How to treat the beds from weeds before planting. Burn and soak

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

Caring for crops is an important procedure in gardening. It also includes weed control. Weed grass is different. Some are easy to get rid of, some are hard to get rid of. Sometimes weed grass becomes a real punishment - it displaces immature seedlings cultivated plants, and after removal grows again and again.

We will tell you about the most common ways to control weeds in the country. Because every situation requires individual approach- what is not a panacea in one case, will perfectly help in another.


This method of weed control is the most common. Every gardener does weeding. However, as practice shows, it is not enough for a long time. The reason is that when removing weeds, the chopper does not completely remove the root of the weed, but cuts it into pieces. Particularly harmful herbs sprout from this part of the root remaining in the ground. Our advice is to replace the chopper with a pitchfork. Gently bring them under the plant and try to lift it with the rhizome uncut. If the root has broken into pieces, then pull them all out, do not leave anything in the ground.

Digging up the soil

The oldest and most proven method is digging the soil. V this case in order to get rid of weeds, the soil in the beds is carefully dug up. Due to this, the roots of uprooted or cut weeds are damaged and crushed. And weed seeds go deeper into the ground and it is more difficult for them to germinate.

However, some gardeners are of the opinion that digging is harmful to the soil. As a result, it deteriorates and loses its yield. Such gardeners do tillage without turning the layer. However, we recommend that autumn preparation beds still use a shovel. Only she will help get rid of the roots of perennial weeds.

If you want to get rid of weeds in a virgin area, then use a walk-behind tractor or a tractor. Digging up virgin soil with a shovel is difficult, and with manual digging, this needs to be done twice.

Removing weeds by hand

One of the most difficult ways is pulling out weeds with your hands. However, in this case, you are in complete control of the process. This is done in order to remove it from the soil along with the roots. If there is no rhizome left in the soil, the weed will not sprout again. This point is important when trying to remove the most annoying herbs (wheatgrass and others).

Don't forget to wear gloves so you don't rub your hands. In addition, some herbs have a caustic juice, which leaves spots on the skin or causes irritation.

Use mulch or covering material

Weeds, like other grasses, require sun to grow well. Without sunlight plant development is inhibited and slowed down. After a while they die.

For this purpose, use mulch or covering material. The worse they transmit light, the better for our event. For this purpose, the following materials are used: agrofibre (spunbond), roofing felt, linoleum, cardboard, dark film, etc. Previously, 21-28 days before sowing, cover the soil with the selected material. After the time has elapsed, remove it and walk through the beds with a chopper or rake. This will remove dead weeds and their remains. After that, start landing. Although there are cases when, after removing the covering material, the soil turned out to be completely clean.

When using dense covering material, weed control begins in early spring - in March. At this time, weed grass has not yet had time to grow and it is easier to get rid of it. In addition, you will not be able to plant cultivated plants under such material, since they will die too.

In order to prevent weeds from bothering when the plants are already planted, cover the plantings with black spunbond. Make cross-shaped holes in it in accordance with the planted plants. Place the spunbond on the beds so that it is “put on” by the plants. Weeds will be under covering material without access to light. And cultivated plants will be on the surface and will not be left without the sun.

Using straw, sawdust, and other materials as mulch will also reduce weeds in your garden beds. In this case, again, it is required to cover the ground. In the place where the seedlings grow, lay the mulch in the root zone. The ground part of the plant should remain above the mulch. Mulching has a good effect on the horses of the plant. Does not allow moisture to quickly evaporate from the ground.

Proper watering

Since weed grass is no different from other plants, it has the same requirements for favorable development as cultivated plants. In trying to get a harvest, we give our seedlings everything they need, but along with them, so do the weeds. How to deprive weed grass of sunlight, we have already told. Now let's talk about moisture.

Weed grass is more unpretentious and not so demanding on moisture. However, under the conditions good watering beds it grows by leaps and bounds. So it is necessary to make sure that only cultivated plants receive moisture. To do this, use a drip irrigation system. Thanks to its device, water enters the plants pointwise, in a certain place. Since when installing the drip system, it is directed to the root area of ​​the seedlings, the soil outside this area remains dry. The constant lack of moisture in this area leads to the fact that nothing grows there.

Moreover, drip irrigation has the following advantages:

    does not erode the soil and reduces erosion, since there is no excess moisture;

    plants get as much moisture as they need;

    there is no excess consumption of water (which is important when it is lacking).

The drip system can be purchased at a specialized store or do it yourself.

We apply herbicides

If weeds can't be controlled, then use herbicides. This method is failsafe. Its disadvantage is that the preparations can also damage cultivated plants.

When using herbicides, apply them carefully and exclusively to the leaves of the weeds. To avoid damage to crops, use away from crops or before the start of the planting season. Herbicides are good for clearing the area in early spring.

The preparations do not affect the soil, they also do not accumulate in it. Roundup and Tornado are popular with gardeners. When buying a certain drug, check with the sellers which weeds it copes with better.

Read the instructions or on the packaging for instructions on how to use herbicides. Follow the safety instructions given by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Generally, herbicides are safe for humans and animals. They only affect plants.

Plants from weeds

Weeds can be controlled by sowing beds with green manure or other useful herb. The fact is that weeds simply cannot grow where the soil is already occupied by other plants. plant useful plants at such a time that they do not interfere with the sowing of the main crop.

In addition, if you sow green manure, then it is useful to use their green mass to fertilize the soil. To do this, they are mowed obliquely and laid on the surface of the soil, covering the area for planting, or closed up during digging.

To control weeds, mustard, clover, wheat or oats are planted (cereals are planted in the ground when they turn green), etc.

Smart use of organics

To fertilize the soil, we use the waste products of domestic animals - chickens, horses and cows. And they often contain weed seeds. When using such fertilizers, the beds are even more overgrown with weeds.

Not to sow weeds with my own hands, use as organic fertilizers humus or compost, not animal waste. In extreme cases, they should not be fresh, but rotten.

We use alcohol in the garden

Weed control folk remedies will also help you defeat them. Thus, the use of alcohol in the beds activates and stimulates the germination of weed seeds. After they grow a little, remove them with a rhizome.

The proportions of dilution of alcohol are as follows: pour 15 grams of vodka into a bucket of water, stir.

Application of fire

Using fire is a slightly unconventional way. To do this, they take a blowtorch or a building hair dryer (blowing with dry air) and go through the weeds with fire. Don't stay anywhere with fire for long, otherwise you will burn the soil. It won't make her any better.

Application of vinegar

Vinegar is used in garden beds as a natural herbicide. It works great on weeds. However, if you carelessly spray vinegar on the site, you will also remove cultivated plants. He deletes everything. For this reason, to avoid unforeseen circumstances, apply vinegar to weeds with a brush. If you use a sprayer or atomizer, then aim accurately.

When using vinegar until the time of sowing cultivated plants, you do not have to worry about the safety of your crops. At the same time, use vinegar with salt. This recipe will not leave weeds a single chance. If possible, use it where there are no cultivated plants in sight.

In order for the vinegar to work for sure, use it on the garden as many times as required. If the weeds disappeared the first time, then there is no need to use more vinegar.

Use vinegar on sunny days. The fact is that rain and fog will wash off the applied drug from the leaves of the weeds. And vinegar begins to act within 24-48 hours.

It's important to know!

To get rid of weeds, it is not enough to choose one or two remedies and apply it. For a complete victory over harmful plants, you need to know the basic rules of the fight against them. Then it will be easier for you to deal with them, and the weeds will leave faster.

    Find out more about the weeds that you have in your garden or that are especially difficult for you to get rid of. For example, when dealing with dandelions, it is worth knowing that even if the plant is removed and there are no seeds, they will sprout again from the remaining roots. Timely collected information about weeds will prevent difficulties that occur out of ignorance.

    Start fighting weeds suburban area until the seeds appear. Don't let the seeds have time to sieve. Otherwise, you will have to fight another generation of weeds. The right time to remove weeds from the beds is autumn.

    Combine several methods of weed control. This is suitable for removing especially malicious instances.

We process with steam

On the large plots Use steam to get rid of weeds. This method is also called soil sterilization. There are three ways to process steam. All of them are expensive and not suitable for use on small area. Here they are:

    the soil is covered with a special cloth and treated with steam at a temperature of 90ºС for 4 hours, the processing depth is from 20 to 30 cm;

    a temporary or permanent pipe system is installed in the ground, tills the soil to a depth of 80 cm;

    a special machine with a boiler (Sterilter by Ferrari) treats the soil with steam at the surface and in depth.

The advantage of this method is that steam will rid the soil of both weeds and pathogenic bacteria (dangerous for plants), and pests.

What to do with uprooted weeds?

During the removal of weeds from the garden, the question of what to do with this grass when the beds are cleared is equally important. The fact is that any plant debris on the site increases the risk of disease of cultivated plants and the appearance of pests (whiteflies and others). For this reason, cut and plucked grass should be immediately removed from the area. Burn it away from the garden. Act quickly and don't delay.

If you carry plant debris, then do it carefully. At a certain period, seeds fall from the weed. This means that during the transfer, you yourself will spread the weeds in your area. To prevent this from happening, first place the plant debris in a wheelbarrow or in a burlap bag.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when magnificent cherry blossoms bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

Agriculture refers to such types of human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the efforts made. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily act as our ally in growing plants, and often, on the contrary, throws up new challenges. Intensified reproduction of pests, abnormal heat, late return frosts, hurricane winds, drought ... And one of the springs presented us with another surprise - a flood.

Let me confess my love today. In love with... lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and flowering shrubs which can be successfully grown in your garden. And if someone thinks that lavender is a Mediterranean or, at least, southern inhabitant, then you are mistaken. Lavender grows well in more northern regions, even in the Moscow region. But in order to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. They will be discussed in this article.

Having once tasted such an invaluable product as a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stop looking for more and more new recipes for serving it to the table. Pumpkin in Korean, despite its pungency and spice, has a fresh and delicate taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. butternut squash very juicy and sweet, so there is no need to crush it. If the pumpkin is of a different variety, then you can knead it with your hands so that it slightly releases the juice.

Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been held in high esteem by gardeners. Spring plantings most gardeners usually start by planting lettuce, parsley, and radishes. Recently, the desire for healthy eating and a large selection of greens in supermarkets make gardeners wonder which of these plants can be grown in their beds? In this article we will talk about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, varieties of lettuce.

Pollock is best cooked in the form of a casserole, separating the fillet from the skin and bones. Pieces of fish are mixed with a colorful vegetable set, poured with a sauce of cheese, sour cream and eggs. This fish casserole has a presentable appearance, and its taste is a bizarre mixture of subtle nuances. Vegetables and fillets will be soaked in sour cream, the cheese will harden with a golden crust, eggs will bind all the ingredients together. Pieces of fish are abundantly sprinkled with Italian herbs, and pollock acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you can really feel the awakening of nature only with the advent of flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring as eloquently as clearings of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has receded, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, besides spring primroses, there is still something to see and admire in the garden in the month of April.

Growing rapidly and turning into wild thickets, hogweed disrupts the existing ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oils contained in the fruits and leaves of hogweed cause severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more difficult to deal with it than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today a tool has appeared on the market that can short term rid your site of most weeds, including hogweed.

Carrots come in a variety of colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. Orange carrots are dominated by beta-carotene and lycopene, yellow due to the presence of xanthophylls (lutein); white carrots are high in fiber, while purple ones contain anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotenes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose varieties of carrots for sowing not by the color of the fruit, but by the timing of their ripening. We will talk about the best early, medium and late varieties in this article.

Recommend Enough easy recipe pie stuffed with delicious chicken and potato filling. Chicken and potato open pie is a great hearty dish that is suitable for a hearty snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this pastry on the road. The cake is baked in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After that we put it on wooden surface, after releasing it from the form. It is enough to slightly cool the pastries and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is the period of the start of active vegetation, and for the majority - the return of their decorative effect. Admiring the young leaves and emerging shoots, you should not forget that spring is also a big stress for all houseplants. Sensitive to changes in conditions and versatile, all indoor crops are faced with much brighter lighting, changes in air humidity and temperature conditions.

You can easily cook homemade Easter cake with cottage cheese and candied fruits, even without any confectionery experience behind you. You can bake Easter cake not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For the first culinary experiences (and not only), I advise you to take a small cast iron pan. Easter cake in a pan will not turn out as high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always bakes well inside! Yeast curd dough is airy and fragrant.

It is also interesting in that its fruits (pumpkins) are used as food by young, not ripe ones (zelenets). This means that you do not have to wait for the harvest to ripen, and from late spring to autumn you can have fresh vegetables on the menu. In your beds, it is better to grow varieties and hybrids of zucchini that are resistant to diseases and changes in weather conditions. This eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a crop in any weather. It is about such varieties of zucchini that will be discussed in this article.

V middle lane April is the time when the first flowering of plants in gardens and parks begins. The constant soloists of the spring that has come into its own are bulbous primroses. But also among ornamental shrubs you can meet those that will delight you with fragrant flowers that enliven a still inconspicuous garden. The main riot of flowering ornamental shrubs falls on the month of May, and most of them, as a rule, bloom in mid-May.

You need to be very careful to ensure that or, which you import for feeding, undergoes the necessary thorough processing. Through the bad planting material, bought on a spontaneous market, weed carriers can also get into the garden. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to buy seedlings or seeds in special stores.

And finally, the ideal carrier of weeds is the wind. One of his impulses is enough to re-infect even the most perfectly harvested area with weed seeds.

In the fight against weeds in the country, even burning plants in the fall does not help. Unfortunately, weeds adapt very well to adverse conditions environment, frost resistant, high humidity and drought, quickly recover even after mechanical damage. Even the use of drastic measures helps to eliminate the problem with weeds only for a while.

How to deal with weeds in the garden

Mechanical method: weeding

The oldest and easiest way to remove weeds is manual or mechanical weeding. This is the most accessible and cheapest method, which is absolutely harmless to cultivated plants and human health, but it is also the most time-consuming. Weeds need to be systematically and constantly, otherwise there will be no effect.
The most important thing in this method is to prevent weed seeds from getting on, and if some do get, they must be removed during germination. The torn one does not need to be thrown away, it is better to put it in a compost heap.

Important! Weeding should be done at the dacha fence, around the garden and in hard-to-reach places, as this will help to destroy weeds in the dacha and prevent their re-propagation.

Also quite effective are special devices for the thermal destruction of weeds by flame or hot steam. This method pays off when you need to get rid of weeds on patios and tiled paths.

On large scale plots or fields, electric plows and are also used as weed control. They plow the land and crush the weeds. After such cultivation, the land must be immediately planted and planted with mulch to prevent new germination of weeds.

How to get rid of weeds in the garden forever: a chemical method

Whatever it was, chemicals for weed control are sometimes a real salvation, because only with their help you can get rid of such malicious weeds as or. However, you should not expect that chemistry will rid your site of weeds once and for all, but there will be much less of them. Unfortunately, weed seeds that have previously fallen into the ground will re-sprout, and control measures will need to be repeated.

Chemical preparations are divided into herbicides of continuous action, which kill all plants in a row (annual and) and herbicides of selective (specialized) action. The latter destroy certain types of weeds. They are especially effective for herbs, because mechanical methods weed control is problematic there: weeding equipment can damage the beauty of green carpets.

Important! Herbicides are sprayed only on green weeds, not on the soil!

Many and vegetable growers are distrustful of chemistry for weeds. But you should not worry about this, because it is not the means that bring harm, but their incorrect use.

Herbicides of specialized action harm only specific types of weeds, lawn grasses and cultivated plants (except for some garden ones), they do not cause harm.

Only one chemical preparation is allowed to be used on plantings of potatoes and tomatoes - this is containing metribuzin (700 g/kg). Other most safe, ecological and proven means are (selective herbicide, active ingredient clopyralid); combined "Propolol" (dicamba + chlorsulfuron), as well as preparations based on glyphosate: which kill almost all weeds.

Treatments with the above preparations should be carried out only during the growing season of weeds (on green leaves), while protecting flowering cultivated plants nearby with a film.

All consumption rates indicated on the packages of preparations are calculated based on the results of various tests and checks. Therefore, with strict adherence to the instructions, the use of chemicals against weeds will only benefit the site and provide reliable protection.

Did you know? The effect of herbicides is weather. When sunny weather is favorable for growth and development, the preparations penetrate the plants much faster and the death of weeds is accelerated. When cool, the opposite is true - they penetrate more weakly, the death of weeds slows down.

Soil mulching as a method of weed control

This is covering the surface of the soil with mulch to improve its properties and protection. Today, mulching is widely used for weed control in countries Western Europe, Canada and USA. Gradually, this method is becoming popular with us. The main advantages of mulching are the preservation of moisture and favorable temperature regime, preventing soil erosion, maintaining its friability and reducing the intensity of weed growth.
Almost all plants respond well to mulch, the main thing is to choose the right mulching material. To do this, you can use pebbles, crushed stone, gravel, cardboard and even newspapers moistened with water - this is an inorganic mulch. Organic include humus, needles, straw, hay, tree bark, nutshells, mowed grass, thin branches.

At the beginning of the season, you need to spread the mulch on the previously cleared, well-warmed soil. If you cover unheated soil with mulch, it will inhibit the growth of plants. At the end of the season, in late autumn, you need to clear the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rest of the mulch and burn it. When mulching seedlings, you need to leave a couple of centimeters free space at the base of the plant. The first mulching must be done immediately after planting, then add a fresh layer of mulch twice a year.

Folk methods of weed control

One of folk ways how to get rid of a weed in the garden is alcohol. Its essence is to sprinkle the soil with a 6% solution of ethyl alcohol a month before sowing. This helps to germinate millions of weed seeds, which are easy to remove mechanically before sowing, and the soil for sowing remains absolutely clean for a long time. Instead of alcohol, you can take moonshine: 1 l. for 10 liters of water.
This amount is enough to process 2.5 acres of land. This method is especially suitable for those who prefer an organic approach and do not like to use chemicals in farming.

With such a weed as a field bindweed, mustard will help fight. It is necessary to sow it twice a season in places where it grows the largest number this weed. Only for the winter mustard needs to be dug up.

Another home assistant who knows how to remove weeds in the country is the usual salt. It is necessary to evenly sprinkle the beds around the plants with it, retreating slightly from their bases. Salt will not only rid the site of existing weeds, but will also prevent new ones from growing for some time.

And another proven and effective home remedy for weeds is "herbicidal soap". Mix salt, vinegar and grated laundry soap (1:1:1). Spray the mixture on the weeds.

Weed control in the country: myths and reality

Among the many tips on how to remove weeds, there are outdated and not entirely effective. For example, you should not dig up the soil with or without reason, as many farming guides advise. Digging up the soil raises weed seeds that are deeply seated in the soil, which germinate faster in the light.

What are weeds and where do they come from

Weeds are usually understood as such plants that, according to the owner's plan, should not grow in a certain place in the garden or garden, but stubbornly strive to grow green and bloom there. In principle, those plants that are desirable in some places may become weeds in others. For example, lemon balm, which joyfully rose among cucumbers or tomatoes, may turn out to be a weed. And even the most well-groomed areas are not immune from the appearance of such uninvited guests. Equipping a garden with your own hands, it is impossible to insure that unwanted seeds will be carried by the wind, or they will be brought on the paws of a bird. Or weeds can crawl from a neighboring area, or even just from the street.

How to fight

When deciding how to deal with weeds in the garden, you should consider some facts. For example, how many of these same weeds have grown and how far they are from cultivated plants. If there are few of them, it is better to try mechanical methods (in other words, dig them out), and if the site is completely overgrown, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without herbicides.

mechanical method

In how to deal with weeds in the garden, the shovel and hoe remain the main assistant. That is, overgrown places are cleaned by simply digging them up, taking out an unnecessary plant from the ground with a root. Throwing it here on the ground is not recommended, as it can easily sprout again. The disadvantage of this method is clear: it is too laborious. Digging up the entire site, carefully taking out plants with roots, is a very tedious and often thankless job. But at the same time, the soil does not deteriorate, and nothing will happen to cultivated plantings (for example, with vegetables).


More modern way how to deal with weeds in the garden is the application chemicals. The first is herbicides. For example, "Hurricane", "Roundup", "Tornado". They work when they hit the leaves, move along the stem to the roots and cause the death of a particular plant. These substances are interesting in that they are completely broken down and do not harm subsequent useful landings. But they do not act on unsprouted seeds, so after a while the garden may turn green again, although not so intensively.

What else to do

Weeds, like everyone else, love sunlight. Therefore, if you isolate them from it, growth and development will stop. That is why summer residents, when deciding how to deal with weeds in the garden, cover all free land with an opaque film or cardboard (old linoleum, and in general any opaque material, will do). Under such a cover, the weeds gradually rot. Weed control is a tricky business. You need to do this regularly and systematically, without delay, because weeds have a habit of scattering seeds after maturation and multiplying. And next year will have to deal with a significantly increased number of them.

The damage that weeds do to the garden is known to everyone who is engaged in agriculture. They take from the vegetables, berries and spicy greens cherished by the gardener: water, important nutrients and sunlight. In addition, weeds often become a haven for a variety of pests, microorganisms and diseases. For example, wild onions can become a vector viral diseases, which are dangerous for onions, and quinoa contributes to the spread of such dangerous disease like phytophthora. How to reduce the damage caused by weeds? How to deal with weeds in the area? Are there any secrets of experienced gardeners that help to cope with the misfortune?

Ways to control weeds in the garden

  1. Mechanical - weeding the garden, beds and row spacing with a hoe or cultivator;
  2. application of herbicides;
  3. mulching.


Important! Never feed animals with weeds removed from the garden, as the seeds of some weeds are very tenacious and able to germinate even after being eaten by livestock, passing through the digestive tract and exiting with waste products.

The best results are obtained by weeding carried out after rain or watering. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to remove weeds from moist soil without damaging cultivated plants.

There are several fundamental rules for effective weeding:

  • The depth of mechanical tillage in the fight against weeds in the garden depends on the location of the root neck (ground or underground) and the shape of the weed root system. For example, plants with roots that go to great depths, such as pigweed, bindweed, horse sorrel, plantain, are recommended to be dug up with a root, this procedure is performed with a shovel or a manual puller. Grasses creeping along the ground, as a rule, have branched, shallow roots, they can be removed by deepening the chopper into the soil by 2–3 cm.
  • All cut and dug up weeds must be immediately removed from the garden. some of them are able to take root again - garden purslane, chickweed, etc.
  • Weed control in the garden should be carried out systematically and regularly, and not on a case-by-case basis.
  • Weeding should be done not only in beds, but also in areas near hedges, paths and agricultural buildings.

How to control weeds on the site using herbicides?

Advice! Before processing, check with lunar calendar. Sprayed on the aerial part of the plant, it is better to apply on the waning moon. At this time, the juice of the plant moves from top to bottom, from leaves to roots, which contributes to the best distribution of the product.

Herbicides are versatile, highly effective chemicals used to kill weeds. Today, manufacturers offer a variety of products with different properties and application methods.

  • Roundup.
    A common drug of continuous action, systemic herbicide. Affects young shoots and leaves, has a weak soil activity.
  • Tornado.
    A drug with a wide spectrum of action. The aboveground part of the plant is processed with it, then, having got through the stems and leaves, it spreads and enters root system, while the weed dies entirely. Treatment with this drug excellent results to fight even with such malicious aggressors as wheatgrass, pig, bindweed, reed.
  • Hurricane Forte.
    Post-emergence, non-selective herbicide. It is used for the complete elimination of perennial and annual weeds.
  • Glyphos.
    An aqueous solution, the main component of which is glyphosate. Blocks the synthesis of amino acids in the plant, thereby preventing it from developing.


simple and effective way weed control in the garden, this method allows, at minimal physical cost, not only to restrain the growth of unwanted plants, but also to significantly improve the land, as well as retain moisture.

Mulching products:

  • covering - various films (lutrasil, polyethylene) and non-woven materials;
  • crushed bark;
  • cardboard sprinkled on top with peat, humus or unbloomed lawn grass.

Important! The mulching film should not let light through, otherwise the weeds under it will feel great, like in a greenhouse.

Operating principle

The selected type of mulch is distributed over the site, preventing sunlight from reaching the soil. In film and non-woven coatings, for cultivated plants, cross-shaped slots are left. Thus, even perennial, with a powerful root system, weeds are gradually destroyed.

Video about the use of weeds in the garden

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