Winter riddles about an icicle. How to avoid icicles on the roof in winter? Method: Mechanical cleaning of the roof from icicles

Site arrangement 15.06.2019
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Hanging outside the window
Ice bag.
It is full of drops
And it smells like spring.

The children sat on the cornice
And they grow down all the time.

Caught on the cornice
Head hanging down
Little acrobat,
Winter candy ... (icicle)

Winter on gray roofs
Throwing seeds -
Grows white carrots
She is under the roofs.

The piece of ice climbed higher
She began to live under the very roof.
Little Julia asks:
"What's under the roof there?" (Icicle)

Carrot is white
Growing all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
I ate all the carrots.

It grows upside down
It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her
She will cry and die.

Under our roof
The white nail is hanging.
The sun will rise -
The nail will fall.

What is growing down with the top?

I live under the roof
It's even scary to look down.
I could have lived higher
If only roofs were found there.

This unusual book from the "Seasons" series will surely please your kid! Bright pictures sculpted from plasticine will attract his attention, and funny poems will tell about autumn adventures forest dwellers: an adorable hedgehog and his friends. The Seasons books are made of EVA foam - they do not tear, do not break and are absolutely safe for children.

The daughter of Goldilocks Blondie Locks cannot stay away from what is happening around - the unbearable cold has overcome the school and the whole city as a whole, so we urgently need to get ready for a long trip to return the warmth. Blondie has completely thought out her image - she looks amazing! A bright fur coat with a hood with a fur ruffle in yellow and blue shades, long blue boots look great with expressive beauty makeup and, even if hidden, but long thick hair... By the way, Blondie Locks did not forget to take her purse with her on the road.
The set for the Ever After High Blondie Locks doll includes a ring for girls and a story card.

Sanimobil PREMIUM is a high-quality sled with retractable wheels. This model has stylish design, very roomy, equipped with large soft wheels (diameter - 150 mm), flat oval runners and a unique swing-over pusher mechanism. This makes it possible to move it comfortably on asphalt and other hard surfaces. And the high ground clearance makes it easy to ride them from any slide. The parameters of this model allow you to conveniently and gently change skids to wheels and vice versa without removing the child from the sanimobile, you just need to press the strong metal pedals with your foot. The wheel shifting mechanism is very convenient, simple and reliable. The parent handle (pusher) and backrest can be removed if necessary. Wheels are made in Italy, and created by the latest technology, do not deform and do not crack in the cold, they are soft and quiet. The wheel attachment point is closed with a plug, which prevents dirt and reagents from entering the wheel axle.

When icicles hang from the roof, they look beautiful and elegant, but they pose a serious danger. Due to temperature changes, small build-ups and whole blocks of ice can appear, hanging from the eaves of houses. They pose a threat to people passing by, as well as cars and other objects near the walls of the building. Falling from roofs, icicles can damage electrical wires. To prevent icicles from appearing on cold roofs, it is necessary to organize good ventilation, and if the attic is residential, then the roof needs to be insulated with high quality.

Reasons for the appearance of icicles on the roof

There are several reasons that lead to the appearance of icicles on the roof of the house. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to get rid of icicles

If the reasons for the appearance of icicles were not eliminated in time, sooner or later the question arises of how to get rid of them. You can cope with this task in a private house with your own hands, and to get rid of icicles on multi-storey buildings, it is best to involve specialists.

Usage modern technologies allows you to perform such work with minimal human participation, which significantly reduces the risk of injury. But this requires specialized equipment and trained personnel. When removing ice mechanically, one must be very careful, as there is a high risk of injury or falling off the roof. In this case, you also need to have certain experience and tools.

When performing work on the roof of the house, you must be extremely careful and be sure to use insurance

There are several basic options for removing ice and icicles on the roof.

Equipment for removing icicles from the roof

In order to effectively deal with ice and icicles appearing on the roof big house, you must have special equipment and tools. With their help, it will be not only easier and faster to work, but also safer.

Modern equipment used mainly in specialized companies includes the following devices:

  • ultrasonic devices that break ice using a powerful pulse emitted in the appropriate range;
  • laser devices that allow you to cut icicles using a directed beam of radiation;
  • steam installations, in this case the icicles are cut off with a jet of steam;
  • chemicals that quickly dissolve ice;
  • electric pulse installations - inductors are installed on the roof surface, which, when voltage is applied, form a magnetic field and a pulsed eddy current, due to which a short-term deformation of the roof occurs and all icicles are removed.

When conducting mechanical removal icicles, depending on the type of building and whether the work will be done from the ground or from the roof of the building, you will need the following tools:

  • scrapers. They are T-shaped in wood, metal or plastic handle, for which it is easy to pull, and at the end there is a blunt metal plate;

    The telescopic handle of the scraper allows you to remove snow and icicles from a safe distance from the wall of the house

  • shovel. In order not to damage the coating, it is better to use a plastic or metal shovel with a rubberized blade at the end;
  • special axes. They should also not be sharp so that the roof of the building is not damaged during work;
  • ice axes. They are used to remove those icicles that are located outside the roof;
  • hooks and ropes to remove large icicles. With the help of such tools, they are fixed, after which they are cut down in small parts;
  • ladder. It must be strong and securely installed. A hydraulic lift can be used instead of a ladder;

    To reach the icicles on the roof high house, the hydraulic lift can be used

  • long pole. With its help, you can shoot down icicles without approaching the building, and remove them at a safe distance;
  • hacksaw, petrol or electric saw. These tools are used in the case of large icicles that cannot be easily knocked down;
  • safety equipment. If work is carried out from the roof, it is imperative to use insurance, which must be strong and reliable in order to ensure the safety of people.

Safety requirements for being near the building and on its roof in winter

During thaws or in spring, when the snow is actively melting during the day and frosts occur at night, icicles begin to actively form on the roofs of buildings. In order not to get injured while the icicle falls from the roof, you must adhere to certain rules:

You need to clean the roof yourself, taking into account the following recommendations:

How to prevent the formation of icicles and ice on the roof of the house

It will be much easier and cheaper to prevent the appearance of icicles and ice than to constantly deal with them.... There are several ways how to prevent the formation of ice on the roof, and each owner decides which one to choose.

The main condition under which ice on the roof will not form is to maintain negative temperature its surface. This is achieved through insulation. attic space or under-roof space so that the heat from the house does not get on roofing material... In this case, the roof in winter period will be covered with snow, and ice will not form on it.

The main methods for preventing the appearance of ice and icicles on the roof of a building are as follows.

  1. Eliminating places through which warm air goes out to the roof. Through the ceiling, if it is poorly insulated, a lot of heat is lost, which goes to cold attic... If there is residential attic, then it must be insulated even more carefully, since the walls of this room are in direct contact with roofing pie... Most often, warm air comes out through the gaps near the chimney pipes, at the joints gypsum boards etc. The easiest way to identify such places is in winter. Just look at the roof and you will see where the snow is melting more actively.

    If you eliminate the places of heat loss through the roof, icicles will no longer form on it.

  2. Security required thickness thermal insulation materials... Experts recommend that a layer of fiberglass or mineral wool was 30–35 cm. In addition to the thickness of the insulation great importance has the correct styling. Between themselves, the sheets should be tightly pressed so that there are no gaps anywhere. If the roof is insulated correctly, the possibility of icicles formation will be minimized: they will appear only when the surface is warmed up by the sun, but this is only for a few days.
  3. Creation high-quality ventilation... With the help of such a system, warm air is effectively removed outside, and cold air takes its place. In the attic, the entrance holes are made above the cornice, and the weekend is near the ridge. In order for the ventilation system to work effectively, it must be correctly calculated. If your knowledge is not enough, then it is better to seek help from specialists. The total area of ​​the inlets should slightly exceed the area of ​​the outlets.
  4. Installation of special vibrators. The vibrator can affect rafter system or directly on the ice. In the first case, a small electric motor with an eccentric is installed on the rafters, which, during operation, creates minor vibrations with a frequency of 10-50 Hz, due to which the ice breaks and flies off the roof. Although such a device is small, it is sufficient to protect up to 200 m2 of roofs. Equipment operating in the ultrasonic range is used to influence the ice. At the output of the vibrator there is an electromagnet connected to a metal circuit. When the circuit vibrates, the ice breaks. But this technique is expensive and difficult to install.
  5. Snow holders. These elements do not prevent icicles from forming, but they do prevent large blocks of ice from falling off the roof. They detain them, they gradually melt, and the water flows from the roof.
  6. Antidepressant compounds. With their help, before the onset of cold weather, the roof is processed. These can be fluoroplastic, organosilicon compounds or a solution of synthetic rubber. After their application, the adhesion of ice and roof decreases, so the likelihood of ice formation is significantly reduced.
  7. Electric heating. A special heat cable is installed on the lower edge of the roof, which does not allow ice to form. You will also have to spend a lot of money on the cable, and specialists are invited to install it. In order for the water to come off the roof, it is necessary to do the heating of the gutters. Two types of cable can be used for the snow melting device:
    • self-regulating. Changes power depending on the temperature outside, so on different sites it may be different to save energy. Such a cable does not heat up when overlapped, it is reliably protected from negative impact ultraviolet radiation, has a high resistance to damage, it can be mounted in sections different lengths, but its cost is quite high;
    • resistive. It has constant power along its entire length, is afraid of overlaps, and also has restrictions on the maximum and minimum length, but it costs much less.

    Video: installation of a roof de-icing system

    There is no one method that would completely eliminate the formation of icicles and ice on the roof. Can't be influenced natural factors, so the snow on the roof will still melt. The implementation of the described measures will significantly reduce the rate of ice formation, therefore, if there are icicles, then they are small and unable to cause serious danger. If there is a need to clean the roof from snow and ice, then you already know how to do it correctly yourself.

riddles about ice in verse

In the yard - a mountain,
And in the room - with water?

It's snowing outside the window
New Year is very close
And the rivulet does not flow
After all, I chained the river ... (ice)

Not precious stone, and is lit.

It is cold and shiny
You knock - it will crunch immediately.
It takes its kind from the water,
Of course it's ... (ice)

Pisces live warmly in winter:
The roof is thick glass.

Water floats on water.

With frost, blizzard and snow
Winter sorceress will come.
And all the rivers and lakes
Will cover the slippery thick ... (ice)

No planks, no axes
The bridge is ready across the river.
The bridge is like blue glass!
Slippery, fun, light!

Apparently the river was frozen
And covered herself with a blanket
He was once water
But suddenly he changed his appearance.
And now on New Year's Eve
On the river we see ... (ice)

He bound a great river,
Smooth, even - beauty!
He will help a person
Doing without a bridge.
And on vacation, in winter,
On these glorious days
Invites you and me
Put on your skates as soon as possible.

When frost and cold in winter,
Both a pond and a puddle are covered with it.

Blue as the firmament
Frozen on the river ...

And he can hardly open up,
If the sun doesn't help.
But when spring comes
The blanket will be gone.
(Ice on the river)

It does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water.

Not to the dungeon, but to the loft
Locked the girl in frost.
Until spring to the damsel
Do not open the loft.
(Ice on the river)

She ran - made noise
She fell asleep and brightened.
What is it?
(River in summer and winter)

All winter I lay by the fence behind the hut
In a silver sheath, the dagger is blue.
(Frozen stream in winter)

A mountain floats from the ice
In the sea-ocean.
Do not expect good from her
Watch out, Titanic.

Transparent as glass
You can't put it in the window.

Winter glass
It started flowing in the spring.

Pure, clear as a diamond
But there are no roads
Born of a mother
And he gives birth to it.

Glass is broken in the round window during the day,
Inserted in the evening.
(Ice hole)

It's very cold, isn't it?
All paths were covered with snow.
Only yesterday I was a drop
And today - like glass.
I am Snezhinka's sister
Hardened water.

riddles about icicles in verse

Winter on gray roofs
Throwing seeds -
Grows white carrots
She is under the roofs.

I waited for the first snow
I ran, jumped and played.
Now I'm drinking a potion
Because I ate ... (icicle)

White carrot
It grows in winter.

The carrot is white
Growing all winter.
The sun has warmed up -
I ate all the carrots.

It grows upside down
It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die.

Caught on the cornice
The head hangs down.
Little acrobat,
Winter candy - ... (icicle)

Hanging outside the window
Ice bag.
It is full of drops
And it smells like spring.

Don't suck, tomboys
Ice candy!
I swallow pills myself
Because I ate ... (icicles)

The children sat on the cornice
And they grow down all the time.

The sun will come out - it will cry.
There is no sun - it hides tears.

Under our roof
The white nail is hanging.
The sun will rise -
The nail will fall.

What is growing down with the top?

Sometimes it happens in winter
The weather is very different.
Then suddenly the sun will come
Then the weather is raging.
We always come to the thaw
Very wet from a walk.
And then hang down in the frost
Huge from the rooftops ... (icicles).

I live under the roof
It's even scary to look down
I could have lived higher
If only roofs were found there.

Clinging to the cornice
Drops droplets down
Not a toy, not a whistle,
And transparent ... (icicle)

The young guy knows
The gray-haired grandfather knows
All grannies know
Everyone knows:
What's growing upside down?
It's ... (icicles)

If the snow melts on the rooftops
Then the sisters grow up.
These winter sisters
Cold, transparent, calls,
And they grow upside down.
Don't stand under them!

Any child is, by nature, very curious. Therefore, going out into the courtyard in the early frosty morning, the first thing that catches his eye is an icicle. Unusual, transparent and sharp "carrot" attracts children of all ages.
The little ones start to ask great amount questions, older children pull them into their mouths, and adult guys knock them down with furious pleasure.

Just on such a walk, riddles about an icicle will come in handy, which describe almost all the features of this unusual natural phenomenon. Solving them, the child will be able to gain new knowledge in a playful and unobtrusive form.

  1. Silver Carrot
    Clung to the roof deftly.
    Clung to the cornice
    And it grows down in winter ...
  2. Under our very roof
    The white nail grows
    But as the sun rises
    The nail will melt, fall ...
  3. Carrot made of ice in winter
    I sat down on the cornice deftly.
    And when spring came
    all flowed away.
  4. It grows upside down
    It does not grow in summer, but in winter.
    But the sun will bake her
    She will cry and die.
  5. Our silver dagger
    I did not lie in the house for long -
    We wanted to raise it
    And he ran to the threshold ...
  6. Caught on the cornice
    The head hangs down.
    Little acrobat,
    Winter candy - ...
  7. If the sun melts during the day
    If it's winter again by night
    What, tell me, grows
    On trees and houses?
  8. The sun is getting higher by spring.
    still on the roof.
    The luminary pulled up
    Yes and melted the snow,
    Water is dripping from the roof.
    In the morning - a cone of ice.
  9. A long nail hangs from the roof -
    Cold, strong as a bone
    But if the sun bakes,
    He will run out in tears ...
  10. I live under the roof
    It's even scary to look down.
    I could have lived higher
    If only roofs were found there.
  11. Lollipop hanging under the roof
    Spring will come - it's the end.
    Will begin to gurgle with water
    And it will fall ...
  12. Freeze in winter
    And they hang from the rooftops,
    Will sparkle in the sun
    Spring will come - it will melt.
  13. Hanging outside the window
    Ice bag.
    It is full of drops
    And it smells like spring ...
  14. Thin and transparent
    Strong, cold
    And the sun will warm up
    It will melt.
  15. Don't suck, tomboys
    Ice candy!
    I swallow pills myself
    Because I ate ...
  16. Winter on gray roofs
    Throwing seeds -
    Grows white carrots
    Under the roofs, she ...
  17. Icy, whiny Nose
    Sadly rooted to the roof.
    Tearfully upset
    That Winter is ending ...
  18. Long claws descended
    From the roofs in the winter of all houses ...
    The sun has just appeared, -
    That claw is ready to cry ...
    Crying in drops, and bitter ...
    There are no claws ... And there were so many!
  19. The young guy knows
    Knows the gray-haired
    All grannies know
    Everyone knows:
    What's growing upside down?
    This is indeed …
  20. Hanging from the roof
    Like ice bullets
    They breathe the threat of quiet
    Spring ...
  21. I grew thin and thin,
    Is it really sick?
    The sun bakes tenderly
    A tear flows from her ...
  22. Who is on the roof of the house in winter
    Clung to the cornice ...
    And it grows in a fighting way,
    Going from top to bottom?
    Who sparkles in the early morning
    And shines in the sun
    And with cold tears
    Cries and knocks on the window.
    Who, guys, tell me

    Knows this pendant?
    Do not hesitate to name
    What is her name? ...

  23. Hanging under the roof
    If you break it, it crunches.
    Freezes in winter
    A tear does not flow
    The sun will bake -
    It will cry, it will flow ...
  24. Grows upside down
    Only in winter, not a whole year.
    Hangs from the roofs very deftly
    This snow carrot.
    Not a snowflake, not a whistle,
    This is a large ...
  25. In essence, she is water.
    You can guess without difficulty:
    Like a crystal pendant
    Hanging from the roof ...
  26. -Oh, what! Transparent glass,
    Patterned pendant.
    On wires and roofs
    Cheerful …
  27. If the snow melts on the rooftops
    Then the sisters grow up.
    These winter sisters
    Cold, transparent, calls,
    And they grow upside down.
    Don't stand under them!
  28. Hangs down from the roof
    Sharp flyer.
    Drops down
    Wet ...
  29. The carrot is white
    Growing all winter.
    The sun has warmed up -
    I ate all the carrots.
  30. Clinging to the cornice
    Drops droplets down
    Not a toy, not a whistle,
    And transparent ...
  31. Appears in spring
    And grows upside down
    Or rather, only the nose grows
    If at night.
    All transparent beauty
    Hanging like crystal ...
  32. It was a simple, ordinary house
    What has changed in him?
    There was a decoration -
    People are all surprised:
    Fragile and strange
    Glass fringe.
  33. I waited for the first snow
    I ran, jumped and played.
    Now I'm drinking a potion
    Because I ate ...
  34. Sometimes it happens in winter
    The weather is very different.
    Then suddenly the sun will come
    Then the weather is raging.
    We always come to the thaw
    Very wet from a walk.
    And then hang down in the frost
    Huge from the rooftops ...
  35. Grows upside down
    Only in winter, not all year round.
    And in the spring drops
    Cries bitterly all day.
    All transparent, like a piece of ice,
    Sharp-nosed ...
  36. Sharp, prickly
    From the heat - weeping.
    Hang from the rooftops
    Those pendants -
    Very long ...
  37. From top to bottom it grows at night
    And in the daytime he splashes with tears.
    With overflows Visulka ...
    What is her name? ...
    Vladimir-Georgy Stupnikov
  38. Short riddles about the icicle

    1. The sun will eat - the end of winter
      Silver Candy ...
    2. The sun will look out - it will cry.
      There is no sun - it hides tears.
    3. I cry from the sun.
      I cannot do otherwise.
    4. Ice Fringe
      Decorated at home ...
    5. White carrot
      It grows in winter.
    6. Ice lollipop
      The sun has eaten ...
    7. The children sat on the cornice
      And they grow down all the time.
    8. That grows upside down
      Clinging to the cornice ...
    9. A white nail sticks out of the roof.
      The sun will rise,
      And the nail will fall.
    10. What grows upside down?

The formation of icicles on the roof and their fall is one of the long-standing problems that urban and rural residents face in winter. photo 1... A sad fact has been established that every year around the world about 500 ... 2000 people fall victim to falling icicles hanging from the roofs.

Photo 1. Formation of icicles on the eaves of the roofs of houses

The formation of icicles on the roof is due to:

  • melting of snow under the influence of sunlight;
  • melting of snow under the influence of heat emanating from attic floor or communications that have poor thermal insulation.

Intensive formation of icicles on the roof occurs during the following periods:

  • early spring, when the water from the snow that melted during the day gradually freezes at night due to a slow decrease in air temperature;
  • practically throughout the entire winter on roofs or in some areas with very poor thermal insulation.

Basically, the reason for the formation of icicles is the melting of the lower layers of snow on the roof heated from below. Melt water flows down the slope to the edge of the roof and into the drainage system, where it begins to freeze, since the temperature in these zones is much lower than on the rest of the roof. Part of the water gradually begins to freeze, and icicles are formed, which can be of great length and weight. In the process of snow melting, the icicle gradually increases in size and mass until the moment when the adhesion strength becomes less than its own weight, after which it falls from a height.

Photo 2. The mechanism of formation of icicles on the roof

Also, the following factors affect the intensity of the emergence and growth of icicles:

  • roof slope;
  • orientation of the roof in relation to the cardinal points;
  • the number of roof slopes;
  • material and color of the roofing;
  • roof shape;
  • compliance of the actual characteristics of the roof drainage system with these operating conditions.

To exclude the formation of icicles on the roof, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures aimed at:

  • ensuring a normal heat and humidity regime in the attic, which will reduce the rate of snow melting on the roof;
  • ventilation of the roof space;
  • reducing the amount of snow on the roof.

To determine the choice of an anti-icing device, it is necessary to determine the condition of the roof by the amount of heat loss or to determine the thermal regime of the roof.

There are conditionally such thermal conditions roofs:

  • "Cold" roof or "cold" attic;
  • "Warm" roof;
  • Hot roof.

"Cold" roof or "cold" attic

The "cold" roof has an attic, which is not intended for living and is not heated. V this case composition and structure ("pie") has a more simplified version, without vapor barrier, photo 3. Snow on the "cold" roof begins to melt only in the sun or at a relatively high air temperature.

The main characteristics of the "cold" roof:

  1. good (minimal values ​​of heat loss or completely absent).
  2. -5 ° C and more.
  3. Anti-icing systems installation area: only in the gutters.
  4. Peculiarities: the roof often has an under-roof ventilation layer.

Photo 3. The structure of the "cold" roof

"Warm" roof (residential attic)

"Warm" roof provides for the use of the attic space as the living space of the house, photo 4... In this case, to prevent the intensive formation of icicles on the roof, a roof of a more complex structure should be arranged. The roof structure should have the following layers, photo 4:

  • vapor barrier layer;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • air gap layer (ventilation gap);
  • a layer of roofing insulation (for housing with a thickness of at least 250 mm).

Photo 4. The structure of the "warm" roof

When making a pie warm roof all engineering requirements for the choice of insulation thickness and ventilation gaps should be followed.

The main characteristics of a "warm" roof:

  1. Roof insulation condition: satisfactory.
  2. Minimum temperature melting snow or ice:-10 ° C and more.
  3. Peculiarities: heating cables should be used with increased power in the range of 25 ... 30 W.

Hot roof

Hot roof- this is a roof with poor thermal insulation, which is associated with a violation of technical standards for the design and construction of a house.

The main signs of a "hot" roof:

  1. Roof insulation condition: bad (due to high values heat loss, attic residential or otherwise used premises).
  2. Minimum temperature for melting snow or ice: below -10 ° C.
  3. Anti-icing systems installation area: complex application, installation in gutters, gutters and on the roof itself.

How to get rid of icicles on the roof?

Consider the most common means and methods of combating the formation and removal of icicles.

There are the following measures to combat icicles:

  1. preventive or preventive measures;
  2. measures aimed at the direct removal of icicles.

1.Preventive (preventive) measures to prevent the formation of icicles

Preventive measures to avoid icicle formation include:

  1. Thermal insulation different types attics and roofs.
  2. Reconstruction of roofs and roof drainage systems.
  3. Application of anti-icing coatings.
  4. Installation of heating systems for eaves and gutters of the following types:
  • electrical heating system;
  • water heating system;
  • steam heating system;
  • air heating system.

2. Measures aimed at the direct removal of icicles on the eaves of the roof

Activities aimed at the direct removal of icicles include:

  • removal using a steam generator that emits superheated steam;
  • removal with the help of a thermo-cornice arranged around the perimeter;
  • mechanical removal methods;
  • ultrasonic removal methods.

One of the options for dealing with icicles is additional insulation roofs with inside... Roof insulation with liquid polyurethane foam is highly effective, photo 5.

Photo 5. Roof insulation with foamed polyurethane, as one of the methods to combat icicles on the roof

Method: Mechanical cleaning of the roof from icicles

Nowadays, they try not to use mechanical cleaning of icicles on the roof, since it has a number of disadvantages, namely, photo 6:

  • high labor intensity of work to remove icicles;
  • high probability of damage to the integrity of the roof and its individual elements;
  • increased risk of injury (high altitude and risk of slipping).

Photo 6. Mechanical cleaning icicles on the roof

Method: Anti-icing cable

Cable protection it is used to reduce the likelihood of icicles formation, as well as to remove them from the ridge of the roof and watercourse systems. Main purpose cable protection- This is to prevent the accumulation of snow on the roof. The principle of operation of cable anti-icing protection is to heat the cables to the right temperature melting snow and ice. The cable protection works from electrical voltage 220 V.

The cable is laid on the roof according to such schemes, photo 7:

  • along the entire perimeter of the roof;
  • in some local places of the roof;
  • along the gutter and gutter.

Photo 7. Laying heating cable: a) in the gutter and watercourse channels; b) in the area of ​​the roof overhang; c) laying in the valley area

Anti-icing cable protection consists of (photo 8):

  1. Heating cable. It is laid in places of the roof where icicles can form, namely:
  • along the contour (edge) of the roof;
  • all over drainage system in gutters and gutters.
  1. Fastening elements... For fastening the heating cable and other elements of this protection, special fasteners are used, eliminating the need for making holes in the roof - adhesive tape or clamps.
  2. Control and monitoring unit, which includes:
  • precipitation sensor;
  • ambient temperature sensor;
  • defrost water sensor.

If the control unit fixes the values ​​of the parameters at which the formation of icicles can occur, the protection system is automatically activated.

  1. Distribution network Is a wiring system through which the heating cables are connected to the power supply network.
  2. Remote Control- a device thanks to which you can control the operation of the entire device.

Photo 8. Components of anti-icing cable protection: a) heating cable; b) control and monitoring unit

Let's list the most basic advantages of cable anti-icing protection:

  1. There is no need to change the roof structure.
  2. Does not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the roof.
  3. Can be applied on different types roofs.
  4. The possibility of laying in local places of the roof or around the entire perimeter.
  5. The system can significantly increase the life of the roof.
  6. Automatic control and management system for cable anti-icing protection. Also, the system automatically turns off the protection if it is not needed (no snow on the roof or the temperature is below melting snow).
  7. Long service life of the equipment.

Here are some of the disadvantages of anti-icing cable protection:

  1. High power consumption of the system (for example, the consumption of a system with an area of ​​75 m 2 will be about 3 kW or 10 ... 30 W / m.).
  2. There is an additional problem of ice formation on the ground near the house.
  3. High cost of equipment (approximately 8 ... 30 € / lm, excluding the cost of power supplies).

There are several types of anti-icing cable protection:

Cable with self-regulatory - has the ability to change the operating mode, and therefore the amount of energy consumed, depending on changes in weather conditions.

Self-regulating cable advantages:

  1. Reduced energy consumption.
  2. High degree of reliability.
  3. Increased protection against overheating and short circuit.
  4. Sufficient resistance to UV rays of the sun.
  5. Resistant insulation against mechanical damage.

Resistive cable It differs mainly in that it has a constant heating power.

Disadvantages of a resistive cable:

  1. Cable overlaps are not allowed.
  2. Length restrictions.

Requirements for the condition of the roof before installing anti-icing systems:

  • the roof must be strong and reliable;
  • no damage or leakage.

One of the new technological developments to prevent the formation of icicles on the roof and in the watercourse system, which provides for the combination of the downspout with the warm wall of the building, which is additionally insulated. The walls of the house transfer an insignificant amount of heat (by several degrees), which prevent the freezing of melt water and the formation of ice and, in particular, icicles. Such a device drainpipes justified only in regions with warm winters.

Method: Ultrasonic destruction of icicles on the roof

The delivery of an ultrasonic pulse using a special device leads to the destruction of icicles.

Benefits of ultrasonic destruction of icicles

  1. Less power consumption compared to cable shielding.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic destruction of icicles

  1. Very high cost of using special equipment (about 200 € / rm).
  2. This method allows only to remove icicles from the roof, and not to exclude their appearance.

General conclusion: in most cases, the reason for the formation of icicles on the roof is poor thermal insulation of the roof. Experts in this industry argue that with good thermal insulation and compliance with all design standards and construction rules, it can reduce the intensity of icicle formation by 80%, which greatly facilitates or even eliminates the use of different methods combating icicles.

Alexander A. Konev

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