How to save on additional elements for siding. How much does it cost to sheathe a house with siding: what affects the cost of work, prices for services and materials

Garden equipment 03.03.2020
Garden equipment

Siding is a great material if you are looking to protect your home from the elements. For the North-West of Russia and the Leningrad region, in particular, this is especially important.

You can put the house in order from the outside with different materials, but siding has a number obvious advantages:

  • it does not absorb and does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • his no need to paint(unlike a wooden blockhouse or lining, which you will have to paint every three years);
  • he is relatively easy to assemble(at least you won't be hard pressed to find professionals who will execute);
  • he easy to clean;
  • the material itself is relatively is inexpensive.

Let's dwell on the last point separately, and this article will help you save on cladding your house with siding.

5 ways to save siding for your home

Method number 1. Do without vapor barrier

If you decide to insulate the house under siding, then, as a rule, when calculating the cost, the company you contacted will lay a vapor barrier.

And it is right. The vapor barrier prevents the water vapor contained in the indoor air from penetrating into the insulation and condensing there (turning into liquid water).

But there are cases when without vapor barrier can be done.

For example, if your house is already vapor-insulated from the inside. This often happens when we sheathe frame houses with siding, in which the vapor barrier has already been mounted on the inner surface of the walls of the house.

Why vaporize the house twice? That's right, there is no need. And this - saving.

It is also possible not to vaporize aerated concrete houses with a thickness of 300 mm or more. Aerated concrete itself is a fairly warm material, and the dew point (the place where steam condenses) is likely to be inside the wall, even if the wall is insulated from the outside.

Therefore, a vapor barrier is also not needed here. By the way, here.

How much can you save if you don't vapor barrier?

Of course, this depends on the size of the house. If you refuse vapor barrier, you save on the material itself and on the work on its installation.

On average, on a house of 6x8 meters, you can save 10-15 thousand rubles(prices in spring 2017).

Method number 2. Choose inexpensive siding

This method is obvious, but for some reason, many people forget about it.

Now in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region there is a fairly wide selection of siding brands. And prices can vary quite a bit too.

The danger in choosing the cheapest siding is its poor quality. Such siding can burn out faster, moreover, burn out unevenly (spots).

Therefore, if you choose inexpensive siding, it is better to consult with those who will mount it.

For example, since 2009, we at STK Etalon have managed to work with almost all brands of siding, but, unfortunately, we cannot recommend all of them to the customer.

However, if you are, you will know the cost of siding your home for as many as 10 types siding (as well as the cost of plating the basement and installation of the drainage system).

Of the 10 types of siding that you will find in our estimate, all passed our quality control and we can recommend them.

How much can you save? Depends on the size and complexity of the house and the siding you choose.

For instance, siding cost and for the same house (house size 8x8.5 m):

  • when sheathing with Mitten siding (Mitten), Canada: 137 thousand rubles;
  • when cladding with Docke siding, Russia: 75 thousand rubles;
  • when sheathing with SnowBird siding, Russia: 56 thousand rubles.

Method number 3. Mount siding with an overlap (without H-profile)

Siding manufacturers offer to connect siding panels on the facade using a special element - a connecting profile or H-profile (ash-profile), as it is also called.

The siding is trimmed so that the joint runs along a vertical line on the façade. In this case, the facade itself is, as it were, divided into sections, the number of which depends on the length of the facade and the length of the siding panels.

What is the plus of this installation? Everything is smooth, neat and technologically advanced.

Many manufacturers have H-profile in siding color and it is almost imperceptible on the facade. Here's an example from one of our facilities:

H-profile in the color of the siding is not striking (see all photos from this object :)

In addition, there are types of siding (for example, the log or blockhouse that this house is decorated with) that impossible overlapping due to the special shape of the panels. By the way, here.

The disadvantage of installation through the H-profile is the higher cost.

First, an extra element is added, respectively, the position "H-profile" with the cost of the material and the cost of installation will appear in the estimate.

Secondly, more siding is spent on trimming, which also leads to an additional rise in the cost of house cladding.

However, there are houses on which undercutting is minimal due to the good match of the length of the siding panels to the length of the walls.

As always, it is necessary to consider each case separately, which is what our specialist does when leaving for the diagnosis of your home.

When installing overlapping siding, as a rule, it turns out less clippings siding, because there is no need to adapt to the placement of the H-profile on the wall.

The overlap is made in the direction from which it is least noticeable, and is launched along the wall "at a run," so as not to form a continuous line, as is the case with the H-profile.

Here is an example of an object with an overlap siding:

The photo was taken from an angle in which the overlap is not visible (see all photos from this object :)

What are the advantages of overlapping siding installation?

Firstly, in terms of economy. The estimate will not include the positions "H-profile" and "installation of the H-profile", in addition, siding will definitely not have to be bought, because less trimming will be required.

Secondly, in USA and Canada most of the houses are clad with overlap siding, which speaks of the viability of such a scheme.

What are the disadvantages?

First, the overlap is not visible only on one side of the wall. On the other hand, it will be visible, especially in summer, when siding expands due to heating.

And you may not like it.

Secondly, dust will clog into the overlap over time, and in the case of light siding, this will be very noticeable.

Thirdly, the gap between the siding panels in the overlap areas will increase from year to year and become more visible.

But if these cons are less important to you than saving money, then overlapping siding is the way to go.

How much can you save with overlapping siding?

Depends on the home. Usually the savings are 5-7 thousand rubles(in spring 2017 prices).

Method number 4. Buy everything in one place

Oddly enough, this method is not directly related to either the cost of work or the cost of materials.

But in this case, you don't care can save.

First, if you buy everything in one place, you save on shipping... Regardless of whether it is an assembly organization or a store.

If the materials for the house cladding with siding will be brought to your site by one car in one trip, then you will save on delivery.

In siding installation companies professionally(for example), employees will plan all logistics in such a way that even if siding and other materials are purchased from different places, price delivery will be minimal.

Secondly, you don't waste your time for trips around the city and the purchase of "this here, that there."

If you are not retired, then your time is worth the money. And the time spent on the road is wasted time.

Divide your monthly salary by 20 and you get the cost of one working day. This is how much time you are likely to spend.

And even if you do this on the weekend, then this is time for rest, which you yourself voluntarily deprive yourself of. This means that it costs at least the same.

And the time spent cannot be returned.

Therefore, if you purchase materials for cladding a house with siding on your own, try to do it in one store, and order delivery there.

That's all.

Ready to install your siding?

Call by phone in St. Petersburg 956-17-30 or click on the " CALCULATE AN ESTIMATE

The cladding of any building object with siding depends on the technical and operational properties of the selected material. The cost of finishing is influenced by many factors, but the main one is still the quality of the material and the features of its installation. It is better to entrust the decoration of a residential building with siding panels to professionals - despite the seeming simplicity, installation requires knowledge of some nuances and non-specialists often make mistakes. Next, we will analyze how much it costs to decorate a house with siding with insulation, what are the main stages of installation and the advantages of this type of building decoration.

Home decoration with siding panels Source

Benefits of using

Like any building material, siding has advantages and disadvantages to use. There are two main types: vinyl and metal. The first option is more budgetary, but its disadvantages include lower strength, structural rigidity and poor resistance to natural factors. In turn, metal panels are more durable and reliable (the disadvantage is the high cost of such products).

Types of siding for house cladding Source

Experts refer to the undoubted advantages of using siding:

    Ease of installation. The siding is attached to the base with a special latch, after which they are fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws and screws of a special shape. The average installation time for siding panels (depending on the size of the house) is 2-3 days.

    Versatility- panels can be used for both interior and exterior decoration. They are very resistant to precipitation and sudden temperature changes (installation can be carried out at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions).

    Wide range of prices, allowing you to purchase material of suitable quality for various buildings.

Basic rules for installing siding

Before starting work, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main technical characteristics of the material in order to have a general idea of ​​siding. Each type of panel has its own characteristics, for example, vinyl panels are more susceptible to thermal expansion. Do not forget about this during installation work and leave a small tolerance, otherwise the tightly fitted wall cladding may deform.

Distortion of the panel structure after thermal expansion due to improper installation Source

Particular attention should be paid to preparatory work, make an estimate, get acquainted with price offers for this or that type of material. When ordering siding installation, give preference to companies that have proven themselves well in this service sector. As a rule, these are organizations that have been working in this area for 2-3 years.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of finishing and insulation of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

What affects the cost of cladding

First of all, the choice of insulation material affects the cost of installing siding. For example, insulation of facades with polystyrene foam would be a fairly budget option.

An important factor in taking into account the cost of work will be the material from which the house is built. The price for insulating and finishing a wooden house with siding will be significantly lower than for brick or concrete walls, since in the latter case, when installing the lathing, you will need to use additional fasteners.


It is also worth considering the architectural features - the more complex the facades, the more expensive the cost of work per square meter. The main cost criterion will be the type of facing material used. Everything is simple here: the more expensive the material and the more difficult it is to work with it, the higher the cost of the work, respectively. For example, the cost of installing plinth siding will be higher than vinyl models, but cheaper than installing fiber cement cladding panels.

The price of siding and additional elements for house cladding

The cost per square meter of material is the main criterion for how much it costs to decorate a house with siding. The price directly depends on the quality of the material of the siding panels. On average, the market value of vinyl siding varies between 270-300 rubles per 1 m². Metal, respectively, is more expensive - the price is in the range of 350-500 rubles per 1 m². Wooden panels or "ship board" will be even more expensive, since the materials have good performance characteristics (high strength, reliability and durability).

White siding is the most inexpensive - this is a great option for those who want to save on materials. Source

In addition, prices for the same material may differ depending on the manufacturer, country of origin and external features of the product.

When installing siding panels, additional additional elements are used, which significantly affect the cost of work. They are used for sheathing near-window spaces, corners, joints.

Additional elements for panel mounting Source

There is a mandatory list of additional elements for installing panels:

    Connecting strip- required for joining siding panels. The cost is approximately 250-300 rubles / piece;

    Starting bar- the initial element, mounted just below the "lower level" of the marking, the price is in the range of 120-160 rubles / piece;

    Outer and inner corner- for one-piece, maximally strong fastening of panels in hard-to-reach places. The average price is 400 - 500 rubles / piece.

    Door trim- necessary for the design of doorways, recesses and various niches. Price 200 - 300 rubles / piece.

    There is three types near window slats- standard, wide and narrow. The price of non-standard slats varies in the range of 300 - 400 rubles (a standard one will cost about 150 - 200 rubles / piece)

Depending on the complexity of the surface, a larger number of additional elements may be needed - this should be the starting point when budgeting for repair work.

A complete list of siding cladding works with prices

Below is a summary table, taking into account all the finishing works on the installation of siding. Prices are based on average statistical data - depending on the construction company you choose, they may be higher or lower than the indicated amount.

Price list of siding installation works (prices are in rubles) Source

Turnkey house cladding price per square meter

How much does it cost to decorate a house with siding - the price of work per 1 m²:

Attention! Prices for insulation and house cladding with siding differ depending on the region, the manufacturing company and the dynamics of the dollar exchange rate (most of the finishing materials are purchased abroad).


Estimated cost for a typical building

Since there is a wide range of types of siding (metal, cement, vinyl) on the building materials market, the total cost will vary significantly. If we take, for example, the cheapest vinyl siding, then you will spend 35-40 thousand rubles for facing a typical building of 6 x 8 meters, excluding the cost of installation and materials for finishing the gables. But if you make an estimate with a much better (and more expensive) metal siding, then the price will rise to 70-80 thousand.

Various types of finishes Source

It is also worth considering the additional work and costs of rough materials, for example, the installation of a drainage system will cost at least 10-12 thousand rubles. It will not be superfluous to add an additional amount of 5-7 thousand to the estimate for possible unforeseen expenses. The cost of installing siding is on average equal to all the costs of purchasing the necessary materials. However, do not skimp on installation work. Professionals will carry out the installation as soon as possible and you will have guarantees for the quality of the work performed.

Let's sum up: the installation of vinyl siding will be about 80 thousand rubles, metal - 170 thousand rubles, wood and cement - from 200 thousand rubles. It should be understood that all amounts are rather arbitrary and are of a demonstration nature, since all numbers are given taking into account the minimum cost of materials.

Video description

Comparison of prices in Leroy, Petrovich and on the market:


How much it costs to sheathe a house with siding depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the customer. Due to the diverse price range, this material can satisfy a wide range of consumers. If you are looking for cheap and high quality cladding material, then you should pay attention to vinyl siding. If you want your home's cladding to last for years, it makes sense to invest in metal or cement siding. In general, we can say that any siding is a material that combines a reasonable price, reliability and a long service life.

We have already told you how to sheathe a house with do-it-yourself siding with insulation. It was about working with wooden and brick walls.

And then we concluded that this method is quite costly, since the market value of facade and heat-insulating materials, especially imported ones, is constantly increasing.

Today we will dwell on how to sheathe a house with siding with insulation with our own hands, and at the same time do it as cheaply as possible.

It is no secret that every season companies selling facade and thermal insulation materials raise prices for both.

How good it is to insulate your house and make it an attractive facade and at the same time not fly "into the chimney" - this will be discussed in this publication.

The sequence of actions for warming and sheathing the house

To begin with, consider the sequence in which we perform all the work when we begin to sheathe and insulate the walls of our house:

  1. Preparation of the wall surface for further work, elimination of cracks and sealing.
  2. Installation of vapor barrier.
  3. The first tier of the crate for insulation.
  4. We mount the sheet insulation in the crate.
  5. The second tier of the lathing is perpendicular to the first tier.
  6. We mount the second layer of insulation with the obligatory overlapping of the seams.
  7. Laying windscreens - waterproofing - membranes.
  8. Installation of the lathing for the ventilation gap.
  9. Preparation for siding installation - starting profiles.
  10. Installation of ebb plinths.
  11. Siding installation.
  12. Installation of additional elements.
  13. Installation of slopes on windows and doors.
  14. Installation of spotlights on the roof overhang.

That is, in fact, the whole process. Nothing complicated. Now let's talk about how to sheathe a house with do-it-yourself siding with insulation in a budget option, on which you can save money without compromising the quality of the work performed.

Budget vapor barrier options

Laying a vapor barrier between the load-bearing wall and the insulation layer allows you to protect the hydrophobic insulation from moisture, which in the form of water vapor comes out of the interior of the house.

How can we save money at this stage? Firstly, on any walls that are made of vapor-proof materials, you can do without vapor barrier at all.

This applies, first of all, to walls made of heavy concrete or, for example, made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

In addition, it is not necessary to make a full-length starter bar. It is enough to place the pieces of the starting strip at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

As for the finish bar, it is not needed in our version either. As a result, the top of the sheathing will be hidden by the soffits of the filing of the roof overhangs. This means that you can save money on the upper finishing bar by not using it at all.

Facade siding can rightfully be considered one of the most popular types of finishes, but everyone who decides to do the finishing with their own hands is faced with the problem of calculating the amount of material. After all, finishing the facade is a costly business in itself, and I don't want to take too much.

In this article we will talk about how to calculate house siding and not overpay for the surplus.

Siding and additional elements

Very often, turning to a hardware store for calculations and finishing, you are faced with the fact that there are a lot of extra panels and additional elements left, and it seems that they considered everything correctly and the seller described in detail why this amount is needed.

So what's the reason? The fact is that sellers in hardware stores calculate the material based on the total area of ​​the house, while not taking into account the architectural delights of your facade.

This is done for two reasons: firstly, correct calculations can be made only by seeing the object or having drawings, besides, it is long and laborious. And secondly, it is profitable for the store to sell you as much material as possible, and where you put it later is purely your problem.

Another popular way today to calculate the amount of siding per house is to use the calculator on one of the construction sites. But there is a significant problem here, namely that the program cannot calculate angles and architectural shapes and, in order to average the errors, it gives the highest value.

It turns out that if not the only one, then at least the most effective way to calculate the material and components is to do everything yourself. And then it will be given for each element of the facade, and you just have to substitute your values, and you get exactly the amount that is needed for decoration.

Important! Even having correctly calculated the amount of material, you should always take several panels in stock. They will be needed in case of a possible marriage during installation, or to replace the damaged area later, if suddenly it is needed.

Additional elements

For the installation of siding, a large number of additional elements are required, and they are the most difficult to calculate.

There will be several such additions in total:

  • Start and finish bars.
  • H-profile, used to connect panels along the length, if necessary.
  • J-profile, used as a platband on windows and doors.
  • Decorative corners, which are both internal and external.
  • F-profile or cornice board, used for fixing spotlights on the roof.

Important! All siding accessories are sold in pre-cut and may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, further, we will make all the calculations in running meters, and they, in turn, can be divided by the length of the bar segment and the exact number of them will be obtained.


On average, the length of a siding panel is three meters, but what if the facade of your house is larger? Of course, you can simply fix the panels with a slight overlap, but it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, and it will be much easier to damage the finish in this place.

Therefore, to connect the panels, an H-profile is used, which has special grooves from the wallpaper on its sides, which overlap the joints. Outwardly, it looks like a decorative vertical strip, which, by the way, may be of a different color than the siding itself, which will create an additional decorative effect.

The calculation of the H-profile is very simple, you just need to divide the facade into segments of three meters and calculate how many such racks there will be. The number of racks is multiplied by the height of the facade and divided by the length of the profile itself. We now have the number of planks required for installation.

It is calculated as follows: we calculate the perimeter of the window and multiply by their number. We do the same with the doors. We add the obtained results and divide by the length of the profile.

But here it is important to remember that if your window has a height of more than 1.5 meters, then on each side you will have to take a separate bar and scraps can not be avoided here, but this is already a necessary waste from which there is no escape.

The F-profile serves as a fastener and a decorative part of the soffits on the eaves of the roof, therefore it is very simple to calculate its quantity: it is enough to simply measure the length of the pediment eaves, multiply it by two, since the F-profile is mounted on both sides of the soffit and divided by the length of the plank.

Corners and Launch Panels

The set of siding begins with and ends with the finish, respectively, and it is quite simple to calculate their number, it is enough to simply measure the perimeter of the house and divide the resulting figure by the length of the plank itself, which, by the way, always corresponds to the length of the siding.

Very often, a J-profile is used instead of a finishing panel. It is attached to the top of the façade, and the last panel is simply inserted into it. Mounting the siding is, therefore, somewhat more difficult than using the finish panel, but you do not have to add an additional item to the list of necessary items.

There is no fundamental difference in how to finish a set of siding, and the choice depends entirely on personal preference. And the price of the profile does not differ.

As for the angles, then we make the calculations in the same way as with the n-profile, that is, we measure the height, multiply it by the number of corners of the house and divide by the length of the plank. The main thing here is not to get confused in the outer (see) and inner corners.

By the way, to decorate corners, two J-profiles are also often used, which simply touch each other. This is done for reasons of economy, since corners are the most expensive part of additional elements, and this will practically not affect the overall aesthetics of the house.

Sheathing and fasteners

For the construction of the crate, we need the following materials:

  • Guide profile for plasterboard, at least 50 mm wide.
  • Guys for fixing the profile to the wall.

All markup is done using the following technology:

  • First of all, you need to make the markup. To do this, divide the length of the wall into two and put a mark. We put the same marks on the corners.
  • Further, we divide the distance between each marks by two more. Now each segment is two more and so on until the plant between the marks is from 30 to 50 centimeters.
  • Now, from each point it is necessary to lay vertical lines, guided by the indications of the building level. On each line we put more points every 50 centimeters. These are the attachment points for the guy wires.
  • Now, we count the number of points we have obtained, which corresponds to the number of guy lines. Well, in order to find out how much profile you need, we simply multiply the height of the facade by the number of drawn lines and divide by the length of the profile itself.

As for the fasteners, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to calculate the exact number. They always take them with a margin, since screws or nails are never superfluous in the household.

Advice! For the manufacture of lathing, only a galvanized profile should be taken. It is much less susceptible to corrosion, and will last much longer than just steel.

Also, when installing with lathing, you should remember where the n-profile will be located, since the installation of siding begins with it, and for fastening, the profile needs its own guide. If, after making the mark, there was no guide at the installation site of the n-profile, then it must be installed separately.


  • Facade. The straight part of the house from the basement to the pediment.
  • Gable. The front of the roof or attic.
  • Plinth... The foundation of the house, which is also finished with siding.
  • Soffit... The wind ledge of the roof, or rather its lower part, on which a special siding is sewn.

Each element of the architecture of the house is calculated individually, and the simplest part is, of course, the facade itself. Of course, the facade can be replete with all sorts of transitions and complex elements, and then it will be much more difficult to calculate it, therefore, we will take the most ordinary house with a straight facade and a triangular attic roof.

The calculation can be divided into several stages:

  • The approximate dimensions of the siding panels are: length 3 meters, width 20 centimeters. Based on this, we calculate how many panels are needed per line. That is, if the width of the wall is 6 meters, then we need 2 panels.
  • Now, in the same way, we calculate the height. We will need 10 panels for two meters in height, which we multiply by two, that is, by the number of panels in one line.
  • A certain difficulty can be a large number of windows and doors on the facade, which must be bypassed with siding. Here is the easiest way to use calculations based on the total area.

That is, we calculate the total area of ​​the facade and the area of ​​the openings and subtract the second from the first digit. And we divide the obtained result by the useful area of ​​one panel, which in our case is 0.6 square meters. Thus, we find out how many panels do not need to be taken out of the total.


The calculation of the siding for the basement is no different from the method described above. That is, we find out the number of panels in one line and multiply it by the height.

The difference with the facade here is that the dimensions of the basement siding, as a rule, differ, moreover, it can be up to 70 centimeters wide, which means that only one panel may be needed.

In this case, it is very convenient, both in terms of calculations and in terms of installation, because it is enough just to adjust one segment in height, fix it and the base / plinth finish is ready.

Important! You should not use the same siding on the plinth as on the walls, since the foundation siding has a higher density and is resistant to large amounts of water. Also, it is much more difficult to damage it, which is also very important.


The calculation of the siding on the pediment is considered the most difficult and here you can not do without drawings to scale. You can simply transfer the view of the gable to the paper, cut the strips corresponding to the scale of the siding panel and estimate visually.

Thus, it will be possible to avoid mistakes by 99 percent. In addition to this method, in this age of high technology, you can use one of the many computer programs that visually show the pediment and make the task very easier compared to cutting strips of paper.

It is during the finishing of the pediment, especially if it is of a complex configuration, that the largest amount of scraps remains, but here, as they say, nothing can be done about it.


The soffit strip is produced in long panels, the same as the façade siding. At this stage of finishing, the least scraps remain, since the soffits themselves rarely have a width of more than 30 centimeters, respectively, it is this size that needs to be cut into pieces. author

The structure, especially made of wood, changes its original appearance over time: cracks appear somewhere, knots fall out and the house remains unprotected from the influence of bad weather, frost and rain. You need an exterior finish, but how do you choose an inexpensive yet durable material? Siding is a modern finishing coating, and in addition to its basic functions, it can also be a home decoration.

What it is

For the first time, siding panels appeared in America in the middle of the 20th century, someone decided to simplify the process of exterior decoration of a house and at the same time decorate the exterior. This is how the new finishing materials, loved by many, appeared, differing in their aesthetic appearance and durability.

Products of different colors are produced, which do not change the original color and shape even with temperature changes and external factors. Whatever happens on the street - your house will always remain under reliable protection from bad weather, snow or rain.

Caring for vinyl panels is simple and affordable: you just need to direct a stream of water, all the dirt will be washed off, and the house will sparkle with cleanliness again.

The panels are mounted with a "margin", and between the wall of the house and the finishing material there is a small space for heat exchange, which allows the house to be insulated without any problems. The mass of the panels is small, convenient for transportation by any available transport, without hiring additional equipment. Decorating a house with siding is a modern and correct decision of a prudent owner.

How to calculate the material

External cladding with finishing materials of the house is an important final moment of the whole construction. You do not want disproportionate pieces to be repaired somewhere that violate the overall concept of the attractiveness of the building? Or did excess material litter the usable area of ​​the site? That's right, no one wants to both incur losses from the purchase of extra panels, and save money by collecting pieces of the missing finishing material from waste. Therefore, you need to know the principle of calculating the panels that will be required for the outer cladding of your particular house.

All vinyl panels are rectangular, and by simple arithmetic you can calculate the total area in the package, but usually, manufacturers already mark on it the area of ​​the entire finishing material of the packaging unit. This will not be a problem, it is important to make the correct calculation of the area of ​​the building, which should be covered with siding.

You can resort to the calculation on the online calculator, which is offered by many construction sites, in this case you just need to fill in all the fields for calculations. But many are not sure of the result: automatic calculation allows a lot of errors, and this leads to unnecessary unnecessary costs.

What parameters are required for independent arithmetic operations to calculate the material:

  1. Building height.
  2. The total width of the building.
  3. Calculations of parameters for window and door openings (we will not cover them).

Start by drawing up a blueprint for the entire house if you don't have design documentation. You can use computer programs, their also polo on the Internet: enter the required data.

Please note: installation is carried out in stages, each opening is mounted separately, and this is the basis of the calculation.

But you can make it easier: calculate the area of ​​each door and window opening, add up the result. Now find out the total area of ​​the house by multiplying the height of the building by its length. Subtract the area of ​​the openings from this value, and you can find out how much area you need to cover.

It is easy to calculate the area of ​​each panel: go to any construction market, choose the material that you like best, and look at the packaging: there are the parameters necessary for the calculation. Write them down. Calculate the area of ​​each piece. Now we divide the area of ​​the house (minus the openings) by the area of ​​the panel, as a result we get the required amount. Add about 10% to this number, because during work you will have to cut something, and the calculation panels may not be enough.

How to calculate siding

1. Home

Let's say your house has a width of 9 meters and a length of 8. The height of the building can be arbitrary, but usually it does not exceed 2.7 meters. Calculation: 9 x 8 x 2.7 = 91.8. But we do not need to sheathe the house with a continuous covering, our house has windows and doors (maybe not one, but two doors, if a utility room is attached to the house).

Now let's move on to calculating their areas. There may be several windows in the house, they can be of the same size or some of them - another, their total area should be calculated. If all windows are of the same standard size, for example 1.2 x 1.4 x 5 = 8, 4 m 2 and the total number is 5. Now, from the result obtained when calculating the area of ​​the house, we subtract the resulting number of window openings: 91.8- 8.4 = 83.4 sq. meters.

Now you need to calculate the area of ​​the door, for example, regular size: 2.1 x 0.9 = 1.89 m 2. We subtract this result from the remainder: 83.4 - 1.89 = 81.51 m 2. We need this amount for wall cladding. But in order for the structure to have a holistic look, the gable of the roof must be sheathed with siding panels in the same way.

2. Calculation of panels for the pediment

As you know, the pediment has the shape of an isosceles triangle, and we recall school geometry lessons: area of ​​an isosceles triangle = height x base length. Let's say the height is 4.5 meters, the length of the base is 8, the area is S = 4.5 x 8 = 18 m 2. This is the area of ​​one pediment, but there are always 2 of them, that is, 36 m 2. Add all the values ​​81, 51 +36 = 117, 51. We need to cover this area with siding panels. Round up to the larger value of 118.

Calculation of additional materials

But besides the pediment, there is also a ridge, usually it does not exceed 45 cm. The length of each meter, on the roof there is always 4.0.45 x 6 x 4 = 10.8 m 2. We add and the total area is 129 m 2.

To calculate the number of panels, their dimensions are required, standard indicators are 3 meters by 205 mm. From one piece 3 x 0, 205 = 0, 615 m 2. The total amount is calculated according to the scheme: 129: 0.615 = 209.756., You can round up to 210 - this amount is needed for sheathing.

But for integrity, you need to buy starter panels, corners for external walls, windows and doors.

Initial, launching panels are calculated in meters: you need to add up the entire length and width of the structure: 8x2 + 9x2 = 34 meters. Usually they have a standard length of 3 meters, quantity = 34: 3 about 12 pieces. Finishing the construction of the cladding, finishing panels, we buy the same quantity. For the joint, corners are needed, there are always 4 corners in the house, if you take into account the usual, and not a diverse structure. The approximate length is about 3 meters, you will have to buy 4 pieces.

In addition, you need to buy special profile panels for the strength of the joints. It is laid only vertically, based on the previous calculations of the area of ​​the house and the length of the panel, you will need to buy 8 pieces. Windows and doors also need to be sheathed with a separate profile, 3, 66 m long. If there are 5 window poems in the house, then you will have to buy 9 pieces. For the door + 3 pieces. We round it up, and we get a total of 12 profiles for finishing.


For full house cladding you need to buy:

  1. Horizontal panels of 210 about 500 rubles per one.
  2. Connecting structures 8 x 200.
  3. For windows and doors, finishing material will require 12 x 150 rubles.
  4. Corners 4 x 300.
  5. Initial and final products 12 x100.
  6. For other connections, about 1,500 rubles.

The total cost of purchasing a cladding siding material will amount to approximately 45 thousand rubles.

Have you chosen siding as your facing material? This is an excellent choice for both a private home and a country cottage. Siding is inexpensive, while its physical properties are no worse than more expensive materials.

It is better to entrust the installation of siding in the absence of experience in finishing work to professionals. So you can eliminate the risk of loss of performance of the material and the need for repairs. However, you can find out the amount of material required for cladding on your own. To do this, you need to know only some of the subtleties of the calculation. It doesn't matter what type of siding you choose - vinyl, metal or wood. Their installation procedure is the same, and therefore, the methods for calculating the amount of material are also identical.

The calculation is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. Calculation of siding panels.
  2. Calculation of components.

What do you need to calculate?

  • Roulette - for taking measurements.
  • A sheet of paper and a pencil or pen - in order to sketch the drawing.
  • Calculator for calculating the material by the formula.

Calculation of the number of siding panels

1. The first thing to do is to decide what area of ​​the house you plan to cover with siding. To do this, sketch your house and indicate its dimensions. This will help you make the right calculations. It is important to take into account all the details of the geometry of the house in order to use the finishing material exactly as intended.

where S is the surface area; a - its width; h - height.

2. The basic formula for calculating the amount of siding:

S side = S walls - S windows / doors,

where S side is the area of ​​the siding you need to buy; S walls - the sum of the areas of the walls and gables of the house; S windows / doors - the sum of the areas of window and door openings.

3. It is important to consider the amount of waste when facing the facade:

S side = S calculated +%,

where S is calculated - the siding area that you calculated in the previous formula; % - the amount of waste.

Advice! As practice shows, to find out the exact amount of siding, you need to add 7-10% for waste - if you are facing rectangular walls, and 10-20% for waste - if you are finishing a trapezoidal house with siding or a building with a lot of grooves and protrusions.

Calculation of components (additional elements)

For any configuration of the house, you will need various additional elements for cladding. Let's list the most frequently used ones.

Start and finish rails

The starter is used as a fastener when installing the bottom row of house siding panels. Finishing - for finishing the entire surface. Their number in meters is equal to the length of the base of the house. To understand how many pieces are needed, divide the footage by the length of one rail.

Outside and inside corners

Used for finishing corner joints. You can understand how many pieces are needed as follows: count the total number of corners of the house and multiply by their length. Divide the result by the length of one corner strip.

J - profile

Most often it is used as a finishing element at the joints of the gable with the roof structure. The material is considered in running meters in accordance with the total length of the pediment and other diagonal joints. When dividing the total footage by the length of the profile, we get the piece number of J - profiles.

T and H-planks (for vertical connection of panels)

Calculated individually for each wall of the house. The total length of the slats is equal to the height of the wall (if there are 2 joints, we double the height).


With its help, door and window openings of the facade of the house are framed. The required number of platbands is equal to the sum of the perimeters of all facade elements that require framing.

If you have any difficulties in the selection of components, you can always turn to the specialists of the store where you plan to buy siding for help. They will tell you what kind of additional elements are required for which house. If necessary, the managers will calculate the required amount of material for you, if you don’t have the time and desire to do this on your own.

  1. you can contact a company where all calculations will be made to you;
  2. carry out all the calculations yourself at home using a calculator.

Siding calculation for home - scheme + calculator

To work with the program for calculating siding, you need a house plan, in which all the geometric parameters of the walls and roof are indicated. All these data must be entered in the appropriate fields, and then click "Calculate".

Siding cladding involves the use of various components and accessories. The more complex the facade design, the more additional elements will be required. Below is a diagram with a visual representation of all additional elements, which will allow you to add the most accurate number of components to the calculations.

  1. Initial (starting) bar;
  2. Ebb for the base;
  3. Internal corner;
  4. Finishing bar;
  5. Soffit;
  6. Outside corner;
  7. J-chamfer;
  8. Edging strip;
  9. Platband;
  10. Connecting strip;
  11. J-Trim;
  12. Window strip.

It should be understood that the results of calculating siding for a house are of relative accuracy, however, you can find out the approximate amount of material required and thereby plan a construction budget.

Calculation of siding for cladding a house using the formula

The purchase, transportation and unloading of building materials takes time, and when you have to additionally buy what is missing, construction can be delayed. Therefore, the mathematical approach to determining the required amount of siding and fittings is correct.

Calculation using the area of ​​the walls intended for cladding

To calculate the wall siding panels, it is recommended to make a drawing of the walls and gables with the designation of door and window openings, the basement. Specifying the exact dimensions of all elements is required.

Before ordering siding, you need to count the number of such elements: siding, corner internal and external, start and finish panels, window elements, connecting profiles.

Panels for (actually, siding), their number is calculated in square meters, and later this value is converted into the number of pieces of facing elements. To calculate accurately, you need to find out the area of ​​all walls, pediments, which will be faced, using the formula, the area of ​​openings for doors and windows is subtracted from the total area.

The formula looks like this: pl. total = pl. walls - pl. doors and windows.

Waste is inevitable during work, they are also taken into account in the calculations. With proper installation, the amount of waste does not exceed 5-7%. To the resulting total area add 7% for possible waste.

To calculate how many pieces of panels are required, the resulting area is divided by the usable area (excluding the overlap) of one panel. The standard panel has an area of ​​0.85 m2, this characteristic is always noted on the packaging.

Number of siding pieces = total wall area / single panel area.

Calculation of the area of ​​ordinary siding

Calculation of the number of additional elements when sheathing a house with siding

Starting profile calculation

Starting bar- the element that is attached to the wall first along the entire perimeter of the house. Securely fixed, it serves as a fastener for the bottom row, panels above the windows and the door.

Its length is first calculated in linear meters.

Having measured the lower perimeter of the house, adding to it the length of the surfaces above the windows and doors, the resulting number is divided by the known length of one panel. The number of pieces of starting profiles is obtained.

Outside and inside corners

Outside (outside) corner- this is a part that covers the end edges of the siding panels at the corners of the house and allows you to mate the wall cladding located in two mutually perpendicular planes.

The length of the standard outside corner plank is about three meters.

The number of planks is calculated after measuring all outside corners.

Inner corner- used in siding installation for vertical fixing of panels at internal corners and providing a high quality appearance.

Internal corners are calculated in the same way: you need the total number of all internal corners, a standard three-meter profile is taken into account.

Internal corner and its parameters

If the building is taller (more than three meters), and one plank for each corner is not enough, the elements can be spliced ​​along the length.

Connection strips

When the length of the wall exceeds the length of one siding panel, a T-profile or H-profile is used for joining. Its standard length is 3 meters.

The piece count of these elements will be the most accurate.

Consider the need for joining elements for each of the walls.

Finishing plank

This finishing element is installed under the windows and at the top of each wall. When using near-window profiles - along their perimeter.

Finishing plank drawing

Window profile

If they and the doors are not in the plane of the wall siding, but recessed into the wall, it is carried out with a special profile.

Window-side profile and its characteristics

It is better not to join the parts of the window profile in the form of short cuts, but, taking into account the standard three-meter length, calculate exactly how many pieces are required.


J-profile is a versatile profile used for edging door and window openings.

Sometimes a J-profile is used instead of a start and finish bar.

This element is required in places where the profile is cut diagonally.

The length of the diagonal is measured, taking into account the standard three-meter length, the required amount is calculated.


These elements form the window when it is in the same plane with the siding.

The use of scraps is also unacceptable here, the exact length is calculated and the platbands are recruited.

Wide platband and its dimensions


Soffits Are polymer-coated panels that are fixed to the box along the edge of the roof.

When joining them, a locking method is used. This connection principle greatly facilitates the installation of soffits on the eaves of the roof. Moreover, it is possible to hide the fasteners.

The quantity is calculated in square meters: the length of the surface is multiplied by the width.

One of their main functions is to provide ventilation of the under-roof space, which significantly increases the service life of the roof.

Wind board

The element is counted in running meters along the perimeter of the gable slopes.

Wind board drawing with data

Home siding calculator online

The websites of companies engaged in the implementation or installation of siding offer accurate calculation of materials using calculator programs. Here is one of them:

How to use such programs? The user needs to independently measure the surfaces of his own house and enter each indicator in the appropriate field in the calculator window. Then the program will calculate itself and give the result: the number of panels and additional elements. The result can be printed immediately.

After purchasing all the necessary materials, you can start work. How to sheathe a wooden house with siding is described in detail.


Example for a house with 9 external walls with a total area of ​​253 m2. Doors with windows have an area of ​​25 m2. The area of ​​one panel is 0.84 m2.

253 - 25: 0.84 = 271.4, round to 272

272 - the number of pieces of siding.

  • An overlap joint can be used instead of H-profiles. Then the estimated amount of wall siding increases by the width of the joint
  • Long panels are less expensive to transport once, so accurate calculations save time and money

When planning an independent installation, you can calculate everything yourself or use an online calculator. And when concluding a contract with an installation company, it is better to rely on the experience of its specialists. Then any delay in work will be reflected in its payment.

Video instruction on calculating the amount of siding for cladding a house

The video describes the basic technique for calculating siding and the necessary materials for cladding a house.

Vinyl siding is a modern type of finishing material used to decorate facades. With its help, you can give a neat and original appearance to any structure. The material is quite easy to install, but at the same time it will not be possible to just pin it to the walls of the house. To do this, you will need additional elements for vinyl siding, the sizes of which differ depending on the manufacturer of the finishing material.

Vinyl siding production began in the late 1950s. Outwardly, it is not particularly different from the boards for the facade, but its main advantage is the durability of operation. It will not lose its appearance for decades. It is not afraid of temperature changes, it is not afraid of showers, winds and snow, therefore it can be used in almost any climatic conditions.

On a note! High quality vinyl siding will not fade for over 10 years. During this time, it is quite possible to have time to build several outbuildings, but at the same time they will not differ in color from each other. Of course, we are not talking about low-quality material.

Vinyl siding is produced by extrusion, when raw materials are pushed through special holes, due to which long vinyl tapes of certain parameters are obtained. The resulting tape is cut and shaped to give it a working profile.

At the same time, in most cases, siding is now produced by the so-called co-extrusion method, when the siding panel is two-layer, while the layers are interconnected at the molecular level. The main outer layer makes up approximately 20-25% of the total panel thickness and protects the finishing element itself from the negative effects of natural factors such as precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. And the inner layer keeps the shape of the product and is necessary for the panel to be strong and frost-resistant.

Vinyl siding contains the following substances.

Vinyl siding has become one of the most popular for a reason. He still has a lot of advantages, in addition to the above. These are durability of operation, ease of maintenance, fire safety and excellent resistance to chemicals.

However, in order to sheathe the facade with vinyl siding, it is not enough to buy the panels themselves - you will also need additional elements. Which, by the way, also perform an aesthetic function.

Vinyl siding prices

Why are additional elements needed?

Additional fittings for the installation of siding panels are used to achieve several goals. This facilitates the installation process, gives a finished look to the facade of the building, fixing the panels on the walls of the house. Thanks to them, the entire finish will hold as firmly as possible and last longer - due to corner fittings, for example, it is possible to achieve greater tightness of the entire cladding, which means that moisture and wind will less affect the main walls of the building. If you use special parts for the installation of siding, then the finished structure will not rattle during a riot of elements on the street, which is especially important for windy regions.

On a note! If you refuse to use additional elements when cladding the facade of a house with siding, then you will not be able to give a finished and beautiful look to the building. Everywhere there will be cracks, gaps, the structure will look sloppy.

All additional elements for siding have special holes, which allow them to be tightly and securely docked with siding panels. In this case, the perforation has an oblong shape, which allows taking into account the temperature coefficient of expansion and helps to avoid deformation of the material under the influence of temperatures. In general, there should be no gaps or gaps between the installed panels and add-ons.

Attention! Any swelling of the panels is the first sign of improper installation of elements or poor-quality finishing material.

Types of siding add-ons

There are two types of add-on parts used for siding installation. These are decorative or load-bearing elements. The former are used only for decorating the building, while the latter are necessary directly for the installation of the finishing panels themselves.

Elements that are necessary for the installation of siding.

  1. is necessary for the design of vertical seams, doors and windows, the siding panels themselves will be inserted into it. It is also used to decorate soffits, gable ends, can be used to decorate corners, but the joint will not be closed as well as when using special corner elements.
  2. Starter strip or plank is necessary in order to start the installation of siding panels. This is the main element, without which the process of cladding the facade will not work. The plank is installed either at the very bottom of the building or at the edge of the wall (depending on the sheathing method - horizontal or vertical), and the panels themselves are attached to it.
  3. Corner elements are necessary to decorate the interior or exterior corners of the building. At the same time, separate types of accessories are sold for both.
  4. a connector is used to connect two siding panels if the cladding is too long. The element also provides the connection of soffit panels.

Special decorative elements required for siding installation.

  1. Finishing plank, thanks to which you can beautifully complete the wall decoration with siding.
  2. Window strip and platband, are used to design window and door openings, if they are recessed into the wall.
  3. Gutters are necessary to drain water from the walls of the building during rain.
  4. Chamfers for cornices used for the design of slopes and cornices with their small width.

On a note! The material for making additional elements is the same as for the siding panels themselves. They differ from siding only in their structure, shape, size.

Prices for additional elements of vinyl siding

Additional elements of vinyl siding

Video - Additional elements for siding

Why consider dimensions?

All additional elements have their own sizes. They differ from each other in length, width, configuration. At the same time, differences are observed not only between different elements, but also between the same ones released by different manufacturers.

On a note! Even from the same manufacturer, but in different lines, additional elements may differ in parameters. Moreover, there are no special standards that would regulate the size of siding and its components.

The length of one siding panel can vary from 2.5 to 4 m for different manufacturers, the width - from 20 to 30 cm. Even the thickness can vary from 1 to 1.2 mm. In the same way, additions differ from each other by small, but still perceptible values.

That is why it is so important to correctly take into account all the parameters of both the siding itself and its additional elements when calculating the amount of materials necessary for cladding the facade of a house. And you need to buy all the components from one selected manufacturer, so that later during the installation process there are no questions and inconsistencies. The dimensions of the add-ons and siding panels should also fit together and fit together.

Vinyl siding "Alta-Profile"

Scaffolding prices


Dimensions of additional elements

Now let's take a closer look at the dimensions of siding components from different manufacturers. The products of the following companies are especially popular - these are VOX, Grand Line and Döcke.

VOX manufactures vinyl siding ideal for the facade of residential buildings as well as office buildings. The products are distinguished by their durability and quality. Ease of installation allows you to cover the facade yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Table. Dimensions of VOX siding accessories.

Name and imageParameters, m

Panel length - 2.7, width - 0.3

Length - 3.81

Length - 3.05

Length - 3.05

Length - 3.81

Length - 3.05

Length - 3.81

Length - 3.81

Length - 3.81

Length - 3.81

Length - 3.81

Siding Grand Line is a high-quality finishing material that has been present on the Russian market for over 10 years. The company is one of the few that produces both metal siding and vinyl.

Vinyl siding Grand Line

Table. Dimensions of siding components from Grand Line.

Name and imageLength, m









Döcke siding is one of the best products of this type on the market. Siding panels and components for them are produced from quality raw materials.

Siding and additional elements "Döcke"

Table. Dimensions of Döcke siding accessories.

Name and imageLength, m

3.05 or 1.85 (working width 0.305)













In order for the installation of siding to be quick and easy, it is necessary to approach the choice of material and components with all responsibility and attention.

  1. It is worth stopping your choice only on materials from a trusted manufacturer, which is far from the first year on the market of finishing materials. If it is necessary to create extensions to the building, it will be much easier to purchase exactly the same siding as before. But a one-day company may disappear from the market, and then you will have to sweat to pick up at least externally similar material and components.
  2. Only one company needs to buy add-ons and the siding itself. This will avoid inconsistencies in the size of the finishing material, which will simplify installation and save nerves.
  3. It is best to buy specially designed elements for finishing certain parts of the facade. Thus, it will be possible to achieve maximum protection of the walls of the house itself. Otherwise, gaps and gaps may form, although some additional elements are relatively interchangeable.

Siding is well suited for both an expensive country cottage and a simple country house. However, siding panels alone are not enough for finishing - you will need other details, which are called additional elements, among which -.

Calculation of additional elements

One of the main stages during preparation for siding facade cladding is the calculation of the required number of additional elements. The following instruction will help to produce it.

Step 1. It is necessary to arm yourself with a tape measure, a pencil, paper and a calculator: all heights, lengths and widths are measured, as well as window and door openings, and the corners of the house. Then an exact diagram of the structure to be sheathed is drawn, indicating all the measured parameters on it with maximum accuracy.

An example of calculating siding panels

Important! It is imperative that when making calculations, you should take into account the amount of waste and buy finishing material with a certain margin. This applies to both siding and additional elements. Waste is about 7-10%. With a complex configuration of the structure - up to 15%.

Step 4. The number of corner strips is calculated as follows: the number of internal and external corners is calculated, and then each value is multiplied by the height of the corner. The final result is divided by the length of the corner strip.

Advice! It is better to count the number of planks separately for all corners, so that you do not have to make too many connections and collect the corner planks at one of the corners from pieces and scraps. Such joints are very striking.

Step 6. The H-profile is calculated if there will be a connection between two siding strips in length. Here you will have to count by the piece.

Step 7. It is considered by the piece (so that there are no joints that spoil the appearance) the number of window strips, provided that one J-profile is not enough when installing the siding. That is, if the door or window opening is recessed more than 20 cm into the wall of the house.

Video - We make measurements and calculations of siding and accessories

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it will not be possible to do without extras when installing siding. At a minimum, you will have to buy a starting bar to attach siding panels to it. But it is better not to neglect the rest of the elements, especially since they will speed up and facilitate the installation of finishing material on the facade of the house.

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