Bad smell under the kitchen sink. How to eliminate bad smell from the kitchen sink

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Causes of smell

To begin with, I propose to figure out why it stinks from the sink in the kitchen. Over time, dirt and grease accumulate in the pipes passing under the sink. They rot, from which an unpleasant odor appears.

Siphon- the main part of the kitchen sewer. It happens:

  • flask (bottle);
  • corrugated;
  • knee.

Each siphon is equipped with a water seal or so-called "water lock". Its principle of operation is quite simple: it should always have water in it. This liquid keeps the smell from the kitchen sink from spreading.

If water stops accumulating in the siphon, appears bad smell from the sink in the kitchen. There may be some problem with the operation of this device. Here are the main ones:

  1. Stretched corrugated tube. The sagging corrugation does not cope with its task and must be firmly fixed.
  2. Wrong installation siphon. The plastic pipe should sink a few cm into the water if it is installed incorrectly - a bad smell from the pipes is guaranteed.

  1. Frequency of use. If the sink is not used for a long time, then all the liquid will evaporate in the siphon. Because of this, stench will appear.

If, after a long absence, you notice that the smell of sewage in the kitchen, try draining the water. The smell should disappear soon.

  1. Self repair. At self-assembly and repair of the siphon, the water seal may be incorrectly formed. The water will either immediately drain or rise back into the sink.

Unfortunately, not all problems can be associated with the installation and operation of the siphon.

What else contributes to the appearance bad smell:

  • Poor sealing. If the drain and sewer are not airtight, they must be urgently treated with a sealant at the joint.
  • clogged riser. If the sewer pipes are clogged with waste, then the appearance of stench cannot be avoided.

Do not throw large food residues and other household waste into the sink.

  • Mechanical damage on the walls of the pipes. Cracks and chips will let water through to the floor and walls. Mold will start to grow on them and cause an unpleasant odor.

Getting rid of bad smell from the sink

We found out why the sink in the kitchen smells. Now I will tell you what to do to correct the situation that has arisen without the involvement of third-party help. We will need:

  • plunger;
  • plumbing cable;
  • garden hose;
  • soda + vinegar;
  • salt;
  • store-bought pipe cleaner.

3 mechanical ways

If you notice that the water in the sink does not drain, then most likely a waste cork has formed inside. The easiest way to fix it yourself with a plunger. For this:

  • place the plunger bowl over the drain hole;
  • start moving the handle up and down so that the base of the plunger does not come off the sink itself.

When the blockage is in a hard-to-reach place, a plumbing cable can be used. This is a long spring that follows the curves sewer pipes. One end of the cable must be sent to the drain and try to push it as deep as possible.

The first time you may not be able to push the cable deep. Try reciprocating movements to take it out and lower it back into the drain hole.

You can increase the effectiveness of the cable cleaning method if you additionally run water from the tap.

Another way to eliminate odor from the sink is to use a flexible garden hose. This method is very similar to the previous one. However, finding a regular hose at home is much easier than a plumbing cable.

3 chemical ways

You can eliminate the smell from the sink with both purchased household chemicals and improvised means. The instructions presented in the table will tell you what and how to do:

Image Means

Remedy 1. Soda + Vinegar

Pour half a glass into the drain baking soda, fill with a bite in the same amount, and close the hole. Here we need a plug for the sink in the kitchen. Then drain more water.

Remedy 2. Salt

Take a small glass table salt and pour it into the drain hole of the sink. After 2 hours, drain the water and check the result. If necessary, repeat the steps.

Remedy 3. "Mole"

Often store funds available in liquid or powder form. Use each according to the directions on the label.

The price of drugs depends on the speed of action and component composition.


I hope my advice gave an exhaustive answer to the question of how to remove the smell from the sink in the kitchen. The video in this article will show you clearly how to proceed. If something is not clear - contact the comments.

Extraneous unpleasant odors in the kitchen make few people happy. Especially if there is a smell from the sink. After all, it is impossible to get rid of it by simply spraying an air freshener. The most annoying thing is that an unpleasant smell in the kitchen from pipes can appear even in the most clean houses where cleaning is done constantly. Why does this smell come from the sewer and how to get rid of it?

Alas, there are many reasons. The first and simplest is a clogged siphon. Remains of food and fat gradually settle on its walls. All organic products tend to rot with a characteristic odor. Hence the notorious smell from the pipes. This cause can be eliminated by removing and washing the siphon.

Other causes of odors:

  • incorrect design of the siphon and disruption of its operation;
  • the sink has not been used for a long time;
  • damage to the drain pipe;
  • lack of sealing of the sewerage from drain;
  • air in the stack.

If the drain is damaged, water soaks everything and a characteristic musty smell comes out of the pipes. You can fix it only by fixing the damage.

Clogging of the riser leads to the fact that air jams begin to form in it. The descent of water leads to the fact that the pipes smell unpleasant.


Before you get rid of the smell, you need to clearly find the cause of the smell from the sewer. After that, you need to eliminate the cause.

Clogged riser and air lock

You can eliminate the blockage in two ways - on your own and with the help of specialists - plumbers from the housing office. The second way is more preferable, as it requires special equipment and experience.

But if the house has a long metal cable and a little courage, then you can try to get rid of the blockage yourself by carefully screwing the cable into the pipes and clearing the passage.


  • you can save money;
  • results last longer.


  • with an inept approach, pipes can be damaged.

Lack of sewer sealing

If the smell from the sink is due to the fact that the joint between the drain and the sewer pipe is depressurized, then it is very easy to eliminate it - just take silicone sealant and coat the pipe joints with it.

Siphon design violations

The siphon has a water lock or a scientific water seal. It is necessary so that not all the water leaves the siphon. The water in it acts as a plug and delays the spread of odor from the sewer pipes to the outside. If the water in the siphon does not linger, the smell in the kitchen will not keep you waiting. This happens if the siphon is installed incorrectly or the corrugated pipe sags. If the corrugation just sagged and stretched, then it can be fixed with electrical tape or special devices.

If the siphon is not installed correctly and the pipe does not reach the water, it is necessary to adjust its location by sinking a few centimeters.

Important : The nozzle must not fall to the bottom of the siphon.

Lack of exploitation

With a long absence from the house, the water in the plums also dries up and a characteristic smell appears from the sink, which has not been used for a long time. To prevent this from happening, before leaving, you need to add to the drain sunflower oil. Water will not evaporate through the oil film and there will be no smell.


You can get rid of odors with chemicals. This method is suitable if the cause of odors is the accumulation of fat residues and other organic substances in the drain and siphon.

Important: can be used folk method. To do this, ordinary table salt or a mixture of soda and water is poured into the drain. The mixture must be very hot. After a while, you need to open the water and spill the drain well, washing it. The smell will disappear.


So what should be done To get rid of the odor in the first place:

  • use nets to protect the drain from food debris;
  • periodic use of funds household chemicals- you can pour Fairy once a week into the sink and drain the water - this will dissolve fat deposits;
  • every day after each washing of dishes, put it in the sink for a few minutes hot water- it dissolves fat and carries it away from the walls.


Getting rid of odors from pipes can be quite simple. The main thing is to find the cause and eliminate it.

Washing dirty dishes with particles of grease and sticky food leaves its mark on the walls. drain system. A large accumulation of these particles leads to decay and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Equally important in this matter is the state of the drain and siphon, whose failure to work also makes itself felt.

Sources of smell

Determining the source of your troubles is simple, just look at all the possible objects that can cause an unpleasant smell in the kitchen. First of all, give Special attention siphon drain pipe and sewers. These three plumbing parts are the most vulnerable to clogging and dirt buildup. Also inspect the space between the sink and the wall, the hose may have come off, water is leaking, or an old dirty washcloth or floor rag is stuck.

If the water does not pass well and, as a result, an odor appears, you should inspect sewer system. Perhaps a large object got into the drain, which created a cork or a blockage formed. It is the latter option that is one of the most common causes of that very darling from the sink. The greatest blockage is concentrated in the siphon. It is here that during the washing of dirty dishes accumulates great amount grease, debris, dirt, hair particles, adhering food residues and burning. Of course, special grates for the sink opening help to minimize the entry of waste into the drain system. However, over time, even such careful care gives cracks. A precipitate forms on the walls of the siphon, which begins to rot and smell.

Help solve this problem by cleaning the siphon. The mechanism of action is as follows. Substitute a bucket under the base of the lower part of the siphon, carefully unscrew the lid and remove all accumulated dirt, fix the lid in its place. After that, we wash the drain with boiling water with the addition of a small amount detergent. If the siphon has a corrugated tube, then it must also be disconnected and thoroughly cleaned. But in houses with an old drain system, disconnecting the siphon is quite problematic, especially with a cast-iron elbow.

If the water does not pass well and, as a result, an odor appears, the sewer system should be inspected.

The main purpose of the siphon is to create a water seal, that is, a special barrier that blocks evaporation and the penetration of foreign odors into the apartment from the sink hole. If there is no water seal in the siphon, then the appearance of foreign odors is inevitable.

Most often, the problem lies in the improper installation of the drain system itself with a siphon. Depending on the type of construction, this problem can be solved in the following ways. If you have a bottle-type siphon, correctly fix the location of the drain pipe so that it is about 2-3 cm below the water level.

With a corrugated drain, it is important that the tube remains slightly bent and does not straighten out. Check the correctness of its installation and, if necessary, give the desired shape. This will help create a water seal, and so that the tube does not return to its previous position again, fix it with special clips.

If there is no water seal in the siphon, then the appearance of foreign odors is inevitable

Other reasons for the violation of the water seal may be a vacuum breakdown. characteristic feature this violation is the gurgling of water in a clogged drain hole. There are two ways to solve this problem. The first of these is cleaning the fan pipe, for which it is best to seek help from a specialist. The second is the installation of a vacuum valve that normalizes the pressure in the sewer.

Other causes of smell from the sink

In addition to the main causes of the smell from the drain hole, there are secondary ones that also provoke this problem.

If an unpleasant odor is concentrated under the sink, then perhaps the reason lies in the violation of the tightness of the structure and the appearance of cracks. To find the very source, you need to smoothly open the water and look at the condition of the pipes and joints. If water seeps at the junction of pipes, then reliable fixation will help fix the problem. silicone sealant or replacement seal. If cracks are found, replace them immediately. old pipe to a new one. If a leak occurs, the odor may be absorbed into the flooring. Therefore, after replacing pipes and linings, wash the floor thoroughly with a refreshing cleaning agent.

The reason for the smell may lie in the violation of the tightness of the structure.

Prolonged lack of use

If you haven’t used the sink for a long time, then the water in the drain system can stagnate and the walls dry out, which also provokes an unpleasant odor. Therefore, before a long business trip or trip, add a couple of spoons to the drain hole vegetable oil. This will create a reliable enveloping film, prevent the evaporation of moisture and the spread of odor at the same time.

Drain System Cleaning Methods

To clean the sewer and all parts of the drain system from clogging, as well as to eliminate odor from the sink, chemical and mechanical means. Recently, a hydrodynamic installation that flushes the sewer system under high water pressure has been no less popular.

Soda is based on sodium carbonate, however, as in many chemical cleaning products. So given substance can be attributed to folk remedies to combat odor, blockage in the sink and similar chemical effects. This tool can be combined or used separately.

For the first option, we will prepare a solution. Dilute three tablespoons of food or soda ash in warm water and pour the mixture down the drain, leaving it for 20-30 minutes. After some time, we wash the drain with warm water, and even better, scald it with boiling water.


This method works well for minor blockages. If the problem is more pronounced, then you can combine the use of soda with table vinegar. To do this, pour about half a pack of soda into the drain hole and fill it with a glass of vinegar. The mixture will begin to sizzle and foam, this is normal. chemical process. We also leave this mixture to interact with the walls of the drain system, after which we scald everything with boiling water and rinse thoroughly. To combine business with pleasure, use instead of vinegar lemon juice. This will allow you not only to cope with the problem that has arisen, but also to fill the kitchen with a citrus aroma.

For best results and a pH boost similar to chemical cleaners, experts recommend toasting baking soda in a dry frying pan, then diluting it with water after it cools down and pouring it down the drain.

Attention, do not pour water into a pan with hot soda, otherwise you can get a chemical burn.

In the event of a serious blockage and an unbearably terrible smell, use chemical sewer pipe cleaners. They contain sodium, which softens the formed plaque on the walls. However, when using these products, be extremely careful, following exactly the instructions so that caustic chemical components do not corrode the walls of plastic pipes. So before using the product, familiarize yourself with the proportions and rules for use.

Such drugs are sold in a wide variety of variations, in the form of powders, granules, gels and liquids. Powder formulations work slowly, so consumers prefer liquid components. They have relatively the same cost, so it is important to rely on the gentle effect of a product that does not destroy polymer base drain system. We can recommend Tiret, Mister Muscle and the well-known Mole.

Observe safety precautions

When working with any sewer cleaner, do not forget about safety rules.

Put on your hands rubber gloves, as well as a respirator, so as not to provoke a burn of the skin and inflammation of the mucous membrane. Pour the liquid into the drain hole of the sink slowly, without splashing. Leave the solution to interact with deposits on the walls of the sewer for the time specified in the instructions. Then flush the drain system large quantity water and scald it with boiling water. Such an event will help you get rid of the blockage and completely eliminate odors from the sink that bother you.

Unfortunately, not all types of blockages and smell can be eliminated with the help of folk and chemical means. Sometimes the seals and plugs in the drain pipes of the sink are so serious that only special mechanical devices can handle them. Among them, a plumbing cable, metal tape, spiral loops, etc. are used. Outwardly, all these devices differ from each other, but in practice they have one mechanism of action - the elimination of blockage and the removal of residual solid particles into the central sewer or septic tank.

If you do not have such specialized tools in your home, you can use steel wire. The main thing is that it is flexible and easily penetrates into all hard-to-reach places. When removing hair and pieces of fabric, use the hook attachment.

Plumbing cable
steel wire

However, the plumbing cable will still be the best fixture, thanks to convenient design. The spiral has good flexibility and penetrates into all parts of the drain system, and the handle allows you to rotational movements without slipping on the hand. In addition, you can always choose a model that is convenient for you, based on the characteristics and diameter of the pipes.

Before you start cleaning, be sure to prepare buckets and rags, and put on old clothes. Trust me, this will help you. After the end of the procedure, and a washstand, using for this.

Hydrodynamic installation - a new solution to the problem

An unusual way to deal with blockage is to remove the plug with a strong pressure of water, which pushes all clogged particles out. For these purposes, a special compressor is used, powered by mains or gasoline. It provides a large flow of water into the hose under pressure. This method helps to cope even with extra complex blockages themselves.

When carrying out this procedure yourself, consider a few important rules:

  • pressure and pressure of water supply;
  • the amount of solid particles and the magnitude of blockage;
  • the material from which the sewer system is made.

Be especially careful when using this setting with plastic pipes. If the plastic is of poor quality and is made of cheap polymer materials, then under high pressure water and mechanical impact, its fragile walls may not withstand the pressure and collapse.

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The smell from the pipes in the kitchen: 3 main causes and methods for their elimination

Do not know how to get rid of the unpleasant smell coming from the sewer pipes in the kitchen? The experience I have accumulated allows us to assert that it is not at all necessary to call a plumber for this, in most cases it is quite possible to deal with the problem on your own. Let's consider them in more detail.

We find the cause and eliminate it

Why can the sink start to stink? As a result:

  1. Clogged pipes;
  2. Depressurization of the body part of the pipeline;
  3. Violations of the hydraulic seal.

Let's consider everything in order:

Reason #1: clogged pipes

The most common cause of fetid fumes from the sink is the accumulation of grease, food debris and other debris in the pipeline that interferes with free movement Wastewater. We are not talking about the formation of a complete congestion, since in this situation the problems will be much more serious than any smells.

But even a slight decrease in the diameter of the sewer pipe is enough to make staying indoors problematic without a gas mask. In this case, the following methods will help eliminate the smell from the sink in the kitchen:

Before proceeding with cleaning the pipes themselves, I recommend that you first disassemble and remove all accumulated debris from the siphon. It is likely that the source of the stench is in it, and not in the pipeline.

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home remedies. The price of such a solution to the problem is relatively low, since you can most likely find everything you need right there in the kitchen:
  1. falling asleep with your own hands in the drain hole soda and salt;
  2. We fill boiling water. The poured solution will corrode body fat and resume normal water flow in the sink.

The amount of ingredients can be changed depending on the severity of the problem:

  • A glass of soda, a glass of salt and a kettle of boiling water for periodic maintenance of the pipeline;
  • A pack of soda, a pack of salt and 2 liters of boiling water if an unpleasant odor has already appeared.

Household chemicals. This option will come out a little more expensive, but it will show greater efficiency in the event of a significant accumulation of waste in the pipes and will be able to eliminate the sewer smell faster.

Tools such as:

  • Mole;
  • Tiret;
  • Pipe Cleaner;
  • sterile;
  • Potkhan;
  • Deboucher.

plunger. Appearance resembles a large suction cup on a wooden or plastic handle. Helps to get rid of even a serious garbage plug.

Application instructions:

  1. Dial water in the sink;
  2. Attach a plunger with a suction cup to the drain hole;
  3. Do several translational movements up and down;
  4. Sharp remove the tool, allowing the flow of water to complete the cleaning of the pipeline.

Before using household chemicals, I recommend putting on rubber gloves and opening a window. For large volumes, even a respirator should be used. The fact is that direct contact with cleaning agents and their evaporation can harm a person.

Reason number 2: depressurization of the body part of the pipeline

If smells come from under the sink, then it is not a clogged pipeline, but a violation of its tightness. Several situations are also possible here:

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Deformation threaded connection in the siphon or the appearance of a crack in it. Both situations are a consequence of the fact that the installed hydraulic device cannot cope with the volumes of liquid that enter it. Therefore, it makes no sense to try to repair it, it is better to immediately change it to a more voluminous model.

Deformation sealing ring at the junction of the sewer and the socket. What to do in this case?

There are three possible solutions to the problem:

  • Dismantling connections and replacement of the sealing ring;
  • Sealing joints with silicone sealant, if we are talking about plastic pipes;
  • Sealing connection points with a rubber band, if we are talking about cast-iron pipes.

Crack in the pipeline. Here you should not rely on silicone, only a rubber band or clamp with similar properties will help.

Reason number 3: malfunction of the water seal

The water seal forms a siphon or a curved pipe made of corrugated, plastic or stainless steel. It is a permanent water plug, which does not let sewer smells into the kitchen. If the water level in it falls, then all the unpleasant odors enter the room.

Consider situations in which a malfunction of the water lock may occur:

  • Corrugated pipe bent. We return it to the desired position, fixing it with tape;
  • Small diameter in the riser or poor ventilation in the sewer. In these cases, it is better to immediately call a plumber, you yourself may not be able to cope;
  • Water has evaporated as a result of long periods of inactivity. Just start using the sink again.

If you leave home for a long time and do not want unpleasant odors to spread throughout the rooms during your absence, add engine oil to the water seal. It will greatly slow down the evaporation process.


You have learned how to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the pipes in the kitchen. The video in this article contains Additional materials. You can ask questions in the comments.

June 22, 2017

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The task of getting rid of various unpleasant odors in the home is faced by many housewives. A common household problem is a bad smell from the sink in the kitchen, and not everyone knows how to eliminate it. Help get rid of the stench folk ways and proven store products.

Causes of Bad Smell from the Kitchen Sink

To understand what to do if your kitchen sink smells like sewer, you need to find out why this problem occurs. Eliminate odor on long time possible only after getting rid of the source of the stench.

  • Often there is an unpleasant smell from the drain hole of kitchen plumbing due to breakage or incorrect installation siphon - a drain element located under the sink and performing the function of a water barrier. In this case, foul-smelling gases from the sewer pipes freely enter the room. To prevent this, it is necessary to check the design of the siphon, eliminate possible breakdowns and replace damaged parts.
  • Sometimes the cause of the smell is the drying of the water plug, which normally should always be present in the siphon flask. It acts as a barrier to unpleasant sewer "aromas". Most often this happens when the sink is not used for a long time. In this case, you just need to fill the siphon with water, and the smell will quickly disappear.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant smell from the sink in the kitchen is often associated with clogged pipes. The main symptom of this is the slow draining of water. To remove stagnant mud masses, you need to use a plunger or a special flexible twisted wire cable designed for cleaning plastic pipes.
  • If it smells bad not from the drain, but under the sink, you need to check the pipes for leaks: cracks and other damage plumbing equipment cause water to leak, cause mold and a corresponding unpleasant odor.
  • Many sinks have an additional hole on the side wall to protect against overflow. This area also often accumulates dirt, food debris and grease, which cause unpleasant odors. To eliminate the smell, you need to pour boiling water into this hole, which will wash away deposits from the walls.

We eliminate the stink of folk remedies

At home, you can use the following folk remedies from the unpleasant smell from the washbasin:

  1. Pour 100 g of baking soda into the drain hole and pour half a glass of vinegar, then plug the hole with a cork or cloth and wait 5-10 minutes. After that, open the drain and pass through it a large number of water. This method of eliminating stench helps to get rid of even a strong bad smell and also helps to remove blockages.
  2. A mixture of soda and table salt will help to disinfect the sink and remove odors coming from it. The components must be combined in equal proportions, pour into the drain and leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse the sink with a large volume of hot water.
  3. To effectively eliminate the smell from the sink, you can use citric acid. You need to take a large pack of funds, pour the substance into the drain hole and pour hot water. If you smell bad from the sink in the kitchen, instead of citric acid You can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  4. It is permissible to get rid of the smell from the sink with the help of dry mustard. This powder dissolves dirt well and kills bacteria. The product must be poured into the drain hole and poured with plenty of hot water.

Each of these methods will quickly and effectively clean the sink of sewer odor without harming the pipes. environment.

Household chemicals to eliminate odor

When folk remedies are powerless in the fight against the stench emanating from kitchen plumbing, housewives are looking for a way to remove the smell from the sink in the bathroom or in the kitchen with the help of professional cleaning compounds.

"Perfume" from the sink is well cleaned by such household chemicals as "Mole", "Domestos", "Tiret", "Sanoks".

It is best to choose cleaning agents in the form of a gel, as they are able to penetrate the pipes much deeper than powdered ones. A thick gel product is poured into the sink, dissolves impurities and is washed off with plenty of water. The exposure time for such cleaning products can be different - from a few minutes to 12 hours.

When using chemicals, be sure to wear rubber gloves and a respirator that protects respiratory organs from burns.

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