite are used.

    To enhance the gloss of the finishing layer, up to 10% crushed glass or 1% mica is added to the solution. As dyes, light-resistant and alkali-resistant pigments of natural and artificial origin are used - ultramarine, chromium oxide, iron minium, ocher and others.

    How to prepare a mortar for plaster - basic principles?

    Cooking wall plaster mix, from sieved materials, mixing thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency. The solution may contain one or more binders.

    After mixing the solution, it is necessary to check its fat content using a trowel:

    • The greasy solution sticks too much, you can reduce the fat content by adding a filler;
    • The thin solution does not stick at all, it must be supplemented with an astringent.
    Fatty solutions are overused binder material, when the layer dries, the surface cracks. Lean solutions are inconvenient to work with and less durable. Solutions with normal fat content are easy to use, are characterized by reliability and long service life.

    How to mortar for plaster - basic recipes for mixtures?

    As a finishing material, plaster has been used in construction technology for a very long time. It must be made in boxes having a depth of at least fifteen centimeters. The volume of the box can be arbitrary. By mixing cement with in appropriate proportions, we obtain a dry mixture, which we introduce into lime dough, diluted with water to a creamy consistency, and mix. To answer the question “like plaster”, you need to know for which layer it will be used. The overlay of a new layer is carried out in stages. Usually three layers are applied to the walls. For each, a plaster mortar is used, which differs from the other two in its consistency. solution is adjusted by the amount of water added.

    Here are some recipes for various types of plasters:

    • Lime paste. Compound: quicklime(one part), water (three parts). Preparation: pour lime with warm water as soon as it starts chemical reaction, water is added again and everything is mixed. Close and leave overnight. You can apply the next day.
    • Mortar. Ingredients: lime dough (1 hour), sand (from one to five parts, it depends on the fat content of the dough). Preparation: add sand and water to the lime dough, mix thoroughly, gradually add sand and dilute with water to the desired density.
    • Lime-clay mortar. Ingredients: clay dough (1 hour), lime dough (0.4 hours), sand (from three to six parts, the more sand, the stronger the solution), water. Preparation: dilute the clay with water to a liquid state, mix the resulting clay dough with lime, stir and gradually add sand to the desired consistency.
    • Lime-gypsum mortar. Compound: mortar(three to four parts), gypsum (one part), water. Preparation: gypsum is poured into water and gypsum dough is kneaded, gypsum mortar is added to it, it is immediately stirred and used.
    • cement mortar. Composition: cement (1 hour), sand (2-3 hours), water. Preparation: sand and cement are poured into the box in layers and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, diluted with water to the desired consistency.
    • Cement-lime mortar. Ingredients: cement (1 hour), sand (three to five parts), lime dough (1 hour), water. Preparation: dilute milk of lime with water to a consistency, prepare a mixture of cement and sand, mix it with the resulting milk of lime.

    Used for interior decoration different kinds plasters, including gypsum plaster "Rotband". Subject to simple recommendations, it will not be difficult to prepare a building mixture based on it.

    Necessary materials and tools

    • A drill with a mixer attachment or a construction whisk, as manually evenly dilute the mixture will not work;
    • Scales and a container for measuring the exact amount of dry plaster;
    • Bucket with water;
    • Stirring container (large bucket, basin, etc.);
    • Water (based on 0.6-0.7 liters per 1 kg of plaster) and the Rotband plaster itself.

    Water without chemical and biological impurities and clean containers should be used. any contamination does not affect the performance of the plaster in the best way.

    Cooking technology

    80-90% of the water prepared for kneading is poured into the container, “Rotband” is poured, wait 1-2 minutes until it begins to absorb moisture, and then begin to stir with a mixer, gradually adding the rest of the water until the desired mixture consistency is obtained. The finished plaster is left to brew for a few more minutes, after which they begin to be applied to the walls.

    The ratio of water and dry powder is given on the package, as well as other recommendations for the preparation of this plaster mixture and work with her. But slightly change the proportions of the components if, for the convenience of work, you need a thicker or, conversely, more liquid solution.

    Dilute should be as much solution as can be consumed within 20-30 minutes, because. after this time, the plaster already begins to harden and becomes unsuitable for application to the surface of the walls.

    Useful little things

    1. The shape of the container is not fundamental, but round is more convenient, because. in rectangular containers, the mixture gets stuck in the corners.
    2. Rotband should be added to the water, and not vice versa, otherwise unmixed dry plaster will remain at the bottom and in the corners of the container.
    3. To make the solution dry more slowly, cool water is used for it, and vice versa.
    4. If there are lumps in the dry mixture, even small ones, then they must be crushed before adding water.
    5. In no case should components be added to a ready-to-use solution. The older part of it will begin to seize, and the new one will crumple, as a result mortar will only be wasted.

    Plastered walls are sanded, puttied and a fine finish is applied when the plaster is completely dry. The manufacturer claims that about 1 cm of thickness dries out per day, but this figure may vary depending on temperature, humidity and the quality of ventilation in the room.

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