Paint for outdoor plaster works. Main types of paints by plaster for internal works

Landscape design and layout 30.08.2019
Landscape design and layout

Facade paint is a universal design solution, which allows the appearance of an attractive look to the outside walls. At the same time, it is also a very practical coating that can protect the walls from atmospheric influences, hide flaws when plastered walls. From how correctly the material is selected for staining the facade, the durability of plaster depends. In this article, we will tell about what kind of facade paints, we will give recommendations for the choice and consider the technology of painting by plaster.

Paint requirements for outdoor work

When choosing paint for plastered external walls It is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics: operational, technological and decorative.

Operational properties:

Technological requirements include:

Decorative qualities include:

  • Opportunities for tinting;
  • Reflective ability (matte, semi-shallow and gloss);

Types of facade paints and their features

The choice depends not on personal preferences or desires, but on the material of the surface in the surface. The plastered wall, for example, has an alkaline nature, so it will not be combined with all kinds of facade paints. By the way, they have several species depending on the binders used in them. Consider those of them that are better suitable for outdoor work on the plaster.

Acrylic and latex

Although they have different names, but the binding for both is acrylate material. The white filler uses marble and chalk. Suitable for many surfaces, including concrete, brick and mineral plaster. You can give color by universal water collers and pastes. Due to the low viscosity of acrylate, the texture of decorative plasters is well covered, such as, for example, a coroede, fur coat, etc. Consider the advantages of acrylic and latex paints:

  • simplicity of application, diluted with water;
  • alkaline corrosion resistance makes it suitable for coating plaster;
  • bright colors;
  • non-aggressive to use;
  • water repellent film, while transmitting air;
  • weather-resistant and wear.

Facade latex or acrylic paint can be applied for internal work By stucco. The coating is perfect for premises with high humidity. After drying, the surface becomes matte. Method of applying: roller, brush or sprayer.


A acrylic resin is also based, but modified copolymer silicone dispersions have been added to it. Due to the content of silicone, paint is more resistant to moisture and atmospheric influences, can be used for staining of basements and basements of the building. In general, this is a good choice for outdoor work on the plaster. Features:

  • high record permeability;
  • blocks the development of fungi and mold;
  • waterproof;
  • high elasticity;
  • optimal decorative and operational characteristics;
  • applied in two days after plastering;
  • high price;
  • not applicable to bright, acid tones.


Produced by mixing liquid silicate glass and organic additives. It has greater durability and wear resistance than others. For operational qualities, this is the best facade paint for plaster. Pros and cons of silicate compositions:

  • excellent performance;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to the development of mold;
  • easy application for concrete, brick, cement, lime or gypsum plaster;
  • deep penetrates the surface;
  • low elasticity;
  • does not give bright tintovok, cored in pastel tones;
  • not applied on acrylic plasters and other non-mineral bases.

Oil enamel

Not the most popular paint, with olifami as a binder. It almost misses air and has low elasticity. Therefore, it is used in most cases to work with solid surfaces: wooden, metal. Also, the oil enamel is painted concrete and cement plasterBut the durability of such coatings is low, prone to cracking and detachment. For external work By stucco, this is not the most the best choice. Features of oil painting:

  • resistance to temperature change and precipitation;
  • bad vapor permeability;
  • corrosion exposure, due to which the color changes and destroys;
  • the toxicity of solvents for oil paints.


Lime. These include primarily divorced lime, which is painted by the walls. Simply put - these are whitewashes. Thanks to its low cost, she gained wide popularity. The advantages also include its bactericidal effect. Disadvantages of bliss: Washed off with water, erased and dirty. Prepare a lime dye (whitewash) for plaster is not difficult. . But there are ready-made paints on sale, for example, Finngard Tikkurila

Cement and cement-limestone. Another similar option of cheap painting is the use of White Portland cement. Although cement paint You can spawn, bright tones will not succeed. For cooking you just need to dissolve cement with water to liquid consistency. The advantages include water resistance and rapid grasp. Cons of this composition - DISTRIBUTY.

How to paint?

Summarizing everything said, we note that for beautiful facade of decorative plaster The choice should be stopped on one of the water dispersing (water-emulsion) paints: acrylic, latex, silicone or silicate.

Any rating is difficult here. First, color catalogs from producers are different, and here is the taste, which paint will be the best for you. Secondly, the characteristics of materials differ depending on the additives. Accordingly, the price will also differ.

The cost begins from 180 rubles per 1 liter and up to 600-700 rubles / l. By the way, paints and varnishes may have a high price not only because good qualitybut also because brought from another country. For example, popular ticcurila is produced in Finland. So you can choose to save good paints russian manufacturers, such as Tex, Lacra, etc.

Choosing how to paint the facade of the house, consider how to do it

Preparation of walls

Half of the case depends on the preparation. Some important steps All will make high-quality staining of plaster.

Checking the reliability of the base. The plastered wall is inspected and closed, chips and potholes are cleaned with a brush. If the plaster has already been painted earlier, then check the quality of the clutch of the previous layer. If necessary, it is completely removed. About, how to remove old paint From the facade, you can read by clicking on the link.

Strong defects are closed with a plastering mixture of the same composition as the whole wall. After drying, the surface is watched and ground.

Small irregularities are smeared with a facade putty.

Finish putty rubs in shallow emery paper Before smoothness, after which it is so ground.

Dry each layer of plastered coating before applying the following. Before the coloring the entire surface of the outer walls is ground for a better hitch of materials.

Painting plastered facades

To paint the house will not be difficult if you consider the recommendations of paint manufacturers. Plaster on the outer walls should be completely dry. The air temperature is not lower than 5 ° C. External work is not carried out at strong wind, rain or fog. Straight sun rays should not fall on the painted walls, otherwise their drying will be uneven and it will affect the quality of the coating.

Now consider which sequence work.

Photo of houses: Plaster + Paint

Finally, we offer you a few photos. beautiful houses With painted plaster on the outer walls. On them you will see what are bright colors of facade paints and calm pastel colors.

Plaster is a fairly common design option. external surfaces Buildings. But to create a truly unique exterior not enough to apply a solution. Therefore, after drying it for further finishing works, the facade paint is used by plaster.

The paint for external work on the plaster should have the following characteristics in order to stay on the surface longer:

  1. Resistance to mechanical effects, such as abrasion.
  2. Biological safety: fungi, mold and pathogenic microorganisms should not develop on finished coatings.
  3. The material must contain a special component that will protect the coating from the effects of sunlight.
  4. Facade paints on the plaster must be resistant to the effects of various chemically active substances.
  5. Components add to such paints to enhance fire safety.
  6. The material is distinguished by elasticity, thanks to which the coating does not crack when the building is shrinking.

Facade paints should be very durable, resistant to external factors.

On a note! Some formulations possess an antistatic effect. They repel dust, which is very important for buildings that are located near big roads.

Types of facade paints

Modern construction market Offers the buyer great amount Facade colors for exterior work on the plaster. They are made on the basis of different materials and with the addition of a variety of components, from which their operational performance depends.

On the basis of liquid glass

This facade paint has a plaster for outdoor work there is also another name - silicate. It is made on the basis of silicate glue, which add mineral pigments and fillers. The service life of such coatings reaches 20 years. Such an indicator was achieved thanks to high level Parry permeability, so water does not accumulate under the coating. As a result, the stucco under painting does not build a lot of moisture and will not fall off from the wall. The main disadvantage of such a material is the exposure to mechanical effects. In addition, paint is not elastic, so it can crack very quickly after drying.

Based on lime

Such paints for the facade by plaster are made on the basis of hazed lime. The main advantage of this material is low cost, but it is important to understand that saving on the acquisition of the painting composition, in the future you will have to spend annually to maintain the facade in normal form. The paint is dumping and washed off with water, so after the spring rains will have to re-paint the house. It should also be said that slaked lime featured bactericidal properties as well good level Parium permeability. Color range is usually limited to light pastel colors. You can additionally purchase a kel and add bright colors, but such a material will quickly fade into the sun.

Based on cement

In some cases, paints are used for painting plaster cement based. The basis of this composition - Portland cement white colorBut you can add a keler to get the desired color. Unlike limestone materials, such paint is not washed off with rains, but in this case, pathogenic organisms can develop. Cost cement Materials Also low, but they did not become popular among domestic buyers.

Acrylic resin

On the this moment This finishing material is considered the most common, since it is characterized by a good value ratio and quality. In addition, the paint has a good mechanical strength indicator. But there is a significant drawback - acrylic does not miss steam, as a result of which the moisture will accumulate under the coating and can lead to its rapidly. This material is divided into two types depending on the solvent used: water-emulsion and based on organic substances. The latter are used for painting facades most often.

Based on silicone

Such materials are considered the best for finishing plastered facades. They lose a little acrylic compositions in terms of elasticity, mechanical resistance and cost, so they were not widespread. The layer of plaster after treatment does not absorb moisture, but at the same time it possesses a high indicator of vapor permeability. Silicone paint is characterized by low consumption, high and low temperatures resistance, as well as their drops. The finished coating repels dust and is not exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Painting composition for external work based on silicone

Other types of colors

There are several more types of facade paints, which are rarely found in the market. For example, perchlorvinyl paint. The main advantage of such a material is low cost. In addition, the composition is produced in a large color gamma and can be applied on the surface even with negative temperatures. The paint protects the walls from atmospheric influences, corrosion, the appearance of bacteria, fungi and mold. But at the same time, the life of the coatings is only 4 years, and the presence of easily flammable components make the material unsafe.

For external finishing works, structural compositions sometimes use. In fact, such paints are more like decorative plaster mixes. The advantages are plasticity and elasticity, so that it is convenient to work with the material. Disadvantage - a small amount color solutions, high cost, low life of finished surfaces. In some cases, Latex adds to such compounds to increase the level of protection of surfaces.

Preparatory work before staining

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface. To do this, it is necessary to estimate its condition. If the old plaster, lifts, went stains and looks unsatisfactory, you will have to completely remove it and apply a new one. If the plaster looks normally, then you need to catch up the whole surface with a hammer to find weak points. Fragments of plaster are removed, and the resulting holes close with putty. At the end of the wall wash and give to dry. Then the primer of deep penetration into two layers is applied and also leave to be filled.

Stages of surface preparation to staining

Now it should be calculated required amount paints. First you need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach outdoor Wall And fold the resulting numbers. After that, multiply the resulting result on the average material flow rate is first for the first layer, after which for the second. The fact is that most facade paints are applied in several layers, each of which requires a different amount of material. This is done to improve the quality of the finished coating. If you try to save and apply only one layer, then after drying, there will be a stain other color.

At the very end, you need to prepare everything you need, the following instruments and materials will be needed for the event:

  • Stewbridge or scaffolding.
  • Roller or painting brush.
  • Paint.
  • Drill with a nozzle mixer.
  • Dimensional container.
  • Paint container.
  • Protective clothing, glasses and gloves.

Instructions for applying paint on plaster

First of all, forests are installed, after which the composition should be mixed. This can be done with a construction mixer, a drill with an appropriate nozzle or simple wooden rail. Then you need to measure the exact amount of the coller and pour it into the paint, after which mix it again.

You should know! Adding a flaper is the most responsible stage. It is important to comply with the accuracy in carrying out this process, so that the color of different surface fragments did not differ.

The paint should be pouring into a special container, dip in it roller or brush, and then press the tool and apply the composition to the surface by vertical movements, processing the coating from top to bottom.

After driving the first layer, they start the second. Everything needs to be done in the same way, but at the same time movement should be horizontal. As a result, the smears will be intersecting, which will provide a more dense uniform coating. It is recommended to work quickly, not delaying staining on for a long time. Best time For the procedure - dry and warm period, for example, late spring.

The color of the facade is one of the easiest types of finishing work, with which even inexperienced homemade master will cope. Thus, it is possible to save considerably on the services of painters, as well as create an exterior with your own hands. To obtain a qualitative result, it suffices to follow the above instructions and recommendations of manufacturers.

Coloring surfaces - the process is simultaneously simple, and complex. It is simple that this technique will conquer a novice, with their own hands to paint the wall or another surface is not so difficult. But in order to paint the same wall with high quality, before it is worth covering with preparatory layers, special compositions. And even earlier, the surface must be cleaned from old coating and dirt.

For the plastered surface, epoxy and polyurethane paints. Their superiority is that they can be applied on the walls without special training. They are usually sold in double packaging, and that the composition is high-quality, it is proposed to mix the contents of two packages.

And the necessary proportions, and approximate flow per 1m 2 are usually indicated on the package, you should not throw it until the end of the work.

Features of polyurethane and epoxy paints:

  • They perfectly protect the surface, fucked up well;
  • But you need to work with paint carefully - they are not so harmless as use water-emulsion paint, be sure to apply protection for the respiratory organs;
  • It dry the paint quickly, is enough 3-4 hours for complete drying, but the final fight with the surface will come only in a week, after which you can begin to decorative wall transformation.

It is impossible not to say that the material is expensive, and from the uniqueness of color and texture the price will only be higher.

Decorative plaster or paint: what to use

Logistic I. simply solutions No - add a kel in pre-stirred plaster, and calmly apply decorative plaster on the wall. You will have to cover the wall only once, without breaking the process into two stages.

But at least this way of performing internal works and is simple, more often use the second is the application of plaster and coating its paint.

IN this case We use water colors - these are acrylic and silicate compositions.

Painting has its own nuances:

  • Painting on the plaster is carried out only after complete drying of the plaster layer, and therefore not earlier than 48 hours after plaster;
  • Before painting on the plaster, it is recommended to put acrylic soil - so an improved surface is easier to take paint;
  • The tool uses a brush, roller or special mittens;
  • You can rub the plaster with a special sponge to create a specific pattern, or the effect is created by the game of color.

For example, decorative painting Maybe next. First, color the wall with a long-track roller into a light base shade. This basic layer needs to be given well to dry, a couple of hours will leave. Through this base layer, a darker paint is applied with a small amount of paint.

This technique will emphasize the relief of decorative plaster, it will make the surface volume.

By the way, instead of paint dark on the surface you can apply metallic - bronze, gold, silver. They can also be applied by a dry brush using a special veseticle that qualitatively grows a decorative layer.

Painting: step-by-step process

Qualitatively performed work is a process that is properly executed, step by step, without skipping certain stages.

Painting algorithm may look like this:

  1. After a complete drying of the plaster layer, leak up the surface of two, and if required, and three times, then leave the work on the day.
  2. While the primer dries, make a choice of paint - it can be paint for the facade of the premises, you can use water colors.
  3. Choose and paint method. You can use the roller, brush or paint. Sometimes the combined method is also used.
  4. You need to apply paint in two layers. Why? The first basic, light, second is darker. So the desired effect is achieved.
  5. On the protruding places at will apply a slightly metallic.
  6. After drying, paint must apply protective varnish, this is done more often by paintopult.

Thus, the decorative plaster can be painted both paint for external work and those that are used in most part for the work indoors. Acrylic, silicate, silicone paints are used, and water-based paints are used.

Remember about careful cleaning of the surface, always clean the wall from oil paint.

Painting of decorative plaster (video)

There are several ways to paint the furnace. Often, lime paint is used for this purpose or the chalk paint white. So that the lime paint does not get dirty, mortar You need to dilute with water, adding some salt.

Color stove in two layers. For painting brick oven Often use paint prepared with your own hands.

It is done like this:

  • Well dry the gouache of the desired color;
  • Dry gouache Distribute until small powder is formed;
  • Dry Guaishi powder should be added to a mixture of varnish and turpentine, until the desired shade is obtained.

Everything is ready, you can paint - it turns out a completely spectacular oven. Sometimes the oven paints with their own hands, akin to how the picture is made, written in the raw plaster.

And a few more nuances on coloring plaster:

  1. The weatherproof paint is more suitable for outdoor work;
  2. Polyvinila acetate paints can be replaced with primer for surface with microcracks;
  3. Structural plaster includes granulopod-like additives, the kel can be added immediately to the mixture;
  4. Previve painting in some cases can primer with PVA glue.

Use paints designed specifically for this repair, do not use the remnants of unsuitable paint.

Plaster paint (video)

Paint on the plaster is easy, but if you can add the koler immediately in plastering mixAnd do it - it accelerates the process. Protect the respiration organs during color, withstand the desired drying time. Quality work Differs well-selected materials and performing all stages of repair.

Exterior decoration is an important component of construction, and every owner wants to get a beautiful and tidy house, but at the same time save money on finishing materials. The color of the facade by plaster is the cheapest and easiest way to improve the exterior of the building. With such work, even a person inexperienced painting science will cope with such work, and in today's article you will learn how to choose facade paint And apply it on the walls.

Not any paint is suitable for staining of the facades. Before determined with the color and value of the material, it is necessary to understand that there is a building paint for internal and external works. In our case, the compositions are needed for external work, since any others are not able to withstand specific operational conditions: Temperature and humidity differences, exposure to ultraviolet, etc. Normal paint It just tears after the first rain or cracks with the onset of frosts, and the work will have to begin again.

So, we need paint for outdoor work, but there are nuances here. For example, various compositions may differ in temperature resistance range. So, if you live in the south, where summer is very dry and roast, it is better to choose the paint, able to withstand high temperatures and not fade into direct sunny rays. If we are talking about a house in the northern region, you need a frost-resistant paint.

You should also make a choice based on the material of the walls. For example, for painting the facade of the house of foam blocks without plaster it will take good moisture-resistant paint, capable of masking irregularities and minor cracks on the surface. For concrete walls You need another paint. Usually professional builders follow one simple rule - What plaster, such and paint. This means that if the plaster is based on silicone, then the paint is needed silicone, and if used acrylic plaster For the facade, then the paint must be taken acrylic. Otherwise, materials other than their nature can conflict, leading to premature destruction of the building.

For a better understanding of the specifics of the choice of colors for the facade by plaster, we suggest considering the properties of various compositions:

Most often builders choose facade paint by plaster on acrylic basisAs it is inexpensive, wear-resistant and easy to work.

Calculation of the amount of paint

So, if you have decided on a type of paint by plaster, it's time to calculate how much it will be needed for the entire facade. To do this, pay attention to the packaging of the selected paint - there is always a consumption in liters per square meter of the surface into one layer. In some cases, it can be written on the contrary - how many square meters of the surface can be covered with a liter of this paint.

Often manufacturers write the consumption of composition at a certain interval like 0.1-0.25 l / m². A smaller flow digit here means painting smooth surfaces, and big - rough or not covered with primer walls.

To save your time, you can go to the manufacturer's website of the manufacturer of the selected paint and search there online calculator To calculate the number of cans, depending on the facade area. Usually it is necessary to enter data on the type of surface and its quadrature, after which the calculator will automatically calculate the paint volume.

To find out the number of paint yourself, you need to multiply the area of \u200b\u200bthe painted surface in square meters At the consumption of paint, then the resulting number is multiplied by 2, since it is necessary to apply two layers and add a reserve coefficient of 1.1. When buying any building materials, you need to take a little more than the calculated amount just in case.

It is clear that the painting of wooden facades, brick or concrete walls will take a long time, and therefore the paint needs to be stored somewhere. To do this, select the shaded and dry place. Packaging should not be under direct sunlight, they should be protected from frost (the temperature may vary from + 5c to + 27c, detailed conditions Look at the packaging). If you opened new Bank And they saw that the paint was smelled, that is, there is a transparent liquid on the surface, and the pigment was added below, mix it thoroughly with a stick or construction mixer. This is a completely normal phenomenon and well-mixed paint will fully comply with the stated characteristics.

Application of paint

The durability and quality of the outer finish directly affects the care of the preparation of the base before the color. The plaster of the facade under painting should correspond to the pigment used and vice versa. It will provide better adhesion and wear resistance. Any stucco should be pre-primed. In this case, the primer will serve as additional protection against dampness and compact the base.

If you work with old wall, Check the condition of its plaster layer. Highly cracking plaster should be removed and cleaned. This can be done with a strong water pressure or manually rigid metal brush and spatula. If you have noticed the place of cluster of moss or mold, clean them and process them with an antiseptic preparation. If this is not done and just paint the wall of fresh paint, after some time mold or moss will grow again and destroy the finish from the inside. All slots, holes and chips in the wall should be embellished with putty. The same applies to places with peeling plaster.

To determine how strong the wall of the house is, and whether it needs to be strengthened and new plastering, cover a piece of conventional transparent tape on the surface, pretty, and sharp movement with a sharp movement. If the walls of the wall remained on the sticky tape, then the base is fragile, and it needs to be strengthened - to consider the old plaster and apply a new one. If the tape remains relatively clean, you can proceed to primer and painting.

The technology of painting plaster facade is reduced to the following:

  1. Just the plastered facade should be left for 30-60 days for drying (the period depends on weather conditions, the thickness of the plastering layer and the characteristics of the plaster itself).
  2. Apply primer. If you work with an inextentive home from silicate brick, its walls can be covered with colorless protective primer, and then paint. However, regardless of dependence, there is plaster on the facade or not, it needs to be pricked.
  3. Coloring facade.

The only material that is better not to paint is a facing ceramic brick. But this is not because the paint will not hold on it - just such a material itself is quite beautiful and self-sufficient. If you work with a new home from burnt brick, plastering and paint the facade is better as quickly as possible to surface brick wall Solutions did not appear.

Grinding wall

Many do not understand or underestimate the importance of the primer before painting the wall. Primer composition It works as follows: it penetrates the walls into several centimeters and freezes there, filling the microcrain and forming a protective film on the surface. Thus, the wall material becomes more densely, stronger and better adhesion with paint. Since all cracks and pores wall material filled with primer, the surface becomes smoother and absorbs moisture. Moisture is contained in any paint, and if the base is too porous, it is quickly absorbed, and you will need several times more paint.

The primer significantly reduces the consumption of facade paint due to blockage of pores and cracks in plaster and wall. Its cost is much lower than that of the cheapest facade paint. You should choose a primer depending on the coloring composition used. Typically, this information is specified on the package. Ideally, you should use primer and paint from one manufacturer.

Useful advice: To improve the quality of painting, use the primer of the same tone as the color of the facade paint. In some cases, instead of primer, the paint itself can be used for external work, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

After priming the surface, leave it to dry it for 1-2 days.

Selection of tools

As you understand, the color of the facade is a very time-consuming event, and a narrow painter tassel is clearly not enough. However, the choice of tool for applying primer and paint depends on the consistency (viscosity) composition, as well as the characteristics of the surface texture and your work skills in this area.

The most common tools - brushes and roller. If you work with enough smooth walls, choose tools with a short pile. The roller in this regard is much more convenient and will allow you to finish work faster with less paint consumption. Brush may be needed for staining of hard-to-reach places, for example, near door openings, for pipes, windowsill, etc. If you work with textured plasterUse wide paint brush with long bristle.

A few words about kraskopults. These devices allow you to quickly cover the paint. large squaresHowever, while the dye consumption increases significantly. Kraskopults are convenient to work on relief surfaces, but for this you will need to take a little. There is nothing complicated in the work, it is only important to understand how to control air pressure and learn how to handle the tool. This will leave the hour of your time and some paint. It is important to correctly select the viscosity of the paint and the diameter of the sprinkler nozzle - if the paint is too thick, and the nozzle is too small, it will just break.

Technology coloring

When you prepared paint on the plaster for the facade of the house, primer and tools, you can start work. If you are painting the walls of a low home, you will need a stepladder. However, constantly rearrange the stairs is very uncomfortable and tedious, so ideally it is necessary to build forests (make from boards or rent in a specialized company). For houses in 3 floors and above, it is already necessary to equip for high-rise works. This is due to a certain risk, and therefore it makes sense to entrust work to those skilled in the art. Alternatively, you can paint the first two floors on your own, and work at a height to entrust the employee.

Painting technology:

  1. During the day to work, look at the weather forecast - on the day of color and a couple of days after it should be dry and moderately warm weather. If wind is planned, cooling up to + 5c and below,. Rain or fog outdoor finish It is better to postpone.
  2. Remove from the surface of dust and pollution with a metal brush.
  3. Apply a primer and let it dry completely.
  4. All parts of the facade that should not be painted (windows, slopes, scene, etc.) Close with polyethylene or painting tape.
  5. Apply the first layer of paint on the wall, trying not to make long breaks in work. It is better to work in a few hands so that there is no difference in shades of color and divorces.
  6. Apply the second layer of paint after complete drying of the first. Drying time depends on the composition of the paint and is indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Useful advice: In order for each time during breaks in the work, you do not wash the brush or paint roller, climb them into a plastic bag - so the paint does not dry.

Painting facades on the plaster is not just one of the cheapest and simple ways Get beautiful I. original house. Properly selected and qualitatively applied paint will provide additional protection against moisture and will extend the life of the walls of the house.

Paint for facades of buildings is largely different from the material for internal works. First of all, it should be maximally sustainable to all the impacts present.

Moisture, temperature differences, aggressive medium, ultraviolet, mechanical loads - these are the main factors that can quickly destroy the layer of incorrectly selected coverage.

Types of facade paints

Before deciding how to paint the plastered house outside, you should learn a little more about what the building materials market offers today.

  1. Facade silicate paints. The base is the basis of silicate glue (liquid glass), and complement the composition of the filler and natural pigments. Painting of outer walls on the plaster will hold at least 20 years. The painted layer with a steamproof, resistant to ultraviolet and acidic environments.

Note! Of the disadvantages - poor resistance to abrasions, frequent cracks. The latter is due to the zero elasticity of the layer, which is deformed from the thermal expansion. Ultimately, the owner often observes a grid of small cracks on the walls.

  1. Frames based on hazed lime. Perfectly pass steam outgoing from the inside of the room. The fungus on the walls will never settle due to bactericidal lime properties. Such painting at home outside the plaster has disadvantages - it is easily contaminated, washed off with precipitations, poor in the color scheme. White and pale, pastel tones - that's all the poor palette.
  2. Cement facade paints. The base of white portland cement, with the addition of pigment substances, creates a mixture similar to limescale. Moreover, paints, although stable to moisture, are unprotected from mold and fungal formations. Therefore, even low price The material does not add much popularity to it, which more modern analogues can boast.
  3. Acrylic compositions. Acceptable cost and modern components that provide decent characteristics, put the material in a series of leaders. Most varieties are made on the basis of water, but there are analogues and organic solvents.

Before painting the plaster outside, pay attention to its strength. For highly worn facades, where plaster is unreliable, the variants involved in the solvent are desirable.

Paint is permanent to a lesser extent than silicate, but has better abrasion resistance. Durability and property mask small defects and cracks on the surface add advantages.

  1. Silicone paints for outdoor work. It is believed that this option is one of the best. The attached instruction justifies promises a whole list of advantages.

The coating will become hydrophobic, which means there are no precipitation and condensate from the fog not absorbed into the walls, and the glasses are down. At the same time, vapor permeability will continue, which is very important for the microclimate in the house. Micropores formed in the painted layer will not create diffusion barriers.

Adhesion almost to all types of plasters can be called perfect. Ultraviolet, as well as the difference in temperatures on the paint, do not affect the paint. Dust will not attract, due to the inability of the facade to electrify.

The shortcomings can be attributed to the highest cost compared to previous types, and slightly smaller than that acrylic paints elasticity.

How to calculate the flow rate of the LKM

To purchase the exact amount of paint required, it will not hurt to do uncomplicated arithmetic action.

Therefore, before painting a plastered house outside, it is worth calculating the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe facade walls.

  1. It is calculated by multiplying the length of height, then the results are summed up.
  2. From the result, the sum of the areas of door and window openings is subtracted.
  3. At the facade having complicated form, all the simpleness and protrusions are measured separately, then fold.
  4. The resulting result is multiplied by the average paint consumption per square meter specified on the package.
  5. If you plan to cover the walls in two / three layers, multiply the resulting number to their number.

Note! The fat consistency of paint, the thinner there will be a layer, which means that the consumption of the material will be economted. Another nuance is that the manufacturer indicates the average consumption for the prubounding walls. Paints applied to directly plastered plane will leave much more.

Coloring works

If you want to get a not sleeping and not fading surface, before painting an outdoor outdoor house, inspect the walls. If there is a plaster old paint., I'll have to figure out its type.

Some surface preparation rules

  1. In the case of an identical previous coating, it is permissible to apply new without prior preparation. For example, water-emulsion acrylic composition Perfectly lay on the same. With a similar color, old painting does not have to be bootable.
  2. Oil enamel as an old layer requires training. It is easy to clean it with your own hands, with help.
  3. Carefully appreciate the result of the walls of the walls. Do not have to lag and turn into fragments old plaster. On the palm wall, traces of dust are unacceptable.

  1. With the slightest doubts in strength roughcoat, it is worth emphasizing. Then primer deep penetrating composition. This will make the surface durable, and at the same time and improve the adhesion of the new paint. The grip in this case will be maximum.

Note! Do not neglect the preparation step. Competently will not require restoration for a very long time.

Painting process

You will need minimum set Tools.

  1. Electric or pneumatic paintopult.
  2. Wide brush.
  3. Roller with medium pile.
  4. Forest or reliable staircase.

Note! Opening a jar with paint, be sure to stir the contents. If there is a building mixer, use it. A conventional metal rod or cutting segment is suitable.

If this is not done, the mixture will be inhomogeneous in color and consistency.

  1. When painting with a brush or roller, the direction of the first paint layer should be vertical, and the second is horizontal (cross-crosswise). So you will achieve a smoothly painted surface, without stains and spaces.
  2. If you use lime paint, apply it in three layers. Each subsequent can be put only after complete drying of the previous one.
  3. All other paints can be applied in two layers, it is quite enough for uniform color and tone.

  1. Try to paint into one intake, quickly and without pauses. Otherwise, the cutting paint can in the future can differ slightly from later sites.
  2. Cover the painted with a film with a film located at some distance. So you will protect the raw surface from sticking dust, as well as precipitation.
  3. Try to choose warm weather for work. Rain or snow will prevent the process of staining and drying.

Alternative varieties of compositions

For outdoor work, various not only in color is available, but also on the decorative paint load. For example, you want the walls slightly glistened, or vice versa, reach a matte surface. Such an idea is easy to use, it is enough just to choose the desired material.

Moreover, special, special, structural paintWith it, you can achieve 3D effect on the walls. Properly applied, it will give the plane of the relief, which is then, if desired, can be painted with different color without painting completely.


Only correctly selected paint and a solid approach to work will give a positive expected result. If the material is compatible not only with your taste, but also with a competently prepared surface, soon restoration works are not threatened with ().

The video in this article will show you how to choose the right paint and apply it in practice.

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