Cement-based rotband. Rotband plaster, its technical characteristics

Landscaping and layout 30.08.2019
Landscaping and layout

Renovation of premises in many cases involves the implementation of plastering works... For plastering walls and ceilings, in order to reduce the labor intensity of plastering, professionals are advised to use ready-made plaster mixes that already have a balanced composition. They just need to be mixed with water in a certain proportion and you can start working.

To produce a high-quality finishing of a room for painting or wallpapering allows plaster on gypsum base Rotband... This versatile mixture has been appreciated by many professional plasterers and DIYers. What is the reason for this is discussed below.

Manufacturer, composition and specifications

Preparation of the base

In order for the gypsum plaster mortar to firmly adhere to the base, the working surface must first be prepared.

To do this, the walls and ceiling should be thoroughly cleaned of the old coating, and the existing greasy and oil stains of fuel oil should be removed with gasoline or special means.

The working surface should be flat, without large differences. Therefore, the existing bumps and nodules are knocked down with a perforator, chisel and hammer or spatula. Large potholes are sealed with cement mortar.

If the surface is smooth, then to improve the adhesion of Rotband gypsum plaster to the surface, it will be necessary to make a notch.

Significant tilt or curvature will require additional alignment, which can be produced by applying a layer of plaster. Areas of the surface where the layer thickness will be more than 10 mm are leveled with plaster mortar, which is recommended to be reinforced using a reinforcing mesh.

Before plastering, to improve the adhesion of the plaster solution to the surface, the manufacturer recommends priming the surface with a primer, and on wooden surface use shingles, which must first be treated with a wood preservative in order to avoid the development of mold and mildew on the wooden surface.

The most important operation in preparation for plastering walls and ceilings is the installation of beacon profiles. Installation of plaster beacons allows you to get a perfectly flat plane, which is ideal for further painting or wallpapering.

When carrying out plastering work, metal beacons of 6 or 10 mm are most often used to level the surface. Installation of beacons does not require special skills. They are attached to the wall on gypsum plaster, by pressing and exposing them in one plane, at a distance slightly less than the length of your rule. Then they begin to prepare the solution.

Solution preparation: how to breed Rotband

Instructions for the preparation and use of Rotband plaster solution are written on the package: for a bag of Rotband plaster of 30 kg, 18 liters of water and a mixing container are required.

Important!!! When preparing the solution, the following mixing sequence should be observed: Add the dry Knauf Rotband mixture to a container with water. Exactly in this sequence, and not vice versa !!!

Using a drill with a nozzle or a mixer, stir the mass until sour cream is thick. A manual method of mixing with a trowel or a shovel is also acceptable.

After stirring until the lumps disappear and the optimum consistency is reached, a pause of 8-10 minutes should be paused for the solution to "mature". Then, stir it again so that the components of the mixture are evenly distributed throughout the mass and the plaster becomes elastic.

The prepared solution retains its viability for no more than 25 minutes. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute the mixture in small portions, and after working out it, prepare a portion more.

Important!!! In the process of work, if you don’t have enough plaster solution as a friend, you cannot add water and dry mixture to the ready-made solution! Thus, you will only worsen specifications already ready solution... It is better to make a new batch of the desired portion again.

Surface application

Rotband plaster allows even a beginner to successfully cope with the task of plastering a room. Beginning home master will spend more time on plaster than a professional, but he will be able to achieve excellent result do it yourself, if it works carefully, using the instructions. For beginners, it is recommended to use a wide spatula to apply the solution to the work surface. Craftsmen with experience in plastering walls and ceilings usually apply plaster to the base with a spatula or bucket, after which they proceed to level the surface.

It is recommended to start plastering the walls from the bottom, from the floor, upward, applying a solution from the lighthouse to the lighthouse on a 1 meter high section of the working surface. The applied layer is leveled with the rule of zigzag movements from bottom to top. The site should be processed several times so that the plaster does not settle under its own weight.

On the rule, in the course of work, there will be remains of the solution, which can be thrown into a container with the solution with a spatula, or sent to the plaster surface again and smoothed. After leveling the mortar, you can proceed to plastering the next part of the base.

Leveling the surface. Drying time

Finish leveling should be done 45-60 minutes after applying the plaster. During this period of time, the applied solution will set and become quite dense and viscous. Alignment, as well as application, is performed using a rule.

If it is required to obtain a decorative surface, then at the stage of drying, the surface is rolled with a textured roller while it has not yet hardened.

In cases where wallpapering or painting is planned, additional grouting of the surface is performed. It is carried out 15 minutes after leveling with a trowel with a rubber base of high rigidity, after wetting the surface without overmoistening it.

The use of Rotband plaster allows you to obtain a glossy surface. For this purpose, 3 hours after plastering, the applied layer is smoothed with a metal float. Before this, the plaster must be moistened. No filler is required after glossing. Once the walls or ceiling are dry, they can be painted.

Rotband consumption for 1m 2

The consumption of Rotband plaster directly depends on the thickness of the applied solution. For plastering a surface with an area of ​​1 m2, a 10 mm layer will require 8.5 kg of the mixture. Accordingly, one package weighing 30 kg is enough to plaster 3.5 sq. m wall or ceiling. Knowing the total area of ​​all working surfaces, you can calculate how many packages are required. If the layer thickness is 20 mm, then the plaster consumption will double.

Terms and methods of storage

The manufacturer Knauf recommends storing Rotband dry mix in intact packaging for no more than 6 months. Since gypsum is used as the base of the plaster, it is advisable to choose a dry place for storing it, because this natural material possesses high hygroscopicity (moisture absorption), under the influence of which it loses its properties. If the packaging is broken, then it is better to store the remaining mixture not in a bag, but in a hermetically sealed container or in special containers.

Cheap gypsum mixes are commercially available, but using them will not provide a high quality plaster like Knauf Rotband.

Video: Aligning the walls with your own hands

Price of Knauf Rotban plaster

And sometimes, it makes sense to replace Rotband plaster with cement analogues, because it is not suitable for wet rooms. The most popular analogs are:

Cement analogues


Dry mix Rotband will be an excellent option for self-plastering with your own hands of residential premises. This plaster, like other products of the Knauf brand, has high quality and attractive characteristics, which are combined with an acceptable price. An important factor in choosing the Rotband mix is ​​its versatility, which allows for conventional plastering and embossed decorative textures.

Today there is a large number of new building materials, thanks to which you can decorate your home in any style, make it beautiful and comfortable. Rotband plaster (instructions for use are written directly on the package) is a modern mixture that is used to treat vertical and horizontal surfaces of residential and non-residential premises.

Product characteristics

The presented material consists of gypsum and polymer additives that increase the quality of the mixture and ensure good adhesion to the base. It is best applied for processing smooth surfaces although can be used for porous ones as well.

The instruction advises to apply Rotband at temperatures from 5 to 25 degrees above zero. The layer thickness can be from 5 mm to 5 cm. It will take about a week for the plastered surface to completely dry. dry mix is ​​six months. "Rotband" is small, so it can be used for processing ceilings. The ripening time of the solution is 10 minutes.

Material advantages

Now all the advantages of the presented product should be noted. "Rotband", the instructions for use of which contains not only characteristics, but also methods of application, has the following advantages:


Ease of use (does not require any special tools or skills of a professional builder).

Low material consumption and low weight.

Ecological cleanliness.

High quality mix.

Acceptable cost.

There is no need for additional filling.

Excellent decorative and adhesive qualities.

Providing a smooth surface.

Resistant to shrinkage, cracking and delamination.

Excellent thermal and sound insulation.

The ability to absorb and release moisture, which ensures a harmonious indoor climate.

Application area

If you decide to purchase Rotband, the instructions will help you understand where you can use this material. Most often they are used indoors, where the humidity is at a normal level. Although there is a possibility of using of this material in the kitchen and bathroom. Ceilings and walls made of bricks, particle board, concrete and expanded polystyrene are processed with mortar.

It is advisable to use the material for leveling smooth surfaces, although it is permissible to use it on porous substrates, which should be primed first. Most often, living quarters are repaired with such plaster.

Features of the preparation of the solution

If you have already bought Rotband (plaster) for repair, the instructions will help you to properly stir the dry mixture. It should be noted that the finished solution hardens very quickly, therefore it becomes unusable after 25 minutes. Therefore, do not knead too much of it. Excess mortar can be used to smooth out any defects.

6. If there are metal elements on the wall, then clean them and paint with a special protective mixture that will prevent rusting. Otherwise, red spots will appear on the surface, which you cannot remove.

7. Using "Rotband" in rooms with high humidity, the surfaces must be treated with a special waterproofing agent.

That's all the features of working with the presented material. Good luck!

Majority renovation works imply plastering the surfaces of the walls, which allows you to create a perfectly aligned coating. In our article we will talk about Rotband plaster, its varieties, advantages and price per bag. Special attention let's turn to the consumption of the mixture and the instructions for the use of this material.

Why is it so popular

The Rotband trademark is a dry gypsum plaster produced by the world famous Knauf company. As you can understand, the main component of such products is considered to be high-quality gypsum mixed with mineral fillers. All raw materials are thoroughly crushed before mixing, which improves adhesion to the substrate.

Production of the company Knauf is very popular among builders and for good reason, because all manufactured goods are certified according to international quality standards. Rotband plaster and other mixtures have the appropriate conclusions of firefighters, employees of the sanitary epidemiological service, which gives reason to talk about environmental safety material.

Types of plasters

Gypsum plaster Rotband is used to level the surfaces of walls and ceilings inside residential premises. The composition of this material includes not only gypsum, but also polymer additives that improve the adhesion of the finished solution to the surface. For the first time dry mixes appeared in hardware stores in 1993. Although Knauf Rotband plaster was invented in Germany, our country also has production facilities. In general, the mixture can be categorized by color. The shade depends on the raw materials used, but they absolutely do not affect the quality of the finished material.

And now let's get acquainted with the types of Rotband plasters that can be purchased in our country:

  • Mixture white manufactured in Astrakhan region (Knauf gypsum Kuban);
  • Gray plaster is produced in Krasnogorsk;
  • The pink mixture goes to hardware stores in 30 kg bags ( designation on the packaging Knauf gypsum Kolpino (Chelyabinsk)).

The color of the material is usually not indicated on the package; the shade can be determined by the name of the manufacturer. It should be noted that ready-made solutions behave differently on the surface. So white and gray plasters often run off after application to the substrate, resulting in a wavy surface. This defect is not observed in pink plasters.

The appearance of defects can be explained by the unequal fraction of grains. If for pink mixtures the grain diameter is within 1.2 millimeters, then for white or gray building materials the grain diameter is about 0.5 millimeters. Due to these characteristics, it is recommended to use pink plasters for pre-alignment surfaces "start", and white or gray compounds for the final leveling of walls - "finish".


The main advantage of the material under consideration is the popularity of Knauf on the world market. Despite the fact that this company has established itself well with quality products, near dry gypsum mix Rotband has other advantages:

  1. Environmental friendliness. In the composition of such a material, there is a binder, gypsum and other natural components, which gives reason to talk about the absolute safety of plaster for human health;
  2. Knauf dry mixes are as easy to use as possible. Instructions for use will help in preparing the correct working solution;
  3. The surface does not need additional filler after applying the solution;
  4. Compared with cement mortars which dry completely in 3-4 weeks, it will take only 5-7 days to dry the gypsum mixture;
  5. Rotband has a high level of hygroscopicity. The material passes air well through its structure, which prevents the appearance of fungus and mold on the surface of the walls;
  6. The plaster retains moisture well without delamination or cracking.
  7. Rotband working solutions allow you to create various decorative elements on the surface of walls and ceilings.

Among the shortcomings of the material, one should point out the high price and the possibility of shrinkage. The last negative quality of the mixture can be disputed, because cracking of the finishing layer can be caused by non-observance of the technology of mixing the solution or improper application of plaster to the base.

Main technical characteristics

We have already figured out the advantages of using Rotband plaster. Now let's get acquainted with those. characteristics of the specified building material:

  • The thickness of the leveling layer can be different. During work on leveling the walls, it is permissible to apply from 5 to 5 millimeters of mortar; for the ceiling, the thickness of the screed decreases ( 5-15 mm).
  • Consumption of plaster on a flat surface with a layer thickness of 1 centimeter is 9 kilograms of mortar per m2.
  • Most often dry mixes are packed in 30 kg bags. To obtain a working composition for this volume, from 18 to 20 liters of water are needed.
  • Due to the presence of gypsum, the working solution hardens quickly, the initial setting period is about 20 minutes.
  • Complete drying of the plaster from 7 days. The curing period depends on the temperature and humidity inside the premises.
  • The maximum size of the constituent components is 1.2 mm, the density of the material is about 950 kg / m3, the compressive strength is more than 2.5 MPa.
  • Knauf dry plaster is packed in paper bags with a capacity of 5, 10.25 and 30 kg.

Average prices

The price of plaster will depend on the type ( start or finish) and bag capacity. It should be noted that starting lineups are slightly cheaper than finishing lineups. Average a bag of rotband with a capacity of 30 kilograms costs 400 rubles... A package of a dry mix of 10 kilograms has a price of 213 rubles, a Rotband 5 kg - 120 rubles.

Plaster consumption

Rough or starting plaster Rotband has the maximum consumption. V in this case builders can lay a layer of mortar up to 5 centimeters. If we take into account that 9 kilograms of mortar are consumed for each centimeter of the layer in terms of m2, then in general 45 kilograms of plaster will go to one square of the wall.

Walls, ceilings or other finishing surfaces have a heterogeneous structure, which means that the consumption of the mixture will be different, it can be calculated only by the approximate value of the thickness of the solution. You can more accurately determine the consumption of plaster when using finishing mixtures that are applied to a pre-leveled base.

Instructions for use

During the finishing work, you must read the instructions for the use of dry building mixtures Knauf ( usually this information is indicated on the packaging).

For high-quality plastering work, we need the following tool:

  1. drill with attachment;
  2. building level;
  3. container for mixing the solution;
  4. putty knife;
  5. rule;
  6. metal beacons;
  7. sponge with increased rigidity.

On the preparatory stage work, you need to clean the base from the remnants of the old coating. Bare pieces of reinforcement are covered with paint or other anticorrosive compounds... Further, a deep penetration primer is applied to the surface of the walls, which will promote better adhesion of the plaster and the base surface.

The next step is to start installing beacons. It is these elements that regulate the thickness of the plaster layer. The guides can be 6 or 10 millimeters wide and are trimmed to the required length. Further, the beacons are installed according to laser level in one plane. These elements are securely fixed to the wall surface with gypsum plaster. After the solution has dried, the gaps between the guides are filled with the prepared mixture.

How to prepare a working mixture

The preparation of the solution should take place according to the manufacturer's recommendations (instructions are indicated on the package). For large volumes of work, a bag of dry mixture with a capacity of 30 kilograms is thoroughly mixed with 18 liters of water. The plaster is knocked down with a mixer to a homogeneous consistency. It is important not to use hot water, because such a liquid will speed up the setting process of the solution.

If the amount of work is small, a small container can be used to prepare the plaster, for example a 15 liter bucket. It is filled by a third with water, after which Rotband is added. In the process of mixing, the solution should acquire a creamy consistency.

After 10 minutes of exposure, the solution is stirred again. This improves the elasticity indicators.

How to apply plaster to the wall

The working mixture is applied to the wall with a spatula, after which the solution is leveled according to the rule according to the pre-installed beacons. During such operations, the rule is pressed against the guides, the solution is distributed over the surface using zigzag movements. The remaining surplus of Rotband is sent back to the bucket. The movement by the rule is carried out from bottom to top several times in a row, which will prevent the process of mortar settling.

If it is necessary to lay a large layer on the base surface, fix the plaster mesh. In this case Rotband plaster is applied several times in layers of 1-1.5 centimeters... To improve adhesion, a relief pattern is made on each of the surfaces. 15 minutes after the beginning of the drying of the last layer, pass over the base with a hard trowel. When the surface is completely dry, apply the finishing Rotband and putty.

That's all the wall is ready for painting or wallpapering.

Due to its environmental friendliness and ease of work, high-tech gypsum plaster Rotband today occupies a leading position among similar building mixtures. Such a product is produced at Russian enterprises with the participation of the German company Knauf Gips KG. This explains the presence of the word "Knauf" in the name of the dry mixture.

Dimensional parameters

You can buy Rotband plasters packaged in bags of 10, 20, 30 kg. To distinguish a branded dry mix from a fake, you need to pay attention to the packaging. It should be a three-layer strong bag, on the outside of which is depicted short instruction on the use of plaster. In addition, it is recommended to ask the seller to provide a certificate for the product.

Universal plaster Knauf Rotband is used for manual plastering of wall and ceiling surfaces during indoor areas, which are planned to operate in conditions with normal humidity... Many experts consider the technical characteristics of the Rotband dry mix to be ideal, namely:

  1. Operating temperature range: 5 - 30? С.
  2. The recommended thickness of the applied layer is 10 mm, if necessary, it is allowed to apply: the minimum layer (5 mm) and the maximum (20 mm).
  3. The time the solution is ready after mixing is 10 minutes.
  4. The permissible storage time of the ready-made solution is up to 25 minutes.
  5. The storage period in the packed form is six months.
  6. Drying time for a layer 1 cm thick 45 - 60 min.
  7. The curing period is a week.
  8. The compressive strength of the dried plaster layer is more than 2.5 MPa.
  9. Flexural strength of the dried plaster layer 1 MPa.

Colour contrast

It is noteworthy that this plaster is produced in three colors:

  1. White color.
  2. Grey colour.
  3. Pink color.

At the same time, the color shade affects the technical characteristics of Rotband plaster, namely:

  • The pink mixture lies perfectly flat on the wall surface.
  • White and gray plaster flows down the wall after plastering and when dry, there are specific waves that will need to be smoothed out before finishing.

It's connected with different sizes dry mix grains:

  • White and gray have 0.5 mm.
  • The pink has 1.2 mm.

Material consumption

Before starting work related to plastering wall surfaces, it is imperative to calculate required amount dry mix. In this case, you need to take into account two main points:

  1. Curvature of wall surfaces to be plastering.
  2. The type of plaster mixture used.

Therefore, in order to determine the consumption of Rotband plaster per 1 m2, it is necessary at the first stage to determine the thickness of the applied plaster layer. For this:

  1. By level on wall surface beacons are exhibited.
  2. At certain points (and the calculation is more accurate when they more) deviations from the wall surface are measured.
  3. The obtained values ​​are added up and the average value is calculated by dividing by the selected number of measuring points.

The manufacturer indicates that for plastering 1m2 of the wall surface with a layer of 1 cm, 8.5 kg must be used. dry mix Rotband. This means that if the estimated thickness of the plaster layer, for example, is 2.5 cm, then Rotband plaster will be needed:

  • 8.5 kg x 2.5 cm = 21.25 kg / m2.
  • 21.25 kg / sq. mx 14 sq. m = 297.5 kg.

Since the most common packaging is 30 kg bags, you will need to buy: It should be remembered that many specialized firms offer discounts when buying Rotband plaster mix in bulk. This is very beneficial for large volumes of work, so you can get significant financial savings.

Plastering the walls is required in almost every case of capital repairs or construction. Often, plaster acts as a finishing decorative layer, but most often it serves as a base for wallpaper or tiles. But in any case, its main task is to level the walls and without certain skills it is quite difficult for a beginner to cope with this. The article there will be a speech about the nuances of choosing a high-quality mixture, as well as about the sequence of all stages of work.

Dry mix Rotband

Rotband is a brand of universal gypsum-based dry plaster mix from the world-famous manufacturer Knauf, which produces top quality products. All products are certified and comply with Russian GOST and DIN (German Institute for Standardization) standards, they also have all the necessary sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and certificates fire safety... This is especially important for those who care about the health of their families and do not want to Construction Materials in the future, they had any negative impact.

Application area

Knauf Rotband gypsum-based dry plaster with additives that provide increased adhesion. It is recommended for use in rooms with normal humidity, as well as for kitchens and bathrooms. Due to its properties, it can be used for almost any surface of walls and ceilings with a conventional solid base: brick, concrete, cement plaster, expanded polystyrene and DSP. The manufacturer especially recommends the use of Rotband for smooth concrete surfaces of the ceiling and walls.

Specifications Rotband

  • Layer thickness: for walls 5-50 mm, for ceilings 5-15 mm.
  • Consumption: about 8.5 kg / m2 (with a layer of 10 mm)
  • Amount of water for 30 kg: 18-20 l
  • Time of using ready-made mortar mixture: 20-25 minutes
  • Drying: from 7 days (depending on indoor conditions)
  • The maximum size of the fraction is not more than 1.2 mm. Strength: in compression> 2.5 MPa, and in bending> 1.0 MPa. Solid density approx. 950 kg / m3.
  • Packaging - paper bag with packing of 30, 25, 10 and 5 kg. Shelf life 6 months (with undamaged packaging).

Why exactly Rotband?

When choosing a plaster, the manufacturer is undoubtedly important, as a guarantee of quality, Knauf has already been mentioned, it is known to everyone, even people who are far enough from construction and repair.

  • Rotband has undoubted positive qualities that distinguish it from other gypsum plasters:
  • Produced from an environmentally friendly natural mineral - gypsum, does not contain impurities harmful to health.
  • Easy to manufacture and use. detailed instructions on the packaging of the dry mix Rotband will help you prepare and apply the plaster yourself. Suitable as experienced craftsmen and beginners.
  • Versatility. It does not require subsequent filling, as it creates a smooth, even surface, suitable for high-quality staining.
  • Fast in application. Rotband dries quickly enough (cement plaster dries for about 30 days, gypsum plaster - 7).
  • Due to its hygroscopicity, the material "breathes", providing a favorable climate in the room.
  • Possesses good water retention ability, does not delaminate or crack, even when applied to porous, moisture-absorbing substrates.
  • It gives freedom of creativity, allows you to create decorative elements, textured surfaces, as well as carry out restoration work.

Rotband is very popular with contractors performing refurbishment and Finishing work, thanks to the practicality and ease of use. However, one cannot fail to mention the shortcomings identified by buyers when working with the mixture.

  • Price. This plaster is in the middle price range. Its opponents claim that there are plasters on the market with similar qualities, but at a significantly lower price.
  • Possible shrinkage of the material. Though this moment still controversial, as material shrinkage or cracking can occur due to a violation of the mixing or application technique. The manufacturer claims that its plaster does not crack, even when applied in thick layers.

The cost of leveling the walls with a rotband

Before starting the repair, it is worth calculating the cost of leveling the wall with Rotband plaster. The average price of a 30 kg package in Russia is 360 rubles. This amount is sufficient to plaster 3.5 m2 of surface. Take, for example, a room with a total area of ​​16 m2. Ceiling height 2.5 m, length 6 m, width 2.7 m. The area of ​​all walls in the room is 43.5 m2. Thus, for plastering a room with a layer of 1 cm, with an average packaging consumption of 3.5 m2, slightly more than 12 Rotband packages are needed. It is very convenient that the manufacturer packs the mixture not only in large bags, so if a little was not enough, you can buy a package weighing 5 or 10 kg. In total, the cost for a room of 16 m2 will be 4,320 rubles for 12 packages of 30 kg, plus 200-250 rubles for an additional package. In this case, only plaster mix, not including tools, primer and additional materials.

How to choose?

So, having decided on the choice of the plaster mixture, there is little left to do - to buy and start directly to work. But unfortunately, it's not that simple. Like all popular goods, there were a lot of Rotband counterfeits. Kanuf has worked hard to identify and eliminate them. To protect its own quality, the manufacturer places a holographic sticker on each package. In addition, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture, which indicates not only the day / month / year, but also the hours, minutes and, most importantly, the seconds of production. A new package appears on the line every 4-6 seconds, so the time on each package is unique, if there are two identical ones next to it, you are in front of a fake.

Required tools

To plaster walls you will need:

  • brush or roller for applying the primer;
  • level or plumb line;
  • metal profiles 6 or 10 mm;
  • rule;
  • spatula (wide);
  • construction mixer;
  • metal rail;
  • hard sponge or metal float.

Preparation for work

Surface cleaning

First of all, the wall is cleared of large particles. old plaster, paint, dust and dirt. If plastered concrete foundations, then it is necessary to remove the formwork grease from them (in other words, greasy stains if any). There should be no large irregularities on the surface. Metal elements are pre-treated with anti-corrosion coatings.


In order for the plaster to lay down well, dry evenly and not deform, the surface must be primed.

The primer is selected based on the type of substrate. For surfaces that slightly absorb moisture (concrete, cement, expanded polystyrene), a primer is selected Knauf type Concrete contact. For surfaces with high absorbency (brick, aerated concrete), a primer such as Knauf Grundirmittel or Knauf Rotband Grund is required. After application, the primer must be allowed to dry completely and only then proceed to the main work.


One of the most important things in the preparation process is the installation of beacon profiles, on which the plaster will then be applied. Now there are two types on the market: 6 and 10 mm, it is easier for beginners to work with the latter, since they are tougher. When buying, you need to make sure that there are no deformations and ensure accurate transportation.

Lighthouses are prepared in advance, they are cut to the required height. For installation, the Rotband mortar mixture is vertically applied to the surface at a distance of every 30 cm, then beacon profiles are pressed into it and aligned in one plane strictly vertically using a level.

It is best to use the longest tool possible. The remains of the mixture remaining when the lighthouse is pressed in must be evenly distributed along its entire length, filling the gaps formed between the lighthouse and the wall.

The distance at which beacons are installed depends on the length of the rule. Ideally, with a rule length of 2 m, the beacons are located 130-180 cm apart.

Rotband wall alignment technology

Preparation of the composition

Plastering of surfaces can be carried out in rooms with temperatures from +5 to +30 and at a relative humidity of no more than 60%.

One package weighing 30 kg is diluted to 18 liters cold water... The water should not be hot, this can lead to the mixture setting too quickly. However, if the plastering work is carried out alone, then it is better to prepare a smaller volume, since the composition is applied within 25-30 minutes after its preparation. In this case, a bucket with a volume of 10-15 liters will be enough. It needs to be filled with water by 1/3 and the dry mixture is gradually introduced. A construction mixer or drill is used for mixing. In terms of density, the mass should resemble sour cream. To improve the elasticity of the plaster, it is recommended to leave it on for 10 minutes and then stir again.

Advice: during the application process, it is not allowed to add water or dry mixture to the solution, as well as any other components.

Wall application

Professionals throw on the mixture with light and relaxed movements, from the bottom up. Beginners are advised to apply the mixture with a wide spatula.

At one time it should be possible to apply plaster in width from one lighthouse to another and in height by about one meter. Then the layer needs to be aligned with the rule. To do this, the tool is tightly pressed against the beacons and with zigzag movements, the mixture seems to be pulled upward. Excess plaster formed on the rule is removed either onto the wall or into a bucket for later use.

It is also important to know that since plaster is very flexible, it can settle under its own weight. Therefore, do not be lazy, go over the rule a couple of times from the very bottom in the process of applying plaster to the wall.

If a thicker layer of plaster is required

It so happened that the walls are very uneven and one layer of 10mm is absolutely not enough. In this case, it is necessary, before the first layer has time to harden, to walk along it with a plaster comb, which will create a relief.

Let the layer dry. Then prime the surface again using Knauf Grundirmittel or Knauf Rotband-Grund, and only after the primer has dried, apply a second coat.

If expanded polystyrene or cement surfaces are plastered, then on them the second layer is applied only to the reinforced mesh.

There are two ways of laying the mesh: on a thin layer of plaster or on PVA glue. In both cases, the mesh is pressed down and smoothed with a spatula until the irregularities or bubbles completely disappear. Then it is sanded a little, excess dust is removed, then it is primed, dried and a second layer of plaster is applied.

The ceiling is plastered exclusively in one layer, no more than 15 mm thick.

Surface leveling, grouting and smoothing

After about 40-50 minutes, the plaster mixture will begin to set, now it needs to be leveled. The excess is cut off with a metal strip, the recesses are filled. In the corners, they can be removed with a plastering plane.

The resulting surface is suitable for laying ceramic tiles... The minimum layer of plaster under it is 10 mm.


Surfaces intended for wallpapering or painting are trowelled with a hard sponge or float 15 minutes after leveling. To do this, they are abundantly moistened with water and grout is performed in a circular motion. This erases possible unevenness and trowel marks after leveling.

On the wall prepared in this way, wallpaper can be glued. However, if you have a thin light wallpaper, then Rotband may show through due to its rather dark shade. In this case, it is better to pre-apply a layer of finishing putty.


For high-quality painting, a glossy surface must be achieved. To do this, after waiting until the wall begins to dry out, it becomes a matte shade (about 3-4 hours after mixing the solution), the wall is again abundantly moistened and smoothed with a metal float. Such a surface does not require putty, it can be safely painted. Below is a video about aligning the walls with a rotband.

Reliefs and bas-reliefs

Gypsum plaster as if created for creativity. She is perfect for the incarnations of all your design ideas... In particular, to create an unusual texture on the wall. Relief of the plaster is given using embossed roller or other forming tool.

I wish you creative success and spectacular renovations!

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