Homemade sourdough bread without yeast. Tasty and healthy bread without yeast: we cook it ourselves in the oven

Encyclopedia of Plants 19.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Recently, we are increasingly confronted with disputes about the benefits and harms of such a necessary product for us as bread. Of particular doubt is the presence of yeast in its composition: they say that it is harmful to the body, and does not add beauty, and makes digestion difficult. Therefore, today we will learn how to cook yeast-free bread in various ways, and the oven will help us with this.

Features of yeast-free bread

As the name implies, this bread is made without the use of baker's yeast. The dough is kneaded on the basis of curdled milk or kefir, brines with the addition of soda, which ensures fermentation in an acidic environment. Even more often, special starter cultures are used. It is these products that raise the dough and increase it in volume, due to which the bread becomes soft, elastic.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle categorically do not welcome the presence of live yeast in their diet. And such baking is really very useful. Bread contains cellulose, which has a beneficial effect on peristalsis - you will get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating and normalize metabolism.

Yeast-free bread is really very useful

Note! The low acidity of yeast-free bread is beneficial for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis or ulcers. Vitamins of group B and PP contained in this product will relieve you of troubles with the skin of the face, hair and nails.

In addition, home-made yeast-free bread lasts much longer than regular store-bought bread. Of course, if it is not eaten as soon as it is taken out of the oven (most likely, it will be so, I assure you).

Required Ingredients

As in any baking, when making yeast-free bread, the main ingredient is flour. And depending on the recipe, it is very important to choose its type: rye, wheat, corn, buckwheat, barley, bran. Carefully follow the recommendations of the recipe: sometimes using, for example, wheat flour instead of rye flour can spoil the finished product.

For yeast-free bread, flour of any cereal crops is used.

Since live yeast is not used, plain water will not work for the dough either. Instead, fermented milk products or brines are used, to which soda is added. Also, yeast-free bread is prepared on sourdough. Below we will tell you how to do it right. If you decide to bake yeast-free bread all the time, leaven should always be at hand.

Salt and sugar are essential products for the dough. But in this case, they play only a taste role. Sugar is involved in the formation of the dough only in tandem with yeast.

Very often, yeast-free bread is supplemented with bran, whole grains, malt, seaweed and other products. These additives increase the benefits of bread for our body by an order of magnitude.

Depending on the recipe, other products will be added to the dough: eggs, butter, milk, etc. And now, as promised, we will tell you about the preparation of the sourdough.

"Eternal" sourdough

There are a lot of options for starters, for every taste. We suggest you start with the simplest, but most effective. It will require:

  • 300 g flour (preferably rye);
  • 300 g of water.
  1. Day 1. Combine water with flour in a deep bowl or pan, stir well until the consistency of thick sour cream. Cover with a piece of damp cloth, put in a place where it is very warm, there are no drafts. The workpiece should ferment during the day. Stir occasionally and watch for small bubbles to form.
  2. Day 2 Sourdough needs food. Add 100 g of flour and pour in enough water so that the consistency returns to the previous one. Cover the workpiece again and return to the same warm place for a day. Remember to stir and watch for bubbles.
  3. Day 3 Now you can see with the naked eye that the starter is working. It increased in size and was covered with bubbles. Feed her for the last time (as in the last paragraph) and place her in heat again. Watch from time to time: You need to watch out for the moment when the starter grows to 2 times its previous volume. At this point, the mass must be divided in half. One part can be used immediately - to cook dough for bread on it. Place the other half in a jar, cover with a lid and refrigerate. When necessary, take half of it, feed it again and put it in heat.

Sourdough should always be at your fingertips

That's the whole secret of the simplest sourdough, which will help you for a long time in making delicious and healthy bread.

Sourdough Video Recipe

Step-by-step recipes for making homemade bread without yeast in the oven

Think yeast-free bread is monotonous and boring? But no! There are a lot of recipes for this product, and if you also apply your imagination, life will not be enough to try everything. We have selected for you several common, simple and interesting ways of making such bread.

Classic recipe

Loaf of white unleavened bread

A very simple way to bake delicious sourdough bread with a standard set of products:

  • 600 g wheat flour;
  • 250 g of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 7 tablespoons of sourdough.

To make the crust on the bread shiny, coat the top of the loaf with vegetable oil and put it in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.

Video recipe for classic wheat bread without yeast

Whey white bread

Such bread is not only very tasty, but also satisfying. It is made according to a recipe similar to those used by our great-great-grandmothers. You will need the following products:

  • 3 cups wheat flour;
  • 550 ml of serum;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon of soda;
  • 9 tablespoons of sourdough.

Please note that flour, whey, butter, as well as the dishes in which you will mix the dough, must be warm. To warm the flour, sift it into a suitable dry dish, put it in a warm (up to 60 degrees) oven.

Whey bread has been prepared since ancient times.

  1. Take a deep bowl or pan, pour 1 cup of wheat flour into it.

    Pour wheat flour into a bowl

  2. Put the starter on top - 9 tablespoons.

    Add sourdough

  3. Now add the remaining 2 cups of flour, salt, sugar and baking soda. Pour 250 ml of whey, preheating it, and vegetable oil.

    Add other products

  4. Mix all the ingredients well so that the mixture is thick and sticky. To work with it further, you need to thoroughly grease your hands with sunflower oil.

    knead the dough

  5. Bread can be baked in special forms, and if you do not have them, then simply form a loaf or small buns with your hands. Cover the forms or baking sheet with parchment paper, greased with vegetable oil, spread the dough in equal parts. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for a couple of hours. During this time, the dough should at least double in size.

    Forms or a baking sheet under the dough should be laid with parchment paper

  6. Keep an eye on the test so that it does not run away. It is light, fast on the rise, it can easily “make legs”, as the people say. Even if this happened, do not be upset. With a sharp knife, carefully cut off the excess dough that has escaped from the mold, and make a cake out of them. It can also be baked.
  7. Moisten the future bread with water on top and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Or cumin, flax, sunflower seeds, anise - to your taste. Send to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Place a tray of water on the bottom tier to prevent the bread from burning and saturate it with moisture during the baking process. Cooking time - 50 minutes.

    Top bread can be sprinkled with sesame seeds or cumin

  8. If you like a hard crust, take the bread out as soon as it is baked. You can leave the loaf inside until the oven has completely cooled, then the crust will be soft and tender.

    To make the crust firm and crispy, take the bread out of the oven immediately.

See how lively and elastic the bread is. Sourdough paired with whey makes it unusually fragrant, loose, soft.

On kefir

Kefir has long been known to us for its beneficial properties. In yeast-free bread, it acts as a leaven. Take the following ingredients:

This recipe is for 4 servings.

Bake bread for at least half an hour in an oven heated to 200 degrees. Check readiness with a match or toothpick. Remove the finished loaf, cover with a clean cloth and wait for it to cool completely.

Video about making yeast-free kefir bread

in brine

Spicy and fragrant brine will be an excellent basis for yeast-free bread

This bread can taste different every day. It depends on the brine that is part of the test. It can be cucumber, cabbage, tomato, infused with dill, cumin, vinegar. Someone recommends taking a not very sour brine, someone likes a more spicy one. It all depends on your taste, you can experiment to choose the most suitable option. So, you will need:

  • 300 g of brine;
  • 120 g peeled rye flour;
  • 350 g wheat flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons sesame or cumin.

Heat the brine a little, salt it and add rye flour. Stir and let the mixture rise for 20-25 minutes.

  1. Enter sugar and start kneading the dough, gradually adding wheat flour. The mass should be soft, slightly sticky to the hands. Cover it and leave it in a warm place.
  2. The dough should double in size. Once this has happened, put it into the mold with your hands dipped in vegetable oil. Sprinkle with sesame seeds or cumin. Cover again with a towel and send for 30 minutes in a warm place.
  3. Put the form with the dough in the oven, heated to 190 degrees. It takes about 25 minutes to bake.

    You can check the readiness by tapping on the crust. If the sound is muffled, but distinct, then the bread is ready.

Bread in brine rises well and turns out tasty, fragrant, lush

On milk

If you do not have much time, and there are enough products to surprise your relatives and friends, we suggest you cook yeast-free bread in milk with vegetable additives.

Required products:

  • 400 g flour;
  • 50 g of oatmeal;
  • 175 ml of milk;
  • 175 ml of yogurt;
  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • 3 small onions;
  • 100 g of greens;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

Pumpkin can be replaced with zucchini, squash, eggplant, tomatoes - to your taste.

  1. Peel the onion and pumpkin, chop and fry in oil until soft. Turn on the oven so that it warms up to 200 degrees.

    Cook the onion and pumpkin stew

  2. Take a large bowl and mix the roast, flour, cereal, salt with soda, chopped herbs in it. In another bowl, mix milk with yogurt until smooth.

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl

  3. Combine all mixtures in one bowl. Stir quickly with a wooden spatula.

    Knead the dough with a spatula

  4. Put the prepared dough into a greased mold. Make slits at the top. Bake in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

    Pour the dough into the mold and make cuts on top

  5. Take the bread out of the oven. It can be served both hot and chilled.

    Ready-made bread can be served immediately to the table

If desired, honey and nuts, cinnamon with vanilla, anise or olives can be added to such bread.

Choux bread

A very simple recipe with a minimum of products and time. You will need:

  • 0.5 l of boiling water;
  • flour - how much uncooked dough will take;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt and sugar;
  • sourdough - 8 tablespoons.

Chouxed yeast-free bread is indispensable in the lenten menu

Such bread is very good with mushroom soups, which are invariably served at the table during Lent.

Whole Grain Fitness Bread

Such bread is unconditionally classified as a dietary cuisine because of the whole grain flour included in it. A very simple recipe, cooking will take you only an hour and a half, of which you personally will have to spend only 20 minutes.

Whole grain unleavened bread

You will need the following products:

  • 0.5 cup whole grain wheat flour;
  • 0.5 cups of wheat flour;
  • 0.5 cups of mineral water;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 tablespoons of bran;
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.

A set of products for whole grain yeast-free bread

  1. Prepare all the necessary products so that they are at your fingertips.
  2. In one bowl, mix the bran, wholemeal flour and water, salt. Add wheat flour and vegetable oil there.

    Mix all ingredients in a suitable bowl

  3. Mix everything very quickly into a soft dough. Cover with a clean cloth, leave for 15-20 minutes.

    Quickly knead the dough and leave it warm for a while

  4. Roll out the infused dough into a thin layer of about 0.5 cm. The vegetable oil in the composition will not allow the mass to stick to the table. If this still happens, sprinkle a handful of flour on the table.

    Roll out the dough into a layer

  5. Roll out the dough roll. In the meantime, preheat the oven and prepare a baking sheet by slightly dampening it with water. Lay the roll on it and bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. After that, lower the temperature to 150 degrees and leave the bread to bake for half an hour.

    Form a roll from the rolled out layer

  6. When you take the finished bread out of the oven, wrap it in a linen cloth (slightly damp), cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest for an hour.

    Wrap the finished bread in a linen napkin for a while

Now you can cut whole grain bread and enjoy its taste.

Bran loaf on soda

Such yeast-free bread has long been prepared in Ireland. If you are a fan of this country, be sure to try this recipe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g bran flour;
  • 450 ml of kefir (low-fat or completely fat-free);
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 50 g sunflower seeds;
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour;
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt.

Before starting work, turn on the oven so that it is heated to 220 degrees by the right moment.

  1. Sift the bran flour. Those bran that remained at the bottom of the sieve, pour back into the flour, add salt and soda. Stir the ingredients evenly.

    Mix the ingredients in a bowl

  2. Add kefir to the mixture of dry products and knead the dough.

    Add kefir to the dry ingredients mixture

  3. In a frying pan (without oil!) Dry the sesame and sunflower seeds.

    Roast the seeds in a dry frying pan

  4. Soak raisins in water for 5 minutes and squeeze.

    Soak raisins and squeeze them

  5. Add all this to the dough, knead well.

    Mix all the ingredients into a dough

  6. Sprinkle a baking dish with a little flour. Put the dough into it, forming a loaf.

    Pour the dough into the mold

  7. Make an incision crosswise on the loaf, preferably deep. Place the bread in the oven and bake for 45 minutes.

    Bread is fluffy and crispy

Irish bran bread is ready. You can eat it right away or let it stand under a damp linen towel until it cools completely.

Rye bread without yeast

For extra flavor and aroma, pumpkin or chickpea flour can be added to this bread.

So, you will need:

  • 3 cups rye flour;
  • 1 glass of flaxseed flour;
  • 0.5 l of sourdough;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 0.7 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

Corn unleavened bread

Yeast-free corn bread came to us from Italy

This yeast-free bread recipe came to us from sunny Italy. The method of preparation is simple and quick, and the taste is gentle, like a Mediterranean breeze. You will need:

  • 360 g cornmeal;
  • 360 g wheat flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 st. l. ;
  • 240 ml of milk;
  • 1 cup sour cream 15%;
  • 3 art. l. olive oil in the dough and 1 tbsp. l. for greasing the baking sheet;
  • 1 large egg.

Instead of olive oil, you can take sunflower or corn.

As you can see, yeast-free bread can be tasty and varied, and it’s not difficult to cook it at home in the oven. We hope that among these recipes you will find the most suitable for yourself. Tell us in the comments how you make bread without yeast. Bon Appetit!

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Why did our Slavic ancestors attach great importance to bread? If you think - because it was the most easily obtained food product that saved you from hunger, then you are mistaken. Bread was given special importance because it was a very healthy product, with a wonderful taste, which everyone loved. It was REAL BREAD giving satiety, strength and health. It was so because our forefathers prepared it correctly. Only the right bread can really satisfy your hunger and give you health.

The REAL BREAD of the Slavs has always been sour. And that's what the sourdough made him do. What happens during fermentation, if our ancestors could not imagine bread without it?

Firstly, there are protective substances in cereals (a kind of preservatives), which allow the grain to be stored for a long time and greatly prevent its digestion. For example: phytic acid does not allow the body to absorb the necessary minerals and trace elements (such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc); other substances block the work of enzymes, which causes the body to additionally spend its internal resources; tannins, gluten and related proteins, and indigestible complex sugars can cause allergies, indigestion, and even mental disturbances. The properties of these substances do not weaken when grinding grain into flour. The action of protective substances is terminated only when the grain gets into conditions suitable for germination or during prolonged fermentation of the dough with the help of sourdough.

Secondly, during acid fermentation, complex substances are broken down into simpler ones (which are easier to digest and assimilate by the body), and in addition, new nutrients necessary for the body are formed.

For these two reasons, sourdough bread is very satisfying. In these reasons lies the benefits of sourdough bread.

There is another very important point: the cooked bread must be well baked so that fermentation stops in it and the bread does not turn sour.

By the way, not only black (rye), but also white bread can be sour, as long as the flour for it is real - whole grain flour.

Whether our ancestors knew or not, the lactic acid bacteria found in sourdough neutralize the grain's internal defenses and make the grain's nutrients more accessible. But they always let the sourdough work on the dough (to maximize the benefits of the bread), and they got a refined bread that they appreciated.

What happened today? This knowledge exists, but civilized society ignores it, producing industrial unleavened bread.

But you yourself can bake the REAL BREAD - the bread of the ancestors - the bread that gives strength! Only such bread is worthy of you!

1. Cooking the sourdough

200 gr. water

200 gr flour

100 gr. bran

2 spoons of honey

5 gr. raisins

Mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place until fermentation begins. As soon as fermentation begins, mix thoroughly and leave for 4 hours. Fermentation can begin on the first or second day ... It is better to keep the sourdough for 3 days ...

2. Prepare dough for dough

1000 gr. water

Salt to taste for the dough

Sugar or honey 2 tablespoons

100 gr. bran

200 gr. flour

200 gr. sourdough (leave the rest of the sourdough in the refrigerator for the next time)

You need to keep the dough for 8 hours ...

3. Cooking the dough

If you cook it at home. Recently, the quality and taste of purchased bread has been deteriorating and deteriorating, and there are a number of objective reasons for this. Firstly, there is no proper quality control, secondly, the manufacturer is trying to save money on everything, and thirdly, the ingredients that are put into the bread make it completely different from what it should be. Therefore, many are beginning to think about how to make natural, tasty, healthy bread without yeast at home. And the first thing with which preparations begin is sourdough.

Sourdough for bread has dozens of different cooking options. You can prepare sourdough using honey, kefir, hops, malt, various types of flour, etc. In this article, I will show you how to cook sourdough for unleavened bread based on personal experience and knowledge.

I took the basic cooking tips on the Internet, but in practice it turned out that not everything is so simple, and if you don’t know some of the features, then leaven for bread it may not work out and baking will also not please you with its taste and aroma.

Eternal sourdough for yeast-free bread

Already from the name of this starter it becomes clear that it can be used more than once. And with the right approach, it will really become "eternal" and will be able to please you until the desire to bake bread disappears.

There are many variations of this sourdough bread on the web. Someone takes rye flour as a basis, someone uses wheat flour, someone mixes different types of flour, thus trying to improve the quality of the leaven. But, as personal experience, and the experience of other bakers, shows, it makes no difference what you choose as a basis, and there is no difference from which sourdough bread is baked. If it is cooked correctly, then the bread will turn out great.

The ideal temperature for making sourdough is over 25 degrees. This means that it should not be cold in an apartment or house, because otherwise the optimum temperature for the development and reproduction of bacteria will not be reached, the sourdough will not grow, and the dough kneaded on it will not rise.

  • During the preparation process, the sourdough must be stirred regularly.

Flour is heavier than water, therefore, even after kneading the sourdough, the flour will settle to the bottom of the dish. I advise you to mix your starter 2-3 times a day to speed up the process of fermentation and growth.

  • Preparation time 3-5 days.

There are recipes that say that the sourdough will be ready in 3 days, someone cooks 4. After the first unsuccessful experience, I decided to play it safe and cooked the sourdough for almost 5 days. But he clearly saw the process of growth and development, which indicated that the dough would rise and the bread would turn out excellent.

How to restore sourdough

As you already understood, we send part of the sourdough to the dough, and pour the other part into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. The next time you want to bake bread, take out the starter, add some flour to it (I do it by eye) and give it time to "feed". It is best to get the sourdough in the evening and leave it to "eat" overnight. In the morning, part is again sent to the dough, and part is in the refrigerator until the next baking. Thus, it is not necessary to wait 5 days each time to prepare a new starter for yeast-free dough, but 8-12 hours are enough to make a finished product from a starter.

Thus, we get an eternal sourdough for bread, which can be used as long as there is a desire to cook.

P.S - on the Internet there are more complex sourdough recipes, more sophisticated with a large number of ingredients. But I consider this option to be optimal, because the bread turns out delicious, fluffy, soft, fragrant, and the process of preparing the sourdough does not take much time.

Bread... Fresh, fragrant... With a crispy crust and an aroma that instantly awakens the appetite. Its use, in our time, is done without hesitation, as a matter of course - a part of life. After all, man does not live by bread alone.

Main dishes without an additional ingredient in the form of bread are already vaguely presented. We eat bread separately and as a bite, at home and at work, at a party and on vacation, with tea and our favorite jam.

However, a number of authorities consider bread sold in stores to be unhealthy. The proof is personal experience and the constant presence in the creation of this “baking miracle” of three key factors: yeast, ingredients (namely: flour of different varieties and types) and all kinds of additives, more often than not just not useful, but even harmful.

We advise you to pay attention to the ingredients of a bakery product in the shops you often visit and the nearest supermarkets. On the Internet, people are often frightened by information about the harmful effects of yeast. You can see for yourself by typing the appropriate phrase in the search engine.

Unleavened, or “live” bread, is a great alternative, and it’s also home-made. This is a huge benefit, but also a huge responsibility.

After all, only you are responsible for the quality of such a bread, its composition and benefits for relatives, friends and simply those whom you consider it necessary to treat. This topic has always attracted a lot of attention, which explains the large number of published articles, seminars and trainings.

Our material is a kind of instruction for making yeast-free bread with your own hands, bread with your chosen composition, quality, energy. No one will dispute the fact that bread is rightfully considered the head of our table.

In the old days, it was baked at home, recipes were passed down as a family heirloom from mother to daughter. The modern world means buying bread made with harmful thermophilic yeast from the nearest store.

Beneficial features

The properties and benefits of yeast-free bread are undeniable before.

Unleavened bread has a number of valuable properties:

  • a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • the benefits of wholemeal rye flour in its contribution to the fight against excess weight, stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system, and the body as a whole, in addition, it is a balanced and extremely useful nutritional element, according to experienced microbiologists;
  • strengthening immunity, preventing the formation of tumors;
  • long-term storage without loss of taste;
  • the possibility of using it as a festive pastry (in this case, nuts, sesame seeds, flax, dried fruits as a decoration, etc. help).


It takes a lot of heart and soul to make bread. As a result, such bread can give odds to cakes. My experience of baking yeast-free bread for more than two years, the sourdough recipe (you can) has many friends and enjoys great polarity. Having tried once to create your fragrant miracle with a delicious crispy crust and a lot of useful properties, do you really want to hear about something else.

To see the huge difference, try making your own natural sourdough bread.

The kneading process will not take you much time, because it lasts 15 minutes, and such bread will bring a lot of delight. In addition, you can reduce power costs by preparing sourdough in a bread machine. The recipe for bread without yeast is described in stages and is accessible.

Starter preparation

  • Mix 0.5 l of warm water with a temperature of 37-38 degrees with 2 cups of rye flour and knead the batter. It should always resemble sour cream in consistency. The difference is whether it is thick sour cream or liquid. Each process has its own mixture. My favorite flour is whole wheat flour, although you can use any coarse flour.
  • We cover with a towel, transfer to a warm place with a temperature of 25-30 degrees and leave for 36 hours. After this period, natural sourdough will begin to bubble slightly.
  • Pour one glass of rye flour into the prepared mixture and quickly make a thick dough. Then we put it in a warm place and let it ripen. As a result, we got the primary sourdough for bread, a thin mass with an admixture of small bubbles.

Dough preparation

  • We mix one liter of warm water, one tablespoon of honey and one salt (in case you want a large loaf of bread). Do you prefer small? Then the ingredients are half as much. Next, sourdough and flour are added. Now we can knead the dough.
  • We hide 200 grams of the mixture until the next time in the refrigerator, preferably in a separate sealed container.
  • We place the bulk of the dough in molds previously greased with vegetable or butter (whichever is closer). There is also a quick option: beat the dough with a spoon until it starts to lag behind the surface, and then put it in a bread pan or pan with a spoon, sprinkle with flour.
  • We wrap the bread securely and leave it in a warm place for about 6-8 hours.


Carefully transfer the bread to the oven, preheated at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 10 minutes. After about 50 minutes, the amazing aroma will tell you that our homemade cakes are ready. You can sprinkle with water and cover with a towel. Yummy! And now you are teasing homemade aromas.

Also, it makes sense to try baking it on sourdough in a bread machine. You will not be disappointed, because the bread in the bread machine turns out to be no less fragrant and tasty!

In all subsequent times, our leaven must first rise in a warm place. After kneading, leave a small piece of sourdough for the next time.

3 more ways to make sourdough

The base of the basics (you guessed it, sourdough).

The point in making the right bread is high-quality sourdough and enzymes. I have several methods for its preparation, kindly provided by friends. Also, the Internet is full of more than one video dedicated to the preparation and baking of sourdough bread in a bread machine.

Method #1

Pour flour into a jar with a capacity of 80 ml (preferably rye, it is more useful, because it contains a lot of various beneficial microorganisms and bacteria) and add 100 ml of water, stir until the mixture begins to resemble thick sour cream. Leave for 24 hours in a warm place until small bubbles appear, after covering with a small towel or cloth.

We fall asleep 100 flour and repeat the procedure. You should observe an increase in the volume of the starter. Add another 100 g of flour and leave the mixture in a warm place for 24 hours. The finished sourdough should double in size.

Method #2

We are preparing a decoction of hops. To do this, a dry plant must be boiled in a glass or enamel bowl until the volume of water is halved. We dissolve one spoonful of sugar (in this case, raw sugar is preferable) in a glass of broth. Then add half a glass of flour, stir, cover the mixture with a cloth or gauze and place in a warm place for two days. Looking forward to doubling the volume.

Method #3

or how to make sourdough according to Vadim Zeland's method. (flour is made from sprouted grains, like)

Pour warm, filtered water (36-37 ° C) into a saucepan with rye flour and dilute with a wooden spatula, slowly and gradually. We bring the mixture to a state of thick, viscous sour cream. We cover the container with a lid and put any “rag” napkin on top. You need to “feed” the starter with a temperature of 24 to 26 ° C. It is best to place the pan on an elevated surface.

This procedure is repeated more than once and it is necessary to make efforts for several days. Strictly according to the schedule: in the morning and in the evening, 40 g of flour and 60 g of water (4 days in a row). On the final fifth day we have 800 g of sourdough. on average, 1 loaf of bread takes up to 500 g of sourdough, the rest can be put in the refrigerator and next time repeat the necessary steps.

We certainly store the finished sourdough for bread in the refrigerator, covering it with gauze. It is worth noting that it is necessary to feed the starter every few days. Namely: add a third of the volume of water and a little flour (again, achieving the consistency of sour cream, and thick).

You can cook it once, and then use it repeatedly without problems. Moreover, you don’t have to worry if our sourdough stays “unfed” for a couple of weeks. It will not lose its useful properties. And listen to the aroma of your sourdough! Do you hear those spicy notes of bread kvass? The beauty!

Undoubtedly, the mood that is present in you when cooking, thoughts, feelings is very important. So try to keep as much love and positive thoughts in your heart as possible. This will make you and your family, friends, loved ones happy, and home-baked bread will be a pleasant discovery for everyone. I hope our material will be useful to you. Good health to all!

Hello dear blog readers life handmade! I wrote a lot of articles on the topic, about how, how to compose, so as not to rack my brains every day. And what healthy food is complete without baking homemade bread? Do you know that one of the causes of tumors and allergies is yeast, which is part of store-bought bread? I wrote about this in an article about how we. And the basis for baking is sourdough for bread at home.

What will be discussed in today's article.

Why bake sourdough bread

I also asked this question, until I found information that since the 40s of the 20th century, yeast has been used in the baking industry, which are killers of our immunity.

Thermophilic yeast is good because it quickly raises the dough and thus speeds up the production process.

But the downside of this convenience is that this type of microorganisms does not die when heated during the baking process and continues to live and multiply after eating store-bought bread.

Doesn't this prospect scare you?

You live for yourself, eat bread and store-bought pastries, and then suddenly something has grown inside you!

Any tumor, God forbid.

And the reason for this is yeast, which feels great in our warm body!

You may not believe this and look for information on your own, but our family has made a decision and for 3 years now has been baking bread in a slow cooker every two days.

Is it difficult? How long?

Matter of habit.

Personally, I really like to make a delicious healthy product for my loved ones.

And instead of yeast, we use rye flour sourdough.

Which we also do ourselves and how to do it I will tell in today's article.

What is yeast and what is sourdough

I must say right away that I do not have a degree in microbiology, so I will share the information as I understood it.

Like yeast, yeast-free sourdough is a microorganism.

Their main difference is that they behave differently in our intestines.

The nutrient medium of all microorganisms is sugar.

The metabolism of yeast is different from the metabolism that occurs in the human body.

Yeast digest sugar (this is their main food) and decompose it into carbon dioxide and alcohol.

While baking bread, the alcohol evaporates, and you will not walk a little "under the shade" after eating store-bought bread.

But the same thing happens after these little aggressors enter our body!

Day after day, getting into your body, they change your metabolism.

At first, the human immunity copes, but over time it fails.

You run to doctors with various allergic manifestations, treat dysbacteriosis with lactic acid bacteria, try to get rid of thrush, and sometimes you have to visit an oncologist.

This is where the pharmaceutical industry comes in!

And the endless journey to nowhere begins!

The reason is not removed!

And the reason is thermophilic yeast!

At the heart of sourdough is lactobacilli, the very probiotics that are so fond of adding to all sorts of yoghurts and other “healthy foods”.

What happens in our body when we bake sourdough bread

When we bake bread based on such sourdough, they also enter our body.

Their metabolism coincides with the normal metabolism of a healthy person.

Therefore, they do not violate the intestinal microflora and do not pose a threat to health.

By the way, do not believe the inscriptions on store-bought bread - "sourdough bread."

It is not profitable to bake sourdough bread on an industrial scale!

And this must be understood!

Only at home you can bake a truly healthy product!

And I will tell you further about what sourdoughs are, and how you can make it at home.

Is it difficult to make sourdough at home?

As I wrote a little above, making sourdough for baking bread is quite easy.

I would say even a schoolboy can handle it.

The most important thing is to buy or make your own flour with the right properties and have a little patience.

Rye sourdough for bread at home

Rye sourdough is based on good rye flour.

This flour contains the most useful microorganisms and bacteria, which just contribute to raising the dough.

For me, this is the easiest and most convenient sourdough option.

Having prepared a serving of sourdough once, you can use it endlessly!

Of course, if you follow a few simple rules of operation.

Wheat sourdough for bread at home

The difference between wheat sourdough and the previous one is that its basis is wheat flour, best of all whole grain.

The cooking process is the same and I will write about it a little later.

Most importantly, the quality of the prepared sourdough depends directly on the quality of the flour.

Therefore, the ideal option would be to grow your own wheat and rye, but in the conditions of the city you can find acceptable options, and I will write about this later.

What other starters are there?

Dry hop sourdough for bread at home

I found such a recipe in the book "Orthodox Family Medicine".

I don't really know where to find hops. But suddenly you like this option.

Here are the steps you need to take to make a sourdough starter:

  1. Hops are poured with hot water (water is taken twice as much as hops).
  2. They put the container on the fire and boil, lowering the pop-up hops into the water until the volume is halved.
  3. Then the solution is filtered, sugar is added in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per glass of broth.
  4. When the sugar dissolves, add wheat flour (in the ratio of half a glass to a glass of broth).
  5. After that, what happened is put in a warm place, covered with a clean cloth or gauze and left for 1.5-2 days.
  6. The finished sourdough is poured into bottles, closed and moved to a cool place.

To prepare 2-3 kg of bread, take half - three-quarters of a glass of sourdough.

Fresh hop sourdough for bread at home

If suddenly you have hops growing, then sourdough can be made from it.

Fresh hops are poured into an enameled pot, poured with hot water, then boiled for 1 hour on fire under a lid.

Then the solution is slightly cooled.

In a warm broth (based on 2 liters) fall asleep:

  • 1 table. a spoonful of salt;
  • 1 glass of sugar sand;
  • 2 full spoons of wheat flour. It's not specified in the book, but it seems to me that we are talking about whole grain flour.

The finished mass is removed in a warm place for 1.5 days.

After that, 2 pureed boiled potatoes are added to the almost ready sourdough, everything is mixed and put in a warm place for 1 day.

Now the fully prepared sourdough is poured into bottles, closed and hidden in a cool place.

It is said that bread on this sourdough is better than on sourdough from dry hops.

For the preparation of bread, sourdough is taken at the rate of ¼ cup per 1 kg of flour.

Malt sourdough for bread at home

To be honest, I don’t know where to get malt at all, but suddenly you know, then this recipe will be of interest to you.

To prepare the sourdough, you need:

  • 1 cup flour (most likely whole grain wheat)
  • ½ cup granulated sugar;
  • 5 glasses of water;
  • 3 cups malt.

All this is mixed and boiled for about an hour.

After that, the warm composition is distributed into bottles, loosely closed and placed in a warm place for a day.

Then transferred to a cold place.

For baking 2.5-3 kilogram bread, take an incomplete glass of sourdough.

But the simplest sourdough recipe that we use is this.

What you need to make sourdough based on rye flour

As I wrote above, sourdough for rye bread is made from well-chosen rye flour.

The best flour, of course, is from rye grains that you have grown yourself, ground yourself and are 100% sure of the quality of the product.

But most of us live in the city and have difficulty imagining all these subsistence farming procedures.

Therefore, our family chose a budgetary and fairly good flour option from several options - “Rye flour, baking, peeled. Ryazanochka"

What you need to make sourdough:

  1. Flour;
  2. Water;
  3. Bank 1 l;
  4. Gauze;
  5. Warm place and a little patience.

How to make sourdough bread at home: a step by step recipe

It takes about 5 days for the whole sourdough maturation process.

When I read recipes on the Internet, there were also fewer days, it took us a little more time.

I think the reason for this is the different quality of the flour.

Some flour contains more lactobacilli, some flour has less.

The process itself looks like this:

Therefore, you need to try!

What to do with the finished sourdough

Put the finished sourdough, covered with gauze, in the refrigerator and use it for baking bread as needed.

This sourdough is considered eternal on one condition - every three to five days it must be invigorated with a fresh portion of rye flour and clean water.

If you regularly bake bread, then this happens by itself.

We went to the country a couple of times, leaving the sourdough in the city, and as a result, it turned sour, so we had to make a new one.

But, as you read, the process of making sourdough at home is a simple matter, although it requires some skill.

And finally

The most important thing to remember is that sourdough bread baked with love is the most valuable product that can not only keep you and your loved ones healthy, but also unite the family!

There is a saying that from the house in which bread is baked, the devils run!

And I think that this folk wisdom is still relevant today!

Dear readers, health to you and your loved ones!

Make sourdough, bake bread, share your experience, both successful and not so good, or ask questions in the comments!

I will be glad to help you in this matter!

Yours sincerely, Margarita Mamaeva

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