How to dilute polyurethane varnish. Polyurethane paint - types and distinctive properties

reservoirs 15.06.2019

Availability and high quality, as well as a wide range - that's what made the varnish truly available material. But many home and private masters are still asking the question - what to do if the varnish has dried up? Desperate situations does not happen, and therefore this issue can be solved in several ways.

It may seem that these concepts are identical to each other. But this is a misconception. How to dilute the varnish if it has thickened, and what else can be done in this case, because this situation happens quite often? Use special means belonging to one of two categories:

Some tools are effective when performing only one function. So, for example, white spirit is suitable for diluting such compounds:

  • oil;
  • alkyd;
  • belonging to the polyurethane group.

At the final hardening of the varnish, white spirit cannot be the solution to the question of how the varnish can be diluted. Therefore, we have to look for other options. The so-called methylated spirits equally help to dissolve the varnish, and simply get a diluted composition.

On the video: the differences between thinners and solvents for varnishes.

How to dilute polyurethane varnish?

Polyurethane is a modern polymer. In terms of the totality of its properties, it surpasses such analogues as metal and rubber, plastic and rubber. In production, polyurethane is mixed with other chemical additives, and therefore does not allow the base to dry out.

There are polyurethane compounds, which are based only on water. Such chemistry is environmentally friendly, characterized by the absence of harmful emissions.

If it is necessary to make a liquid polyurethane composition, then the use of such substances is permissible:

  • eluents that are of types P-4, P-5;
  • acetone;
  • xylene;
  • toluene.

What about alkyd options?

These products are distinguished by properties such as strength, ability to resist UV rays and moisture in large quantities. The high level of adhesion (adhesion to the surface) is also pleasing.

The main component of alkyd compounds is an organic solvent. Dryers and other substances are added to it, giving additional performance characteristics. But different compounds can be used as the main component:

  • mixtures of resins on alkyd and melamine-formaldehyde bases;
  • glyptal resins, to which cottonseed oil is added;
  • pentaphthalic resins, revitalizing them is quite simple.

How to dilute alkyd-based varnish? Try white spirit - this is a fairly traditional and effective material.

About bituminous varnishes

AT this case the basis is a mixture consisting of various resins and oils, as well as bitumen of a special grade.

If after application the material is already dry, it forms a strong black film on the surface. It is a moisture resistant compound that is immune to chemical attack of any kind. AT domestic use bituminous materials became common not so long ago, but have already become known due to their low cost. Often such a composition is used as protective layer against corrosion. To prevent the varnish from drying out, apply standard protection.

If there is a wooden base, but it is not necessary to emphasize the natural texture, choose varnishes from bitumen. They are also able to give the surface the effect of aging, and do not go from normal to liquid.

To unique features includes the use of so-called cold gluing. If the solution has thickened, you can give preference to white spirit. It is important to use airtight containers, then during storage you will not need to worry about the appearance of a thick and dried varnish. In the storage place itself, it is important to maintain the absence of light, moderate temperature and humidity levels.

How to remove dried varnish from tools

The above listed ways that help improve the consistency if the varnish has thickened. But what needs to be done to get rid of varnish on painting tools, and can synthetic compounds be removed after they have been applied?

What to do if the varnish has thickened, and how to dissolve a fairly old composition? Alas, this is not possible in this case. Scraping or grinding will help get rid of the problem if it is at least partially eliminated. In case of refusal mechanical way processing solutions are selected individually.

The use of so-called washes is one of the most simple options problem solving. This substance is a chemical mixture. Available in the form of powders or gels, as well as in the form of a liquid. Acetone is able to cope with the simplest varieties of varnishes. Denatured alcohol will help remove shellac. How to restore it is another question.

Here is how to perform the procedure for removing varnish from tools in stages:

  1. Apply solvent to the base surface.
  2. Wait until the film on the surface begins to soften.
  3. The treated surface can be covered with polyethylene to speed up the process.
  4. The old composition begins to swell and darken, after which the exfoliated particles can be removed.

The spatula facilitates the process of getting rid of varnish in a softened form. The main thing is to work carefully so that the surface itself is not damaged. If the composition dries, the work will have to be suspended. Otherwise, there is a risk of defects on the surface, which will then be difficult to get rid of.

To remove lacquer residue from painting tools you can use these tips:

  1. Prepare a warm solution of water and soap. This option is suitable for varnishes on water based.
  2. For others paintwork materials with an organic base, it is better to use white spirit, kerosene or turpentine. Rinsing out the remnants of the substance will not be difficult. Then it remains only to rinse the instrument itself with some kind of chemistry.

Dilute nail polish is also simple: to do this, you need to lean the vessel with the composition against the battery or dip it in warm water for several minutes. Now you know how to dilute the varnish. For this, several different means, then it will be much easier to breed the composition.

Solvents for dried varnish (2 videos)

Varnishes and solvents (22 photos)

The vast majority of modern varnish compositions are safe for people, can be used not only for internal, but also for external works. Exists a large number of various kinds varnishes that differ in performance characteristics and composition of components. In the article we will consider only one type - polyurethane floor varnishes. These varnishes are successfully used as an effective safe alternative previously widely used varnishes with high content harmful volatile chemical compounds based on various aggressive inorganic solvents. In developed foreign countries the share of water-based varnishes exceeds 50% of all coatings, and in housing construction and the furniture industry this number rises to 90%.

Depending on the specific type, polyurethane varnishes can be used to coat wooden and concrete floors, furniture, exterior and interior wall surfaces, etc.

Water-based varnishes in the dry residue they have at least 40% of the substance, due to which the cost is reduced in comparison with those previously used based on chemical solvents. Polyurethane varnishes are distinguished by increased indicators of physical strength and plasticity. They perfectly resist hard ultraviolet rays, are not afraid of the negative effects of natural precipitation and temperature changes, have high wear resistance, do not form microcracks during sharp shock loads.

To reduce the cost, polyurethane varnishes can be slightly diluted with acrylic, such compositions form a separate group of acrylic-polyurethane coatings. The decrease in value occurs simultaneously with a slight deterioration performance characteristics This should not be forgotten by consumers.

Depending on the method of preparation for use, polyurethane varnishes can be of two types:

  • one-component. The easiest to use, in most cases suitable for use without prior preparation. Additional dilution with solvents is allowed only in case of slight thickening caused by long-term storage or violation of the tightness of the package;
  • two-component. More complex varnishes, before application, two components responsible for the course of polymerization reactions should be mixed. More difficult to use, the price is superior to the first. Significantly improved performance.

Important. During drying, two-component varnishes release harmful substances into the air. chemical compounds. When performing work, it is necessary to take measures to protect the respiratory system and ensure effective natural ventilation of the room.

Polyurethane varnishes penetrate deep into the surface, thereby improving strength and wear resistance. Depending on the type outer surface can be glossy, semi-gloss, semi-matte and matte.

A short list of the most famous polyurethane floor varnishes

Among the manufacturers, we have chosen only those that have positive reviews from multiple consumers.

The outer surface can be matte, semi-matt, semi-gloss or glossy, used for wood flooring interior spaces. The top film is characterized by high strength, does not react to most household liquids, including detergents. Resistant to prolonged direct contact with water, not afraid of shock. Differs in high rates of plasticity. The application technology allows self-leveling of the varnish - the surface becomes perfectly flat. It dries quickly, with effective natural ventilation, three layers can be applied within a day - the terms of painting work are significantly accelerated.

The first layer raises the pile on the boards, which requires additional sanding. Complete drying time is no more than two hours, quick application is required, it is advisable to use wide rollers, only hard-to-reach places are processed with brushes.


For outside work. It is often used to cover the wooden floors of gazebos, verandas, baths, etc. It dries quickly, has increased abrasive abrasion. Innovative additives are added to increase resistance to harsh UV radiation. In terms of efficiency and duration, the coating is much superior to existing domestic counterparts. Drying time up to two hours, not afraid of temperature changes, does not exfoliate from the surface for the entire period of operation.

It has special inclusions that prevent the processes of wood decay and inhibit the reproduction of various microorganisms and vegetation.

Polyurethane varnish UR-293

The main purpose is for the finishing coating of concrete floors, it is allowed to use on wooden surfaces, for internal works. It has high wear resistance and impact resistance, which makes it possible to use varnish not only for residential premises, but also for warehouses, industrial and public buildings. One-component, hardening occurs due to the moisture contained in the air. The coating is resistant to household and industrial chemical substances. Thinner - xylene or solvent, glossy varnish, drying time within 36 hours, maximum hardness occurs seven days after concrete flooring.

The technology of applying polyurethane varnishes on wooden floors

For the production of work, it is necessary to prepare felt rollers, brushes, if possible, it is recommended to use pneumatic spray guns.

Tools should be washed with solvents, a specific brand is indicated on the packaging in the instructions for the manufacturer of polyurethane varnish.

Very important. Many rollers and brushes at the beginning of varnishing can leave the smallest villi on the surface. Experienced Builders it is strongly advised to roll them several times on pieces of boards before starting work. This will enable the tools to get rid of fragile pile. Keep in mind that it is impossible to get the fallen fibers from the dried coating, you will have to remove the entire layer.

Step 1. Prepare the surface. The floor is cleaned of dust and dirt, vacuumed. If there is a large pile, then wooden coverings should be sanded and re-vacuumed. Lumber must be dry, the presence of greasy and oily stains is strictly prohibited.

Step 2. Gently walk around the perimeter of the room with a brush. The width of the coating line must be at least ten centimeters, this will eliminate the possibility of contamination of the walls. If there are concerns, then it is better to additionally glue the walls near the floor around the perimeter of the room with construction paper tape. After the complete completion of the work, it is removed without problems.

Step 3 Prepare varnish for use. If you plan to use a pneumatic spray gun for coating, then the varnish must be diluted by about 15% of the original consistency. Two-component varnishes are prepared taking into account the recommendations of manufacturers.

Important. It must be borne in mind that two-component varnishes after a slight thickening can no longer be diluted. They should be cooked only in the amount that can be used within 30-40 minutes.

Step 4 Pour a portion of varnish into a special container for soaking the roller and begin careful varnishing. The roller must not be moved quickly, such movements may form air bubbles. If such a problem is found, then in these places you should walk the roller several more times, the movements should be slow and smooth.

Practical advice. Some types of polyurethane varnishes have an unpleasant property - they raise the smallest pile of wood. Read the instructions carefully before purchasing. Raised pile will have to be sanded and only after that apply a second layer. Experienced painters are advised to purchase higher quality varnishes that do not raise the pile. They cost a little more, but by reducing the number of works, the increase in cost is leveled.

Step 5 After the surface dries (stops sticking), a second layer is applied. The number of coatings is at least three.

Carefully monitor the thickness of the varnish, there should not be noticeable marks from the roller or brush on the surface. Special attention give the finishing layer, it will be very difficult to correct the mistakes made. You will have to grind the surface and apply another layer, and this increases the time and cost of coating.

Technology for applying polyurethane varnish on concrete floors

Most often, concrete self-leveling floors are varnished, the final coating with varnish can significantly improve the operational and design characteristics of the floors. For the production of work, you can use the same tools as for wood. The prerequisite is that the surface must be as flat as possible and completely dry.

Step 1. Floor preparation. If necessary, level and remove dust.

Step 2 Primer. If there are no polymers in the structure of the self-leveling floor, then a primer is required, it not only binds the smallest particles of the solution, but also forms an airtight coating on top. Due to this, the consumption of expensive polyurethane varnishes is significantly reduced. The primer is applied in the usual way, taking into account the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 3. Preparation of varnish for use. Professionals recommend using two-component polyurethane varnishes for concrete floors; in terms of their physical and performance indicators, they meet the requirements to the maximum extent. You need to cook only the amount of varnish that can be quickly used.

Step 4. Applying varnish. For those who want to have completely exclusive floors, it is recommended to make unique patterns on the surface before applying varnish or use ready-made printed stencils. Such floors can create a spectacular design of rooms in various styles.

Step 5. With a brush, go through all the uncomfortable places, including near the pipes heating system. If the varnish dries very quickly, and experience with the brush is not enough, then it is recommended to prepare only those areas of the floor that can be short term varnish. Then again you need to work with a brush and prepare another section of the floor.

The number of layers is determined empirically, but in most cases there should be at least three. For decorative coating concrete self-leveling floor, it is recommended to select only the highest quality transparent glossy varnishes. The service life of such coatings is at least twenty years.

Practical advice. Self-leveling concrete floor coverings to increase strength and wear resistance are composed of various mineral and chemical additives, some of which are incompatible with the ingredients of polyurethane varnishes. Before purchasing a large batch of varnish, you need to make sure that they can be used together. Carefully read the instructions for the floor mix and the varnish you plan to use. If for some reason this is not possible, then it is imperative to determine their compatibility by testing on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the floor.

With the help of high-quality and correctly applied polyurethane floor varnishes, you can improve appearance all premises, to increase the service life of coatings, to increase the comfort of living in premises. A wide selection of different brands and types allows you to select varnishes separately for each room, taking into account its specific purpose. Environmentally friendly polyurethane-based varnishes are approved for use without restrictions by state regulatory organizations.

Video - Polyurethane varnish for parquet

Polyurethane is synthetic material, one of the varieties elastomers. It tolerates the effects of aggressive environments, high and low temperatures. In the production of polyurethane, you can give any mechanical characteristics, it is produced in the form of both viscous liquids and solids.

Due to these properties, it is widely used in different areas industry. Polyurethane for metal has good protective properties, it perfectly resists the aggressive effects of the atmosphere and other destructive factors for a long time.


This paintwork material is a suspension, the main components of which are:

  • polyurethane compositions;
  • fillers;
  • colored pigments.

In industry, polyurethane paint is mainly used for protection steel structures against corrosion.

Already three decades ago, when it first appeared, it was actively used for painting bridges made from elements, aircraft, cars, interior elements, household electrical appliances, and so on. Since then, the range of this type of paint and their range has expanded significantly.

Main specifications polyurethane paint for metal:

  1. conditional viscosity - 50-90 units;
  2. the share of volatile substances - up to 34%;
  3. film adhesion - about 2 points;
  4. after drying, it is resistant to temperatures from −40°С to +150°С;
  5. resistance of the film to mechanical shocks - not less than 50 cm;
  6. hiding power - up to 75 g/m2;
  7. average consumption - 150 g/m2.


To the main benefits polyurethane paint for metal include:

  • high adhesion to unprimed metal;
  • resistance to aggressive influences of the atmosphere, fresh and sea ​​water and other destructive factors;
  • short drying time - from 2 hours (depending on the type and composition of the particular paint);
  • water-dispersion polyurethane paints are environmentally friendly and cannot harm health even if they are regularly used without protective equipment.

Flaws polyurethane paintwork materials:

  • high cost compared to other types of paints and varnishes;
  • The share of polyurethane paints on the market is small, they are relatively few in stores, so finding a composition that suits the properties can be difficult.

Types of polyurethane paints

By composition polyurethane paints and varnishes are divided into two groups:

  • one-component - such paints contain all the necessary substances, and they can be applied immediately from the can;
  • two-component - before using this type of polymer paints, it is necessary to mix the compositions, which are supplied in two separate containers.

One of the two-component paint cans contains resin and the other contains hardener.

It is stronger than a one-component coloring composition, and more resistant to aggressive influences.

Two-component dye stable to impact:

  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • different types of fuel;
  • engine oil;
  • fresh and sea water, waste water.

It polymerizes and sets without the participation of water vapor in the air, so the range favorable conditions to apply it wider.

Before use, you can mix the required amount of the composition, while the remains of the components of the mixture, which are in two different banks, retain their properties even with very long storage.

One-component coloring compositions are divided into three groups:

  1. polyurethane paints on organic solvents;
  2. alkyd-urethane;
  3. water-dispersion polyurethane paints.

The first type, in addition to polyurethane and pigments, contains solvents such as xylene or toluene.

It is better to dilute them with licensed solvents specially designed for such purposes.

This paint polymerizes and hardens due to the contact of its binder components with atmospheric moisture. Thus, if the air in the room is too dry, the applied layer will dry for a very long time.

A distinctive feature of the second type of paint is the presence in the composition alkyd urethane varnish. These compositions differ in a very short drying time - from one and a half hours. As a solvent for such coloring compositions, White Spirit.

Water-dispersion polyurethane paints got this name, since water serves as a solvent for them. Their main advantage is the absence bad smell and harm to health when working with them without personal protective equipment. Such paints seize when water evaporates from them.

Another variety - powder paint. It is a homogenized dry mix, which includes:

  • polyester resin;
  • filler;
  • hardener;
  • pigments.

Polyurethane powder paints belong to the group thermoset coloring compositions.

They are applied to the surface, after which the product is subjected to heat treatment, during which the particles fuse and enter into chemical reactions. As a result, solid and exclusively durable coating . Powder formulations are well suited for painting engineering products.

Application features for painting

To ensure optimal adhesion of the paint to the metal, before applying it, all surfaces must be cleaned, removing the old paint composition and rust, and dried. For better application they can also cover with soil.

If it is intended to apply a two-component paint, the compositions in different banks must be mixed in a container of a suitable size using a construction mixer. By using it, you can achieve optimal composition uniformity.

The resulting coloring composition must be used within a certain time - from 6 to 72 hours, after this period, the remains will be unusable. One-component polyurethane paint can be thinned if necessary suitable solvent to bring it to the right consistency.

The paint can be applied with a brush, roller or spray gun. This should be done at a temperature of -10°C to +30°C, relative humidity should be within 95%.

A layer of polyurethane paint is strong and durable coating which will reliably protect the surface from aggressive influences. With its help, you can significantly extend the service life of any metal products.

Learn how to paint a galvanized roof from the video:

Polyurethane paints and varnishes are widely used in the furniture industry, and in building supermarkets you can easily find these paints and varnishes for domestic use. Therefore, we believe that it makes sense to get acquainted in detail with the properties of polyurethane paints and varnishes.

Polyurethane paints and varnishes (paints, varnishes, primers) are a large group of polymers:

  • The main component of polyurethane resins are polyols synthesized on the basis of substances traditionally used for alkyd coatings, so the price of polyurethane materials is relatively low. Polyols are oligomers consisting of fairly large molecules with about several tens of active sites.
  • The second component of polyurethanes are hardeners based on diisocyanates, consisting of small molecules with two active sites. During film formation, the active sites of diisocyanates bind to the active sites of polyols, and a urethane bond is formed.
  • One polyol molecule can be linked by diisocyanates to many other polyol molecules, and so on. Thus, films of polyurethane coatings are obtained, having a branched three-dimensional mesh structure. Such films are resistant to water, acids, mineral and organic oils, gasoline, oxidizing agents.

The vapor permeability of polyurethane paints, varnishes, primers is an order of magnitude lower than that of nitrocellulose.

Polyurethane paints, varnishes, primers are mainly used for finishing wooden products indoors.

The ratio of components in polyurethane paints and varnishes

The components of the working mixture of polyurethane paints and varnishes are usually mixed with two parts of resins plus one part of hardener immediately before use, since the life of polyurethane materials is short: 3-6 hours.

The ratio of the base and the hardener in the working mixture is obtained in such a way that the number of bonds between the molecules is equal to 60-90% of the maximum possible.

Deviations of the amount of hardener in the working mixture from the specified proportion within ± 10% do not lead to a significant change in the properties of the coating.

Solvents for polyurethane varnishes and paints

Solvents of polyurethane materials are mixtures of liquids with a low boiling point, alcohol and water impurities in them are unacceptable.

For polyurethane materials, a system of tinting pastes has been developed, which can be added to varnishes in a significant amount - up to 30% without deteriorating the performance properties of the materials.

Using a variety of polyurethane materials, almost any given type of finish can be obtained: from simple single-layer to exclusive.

In the domestic technical literature, the decorative properties of polyurethane coatings are usually distinguished by the term "silkyness".

Dried polyurethane coatings are devoid of any toxicity, let's say food contact with them, are produced polyurethane materials certified to the strict European standard for toy safety.

Polyurethane paint great for protecting surfaces, be it wood, concrete or metal, from impact environment. Such compositions are built from various polymers. They are characterized by a high degree of protection against negative influences, which other types of paints cannot boast of. Polyurethane options often become precisely protective coatings for various products.

Polyurethane enamels are used when performing external work. This makes it possible to increase the stability of the structure of some rocks, if initially it cannot boast of stability. The varnish covers the stone with a thin protective film, so moisture no longer penetrates inside.

The place of application of polyurethane paints is also different. The outer walls of the house allow the use of conventional type compositions. Two-component options will be needed for those who seek to create unusual effects.

After drying, the surface acquires an unusual glossy shade. Chips and sharp drops in geometric parameters in this case become unacceptable. Solvent is applied if desired. There are also compounds that create a matte finish. It turns out a very interesting effect, its solvent production does not affect.

When applying such a coloring composition, it is necessary to adhere to a temperature of -10 to +30 degrees. You can not think about the humidity of the air. Polyurethane enamel for concrete is easy to apply, even if this humidity indicator reaches 95 percent. The polyurethane coating itself tolerates temperatures from -40 to +150 degrees.

The surface to be painted must be pre-primed, otherwise it will not be possible to ensure paint adhesion at the proper level.

Application methods

Polyurethane compounds are divided into groups both in terms of their composition and materials requiring processing. Application type can be:

  • aerosol;
  • using a brush or roller.

Aerosol spraying is most often used in the processing of metal products. Polyurethane paint for cars gives a uniform coating without streaks and smudges. It is also a great alternative to conventional balloon compositions due to its safety margin.

Polyurethane concrete floor paint is evenly distributed using a roller. It gives a smooth and even finish. But polyurethane paints on wood are best applied with a brush.

What surfaces can be painted?

The materials to be processed are also different. Polyurethane paints are suitable for wood, metal and stone. It is these surfaces that most often require additional protection from external factors. The main thing to remember is the need to carry out a primer. Especially it concerns metal surfaces. But sometimes under this rule floor paint hits concrete.

And the tree requires high-quality drying. In this case, you can do without a primer. At the same time, the material itself is able to absorb any compositions that are applied to it. Therefore, it is required to use several layers, one is not enough.

Polyurethane enamels are fully compatible with stone, adhere well to such a surface. Therefore, a primer is not required in this case.

Sometimes buyers simply do not have time to level the layer of coloring composition with maximum accuracy, or there is no desire to do such work. Then it's easier to use paint that levels itself.

Immediately after applying such a material, the so-called tension appears on the surface. It does not matter if a roller or other device was used during application. Due to the tension, the paint spreads easily, and all irregularities disappear.

On the video: polyurethane coating of concrete floor.

Types of polyurethane paints

There are several types of polyurethane paints on the market. For their manufacture, complex polymers are used, including high-quality polyurethane. There are also several brands, usually they are on everyone's lips. Therefore, it is difficult to make a mistake with the choice. The solvent is often included in the kit initially.

based on organic solvents

This is a common type of coloring compounds, just polyurethane is the main modifier. These materials are one-component. But a couple more components are added to the polyurethane: a coloring pigment, a solvent (aka a thinner). The role of the latter is played by xylene or toluene. Under the influence of atmospheric moisture, processes such as curing and polymerization occur. Moisture itself reacts with the components that make up the paint.

If the air in the room is too dry, then the composition does not set. For drying polyurethane surfaces, it is generally forbidden to use air with too high a temperature. The higher the humidity level, the longer it will take to dry.

The strength after application of the paint is gained at least 48 hours later. Only after that the coating becomes completely waterproof. In addition, properties such as resistance to aggressive environments and wear resistance appear. This is different and paint on concrete.

Water-dispersion compositions

These materials are also considered one-component, but ordinary water takes the place of a solvent for polyurethane compositions. When painting, such paints are harmless. There is no poisonous or simply unpleasant smell. AT aquatic environment other elements of the material are distributed evenly, after which a so-called stable dispersion is formed.

When the water evaporates, the constituent parts seem to stick together with each other. After that, they are finally united into a single whole. The result is a transparent thin film, which is endowed with both protective and decorative properties. The solvent component does not affect them.

The presence of water in the composition contributes to the fact that the paint easily freezes at low temperatures. If the paint is thawed, it will be able to perform its functions, but the technical characteristics will noticeably decrease.

This variant of polyurethane paints is perfect for rooms where the level of humidity is constantly high. If you need to cover stucco molding or baseboards, then water-dispersion compositions are also suitable. They differ high level elasticity, do not crack even after bending at decorative parts.

Alkyd-urethane options

This group may include polyurethane enamel for metal, car paint is no exception. These types of materials consist of the following components:

  • pigments;
  • solvent;
  • desiccants that accelerate drying;
  • alkyd urethane varnish.

Other components that contribute to the improvement of certain characteristics are also included. Not a single enamel for metal is complete without their addition.

Polyurethane paint allows you to create a special film on the surface with increased protective and decorative properties. The degree of gloss together with the texture is determined only by the buyer, depending on preferences in a particular case. The material is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

This type of paint is resistant to temperatures ranging from -50 to +50 degrees.

From others positive qualities can be distinguished:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • easy application with a roller;
  • drying, which takes only a couple of hours;
  • anti-corrosion protection if a metal surface is processed.

Features of two-component paints

Most often, polyurethane formulations go on sale in two separate containers. One of them contains a hardener, and the other contains a resin. This can be produced and paint on concrete. This separation of components has its advantages:

  • The ability to obtain a durable, wear-resistant coating. The characteristics are much better than those of standard formulations.
  • Humidity does not affect processes such as curing and polymerization.
  • It is easy to prepare the solution at one time, in required quantity. With further use, the remaining part of its qualities does not lose.

material such as acrylic paint, perfect for surfaces that are constantly exposed to negative impact environment. There is additional protection against any acids along with solvents and alkalis. Maritime and running water also will not be afraid of the composition. A construction mixer is used to mix the two paint components.

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