How to paint the ceiling after oil paint. Ceiling painted with oil paint

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Many things seem unusually simple until you try to do them yourself. Ceiling paint is one of them. This page will discuss how to properly paint the ceiling. Painting should begin with the preparation of the base.

How to prepare a ceiling for painting

If the ceiling is in very poor condition, then it should be leveled and puttied. This has been dealt with on other pages, and there is no need to go into detail here. Consider the case when the ceiling is in fair condition, and it just needs to be refreshed.

First you need to determine what is on the ceiling now. The most common options: whitewash, oil paint, water-based paint. To understand what is on your ceiling, run your hand over it. If the hand is covered in chalk - whitewash, if slightly dirty - cheap water-based paint, if completely clean - good water-based emulsion or enamel (oil). You can distinguish a good water-based emulsion from enamel like this - if this is a kitchen where repairs were made about twenty years ago, there is oil paint on the ceiling; if the repair was made recently, it is most likely a water-based paint.

If there is whitewash on the ceiling, then there are two options:
whiten again;
wash off the whitewash, putty and paint with water-based paint.
The first option is simpler (just remember that you can’t whitewash with a roller), the second one is longer and more difficult, but in the end you will get a normal ceiling. Choose yourself.

If there is oil paint on the ceiling and it is in such a state that it does not require repair and just needs to be refreshed, then consider yourself very lucky (I have not seen this). In this case, you just need to re-paint it with enamel. Now there are water enamels, almost odorless. Just right for the ceiling.

If there is water-based paint on the ceiling, make sure there are no peeling pieces of paint and cracks. If there are such places, it is necessary to prepare the ceiling for painting completely. Do not try to correct in pieces - then these places will be visible (the surface texture will be different). If there are no such places, prime the ceiling with a good penetrating primer (for example, Dufa or Knauf). The ceiling is ready for painting.

How to paint the ceiling

It is best to use water-based paint. For example, Tikkurila Euro 7. A nine-liter bucket of such paint costs about two thousand rubles. One such can should be enough to paint the ceilings in a small apartment (it is better to buy paint in large cans - it comes out cheaper). This paint is one of the cheapest washable. Other washable paints may be better washed, but more expensive. If you are not afraid of prices - pay attention to Duluxe paints.

Cheaper paints, as a rule, are no longer washable. How important this is for the ceiling, decide for yourself. These are already dispersion paints (those that get a little dirty if you run your hand over them). A good representative of this family is Dufa Superweiss. The paint is very white and covers well. It costs, however, not cheaper than Euro 7.

Paint is glossy, semi-gloss, matte. It's always written on the bucket. It is better not to buy glossy paints - they will show everything that will not be visible on a matte one. Matte looks better. The best choice is semi-gloss paint.

From the tool you will need:
a roller with a pile on a long handle 25-30 cm wide (only not foam rubber, the longer the pile, the more "shagreen" from the roller, hiding minor flaws in the surface);
roller with pile 7-10 cm wide;
brush 5-7 cm wide;
trough for rolling out the roller;

How to paint the ceiling

The ceiling is painted in two layers. After the first layer, gaps may remain, which will be closed by the second layer. Layers are applied in the same way. The only thing is that you need to be more careful with the second layer, because. you can't fix it anymore.

The paint, if it is thick and the manufacturer allows dilution, dilute with water and mix thoroughly. During the painting process, there are often pieces of paint that have dried on the lid or edge of the bucket. Here it is necessary: ​​either pre-filter the paint (if there is a lot of garbage); or immediately remove these pieces from the ceiling as soon as you notice them.

The ceiling must first be "taken away", i.e. paint over the perimeter and around the chandelier - where a large roller does not crawl. It is best to first apply the paint evenly with a brush over an area about a meter long, then go through a small roller to create the same roll from the pile as from a large roller.

Then the ceiling is rolled with a large roller. The most important moment. It is better to roll from the window, along the direction of the light, moving from left to right (right to left). The length of the rolling strip is 2-3 meters. That is, first a strip (rectangle) is painted over 2-3 meters from the window across the entire width of the room, then the next 2-3 meters, etc. The overlap between the rectangles is 10-20 cm.

In one place it is better to ride many, many times. If you wave the roller a couple of times (everything will seem white) and go further, then when the paint dries, there will be a lot of bald spots in this place. Having rolled the strip properly to the width of the roller, step back and look at the clearance (at the glare) for gaps. Do not save paint - there will be bald spots, but do not smear too greasy - there will be stripes and sagging.

Don't forget to wash your tools.

During the repair of various buildings, before plastering walls and ceilings, they must be carefully prepared for this kind of work.

This preparation depends on the level of the previous cladding and top coat. In this regard, the question often arises - is it possible to plaster walls and ceilings with paint.

To answer it, it is necessary to clarify several important points regarding the painted surface.

Examination of the painted surface

Water emulsion has a porous structure, which facilitates the application of plaster

Before you start plastering a previously painted surface, you need to determine the composition of the old paint.

The following options are possible:

  1. Water based paint. It is easy to work with because it has a porous structure. The plaster can be applied without preliminary surface preparation, but the paint begins to peel off when in contact with it.
  2. Oil paint. Previously, it was used to save on decorative finishes in old-style houses and public buildings. Forms a dense film on the surface of the wall. The leveling compound does not stick.

Preparatory work

Before plastering, inspect the wall and repair all defects

The standard action plan for a previously painted wall is as follows:

Methods for cleaning the surface of paint

Remove oil paints most carefully

To remove water-based paint, most often they do it simply - moisten it with a sponge, soft cloth or spray gun, leave it for 15-20 minutes, then remove the paint layer with a spatula, wipe it with a damp cloth and allow it to dry completely.

Building surfaces, walls and ceilings, previously painted with lime, glue or casein paint, are completely cleaned of whitewash, washed with water and dried well. This is especially true if you plan to then wallpaper them.

Oil paints and compositions must be removed carefully, since traces of drying oil greatly interfere with the application of plaster.

A building dryer softens the paint, which is then easier to peel off

There are three ways to remove oil paint:

  1. Chemical way. Special softening enamel compositions are used. They are highly toxic and should not be used indoors. Then the softened layer is easily removed with a spatula.
  2. Thermal way. This method takes advantage of the fact that the paint becomes soft when heated. To warm up the paint, use a building hair dryer, and then also clean it with a spatula.
  3. mechanical way. To remove paint from all surfaces, use a metal brush mounted on a grinder or simply peel off the paint with a spatula. This is a very dusty and time-consuming job, so the paint is often cleaned only where it leaves, and the rest of the walls are treated with a primer.

The advantage of the described technique is that it is universal. The plaster will be of high quality and long-term, regardless of what composition the wall or ceiling could have been painted with before the repair and in what condition it was.

The disadvantage, of course, is the complexity and large amount of work. To remove the decorative layer, you will have to make a lot of effort, especially for the old surface painted with oil paint.

Applying plaster to paint

Practically in all memos to finishing building materials, it is required to remove old plaster before applying them to the surface.

If you ignore this advice, then the new decorative finish will quickly disappear after repair. If the old layer of plaster adheres poorly to the wall, then it is easy to remove it with a spatula. - see another article

When the surface coating is well preserved, it is difficult to remove it. In such situations, the most experienced professionals do not know how to act correctly. It is sometimes allowed to deviate from the universal technique and apply a layer of plaster over the paint.

It is easier to lay plaster on rough walls

Most often, this is done when decorating walls painted with water-based paint. When there is no desire to clean the paint over a large area, you can also put plaster on the paint.

  1. Check the condition of the surface. The remains of the old layer, which are exfoliated, must be removed. Otherwise, after leveling, the new plaster will quickly fall off.
  2. Begin to increase adhesion. First, using a fairly coarse sandpaper (#60 or #80), clean the surfaces that have been painted. They are trying to peel off the dirt from the wall along with the top layer of paint.
  3. If the kitchen is being plastered, simultaneously with cleaning, the surfaces are degreased with solvents to get rid of greasy stains that prevent the plaster from sticking to the wall.
  4. At the end of grinding with an old ax, dents are applied to the surface. This can be done with a chisel or chisel. The depth of the cuts should exceed the thickness of the future decorative layer. It is considered optimal - about 100 notches per 1 m 2.
  5. The walls are cleaned of dust and dried.
  6. After completing the preparatory work, the walls are primed and leveled - a plaster layer is applied.
  7. Roughen up the walls. If the walls are rough, then the plaster will lay down smoothly and firmly on the paint. The easiest way to solve this problem is to apply .
  8. The mixture is applied to the treated wall with a roller or brush. Measures are taken to ensure that the composition necessarily penetrates into the recesses.
  9. After the primer layer has completely dried, a plaster mesh is installed on the wall plane. How to prepare the walls, see this video:

If you plan to apply a leveling layer of more than 10 mm, then it must be used.

Plastering process

It is convenient to level the layer of plaster with the help of a rule or trowels.

In the most difficult situations, it is carried out using a special composition based on chalk, varnish and wood glue.

Table - Ratio of components

Lighthouses are used for severe defects and drops

If the surface to be treated is too uneven, it is plastered as follows:

  1. If it is necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster, use a beacon profile. Beacons are installed vertically in one plane.
  2. Prepare a plaster solution. Depending on the condition of the room, its composition is different. If the building or room is dry, a lime-gypsum mortar is used. In other situations, plaster - cement.
  3. Perform plastering. The composition is applied with a scoop (or bucket), then the building rule is aligned with the beacons.
  4. Align the corners. Perform this operation after reaching the required coating thickness. To do this, use an angled spatula.
  5. Allow the plaster layer to dry completely. Correct it if necessary.
  6. After achieving the ideal appearance of the surface, its further finishing is performed. For more information about the process, see this video:

Thus, it is possible to plaster walls and ceilings without peeling off the old paint. But this is acceptable if it is mechanically impossible to remove the old layer.

It is difficult to plaster a painted wall with all the requirements, but it is quite possible. If you strictly follow all the recommendations and make a lot of efforts at the preparatory stage, then the result of the work will be perfect.

Thus, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of the possibility of applying plaster to paint. All masters react to it in their own way and are supporters of different ways.

Both options have been considered. Well, you will have to choose which action plan to follow, taking into account the specific situation.

Nowadays, there are many modern materials for decoration, both for walls and for ceilings. Today, one of the most affordable types of ceiling finishes is painting with water-based paint. Manufacturers of this material offer a very large range of paint that will help paint the ceiling quality.

Tools and materials for preparing and painting the ceiling

  1. Paint roller
  2. Primer roller (you can use a regular sprayer)
  3. Putty knife
  4. Sandpaper or rubbing net
  5. Tray for rolling paint
  6. Masking tape (adhesive construction tape)
  7. Drill with a nozzle "mixer"
  8. Water based paint
  9. Primer
  10. putty
  11. Dye for water-based paint (in case of color painting)
  12. Eye protection glasses

Preparing the ceiling for painting

Before performing painting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface to be painted for high-quality painting.

  1. If it is planned to paint the ceiling on the old painting with water-based paint, then it is necessary to clean the surface of dust and dirt and prime it so that the painted surface becomes denser and does not absorb paint. An unprimed surface will absorb the paint, resulting in uneven coverage, streaks, and smudges.
  2. The plastered surface must be covered with a thin, even layer of putty and allowed to dry. If there are small protrusions from the spatula on the surface, then you need to clean them with sandpaper or a rubbing net. This must be done very carefully to avoid chipping. If there are small scratches or notches on the surface of the ceiling, they must be carefully puttied with putty again. For best results, the ceiling surface must be wiped over the entire area. A dry, flat surface must be cleaned of dust (you can use a regular vacuum cleaner). Next, you need to prime the ceiling using a roller or a conventional sprayer (available at any hardware store, it is used to spray flowers and houseplants). When using a ceiling primer roller, the amount of primer increases, as the primer is very liquid and constantly drips and splashes. It would be more advisable to use a sprayer, because the primer gets into hard-to-reach places and covers the ceiling in a very thin and even layer. The priming procedure will facilitate uniform application of the paint and prevent stains from uneven absorption of the plastered surface.
  3. For painting plasterboard ceilings you need to glue all the joints with a paint grid and putty them. Next, you need to cover the entire drywall with putty and allow to dry. The surface of the ceiling must be rubbed with sandpaper or a mesh for rubbing, primed. For a perfect coating with water-based paint, the surface must be very even and smooth.

Choosing a roller for painting the ceiling with water-based paint

To paint a large area ceiling, you need to purchase a wide roller with a fur coat. Usually a fur coat is made from natural materials (sheep, goat, llama fur, velor, mohair). To add texture to the surface, it is better to choose a roller with a long and thick fur coat; to give smoothness, you need a roller with a short fur coat. A foam rubber roller is not suitable for painting the ceiling, because liquid paint will flow down, and the desired result will not work. It must be remembered that a roller with a long fur coat will help hide small defects on the ceiling. When choosing a roller, you should take into account the weight of the roller; your hands will quickly get tired of a heavy roller. There are also coats for rollers made of polyamides, this material is more durable and resistant to various chemical solutions.

Security measures

It is necessary to start painting the ceiling before the final finishing of the walls and floor, as drops and splashes can ruin the wall covering and flooring.

If painting is carried out in a room where there is furniture, it must be protected with a film. Before painting, it is also necessary to protect the eyes and skin from water-based paint. Although this paint is safe for the skin, since it is based on water, it will be problematic to wash it off the surface of the skin. If the skin is dirty, then you can wash the water-based paint with vinegar.

The technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

Before painting, the paint must be well mixed. On the prepared surface, water-based paint must be applied in several layers. The first coat of paint is best done with diluted paint. To do this, pour some of the paint into a clean dish and dilute with water 5: 1, stir very carefully with a drill with a nozzle. Next, you need to pour some of the paint into the paint rolling tray and soak the roller in the paint. The ribbed surface of the bath will help remove excess paint and evenly distribute the paint on the roller. The procedure for spreading the paint on the roller must be carried out after each dipping. It is necessary to apply paint on the ceiling in two directions (back and forth), rolling it over the surface so that there are no unpainted spots left (each new stroke should slightly overlap the previous one). The edges of the ceiling near the baguettes must be brushed over. The next coat of paint should be done after the previous coat has completely dried. It is usually done with undiluted water-based paint to give the ceiling a matte, slight roughness and texture. For high-quality painting, a layer of 1 mm is sufficient. The process of drying the paint should be natural, the use of a heater, direct sunlight and drafts are unacceptable, these factors provoke peeling of the paint.

For colored ceilings use a special dye. It must be added to white water-based paint in the right amount to give the desired color. It must be remembered that paint that has not yet been applied to the surface looks darker. The dye is added directly to the paint container and thoroughly mixed until smooth using a drill with a nozzle. It should be remembered that it is necessary to calculate the correct amount of paint for finishing the ceiling, otherwise a color mismatch may occur when making a new portion, and then the whole work will have to be redone. There is also ready-made colored water-based paint. Color painting should also be done in several layers. The first layer should be done with diluted paint, this will help it penetrate into small cracks. Thick paint is more difficult to apply and it lays unevenly. It must be diluted in a ratio of 5: 1 (paint: water), stirring thoroughly. If the ceiling is planned to be painted in two colors (two-level), then paint is first applied to the level that is higher. After applying paint to the first level, you must wait until the paint dries, then glue the places where the colors will join with masking tape. This procedure is performed to protect the painted part of the ceiling. For the last layer, it is recommended to use a new roller (new fur coat) with an average long pile.

It is better to paint the ceiling in the daytime with good lighting, since under the light of a lamp it is very difficult to paint evenly and efficiently.

After priming the ceiling, the roller must be thoroughly washed with running water and soap, the remnants of the primer will irrevocably spoil the roller. After painting the ceiling, the roller must be rinsed with running water until the water is clear. A poorly washed roller will be unsuitable for subsequent use, since the remains of water-based paint will dry out and then it will be very problematic to soak the roller.

Painted ceiling maintenance

The painted ceiling with water-based paint is very easy to clean. To remove dust and dirt, it is simply necessary to wash it with warm water with the addition of any detergent or washing powder.

Painting the ceiling with oil paint

To paint the ceiling You can also use oil paint. Modern manufacturers of these paints have achieved a significant quality of this material, virtually eliminating the release of an unpleasant odor during painting. This paint is best used in rooms with high humidity and kitchens. Surfaces painted with oil paint are particularly durable and wear-resistant.

Getting started, first of all, it is necessary to protect all surfaces that are not planned to be painted with a plastic film. Painting is best done with a paint brush or foam roller.

The prepared surface must be primed, this will help to apply the paint in an even layer. When painting the ceiling with a paint brush, the strokes should be in different directions. To avoid streaks of paint on the brush, it is necessary to put on a protective device on the brush, which can be made from an ordinary plastic bottle and secured with adhesive tape. It is better to apply oil paint in two layers, while the second layer is applied after the first has completely dried. If the first layer is not completely dry, then the paint will begin to roll and spoil the whole work. Painting the ceiling with oil paint must be done in a well-ventilated area, as the presence of small amounts of harmful fumes can lead to poor health and dizziness.

After finishing work, the tool must be washed with a solvent or white spirit and placed in a container with water, this will prevent the brush or roller from drying out.

Online video on how to paint the ceiling

Finishing materials for the ceiling are presented in a wide range. Someone decides to use modern methods, using expensive technologies. Someone in order to save money resorts to old proven methods. One of the methods of finishing, rooted in ancient times, but used in the modern world, is painting the ceiling with oil paint.

Pros and cons of the material

Oil paint is made on the basis of organic oils or drying oil. This material has many positive and negative properties.


  • Low cost. With a limited budget, this indicator can play an important role.
  • Ease of use. Even a person who does not have experience and skills in painting can work with paint.
  • The surface is reliably protected from moisture. This greatly simplifies maintenance, since the painted ceiling can be washed with water without fear.
  • The material fits well both on a wooden surface and on concrete, making it absolutely smooth.

A few disadvantages:

  • The main disadvantage is low strength characteristics. After a short time of operation, the original color of the finish changes, it becomes dull. The coating begins to crack, peel and fall off. There is a need for a new renovation.
  • Strong smell. Oil paint is a toxic substance, so you need to work only in a ventilated area.
  • Long drying time. Surface operation is possible only after 48 hours after completion of work.
  • When painting the ceiling with oil paint, it is worth remembering that in the future only a similar composition can be applied to the surface. Before applying another mixture, a thorough cleaning of the previous layer is necessary.

Analyzing the positive and negative sides of the oil coating, we can conclude that the use of oil paint for finishing the ceilings of a living space is not the right decision. However, modern manufacturers have significantly changed the properties of oil coatings. Therefore, in exceptional cases, it is allowed to use a coating based on drying oil in bathrooms, bathrooms or in the kitchen.

Ceiling painting

Having opted for an oil coating, you need to carefully study the technology of its application.

Necessary tools and materials

Any painting requires certain materials and tools.

To complete the work you will need:

  • Oil paint
  • spatulas with which the ceiling space will be leveled and cracks repaired
  • grout mesh or sandpaper, which rubs the puttied area
  • bath for stirring the coloring matter and rolling out the roller
  • masking tape to protect surfaces that will not be painted
  • brushes: narrow - for painting hard-to-reach places, wide - for working on the main surface
  • rollers
  • mixer to facilitate the process of mixing the coloring composition and putty
  • primer for improved surface and coating adhesion
  • putty for leveling the ceiling and sealing cracks

Preliminary preparation of a set of materials and tools will greatly simplify the process of painting the ceiling with oil paint.

Surface preparation for painting

In order for a ceiling painted with oil paint to look attractive, the master must carefully prepare its surface. What is being done to perform work on a new ceiling:

  1. Clean it from dust and dirt;
  2. The surface is leveled;
  3. Close up the joints with putty;
  4. Apply a layer of primer and wait for complete drying.

In cases where it is planned to paint a previously painted area, the old paint must be removed. In this situation, the work is carried out in several stages.

Removing the old coating

At this stage, you must first determine the type of coverage, and then choose how to remove it.

The water-based composition is removed using a special wash or hot water. Also, the waterproof emulsion is cleaned off with a grinder. If several layers are applied, you can use a building hair dryer. During the heating process, the coating will begin to flake off and be easily removed.

To remove the oil dye, you will need a special solvent. It is applied to the surface, softens the coating. After a while, it is cleaned with a spatula. The oil coating can be removed with a grinder or drill with special nozzles.

You can use the thermal method. To do this, the painted plane is heated with a building hair dryer, and then the softened coating is removed with a spatula.

Puttying the ceiling

After that, sanding is performed using sandpaper. Work is carried out over the entire area until a smooth and even surface is obtained. The dust generated as a result of the work must be removed.

Surface priming

The primer is applied by roller or sprayer. This procedure reduces the absorption of the dye, providing better adhesion to the surface, and the oil paint lays on the primer more evenly and evenly.

Protection of unpainted planes

Before applying the coloring composition, it is necessary to protect the areas that will not be painted. To do this, the floor and walls are covered with polyethylene, using masking tape to secure.

ceiling painting process

To paint the ceiling, you will need a brush and roller. Using a brush, the dye is applied around the perimeter of the ceiling, carefully painting over the joints of the walls and ceiling. Then you can paint with a roller.

Before staining, you must familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced craftsmen:

  • You need to paint with parallel strokes, preventing the edge of the previous strip from drying out.
  • It is best to apply strokes with an overlap of strips of 8-10 cm
  • The applied coating must be rubbed well to avoid smudges.
  • Paint the surface in several layers. The first layer is applied perpendicular to the direction of sunlight, and the second - parallel
  • The second layer of paint is applied only after the first has completely dried.

Leveling a ceiling painted with oil paint

If the coloring matter was applied in accordance with all the rules, then its removal can cause a lot of trouble. To solve the problem "how to level a ceiling painted with oil paint" you can use this method:

  1. Notches are made along the paint layer with a chisel or hatchet. As a result, stripes-scratches and crevices form on the surface;
  2. The resulting dust is swept away or removed with a vacuum cleaner;
  3. The entire plane is treated with a solution of soda, washed and dried well;
  4. Then the surface is coated with a concrete-contact primer;
  5. After it dries, the surface is leveled with a plaster mixture.

Using oil paint, you can make the ceiling even and attractive. But for this you need to know the intricacies of working with the material and listen to the advice of the masters.

Repair always starts from the ceiling. This is due to the fact that paint can easily ruin new wallpaper or modern flooring. Today we have moved away from the classic operation of finishing the ceiling - its whitewashing. By painting the ceiling with acrylic paints, you can emphasize the dignity of the interior, as well as use any color scheme. As a rule, a ceiling plinth acts as a modern design refinement (read: "").

How to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint: advantages

To date, the excitement is caused by acrylic-based ceiling paints. Due to its merits, acrylic has managed to win a leading position in the construction market of dyes.

Let's talk about these advantages:

Modern acrylic paint includes a large variety of compositions that differ in consistency and composition. For example, there are paints only for dry rooms. A separate category are compositions for bathrooms (moisture resistant). Therefore, before using the substance, it is necessary to read for which room it is intended.

According to the level of whiteness, acrylic paints are divided into: white, super white and milky white. To paint the ceiling, it is best to use white paint. But often, manufacturers on packaging containers with milky white paint indicate “white”. There are cases when they write on superwhite - "white". It is important to consider this before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint.

When buying, ask the seller to slightly open the lid of the can of paint. Take a plain white sheet of paper with you. Bring it to the paint and compare the color of the composition in the jar with this sheet. If the whiteness matches, you can safely use a similar substance to paint the ceiling. If the seller does not meet your needs, explain to him that you need maximum whiteness. As a rule, under warranty, you can always return a can of paint.

After drying, it acquires a glossy or matte surface. When choosing a paint, remember that haze is a very important indicator for a ceiling. This puts this property on a par with the importance of whiteness. With a maximum matte surface, defects will hardly be visible. As a rule, irregularities or uneven application of acrylic act as defects.

If you need to create a colored ceiling, use glossy paints. This composition is only suitable for flat ceiling surfaces that have a large quadrature. also used for non-residential premises. How to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, it seems to have figured out. I would like to note domestic and imported manufacturers of such products. So, the trust of buyers in the market of building mixtures and paints has earned: Dulux, Tikkurila, Siro mat +, Innetak, Himmaton, Himos, Svyatozar and Supermatt.

How to paint the ceiling with water-dispersion paint - prepare the surface

How to paint the ceiling with latex paint - mix the paint

How to paint a ceiling with oil paint - choose a tool

The best option would be to choose a roller or brush. Each tool has its own characteristics. For example, brushes are used in small areas. Ceilings of a large area are best painted with a roller. Let's look at how to paint the ceiling with oil paint with a roller and brush.

Working with a brush

We work with a roller

How to paint a ceiling with water dispersion paint

The evenness of the surface depends on the force of pressing the brush. With light pressure, the paint will lay down in narrow stripes, and the layers will be thick and through (read: ""). Strong pressure will cause streaks, but the layers will be thin.

In the debut process of painting the ceiling, use the so-called "testing ground", for example, in the country. Use gentle pressure, which should be gradually increased.

How to paint the ceiling, detailed video:

Usually start from the corners, using a special brush. With it, you can paint over and not miss all the hard-to-reach areas. It is recommended to adhere to the principle: one movement - one layer. Otherwise, the ceiling will be covered with areas of different colors. Movement should be carried out - in a pre-selected direction.

The next layer is applied perpendicular to the first. Next, you need to smooth the paint and joints - a roller or brush without paint is drawn over the surface. Before the second painting of the ceiling, examine the painted surface from all angles. All existing unpainted areas must be eliminated.

Do not cover unpainted areas with thick paint - this is unacceptable. The second layer must be liquid to blur the first. Places dyed twice are treated with a dry roller.

After applying the first layer, wait until it dries. In accordance with the instructions, the waiting period is determined before applying the paint. Each new layer should be applied after the previous one has dried.

When applying the second coat on a wet surface, you may encounter blurring of the first. You should repeat the painting again, applying it towards the light. It is important to follow the joints - they should not remain. The ceiling is usually covered with several layers of acrylic paint. Foreign-made paint is usually applied in two stages, and domestic - in three.

After applying acrylic paint to the ceiling, wait a while. The optimal time is 2 hours. After that, you need to make sure that the entire surface is covered with paint. In addition, the ceiling should have an even color, without any overflows or blackouts. There are cases, despite the literacy of the work - spots are formed. In no case do not paint over the "holes" - you will only make it worse. Better use fine sandpaper. Using it on a bar, properly grind the ceiling.

It is important to use the entire surface, otherwise the spotting will not disappear. This method always helps if you put the paint in one or two layers. When applying a significant number of layers, the best solution would be a remake. This work will include sanding, puttying and painting the ceiling.

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