Description of the fragrant nutmeg pumpkin of the pearl variety. Butternut squash: how to grow a variety

Engineering systems 13.06.2019
Engineering systems

Pumpkin is useful and beautiful garden culture. Fruits contain many useful substances, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber. There are several varieties of vegetables grown on garden beds. Today we will talk about the description butternut squash, the sweetest and most delicious. Let's compare its two varieties: Vitamin and Pearl.

Plants form lashes of considerable length - up to 6 meters, on which fruits are tied, usually 2-3. Planted with seeds of 2-3 pieces per hole, planting to a depth of 10 centimeters, or seedlings. V middle lane guaranteed to ripen if grown in seedlings. This culture loves the sun and warmth. It is recommended to plant in rows.

The best soil for this pumpkin is light loamy and sandy loam.

Care includes pinching off side branches and the main stem. It also requires a full range of agrotechnical measures, consisting of watering, loosening, weeding, regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizer. Harvested in September-October. The crop must be harvested before the first frost.

Pumpkin vitamin close-up

Pumpkin Vitamin - late-ripening grade. Large, slightly ribbed, slightly elongated fruits ripen approximately 130 days after planting. The size of the fruit reaches a weight of 7 kilograms, and 5-kilogram specimens are common. Fruits are characterized by satisfactory keeping quality and transportability.

Light orange or yellowish thin bark hides crispy flesh of a dense, but delicate texture of rich orange color. The layer of fibrous pulp under the crust reaches 10 centimeters. Ripe fruits in large quantities contain carotene and sugar, and therefore they are used in baby food and therapeutic diets. Juice, mashed potatoes, pastries, and other vitamin dishes are prepared from the pulp. High taste qualities allow you to eat the pulp in its raw form.

Description and characteristics of the variety Pearl

Plants are distinguished by powerful growth, each gives up to 6 shoots, on each of which a fruit is formed. The weight of fruits of an oval cylindrical shape can reach 6, sometimes 8 kilograms, but not less than 3 kilograms.

The bark is smooth, thin, orange in color. Under it is a thick layer of dark pulp. orange color. A small seed nest is formed in the upper third of the fruit, the rest is occupied by the pulp.

The dense fibrous pulp contains a lot of sugars and carotene, useful for growth and vision.

Pumpkin pearl in a cut close-up

Agrotechnics of cultivation is the same as for other nutmeg pumpkins. The only remark, the name means the formation of a powerful bush, it is recommended to leave a space between plants of at least 60 cm. It tolerates temperature drops well. The crop ripens in 100-120 days - this is a mid-season variety.

Pumpkin is well stored and even improves taste during ripening, however, after six months of storage, the quality of the fruit begins to deteriorate. From the pulp, rich in carbohydrates, carotene, vitamins and useful micro and macro elements, dishes are prepared for baby food, delicious low calorie diet meals and drinks.

Comparison of two varieties of butternut squash

To compare two varieties - Vitamin and Pearl - we will compile a visual table

Butternut squash variety Vitamin Pearl
Plant appearance Long whips up to 6 m Several lashes
Preferred Soils Light loamy and sandy
Temperature regime thermophilic thermophilic
Landing methods Seeds in holes, seedlings Seeds in holes, seedlings
Number of fruits per plant 2-3 Until 6
Ripening terms 125-130 days, late maturing 100-120 days, mid-season
fruit shape Slightly elongated, slightly ribbed oval, smooth
Fetal weight 5-7 kg 3-6 kg, sometimes up to 8 kg
bark color Light orange, yellowish Orange
bark thickness Thin Thin
Pulp color Intense orange Dark orange
Pulp consistency Dense tender crispy fibrous
Sugar content High High
Carotene content High High
Lightness and portability Satisfactory Good
Recommendations for use Baby food, therapeutic diets. For the manufacture of juices, purees, pastries. Can be consumed raw. Baby food, therapeutic diets. For the manufacture of juices, purees, pastries.

Comparison of nutmeg pumpkin Vitamin and Pearl did not reveal a striking advantage of one species over the other. If the Pearl and ripens a little earlier, then the Vitamin wins somewhat in taste. The pearl keeps better and longer.

As for productivity and transportability, these indicators are almost the same for both varieties. Plants of both varieties require the same growing and care conditions, they are thermophilic. Only the shape of the fruit and their size differ.

Butternut squash is distinguished by juicy fibrous orange flesh with a characteristic pleasant flavor accent. Among cucurbits musk varieties differ especially high level sugar content. Thanks to these undeniable merits nutmeg pumpkin has gained popularity among gardeners.

The shape of the fruit can be very different, reach large sizes, but the taste of the fruit invariably remains on top. Both the Vitamin Musk Gourd and the Pearl can be successfully grown, both for personal consumption and for sale.

A wide variety of musk varieties makes it difficult to choose, and therefore the analysis of features and advantages carried out in this article, comparing them with each other, will make it possible to decide for the new season.

One of the most valuable plants that grow in many gardens are representatives of Pumpkin. Today they are represented by a wide variety of varieties that differ in taste and care features. Muscat pearl pumpkin is very popular. It is known for its aromatic pulp and simple cultivation.

This is a powerful plant that forms about 4-7 lateral lashes. They have medium sized leaves. They are dark green in color with a slight white blotch. The leaf plate is not dissected and pentagonal.

To get a ripe crop after planting seeds in the ground, about 100-110 days should pass. Although it often takes about 115-130 days for full ripening. The variety forms fruits, which are referred to as false berries.

Pumpkins of this variety have the following description:

  • cylindrical-round shape. However, there are round and oval pumpkins with a pronounced ribbed structure;
  • peel has a bright orange. This color of the skin acquires due to the high content of carotenes. During the ripening period, the color of the peel changes its color from gray-green to greenish-orange;
  • the skin is flexible and thin;
  • the pulp is thick. It is soft and juicy. All Muscat species are characterized by a fibrous structure of the pulp. It usually has an orange-yellow hue.

The fruits have big sizes. The average weight is often in the order of 8 kg. Pumpkins reach a length of 50 cm. It is worth noting that this variety has a small seed nest.

The fruits have an excellent taste, which led to the variety of such a high popularity. Many gardeners claim that its taste is the best of all members of the Pumpkin family. Berries are often used in cooking for various dishes.

The characteristics of the variety include the following parameters:

  • good yield;
  • cold resistance;
  • drought resistance.

Harvesting is carried out in dry and sunny weather. When removing pumpkins from the beds, it is not allowed to break off the tail up to its base. The tail should be at least 5-10 cm long. After separation from the bush, the berries should be in the sun for 3-4 days (weather permitting).

The fruits, if they were picked correctly, are able to tolerate long-term transportation well. While creating favorable conditions(warm and dry) they can be stored a long period time. It is not recommended to store them in the basement. Here the crop will be covered with mold and rot. When storing berries for more than 6 months, there is a significant deterioration in their quality.

The variety can be grown both for sale and for personal use.

Growing features

This variety of pumpkin requires certain conditions in terms of cultivation. They must be adhered to in order to remove a rich harvest of delicious fruits from the bushes at the end of the season.

For the cultivation of this variety, well-lit areas are chosen, which warm up quickly in the spring. The plant does not tolerate drafts, so the site must be protected from strong winds. It is best that the soil in the chosen place be light loamy or sandy loam.

Sowing seeds is carried out at the end of May, but planting is allowed seed and early June. It is recommended to prepare the seeds before planting. To do this, they are soaked in potassium permanganate. The seeds are also treated with a contact-type fungicide (prevention of many diseases).

The holes are dug at a distance of 1–1.4 m. A distance of 1.4 m is observed between adjacent beds. Two seeds are placed in each hole. The depth of their occurrence is 5–6 cm. Their active development begins at +18–25 degrees.

After the appearance of sprouts on the bed, they are thinned out. Good growth of young plants will provide proper care. In the case of a cold summer, pruning of the stems is performed. There should be no more than three left. The top is cut off when the shoot reaches a length of 0.5 m. This will stimulate the development of side shoots.

Branching internodes must be sprinkled wet soil. This procedure is performed 2-3 times during the season. As a result, a sufficient number of adventitious roots are formed, which leads to the active development of the vegetative part. It is on it that the harvest is formed.

In order for pollination to be successful, air humidity at the level of 60-70%, as well as a temperature of +20 degrees, is necessary.

Despite the good resistance of plants to drought, the pumpkin responds well to irrigation. Watering is carried out under the root. Watering is especially important during the period of active formation of inflorescences by plants, as well as during flowering and fruit set.

Watering is reduced after the bush has formed the bulk of the ovaries. Otherwise, excess moisture will noticeably worsen the quality of ripened pumpkins.

As you can see, caring for this pumpkin is simple and does not require a significant investment of time and effort. Therefore, the variety can be grown by novice gardeners.

Variety advantages

Pumpkin nutmeg pearl in its description of the variety contains the following list of advantages:

  • high yields;
  • the ability of plants to tolerate drought and low temperatures;
  • excellent taste qualities of pumpkins;
  • good fruit transportability;
  • excellent appearance of the crop;
  • high concentration of carotenes in fruits;
  • large-fruitedness. With proper care, pumpkins get a lot of weight.

The fruits of this variety are used in traditional medicine. They help in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, gout, etc.

The variety has no obvious shortcomings. Pumpkin Pearl has a lot of advantages and needs very simple care. Therefore, it is very often grown in domestic gardens.

Video "All you need to know about pumpkin"

From this video you will learn what every gardener needs to know about pumpkin.

Butternut squash- a plant of the gourd family. In accordance with the reviews of many people, it is these fruits that are the most delicious and sweet. These vegetables have juicy, fibrous flesh that is pale orange in color (see photo) and has a sweet taste. The fruits are covered with a thin skin, which is very easy to remove with a knife. Butternut squash can be round, oval and ribbed. In addition, depending on the variety, it can differ in the color of the fruit.

Mexico is considered the birthplace of this plant. Fruits can reach huge sizes, and their weight sometimes reaches up to 100 kg.

Beneficial features

The pulp of nutmeg pumpkin contains polyunsaturated fats, that is, these fruits do not contain cholesterol. Regular consumption of vegetables promotes elimination from the body. harmful substances and decay products. Due to its low calorie content, butternut squash can be used for weight loss and to maintain correct form. Considering this, nutritionists advise including this product in the diet of obese people.

Regular consumption of vitamin nutmeg pumpkin has a positive effect on the state of immunity. It is also worth noting that the fruits have a diuretic property. In this case, it is recommended to use this vegetable during the period of liver and kidney diseases.

The fruits of nutmeg pumpkin contain a lot of carotene, even more than carrots. Considering this, it is recommended to use a vegetable to improve vision. Since this pumpkin contains vitamin K, regular consumption of the fruit will help slow down the aging process. Also in the composition of the vegetable there is potassium, which has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels and blood.

Use in cooking

Sweet and fragrant pulp is widely used in cooking. To preserve all the nutrients nutmeg pumpkin eaten raw. Basically, it is put in salads. In addition, the fruits lend themselves heat treatment: it is boiled, baked, fried, etc. Stuffed fruits are very popular. Completely different products can be used as a filling: meat, vegetables, etc. After that, nutmeg pumpkin is used to make mashed potatoes, side dishes, and porridge. Due to its sweet taste, it is used for desserts, for example, halva, candied fruits, pancakes are made from it, and the fruits are also used for filling pies.

The benefits of nutmeg pumpkin and treatment

The benefits of butternut squash are due to the rich chemical composition. Doctors advise people who have problems with the circulatory system, heart and blood vessels to add these fruits to their diet. In folk medicine, butternut squash is also used. Some healers believe that eating these fruits will help to cope with cancer faster.

Harm of nutmeg pumpkin and contraindications

Muscat pumpkin can harm people with individual intolerance to the product.

Muscat pumpkin is one of the types of pumpkins, characterized by high taste and nutritional qualities, for which it is especially valued in cooking. Description of varieties of this species will help gardeners choose the best way to grow in your area.

Butternut squash and its features

Muscat pumpkin is quite easy to distinguish from other types of pumpkin, since its stalk has a five-sided shape and elongated fruits in the form of a cylinder, pear, oval, in rare cases, it has a rounded shape. Its fruits are also characterized by a delicate nutmeg aroma, for which this species got its name. Seeds are brown or dirty yellow.

A characteristic feature of all muscat - long term maturation - more than 110-120 days and the absence of bush forms.

Immediately after harvesting, their flesh has a pale color, which in the process of maturation becomes saturated, attractive, the aroma intensifies, and the sweetness of the vegetable increases. Therefore, nutmeg pumpkin is also called winter.

Attention! Muscat pumpkin should not be stored for more than 6 months, because, from prolonged storage, its taste deteriorates, and the pulp becomes loose, stratifying into fibers.

Muscat varieties of pumpkin have a number of properties that are beneficial to human health:

  • they contain a small amount of calories, so they are actively used in the diet;
  • have a diuretic effect, fighting edema;
  • due to the high content of potassium and magnesium, they strengthen the heart muscle, and due to the significant content of carotene, they improve visual function.

Varietal variety of nutmeg pumpkins: choosing the best variety

Thanks to successful work breeders, for this moment there are many varieties of nutmeg pumpkin, each of which has its own advantages:

  1. Arbatskaya. A large-fruited variety of a cylindrical shape, growing up, pumpkins can reach up to 20 kg of weight.
  2. Vitamin. The fruits of this variety grow up to 7 kg. They are distinguished by a ribbed shape of the fruit, a dark green skin, juicy sweet pulp, painted in a rich orange hue.
  3. Honey princess. The variety is distinguished by medium-sized fruits, weighing up to 4 kg and a particularly sweet taste.
  4. Butternut or walnut, squash. This variety was bred by Israeli breeders. Its pumpkins, due to their elongated shape, are a bit like zucchini, the peel and flesh are yellow in color. The taste is sweet, the pulp is juicy, fibrous.
  5. Muscat de Provence. French variety with bright orange ribbed fruits. The advantage of the variety is high keeping quality.
  6. Hokkaido. Japanese variety pumpkin nutmeg weighing about 2 kg. It has an original sweet-spicy taste, reminiscent of chestnuts, yellowish-orange color of the peel and pulp, pear-shaped.
  7. Spanish guitar. Interesting variety elongated shape, reaches a length of 1 m and a weight of 10 kg. The peel of pumpkins of this variety is spotty, green, and the flesh is sweeter than carrots.
  8. Candied. sweet variety with brown skin and orange pulp. Its fruits, weighing up to 5 kg, are resistant to nitrates, therefore they are recommended for use in medical and baby food.
  9. Bylinka. Her gourds are flat and have gray skins that change from dark to light as they ripen. The flesh of this variety is bright orange.

Attention! Among nutmeg pumpkins, there are varieties whose small fruits are used in portions in cooking. For example, the American variety "Squash F1 Festival", the fruits of which grow up to 600-700 g and may well be used as portioned pots. The fruits of this variety have a delicate nutty aroma, and the peel is a beautiful marbled green-orange color.

Special varieties for the middle lane

Butternut squash is a southern plant that requires a lot of sun and warmth. Therefore, in the middle lane and northern regions, it is recommended to grow it using seedlings or by choosing varieties with short term aging. These include:

  1. "Vita" - a variety with yellowish-brown fruits and dense orange flesh, has a high content of carotene. This variety can be used as a table vegetable and as animal feed.
  2. Pearl. Pumpkins of this variety have a pear-like shape, growing up, they reach a weight of 5 kg. The high palatability of this variety allows the use of pumpkin in raw and processed form.
  3. "Prikubanskaya". The variety is characterized by relative precocity - it matures in an average of 100 days, has a sweet juicy orange-red pulp.
  4. "Interception shortened." A variety that produces sweet fruits weighing up to 3 kg.
  5. "Golden Pear". The fruits of this variety have a teardrop shape and a bright sunny orange color. The dense pulp of pumpkins has a nutty flavor, reminiscent of roasted chestnuts or hazelnuts.

Planting nutmeg pumpkin seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of April, and the seedlings themselves are transplanted to a permanent place in early June. Caring for nutmeg varieties is similar to caring for other types of pumpkins. The unripe fruits are harvested, always before the onset of frost: in the northern regions - usually in mid-August, in the middle lane - in the first half of September, and pumpkins are left for ripening for up to 60 days.

The presence of a large varietal choice allows each gardener to choose their favorite version of nutmeg pumpkin. Unpretentiousness in care and the ability to use early ripe varieties, contributes to the spread of this pumpkin even in regions that are not typical for its cultivation.

Butternut squash varieties - video

The most delicious pumpkin varieties - video

Butternut squash - photo

Perhaps Cinderella's carriage was transformed by a butternut squash fairy. Although the birthplace of this amazing fruit is on a different continent than France. hot soil South America became a stepfather home for the orange beauty. But everything happens in fairy tales. Possessing magical properties, gustatory qualities, nutmeg pumpkin has long won its place at the dinner and festive table. So, let's find out more about this product.

Inside view

Butternut squash is a wonderful material not only for fabulous transport. On Halloween she gives great opportunities design of festive faces-lanterns. However, its main advantages are considered to be its inner world". The pulp is juicy, sweet, has dietary properties. The body easily and with pleasure assimilates pumpkin.

A lot of dishes are prepared from the fruit, which become favorite among demanding gourmets not only for their taste, but also for their low calorie content. In 100 grams, there will not be more than 31 units.

Benefit and harm

Nutmeg pumpkin is rich in vitamins. Varieties are different, but regardless of the type, the fruits contain necessary for a person pectins, mineral salts (phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium, manganese, copper). In terms of the presence of carotene, pumpkin is several times superior to carrots, which are more familiar to us. For those who attack the accumulated fat folds, overweight, dishes from the orange beauty will be a real salvation.

It is recommended to include pumpkin in the diet of pregnant women. People prone to "affairs of the heart" will benefit from this valuable product. It is claimed that butternut squash helps to reduce the risk of strokes and arrhythmias. Oncology is also included in the list of diseases in which the use of the fetus is recommended.

Additional valuable bonuses are a general strengthening effect for immunity, a beneficial effect on the condition in case of kidney ailments and liver disease. In addition, pumpkin has laxative and choleretic properties.


Muscat, as a rule, has a pear-shaped shape. Some compare her graceful figure to an hourglass. But this is far from the only option. appearance sweet beauty.

Today, Muscat pumpkin is also grown on Russian lands. The varieties that can most often be found among domestic farmers, we will now list. This:

  • pumpkin nutmeg "Pearl" of a cylindrical shape. Weight can reach 7.5 kg. Has a delicate inside;
  • pumpkin nutmeg "Vitamin", shape - elongated, weight up to 7 kg with crispy pulp;
  • Muscat pumpkin "Prikubanskaya", small, reaches only 4 kg, the pulp is sweet, tender.

Other varieties are also suitable for the non-chernozem zone. For example, "Marble" pumpkin, average weight which is 5 kg. It is distinguished by a spotted, grayish crust covered with tubercles. Inside it is traditionally orange, very sweet. Fruits can be stored up to 9 months.

Pumpkin "Arbatskaya" can reach a weight of 20 kg. Her cylindrical shape thickens towards the top. The peel is very bright, golden-orange. It is considered to be one of the late varieties. Overtakes the time of ripeness "Delicacy" pumpkin. Outwardly, it resembles a sports dumbbell. Unlike other species, this fruit has very few seeds inside. The Golden Pear variety is compared with a small drop. Possessing a modest weight, up to 2 kg, it tastes slightly like a nut.

Numerous varieties of nutmeg pumpkin are grown today by Russian farmers. The high popularity is explained not only by valuable qualities, nutritional properties, excellent taste. Butternut squash is stored for a long time, without requiring particularly refined conditions. Therefore, dishes prepared from this fruit can be seen on the table in any, even the coldest season.

Dishes and recipes

What to cook from butternut squash? Experienced chefs will immediately name a dozen dishes. Porridge, soup, meatballs, side dishes. Many options for stuffing the fruit. Pumpkin is added to pastries, sauces, creams.

For any celebration, you can cook a festive hearty dish. Muscat pumpkin will also help to surprise guests. There are many dishes from this product. For example, a baked fruit with a filling.

Recipe for baked nutmeg pumpkin with vegetables and minced meat

For cooking, you need a medium-sized fruit. In the list of ingredients:

  • cheese - 30-50 grams;
  • minced meat (preferably from pork and beef) - 100-150 grams;
  • bell pepper - 30-50 grams;
  • medium zucchini - 1 piece;
  • leek - 30-50 grams;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • oil (preferably olive) - 30-50 milliliters;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • thyme - 3 grams;
  • salt, red pepper, black pepper to taste.

cooking process

If the oven is an old model, it is better to preheat it in advance. The required temperature is 170 degrees.

The first step is to prepare the pumpkin. To do this, you need to cut it along. Muscat pear-shaped has a recess to the top, where the seeds are placed. They should be removed along with the connecting fibers. The result should look like two boats.

The next step is processing the pulp of the pumpkin. Notches are applied to the surface with a mesh. The incisions should not damage the peel, but they should be made deep enough.

The marinade is a must for this dish. It contains thyme, ground red pepper, black pepper, olive oil. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Grind the garlic beforehand, you can pass it through a crusher and a grater. Beat the resulting mass well with a fork, whisk or mixer.

With a culinary brush or pen, the marinade is applied to the dissected surface of the pumpkin. The filled halves should be allowed to stand for a while so that the dressing seeps into the notches, soaking the pulp.

Pumpkin blanks treated with marinade should be placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment, or in a special container with a heat-resistant surface. The halves are loaded into a hot oven. Baking time from 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the blanks.

While preparing the main dressing for the dish. Sweet pepper cut into small cubes. Zucchini is processed in the same way. If it is young and with a thin skin, then it is not necessary to clean it. A more mature fruit should be freed from the peel, cleaned out the seeds. Curd cheese is cut into cubes. Slightly put aside for decoration. The main part - in the filling. Leek is cut into rings of medium thickness.

Spices, salt are added to the minced meat, everything is thoroughly mixed. For satiety, you can use boiled rice.

The frying pan is on fire. On the vegetable oil the vegetable part of the filling is fried until the onion acquires a golden hue, then salted. After that, minced meat is added to it. It remains on low heat until cooked. Cheese is added to the filling. Stir the mass on fire until it melts.

Muscat pumpkin dishes are distinguished by special juiciness. Baked halves taken out of the oven also give juice, which is better not to pour out of the boats. Then the pulp will become even more tender, richer.

The filling is laid out in recesses with a slide. And the halves are sent back to the oven. The residence time is 10-15 minutes. Then again, the blanks are pulled out, the rest of the cheese is laid out on top. The last stage is 7-10 minutes of baking (until the cheese is melted).

The finished halves are sprinkled with herbs and served on a large platter. Baked pumpkin will become a royal treat and table decoration! Looks appetizing, tastes very juicy. Most importantly, it's satisfying.

Gourmets know how many first courses a nutmeg can decorate with its presence. Recipes are being improved almost daily, each chef brings something of his own. Let's take a look at one of the main ones.

Butternut squash soup recipe

It will take only about an hour to prepare the first orange dish. Ingredients for one medium pumpkin or 4 servings:

  • chicken broth - half a liter;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • spices, salt are added to taste.


We clean the pumpkin from the peel, seeds. Then cut into medium size cubes. We process potatoes in the same way. Finely chop the celery, carrots and onions.

You will need a large pot to make soup. The butter is melted right in it. We fall asleep chopped onions, celery, fry carrots, add potato and pumpkin cubes. Simmer for five minutes until lightly browned.

Pour in the broth so that the liquid completely covers the vegetable mass. After the broth boils, reduce the heat and cover the pot with a lid. Cook for 35-40 minutes.

Let the soup cool slightly. Pour into a blender and blend until a smooth puree is obtained. Pour into a saucepan again, pour out the rest of the broth, put on fire for a few minutes. Add salt and spices to taste. Serve with greens.

If we discard thoughts about the benefits, and first of all emphasize the taste, then you should pay attention to desserts that use nutmeg pumpkin. Recipes for mashed potatoes, jelly, even orange beauty cakes should be kept in every housewife's culinary notebook.

with raisins

One small butternut squash can make six servings of this dessert. Ingredients are listed per one:

  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  • cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • raisins, nuts to taste.

How to cook?

The pumpkin is baked in the oven. The pulp is laid out in a bowl. Here it is mixed with a blender with sugar, butter, cream and salt. The resulting puree is laid out in molds, raisins and nuts are added.


Now you know what a nutmeg pumpkin is, we told you the recipes for preparing this product. We hope you enjoy these delicious healthy meals. Orange mood to you!

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