Brick ovens for the production of bread. Wood ovens for bakery

Engineering systems 04.03.2020
Engineering systems

Modern wood-fired ovens for baking bread combine centuries-old baking traditions and at the same time meet all the requirements for safety, aesthetics and ease of use. These designs are presented on the market in a large assortment, both for the bakery and for home use.


Principle of operation and device

Any oven for baking bread is first heated, and then blanks for making bread are loaded into it. Modern ovens have a design similar to the "old" ovens, they produce the same fragrant and delicious bread, as in brick hearth ovens. And all thanks to the system, which is implemented in modern designs:

The principle of operation of an industrial furnace

The principle of operation of a wood-fired bakery is based on unique system valves, which allows you to maintain a high temperature for baking, even after the end of the furnace. Many modern designs equipped with control panels, which allows you to control the entire process of bread production.

Advantages and disadvantages

Over other designs, a wood-fired bread oven has a number of advantages that distinguish it from others:

  1. Savings - burning with wood material is much more profitable than operating electric bakeries;
  2. No need for specialized ventilation systems;
  3. The firebox can be fired with any type of wood: poplar, beech, spruce, birch, bamboo and charcoal;
  4. Due to the fact that the stove does not emit smoke into the room, it can be used for any purpose: set up in a supermarket or at a fair, put in a home kitchen, used in temples and monasteries;
  5. Assembly and operation do not require specialists with specialized skills;
  6. Any bakery products cooked in a wood-fired oven have a unique aroma, taste, color;
  7. A wood-burning bread oven is cheaper than electric counterparts.

Bread from the oven

Expert opinion

Nikolai Davydov

Baker with 15 years of experience

But, like any product, such designs have their drawbacks. The main thing is the size of the system, since in the ovens of this type the method of making bread is implemented, consistent with centuries-old traditions, the structures of this type have large dimensions. Of course, there are also compact variations, but they have less comfortable operating conditions and are not able to work like old bakeries.

Criterias of choice

Bakery models of this type have certain varieties. According to customers' request, manufacturers offer a choice of modular and prefabricated structures. The prefabricated wood-burning oven is a no-assembly system that can be used to cook baked goods immediately after purchase.

The modular system, in turn, is represented by a disassembled stove, such structures must also be assembled. But they have their advantage - modular systems are usually compact and easy to use. There are built-in models and designs with various complex shapes.

Wood-burning bread ovens are also divided according to ease of use, aesthetics and functionality. Some models involve cooking in the system not only bread, but also pizza, pies or other dishes.

Wood-burning brick oven

Another selection criterion is the material from which the system is made. You can buy as metal structure from various types of steel, and a wood-fired brick baking oven. It all depends on the color of the room and ideas for implementing the system.

How to choose?

A modern wood-burning oven for baking bread must have certain properties that can be applied either at home or in a bakery. So, for example, why buy a big oven for your home if you won't be using it every day to make hundreds of loaves of bread.

And at the same time, small-sized stoves for the home will not be able to withstand huge loads. Another criterion is the design of the furnace and its cost, all this should be taken into account when purchasing a system for a particular application. Let's see which models are suitable in a particular case.

For the bakery

For small bakeries, the market offers a large assortment various stoves capable of producing several rolls at the same time, doing it quickly and according to tradition. They are larger in size than models for private use and are usually monolithic:

For home use, there is no need for systems capable of producing several loaves of bread at the same time, so home bakeries are smaller and cheaper than their counterparts for large bakeries.

For home

Usually home wood burning bread oven has an attractive appearance and small dimensions, but you can not have a lot of bread in it at the same time, only about 3-5 kilograms. The average price of such systems is 290,000 rubles. The high cost is associated with the complexity of the design of the valve system - wood-fired ovens use the same methods for preparing baked goods for cooking as in traditional ovens.

The most popular models of wood-fired bread makers for the home:

Separately, wood-fired ovens similar in design to Pompeii ovens should be singled out - they can not only cook bread, but also pizza. In addition, their cost is on average less than two hundred thousand rubles.

Operating rules

There are several operating rules, using which you can protect yourself and at the same time extend the life of the stove:

  • Periodically, it is necessary to clean the structure from ash and soot, using special brushes or a brush for this purpose. Protective goggles and gloves must be worn during cleaning.
  • Children should not be allowed near the stove;
  • At the moment of kindling the stove, try not to be near it, especially at the first time - boiling water can be ejected from the furnace tube;
  • Do not allow the system to operate without bakery blanks loaded into it, as the oven in this case may become very hot, which will lead to an emergency;
  • Periodically check whether the combustion tubes are installed correctly, adjust them at least once a week;
  • Modern designs of wood-fired bakeries have many indicators - keep an eye on them while working with the stove, then there will be no problems with accidents;
  • Bake bread in a protective suit and gloves so as not to burn the skin.


If you want to cook delicious and fragrant bread, then conventional electronic bread machines will not be able to provide products with a pleasant smell and a beautiful crust.

Only a wood-fired bread oven can help you fulfill your desire to make fragrant bread according to ancient traditions. Follow the operating rules prescribed in the instructions for the system and you will get very tasty bread.

But we should not forget about the dough - in order to get a pleasant taste of a bakery product, it is very important to properly prepare the workpiece itself. If you could not prepare the dough correctly, then good bread will not work either, the dough will simply burn out or the workpiece will dry out at high temperatures inside the system.

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Used for cooking bakery products of various assortment: rolls, loaves, pies, sweet dishes and even pizza.

Furnaces ideal for optimizing work production large scale and for home use.

Requirements for ovens for baking bread

Basic requirements for devices intended for baking:

  • fire resistance;
  • tightness;
  • thermal insulation;
  • mechanical strength;
  • profitability;
  • hygiene;
  • cooking speed products;
  • ergonomics;
  • aesthetics.

Types of ovens for baking. Why is wood burning preferred?

The range of devices is quite wide:

  1. Tiered bread machine. It is used to make ordinary bread and other pastries, most often from rye and wheat flour. Its design consists of several tiers, which receive heat.
  2. Hearth. Used for the preparation of confectionery and products from yeast dough. Most often found in restaurants or at work. The design feature is the presence of hearths on which the workpieces move, which ensures uniform baking.

Photo 1. Deck modular bread oven series E from the manufacturer Salva. Equipped with three cameras.

  1. Convection. It cooks not only traditional bread products, but also fish and meat. The device works on the principle of convection. Used for both industrial and domestic purposes. Pretty easy to operate.
  2. Tunnel. Widely used in large continuous production. Prepare cookies, buns, bread. Equipped with self-cleaning and oil supply systems.
  3. Electric baking oven. It is the most cost-effective and economical. Designed for baking huge assortment products and preparation of fish and meat dishes. Automatically supports optimal temperature baking.
  4. Rotary. Designed exclusively for confectionery. The main types of dough for such structures are yeast, frozen and rich. The principle of operation is based on the rotational circulation of hot air.

Photo 2. The process of loading a batch of bread into a large rotary oven from the manufacturer ENKOMAK.

  1. Wood. Products in it are saturated with the aroma of firewood, which increases the cost. finished products. The most economical, withstands the highest temperatures. Considered environmentally friendly. Works on wood and has a lot of advantages.

Advantages wood stoves:

  • giving natural flavor smoke to the finished product;
  • maintaining health in the field in the absence of electricity;
  • energy competitiveness.

Houses are most often used conventional electrical devices or wood.

Photo 3. A wood-burning bread oven can be installed in the yard, it is more mobile than an electric one.

Wood burning stove device

The wood burning stove must have chimney, which will ensure the release of gases. Her power depends on size and power consumption. Fire affects the coating of the device itself, which gives off heat to food.

Important! Convenient not only for creating pastries, but also for heating premises.

The main elements of the device:

  • heating element;
  • window;
  • tape or conveyor for products;
  • steam humidifier;
  • chimney.


Mainly wood, compressed pallets, fuel briquettes or peat. The advantage of firewood is in the long-term preservation of heat, long-term support for the combustion process and environmental friendliness.

When choosing a wood stove, you need to understand operation goals and appliances: industrial or domestic.

Take the economical and more compact version if you are cooking for the family. It is unlikely that you need the amount of products that, for example, a tunnel oven produces.

Pay attention to kitchen area. Some devices take up a lot of space due to their size and the ability to connect a chimney.

Depending on the type of oven, not only bread, pizza, pies and confectionery can be cooked in it, but also first, second courses, fish or meat.

Useful video

A video showing how a master class on baking bread using a wood-burning oven takes place: from sourdough to the finished product.

Bread oven manufacturers

After getting acquainted with the types of furnaces, their capabilities and operation, they proceed to the choice of the manufacturer.

Market design developers very wide, each of them tries to sell their product as profitably as possible, offering a wide variety of instrument functions.

But the suppliers below have managed to conquer the market thanks to high quality and low energy consumption equipment:

  1. ASTerm is the most famous stove manufacturer in Europe. The devices differ in the ratio low price and quality. Often used for baking pizza because of their dome type. The most powerful device of this company is capable of producing up to 195 items per hour.
  2. Furnaces WERZ belong to the ecological class. With a system from 12 valves, speed baking increases by 50%, which is a significant advantage.
  3. Products Apache equipped mechanical control panels which makes the operation easier. They are renowned for their versatility and compact design. A great option designed for small bakeries or pastry shops.
  4. Company CASTELLI FORNI already 35 years offers a wide selection of modern Italian stoves. Assembly of structures is carried out at one enterprise.
  5. Furnaces Amborgi came from far away 1939. The manufacturer has kept the old traditions and modern technologies. Designs are made of special refractory materials. Used for pizzerias and restaurants.

The idea of ​​outdoor baking in a wood-fired oven is a special romance. The secrets of building this budget clay oven shares with us the famous natural builder Ziggy.

So, we are building a clay oven for baking bread and pizza


Cinder blocks, some stones and empty bottles went to the foundation to create a work surface at a height of about 80 cm.

Refractory layer

The insulating layer for beer bottles has been kneaded on clay mortar and sawdust. We carefully placed 17 refractory bricks on it already on sand mortar.

Clay kiln dimensions

The diameter of our oven was about 60 cm. In such an oven, up to three medium loaves of bread or one or two small pizzas can fit at the same time. With its small size, the stove can be heated up to 700 degrees within two hours of burning with good wood.

Creating an opening

Before assembling the dome of the stove itself, we made an arched opening from reclaimed red brick, and a binder of clay-sand mixture.

The doorway is a little narrow, only 12 cm, and you can’t fit a large pizza there, but what kind of pies can be baked there! The dome (nothing more than a 3:1 mixture of sand and clay) is carefully erected over a sand dome covered with wet newspaper.

Then we chose the sand from there and got such an opening.

Another note on the doorway: it should be 63% of the height of the clay dome. If the height of the dome of the stove is 40 cm, then the height of the opening is 25 cm. This is done for comfortable operation of the hood in the stove.

Dome insulation

From above, we plastered the dome with a layer of 6-8 cm of sawdust and clay. This layer helps to retain heat longer, which allows us to increase the productive time of the stove. Clay ovens, which are designed exclusively for baking pizza, do not require such a layer.

It's basically all about the clay oven. Pretty simple, right?

The entire construction took less than a week. BUT most of time is spent waiting for each stage to dry.

Today we will talk about the Home Bread Oven and there will be a recipe, where to buy, how much it costs and of course how bread is baked in the oven.

Let's start that since we started talking about the stove, it should be and we will start with it!

Video about baking bread

Buy: Home oven for bread

Not the fact that now

Bread oven

And of course, as we have without video ...

How to choose a bread oven

In fact, it's like with color and there are no comrades, but if we talk about us. Toms considered Panasonic - because I am not indifferent to this brand, and she has never

In the kit - there must be a book with recipes - and it should not consist of one leaflet, as we looked at one ... But at least 100 sheets.

Buy a bread maker

We bought this stove here. And there, by the way, there were excellent discounts, about which I did not write a separate page. But he described the situation a little when he bought himself.

Bread in the oven recipe

This will be our simple yeast bread, the simplest. Whatever you can think of minimum set products.

1. Flour premium wheat 500 gr.

2. 2 spoons of sunflower oil

3. A teaspoon of salt.

4. A teaspoon of yeast.

5. 300gr. water.

How to bake bread in the oven

We have a recipe for bread, now the cooking process itself. Friends! We have already filmed the cooking process - it remains to sort, so we will not take many pictures to describe the process of making bread. The video will show you everything!

1. We take a container, it’s better to pull it out for our stove, because it will be rather unpleasant when the flour crumbles inside and, in general, the flour stains everything wherever it gets. And we fall asleep first with flour - I don’t know if there is any order for filling the ingredients, but we do just that ...

2. We make a large depression in the flour with the expectation that water will also go there and everything except yeast goes there.

3. To add yeast, there is a special dispenser or in Russian: capacity.

And we just have to press the program according to which our delicious bread will be baked!

On the left we see the size - choose the middle "L"? on the right, select the color of the crust - we also set the average. Press the timer button one press up - this is 4 hours. Here in the photo we see that the process continues and now the bread is in the process of the podium at the very top of the scoreboard and there are 2 hours left.

When we were going to buy a "bread maker" we thought for a long time, but my mother’s anniversary was just approaching, and then we still had a village in which we lived in the summer, and there was periodically no bread and this was a problem!

Home bread oven- this is the way out! A chic thing and the coolest thing is that the price of bread comes out twice cheaper than the cheapest one if you buy bread in our store. Of course, this is stupid - to save money like that, but the quality of bread was not even close at all!

How to bake bread in the oven- it always seemed to me that this was such a complicated thing, but I loved to cook until I returned to my parents, and the hostess would not allow me to host in her kitchen ... And when it came to some kind of contact with yeast - this is for me - like something incomprehensible, I don’t know. Why did it turn out like that!

Electric bread ovens- varieties of them great amount in any store and the prices are very reasonable and you can buy without problems!

Oven for baking bread at home– Have we already talked about our stove? But after all, we have another stove, which is also electric and also very cool and it’s called - which mom decided to buy also for reasons of impossibility of gas supply

Bread oven- and the two stoves listed above are very suitable for these purposes!

How much does a bread oven cost- Prices are generally very reasonable! From 4 thousand to 20.000. And in fact, ms are very glad that they decided to buy this stove.



Bakery ovens are versatile devices that allow you to create great pastries. They can be both homemade and designed for large-scale bread production.

Photo of a baking oven

Bakery ovens are divided into a fairly large number of models, each of which has its own characteristics.

At the same time, the main classification of baking ovens is carried out according to several criteria.

  1. Furnace heating system. Depending on the type of work surface heating system used, baking ovens are:
  • With direct recoil on the surface. These are wood-burning stoves;
  • Devices that do not have direct recoil on the heating surface of the furnace. This category includes thermal oil models of furnaces.
  1. The principle of heat transfer in a furnace. To create baking, a different principle of heat delivery to work surfaces can be used:
  • Through radiation and heating tubes;
  • Through fuel gases or hot air, which circulates inside the oven. These are convection ovens.
  1. Furnace channel designs. Bread makers are also classified according to the type of channels. They can be:
  • With high thermal resistance. Such bread ovens have brick or ceramic walls. During their construction, a certain order is observed;
  • With little resistance. This category includes furnaces, the walls of which are made of steel sheets. This feature is different in the main electric bread machine.
  • Liquid fuel;
  • Electricity;
  • Firewood;
  • Coal, etc.
  1. Method for loading blanks for baking. All ovens are equipped with a chamber for placing pastries inside it. At the same time, the loading into the chambers of the oven for making bread is different:
  • Floor oven. Such an oven has several floors, on each of which there is a pallet with blanks for bread and pastries. Floors can have stationary or retractable pallets. The latter option is more convenient if the finished bread is unloaded by hand;
  • Tunnel oven. These are rather long chambers for baking, through which workpieces pass. Designed for a large amount of loaded bread, which ensures fast cooking impressive portions of pastries. Similar loading methods are relevant for large bakeries;
  • Rotary ovens. Based on the rotation of pallets with baking blanks. Rotary kilns are distinguished by their large usable area, which ensures simultaneous cooking a large number of bread.

requirements for bakery

The bread oven must meet certain requirements in order to meet the needs of the manufacturer.

  1. Oven capacity. If this is a bakery oven that provides baking to an entire district or city, the equipment must be able to simultaneously load a large number of bread blanks. The Russian traditional oven allows you to bake several loaves at a time, which is quite enough for home consumption.
  2. Camera height. An electric, gas or wood-burning stove must be equipped with sufficiently high chambers. This is due to the fact that most types of bread begin to rise during baking. If the chamber is low, the bread will simply rest against the ceiling, burn or become irregular in shape.
  3. Autonomous heating elements of the stove. Moreover, for better cooking with your own hands, it is better to equip the oven with two independent heating elements - from above and below. So baking will take place evenly, and the user will be able to control the degree of frying of products.
  4. Steam function. When cooking baking at home with your own hands, for which a Russian oven or a conventional oven is often used, the issue of vaporization does not play a big role. But on production shops the absence of such a function leads to the fact that the upper crust dries up, becomes covered with cracks, and burns out. From this, the presentation is lost, pastries can be rejected, and therefore the manufacturer will lose money. To prevent this, it is necessary to purchase bread machines with a steam function.
  5. The heating temperature is at least 300 degrees. Modern household ovens are equipped with thermostats that allow you to cook food at different temperatures. temperature conditions. The requirements for bread makers are somewhat higher. The bulk of baking is cooked at a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius. But for certain recipes and types of bread, a temperature of 400-500 degrees may be required. Not all bread makers are able to provide such heating, but baking simply won’t work without it. Therefore, when buying equipment, check its temperature range and whether it can implement the recipes that you plan to use in baking.

HPE 500

If you want to open your small production or bake bread at home, focusing on its further sale, you should pay attention to the most popular bread machines on the domestic market. it electrical models from Russian company"Sunrise". special attention the HPE 500 version deserves, but this is not the only representative of the series.

Why is this bakery so popular? Equipped with a highly efficient baking chamber, it shows excellent performance results. At the same time, the most pleasant moment is the cost. For frankly little money, the buyer receives an excellent stove, which can be confidently put on a par with imported counterparts. At the same time, their cost is several times higher than the domestic HPE furnace. Cooking in it with your own hands is a pleasure.

Let's get acquainted with model range HPE.

  1. Model 500. CPE with an index of 500 is made externally of galvanized steel and includes three autonomous chambers at once. Each of them is equipped with a pair of baking sheets, has the function of generating steam. Why is it needed, we have already talked to you. The height of the sections allows you to bake traditional loaves of bread. Inside the chambers there are heating elements - upper and lower. Their work is regulated separately, which makes it possible to control the level of roasting of the crust, bake different kinds bakery products. In one baking session, the chambers allow you to place up to 70 loaves or about 40 loaves. For operation, a voltage of 380 V is used, and the power of the HPE unit is 19.2 kW. And what is the price of such a miracle? The unit costs about 45 thousand rubles.
  2. 750/500. Another model from the KhPE series, which is almost a full-fledged analogue of the previously presented bread machine. The only difference is the presence of only one level instead of three. Its bread productivity is less, but the price is 20-23 thousand rubles.
  3. 750/1C. An analogue of the second presented model with one level of loading of bakery blanks. The advantage of this version of the bread machine from the Vostok company is the presence of a transparent door made of heat-resistant glass. With it, you can control the baking process without opening the chamber. This has a positive effect on the result of cooking.

If you do not want to wind up a huge amount of kilowatts with your own hands, the gas version of the bread machine is suitable for you. The Voskhod company offers such models - these are rotary bread makers, the fuel for which is gas.

Many people want to bake bread with their own hands. Some for themselves, and some for earnings. Depending on this, you may need a specific version of the bread maker.

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