What is the human biofield responsible for? What destroys our biofield, and how to restore it

The buildings 02.01.2022
The buildings

A powerful biofield in a person is easy to determine by the following features:

  • Absence of chronic diseases, ideal health and physical condition;
  • Without visible efforts, a person achieves success in any endeavors. Good luck obviously accompanies him;
  • Attracts people, behaves in a friendly manner, easily makes new acquaintances;
  • He knows how to learn a lesson from trouble, does not get upset over trifles, looks to the future with optimism;
  • Can captivate a crowd, often takes leadership positions;
  • Strives for change, does not sit in one place for a long time, is in continuous search;
  • When touched, energy is felt in the palms - this is a strong biofield. Often such people have psychic abilities, they can relieve pain.
  • The inner warmth emanating from the person is clearly felt.
  • Acts as a wise mentor, knows how to listen, gives practical advice.

The owner of a strong biofield is easy to identify in the crowd. Man - radiates powerful energy flows. He knows how not only to take energy from outside, but also to give it away, shares it with others. It gives a powerful impulse of positive mood to the space.

Signs of a strong energy biofield are found in people with negative thoughts. They carry a huge bunch of negative energy, aimed at destruction and chaos.

Varieties of energy potential

Receiving energy, a person, due to his natural characteristics, disposes of it in different ways, directs it in a positive or negative direction. Human energy potential is divided into the following types:

  • mirror energy. Feeling a positive or negative impact on himself, a person always gives back energy flows. Protecting yourself from any external influence. An effective technique for the development of mirror technology: mentally imagine a reflective surface opposite the interlocutor, if thoughts are unclean, then everything said will come back without reaching the goal.
  • Protective wall. Alien energy flows, like a ball, bounce off a person and fall into space. The disadvantage of this variety is that a negative message can bounce off the wall in the opposite direction and affect an innocent person.
  • Energy absorption. Like a sponge, he absorbs any information flows. Strives to participate in all social processes, to be aware of all events. Such a person has a powerful impact on the energy of the environment. Able to process negativity, radiating positive vibrations into space. Which subsequently weakens the biofield.
  • Self destruction. A person collects all the energy garbage. Processes it, multiplying it many times, fences off from the environment. It creates a cocoon around itself, saturated with negativity.
  • Energy filter. Man has the strongest biofield. Can absorb energy in large volumes and transform it. Charging the interlocutor with positive, changing his thinking, clearing his mind.
  • Intermediary. Every third person is endowed with this energy potential. People receive information flows without doing anything with it, they return it back into space.
  • Energy leech (vampire). Due to the lack of their own energy, they feed on the emotions of others, depleting the interlocutor's biofield.

How to increase internal energy

It happens that a person feels constant fatigue, problems are driven into a corner. This is a consequence of violation of the integrity of the energy shell. Questions arise: “How to make the biofield strong?”, “How to protect yourself from negative impact?”. There are several effective ways:

  • Completely give up bad habits. Alcohol, smoking for a short period of time create a false feeling of happiness. Subsequently, they take many times more, depriving them of vitality.
  • Negative emotions: resentment, pain, fear, hatred, anger - kill everything good in a person.
  • Music is a powerful boost of vivacity. Favorite pieces of music are able to restore the energy balance in a few minutes.
  • Favorite hobbies. Activities for the soul, bringing real pleasure, attract positive information flows. People, doing what they love, always achieve great success.
  • Circle of friends. It is necessary to understand whether someone from the immediate environment has a strong biofield. This is the person you should spend more time with.
  • Meditation. The perfect path to self-discovery. After meditation, the biofield is cleared of negativity and receives many times more positive information.
  • clear life goals. If there is a cherished desire, the universe will fill a person with the energy necessary for its implementation.
  • Charity. Do good without thinking about self-interest. The soul becomes light, free.
  • Service in the temple. After the church service, the human biofield is amplified several times. Sincere prayer works wonders.
  • Sports. During physical exertion, the accumulated negative comes out of the body.
  • Pets. They are able to cleanse the human aura, take away the negative, protect from diseases.
  • Love. The power of love will destroy all barriers, fill the heart with warmth.

You will need:

What is it and why is it necessary

It is assumed that energy is available throughout the earth. Every living being or plant has its own special energy. She is released into space. It is the living force that allows you to feel the connection with the Universe.

The internal energy of a person affects his personal life, physical processes, diseases, success.

It is believed that the biological component of the biofield is located in the chakras. Although they are not visible, they are located in the body.

Treatment of each allows you to improve health. Chakras store energy in the body. Lack of active vitality and disease reduce immunity, impair mental health and lead to serious illness.

The biofield is what we bring into the Universe. These are our thoughts, emotions, way of life.

Destructive thinking, constant complaints, anger, aggression, quarrels with others accumulate in the body. All negativity settles and destroys the biofield.

You need to regularly cleanse your body and mind from harmful influences. The energy source should saturate and bring joy.

What negative actions destroy the aura

It is customary for people to earn money, establish a personal life, and relax. But residents of most developed countries have forgotten about the most important thing - their own health. Regular check-ups with a doctor, taking medications are necessary. But many healers are sure that positive energy is the main one. A few minutes of prayer, repetition of affirmations, meditation will enhance emotional, mental and physical health. But there is something that undermines it in a matter of weeks.

  • News viewing;
  • gossip, condemnation;
  • envy, irritability, aggression;
  • replaying old grudges or negative memories;
  • voltage;
  • fatigue and unloved work;
  • wasting time, including watching TV shows, TV;
  • low physical activity;
  • lack of hobbies, interests, goals;
  • inability to love;
  • dependence on something or someone.

Signs of a disturbed biofield

There may be numbness in the legs or arms. Pain all over the body, especially in the chakras. Muscle swelling. General weakness, increased fatigue. Drowsiness and decreased interest in life.

A person often complains about the deterioration of the body. There are violations of the hormonal cycle, loss of vitality.

A person seeks to find out what is wrong with him, he can check his condition with a doctor. But clear reasons are hard to find. Biological activity is reduced. A previously active person becomes lethargic. He feels empty, missing something. He tries to explain his condition with low pressure, magnetic storms. Relationships with loved ones deteriorate, problems begin at work and in life.

Methods for cleaning the biofield

Energy recovery is a complex process. You can start it yourself or contact a specialist.

A woman needs to return lightness and a sense of security. Man, believe in yourself.

Meditation will help restore vitality. Complete relaxation of the body and concentration on positive thoughts relieves the feeling of loneliness, fear, disappointment, anger.

An excellent method is proper breathing. The person sits down or lies down as comfortably as possible. He controls every inhalation and exhalation. In doing so, you need to be aware of the process. This helps to enhance the sense of meaning in life. This is protection from negative influences, because the patient is tuned to get rid of the negative. For example, he believes that inhaling brings him strength, luck, love, and exhaling takes away all the bad things from his life. It is recommended to breathe like this every day before going to bed.

Recovery Exercises

  • Sit in the lotus position and imagine that everything around you is tuned to bring you joy. You need to thank every thing for its presence in your life, forgive offenders and sincerely tune in to success. Deep self-knowledge, the ability to appreciate life and thank the Universe for its gifts and trials will improve the general condition.

  • Sit as comfortably as possible, take a deep breath and imagine that oxygen fills every cell. He fills you with only positive. The aura is filled with what you need (light, love, knowledge, protection from the evil eye). Oxygen is distributed throughout the body and smoothly exits through the skin. It creates a dome over you that protects you from external influences.

The physical and mental body of a person is multi-layered, like the cosmos. Any person can perfectly develop all 7 bodies, which correspond to the energy-informational levels of the Universe. Subtle bodies are arranged in a certain order and permeate the body. They consist of high vibrations and the finest substances. The deeper and higher the energy layer is located, the more expanded consciousness is required for perception.

With the help of the physical body, a person realizes the continuation of his soul. It only helps to move, feel and experience everyday life. The human body is a means of existence of subtle energy structures. The direct connection of the human body with subtle energy-informational matters is embodied in a state of health.

The level and quality of the energy field is different for all people. By date of birth, you can determine the energy potential and learn about the mistakes made in past incarnations. For this, a simple method of the numerological school is used. To calculate, multiply the year of birth by the date and month of the birth of a person.

Types of thin bodies

The etheric body has the same structure as the physical body. It includes tissues and internal organs. Possessing an energy matrix, physical matter develops and acquires bodily tissues. Thanks to this field, there are physical tissues as such. The etheric body precedes the physical, therefore it is an independent element. Along the energy lines of the ethereal matrix, the growth and development of cells of animal and plant tissues occurs. The etheric body has mesh structures along which movement and pulsation continuously occur. All internal organs have their own ethereal counterpart. The etheric body copies the physical at a more subtle energy level.

The astral body copies the outlines of the physical body. Visually, it represents colored substances that are in fluid motion. All emotional states of a person are displayed in the form of different shades. Clairvoyance refers to the properties of the astral body. It is in close relationship with the subconscious, dreams and karmic memory. It has been proven that the astral body is separated from the physical body and can independently act and acquire information. Emotions are states of the astral body that differ in vibration. The main goal of man is the development of the astral body. It is necessary to fill the subtle body with harmonious states, control emotions and extinguish the uncomfortable vibrations of the external world. It is impossible to allow the penetration of vices and emotional dirt into the subtle bodies.

The mental body includes deep and subtle substances. They radiate from the chest and head of a person. When concentrating on mental processes, the mental body can expand up to 30 cm. This field allows you to see thought forms, which are represented by clusters of various configurations and brightness. Thought forms are strengthened by focusing on the specific thoughts they represent. The mental body interacts with the outside world through the surrounding subtle bodies. With a negative reaction to external factors, there is a narrowing of energy channels. Such vibrations can break through the energy shield of the individual, towards whom the negative energy is directed. The psychological attack of a person is inevitable in the modern world. The task of a person is to increase and strengthen the energy potential to counteract negative states. These vibrations are able to break through the energy protection of a person to whom negative emotions are directed.

The causal body shapes all life events. The task of a person is to strive to realize the inherent potential and abilities. This body extends far beyond the physical shell. At this energy level, work on self-knowledge and the development of intellect takes place. The causal body is responsible for the fulfillment of the assigned karmic tasks and the implementation of cause-and-effect relationships. It includes the experience of past incarnations, which manifests itself in the form of living conditions and character traits. The causal body is the bearer of will and the abode of consciousness. It is this body that transmits information to subsequent incarnations.

The buthial body forms the scale of values ​​and internal laws. It makes a person go against his will. This body is designed to bring words and thoughts into full compliance with reality. When internal laws are violated, energy flows leak out.

The Atmanic body provides a person with the opportunity to interact with the energy-informational field of the Universe. What is done and said by a person rushes through the atmanic body into the space of the cosmos. All life achievements of a person are transferred to the information field.

Techniques for Strengthening the Energy Field

The energy shell must be strengthened regularly, as this will provide a high degree of protection from negative external influences. This will lead to a significant improvement in the psychological and physical state of human health. The above methods provide complete information on how to pump the energy field.

The key to high human energy is a strong biofield. The key to the source of limitless possibilities is positive energy. Energy is such a property, which is determined by special parameters and quantities. The interaction of space, matter and energy occurs at the level of the macrocosm, which leads to the emergence of new phenomena. At the macrocosmic level, this interaction leads to the formation of molecules and atoms. Such processes are accompanied by the appearance of energy. The transformation and transformation of energies lead to the radiation of energy waves that create a field around the particles. Signs of a strong energy field are as follows:

  • Absence of physical illnesses;
  • Optimistic life attitude;
  • Physical strength;
  • Luck;
  • Leadership abilities;
  • Lack of fear of change;

Physical malaise is the main symptom of a violation of the energy shells. Any deformation in subtle bodies leads to diseases and the development of various ailments. Of great importance for the development of a strong energy field is the environment and quality of life. Negative emotions, depression lead to the compression of energy channels. The color of the energy field becomes dull and pale. People with paranormal abilities can see the colors and levels of the subtle body.

Energy gymnastics

People who have psychic abilities can see the human energy field. They see the energy field and assess its condition. With some effort, anyone can develop this ability. Paranormal talents are inherent in every person. Special exercises will awaken and strengthen them to the fullest. Restoration of the human energy field can be done independently thanks to energy gymnastics. It will increase energy and improve the biofield.

To do this, just relax and stand up straight. A person should experience comfortable sensations and release the stream of consciousness. Then, you should take a breath, and imagine how the flow of energy comes out of the very bowels of the earth and enters the legs. Energy moves throughout the body and exits the center of the head into space. Then, take a deep breath and visualize the energy flow from heaven. This practice will increase sensitivity and increase energy fullness.

The human energy field is an integral part of the energy fields of the cosmos

The energy fields of living beings (biofields) have a complex composition. Almost all forms of energy known to physics are found in them.

The presence of energy fields around living organisms was known in antiquity. The influence of these energy fields was used by priests of various religions, fakirs, shamans, and also yogis. Researchers of the Ancient East not only created the first coherent theories of bioenergetics, but also substantiated them with the practical application of such systems as acupuncture, field types of karate, kung fu and others. At present, Soviet scientists (V. P. Kaznacheev, E. E. Godik, Yu. V. Gulyaev) have made a worthy contribution to substantiating the existence of energy fields around living organisms.

The energy field of a living organism is not an isolated phenomenon inherent only to a living being, but an integral part of the energy field of the Earth and, of course, the energy fields of the Universe. Each living being is born not just in any point of the Earth, but is born in the Cosmos, filled with fields that have not yet been studied. We are all closely connected with them and initially have the gift of manipulating and managing these cosmic energies to one degree or another.

The structure of the human biofield. Aura colors and their meaning

According to the yogic idea, a person consists of several bodies enclosed one in another. The main bodies are physical, ethereal, astral, mental. Each of them has an energy field that occupies the space of the body and is expressed in the form of lines of force and radiation. That part of the energy field that protrudes beyond the physical body is called the aura. The energy field of a person is a combination of the energy fields of all his bodies; accordingly, the aura of a person is the totality of the auras of all his bodies.

A person who, with the help of his energy field, can influence animate and inanimate objects (transfer of energy, transmission and reading of information), is called a psychic, or sensitive. Some psychics see the aura of living and non-living objects, and high-level psychics distinguish the auras of various human bodies. Ordinary people can see the human aura with the help of EBL photo (EBL-electrobioluminescent glow).

The physical and etheric bodies have one energy field. The physical body is the body that is visible and felt by all the physical senses.

The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body, but consists of more subtle matter. On this basis, it is sometimes called the "etheric double". The main purpose of the etheric body is to preserve the form of the physical body; the main shade of the color of its radiations is lilac-gray.

The astral body is made of finer matter than the etheric; the main background of its radiation is bluish-gray. The color of the astral body changes according to the experiences of a person (this body of yoga is called the "body of emotions"). The astral body during life can be isolated from the physical in a state of trance or sleep.

The mental body has an ovoid shape, consists of even finer matter than the astral body, and forms a bright sparkling aura. Depending on the quality of thoughts, the aura of the mental body changes colors.

The size of the aura is not the same for different people, but on average (for people who do not practice yoga or special exercises to increase the aura), it extends beyond the physical shell at a distance of 70 to 100 cm.

The quality of the aura is visually determined by its density and color, or rather, the color of the general background and various color shades on this background. It depends on the temperament, mental state, as well as the degree of spiritual development of a person. The auras of a believer and an atheist differ significantly. In addition, the change of mood, inclinations of a person, his joys and sorrows are reflected in the aura.

In people who are calm, thoughtful, balanced, the aura in certain places is pierced by color flows of green (or rather, its shades). In the unrestrained and restless, the aura is permeated with red-yellow streams. In low-intellectual people, most of the aura is permeated with red-yellow streams. As intelligence increases in color streams, the concentration of green increases. In selfless natures, blue tones appear against the general background of the aura; similar shades of the aura are also inherent in people with a developed sense of compassion for their neighbor.

Color streams and shades have a certain shape. Base, animal passions are expressed in the aura in the form of irregular clouds that pass through it, and lofty feelings and thoughts are expressed in the form of rays propagating from within. An attack of fear permeates the aura from top to bottom in the form of undulating bands of blue with a reddish tinge. In faces tensely awaiting some event, you can see red-blue stripes in the form of radii, going from the inside out. In the aura of people who experience great excitement due to every significant external influence, small orange-yellow dots flash periodically. Absent-mindedness is manifested in the form of bluish spots of variable shape.

High-level psychics are able to see individual auras in the general aura of a person. Such a separate vision of auras allows the psychic to judge the degree of spiritual development of the observed person. If the observed person gives himself entirely to base passions and impulses, then in the first aura (the aura of the physical and etheric bodies) sharp screaming tones are observed; in the second (the aura of the astral body) there are meager colorful formations, and in the third (the aura of the mental body) sparkling sparks appear and disappear barely distinguishable (the presence of these sparks indicates that there is an eternal “I” in a person). A person who knows how to suppress his animal passions has a developed second aura, and a highly spiritual person has a radiant, sparkling third aura.

In the first aura of a man of a low level of development, all shades from red to blue can be observed; these shades have a cloudy, dirty color. Obsessively red hues indicate sensual lusts, a thirst for pleasure of the body and stomach, green - a fear of efforts to satisfy sensual desires, brownish-green and yellowish-green - a lack of skills in achieving the desired base goals. Feelings of base selfishness are expressed in dull yellow and brownish hues, and cowardice and fear are expressed in brownish-blue, gray-blue colors.

In the second aura, brownish and orange shades indicate a strongly developed sense of selfishness, pride and ambition. Curiosity is emphasized by red-yellow spots. Light yellow color reflects clear thinking and intelligence, and green-yellow color - good memory. Blue is a sign of piety; if piety approaches deep religiosity, then blue shades turn into purple.

In the third aura, the primary hues are yellow, green, and blue. Yellow color reflects thinking filled with lofty universal ideas; if thinking is purified from sensory representations, then this yellow color has a greenish tint. Green reflects love for all living beings. Through the blue color, readiness for sacrificial self-denial in the name of other living beings is expressed; if this capacity for self-sacrifice is enhanced by social activity for the sake of peace on Earth, the blue color turns into light purple.

The relationship between the physical body and its energy counterpart

"Seeing" psychics perceive the energy field of the physical body as a fabric of light vibrations that are in constant motion. The energy field permeates the physical body and goes 3-5 cm beyond its limits. Inside the energy field, the chakras are force vortices that look like spiral cones. They differ in the number of smaller cones of energy whose tops coincide with the top of the main cone.

Energy in the form of vibrating streams moves to the main cones (vortices) of energy - chakras. Muladharachakra is a cone of energy with four small cones (yogis depict this chakra as a lotus flower with four petals). Svadhisthanachakra - a cone of energy with six small cones (the image of the chakra is a lotus with six petals). Manipurachakra - a cone of energy with ten small cones of energy (the image of the chakra is a lotus with ten petals). Anahatachakra - a cone of energy with twelve small cones (the image of the chakra is a lotus with twelve petals). Vishuddhachakra - a cone of energy with sixteen small cones (lotus with sixteen petals). Ajnachakra is a cone of energy with two small cones (lotus with two petals). Sahasrarachakra - a cone of energy with a thousand small cones (a lotus with a thousand petals). Thus, the main energy flows in the energy field, forming a chain of vortices, are grouped along the line of the spine (Muladharachakra is located in the spine, in the coccyx; Svadhishthanachakra - in the spine, in the genital area; Manipurachakra - in the spine, in the solar plexus; Anahatachakra - in the spine, in the region of the heart; Vishudhachakra - in the region of the thyroid gland; Ajnachakra - in the center of the brain; Sahasrarachakra - in the region of the crown). A large vortex (also in the form of a cone) is associated with this chain of vortices, located on the left side, in the region of the spleen and pancreas. Another vortex of energy, somewhat smaller than those described above, is located at the back of the head, near the longitudinal brain.

The state of the energy field is closely related to the state of the human physical body: according to the state of the energy field, one can determine the pathological or functional disorder of the organs of the physical body. Moreover, the disorder of the physical body is preceded (as if reflected in advance) in its energy analogue. Therefore, according to the state of the energy field, one can not only determine, but also predict subsequent (after a certain time) disorders of the physical body.

The main criterion for the state of the energy field (and, consequently, of the physical body) is the state of the nine large vortices (cones) of energy described above. These macrovortices reflect the present and future (within a few years ahead) state of the areas of the physical body adjacent to them. The irregularity of the movement (rotation) of the cones indicates a functional disorder of the organs of the physical body. The flow of energy at the central point (where the tops of small cones converge) or the dullness of the field (instead of brilliant shades), up to gray, indicates serious pathological changes in the organs of the physical body, and the emerging gaps in the tissues of macrovortices indicate future physical disorders. The interval of time after which a physical disorder occurs is determined by the state of the emerging gap.

An additional indicator of the disorder of the physical body are also disorders in the tissue (not in the macrovortices) of the energy field: confusion in the lines of force, tiny whirlpools of energy torn off from the normal flow, energy leakage. At the same time, the place of the field disorder corresponds to the place of the physical body disorder.

The human soul and its energy field

Radiating energy, the absolute power of which can vary depending on the state of health, emotional state, spiritual development. The aura and its radiation bear the imprint of the personality of the individual, a certain information load. Everything that a person does in this life, has done and will do in his other incarnations, is deposited in the aura (in the form of certain rhythms of vibration, field density, color shades). Therefore, the aura is an energetic expression of a person's karma.

At the same time, the energy field is an energy expression of the human soul: according to the yogic definition, the human soul is a combination of four components - three types of mind (instinctive - subconscious, intellectual - consciousness, spiritual - supraconscious) and one's own "I". In the total human energy field, these components are expressed through the fifth, sixth and seventh bodies and their corresponding energy fields. The first four human bodies (physical, ethereal, astral and mental) exist during one incarnation. They decompose after the physical death of a person (the etheric body decomposes on the 9th day, and the astral body - on the 40th day after the cessation of the functioning of the physical body), and their energy fields disintegrate accordingly. The rest of the bodies (and the fields corresponding to them) pass through all the incarnations of a person, fixing all his deeds and deeds in the energy fields.

A strong biofield means good health, high self-esteem and developed bioenergetics. It is these qualities that are sometimes not enough to achieve success. However, energy protection can be developed, focusing on 7 signs of an ideal biofield.

The energy of any person can be programmed for success. Considering your biofield more carefully, you will determine in which direction you should work on yourself, and whether you need to work on your biofield at all. Perhaps you already have a strong defense?

There are only 7 main signs of an energetically strong personality. If you didn’t recognize yourself in this description, but it reminded you of a colleague or TV star, focus on such people. From them you can recharge with positive energy, which they receive through the communication channel from the Universe. Your chances of finding success in any area of ​​life will be slightly higher if strong people appear in your environment.

What is energy and how to increase it

Absolutely any living organism has its own special aura. In humans, it is the strongest, because we are rational beings and are able to change the world around us. We can cognize the world and are the crown of creation of the Universe. Eastern philosophy even believes that a person has as many as 7 energy centers called chakras.

The Universe helps us to achieve our dreams, to do what we want and can do even better. If your body is not configured for this, then luck can leave you for good. The best way to increase energy is to merge with this world by accepting its rules. The main laws of the Universe will help you with this. By following them, you will quickly achieve your cherished goals. For example, if you often imagine the end result of your work, then the chances of achieving it are much greater. The more you think about the good, the more you will experience satisfaction in life.

What raises and enhances energy:

  • Healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and overwork not only worsen the connection with the source of abundance, but also destroys your consciousness, dulling the ability to effectively perceive the world.
  • Affirmations. Some of them can be divided by day of the week to enhance the effect by referring to these settings again and again. They will help you believe in yourself and tune your brain to the right wave, like a radio.
  • Rituals and ceremonies. Energy is a product of nature, so communicate with it in its own language. Use the right rituals and rituals for this on different days and holidays to activate the necessary energy zones.
  • Follow the signs. People didn’t just come up with the idea that you shouldn’t cross the path of a black cat or you shouldn’t put the broom down at home with the part that is being swept. Our ancestors noticed a long time ago that some actions can have a negative connotation. Use this ancestral gift to always know that luck is with you.
  • Follow horoscopes. In the universe, the stars, as well as the planets of the solar system, are of great importance for people. Follow the advice of astrologers to adjust to the mood of the stars and planets.

These tips will help you transform your life and improve the energy aura of the body.

7 signs of a strong biofield

How do you know if you have become stronger or not? Or maybe you want to analyze your colleague or business partner, friend or girlfriend? 7 signs of a strong aura will help you:

Sign one: if the aura is pure and strong, the person hardly gets sick. When the aura is poor, a person becomes overworked, he has frequent headaches, chronic diseases appear, and he catches cold easily. Sometimes things go further - there are signs of more serious diseases.

Sign two: a strong biofield gives its wearer incredible luck in all matters. Roughly speaking, people with strong energy are always more likely to achieve success without noticeable effort.

Sign three: a strong aura is felt if a person radiates optimism. When you stand next to such a person, you want to act, you want to conquer the world, and you see everything in a pleasant light. If this is a person of the opposite sex, then it is very easy to fall in love with him.

Sign four: problems do not stick to people with a high level of energy. This does not mean that such people do not have problems at all, they just do not give him such discomfort. There is almost no chance that life will change dramatically and become much worse.

Sign five: if a person has a high level of energy, then he is most likely a leader. Leading others and being weak are two things that are absolutely incomparable with each other.

Sign six: a strong aura means a strong body. When a person is strong mentally, he is strong physically. He is hardy, gets tired slowly and is always ready to conquer new heights.

Sign seven: his mind is open. These people are not afraid to experiment, expand the scope, look beyond the horizon. Strong energy allows you not to be afraid of change, and absolutely any. This proves once again that life is dynamic. Life is change and constant, permanent transformation.

It is impossible to have only two attributes, and not all of the seven. They are just developed differently. There are slight deviations or anomalies, but in general, each of the points rises with the growth of the biofield. You just need to work on your thoughts and views of the world - then everything will work out.

The energy of a person can be determined even by handwriting. But most importantly, it can be strengthened and strengthened if you continuously interact with the Universe. We wish you success and don't forget to press the buttons and

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