What does silicate glue mean. Liquid glass: components, features, the use of silicate glue

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The name liquid glass is more often used as a silicate glue. This name is more common among consumers. Wikipedia gives us this designation - an aqueous alkaline solution of sodium silicates Na 2 O (SiO 2) n and (or) potassium K 2 O (SiO 2) n.

Despite the growing popularity of primers, putties, water-repellent and refractory mixtures, water glass currently occupies a significant market share.

In fact, the term "liquid glass" is called a silicate glue, adhesive, waterproof characteristics of which contribute to the popularity of the material.

Composition, description and properties of "liquid glass" in construction

For general concept it is necessary to know that liquid glass was invented in 1818. This was done by the German scientist mineralogist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs. Chemical process included silicic acid and various alkalis. The classical composition of liquid glass, in principle, remained unchanged due to silica-containing materials and sodium hydroxide solution.

An aqueous mixture of sodium silicate is capable of dissolving in water, forming a thick liquid; at different dosages, physicomechanical, performance characteristics building solutions. Hence, the expansion of the scope of application of liquid glass "follows".

It is important to remember that the prepared solution with your own hands sets and hardens very quickly, so work with mortars with liquid glass is recommended for specialists with extensive experience. But the end result of finishing - its strength and durability, is worth the effort.

Methods of application and algorithms for performing construction work with liquid glass

The fields of application of liquid glass are practically unlimited, but nevertheless the main consumer is the construction industry - such a component is indispensable, first of all, for waterproofing works.

How, where, when and how much liquid glass (silicate glue) is used in construction, and the main advantages:

  • , construction of bridge structures: wherever concrete is in contact with water - mixed dissolving glass with water in a ratio of 0.4 / 1 is the best primer material. But, subsequent processing (painting / finishing) is not carried out, since water glass forms a film on the surface;
  • Initially, dissolving glass is added to the cement mortar in a ratio of 8/1, and the concrete will be resistant to moisture;
  • Refractory cement for masonry ovens, fireplaces. Composition: cement with sand in a ratio of 1/3, add about 20% of the total mass of liquid glass, then add water;
  • Production finishing materials in industrial conditions - refractory putties, water repellents, various coloring and adhesives;
  • Liquid glass- one of the best antiseptics, its introduction into concrete makes the material immune to the effects of fungi, various microorganisms;
  • Making putties - processing seams and joints of sewerage and water supply systems;
  • Adding liquid glass to paints makes paintwork durable, resistant to all types of weathering.


when working with liquid glass, it is necessary to follow the usual safety rules, the material is environmentally friendly, but to work with it, you must wear gloves and avoid direct contact with the skin.

Liquid glass - not only in the composition of building mixtures

Siliconization is the most effective and proven method of soil strengthening, which is widely used construction companies... Foundation settlement is a widespread phenomenon, and in cases of uneven soil subsidence, injection reinforces, hardens sands, quicksands. For gardening, processing tree cuts with liquid glass eliminates plant diseases, being an ideal antiseptic and a monolithic protective crust on the saw cut.

What else is silicate glue (liquid glass) used for

  1. Glass bonding.
  2. Solution of household and household trifles:
    • descaling and cleaning dishes,
    • protection of metal against corrosion,
    • getting rid of stains on clothes.
  • Antiseptic agent in apartments and houses.
  • When laying linoleum.
  • Putty for metal pipes.
  • Saturate fabrics for fire retardancy.
  • Treatment of a wounded tree.
  • For polishing cars, countertops and other surfaces.
  • Liquid glass has been and will be in demand and the right material for a wide range of jobs.

    Liquid glass in different spheres of life

    Below you can see a photo of the made liquid glass worktops.

    Recently, liquid glass has been used for the floor. It looks very beautiful and unique. A few photo ideas on how to make a floor from silicate glue.

    As you can see, liquid glass is used on the floor, for decorating tables, countertops and much more. Try it, experiment.

    Water glass is understood as an alkaline aqueous solution of sodium or potassium silicate. It is often called silicate glue. Unique properties this connection determined it wide application v different areas industry and in everyday life.

    Liquid glass was first made by von Fuchs, a mineralogist and chemist from Germany, in 1818. Now this material produced using different technologies. The most common are the following:

    • Placement in alkaline solutions of diatomites, tripoli, flasks and other types of siliceous raw materials, where it dissolves at relatively low temperatures and normal pressure.
    • Treatment with sodium hydroxide (in concentrated form) of compounds that contain silicon. This operation is performed in a special autoclave.
    • Fusion of soda and quartz.

    Silicate glue

    Silicate glue is sold either in the form of a dry powdery substance, which must be diluted in certain proportions with water (the instructions for liquid glass contain the features of this process), or as a ready-to-use solution. For use in everyday life, it is wiser to take an already prepared composition. But construction and industrial enterprises the described material is often ordered in dry form.

    The main indicator of the chemical composition of the glue is its silicate modulus. This value indicates the release of silica into solution. It also describes the ratio of silicon oxide to potassium or sodium oxides, which are contained in silicate glue. In this case, it is worth knowing that the quality of the glass is not determined by the module indicator.

    Solutions of the liquid compound in question include a variety of arrogant forms and the simplest orthosilicates of the monomeric type. The amount of polymerization of water glass has a variable value. It changes with fluctuations in the ratio of alkali and silicic acid, and also depends on the concentration of the silicate substance.

    Liquid glass

    The most important indicator of the quality of silicate glue is viscosity. It becomes smaller with an increase in the temperature at which the material is manufactured, and increases with an increase in the concentration of the silicate solution. Also, the viscosity becomes higher when well-soluble salts are added to the glass. Discover exact value this value can be done with the help of special devices - viscometers.

    They have different design, but they use one technique when working - measuring the speed at which a ball made of steel falls in a liquid compound. A conventional aerometer is used to measure the density of the silicate glue. He is able to most reliably indicate the real density of the compound even when a small portion of the solution is analyzed. This value changes with fluctuations (including insignificant) in the ratio of the alkaline and silicic acid components of the glass.

    The active use of liquid glass in construction and other industries is conditioned, as it was said, by the special characteristics of this material. Its high astringent properties depend on the boiling point (in other words, the liquefaction temperature), which varies between 760–870 ° C. Silicate glue is characterized by a pH value of 11-13 units. However, it is often called neutral, which is incorrect.

    Application in construction

    It is impossible to change the pH of the solution by a significant amount. If you add to it from 10 to 100 parts of water, the pH will change by a maximum of one unit, and become equal to 10-12. The described glue hardens at different temperatures - from -2 to + 10 °. When diluted, it returns to its initial state without losing its properties. True, store the glue when negative temperatures undesirable due to the risk of crystals appearing on its surface. After warming up, they cannot be eliminated.

    Drying of glass is carried out at elevated and natural temperatures. To speed up the process, manufacturers usually dry finished products at a temperature of about 375 ° C. Silicate glue dissolves in water without residue. If salt compounds, ketones, alcohol-containing substances, ammonia or aldehydes are added to its solution, the so-called "salting-out effect" is noted. The glass described is incompatible with organic compounds, with the exception of urea, alcohol and sugar.

    The use of "miracle glue" in modern construction

    The main consumers of the described material are considered to be enterprises in the construction industry. The use of liquid glass in concrete is widespread. Silicate glue is relatively inexpensive. And at the same time, it significantly improves the operational properties of the concrete solution, guaranteeing the latter excellent waterproofing. In addition, liquid glass has high antibacterial properties.

    Due to this, mold never appears on the concrete to which it is added, and fungus does not start. All pools these days, as well as structures that operate constantly high humidity, are concreted with compositions containing the "miracle glue" we are considering. It should be borne in mind that the solidification of liquid glass occurs quickly enough. And in some cases, you cannot mix it with concrete before starting work. The builders found a way out of this situation.

    They use a "cunning" method, which involves processing an already erected concrete structure with a solution of water and liquid glass (the components of this mixture are taken in equal amounts). Silicate solutions are well suited for combating soil subsidence under erected buildings and structures. V in this case it is recommended to use liquid glass, the use of which does not require any large-scale work.

    Surface treatment with liquid glass

    In the fight against subsidence, silicate glue is pumped into the ground under the building according to one of two schemes:

    • One-step method - a mixture of a special hardener and liquid glass is formed, which is fed under the building.
    • A consistent technique - the glass is pumped first, then the composition for hardening.

    Impregnation of plaster and wood with liquid silicate solutions is common (we will discuss this below). Silicate glue is also added to zinc silicate paint, which provides protection metal products from corrosion manifestations for 25-30 years! Liquid glass is also included in the composition of modern particle boards. Their impregnation with "miracle glue" makes any wood product strong and very resistant to compression.

    About the areas of use of liquid glass

    Impregnation of plastered and concrete surfaces with silicate solution guarantees an excellent antiseptic effect. The coatings become resistant to aggressive external factors, flue gases, high humidity and improve their other performance characteristics. They gain:

    • abrasion resistance;
    • high hardness;
    • the ability to "lock" various irregularities and pores formed in coatings (such pores destroy a layer of concrete or plaster).

    The impregnation of wood (wood building products), concrete and plastered surfaces is different. Most often, a method is used in which the impregnating composition is applied to the coating to be strengthened with a spray gun or with an ordinary paint brush several times. This technique is called deep surface finishing. There is also a more "gentle" way to protect plaster, concrete and wood. It involves processing the coating only once.

    Liquid glass, among other things, is used in the production of:

    • hydro and refractory coloring compositions for wood products;
    • putty for cast iron pipes used in water supply networks;
    • acid-resistant cement mixtures;
    • solutions for cleaning machine oils;
    • electrodes for welding;
    • adhesives for joining cellulose products.

    And in everyday life, silicate solutions have long been used by gardeners to treat tree trunks. Nowadays, liquid glass is being replaced by more modern formulations for plant care. At the same time, many amateur gardeners prefer the inexpensive and time-tested silicate glue.

    Less commonly, lithium silicates are used as water glass, for example, in an electrode coating.

    Liquid glass is also commonly known as silicate glue(tradename).


    For the first time liquid glass was obtained in 1818 by the German chemist and mineralogist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs (German) by the action of alkalis on silicic acid.

    Currently, liquid glass is obtained by autoclaving silica-containing raw materials with concentrated solutions of sodium hydroxide or by fusing quartz sand with soda. There are also known methods for producing liquid glass based on the direct dissolution of siliceous raw materials (flasks, tripoli, diatomites and others) in alkali solutions at atmospheric pressure and relatively low temperature (boiling point of the alkali solution).

    Characteristic chemical composition liquid glass is a silicate module. The module shows the ratio of silicon oxide contained in water glass to sodium or potassium oxide and characterizes the release of silica into solution. By the magnitude of the silicate module, the quality of water glass is not judged, but some technological recipes contain instructions for using a specific module, when the final product directly depends on the quantitative ratio of these oxides.


    Liquid glass is soluble in water; due to hydrolysis, this solution has an alkaline reaction. Depending on the concentration of aqueous solutions, the pH value is 10-13. The density and viscosity of water glass solutions depend on the concentration of the solution, temperature and the ratio of silicic acid to alkali. Soda water glass (silicate lump) liquefies at a temperature of 590… 670 ° C. The hardened liquid glass film is soluble in water. Rehydrolysis is reduced by reaction with metal ions (insoluble silicates are formed), or by neutralization with acid (an insoluble silicic acid gel is formed). At chemical reaction liquid glass with amphoteric metal chips, base metal oxides, aluminates, zincates and plumbates, hardly soluble silicates are formed in a mixture with silicon gel. The hardened film loses its properties under the influence of moisture and carbon dioxide in the air and a white precipitate of alkaline carbonate is formed.

    Liquid glass solutions are incompatible with organic matter(except for sugar, alcohol and urea), both the organic colloidal system and the silicate solution coagulate with liquid artificial resinous dispersions. Solutions of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ammonia and saline solutions produce a "salting out" effect.


    There are a lot of applications for liquid glass. It is, in particular, used for the manufacture of acid-resistant and hydro-resistant cement and concrete, for impregnating fabrics, preparing refractory paints and coatings for wood (fire retardants), strengthening weak soils, as an adhesive for gluing cellulose materials, in the production of electrodes, in cleaning vegetable and machine oil, etc.

    In combination with alcohol and the finest sand, they are used to create "ceramic" or shell molds, into which, after calcining up to 1000 ° C, metal products are cast.

    Liquid glass is used in drilling fluids to form insoluble compounds (the so-called "silicatization" of the surface).

    Silicate glue is an excellent product used in many areas. Any construction site practically cannot do without silicate. The product is suitable for waterproofing works. It is also added to concrete mixtures to impart sour, water and heat-resistant qualities. So what is silicate glue: we propose to talk about its application and advantages in the article.

    History reference

    The chemist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs obtained liquid glass for the first time through various experiments. The German discovered similar properties of the material in 1818. As it turned out, the required materials exist almost everywhere, and the glass manufacturing technology itself is quite simple.

    Potassium, lithium and sodium polysilicates, or rather, their aqueous alkaline solution - what is it? And this is liquid glass. Silicates must be present in mandatory for the formula to work. The glue is actually named from the constituent substance. Silicates are widespread in nature in the form of deposits, and their extraction is not difficult and costly. The cost of the silicate glue itself is not high, but the applicability is very wide.

    Extraction. Technologies

    The first is firing. A mixture of soda is melted and quartz sand in special dishes.

    The second is that solutions enriched with sodium, lithium and potassium hydroxide affect siliceous raw materials. This technology necessarily provides desired temperature to boil each of the solutions.

    The adhesive is widely recognized for its strong bonding properties.


    Silicate is added to many building mixtures where it provides them with great strength. Also, the glue adds resistant qualities to weathering and open fire... The mixture is also used to impregnate fabric materials and wood products.

    Plant breeders use this composition when pruning trees, treating wounds with it.

    Glue can be used for priming brick, concrete or wooden surfaces... Pools or other objects in contact with water can be waterproofed. You can glue paper and glass, textiles, porcelain or leather products. It is also used for interior renovation work.

    This mixture can be combined with other materials. It can be used as detergent, or a cleanser. The industry also uses silicate glue, because it is very good antiseptic, has antifungal effect and protects against mold or mildew.

    • For a start, the assembly glue is well mixed. Working with glue involves the use of brushes, brushes and rollers;
    • First, the surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, grease. Then it would be nice to clean everything with sandpaper;
    • Apply by applying it to the surface. The parts to be glued are connected to each other;
    • If priming of the surface is planned, a tightening mixture of equal parts of cement and liquid glass is applied to begin with. If a well is being dug, waterproofing is created by treating the walls of the well with glue. After the glue, the surface is treated with a solution of liquid glass, cement and sand;
    • If it is necessary to prepare waterproof plaster, take sand and cement in a ratio of 2.5 to 1 and add glue (fifteen percent). In principle, the same recipe is taken as a basis when building fireplaces, stoves and chimneys.

    The mixture is used for aquarium breakdowns, for gluing glasses and removing greasy and oily contaminants.


    If liquid glass is foamed, it practically ceases to conduct heat. This is actively used by producing heat-saving materials. They produce heat insulators based on sodium silicates. Similar products are used in industrial devices. To fill the silicate solution, squeezed sugar cane, reeds or sawdust from trees are often taken. Sometimes slag from iron, chromium or quartz sand is used. Thermal insulation properties are very high, they are equated to temperature ranges up to 1300 degrees, and withstand a quick change from minus to plus.

    The metallurgical industry also uses silicate glue, it is mixed with the sputtering composition of the electrodes used in welding works... Ferrous metallurgy always needs sodium silicate.

    Foundry and chemical industry consume the lion's share of liquid glass in their production.

    The mechanical engineering industry connects various parts, often using liquid glass.

    By the way, the silicate mixture is used in the production of washing powders. In fabric production and paper industry silicate is used to impart gloss and hardness to products.

    Fire-fighting properties play a significant role in the applicability of silicate glue. When building a house, a lot of combustible materials, wood, synthetics and plastic parts are used. To make the materials more fire resistant, they are covered with a special substance, the basis of which is liquid glass.

    In its pure form, it is mainly used in various works related to renovation. They protect the lower facades of structures from the influence of ground and atmospheric waters. Basins, walls, floors and basement ceilings are treated with glue.

    Let's summarize

    A widely used, high-strength agent with high bonding properties - all this is a silicate glue. It was originally designed for gluing paper and cardboard products... Later they began to add it to concrete and cement solutions to give the solutions great bonding properties. By mixing glue in the mixture, they also achieve greater thermal stability and waterproofing. Mold, rot and various fungi do not take on surfaces treated with adhesive solution.

    The most significant disadvantage is its high alkalinity. It is this property that can lead to injury when using it. But, despite this minus, glue is often used in the most different areas construction and decoration.

    Liquid glass was first made by von Fuchs, a mineralogist and chemist from Germany, in 1818. Now this material is produced using different technologies. The most common are the following:

    • Placement in alkaline solutions of diatomites, tripoli, flasks and other types of siliceous raw materials, where it dissolves at relatively low temperatures and normal pressure.
    • Treatment with sodium hydroxide (in concentrated form) of compounds that contain silicon. This operation is performed in a special autoclave.
    • Fusion of soda and quartz sand for construction works.

    Silicate glue

    Silicate glue is sold either in the form of a dry powdery substance, which must be diluted in certain proportions with water (the instructions for liquid glass contain the features of this process), or as a ready-to-use solution. For use in everyday life, it is wiser to take an already prepared composition. But construction and industrial enterprises often order the described material in dry form.

    The main indicator of the chemical composition of the glue is its silicate modulus. This value indicates the release of silica into solution. It also describes the ratio of silicon oxide to potassium or sodium oxides, which are contained in silicate glue. In this case, it is worth knowing that the quality of the glass is not determined by the module indicator.

    Key characteristics of liquid glass - viscosity and density

    Solutions of the liquid compound in question include a variety of arrogant forms and the simplest orthosilicates of the monomeric type. The amount of polymerization of water glass has a variable value. It changes with fluctuations in the ratio of alkali and silicic acid, and also depends on the concentration of the silicate substance.

    Liquid glass

    The most important indicator of the quality of silicate glue is viscosity. It becomes smaller with an increase in the temperature at which the material is manufactured, and increases with an increase in the concentration of the silicate solution. Also, the viscosity becomes higher when well-soluble salts are added to the glass. You can find out the exact value of this value using special devices - viscometers.

    They have a different design, but they use the same technique when working - measuring the speed at which a ball made of steel falls in a liquid compound. A conventional aerometer is used to measure the density of the silicate glue. He is able to most reliably indicate the real density of the compound even when a small portion of the solution is analyzed. This value changes with fluctuations (including insignificant) in the ratio of the alkaline and silicic acid components of the glass.

    Other properties of silicate glue

    The active use of liquid glass in construction and other industries is conditioned, as it was said, by the special characteristics of this material. Its high astringent properties depend on the boiling point (in other words, the liquefaction temperature), which varies between 760–870 ° C. Silicate glue is characterized by a pH value of 11-13 units. However, it is often called neutral, which is incorrect.

    Application in construction

    It is impossible to change the pH of the solution by a significant amount. If you add to it from 10 to 100 parts of water, the pH will change by a maximum of one unit, and become equal to 10-12. The described glue hardens at different temperatures - from -2 to + 10 °. When diluted, it returns to its initial state without losing its properties. However, it is undesirable to store glue at negative temperatures because of the risk of crystals appearing on its surface. After warming up, they cannot be eliminated.

    Drying of glass is carried out at elevated and natural temperatures. To speed up the process, manufacturers usually dry the finished product at a temperature of about 375 ° C. Silicate glue dissolves in water without residue. If salt compounds, ketones, alcohol-containing substances, ammonia or aldehydes are added to its solution, the so-called "salting-out effect" is noted. The glass described is incompatible with organic compounds, with the exception of urea, alcohol and sugar.

    The use of "miracle glue" in modern construction

    The main consumers of the described material are considered to be enterprises in the construction industry. The use of liquid glass in concrete is widespread. Silicate glue is relatively inexpensive. And at the same time, it significantly improves the operational properties of the concrete solution, guaranteeing the latter excellent waterproofing. In addition, liquid glass has high antibacterial properties.

    Due to this, mold never appears on the concrete to which it is added, and fungus does not start. All pools nowadays, as well as structures operating at constantly high humidity, are concreted with compositions containing the "miracle glue" we are considering. It should be borne in mind that the solidification of liquid glass occurs quickly enough. And in some cases, you cannot mix it with concrete before starting work. The builders found a way out of this situation.

    They use a "cunning" method, which involves processing an already erected concrete structure with a solution of water and liquid glass (the components of this mixture are taken in equal amounts). Silicate solutions are well suited for combating soil subsidence under erected buildings and structures. In this case, it is recommended to use precisely liquid glass, the use of which does not require any large-scale work.

    Surface treatment with liquid glass

    In the fight against subsidence, silicate glue is pumped into the ground under the building according to one of two schemes:

    • One-step method - a mixture of a special hardener and liquid glass is formed, which is fed under the building.
    • A consistent technique - the glass is pumped first, then the composition for hardening.

    Impregnation of plaster and wood with liquid silicate solutions is common (we will discuss this below). Silicate glue is also added to zinc silicate paint, which protects metal products from corrosion for 25-30 years! Liquid glass is also included in the composition of modern particle boards. Their impregnation with "miracle glue" makes any wood product strong and very resistant to compression.

    About the areas of use of liquid glass

    Impregnation of plastered and concrete surfaces with silicate solution guarantees an excellent antiseptic effect. The coatings become resistant to aggressive external factors, flue gases, high humidity and improve their other performance characteristics. They gain:

    • abrasion resistance;
    • high hardness;
    • the ability to "lock" various irregularities and pores formed in coatings (such pores destroy a layer of concrete or plaster).

    The impregnation of wood (wood building products), concrete and plastered surfaces is different. Most often, a method is used in which the impregnating composition is applied to the coating to be strengthened with a spray gun or with an ordinary paint brush several times. This technique is called deep surface finishing. There is also a more "gentle" way to protect plaster, concrete and wood. It involves processing the coating only once.

    Liquid glass, among other things, is used in the production of:

    • hydro and refractory coloring compositions for wood products;
    • putty for cast iron pipes used in water supply networks;
    • acid-resistant cement mixtures;
    • tile glue;
    • solutions for cleaning machine oils;
    • electrodes for welding;
    • adhesives for joining cellulose products.

    And in everyday life, silicate solutions have long been used by gardeners to treat tree trunks. Nowadays, liquid glass is being replaced by more modern formulations for plant care. At the same time, many amateur gardeners prefer the inexpensive and time-tested silicate glue.

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