Plates for the recuperator drawing. Air recuperator in a private house - independent manufacture and installation

Reservoirs 03.03.2020

Homemade air recuperator - all pros and cons, manual instructions. It is impossible to imagine comfortable accommodation in a country house without a competently equipped ventilation system, since it is the key to the fact that your home will have a healthy microclimate. And, nevertheless, most owners are cautious to establish, as they are afraid to get exorbitant bills for electrical energy. If the same doubts have become tormented and we advise you to consider such a device for a private house as a recuperator.

It is a small in size to the unit, which is combined with the supply and exhaust ventilation and it eliminates the overrun of electrical energy in winter when an additional warming is required for air. The most affordable and efficient option is to make the air recuperator with your own hands. What is this device, and what principle does it work? We will talk about it.

The concept of the process

So, what is heat recovery? This is a special process of heat exchange, in which non-heated air from the street heats up due to the emerging air flow from the room.

Due to such an organization's scheme, the installation will save heat in the house. In a short period of time and with low electrical energy, an ideal microclimate in the house will be formed.

Economic feasibility of heat exchanger of recuperative type depends on other factors:

Note,the air recuperator for the house is important, but far from the only element that is required for efficient ventilation in the residential room. Ventilation together with recovery is a complex system that operates only under the condition of work in a professional "conjunction".

Device efficiency

When the ambient temperature decreases the efficiency of the unit decreases, but still make the heat recuperator for a private house with their own hands, since with a significant difference, the heating system will be overloaded. If only 0 degrees outside the window, the air will fall into the temperature of +16 degrees. Household aggregates can easily cope with their task. The efficiency of the device is easy to calculate if you use the following formula:

Ƞ =(t. fastt. streets)/(t. roomt. streets)

  • t. fast- This is the temperature of the entered air (after recovery).
  • t. streets - Temperature on the street.
  • t. room - Temperature in the house for recovery.

Modern devices differ not only by high efficiency of the efficiency and features of use, but also in design. Let's consider the most popular solutions and their features.

Main varieties of construction

Experts pay special attention to the fact that recovery systems with heat ventilation have several varieties:

  • Plate.
  • Rotary.
  • With separate coolants.
  • Tubular.
Design Kpd. Features
Heat exchanger of a lamellar view with cross-current From 60 to 80% Medium efficiency, small pressure loss, compact design, conveniently connect.
Combined device from two lamellar heat exchangers with cross-current From 70 to 80% High efficiency, but because of this pressure loss above, it is convenient to connect.
Heat exchanger countercurrent on plastics From 80 to (!) 90% High efficiency with moderate pressure losses, a place for installation is required, the design is more expensive to be described above.
Corner Channel Heat Exchanger From 85 to 95% The highest efficiency, relatively large pressure loss, will require additional installation space.
Rotary heat exchanger From 75 to 85% Due to the risk of smearing risks, only for one, which is designed for one apartment, has a small stream resistance.

So let's consider them in more detail.

Planted view it differs from other species in that there are aluminum sheets in its design. Such an installation is considered the most balanced even in terms of the cost and values \u200b\u200bof thermal conductivity (efficiency from 45% to 72%). The device is also characterized by ease of execution, affordable price and the absence of any moving elements. For installation, special preparation will not need. You can spend it without the difficulties of the house, personally.

Rotary devices are the most popular. The tree of rotation is necessarily present in their design, which is powered by electricity, and 2 more channels for air exchange with countercurrents. How exactly does such a mechanism work? One of the areas of the rotor begins to warm up from the air, and after it turns and heat moves to cold masses, which are concentrated in the next channel. But, despite the high level of efficiency, such an installation has a number of very tangible flaws:

  • Large weight.
  • Regular repair and maintenance required.
  • It's hard to fix the device with your own hands, make it a newly efficient.
  • Air masses are mixed.
  • Electricity dependence.

Note,that the ventilation device with tubular elements, and also separate coolants can not be done at home, even if you have all the drawings and schemes.

Recessable with your own hands

Air heat recovery is easy if you choose the right design. The simplest from the point of view of execution will be a plate system. Such a model has great advantages, and no less noticeable cons. If we talk about the benefits, then even made with their own hands the air recovery for a private house will give you:

  • High efficiency.
  • It will not be binding to electricity.
  • Simplicity and reliability of the design.
  • Availability of materials and functional elements.
  • Long term operation.

But before starting to make the air recuperator with your own hands, check all the advantages and disadvantages of the model. The main disadvantage is icing with a strong frost. On the street, the level of moisture is not as high as in the room, and if it does not affect it, it will begin to turn into condensate. With frost, high humidity will contribute to the formation of a land.

There are several ways to protect the recovery device from frost. These are special solutions of small size, which different with efficiency and implementation method:

  • Impact thermally on the design, and thanks to this, it will not be delayed inside the system (while the efficiency will be reduced by 20%).
  • The removal of air masses from plates mechanically, it turns out forced ice heating.
  • Addition of the ventilation system with cellulose cassettes that will absorb excess moisture. It will be redirected in housing, and at the same time the condensate will not be eliminated, but also the effect of moisturizing.

Most experts agreed that cellulose cassettes are currently the best solution. They will function with any weather for, and there will be no consumption of electricity, the sewer and condensate container will not need.

Tools and devices

So, what should be prepared before starting the assembly of a home unit of a plate view? Specialists advise paying their attention to such materials:

  1. Aluminum sheets (polycarbonate or textolite suitable). Pay attention to the fact that the thinner there will be the material, the better heat exchange will be. Supply ventilation in this case will function better.
  2. Wooden rails (with 1 cm wide and a thickness of 0.2 cm). They must be placed between adjacent plates.
  3. Mineral wool (thickness up to 4 cm).
  4. or metal for the manufacture of the device body.
  5. Corner.
  6. Glue.
  7. Hardware.
  8. Sealant.
  9. Fan.
  10. 4 flange (under the cross section of the pipe).

Important!The diagonal of the case must necessarily correspond to the width of the heat exchanger. As for the height, it must be adjusted for the total number of plates and their thickness with a bunch with slats.


Metal sheets are used to cut squares, which in size should have the parties from 20 to 30 cm. In this case, try to select the optimal value, taking into account which ventilation system was installed in your home. Sheets should be at least 75 pieces. In order for them to be even more, use simultaneously with 2-3 sheets.

For the full implementation of energy recovery in the system, wooden slats should be prepared based on the sides of the square. After that, carefully treat them with the help of olifa, and after each wooden element, glue the second side of the metal square. One of the squares must remain unexplored.

In order for the recovery and air ventilation to be more efficient, each line of rails should be thoroughly wrapped with adhesive composition. Separate elements must be collected in the square sandwich. It is very important that the second, third and other squares will be rotated 90 degrees in relation to the previous one. Due to this method of manufacturing the air recuperator, it will be carried out alternating channels and their perpendicular position.

After that, the upper square should be fixed on the glue on which there will be no rails. When using corners, the design should be accurate and attached. In order for the heat recovery process in the ventilation system, it should be filled with sealants. Make flange fasteners. Made the manufactured device in the case. In advance on the walls of the device, several corner guides should be made. The heat exchanger must be placed in such a way that its angles rest in the side walls, and then the design will resemble a rhombus.

The remains in the form of condensate will remain at the bottom. The main task is to get two exhaust channels, which are isolated from each other. Inside the design of elements in the form of plates should be mixing air masses. Downstairs should make a small hole to remove the condensate through the hose. In the design, make four holes for flanges.

Separately, leave a place for filters. The design is required to coat mineral wool, and after installing the fan, and the device itself must be combined with the ventilation system.

Device calculation

In order to determine the capacity of the recuperator for a specific space, use such a formula:

Ǫ =0,355 * L * (T room T. nach)

  • Ǫ - Performance (m 3 / s).
  • L is the total amount of supply air, which should be done normally for 1 person (65 m 3 / hour on the one in the room constantly, and 25 m 3 on those who are in the room temporarily).
  • (t Comn - t start) - This is an indicator of the difference between the temperature, which is required, and the one that is on the street.

For example, in order to heat the air in the room to +25 degrees, where one person is constantly being, it is required to produce the following calculation: ǫ \u003d 0.355 * 60 * 25 \u003d 532, 5 W.

To determine the efficiency of the unit, it will be enough to find out the temperature in the three main entry points of the system:

Kpd \u003d.(t. RUBt. Ulich.)/ (t. houset. Ulich.)

  • The temperature coming from the street to recovery ( t. Oil).
  • The temperature coming into the house after recovery ( t. rope).
  • Temperature coming from home to recovery ( t. house).


Now you know what the recuperator represents and how important it is for the modern ventilation system. Such devices are much more often started to install in country houses and public importance objects. Now the recuperators have become in demand, and if you wish, you can even make the device with your own hands from girlfriend, as described in the article.

Energy-saving construction technologies allow you to maintain heat in the house and save on heating. But the resulting hermetic room requires constant ventilation or ventilation system equipment. In the cold season, the difference in the temperature of the outgoing and incoming air masses comes to 40-60 degrees Celsius and it is covered due to the heating system. The result - expenses on expensive additional building materials do not pay off. Significantly reduce the imbalance allows the recuperator - a simple device used autonomously or as part of the ventilation system.

What is recuperation

Recuperation is translated from Latin like "Return spent". When it comes to ventilation, the wicked resource is warm. From the room there is warm air, the energy has already been spent on heating, and it is cold, which is required to warm up again. The recovery of the air is called the process of equalizing the temperature of the incoming medium due to thermal energy output. Technically, it is just heat exchange.

What is a recuperator

The recuperator is a device for the secondary use of thermal energy in one technological cycle of heating-ventilation of the room. It reduces the difference of the temperatures of the incoming and emerging air mass 4-5 times and retains two thirds of heat lost during normal ventilation and ventilation. Sheets electricity and material means.

The construction is based on the heat exchanger, by means of which two air flows are inserted that are not mixed with each other. The first is warm - stretches out of the room and goes outside, along the way heating the working elements of the device. Itself is cooled at the same time. The second is cold - comes from the street and goes to the room. Its temperature increases due to the interaction with the heated parts of the heat exchanger.

In the summer, when air conditioners operate in the house, the recuperator also works on the leveling of flow temperature. Only occurs the reverse process - the cold air comes out of the room cools the incoming. Due to this, the load on the climate control system decreases.

Important! The heat recuperator reduces the load on the heating and air conditioning systems.

The heat exchanger is installed in the housing, the design of which provides insulation of one stream from the other. Functional elements that ensure the operation of any type of recovery, are fans (trim and exhaust) and filters installed at the input of streams.

Benefits of installing the recovery

Air recuperators in Russia are not very common. But abroad, concerned about the preservation of energy resources and savings, they apply widely. Their installation gives the following advantages:

  • Ventilation costs and heating are reduced by 30-50%;
  • The house creates a comfortable microclimate with constant access of fresh air;
  • There are no problems of uneven distribution of air masses, when the cold air is steel by the floor, and warm rises up;
  • Dust and exhaust gases do not come to the room, as when carrying out through the velocity;
  • Long use of equipment.

Important! The recuperator provides constant access of fresh air of a comfortable temperature at no additional cost of heating.

Types of recuperators

Depending on the design of the heat exchanger unit, the recuperators are divided into the following types:

  • rotary;
  • lamellar (radiator);
  • tubular;
  • chamber;
  • recycling;
  • thermal pipes.

Rotary type devices

In a rotary heat recuperator, a working element transmitting heat energy between the outgoing and incoming flow is a rotating drum. The inner cavity of the rotor is the longitudinal cells (layers of corrugated steel), which do not interfere with the free passage of air mass. Along the heat exchanger axis, the air ducts are separated with the outgoing and incoming stream.

Passing through half of the heat exchanger Warm air heats the plates of cells. When rotating the rotor, these plates turn out to be in the cold air zone where they give the heat included from the street in the stream. In operating mode, cyclic heating and cooling of the plates occurs, due to which heat exchange is carried out. The rotation speed of the rotor is adjusted by the recuperator automatics in such a way as to prevent the mechanism frost and achieve the maximum heat transfer efficiency.

Rotary devices are characterized by the following advantages:

  • Maximum efficiency among all devices carrying out recovery reaches up to 90%;
  • The adjustable rotation speed of the rotor allows you to adjust heat transfer;
  • The return of a certain amount of moisture allows you to do without air humidifiers;
  • Practically do not form condensate, so they do not require the organization of its removal.


  • For the competent device of the recovery with a rotary heat exchanger, an impressive ventilation chamber is needed, as a result of which such devices are enough dimensions;
  • It is impossible to exclude a slight mixing of the outgoing and incoming medium - the air remaining in the channels, when rotating, is joined to the opposite stream.
  • The presence of moving parts involves wear of parts and failure of consumables (drive belt, pads, bearings, etc.), as a result of which operating costs increase;
  • Regular technical inspection and maintenance is required.
  • Recovery occurs only with a rotating heat exchanger, that is, with constant consumption of electricity.

Plastic type devices

The heat exchanger of the plate recovery is a block (cassette) from sheets of metal, plastic or cellulose collected with gaps of 2-4 mm. Between the plates there are longitudinal inserts (ribs) forming aircraft and performing the function of air flow guide.

The design of the heat exchanger passes the air flows of different temperatures by layers, with alternating cold and hot. Mediums are not mixed with each other - thermal energy is transmitted through the plates.
In the direction of the air mass movement, lamellar heat exchangers are divided into:

  • cross-step;
  • countercurrent;
  • river.

Cross-timing type is most common, as such a heat exchanger has a simple device. The plate block is collected from square panels so that the direction of the cells alternate - each subsequent layer is deployed relative to the previous one by 90 degrees. Sometimes instead of flat plates with ribs apply corrugated sheets. The movement of air flows in such recuperators occurs crosswise.

River and countercurrent recuperators have a more complex heat exchanger device. It has a plot with parallel location of the channels. The flows move along them either in one direction - in the direct-flow, or towards each other - in countercurrent.

The peculiarity of plate recoveors is the active formation of condensate on the plates with a large difference of air flow temperatures. Therefore, the devices of this type are mandatory equipped with a water intake pallet and a condensed liquid tap.

If the condensate fallout temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius, the heat exchanger begins to freeze. The following methods are used to combat this phenomenon:

  • Available bypass removal - when the icing sensor is triggered (pressure), the cold stream is automatically sent bypassing the heat exchanger, and the warm air at this time warms the plate;
  • Equip the refrigerated heat exchanger section by automatic heating;
  • The air duct from the street is allowed below the level of soil freezing (length - up to 50 m), arranging the so-called "soil heat exchanger";
  • Two or three cassettes of heat exchangers are consistently installed in the platform housing - so cold air from the street will be in contact with the cooled, and the warmest of the room is quite warmed;
  • Use heat exchangers from hygroscopic cellulose sheets, whose sheets absorb moisture from the air and return it to the cycle.

Attention! Plastic recuperators need to be protected from icing

Advantages of lamellar devices for recovery:

  • A simple and understandable design, you can collect such a recuperator with your own hands;
  • Uncomplicated installation and operation;
  • A good efficiency - from 40 to 80%, and when installing several cassettes - it reaches 90%;
  • Minimum power consumption - on automation (for protection against frost) and fans work;
  • Long service life - no moving parts, no wear of parts;
  • The possibility of upgrading - the heat efficiency of the device is easily variable due to the addition or seizure of the plates;
  • Air enters the room and in the absence of electricity - due to the natural exhaust.

Disadvantages of recuperators with plates of metal and plastic:

  • The formation of condensate requires a drainage device;
  • It is necessary to ensure protection against frost;
  • Working mode, which includes regular thawing cycles, has a reduced efficiency.

All these shortcomings are devoid of cellulose recuperators, but they also have their own characteristics:

  • Together with moisture, smells absorb, and then long time distribute them into the room;
  • Do not apply with high humidity - plates deform and overlap the air channels;
  • Cassettes from cellulose are not repaired and not washed - only replace.

Principle of action of a lamellar recovery

Tubular heat exchanger devices

Tubular recovers on the principle of action are similar to the plate. Only instead of channels formed by plates and ribs, metal tubes of a small diameter are used (about 10 mm). The warm air flow moves through the tubes and heats them, and the cold passes through the zone between them, taking thermal energy.
A cylindrical air duct is used for the tubular heat exchanger - this design does not occupy a lot of space and is often installed directly into the thickness of the wall.

Chamber recuperators

Cold and hot air masses pass through a common chamber, separated by a movable damper. From time to time the flap turns and changes in places streams. Heat is transmitted through the walls of the camera.

In such a recovery, there are movable parts and a partial mixing of streams occurs.

Recycling devices

In recycling recoveors, heat transmission performs an intermediate coolant - water or antifreeze. Pipes with a liquid medium pass first through the outgoing stream, where the coolant is heated, and then enter the incoming flow zone and give heat.

The design of such a recovery allows you to have a trim and exhaust heat exchangers at a distance of each other. But has a low efficiency and requires the installation of additional water circulation equipment.

Recuperator with intermediate coolant

Recoverators with thermal pipes

The heat exchanger of such devices is the system filled with freon tubes. In the zone of warm air it evaporates, and reaching the cold stream - cools and forms condensate. The design does not have mobile parts and eliminates the mixing of streams.

Application of recuperators

Of all the variety of fixtures for air recovery, widespread devices with a rotary, lamellar or tubular heat exchanger were widespread. They are characterized by simple design, easy installation and high efficiency.

Devices with rotary heat exchangers are used for ventilation of large rooms - halls of shopping centers, restaurants, hospitals, industrial shops. It is impractical to buy them for a private house.
Plate and tubular recuperators are used in the equipment of fan-conductive systems in private construction, on small warehouse and industrial spaces, in administrative and office space.

How to make a recuperator

Air recovery devices are expensive equipment that has a long payback period: 3-5 years for cheaper aggregates and more than 8 years - for expensive. However, in the presence of minimal technical knowledge and installation skills, you can significantly save the family budget and make the air recuperator for home with your own hands.

The easiest way to independently make a design with a plate recuperator. To do this, you will need:

  • Material for plates - sheet metal 0.5-1.5 mm thick, hetinakse sheets or textolite, plastic (cellular polycarbonate or polypropylene) - 6.5-7 m2;
  • Material for gaskets with a thickness of 2-3 mm, a width of no more than 10 mm - polested wooden slats, technical cork, cord, plastic, plexiglass;
  • Material for hull - plywood, tin, chipboard, MDF, plastic;
  • Four flanges under air ducts;
  • Corner for racks;
  • Neutral sealant (silicone);
  • Glue;
  • Insulation - rolled and mineral wool (glass gamble);
  • Two filters;
  • Two fans;
  • Fasteners

Production Stages:

  1. Square plates with a side of 200-300 mm are cut. It will take about 70 pieces. Mandatory condition - billets should be the same size, having smooth edges without bends and burrs. Therefore, it is better to use the power tool and cut several sheets folded at once.
  1. Gaskets are cut into the side of the square.
  1. For each plate, in addition to the latter, there are three strips of gaskets in parallel - along the opposite edges and the middle.
  1. Billets are collected in the block. To do this, the top of the bands are flawed. Place the panels on each other, turning each subsequent 90 degrees and leveling the edges. The latter is glued with a plate without pads. To increase the strength, on the cassette during the drying of the glue is loaded.
  1. Tighten the cassette. The gaps are filled with sealant.

Plastic heat exchanger from plastic (cellular polypropylene)

  1. Collect the case. The internal height and length of the box is equal to the diagonal of the plate heat exchanger, and the width is its height. If filters and fans are installed in the housing, then it is necessary to provide place.
  1. Four holes are cut into the predetermined places (usually two in the side walls), in which the flanges are inserted. Sealant handle joints.
  2. Mount mount for heat exchanger. Because condensate is formed in it, the working position should provide free fluid flow. The heat exchange unit is located in a vertical position on the edge, the angle between the edges of the plates and the bottom should be 45 degrees. To the walls of the body fasten the guides for the heat exchanger made from the corner. So the plate of the plates can be free to be free to maintain.
  3. At the bottom of the box, a small hole is cut and arrange a condensate removal.
  4. Collect the recuperator. Provide a tightness of the formed four compartments so that the movement of the air masses was carried out only through the heat exchanger channels.

  1. At the flow input, fans and filters are installed - it is possible to mount them in the case if the location is provided or directly in the supplying nozzles.
  1. Provide protection against frost. Mount the electrician and the necessary automation.
  1. Connect incoming and emerging air ducts. The housing is closed. If necessary (installation in the attic), the heat recuperator is insulated outside or enter into the thermal insulation casing.

Video: How to assemble the tubular heat recovery

The air recuperator made by its own hands gives 50-60% efficiency. For a private residential building there is enough. If higher rates are needed, then apply devices manufactured in industrial conditions.

The prerequisite for comfortable accommodation in a private house is the presence of a properly selected ventilation system, which high quality updates the air indoors. Such equipment maintains the optimal microclimate, regulates the humidity and does not cool the room in winter. Using a special air recuperator, you can expand the functionality of the ventilation system, reduce homeowner costs for heating and utility bills.

Under the recovery, it is customary to understand the process of heat exchange when the cold air runs from the street heats up a warm stream, which is removed from the apartment. The installed installations are characterized by simplicity of the design, they are reliable, allowing you to prevent the rapid cooling of the room in the winter season. Recoveraders are working on electricity, while modern equipment is characterized by economy, and energy consumption will be at times less than the possible savings on the heating of the room.

The principle of operation of such devices extremely simple. Inside the recuperator, the cold and warm stream is found, but do not mix. In this case, there is an active heat transfer of cold air from the street, which can be heated by 3-5 degrees. In each particular case, the effectiveness of such devices and their functionality will be different, depending on the selected design, type of technology, the presence or absence of additional fans with thermal heating elements.

Main types of designs

Initially, heat recovery devices in ventilation systems were the simplest technique made in the form of a small box with a thin partition. Today, numerous varieties appeared, which differ in their principle of work, the presence or absence of additional heating elements, the method of forming air flows and a number of other characteristics.

Main types of recuperators:

  • Rotary.
  • Plate.
  • Channel.
  • Tubular.
  • With a separate coolant.

Devices with a plate heat exchanger The cross current of flows, which, without mixing, is effectively transmitted heat, thereby heating the room. The efficiency of such installations, depending on their size, can be 60-80%. They differ in minimal pressure loss, convenient in connection and use, have a compact design, which allows it to be inside the walls of the house.

Combined recoveors There may be two lamellar heat exchanger, where the cross flow of air is formed. The advantages of this type of equipment include a high efficiency, convenience of connecting and easy maintenance. The only drawback of such installations is a significant loss of pressure, which forces the use of additional fans and superchargers for the air flow.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that it is much more pleasant to live in a well-ventilated house, rather than in the construction where the air is stirred. In addition, regular ventilation has a positive effect on the health of the owners. However, along with this, there may be a problem: often heat simply leaves the room through ventilation. To fix it, you can always use such an appliance as this equipment will provide reliable heating around the house and will allow you to forget about the problem of heat loss. You can always purchase such a mechanism in any specialized store, but to save financial resources it will be much better to make the recovery with your own hands. It is on this process, as well as on the features of this kind of equipment and it is worth staying in more detail.

The general concept of air recovery

The recovery itself is a mechanism for returning some part of the heat. And if you speak directly about air, then it means heating the cold flow entered into the room with a removed warm exhaust. Similar structures today are very common. Their full name is a supply-exhaust installation, or a trimmed recuperator.

It is important to note one point here: mixing the incoming and remote air does not occur. In this case, the complete recovery does not work, even with the help of the most modern device (the warming rate varies from 60 to 80%). As a rule, the optimal parameter of the warm-up of the incoming air is the temperature equal to 100 ° C.

Principle of operation of the recovery

As mentioned above, this equipment functions due to the exchange of flows with heat. Speaking in a simpler language, in the cold season, the high temperature indoor indoors directly affects the air, going outside, while in the summer this process is reverse. To implement such procedures, a special device referred to as a recuperator was created.

The principle of its work is the following points:

  • the air from the room moves along the square cross section of the pipe;
  • the supply streams move in the transverse direction;
  • mixing hot and cold air does not occur, since between them there are specially intended for this partition in the form of plates.

Types of air recuperators

In order to properly make a recuperator for home with their own hands, it is necessary, first of all, to study the types of these devices. The most common ones are the following mechanisms:

The easiest to work and connect, as well as the least expensive, the plate recovery is, therefore, it will be easier to make it easier.

Plastic recovery

As mentioned earlier, this mechanism will become the optimal option for the proprietary design. The advantages of the recovery of this type are taken as the following:

  • high efficiency (40-65%);
  • the absence of any difficulties in the design of the device (the apparatus has no moving elements, which significantly extends its service life);
  • no extra money costs, since the electricity is not needed for its operation.

However, it is almost impossible to find mechanical equipment that would not have absolutely no negative sides. So, of the disadvantages of the plastic recuperator, it is customary to allocate the following:

  • the device is not equipped with water sharing function, and there is only a thermal transmission;
  • the equipment is prone to the appearance of ice on it in the cold period of the year. But this problem is solved: in order to prevent the device to prevent the device, you can either turn off or equip it with a special valve, called bypass;
  • the design of such a recuperator has crossed pipes;
  • avoiding the installation of these elements will not work, and the process itself is quite difficult.

Equipment for the manufacturer of plastic recuperator

To independently make a plastic recuperator for the house, require the presence of the following materials:

  • 4 m² of roofing iron, treated with zinc, or the same amount of sheet aluminum, textolite, copper, getinaks;
  • technical cork having a thickness of 0.2 cm that performs the function of the gasket between the plates of the recuperator. For these purposes, you can also use a wooden rail, impregnated with oil;
  • ordinary sealant on silicone basis;
  • tin, metallic or plywood box, intended for the body of the device;
  • 4 plastic flange corresponding to the parameters of air duct pipes;
  • sensor displaying pressure drops;
  • a corner for the drive device;
  • insulating material (mineral wool);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • hardware.

If you have all this equipment, you can begin to make the heat recovery with your own hands.

The process of creating a recovery

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The material must be decomposed and cut it on the square shape plates so that the size of the faces is 20-30 cm. Total will need to be made about 70 units of such cassette blanks. It is necessary to cut the material with the help of the plates get perfectly smooth.
  2. Then you should prepare a plug or wooden rails so that their parameters match the sides of the square. They must be glued to the opposite sides of each of the billets except the latter. After that, it is important to wait for the complete drying of the glue.
  3. Next, you need to proceed to the process of assembling squares in the cassette. The recuperator scheme involves laying each of the sheets with respect to the previous angle of 90 °. The latter part of the design will be the plate on which nothing was pasted.
  4. After that, the future recuperator needs to be filled with a frame. Here you will need to use the corner.
  5. All the cracks are important to be treated with a silicone sealant that does not cause corrosion of the metal.
  6. Next, you should make fasteners for fixing flanges on cassette walls. The bottom part of the part must be equipped with a special drainage opening where the tube's dischargeable condensate should be included.
  7. On the body walls are fixed guides made from the corners. To carry out any preventive work, the cassette can always be delivered.
  8. The part is mounted inside the housing, the parameters of which are completely coincided with the diagonal of the square.
  9. Machining the recuperator with your own hands, it is important to remember and about laying which in this case is mineral wool. It is necessary to take a layer of this insulation with a thickness of 40 mm and fasten it from the inside on the hull walls.
  10. To save yourself from the problem of the appearance of a land, the design should be equipped with a pressure sensor, which must be installed on the site of the passage of warm air.
  11. The process of assembling the installation of the finished recovery in

As a rule, the efficiency of such independently manufactured mechanisms is approximately 65%, which is enough to maintain a favorable microclimate in the residential room.

How to calculate the capacity of the recovery?

By collecting such a device as a recuperator, with your own hands, it is very important not only to competently fulfill all the measures for its manufacture, but also correctly calculate the power of this mechanism.

To determine the optimal energy rate, which circulates between the plates, it is customary to take the following formula: 20 W * XS * DT. S in this case displays the plate area measured in m².

p (W) \u003d 0.36 * Q (m³ / sec.) * dt.

All variables are decrypted:

  1. Q is the energy spent on heating or cooling the air flow. This parameter is calculated using the formula 0.335 x L x (t con. - t Nach.), Where:
    • L - air flow, measured in m³ / hour. In accordance with the standards of installation, this indicator per person should be 60 m³ / h;
    • t Nach - initial temperature indicator;
    • t Con - the parameter obtained as a result of heat exchange.
  2. dT - Temperature.

Ways to improve ventilation

In order for the equipment to work comfortably, there are some options for improving its functioning. These measures will definitely increase electricity consumption, but effectiveness will increase.

To clean the air from the dust particles entering the heat recovery, its channels can be equipped with special filters consisting of aluminum, plastic or fiber. But for these elements, you must follow and, if necessary, to replace them.

You can avoid the design of the design, periodically turning off the trimming fan. This will lead to the fact that the plates inside the mechanism will warm with the help of the outgoing warm air and, as a result, deteriorate.

My home in which I already live for 9 years has been with natural ventilation, and 80% of the time he was awarded windows. Why tell me? The house is quite sealed and consumes quite a bit on heating, the ventilation was made simply the hoods were in the form of fans in the bathroom and technical room, but still need a flow of air, the KIV valve was installed on the 1st floor in the living room, and on the second floor there are two window valves, but on the second floor The inflow through the valve was not enough, so it was necessary to drive windows.

The strong cold of their valves is strong enough, so because There is an adjustment of them covered, the ventilation would have deteriorated.

To assess the quality of ventilation, I use the carbon dioxide concentration meter, which exhales a person, respectively, if the CO2 concentration is normal, then the remaining indicators will normally.

On the subject of concentration of CO2 very good articles:

CO 2:criterion for the effectiveness of ventilation systems

To the issue of the normalization of the CO 2 air exchange in the outer and inner air

One year of operation of the supply ventilation

Supply ventilation in a country house

Carbon dioxide - invisible danger

And so it became clear that it is necessary to make a shipment and exhaust ventilation.

The number of samples and errors is decided to do according to Avok standards, because The most "scientific engineering" and in general on the CO2 sensor they are very real and truthful.

Regulatory documents "Avok" - hour "h"

According to the norms

The multiplicity of air exchange is 0.35 1 / h, but not less than 30 m 3 / h per person. 3 m 3 / m 2, if the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment excluding the area of \u200b\u200bsummer rooms is less than 20 m 2 / person.

To calculate air consumption, M 3 / h, by multiplicity the volume of rooms should be determined by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment without taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bsummer premises. Apartments with dense air protective structures require additional air intake for fireplaces and mechanical exhaust.

In general, I decided to divide the house into two parts, and first engage in ventilation of the second floor, because There is a bedroom and workplace and children, that is, I spend a lot of time there, and the main pollution there.

On 3 people, the influx of 90 to 150 cubes of air is needed depending on the concentration of CO2 to the street.

If I am submitting just 90-150 cubes heated to a comfortable 22 degree I will spend 0.34W x 90 m3 x (22gr - (-3 GR)) x 24h x 213days \u003d 3910 pulse per year (at an average temperature of the heating period -3 gr ) With my taring for electricity, this will be 4.54 x 3910 \u003d 17 751 rubles per year, which is generally quite a lot, taking into account the fact that all electricity with heating, lighting, life. Technique, DHW, etc. In the year I pay about 65 tr.

Therefore, of course, it is not reasonable to make an inlet ventilation, respectively, it was decided to install the recuperator.

Recuperators are many different species, I will not describe each design and compare them. For myself, I decided that the exhaust ventilation should satisfy the following conditions.

  1. as little as possible and easier service
  2. do not affect significantly on the load of the network, then you mean without fever
  3. it should not be heard, because The influx goes into the bedroom, then I do not want noise at all (the fan from the laptop is loud and unpleasant for me)
  4. cheap and simple

The house has a small attic, there and decided to shove the entire system. But because It is a cold installation case and air ducts must be well insulated.

Air supply.

In the room in the ceiling are embedded by anestate with a diameter of 150mm. The larger the diameter, the less air speed, the smaller the noise and the smallest movement of the air.

Inside glues the sensor from the thermometer, it is not required, just for statistics.

Runs of air ducts.

In the attic, the tracks were parsing with flexible insulated ducts. This is not the best solution, because They have a lot of resistance, but I took it on the selection of fans.

In general, air ducts are:

plastic - cheap, very small resistance, unknown static plastic (it is possible to dust faster than everything)

galvanized - more expensive, small resistance, complex installation

flexible - simple installation, inexpensive, very large resistance (recommended only on removals or in small areas), noise

Hood is carried out on the roof, the influx goes on the side of the wall.

The second pipe is an insidious attic.

All highways in the attic air ducts with a diameter of 100mm, which would make the maximum speed in the air ducts, because The greater the speed, the smaller the heat loss (the attic cold), but at the same time the speed should not be more than 8 m / c, because Extra noises will appear.

In general, judging by the rules of the divorce of ventilation, the diameter of the air ducts is easy enough to calculate

air duct area x 3600 \u003d number m3 per hour at a flow rate of 1 m / c

for taps from her to remove noises 2-3 m / c

with exits from the lattices, etc. 1-2 m / c

Heat exchanger:

I stopped on a plate heat exchanger because This is the easiest option.

  • Plastic
  • Aluminum
  • Membrane

What to choose? Aluminum is simple, reliable, but it is difficult to glue, cut, etc. Very thin foil is difficult to fix, fat rarity and sometimes. In general, the aluminum heat exchanger is easier to buy the factory ready. The membrane is even more difficult, but probably the best solution, the price of ready-made begins from 250 euros, it is difficult to make a small size due to the excerpt of the distances between the plates, I never thought up as.

But plastic is now full, plastic uses such manufacturers as Vents or such as Sistemair. The very good and affordable solution is a cellular polypropylene (not to be confused with PVC and polycarbonate), the wall thickness is the smallest of plastics, the cross-section of the channels is any choice, the cost is minimal.

And so the choice is made.

Cellular polypropylene sheets are cut into pieces of 300x300 sizes, 3 mm thickness

3 mm gap between sheets is made inserting a piece of the same plastic. It glues everything perfectly with any odorless sealant based on MS polymer.

Cell cells are located in the direction of the supply air, and the solid cavity is located in the direction of exhaust air so that the condensate can flow freely.

The heat exchanger turned out to be 300x300x300 mm in size with a step of 3 mm.

Square heat exchange 7.6 m2

Air speed in the heat exchanger at 150 m3 / h - 1 m / c


Immediately I will say make a case for a recuperator from several heat exchangers or more of them, better immediately from plywood with a glue insulation. But I do not have a very big disposal and not heavy, and most importantly, good thermal insulation is required, because To be on a cold attic.

In general, the blocks were made of two XPS sheets (extruded polystyrene foam), glued and pulled by self-reserves for the time of glue tape.

The cover is pressed using screws twisted here in such dupeli

Case from XPS with a wall thickness of 5 cm, it turned out quite durable and easy.

4 holes for air ducts with a diameter of 100mm are made in the housing, two filters for extractor and inflow, Filtek class G4 on the grid

All joints are sealed by a sealant based on MS polymer (in Lerua-Merlin Full)

Also installed temperature and humidity sensors (but about it separately later)

On the side (in the photo), in reality it will be from the bottom, the nozzle for the drainage of condensate is pasted.

Installation of heat exchanger

My choice fell on the last fourth version.

To measure parameters I use these tools

The heat exchanger suffered a few frost and defrost, and in general manifested itself well.

p.S. The heat exchanger did not do himself, but I ordered from a friend, I did not have enough time (so as a whole to cope anyone, but you need time and a little patience)

Analyzing the length of the tracks, the losses in the recovery, I approached the performance of Vents fans about TT-100

with them as planned

the inflow was 1 speed of 90 m3 / h, at the second speed of 130 m3 / h

hood at 1 speed 110 m3 / h, at the second speed of 150 m3 / h

the difference between the tributary and the drawing was 20 m3 / h due to different lengths of the feed lines, but in general it is not a lot and slightly discharged pressure in the house is not bad.

The heat exchanger parameters comparing with serial products a little worse, but not more than 7%, which is very pleased, compared with aluminum heat exchanges HEATEX H1 of the same size.

The parameters turned out the following:

at 1 speed - recovery efficiency 66-74% (without considering a small imbalance), loss of pressure on the extract 9 Pa, on the influx of 7 pa, the beginning of the frost ~ -7

2 speeds - efficiency of recovery 62-70% (without considering a small imbalance), the pressure loss on the stretch of 12 Pa, on the influx of 9 Pa, the beginning of the frost ~ -10

According to the data obtained and compared with the data of other manufacturers, now it can accurately calculate the heat exchanger of plastic to different air flow. If anyone needs to ask. I can also help with the selection of fans.

Real data see so

A little about automation.

The first version of the automation was simple.

This is a diff relay. Pressure, the relay measures the pressure difference and if the heat exchanger begins to freeze, the pressure increases, and the trim fan turns off so that it does not immediately turn on as pressure normally, it is desirable to use the simplest delay timer so that 20 minutes it has not worked.

pressure relay for example

Differential pressure relay DPS-500 N

If someone has a soil heat exchanger, then all this automation is not needed, it will not freeze.

Total cost:

heat exchanger (material + work) - 5 000 rub

air ducts, anemostats, etc. - 3000 rubles

clamps, scotch and smallest, glue, sealant - 1000 rub

xPS - 500 rubles

diff Relay Plot - 1500 rub

timer - 1500 rub

vents TT fans about 100 2 pcs - 6000 tr.

tOTAL: 18500 rub on the entire ventilation system

If you do the heat exchanger itself, it is about minus 2 tr.


With a supply-exhaust ventilation with heat recovery, the CO2 carbon dioxide concentration is kept in 1 speeds within 800-880 PPM, with three living.

There is no noise at ventilation, the inflow is not heard at all, and the exhaust is heard only in the bathroom. The result is excellent.

About the management system that will now tell separately (in the next article).

To be continued….

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