How to cook condensed milk in a jar: different methods - the result is the same and very tasty. How to cook and how to cook condensed milk at home

reservoirs 21.10.2019

Most adults and children are not indifferent to boiled condensed milk. However, the quality of modern products under this name raises concerns - their composition is so doubtful. However, this is not a reason to refuse a delicious treat, because you can cook it yourself in the old fashioned way.

Choice of condensed milk

Condensed milk is concentrated cow's milk from which the moisture has been evaporated. To give the product sweetness, sugar is often put into it, as a result, a white, viscous, but still liquid mass is obtained. Like any sweet consistency, it sticks to your hands. High-quality condensed milk is packaged in cans, due to which its shelf life is increased up to 12 months. If this product is cooked, it acquires a brown tint, a thicker texture and a pronounced caramel taste. The resulting dish is called dulce de leche, which means "milk jam" in Spanish. However, in our country, such a dish is known as boiled condensed milk.

Today, condensed milk is sold in doy-pack bags, plastic and glass containers. Since cooking is carried out without removing the composition from the container, only tin containers will do. Please read the label carefully before purchasing. Only a product designated as Whole condensed milk with sugar. If there is a different name on the label, albeit one that is very close in meaning, boiled condensed milk will not work out of it.

You can get high-quality and tasty caramel mass from the most natural condensed milk, which contains only sugar and milk. If it contains preservatives and flavorings, as well as components starting with “E”, then during the cooking process the product may curl up, exfoliate and behave in an unexpected way. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of the can - it should not have dents and damage, traces of rust.

Naturally, only hermetically sealed containers are allowed for cooking, and its shelf life must not have expired. If you choose the right raw materials and follow the recommendations for cooking, you will get a fragrant boiled condensed milk, reminiscent of toffee. It definitely surpasses store-bought counterparts sold under the same name in its taste and safety.

How and how much to cook condensed milk so that it does not explode?

Cooking condensed milk requires a lot of time. Depending on the method chosen, this takes from 3 to 4 hours, so most housewives prefer to boil several cans at once. After cooling, they are simply put in the refrigerator and opened as needed. Cooking time affects the shade, texture and taste of boiled condensed milk.

If you “boil the jars” an hour after the liquid boils, then the “milk jam” will acquire a yellowish tint. Its texture and taste will remain almost unchanged.

If you boil the condensed milk for several hours from the moment of boiling, then it will acquire a pleasant caramel or light brown color and thicken slightly. Such a mixture is usually used to make fondants, lubrication of cake layers. If you extend the cooking time by one hour, you get a thick, rich brown hue "varenka" with a delicious aroma. You will have to take it out of the jar with a spoon, and the composition will not drain, but will harden with a viscous sweet mass. Finally, if the product is boiled for 3.5 hours, it will turn rich brown, and you will have to eat it with a knife. Boiled condensed milk will cut like butter.

In a saucepan on the stove

This method rightfully claims to be a classic, since it was in this way that dulce de leche was prepared in the Soviet period. The process does not require special skills, although “put it on fire and forget it” cannot be said about this recipe, since you need to control the water level all the time, adding it if necessary. This method is also attractive because it allows you to cook a lot of condensed milk at the same time. It is enough to take a wide pan and increase the volume of water to accommodate several cans at once.

The pan should be taken with thick walls and a bottom. Labels must first be removed from the cans.

It will be possible to prepare a creamy dessert at home from ordinary condensed milk if it is quite oily. This figure must be at least 8.5%. In the dishes, it is better to stack the tins, and not to put them vertically. In this case, they will not float during the cooking process, and the layer of water above the banks with this arrangement will be larger. And so that the containers do not come into contact with the bottom and do not rumble, rolling over it, it is recommended that you first lay a piece of natural fabric on the bottom, then cans, and then pour water. There should be enough of it so that the jars are completely hidden, and a liquid layer of at least 2–3 cm remains above them, but 5–10 cm is better.

After that, you need to turn on a strong fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Then the intensity of the boil should be reduced and the pan left for 2-3.5 hours. This is enough to get a "dumpling". If you need a dish of a darker shade with a more viscous and dense texture, you can boil the composition for up to 4 hours. If necessary, you need to add water so that the jars in no case remain uncovered with water. To do this, it is better to pour water boiled in a kettle into the pan.

In order not to end up in a situation where the boiling water suddenly ended, and the jars were left without a water cover, it is better to boil the kettle regularly.

When the specified time period has passed, containers with boiled condensed milk are taken out of boiling water with a slotted spoon or culinary tongs and placed on a towel. The jars are hot, so you need to be very careful, and leave them to cool on a heat-resistant surface. The dish is ready (it can be opened and tasted or put in the refrigerator) after the temperature of the contents corresponds to room temperature. As a rule, it takes a whole day, sometimes a day.

You can speed up the cooling time by placing the hot jars in a pot of cold water. As soon as it warms up, drain the liquid and fill it with a new batch of cold water. Repeat until the jar becomes cold and stops heating the water, while it is better not to rush to open the container, since the condensed milk has completely cooled along the walls, and inside the jar it is still hot and can “shoot”.

On the stove, you can cook condensed milk not only in iron factory containers, but also in an ordinary glass jar. To do this, pour the product into a jar, put in a saucepan and fill with water. Its amount should match the level of condensed milk in the jar. Put the pan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer the "milk jam" for 3-3.5 minutes. You should not interfere with it during the cooking process, but adding water to the pan when it boils is a must. The finished "varenka" should be left in the jar until the water in the pan cools down.

In pressure cooker and multicooker

When cooking in a pressure cooker, the same rules are followed - the jars are placed in a container, completely filled with water. Cooking time - a quarter of an hour, after which the jars under the lid are left in the liquid for another 3 hours. After this time, the pressure cooker is opened, but the condensed milk is removed only after it has completely cooled down. Similarly, a dish is prepared in a slow cooker, while choosing the “Soup” mode.

in the microwave

You can cook condensed milk in the microwave only by opening the jar and transferring it to a glass container designed for use in the microwave. Set the power to 750 W on the unit and cook for several minutes. Then take out and mix. Repeat the process, removing the container with the cream and stirring it every 2 minutes. This will keep the milk from burning and finish cooking when the dish acquires the desired consistency.


Despite the fact that cooking condensed milk is a fairly simple process, you should definitely follow a few rules, otherwise, there is a risk of not only spoiling the "varenka", but also provoking an explosion of the can.

  • The first rule concerns the amount of water in the pan. It must completely cover the jar. The fact is that the boiling point of water cannot exceed 100ºС, which means that the jar will not heat up to the above limit. Even if this happens due to the contact of the tin with the bottom of the pan, the surrounding liquid will "take" the heat on itself. If it happens that some part of the container is not under water, this will lead to its overheating. As a result, the temperature of the sweet mass will exceed that outside the jar. This will cause the condensed milk to expand and, as a result, the can will explode.

Important! The liquid acts as a water bath. As you know, cooking in a water bath ensures their uniform heating and eliminates the risk of burning. With a sufficient amount of water, the caramelization process proceeds uniformly, certain parts of the composition (primarily condensed milk at the bottom) do not burn.

Today, on the shelves of stores there is a sufficient amount of your favorite delicacy called "Boiled Condensed Milk". However, the taste of the product is sometimes very disappointing. And in order to cook it yourself, you need to know how much to cook condensed milk in a jar and how to do it correctly to achieve the desired color and consistency. Properly prepared delicacy can be used for cake, cream, cheesecakes, various desserts and just for sandwiches.

How to choose condensed milk for cooking

It is no secret that manufacturers often change the original recipe for condensed milk. Therefore, the taste of the boiled product depends on the composition of the original. When choosing condensed milk, you need to consider the following points:

    1. The cheapest options are usually not suitable for brewing. Inexpensive condensed milk may contain ingredients that are hazardous to health.
  • Condensed milk containing vegetable ingredients will not boil down to the desired consistency, and the taste will leave much to be desired.
  • The tin must be intact, without dents or chips.
  • The marking on the lid of the jar will tell about the quality of the product. After the letter M, four numbers are indicated on the marking. The first two report the manufacturer. If the third and fourth are 7 and 6, then such a product does not contain unwanted additives.
  • The shelf life of a natural product does not exceed 1 year.
  • Condensed milk produced in accordance with GOST standards is better than that produced according to technical specifications.

On a note! Condensed milk comes in different fat content. This will depend on the cooking time. If you bought 8% milk, then you need to boil it in a saucepan for about two hours. If the fat content is 8.5%, then the cooking time is 3 hours.

How to cook condensed milk

In the arsenal of housewives today there is not only a stove and pans. Therefore, your favorite delicacy can be prepared in different ways. To do this, you need to find out how much to cook condensed milk in a saucepan, pressure cooker and microwave. You can choose any cooking method:

    • Traditionally, condensed milk is boiled in a saucepan. To do this, put a tin can on the bottom and pour water to the very top. After boiling, condensed milk should be boiled for a couple of hours.
  • It will take quite a bit of time to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker. The jar is completely covered with water and after boiling it is boiled for only 10 minutes. The jar should cool down right in the pressure cooker. Water should not be drained.
  • You can boil condensed milk by pouring it into a glass jar. This method is good because the cooking time can be controlled based on the color and texture of the treat. A glass jar with condensed milk is placed in a saucepan, and water is poured up to the top level of the product in the jar. As it boils, add hot water to the pot.
  • The method of cooking boiled condensed milk in the microwave is good because you can control the density and color of the treat. But at the same time, milk must be poured into a suitable container. Cooking time is 10 to 20 minutes.

Important! To prevent the jar of condensed milk from exploding during cooking, it is necessary to monitor the water level. It should completely cover the jar. As it boils, add hot water to the pot.

Recipes with boiled condensed milk

From childhood, we remember the taste of our favorite anthill or tubes with boiled condensed milk. But there are many other original recipes worth trying. The family will definitely love it.

Cheesecakes stuffed with boiled condensed milk

Mix 8 tablespoons of semolina with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 0.5 kg of cottage cheese. To form cakes from the resulting dough, hands must be moistened with water. Put a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk inside the cake and cover it with another cake. Roll the cheesecake obtained in this way in flour and fry in a large amount of vegetable oil. Cheesecakes with a golden crispy crust are ready!

Cakes on sticks

This dessert is great for kids parties. Beat 60 g of butter with 60 g of sugar. Drive 2 eggs into the resulting mass, but not immediately, but one at a time. Mix well and add another 75 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 tablespoon of milk. For baking, the oven is heated to 180 degrees.

For cream, beat 50 g of butter at room temperature with 50 g of boiled condensed milk. The cake, which should already be cooled down, crumble and mix with the cream. From this mass form small balls and remove them for an hour in the cold.

Melt dark and milk chocolate 150 g each in a water bath. These two types can be mixed or used separately. The stick is dipped in melted chocolate mass. A frozen ball is put on it and put back in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

The balls are again dipped in chocolate and decorated with jam. They should freeze like this again. In order for the cakes to retain their appetizing appearance, they can be stuck into a foam plate and stored in the refrigerator until the holiday.

Waffle cake from childhood

Ready-made wafer cakes, bought at the store, are smeared with ready-made cream. To prepare it, a jar of boiled condensed milk is beaten for about 10 minutes with 100 g of softened butter. Crushed walnuts can be added already to the cream. Each cake is generously smeared with a creamy mass. The last cake does not need to be lubricated. The cake should be wrapped with a film, put oppression on top and sent for a day in the refrigerator. As a result, the dessert soaked in this way will be very tender.

Each dish has its own secrets. Do not be afraid to cook condensed milk at home and pamper your loved ones.

Condensed milk at home is not at all difficult to prepare. Treat yourself and your loved ones to a fresh delicacy of the highest quality.

1. Ingredients:

- 1 cup of sugar
- Half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar

Pour the milk into a heavy-bottomed saucepan, add a glass of sugar, dissolve it, and bring the milk to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until milk is reduced by two-thirds of its original volume. The mass should become a pleasant cream color and a little thick. It speaks of readiness. In the last minutes, add vanilla sugar, dissolve it and let the mass boil for a couple of seconds. From one liter of milk, about 400 g of everyone's favorite product is obtained. Condensed milk at home turns out to be very thick and viscous, but first you need to cool it (it is liquid when hot).

2. Ingredients:
- 250 ml milk 3.2% fat
- One and a half cups of dry milk
- One and a half cups of sugar
- 1 sachet of vanilla sugar

Mix warm milk, milk powder and sugar in a bowl with a whisk, add vanilla. Put the mixture in a small saucepan over a water bath (place this dish in a large saucepan of boiling water). Reduce heat and simmer mixture for about an hour, stirring occasionally until thickened. It turns out half a liter of wonderful homemade condensed milk.

3. Ingredients:
– 1 liter of milk 3.2% fat
- 500 g sugar
- Half a glass of water

Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water and boil the syrup (let it boil for a couple of minutes). Add milk, bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer over low heat, stirring frequently for about two hours. When the milk thickens and becomes a nice creamy color, remove from heat and set aside.

4. Ingredients:
- 500 g of finished powdered sugar
- 375 g fresh milk
- 40 g butter

Pour milk into a tall saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Place over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 10 minutes over medium heat. Pour into a jar, refrigerate and leave overnight in the refrigerator to thicken.

5. Ingredients:
- 1 liter of milk 3.2% fat
- 500 g sugar
- A quarter cup of water
- 1 tbsp cocoa

The recipe for a delicious treat - boiled condensed milk - is simple, but it will take a little time and your attention. For cooking, use very fresh and maximum fat milk, then the mass will have a very pleasant creamy taste. Pour the sugar into a heavy-bottomed bowl and pour in the water. Stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Hold on fire for 2-3 minutes. Add milk in a thin stream, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring occasionally. Pour cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth, let it boil for another minute and leave to cool.
Bon Appetit!

Condensed milk is a favorite product that can be consumed raw or boiled. The first condensed milk was invented by the culinary specialist Nicolas Apper, a Frenchman who discovered in 1810 that juice boiled in jars has the ability to retain its taste, color, aroma and texture for a long time.

But the French did not stop at such research. He found out that milk is stored in sealed jars for a long time, and when boiled, the jars do not burst. The invention was patented only in 1856, but already by an American. Already eight years later, the first factory for the production of milk in cans was opened in the USA.

In their native country, the product was obtained in Orenburg - at a factory where a blue-and-white label, known to many since Soviet times, was hung on a tin can. Already in those days, the hostesses knew exactly how to cook condensed milk in jars.

How long to cook condensed milk in a jar

If milk with a fat content of 8% is stored in a jar, then it will be necessary to cook condensed milk for 1.5-2 hours over medium heat. At the same time, more fatty condensed milk (8.5%) is subjected to a longer boil - 2-2.5 hours. It is necessary to constantly during this period ensure that the water completely covers the jar.

How to cook condensed milk

Regular recipe

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, set it on fire.
  2. Lower the jar into the water so that the liquid completely covers the product.
  3. The water should boil. After that, you need to reduce the gas so that the water continues to boil slowly in the pan.
  4. You will need to add water as it cooks.
  5. The bank will have to cool in water.

in a glass jar

On the shelves of stores there is also a product "in glass". You can also pour as much product into a glass jar as needed. This method will allow not only to get boiled condensed milk, but also to monitor the cooking process.

in the microwave

  1. The product is preliminarily poured into a suitable dish.
  2. Dishes are placed in the microwave.
  3. Condensed milk is boiled in a microwave oven at full power for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Every 1-2 minutes, the mass will need to be thoroughly mixed.
  • So that the jar does not swell during cooking, and the milk inside does not curdle, you need to constantly monitor the temperature, as well as the water level. Strong overheating of water is unacceptable.
  • Cooked condensed milk has a caramel or chocolate color. To get a thick mixture and a pleasant dark shade, the product should be cooked for at least 3-3.5 hours.
  • The calorie content of boiled condensed milk is the same as that of a canned product.
  • To choose the right product in the bank, you need to study the composition of the product. It is allowed to use only milk fat in condensed milk. If vegetable fat is also indicated on the label, then the product already contains starch, which will invariably spoil the taste of condensed milk.

Recipe for syrniki from boiled condensed milk


  • Condensed milk (fresh) - 1 can;
  • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • Semolina - 8 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons.

Condensed milk is the most delicious delicacy, an appetizing dessert familiar to many from childhood, which is an essential ingredient in the preparation of many confectionery products and dishes.

Condensed milk can be used to fill pancakes, pancakes, buns and donuts, create such sweet dishes as cakes, rolls, pastries using it in the form of cream bases, or just taste this sweetness, which is a great addition to tea or coffee.

Of course, you can buy milk in the store, which, it would seem, will be much easier to do than thinking about how to cook condensed milk at home on your own. But it's far from easy - it doesn't mean delicious!

Why cook condensed milk at home

There are several reasons why it is best to cook condensed milk at home:

For the manufacture of condensed milk on a large scale in industrial production, it is possible to use various thickeners, aromatic and flavoring additives, components contraindicated for small children, and simply for people who care about their health.

In addition, at home for the manufacture of condensed milk products are selected, the freshest and highest quality, with the possible addition of additional ingredients, for example, chocolate, cocoa, vanilla and other components.

So homemade condensed milk is not only a delicious dessert, but also a very nutritious and healthy meal.

There are plenty of arguments in favor of making condensed milk at home, it remains only to learn how to cook and cook it correctly, according to the selected recipes.

How to cook condensed milk at home: general principles

Preparing condensed milk at home is quite easy, an appetizing delicacy is in no way comparable to a store-bought product.

The components necessary for making condensed milk at home are natural, these are milk, granulated sugar, butter. Since condensed milk sold in a store is an expensive product, and it does not always have a good taste and quality, it is even advisable to make it at home.

General principles for preparing condensed treats:

The cooking time for condensed milk does not take much time from 10 to 20 minutes. Depending on the purpose of preparing condensed milk, time is also built. For example, condensed milk for cream on a cake needs to be cooked a little longer, in order to obtain a greater density of the product, and in the future, convenience for lubricating the cakes of the future confectionery.

It is better to take a high saucepan for making condensed milk - this must be done to facilitate the process of mixing the components and prevent them from splashing.

Also, when cooking condensed milk, it is better to add not sugar, but powder made from it.

If, during the preparation of this delicacy, the grains of added sugar in the existing consistency have not completely dissolved, then the mass can be brought to a homogeneous state using a blender.

When the cooked condensed milk subsides, it must be removed in the refrigerator - to acquire the desired consistency.

How to cook condensed milk at home in a slow cooker

Homemade condensed milk cooked in a slow cooker can be of different consistency and have a variety of shades from bright white, creamy to caramel. Probably, the color of condensed milk depends on the time of its preparation or the components that make up the delicacy.


Milk (whole, fat) - 200 ml.

Powdered milk (whole) - 200 gr.

Sugar sand - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour granulated sugar, dry milk into the multicooker bowl. Next, you need to mix both components together thoroughly. Then it is necessary to add milk to the existing ingredients and mix everything again with a whisk or blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

During the boiling of the mixture and after, it must be constantly stirred, in order to avoid burning.

After boiling the condensed milk, the multicooker must be reset to the baking mode. The cooking time for condensed milk directly depends on the consistency of the milk you need in terms of density. The longer the condensed milk is cooked, the thicker it becomes.

On average, condensed milk should be cooked no more and no less than 15 minutes. At the same time, it is important not to forget to mix the delicacy in order to avoid further spoilage of the product.

After you need to cool the condensed milk, pour into a glass of a blender and beat well.

Condensed milk turns out to be very tasty, tender and quite high-calorie, which means nutritious.

How to cook condensed milk at home and recipes using it

There are many ways and recipes for cooking condensed milk at home, and they do not take much time from lovers of cooking and sweets.

Recipe 1. How to cook condensed milk at home - the "Classic" cooking method


Milk - 300 ml.

Powdered sugar - 300 gr.

Butter - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a saucepan and add powdered sugar and butter to it. Next, all the components must be mixed with a blender and set the pan with the available ingredients on the fire.

Constantly stirring the resulting mass, we continue to cook it for another 10-15 minutes until a slightly viscous consistency is obtained. The resulting condensed milk must be cooled and served at the table for tea drinking.

Recipe 2. How to cook condensed milk at home - "Product of long shelf life"

Condensed milk prepared in this way can be stored for quite a long time without spoiling.


Milk (steam) - 1.5 liters.

Sugar 0.5 kg.

Soda - 1/3 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and add the required amount of soda.

Then all the components must be mixed well and put for further cooking on a slow fire.

During the cooking process, the existing mass must be constantly stirred. The condensed milk will first be white, but then when it darkens and turns brown, the bowl with the delicacy will need to be removed from the heat and the cooked product should subside.

After the condensed milk needs to be poured into jars and rolled up.

Important! Soda in this case will make the existing mass homogeneous and suitable for rolling.

You can cook a lot of the most incredible and delicious dishes from homemade condensed milk, here are just a few of them:

Homemade condensed milk cake cream


Butter (butter) - 180 gr.

Condensed milk - 180 gr.

Nuts (walnuts) - a glass.

Cocoa - 30 gr.


Cooking method:

Pour condensed milk into softened butter and beat well with a blender until a homogeneous and airy mass is obtained. Then you need to add cocoa to the existing components, and again beat everything together until smooth.

Then you need to add crushed nuts to the resulting cream and mix all the components together again.

Lubricate the finished cupcake with condensed milk cream, put the product in the refrigerator for a while, and then start drinking tea with a cooked homemade masterpiece.

Cake made in a mug with homemade condensed milk


Condensed milk - 200 ml.

Egg - 1 pc.

Flour - 120 gr.

Sugar - 100 gr.

Butter (butter + vegetable).

Cocoa - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

In a large mug, you need to put the sifted flour, cocoa, granulated sugar, an egg - beat all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Then you need to add milk to the mug, add both types of oil and once again mix all the ingredients thoroughly and beat.

Then you need to remove the mug from the microwave oven and bake a miniature cake at high power for several minutes.

The finished cake should be poured over with homemade condensed milk and served.

By creating condensed milk at home, you can not only save money, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful components that make up this product sold on the shelves of shops and supermarkets.

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