Who is the marginal? Characteristic signs and features. Do you know who the marginals are?

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Ordinary people call them outcasts or bums. Psychologists use the terminology “marginalized”. You should understand the meaning of this word, since it is not so narrow and unambiguous ..

Public propaganda is the drive for realization. Each person achieves certain successes that allow him to maintain an average social level. The presence of home, family, money, friends, work and other available attributes indicates that a person is socially healthy. However, the category of people that is separated from society is considered separately. They are called marginals. In other words, they can be called homeless. However, not only this part of people can be called marginal.

If we consider this concept more fully, then it can be noted that some of your acquaintances may be called marginal.

Who is the marginal?

Who are called outcasts? These are individuals who are excluded from all groups of society. They are located on the border between the groups, while they are not included in any of them. This can be both a voluntary desire of the marginal himself, and a forced measure due to the rejection of a person by other people.

The marginal, one might say, is excluded from society, since it does not belong to any social group. He does not belong to the family, does not belong to public organizations, is not part of the work collective, etc. The most striking example of the marginal can be called a student who is not loved and hated by the rest of the students. Such a student is also called an outcast or black sheep.

Marginality is associated with personality degradation. Everyone who strays from the "correct" path taken in society, fights off the pack, goes in his own direction, which does not obey social laws, is called a marginal. Citing homeless people and outcasts as examples of marginalized people, people develop an unambiguously negative attitude towards this concept. However, not everything is so simple.

Marginalized people are not always "downside" people who need social assistance and even psychiatric consultations. There are categories of people who are also considered marginal, but they cannot be called unhappy. For example, this is emo - a subculture that promotes its own way of life. Outwardly, they may seem unhappy, but this does not mean that they are unhappy.

The marginals are also called lumpen. However, this is a misconception. The term "lumpen" was introduced by Karl Marx, who attributed to them beggars, bandits and vagrants. Despite the fact that these two categories are alienated from society, they are still different castes:

  1. Lumpen is a physically and morally degraded, declassified element, a "waste" of society.
  2. A marginal is a person living separately from society.

Lumpen and marginals do not belong to any social group, so it is impossible to attribute them to anyone. However, lumpen are individuals who have sunk to the very bottom, degraded. And the marginals are still separate from society, individuals who do not belong to any group.

The meaning of the word marginal

How does sociology define the meaning of the word "marginal"? This is a person who practically does not participate or is completely excluded from any social group (economic, cultural, political). Marginal is considered a surplus material that needs to be looked after, monitored, and controlled. On the one hand, nobody needs the marginal. On the other hand, society cannot get rid of it due to its democratic approaches to everyone.

A marginal person may physically be in a group, but in fact not be considered a member of it. Consider the example of a student who is an outcast in his class. Physically, his body is in a group of other children, but classmates do not communicate with him, do not make friends, ignore him, spread rot.

The marginal is physically in the group, but psychologically, emotionally and morally, he is located outside of it. He is not part of her, does not participate in the creation of her biography, does not develop, does not fulfill certain roles, does not adhere to its rules and regulations. The presence of such a personality allows the group to understand where its boundaries end. The marginal himself has an objective vision of the group, he is free and can leave it at any moment, since he is not associated with it in any way.

In the classical version, a person who is on the border of two groups (and is not excluded from them) is called a marginal. He is, as it were, a member of two groups, which contradict each other in their orientation, rules or activities. However, a person feels a conflict within himself, disagreement with any of the groups. He cannot make the final choice of which group to join, abandoning the other. Thus, a marginal person is a person who is part of two diverse groups, who does not ascribe himself to any of them.

Anyone can be a marginal! Here you just need to degrade, sink to the very bottom, give up everything that is valued by society. You can become such a person if you stop striving for those heights that are considered socially significant:

  1. Work hard to make a lot of money.
  2. Look for a loved one in order to create a family with him.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Take an interest in social life, participate in it.
  5. Have friends, establish connections with them.
  6. Take care of your appearance, observe hygiene.
  7. Improve: develop strengths and eliminate weaknesses.
  8. Learn to become an educated person.

If, for example, all of the above is not done, then you can easily become one of the marginalized. To achieve a marginal lifestyle, it is enough just to abandon the progress and achievements of society, its rules and etiquette, aspirations and propaganda. You should stop being a law-abiding citizen who wants to be a part of society, and start living your own life, setting your own rules that do not affect.

It should be understood that a marginal person is not always an asocial and dysfunctional person suffering from pathological addictions. There are individuals who prefer solo swimming. They do not belong to any group, but they can work or have a family. They create the integrity of the team, but do not participate in its development:

  1. At work, a person does not communicate with anyone, but does the job.
  2. In a family, a person is simply listed as a member, but absolutely does not participate in the lives of his relatives.

The first marginalized were slaves who managed to get rid of their slave existence, but they could not adapt to the new conditions immediately. Thus, they were no longer counted among slaves, while they could not yet be called members of a cultured society.

Anyone who for one reason or another does not accept him, condemns his way of life, or does not consider him a normal member of society can give the “marginal” status to a person. This form of “labeling” or “stigmatization” is inherent in many cultural people, who, unfortunately, are not yet fully educated, and therefore do not understand the essence of marginalized life. However, if a person is really a marginal, then he can make a decision for himself whether to continue to remain so or return to a social way of existence.

Signs of marginality:

  • The severance of spiritual, social, economic ties in a previous life.
  • Mental internal problems due to inability to find their place.
  • Mobility due to lack of attachment and housing.
  • Ease of involvement in illegal activities.
  • Developing a personal value system.
  • Hostility towards the norms of society.

Types of marginals

The marginals can be divided into 4 subtypes, which are characterized by their own characteristics of manifestation and the reasons for the development of such a lifestyle:

  1. Ethnic. A person becomes a marginal if he leaves the ethnic group of his nationality and begins to live in a foreign ethnic group. Problems can arise due to the need to immediately adapt to new conditions. Differences in physical appearance, linguistic forms, cultural traditions and religion may not facilitate quick adaptation. These are displaced persons and refugees (people who are forced to move in order to save their lives).
  2. Economic. A person who loses the previous level of prosperity becomes a marginal. This may be due to the loss of work, loss of housing, change of the economy, etc. It often happens during political and economic crises in the country.
  3. Social. A person who changes social status becomes a marginal. Usually happens when trying to move to a better stratum of society (for example, the rich and famous). However, the person does not succeed, he slides even lower or gets stuck on the border between the previous social status and the new one, not being able to get into one of them.
  4. Political. A marginal person becomes a person who ceases to trust government officials and the political system. This happens during periods of crisis, state restructuring, etc.

Examples of marginals

Sociologists and psychologists consider the marginals to be an advanced, civilized, open to everything new, developed, mobile type of personality. In other words, these are people who can objectively assess any situation and situation, since they are not involved in it.

Many categories of people can be called marginals:

  1. Alcoholics and drug addicts.
  2. Homeless people, vagabonds and beggars.
  3. Bandits, sociopaths, psychopaths.
  4. Downshifters are people who learn to live without the means of progress and technology.
  5. Refugees and migrants.
  6. Those who lost their jobs, families, changed their place of residence, retired, served in the army or served time in prison.

Many writers and poets, brilliant minds and scientists, who at one time were considered outcasts of society, since no one understood them and did not take them seriously, can be called outcasts. Today, one more category of marginals can be distinguished - those who constantly spend time playing computer games. These people can be members of virtual groups, but in fact they are social outcasts.


Marginality can seem like a negative quality. However, it has its advantages:

  • The ability to see what society does not see.
  • Ability to be detached, mobile, easy to lift.
  • Fearlessness, since the marginal is not attached to anything.

The negative aspect of marginality is loneliness in the big world of people, where no one understands a person and treats him negatively. Often, those around them are subject to stereotyped thinking, which is excluded in the case of the marginal.

The word of Latin origin "marginal" is translated as "On the edge"... It characterizes individuals who, for some reason, found themselves outside of society.

The reasons for this can be very different. Inconsistency of personal worldview and lifestyle with generally accepted norms. Failure to accept the religion and culture of society. Such people are in society, but they are outside classes and social groups, do not support the established system of laws and morals.

Who can be marginalized?

Marginal individuals are not necessarily asocial individuals who are not engaged in useful work. They can be very wealthy, but due to the loss of their previous position are not recognized by society. They fall into the marginalized group after they left their social group, but did not join another.

It could be people war past refugees who could not accept the new social conditions and unusual laws of modern society. People with disabilities, people in inter-ethnic and interracial marriages.

All humanity has been divided into various groups, each of them has its own cultural characteristics, foundations, legislation. A person who has failed to fit into any of these groups becomes a marginal. This is not affected by her income or intellectual ability. It is based on her personal rejection.

Among the first representatives of the marginal type, historians call Diogenes, an extraordinary personality, a recognized philosopher and sage of Greece. Using a personal example of an ascetic lifestyle, he tried to convey to people the value of ordinary human joys, a life without excesses and confusion of unnecessary norms and conventions.

Russian marginals from different eras - P. Chaadaev, Sakharov, Brodsky, Stolypin.

Marginal people of modern Russia

The process of marginalization of Russia intensified during the period of change in the socio-economic system. Time is characterized by massive population movements in search of suitable social infrastructure, declining income levels, changes in traditional norms and values.

Many people failed to accept new norms and social stereotypes, forming a huge marginal mass of the population. Representatives of this type cannot determine their belonging to any of the existing groups - workers, agricultural workers, intellectuals, entrepreneurs.

Modern Russia is experiencing growth process marginalization. Changes are taking place in its social structure. The resettlement of the rural population to cities in search of work, the influx of refugees from the zones of interethnic conflicts, the growth of the unemployed part of the population, the release of convicts from prison leads to disorganization of society.

The number of social statuses and social groups. The role of the criterion of personal property and income level is growing. The relationship between the political weight of an individual and the size of his capital is growing.

In the upper strata of society, it is clearly visible inextricable link with crime and the shadow economy. The gap between the statuses of the subelite and the standard of living of the middle and lower strata is growing.

The development of social marginality is due to the failure of obtaining a high social status, obtaining a prestigious position, and stable earnings.

Individuals and entire groups of the population find themselves outside of its place in the system. The inability to find a new niche of existence and a keen sense of insecurity most often leads to migration. Expanding the boundaries of poverty among the least socially protected part of the population leads to an increase in the part of society that has fallen into social outcasts.

For groups with a high social level, the role of the professional and cultural factor has increased, against the background of a decrease in its importance for the bulk of the population. Significant changes in the material sphere associated with the loss of the usual source of income lead to economic marginality of the middle and lower strata.

The inability to establish their own well-being is often accompanied by alcoholism and drug addiction, leading to the destruction of the personality. In contrast to the disadvantaged and unemployed part of the population, super-rich people who lead a secluded lifestyle and are cut off from society also receive the status of an economic marginal.

Marginalization is and pros and cons of society... The flexibility and extraordinary thinking of the marginal allows for the introduction of new and progressive ideas into society. The negative side is a decrease in the standard of living, a radical approach to changes in the structure of society associated with reforms and revolutions, a decrease in the security of the population.

When reading paper or online publications, you can often come across words whose meaning is sometimes incomprehensible. Embargo, mainstream, gender, collapse, gadget, pattern, retail, headliner, trend, fake ... You can guess what some of them mean by the general meaning of the text, but this is not always easy. The task is simplified when the word is currently used by the media so often that it is firmly remembered, and the reader has no choice but to find out or guess the meaning of this or that term.

"Incomprehensible concepts"

The most difficult situation is with words that are not used every day in the speech of a large number of journalists. These include, for example, "offer" or "margin". The meaning of a word is sometimes difficult to guess by its sound. And if the word is foreign, then the task becomes almost impossible. We have to refer to explanatory dictionaries in order to establish the origin of the term unusual for the ear.

Who is the marginal? The meaning of the word is especially difficult to establish for several reasons. First, not all dictionaries give the full number of meanings. Secondly, the very meaning of this word has undergone several dramatic changes, which made it rather vague and indistinct. Only after tracing the whole history, you can understand this issue.

First of all, the marginal is not a mathematical concept, not a plant or a wardrobe item. This is a man. But what kind of person, what distinguishes him from everyone else and for what he received a separate status - all these questions are the subject of a detailed conversation.

The marginals of the early XX century

The term itself was formulated in 1928 by the American sociologist Robert Park, and since then has undergone significant changes in its meaning. Initially, R. Park, the founder of the psychology of the urban lifestyle, believed that the marginal is one who is in an uncertain position between the rural dweller and the urbanized. His usual culture was destroyed, but he did not fit into the new one. Such a person can be called a savage in the stone jungle, so his behavior is unacceptable in the social environment of the city.

The term was derived from the Latin margo - "edge". Thus, people who live on the border of various social elements, but do not fit into the norms of any of them, are called marginals.

Marginalized Personality by Robert Park

The meaning of the word from the very beginning was quite negative. How best to answer the question of how Professor R. Park Himself defined the main character traits of such a person: anxiety, aggressiveness, ambition, resentment and self-centeredness. Usually, this was the name given to various kinds of asocial elements: the poorest migrants, vagrants, homeless people, drunkards, drug addicts, criminals. In general, representatives of the social bottom. The borderline state in which these people find themselves leaves an imprint on their psyche.

Any society has its own written and unwritten rules, foundations, traditions. The marginal rejects it all, not feeling his duty in relation to society, not sharing the norms accepted in it. According to R. Park, such individuals have a strong need for loneliness and a secluded lifestyle.


According to the modern sociological classification, there are several groups of people who, according to a number of unifying features, can be called marginalized.

These groups include:

  • ethnic marginals (descendants from mixed marriages, migrants);
  • biological marginals (people with physical or mental disabilities, deprived of the attention and care of society);
  • age marginals (a generation whose ties with the majority of society have been severed);
  • social marginals (people who do not fit into this or that social structure due to their lifestyle, worldview, profession, etc.);
  • economic marginalized (unemployed and the poorest strata of the population);
  • political marginals (those who use methods of political struggle that are not accepted in this society);
  • religious marginals (believers who do not adhere to a particular confession);
  • criminal marginals (criminals, by the standards of this society).

In modern society

Due to such a broad classification and the gradual expansion of the meaning of the concept of "marginal", examples can be found in various areas of life:

  • a vagabond who has neither a place to live nor a job;
  • a person who left to search for the meaning of life in India or Tibet;
  • a hippie who denies social hierarchy;
  • world traveler living on the road;
  • drug addict;
  • hermit, antisocial person;
  • freelancer and any "free artist" not bound by corporate conventions;
  • a bank robber who breaks laws and has to go into hiding;
  • a multimillionaire whose lifestyle is significantly different from the overwhelming majority of representatives of society.

In short, everyone who does not fit into the so-called “correct” social behavior can be called marginalized. Over time, the meaning of this term has changed significantly.

From social bottom to special group

By the end of the XX century. the term has lost its original, sharply negative meaning. Such phrases as “marginal literature”, “marginal topic”, “marginal culture”, “marginal movement”, “marginal worldview” began to appear in print, television and Internet media. In these, at first glance, very strange semantic combinations, the changed meaning of the word is manifested.

Now, in many cases, a marginalized person is a person whose lifestyle is different from the generally accepted one. Moreover, this can be both a difference with a minus sign (homeless, drunkard), and with a plus sign (hermit monk, billionaire).

Also, the use of this word in the meanings has become frequent: "belonging to a minority", "little-known", "little influential", "incomprehensible, not close to the majority of society."

Due to the transformation of the meaning of this term, it is becoming increasingly difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of who the marginal is. This word is gradually losing its original, unambiguously negative connotation, approaching a neutral sound. A marginal is one who (willingly or not) does not fit into the traditional way of his social environment.

Marginal properties of items

In addition to the meaning referring to a human person or social groups, this term expresses certain properties of the material world. For example, explanatory dictionaries describe the following meanings of the adjective "marginal":

  • insignificant, minor;
  • insignificant, minor;
  • written in the margins (books, manuscripts, etc.).

Foreign words with incomprehensible meanings surround us everywhere, but modern dictionaries help to understand them. So it is with the concept of "marginal", the meaning of which is diverse and often changes depending on the situation of use.

05/06/2018 74 487 2 Igor

Psychology and society

Often on television or in the media, we hear and see the foreign word “marginalized”. Its meaning has undergone significant changes, starting from the time of its formulation by the American sociologist R. Park and ending with today. To explain the actual meaning of this concept in simple words, it is necessary to trace the history of the use of this term and highlight the main types of marginals in the history of mankind.


Who is the marginal?

For the first time this term was used in psychology in 1928 by Robert Park in the meaning of a person who occupies an intermediate position between rural and urban residents. This is someone who previously lived in a village, village, and then moved to the city, while his cultural values ​​acquired during his residence in the countryside did not fit into the requirements and foundations of urban civilization. His behavior and habits turned out to be unacceptable for the urban social environment. Today, not only people who do not fit into the urban environment are called marginals.

This term has become quite widespread. Sociological science classifies a person as a marginal, whose behavior goes beyond the generally accepted norms and rules of any social group. He sits between two conflicting groups. This leads to a person's inner conflict. The marginal is part of two different social groups, but does not accept either of them (does not live according to their laws and is not guided by the norms and values ​​adopted in them). From a psychological point of view, the marginal physically belongs to one or another social group, but psychologically, morally, emotionally it is outside of it.

The meaning of the word "marginal"

Marginal (from Latin "marginalis"- extreme or "margo" - edge) - a person who lives in a social environment, but does not accept the imposed by it worldview, principles, norms, values, moral ideals, way of life. We can say that he is on the edge of the system, outside the laws and orders imposed by the social structure. In modern Russian, there are many synonyms for the word "marginal": outcast, white crow, informal, individual, asocial, nihilist. Example: bum, hippie, goth, hermit monk, ascetic.

Also, people from the lower strata of society, even Karl Marx designated the term "Lumpen". In modern times, the two concepts of marginal and lumpen have become intertwined with each other.

Signs of marginality:

  • violation of important for a person connections (biosocial, cultural, spiritual, economic) that existed in a previous life;
  • constant movement due to lack of attachment to anything;
  • internal psychological conflict due to the inability to find oneself and the emergence of mental problems on this basis;
  • due to non-compliance with the law and order, the ease of becoming an illegal member of society (offender);
  • representatives of the lowest strata of society (homeless people, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.);
  • the formation of their own values ​​and norms, which very often contradict and hostile the values ​​of the social group to which the marginal belongs.

At first glance, the word "marginal" is colored only with negative connotations. In fact, this is not the case. Like any phenomenon, marginality has, in addition to its negative sides, and positive, which include the following:

  • different thinking, worldview is the source of progressive, innovative activity;
  • due to high mobility, the marginal has more chances to start life from a new leaf, get a different education, find a better job, move to a more prosperous area of ​​the city, or change the country of residence to a more economically developed one;
  • due to their uniqueness, dissimilarity with others, the marginalized have the opportunity to find an undeveloped niche in the market of goods and services and do business that makes a profit (open their own business related to the sale of ethnic goods, souvenirs from their former place of residence). For this reason, marginals very often become billionaires.

Marginalized Personality by Robert Park

American sociologist Robert Park attributed the following to the main character traits and personality traits of the marginalized:

  • anxiety;
  • aggressiveness;
  • ambition;
  • resentment;
  • selfishness;
  • categorical views;
  • negativism;
  • unsatisfied ambition;
  • anxiety and phobias.

In society, people with an asocial lifestyle (poor refugees, homeless people, beggars, vagabonds, people with all sorts of addictions, lawbreakers), who can be attributed to representatives of the social bottom, were called marginal personalities. Their living conditions have a significant negative impact on their mental health. Any civilized society lives by its own established rules, customs and norms. R. Park believed that marginal personality:

  1. Rejects any norms and traditions accepted in society.
  2. Has no sense of duty in relation to the society in which he lives.
  3. Has a strong need for loneliness and avoids human society.

Important! Most sociological experts and practicing psychologists believe that the marginal is a source of cultural growth. He can objectively, without external influence, evaluate any phenomenon and situation, because they are not involved in it, as if isolated. He fills the social group with new ideas, views, introduces new trends, helps members of society develop, broaden their horizons, look at problems from a different angle, and instills in them.

Types of marginals

Depending on the reasons for the development of a marginal way of life and the characteristics of their manifestation, marginals are divided into the following types:

  1. Ethnic- people who, due to various reasons and circumstances, had to change their place of residence and found themselves among representatives of a different nationality, nationality, ethnos, culture. This type is the most difficult to overcome, since a person adapts for a long time to a foreign culture, traditions, language, religion and is not able to change his appearance, race and nationality (descendants from mixed marriages, emigrants).
  2. Social- associated with the change of one economic system to another (slavery was replaced by feudalism, socialism - by capitalism). Whole groups of people cannot immediately find their place and adapt to the new social system.
  3. Biological- the ideal is a society that takes care of its weak and sick members. In reality, unhealthy people and people with physical disabilities or mental abilities are of no value to society, they find themselves outside life (disabled people, old people, chronically ill, HIV-infected, children with Down syndrome and other diseases that limit their legal capacity).
  4. Economic- people who, for any reason, have lost their jobs and the opportunity to have a stable income, have lost property, housing, and super-rich people who, due to their material wealth, become cut off from all other members of society (beggars, homeless people, dependents, billionaires, oligarchs ).
  5. Religious- people who do not consider themselves either representatives of any existing confession, or non-believers. These are the individuals who believe in their ideals, their gods and create their own churches and sects (prophets, sectarians).
  6. Political- appear during turning points in history, in a period of political crisis, when people lose faith in modern politicians and their proclaimed values, are fighting the existing political system, do not trust the authorities and take a hostile civil position.
  7. Criminal- when the refusal to live according to the laws and moral norms existing in society leads to the commission of an offense (criminals).
  8. Age- when the older generation loses contact with young people, there is a so-called conflict between children and fathers.

Examples of well-known marginal people in history

Whole neighborhoods of New York emigrants, China's Chinatown, and Russia's Brighton Beach are prime examples of the marginalized in history. Many emigrants, due to the prevailing mentality, find themselves outside the American society, unable to integrate into it and accept new values.

Another example is the marginals as a subclass of Russian society that arose as a result of the “breaking” of old and the emergence of new socio-economic relations in the 90s of the XX century. Moreover, at that time, representatives of both poles of social inequality were among the marginalized: the lower strata of society (“social bottom”) and the so-called “new Russians”.

World famous writers and poets were called marginals, artists and creators, geniuses and scientists, who during their lifetime were considered insane and outcasts due to their dissimilarity with others and a lack of understanding of their views and creativity by other members of society. In the modern world, there is another group of marginals - people who spend most of their time at the computer, which leads to a change in their consciousness, the prevalence of virtual life over real.

From history, the marginals include:

  • Diogenes of Sinop - ancient Greek philosopher, student of Antisthenes;
  • Stepan Razin - Don Cossack, leader of the uprising of 1670-1671;
  • Emelyan Pugachev - Don Cossack, leader of the Peasant War of 1773-1775;
  • Ustim Karmelyuk - Ukrainian peasant, leader of the peasant movement in Podolia in 1813-1835.

If you remember the literary heroes:

  • James Moriarty - A. Conan Doyle The Sherlock Holmes Series;

Who are the marginals? Quite often we come across this concept and, as a rule, it has a negative connotation, bordering almost on an insult. So who are the marginals? The etymology of the term comes from the Latin "marginalis", which literally translates as "on the edge". Modern sociology means by this concept a person (sometimes a group of persons) who is not fully included in any society, but is in a borderline state between different socio-cultural layers.

In its modern meaning, this term was born in the 1920s among sociologists who noted the problems of socialization of migrants who fell into a new society for themselves. Finding themselves in an alien socio-cultural environment, many of them could not adapt to its conditions - to master the language, behavioral norms, and so on. These people literally found themselves thrown out of social processes and were on the edge of society. The most striking example of the marginalized in the modern world are the descendants of migrants in today's France. The heirs of immigrants from the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco), they were born outside the homeland of their ancestors and could no longer socialize properly. They speak Arabic badly, have never been to Muslim countries. At the same time, French society itself does not accept the bulk of them. Living, as a rule, in the outskirts of Lyon, Marseille or Paris, such people also found themselves on the sidelines of social processes, not to mention painful social problems. There is even a special term for the descendants of migrants in the second and third generations, they are called beers (beurs - derived from arabics). But the marginals are not only migrants and their heirs. A person may find himself outside of society for other reasons - cultural, social, or some other.

Who are the marginals in a consumer society?

The main characteristic of the so-called consumer society, which is much talked about today, is the fact that the main value of a person in the eyes of production is not his ability to work and create any goods or services (as it was before), but purchasing power, which allows the manufacturer to sell his goods. The high level of manufacturability creates conditions in which there is no longer a need for a large number of workers, but the goods produced in huge volumes must be constantly sold somewhere. Hence the fashion, which changes every season for literally everything, and the deliberately low quality of goods, and the instilling a sense of inferiority to the owners of any inappropriate devices. Thus, the marginalized in modern society are those people who cannot or do not want to constantly buy. This is what reduces their social prestige and turns them into eccentrics. At the same time, this does not mean that a person does not actually have purchasing power, he can have as many benefits as he wants, but it is important that he does not realize them if possible.

Who are the marginalized in other societies?

At the same time, human history knows many examples of social values. But always marginalization was determined by the lack of opportunity or desire to be in any way useful in this society.

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