Choosing the right hoods for the kitchen with a vent to the ventilation: useful information and expert advice Guide to hoods with a vent to ventilation Is it possible to bring the hood to a common ventilation duct

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

The quality of the air in the entire apartment depends on how well the kitchen hood functions. Fundamentally, two types of systems are distinguished: hoods for the kitchen with a vent to the ventilation and, driving the air in a circle and cleaning it with the help of filters. The latter type, due to its low efficiency, will not be considered.

Any hood installed in the kitchen is required to drive out air in 1 hour, which is identical to 10 volumes of the kitchen. This is not a whim, but a strict requirement sanitary standards. Heating devices are intensively working in the kitchen, open fire is used, humidity is increased. These factors lead to the concentration of carbon dioxide, fumes, and harmful impurities. open fire leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the room. With closed circulation in a circle, all the dirt settles on the hood grate. Therefore, an elementary conclusion: low-quality air must be removed outside and replaced with clean air.

The hood for the kitchen with an air duct is installed as close as possible to the hob, as the main source of pollution. The air intake dome is equipped with a special lattice, on which clots of fat and dirt are concentrated. With this solution, waste does not seep into the ventilation duct. For a hood in a kitchen with such a design, it is important to guarantee the flow of air, because its outflow is very large. When there is no inflow - and this is important - there is overturning. This is the effect of drawing air from the duct itself back into the kitchen with a sufficiently rarefied atmosphere.

Any kitchen hood with an outlet to the ventilation has two solutions: passive and active. In the first case, the outflow of polluted air is carried out under the action of its own draft, in the second case, this function is taken over by the fan.

Types of various hoods

According to various methods of mounting hoods with a vent to ventilation, there are:

  • Hoods. They are installed above the surface of the plate, and installation for ventilation is done on the ceiling. This significant design is best masked under a stretch ceiling. This variety was not widely used due to laborious installation and high cost.
  • Designs, which are divided into, and inclined. Such devices easily fit into the interior of even a small kitchen, and the price is also small. Depending on the location, they are both corner and wall.
  • Extraction devices. Their main advantage is expressed in compact size and good practicality. Some are structurally made retractable, which makes it possible to increase the capture area of ​​the hood.

Which hood is best suited for real kitchen furniture depends on the size of the hob and hanging cabinets.

Island hood

The main advantages of hoods with a vent to the ventilation

The exhaust device with a vent to the ventilation guarantees complete and high-quality air purification due to the removal of exhaust air outside the premises. If there is a need to serve large rooms, the design is equipped with an additional motor. Undesirable factors include:

  • laborious installation;
  • high noise level;
  • professional installation of the air duct;
  • the need for outside air.

One or two are installed in front of the fan filter, which minimally purify the air, protecting the fan from pollution. The advantages of such flow devices include:

  • an excellent level of performance, since the resistance to the air flow of the coarse filter is very small;
  • accessibility in service (filters are easy to clean or change);
  • 100% efficiency - all impurities are gone, no matter what size and quantity they are.

The whole system is turned on and off by the owners of the premises, it is not very energy intensive, and its service life is quite high.

Considering that with modern apartment layouts, the kitchen is often adjacent to the bedroom or living room, the indicator noise level hood is an important quantity. There is a direct dependence of noise on the power of the motor, the larger it is, the more noise the system makes.

The best manufacturers of hoods manage to minimize the noise effect by using two low-speed motors, installing high-quality sound insulation and specialized fan blades - this is practically. It is better not to purchase a hood with a noise level above 50 decibels.

There is a way to drastically reduce the degree of noise: for this, the motor is mounted at the external outlet of the duct.

There is one more small drawback - you need to wash the filter quite often. coarse cleaning. Dust on the filter is formed quickly enough, and without timely maintenance, the system will not be able to realize its capabilities. But despite a number of shortcomings, the list of advantages is much more impressive.

Many consumers are wondering which hood is better? It is advisable to purchase equipment from a company with an established name in the market, for example, such devices work longer and more efficiently.

Duct selection

Air ducts for exhaust are classified as follows:

  • the shape of the channel section (sometimes a square, rectangle or circle);
  • execution material (metal or plastic);
  • the configuration of the main shaft is either a rigid version or a flexible one (corrugated pipes).

Experts recommend using round ducts - they have good aerodynamics. True, in small kitchens they look very massive and take up a lot of space. With small dimensions of the kitchen, it is desirable to select rectangular ducts. They are fixed on the ceiling, thanks to this they look more compact. It should be noted that when buying air ducts with a rectangular cross section, you must immediately purchase the required number of adapters from a rectangular cross section to a round one. This purchase will significantly increase the cost of installing the device.

Round air outlet

For the manufacture of metal air ducts, mainly galvanized sheet is used. Such metal channels serve for a very long time, but the air passes through them with excessive noise. The plastic counterpart is less noisy, but also more expensive.

An important rule is that it is necessary to minimize the number of bends in the air channel, their number should not be more than three: in each bend, efficiency is lost by 10%.

In a complex scheme for attaching an air duct to a ventilation system, aluminum has a clear advantage. Such a pipe can be bent to any angle, as well as stretched and compressed. The main disadvantage of such air ducts is the high resistance to air flow. But if the corrugated pipe is fully stretched, then the folds that create resistance will disappear, and the air flow will pass through the pipe without obstacles. The cross section of the duct on the way from the exhaust hood to ventilation must be of the same diameter throughout. A decrease in this indicator leads to a sharp reduction in productivity, and hence a drop in the rate of outflow of dirty air.

Connecting a kitchen umbrella to ventilation

This operation is quite simple and does not require vocational training. But there are a few details that a home craftsman needs to learn when installing a kitchen hood for the first time. Consider this process using the example of a corrugated duct.

Air outlet connection

The most popular coarse filters are perforated foil or metal mesh. Such simple filters do not require changing, they can be refreshed in warm water with a little soap. Sintepon filters work until they are completely worn out, then they are thrown away.

Choosing the optimal hood

It is necessary to think over all the little things before buying, so that the process of operating the hood does not turn into endless torment.

Must correspond overall dimensions hob, a slight excess is quite acceptable. The operation of small units will be inefficient and the air will not be cleaned.

The coefficient of efficiency of the outflow of polluted air from the kitchen depends on. According to rough estimates, Appliances can remove 150-600 cubic meters of air from the room in 1 hour. For example, for a kitchen of 8 square meters with a ceiling height of 3 meters, the volume of air required for pumping is 380 cubic meters. Buying a hood of such power, you can guarantee the cleanliness of the air in the kitchen.

Sensor hood

Stainless steel is the most durable material for making a kitchen umbrella, but given material significantly increases the cost of the device. If the case is made of metal with enamel coating, the price of such devices is very moderate, but very careful operation is required. Most stylish option- body made of tempered glass, but there are difficulties in care, washing leaves stains.

A high-quality hood is necessarily equipped with lighting: LED or halogen. In some advanced models, there is an adjustment of illumination or focusing of the beam.

The hood is controlled using the control panel:

  1. Button view, where all the controls and the buttons themselves are located on one side of the case for ease of control.
  2. Touchpad, equipped with humidity and air temperature sensors, this makes it possible, if necessary, to switch to the desired operating mode. The most convenient and practical panel.

With the correct implementation of all and operation, the hood will work reliably and productively, which will allow you to create healthy coziness and comfort in the kitchen.

It takes ~3 minutes to read

When cooking, particles of fat, soot, and odors enter the air. Furniture, walls and ceiling are covered with a sticky coating. It is difficult to remove it. The problem will be solved by installing a hood. Two varieties are known: recirculating and with a vent to ventilation. The first mechanically cleans the air and returns it back. The second one takes large impurities and removes spoiled cubic meters from the room. Her work is more efficient: the kitchen air is cleaned by 99%.


What does a kitchen hood with a ventilation outlet consist of and how does it work?

Components of the device:

  1. Housing made of plastic, glass or metal. Equipped with a control panel with several modes. Backlight allows you to cook when the main lighting is off.
  2. Fan (in expensive models 2) Adjusts the rate of air replacement.
  3. Coarse filter (absorbs grease, soot). Made from metal. Easy to wash, clean. Some models include disposable filters made of nonwovens. This increases the cost of operation. More considered in.
  4. Pipe for connection to the ventilation duct (PVC, corrugated aluminium, metal, fabric).
  5. A box for bringing the pipe to the ventilation hole. Required when the slab is removed significantly.

Air is forced into the unit during cooking. There is a rough mechanical cleaning, removal of odors. Then the spent composition is removed to the ventilation. The environment is not affected. The kitchen stays clean.


Important! To prevent reverse thrust, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the channels. Opened window increase the efficiency of the process.


The simplest is a hanging hood. It is mounted on the wall above the stove or on the bottom of the shelf. Looks unobtrusive. Usually has one engine. Suitable for small kitchens.


Built-in is placed inside the furniture. Made from of stainless steel. Fits into any interior. Has a special panel. Automatically turns on when extended, saves the previous mode of operation. There are models with one, two fans. Cleans rooms of any size.


The island is installed above the stove in the center of the hall. Looks organic. Made of stainless steel, color-coated metal, rarely plastic. Complements the interior of the kitchen combined with the dining room. Has high performance. It is required to provide a box for the ventilation duct.


Fireplace - the most powerful and expensive of all types. Equipped with additional options: halogen backlight, touch control panel, several silent fans. Rich execution: metal, wood, plastic are modified with decorative inserts. Purifies the air of large rooms. Requires high throughput ventilation ducts.

Important! A building management professional should be consulted before purchasing this type of appliance. He will appreciate specifications.

Inclined is located at an angle to the plate. Vapors and waste gases are absorbed by an inclined panel. Profile shape: rectangle, square, oval, circle. Production material: metal, plastic of various colors, ceramics, glass. The unit is powerful. Happy with quiet operation. Easy to serve. It will be to the taste of the owners of small kitchens.


A special case is a corner hood. Serves the slab located at the junction of the walls. Has a triangular or segmental profile. It is made of stainless steel, metal with colored enamel, plastic. There is a domed shape. Used when it is not possible to move the slab.


Why choose a hood not only for gas stoves?

Advantages of the device with output to the ventilation:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Air cleaned from fat, soot, coarse impurities with a high content of CO2 enters the atmosphere. The carbon cycle in nature does the job. The premises remain clean. The environment is not harmed.
  2. Profitability. Modern manufacturers have taken care of the low level of electrical energy consumption.
  3. Maintaining health. Free from harmful components, the air will increase the quality of life.
  4. Ease of maintenance. Coarse filters are easy to remove and wash. Additional elements are easy to purchase and replace.
  5. Compliance with any interiors. At the design stage, the designer will offer a device that meets the requirements of the customer.
  6. Low noise level. Long work does not annoy the owners.
  7. The presence of additional options: remote control, backlight, several modes of operation.
  8. High power. Forced ventilation quickly frees the room from unpleasant air.

Among the huge number of positive moments, there are negative ones. Often an air duct is required. This increases the price of the unit, makes the ceiling space heavier. The complexity of the installation Additional services electrician, building maintenance engineer. Do-it-yourself installation leads to breakage. The price is much higher than recirculation models. Additional options require financial costs.

How to make the right choice

You need to start by choosing the type of hood. Then evaluate the desired technical characteristics of the device. Completes the process of searching for a manufacturer by initial parameters.

Housing, dimensions and performance

The choice of case expresses personal preference. The color depends on the type of device, the color of the headset, design solution. Manufacturers offer models with a width of 50 to 90 cm. Accessories from 30 to 120 cm are found on the market. The final size depends on the dimensions of the plate. The ideal solution is an aggregate that is wider or longer than the cooking surface. The size of the device does not affect its power.


The frequency of cooking should be assessed. Families with children often turn on the stove, the air is constantly updated. One or two households who have lunch at work use the appliance rarely and for a short time. The power of the hood in these cases is different. The volume of the kitchen (length X width X height) multiplied by 12 is equal to the minimum performance of the appliance.

The desired performance of the unit is equal to: the minimum performance is multiplied by a factor (from 1.2 to 1.4).

Noise level

Forced air removal is provided by fans. Two elements during operation create more noise, but ventilate the room faster. One cleans the kitchen more slowly but quietly. Volume changes at different rotation speeds


Sanitary standards set the maximum noise level during the day at 55 dB, at night - 40. These are the sounds of the rustling of leaves during a light wind, rain in an open space. A person feels good at 20–35 dB. When buying, you should pay attention to this indicator. Models with high performance and extremely low noise levels are expensive.

The presence of backlight

Almost all models are backlit. This is a handy option. Dishes look good when cooked. Upper chandeliers can be left out.


Manufacturers equip hoods:

  • incandescent lamps (ancient version);
  • halogen (the most common);
  • LED (consume a minimum of current, give a bright light).

The number and type of lamps should be studied. This indicator depends on the consumption of electricity.

Important! Cheap models do not have backlight. The owner will have to consider additional lighting of the working area.

How to manage?

Manufacturers offer three types of control:

  1. Mechanical. It is the simplest, most reliable and cheapest. The panel contains elements with inscriptions. Turning on, off, adjustment occurs toggle switches, buttons. Pros: easy to work, easy to repair. Disadvantage: personal presence during management.
  2. Electronic. The hood has a screen. The host selects the necessary commands from the menu. Some models are equipped with a function remote control. Allows you to establish contact using a mobile application. Such models are expensive. Pros: Easy to use. Disadvantage: network interruptions disable electronics, repairs are difficult, expensive.
  3. Electromechanical. The combined type combines the first two.


Advice! With a free budget, you should choose comfort! Nice to turn off the unit from another room.

Operation features

Long operation of the device requires competent operation. It is necessary to follow simple rules.

  1. Install the unit at a height of 80 cm from the surface gas stove, 70 cm - from electric. Ventilation will be effective, the panel will maintain its integrity. Read more.
  2. The width must be equal to or greater than the width of the slab. Absorption of polluted air will become optimal.
  3. The integrity of the air duct should be monitored. Holes will disrupt the outflow of gases from the kitchen. The ventilation duct needs to be cleaned regularly.
  4. The main element of the unit is the fan. It must be run at full power in steps. It is required to turn on the device 15 minutes before the start of cooking. Switch off after 20 minutes. In this case, the air purification process will be effective.
  5. Filters need to be kept clean. Disposables need timely replacement. Frozen fat, dirt impede the outflow of air.

Popular Models

Chimney hood Kaiser AT 8438F ECO


  • integration into ventilation mode + recirculation mode;
  • capacity 910 cu. m/h;
  • width 0.8 m;
  • touch control;
  • noise max 56 dB;
  • motor 1;
  • type: inclined;
  • made of metal and glass.

Advantages: reliable manufacturer, 1 year warranty, high power, spectacular appearance. Disadvantage: high price.

Universal model. Technical data:

  • withdrawal + recirculation mode;
  • capacity 190 cu. m/h;
  • 1 motor;
  • noise max 54 dB;
  • mechanical control;
  • made of metal and glass;
  • country of origin: Germany;
  • illumination with incandescent lamps.


Great inexpensive model. Decorate the interior in modern style. Advantages: one-year warranty, 2 modes of operation, low noise. Negative: Poor performance, old-fashioned backlighting.

Hood AKPO Nero eco WK-4 50WH

New on the market. Distinctive features:

  • 2 modes - recirculation + extract;
  • capacity 480 cu. m/h;
  • noise max 52 dB;
  • 1 motor;
  • shape: oblique;
  • electromechanical control;
  • made of glass and metal;
  • illumination with halogen lamps;
  • manufacturer: Poland.

A great addition to any interior. Pros: 3 year warranty, low noise, high performance. Disadvantage: lack of remote control.

Varieties of air ducts and features of their installation

The air duct is one of the important parts of kitchen ventilation. A competent device will increase the efficiency of air purification. More told.

There are main types:

  • plastic (made of PVC, polyurethane, PVC);
  • fabric (made from polyester);
  • metal (made of stainless steel, galvanized);
  • corrugated (material - aluminum foil).
  1. There should be a minimum of bends. Max number of turns 3.
  2. The diameter of the pipe must be equal to the diameter of the device opening.
  3. The fastening of the duct must be made reliable.
  4. Provide a disassembly option for periodic cleaning.
  5. The pipe must not completely cover the ventilation grate. This will disrupt the natural outflow of air.

Advice! To increase the efficiency of the device, install special valve. It closes when pulled back.

Video: how to install a hood with a vent to the ventilation? Conclusion box

The extractor hood is a useful and necessary device. It freshens the air, removes unpleasant odors, keeps walls and furniture clean. When choosing a unit, preparatory work should be carried out. It is required to calculate the power, take into account the dimensions, think about the combination with the interior. For long work hoods are required to comply with the rules of installation, operation. Filters must be kept clean. Properly arranged air duct will increase the efficiency of the device. It needs to be washed regularly with a disinfectant.

Everyone knows that good ventilation in the kitchen - an integral element of a healthy microclimate of an apartment or a private house. In addition to the traditional natural ventilation duct located under the ceiling, it is now customary to install a kitchen hood over the stove and / or a kitchen exhaust fan duct opening. However, not everyone understands that an illiterate forced exhaust can not only not give the desired effect, but also significantly worsen the functioning of the natural ventilation system. Consider how to make the hood in the kitchen in an apartment or house efficient and safe.

During cooking, various harmful substances. They can be divided into two groups: deadly and just very harmful.

Comfortable ventilation in the apartment as a whole and in the kitchen in particular is a guarantee of cleanliness and well-being

Dangerous "kitchen" pollution

  • Carbon monoxide(carbon monoxide, CO) - a toxic substance, in high concentration leading first to poisoning, then to death of a person. The owners of electric stoves have nothing to worry about, such appliances are not a source of CO.

Carbon monoxide is formed during the combustion of natural or biogas, cooking in traditional wood stove. Carbon monoxide is especially dangerous, and because it has no smell, a person may not feel its presence and accumulation in the room. Carbon monoxide is not absorbed by charcoal filters, the hood turned on in air filtering mode is useless in combating CO.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is very dangerous. More people die from it in their homes than from the fire of fires, tsunamis, floods and earthquakes combined

  • Each time you turn on a gas burner or water heater, a small amount of unburned natural gas enters the room. A normally functioning natural ventilation system is designed for this level of gas emission and copes well with it.

Another thing is if there is a leak from gas equipment or pipelines. Household gas itself has no smell, but a “stinky” fragrance, ethyl mercaptan, is added to it. Feeling the "smell of gas", you must immediately open the windows and call the emergency service.

The installation of gas leakage and CO sensors will help to significantly increase the safety of people when using gas equipment. Sensors in case of danger can emit a shrill signal, or control a servo that automatically turns off the flow of gas from the main and notifies the emergency service of the problem.

The gas leak sensor is able to timely detect a dangerous concentration of natural gas, propane or butane in the air and signal this

Harmful pollution in the kitchen

  • Kitchen fumes released when food is fried. It is airborne volatile particles, mainly oils and fats. After strong heating in a frying pan, harmless food substances acquire properties that are harmful to humans, up to carcinogenic. At best, dirt and soot settles on the walls, furniture and dishes, at worst - in our lungs.
  • Water vapor is also generated during cooking. It is, of course, practically harmless compared to other types of pollution. But there is no benefit from evaporation, excessive moisture does not improve the microclimate in the room.

Vapors generated during cooking are not beneficial to the body

From the above, we can conclude that efficient, constantly functioning kitchen ventilation is extremely important. If for the owners of electric stoves this is a matter of hygiene and cleanliness in the room, then for those who use a gas stove (stove, wood-burning oven) for cooking indoors, this is a safety issue.

Owners of gas stoves should pay close attention to the performance of the ventilation system, periodically check the presence of draft in the ventilation duct. If in the kitchen, in addition to the stove, a geyser or a heating boiler is installed, the normal functioning of natural exhaust ventilation becomes even more greater value.

Kitchen ventilation systems: natural or forced

Many consumers are wondering: which hood in the kitchen is better, natural or forced? Answer: both are better. natural and forced exhaust Although they serve a common purpose, they do not replace one another. Mandatory for a kitchen in an apartment or a private house is a natural ventilation system. We repeat, the presence and performance of a natural ventilation system is of particular importance for a room with gas appliances.

Forced exhaust ventilation for the kitchen is a good thing, even very good. But optional. It can be argued that natural ventilation provides more safety, and forced ventilation provides comfort.

Ventilation in the kitchen with an extractor hood is an element common system ventilation in an apartment or house

Let's take a closer look at the possibilities different types ventilation, their device, advantages and disadvantages.

Natural ventilation in the kitchen

The natural ventilation system is well known to all apartment owners through the channels in the wall of the kitchen and bathroom, going to the roof of the house. Harmful gases and polluted air are removed through the ventilation duct, fresh air enters through cracks in the windows or special ventilation valves in the walls, or window frames. Warm air heated on the stove, due to its lower density, naturally tends to escape from the room up to the street, where the temperature is lower.

Natural ventilation in a private house in the kitchen, bathroom, furnace removes polluted air through vertical channels to the roof. Fresh comes from the street through windows or valves in the walls

Correctly arranged ventilation with natural draft, it removes a relatively small volume of air per unit time, but it does it constantly. The ventilation duct, located under the ceiling, is able to cope with even a small leak of natural gas, which is lighter than air and rises to the ceiling.

Carbon monoxide, which is formed in relatively small quantities from the working burners of a gas stove, is also quite successfully removed by natural ventilation. Somewhat worse natural ventilation removes kitchen smells and excessive moisture when cooking at moderate intensity.

It is necessary to periodically, at least once a month, check the presence of sufficient draft in the ventilation duct. You can check this without special devices: if a sheet of paper “sticks” to the hole, there is traction.

What is good and what is bad in such a system:

Advantages of a natural ventilation system

  • Ventilation with natural draft functions constantly with rare exceptions (see below, in the "cons").
  • Provides general ventilation of the dwelling in combination with ventilation ducts in the bathrooms.
  • Copes with the main types of hazardous contaminants emitted during cooking. Provides safety in the event of a small gas leak. Natural ventilation acceptably removes kitchen odors and excess moisture when cooking at moderate intensity.
  • Natural ventilation is "free". In an apartment or a private house built in accordance with building codes, it is available by default. There is no equipment that would require repair. Electricity is not required.
  • Silent operation.

Disadvantages of natural ventilation

  • In hot weather and in the off-season, with a sudden warming of the outside air after prolonged cold weather, the efficiency of the natural ventilation system drops sharply. Under adverse circumstances, a reverse movement of air may occur: it will begin to flow through the channel from the street into the room. For a kitchen with a gas stove installed, this can be quite dangerous, especially if you have a gas water heater. In the heat and during a sudden thaw, it is recommended to ventilate the room through open windows.
  • Natural ventilation removes a relatively small volume of air per unit time. If the owners decide to fry a full frying pan of cracklings, the ventilation system will not cope and the persistent kitchen “aroma” will instantly spread throughout all the rooms.
  • Ventilation works normally only if there is sufficient air flow from outside. Modern plastic windows, adjusted "for the winter", when fully closed, they are almost airtight. To ensure the outflow of air into the channel, it is necessary to slightly open the windows during cooking, at least in the micro ventilation mode.
  • The ventilation duct may be clogged with snow, debris. Selfish and technically illiterate neighbors from above can block the ventilation of the lower tenants by arranging a niche for a refrigerator in their kitchen by removing the ventilation shaft or part of it.
  • It is necessary to regularly check the draft and, if necessary, clean the ventilation ducts.

How to make natural ventilation in the kitchen

There is ventilation for the kitchen in an apartment built in accordance with the standards, you just need to check its performance. But how to make natural ventilation in a private house? Ventilation ducts should be located in "dirty" rooms: kitchen, toilet, bathroom, furnace, utility room, bath. In order to ventilate the whole house, and not just the kitchen, air must be supplied from “clean” rooms: living room, dining room, bedrooms.

Designing ventilation, if everything is done in accordance with building and hygiene standards, involves the calculation of many system parameters. When determining the section of ventilation ducts, the type of installed equipment, the volume of premises, the structure of the building, and the climatic conditions of the area are taken into account.

The calculation is difficult for a non-specialist, those who wish to delve into the topic can study SP 60.13330.2012, 54.13330.2011, 62.13330.2012, 131.13330.2012, 7.13130.2011 and SanPiN We will give only the main recommendations, which, in our opinion, are sufficient for the installation of natural ventilation in most private houses:

  • If there are four hotplates, the volume of air to be removed must be at least 90 m3/h. To do this, it is enough to bring a vertical exhaust channel with a cross section of at least 0.02 m2. This corresponds to a circular channel with a diameter of 16 cm or a square one with a size of 14x14 cm (in half a brick). More is possible, less is not.
  • The entrance to the channel should be located on the wall at a distance of 15-30 cm from the ceiling or on the ceiling itself. The last option can be implemented in a private house.
  • In order for the natural draft to be sufficiently stable, the channel must be relatively high. Optimum traction is provided with a channel height of at least 5 meters. In addition, it should not be cold. In a channel located outside the building and not insulated, in the cold season, the draft will be weak or not at all. In a private house, ventilation ducts are best placed in the center of the house, closer to the ridge.

Forced exhaust ventilation

A ventilation system where polluted air is removed by a fan is called forced ventilation. Kitchen exhaust fans can be installed in various ways:

  • Mount directly on the existing vertical natural exhaust ventilation duct going to the roof.
  • Make a hole in the outer wall where the exhaust fan will throw polluted air directly from the room.

Modern equipment allows you to drill holes of the desired section in the outer walls quickly and without dust

  • You can hang a wall-mounted kitchen hood with a built-in fan above the stove. Bring the air duct from the hood into the existing ventilation duct or into an additional hole in the wall.
  • Insert a fan into the “Soviet-style” window vent, you get a simple and cheap window hood.

Advantages and disadvantages of forced ventilation

  • Forced draft ventilation, when properly designed, has a high performance and is potentially capable of quickly removing significant volumes of polluted air during intensive cooking.
  • A kitchen hood installed directly above the stove will remove most of the dirt before it enters the room. As a result, cleaning the kitchen will become much easier.
  • Polluted air is removed only while the extractor fan in the kitchen is running.
  • A forced system costs money: a kitchen fan or extractor hood with a fan, their maintenance and the electricity spent have their price.

How to properly install an exhaust fan on a natural ventilation duct

When installing a fan, the following points must be considered:

  • If the kitchen exhaust fan has a non-return valve that prevents air from entering the room from the duct into the room when the fan is not running, this valve must be removed. Otherwise, the work of the natural hood will be disrupted.
  • Regular cheap household fan axial design is not designed to remove air from the vertical channel. The performance indicated in the passport (the volume of air removed per unit of time) will be realized only if the fan removes air from a horizontal channel, and even then it is not very long.

When connected to a natural exhaust, it will be difficult for an inexpensive fan to overcome the resistance of friction and the air column, its performance will noticeably drop compared to the declared one. The higher the channel, the greater the drop.

Axial fan is structurally simple and cheap

  • There are special household centrifugal fans designed to operate in vertical ducts. The drop in performance depending on the channel height is not as great as that of axial ones. The actual performance when working in a vertical channel will be close to the declared one.

Centrifugal exhaust fans for the kitchen can be built-in or overhead. Disadvantages of centrifugal fans: high price (they are five times more expensive than axial fans) and relatively large dimensions.

The centrifugal exhaust fan in the kitchen has a more complex design than the axial version. An axially-rotated impeller with multiple blades is capable of creating a significant air pressure, which makes it possible to overcome resistance with little loss of performance when air is removed into a high vertical channel. The maximum performance of centrifugal fans is lower than that of axial fans with a motor of the same power. But in difficult working conditions, their capabilities are more fully realized.

So, an axial fan is cheap, but it is of little use when installed on a natural ventilation channel. Centrifugal is efficient, but expensive. A suitable alternative is to install the fan in a horizontal duct leading through the outer wall. In this case, you can use a cheap axial exhaust fan without compromising its performance.

Graph of the performance of household fans with motors of similar power depending on the pressure (height of the vertical channel). Left - axial, right - centrifugal fan. As can be seen from the graphs, when overcoming a pressure of 40 Pa (approximately corresponds to a channel 25 m high), the performance of an axial fan will drop by 80%, and that of a centrifugal fan by only 20%. That is, in these specific conditions (the second floor of the "nine-story building"), the "centrifugal" is four times superior to the "axial" in terms of efficiency

When the channel is led through the wall, it is obligatory to install a non-return valve at the outlet from the outside. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to drill a hole in the wall when it comes to a city apartment. But this is not a problem in a private house.

Features of installing a kitchen hood

We will not talk about how to mount a kitchen hood, this should be described in detail in the instructions for it. We only recall that it is necessary to strictly observe the indicated height of its placement relative to the countertop. We also note that the use of the hood in recirculation mode (without air removal), coupled with a carbon filter, will purify the air only from a part of aerosol particles, mainly fats. The products of gas combustion will remain in the room. In addition, the carbon filter, which costs some money, clogs up quite quickly and needs to be replaced.

Above the gas stove, the hood should be located higher than above the electric

Let's name the main features that should be considered when choosing and connecting a kitchen hood:

  • A kitchen exhaust fan, like a household fan installed on a channel, can also have an axial or centrifugal design. Expensive hoods that use centrifugal fans do a good job of removing air through a vertical channel, the loss in performance is tolerable.

In cheap hoods, axial fans are often installed; when connected to a vertical channel, they are ineffective. Full operation of the hood with an axial fan is only achieved when the air is removed through a short horizontal duct through the outer wall.

  • When connecting the hood to a vertical channel of natural ventilation, it is recommended to remove the check valve on it, if any. In a horizontal duct, a valve is obligatory at the outlet to the outside. It is better to leave it on the hood.
  • The cross section of the ventilation duct must not be less than the cross section of the outlet from the hood. You can switch from round pipes to rectangular ones, the main thing is not to narrow the section.

It does not matter what shape the air ducts will have to connect the hood, the main thing is not to reduce the cross section of the channel

  • When connecting the hood to a vertical duct, it should not interfere with the normal operation of natural ventilation. By the way, many people do not take this requirement into account, and, unfortunately, most of the hoods in our homes are installed incorrectly. We will devote the next section to the question of how to properly connect the hood to the ventilation in the kitchen.

How to connect the pipe from the kitchen hood to the natural ventilation channel

From the outlet of the kitchen hood, we need to stretch a pipe of the appropriate section and insert it into the hole in the wall leading to the vertical channel of the natural ventilation system. In practice, this is done in different ways:

Sometimes only a pipe supplying air from the hood is connected to the vertical channel, completely closing the hole from the room. It is absolutely impossible to do this, because the work of natural ventilation will be disrupted.

An example of how in no case should you connect a kitchen hood: a room with a gas stove is deprived of normal natural ventilation. Even if the hood did not forget to remove the check valve, the natural suction of air above the stove will be weakened due to the additional resistance to air movement that has arisen. In addition, harmful gases that accumulate near the ceiling will not be removed at all.

Many sellers of building materials and finishers recommend connecting the hood to a natural ventilation system through a two-hole adapter plate. One of them is designed to connect the hood, the second opens from the channel into the room. It seems that the hood was provided and natural ventilation was preserved. Actually it is not. Firstly, during the operation of the hood, almost all of the removed air is returned back to the room. It is much easier for him to exit back through the nearby opening than to climb the channel.

Frequently used connection of the air duct from the hood (1) to the natural ventilation duct (3) through an adapter with two holes. While the hood is not working, the outflow of air from the room is carried out through the second hole (2). But when the hood is turned on, most of the air it removes is returned to the room.

Secondly, the cross section of the hole for natural exhaust is reduced, unless it is specially expanded. Connection via a two-hole adapter is widely used, but we consider it incorrect due to its very low efficiency.

Widespread, but inefficient design for connecting the hood to the channel of the natural ventilation system

In order for both natural and forced ventilation from the hood to function fully, two requirements must be met:

  • While the hood is operating, the second opening must be closed so that the exhaust air is not thrown back into the room.
  • The total cross section of the grate openings for natural ventilation should not be less than the cross section of the vertical channel.

This can be achieved by increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe natural ventilation grille and installing a check valve behind it so that it closes after the hood is turned on. The valve must be installed in such a way that the supporting air flow from the hood closes it, and when the hood is turned off, the valve opens automatically.

A non-return valve (5) was installed on the hole in the wall in the natural ventilation channel (4), which is open with a slight movement of air, but closes from a noticeable air flow. When the hood is turned on, it blocks the exit of air back into the room and it has to climb up the vertical channel to the roof

How to choose and install an air check valve when connecting the hood to the channel

For our purposes, of the many types of ventilation valves, only one is suitable - without a drive, without a spring, with a damper that is not divided into segments and its axis of rotation is shifted relative to the center of symmetry.

Of the three air valves shown, only the one on the left is suitable for our purposes.

After we have chosen and purchased the valve, we will have to tinker with installing it in the right position. In normal mode, the air valve should work like this: there is no air movement - the damper is closed, the air flow opens it. We need to get the opposite result: while the hood is not working, the valve should be fully open. When the hood is turned on, the air supply from inside the channel should close it. The relatively weak natural movement of air from the room into the duct should not affect the operation of the valve.

The principle of operation of the check valve when connecting the hood to the natural ventilation channel. The illustration shows a spring-loaded valve with a two-piece damper. Theoretically, this type of valve can be used for our purposes, but in practice it is not easy to choose it in such a way that the closing force and air pressure coincide.

In the normal position, such a valve in a horizontal channel is positioned in such a way that the damper mounting axis is placed horizontally, and the larger (and heavier) segment of the shutter “looks” down. In this case, the valve, if there is no air pressure, will be closed. We need to achieve the opposite, the valve must be open. This can be achieved in two ways:

  • Install the damper strictly horizontally so that the mounting axis is turned at an angle of 5-60º to the vertical, while the damper sector with the largest area should be at the top. The angle of inclination at which the damper will be fully open when the hood is not working will have to be selected empirically. The force to pull the damper and close the valve must be sufficient, a low-power hood may not provide it.

Variant of installation of the air damper with an inclination of the axis of rotation of the damper

When the valve is installed and adjusted, the vent can be covered with a grate

  • Position the axis of the valve strictly vertically, but tilt the valve itself slightly (by about 5º) towards the entrance to the natural ventilation channel. The larger segment of the shutter should "look" towards the channel. In this case, it will outweigh and the damper will open under its own weight, as crookedly hung doors open by themselves. The required effort to close the valve will be small, you can use the hood of any power.

The axis of rotation of the air valve is set strictly vertically, but it is slightly inclined towards the channel. Note how the valve was hidden in a cabinet for a built-in hood. The air in the locker will come from the hole in the top shelf

In the following video, you will learn how to connect a kitchen hood to an existing vertical duct using a non-return air valve, ensuring its maximum performance and without interfering with natural ventilation:

Centralized forced ventilation systems

It is worth mentioning the centralized ventilation systems. In office buildings and hotel complexes, a single ventilation system is often arranged that serves all the premises of the building. In housing, as a rule, ventilation is combined within an apartment or a private house.

Centralized forced ventilation can be exhaust, supply and exhaust and supply and exhaust with heat recovery. We are convinced that only the latter option is suitable for the domestic cold climate.

The supply and exhaust system with heat recovery is not cheap, but it gives a real return in the form of savings in heating costs and a favorable microclimate. Options without recovery at lower cost in our cold climate are ineffective.

In the supply and exhaust system, air is removed from the "dirty" rooms and supplied to the "clean" rooms through a system of ventilation ducts. Spent and Fresh air"meet" in the recuperator, where the thermal energy from the removed heated air is transferred to the cold air coming from the street. In this case, the air flows do not mix.

The principle of operation of the ventilation unit with plate heat exchanger. Warm exhaust air and cold fresh air flow in opposite directions through a heat exchanger consisting of many plates made of a material with good heat transfer. Warm air, not in direct contact with cold air, gives it thermal energy

A properly designed and installed ventilation system with heat recovery ensures the transfer of up to 90% of thermal energy from warm air to cold air, which can significantly reduce heating costs and supply air at a comfortable temperature to the premises.

Supply and exhaust recuperative ventilation systems are best suited for modern energy-saving houses. In the Scandinavian countries, this type of ventilation has been mandatory for buildings under construction for more than a year, replacing natural exhaust.

Centralized device supply and exhaust system ventilation with heat recovery. The removed air is collected in the "dirty" rooms, fresh air heated in the heat exchanger is supplied to the "clean" rooms.

It is problematic to combine centralized ventilation systems with gas stoves. For a gas stove, you still have to do natural ventilation from the room or install complex emergency automation. It is difficult to adequately combine two different ventilation systems (with an exhaust hood - three) in one room. The electric stove does not create such problems.

Local forced ventilation devices (room ventilators)

Worthy of mention are local ventilation devices with heat recovery (room ventilator). Their operating principle is similar to central systems: The outgoing air heats the incoming air. The ventilator provides ventilation in one separate room.

Some models in shape and dimensions resemble indoor units split air conditioners. The illustration shows a Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay room ventilator. The circulation fan is located on the right side of the case, the paper heat exchanger is on the left. For its installation in the outer wall, it is necessary to drill two holes with a diameter of 8 cm.

Equipping a house or apartment with local forced ventilation with heat recovery is several times cheaper than installing a centralized system. And the level of comfort received is not much lower.

Local ventilation with heat recovery is very good for living rooms. The ventilator in the kitchen will not interfere either, but still, natural ventilation and a powerful exhaust hood, brought out horizontally into the wall, will be more useful. When choosing local ventilation devices, preference should be given to those models in which the volume of supplied air exceeds the volume of removed air.

A popular and relatively inexpensive "breathing" room ventilator, where air is removed and supplied alternately through one channel. The ceramic heat exchanger accumulates heat while warm air passes through it and then releases it to cold air.

The procedure for changing the ventilation cycles of the "breathing" ventilator. Such a device is well suited for living rooms, but not for the kitchen.

What type of ventilation to choose for the kitchen in the house and apartment

Those who are building a solid country house or equipping an elite apartment, erecting an energy-saving building using the “passive house” technology, should pay attention to an expensive, but comfortable and economical system of forced ventilation with heat recovery. In the kitchen, you should install a powerful hood with an output to the wall, it is better (and healthier) to use an electric stove. If the house has a gas boiler, the room where it is installed must be equipped with a natural exhaust and autonomous air supply.

For those who build their own house more modestly and on a limited budget, we advise you to definitely provide vertical channels of natural ventilation in the kitchen, bathrooms, furnace, bathhouse, utility room and hallway, if clothes are dried there.

Ventilation in a private house in the kitchen should be supplemented by a hood over the stove with a separate air duct. It is best to bring the channel for removing air from the hood not to the roof, but through the outer wall to the street. Outside, a check valve should be installed to prevent the penetration of cold air inside. A fan on the natural ventilation channel should be placed in the toilet and bathroom; in the kitchen, if there is an extractor hood, this is not particularly necessary.

The duct from the hood is best taken outside through the outer wall

For an apartment, we recommend a similar option: natural ventilation (available by default), a good hood over the stove, a fan in the bathroom. It is advisable to bring the hood through the wall, if it doesn’t work out, follow the scheme described above with a check valve. An additional kitchen fan, in our opinion, is not needed.

Finally, we remind you once again that a properly selected and installed hood and fan for the kitchen will add comfort, but will not replace the natural ventilation system. And an incorrect connection of the hood can not only not improve, but also significantly worsen the ventilation. We recommend to pay attention to ventilation issues Special attention, trust its design and installation, connection of the hood only to competent craftsmen.


Now it is almost difficult to find a kitchen that does not have a hood. It plays a major role in this room, namely, it removes odors from cooked dishes outside it, eliminates soot and heat, and keeps furniture in its original form for many years. The bulk of the craftsmen who want to install such a mechanism at home are interested in the question: how to install it correctly and how to draw the hood into the ventilation? You can find out more about this below. But first it is worth remembering that before carrying out the main work, you should choose the most suitable option this device.

Without an extractor hood, the smells of food from the kitchen will spread throughout the apartment.

Varieties of hoods

Modern hoods have differences in design. Allocate options for desktop, wall, built-in and island devices. Wall mechanisms come in rectangular and round configurations, covering the plane of the entire slab. It's hard not to notice when you enter the room. Designs of this type should be combined with the general appearance of the entire room. Embedded options are mounted in cabinets, they are practically invisible, which gives the basis for choosing a model of any plan.

The desktop hood does not require installation, it can simply be placed near the stove and plugged into the network.

Desktop hoods are determined near the stove or surface for cooking. They are ideal for rooms with small areas. Island mechanisms are placed in the ceiling area, which is in the middle of the kitchen. They are perfect for plates that stand separately from the headset.

The nature of the installation work is directly dependent on the type of product purchased. That is why it is so important to choose the right option. There are three types of modern hoods: combined type, exhaust and recirculation.

The classic version of such a device is represented by a product that removes air masses into the vent. Here we can talk about the exhaust nature of her work. When air passes through the filters indicated in the system, it is filtered and returned back. This is a kind of recycling plan. The first option is represented by a conventional hood, the second - by an air cleaner. There is no particular difference between them. Moreover, the main part of modern systems is represented by combined varieties of such devices. They can work in any of the named modes. Choosing the right option, you should proceed from the characteristics of the kitchen and the current situation.

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Surface preparation

The distance from the stove to the hood should not be less than 65 cm.

Before you put the hood in place, you need to determine the location of its location. Here you should check the quality of the walls. For the installation of this system, preference is given to a strong and durable wall made of good stuff. The ideal option be concrete or brick. It is also worth taking care of the appropriate fasteners, they must fit the selected base. A properly installed hood should be located above the stove at a certain level.

So, the allowable height of the device above electric stove equates to 65 cm, over gas surface- 75 cm. The lower limits must be carefully observed, otherwise the device will fail and melt as a result of heating. The upper borders should be adjusted to the height of the hostess. We should not forget about the width of the structure, which must be equal to the indicators of a gas stove, 50-60 cm. After choosing a suitable device, you can proceed with installation work. The hood, installed in accordance with all the rules, will please with safety and long period flawless work.

The cooker hood must be connected to the ventilation.

Devices of this kind do not need to be connected to the ventilation shaft, because they are not able to move air masses outside the room. The effectiveness of their activities depends on the quality of the filters. For this reason, it is necessary to replace installed filters about 2 times a year.

It is not difficult to install such an exhaust system. To do this, it is hung on the wall and connected to electricity, after marking the attachment points and drilling holes with a drill.

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Installation of air ducts: features

In order for the air in the kitchen to be clean, it is necessary to ventilate the hood. It is very important to correctly place the air duct, which can be plastic, aluminum, made on a semi-rigid basis. The first variety is much more reliable and costs much more than the other option.

Installing a plastic duct is much more difficult. For such purposes, it is necessary to acquire adapters, a ventilation grill, horizontal and vertical knees, having the configuration of the letter "G". You can’t do without special gearboxes that provide a connection of round diameter to rectangular shapes. They carry out the function of an air duct with an outlet hood.

There are quite a few items included in the kit to help installation work any level of complexity. It will not be easy for a novice master to carry out such actions, but such structures are designed for an indefinite period of use and practically do not make noise during operation.

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Corrugation installation: nuances

If the ventilation is located directly above the stove, the process of connecting it to the hood is made through an adapter. In this case, an air duct is installed. Having chosen a smooth base of a square or rounded configuration, care should be taken to acquire a connecting knee. It will help get rid of the corners. An adapter is also needed, which is fixed on the hood and on the ventilation hole itself. The connecting elements are treated with a sealant - the result is a rather attractive and neat structure. It can be arranged under the ceiling, while additional decorating elements are not needed.

The desire to install an air duct in the cabinet allows the use of corrugation. This is an inexpensive material with which there are no difficulties with installation. There is no need to use adapters here, the corrugation itself bends perfectly, bending around the corner zones. Before installing it, it needs to be straightened. Manipulations of this kind can reduce the amount of noise produced during the operation of the mechanism. To correctly select the size of the corrugated pipe, it is important to take into account the diameter of the outlet located on the hood. The corrugation is installed with a clamp on the device, and on the ventilation - with a grill.

Advice. Over time, soot, soot and grease accumulate in the air duct, which must be cleaned regularly. This should be done approximately 2 times a year. You can resort to its complete replacement, because, otherwise, the movement of air will be difficult and there will be a risk of fire.

Of course, it is not difficult to bring the corrugation into the ventilation, but it will not look presentable and will not stand out with excellent performance, like, for example, plastic samples. It is not very attractive in terms of external indicators.

Corrugation does not decorate the room at all, striking a bright spot.

The plastic system has a more noble appearance, its design features allow it to be installed on top of cabinets so that it remains almost invisible. A corrugated air duct almost always makes sounds during operation. To reduce such unpleasant moments, preference should be given to materials of short length. As a result of this, sound vibrations will be minimized, and the operation of the hood will improve. Sharp pipe bends should be avoided here.

An extractor hood installed in the kitchen will provide maximum performance if the connecting channel for exhausting air is of a fairly large size. As a result, the masses will quickly go into the hole, and the effectiveness of such a device will be very high.

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Do not deliberately reduce the diameter of the duct. If such a need arose, you should use an adapter, reducing the size to a minimum. Ventilation, located near the hood, on the same side, is very convenient. This option involves defining the system in the upper part kitchen cabinets. The location of such a channel on the other side gives the basis for laying the air duct along the ceiling. It can be camouflaged with special boxes in which it is easily installed. Matched to the color of the ceiling and walls, it will be almost invisible.

Ventilation through the attic or other rooms helps to pre-cool the air. Condensation may occur in some areas. Over time, the traction force will decrease, mold will appear. Therefore, such a system should be finished with heat-insulating materials.

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O The efficiency of the kitchen hood depends on the microclimate throughout the house. There are two fundamental various systems: with a vent to the ventilation and autonomous hoods operating on the principle of recirculation. Extractor hoods are considered more efficient, less noisy and provide the air exchange required by building codes.

Extractor hood over the stove

Types of kitchen hoods

All household hoods must pump an amount of air equal to 10 times the volume of the kitchen per hour. Such a requirement is contained in sanitary standards, it is based on the fact that heating devices are working in the kitchen, there is often an open flame, food is being cooked, and humidity is high. All these devices contribute to the accumulation of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and odors in the room.

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Without retraction

Kitchen hoods without venting are powerful air filters. They are also mounted near the plates, but have smaller dimensions. In addition to the removable grille and fan, their design includes filtration systems:

  • a coarse filter that traps moisture, grease drops and household dust is a small plastic or aluminum removable reusable grille;
  • carbon filter that removes microparticles, absorbs water vapor and odors, this filter is designed for about a month of use, after which it must be replaced.

The performance of such a cleaning system meets sanitary standards, but to achieve it, you have to use more powerful electric motors. Over time, as the filters become dirty, performance decreases. The charcoal filter cannot be cleaned and must be disposed of and replaced with a new one.

Types of hoods by design

The stove can be located in various places in the room, even in the middle of it. Therefore, hoods can have a different design depending on the location of the stove. There are the following main types:

  • corner;
  • wall;
  • island.

Wall-mounted options are the most popular due to the classic slab layout. may have the most various forms domes.

Island - located above a free-standing slab, which does not adjoin the wall, and are attached to the ceiling with a cable or a special pipe. Most often have a dome shape for gripping more pair. In accordance with design idea can be a real decorative element of the room.

Built-in hoods are used for small spaces and are mounted in a decorative box or built-in kitchen cabinet. Most often equipped with a special retractable panel to increase the working surface. The main advantage is space saving while working efficiently.

Features of operation of hoods

The extractor hood is extremely easy to operate, as it does not require filter replacement and performance monitoring. The electric motor, which provides forced circulation, is located directly above the channel opening, so its operation is almost inaudible. The only thing that a built-in hood requires during operation is regular cleaning of removable parts. The grate should be washed once a month, and the fan blades should be cleaned once a year.

Autonomous ventilation systems require not only regular washing, but also frequent replacement of filters, which is very expensive. When working, air has to overcome a serious obstacle in the form of a dense carbon filter, because of which its speed drops sharply. Electric motors of stand-alone hoods are more powerful, so they make more noise.

Installation of various designs of hoods

Majority apartment buildings provides for connecting a kitchen hood to a common ventilation duct, but technically this is not always possible. Hoods to the kitchen without a vent to the general ventilation are convenient in that the only condition for their installation is the presence of an electrical outlet nearby.

AT apartment buildings not always the vent is located in the immediate vicinity of the stove. Sometimes you have to use a long air duct for the output, which is an aluminum flexible sleeve or box.

It has been noticed that when using a corrugated pipe as a duct, the power loss can be 30%, the same happens in the case of a large number turns. During installation, it is important to position the exhaust hood in such a way that the duct pipe has the shortest length, and all bends pass at an obtuse angle.

Related article:

The exhaust air duct can be positioned behind false ceiling, if one is used in your kitchen, or directly above the kitchen set as close as possible to it in order to be hidden.

A hood for kitchens with a vent to the ventilation should only be used if this vent is not the only one. In typical houses, according to the norms, sanitary facilities, bathrooms and kitchens are supplied with exhaust openings. If you close the kitchen opening with a hood, then it will only perform its functions if the fan is running. In the case when the kitchen hood is turned off, the air exchange function is taken over by the ventilation openings in the bathroom. Since one of the outlets is actually excluded from the air exchange system, a constant supply must be organized for sufficient ventilation.

If the kitchen vent is the only one, then the use of built-in ventilation will be inconvenient, since the air exchange in the entire apartment will be disturbed, the microclimate will deteriorate significantly, as well as the health of family members.

Calculator for calculating the diameter of the duct according to the speed and performance of the hood

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