Pumpkin Pearl Description of the variety. Muscat pumpkin - the sweetest vitamin

The buildings 03.06.2019
The buildings

Pumpkin Muscat de Provence, to buy on the wholesale price, you can directly from the manufacturer - Chalatov's peasant farm, a product of high value. This variety is notable for a surplus-rounded-rounded form of fruit weighing up to 8 kg with explicit division into sections. The color of the peel, like the pulp - orange, bright. This attractive product gives the product. marketable condition - Such a pumpkin stands out on the shelves against the background of other varieties. Muscat de Provence comes from Krasnodar Region At a wholesale price, all regions of Russia in the corrugated box, containers or bulk, there is a good transportability and the possibility of long-term storage.

Favorable price of pumpkin Muscat de Provence and its quality

Peasantic farm economy "Shalatov" is located in Krasnodar Territory, where, due to a favorable climate and sensitive care on fertile black soil, environmentally friendly products of high quality are grown. Pumpkin Muscat de Provence corresponds to high phytosanitary standards, which is confirmed by the documents that the buyer receives the wholesale purchase. The delivery of parties begins in September, and order wholesale pumpkin Muscat de Provence with delivery can be on the site or by contacting us by one of those proposed in the section "

To this afternoon I remember the fragrant spirit, which came from a Russian furnace, where the grandmother cooked pumpkin Kishu., and her extraordinary taste. But how much I tried to grow such a "real" pumpkin, nothing worked. No variety satisfy me, including gone, however, these pumpkins were given a lot of seeds.

Tykkin's new variety

And in the spring I ordered pumpkin seeds "Musk de Provence". I am very interested in the description of this variety. It was written that this pumpkin was stored all winter, used by cooks around the world, and it can be found in the menu of the best restaurants.

I will say right away: the grade justified itself. I sowed the seeds, I first show them for 6 hours in the solution of the drug "Power of growth" (6 drops per 100 ml of water). Then washed B. running waterwrapped in a wet cloth for swelling. On the third day, the seeds began to be sick. On the fifth I landed them in the ground.

Do not believe the written!

Landing, weeding, feeding, loosening, watering - all as with conventional vegetable crops. At the central plenty after three barring, they made a sepure, and the side shoots were completely removed. I want to note that this pumpkin has very long, powerful and thick vacations, and the leaves are huge and prickly.

True, a small problem turned out with the timing of vegetation. On sachet with seeds it was stated that 80 days passed from the germination. I got two times more: sowed seeds to the ground on May 20, and a pumpkin was removed from the site in mid-October. All of them were very large (from 10 to 40 kg) and ribbed.

Pumpkin for patient

Only in mid-November we decided to try the fruits and very disappointed. Pumpkin turned out to be tasteless, with a white flesh, which is uncharacteristic for such vegetables. Yes, and the appearance "drunk": yellow fruits were depicted on the package, and they turned out to be green.

I told the neighbors: "Take my pumpkin to feed your cattle." But they were in no hurry - there was no stock. And it's good that it happened! In December, the pumpkin somehow imperceptibly became yellow. We chose the biggest fruit - 40-kilogram.

When the son cut it down (it took just a gigantic knife), the juice was poured on the table, and a melon-watermelon-pumpkin aroma swam on the apartment. The pulp by this time acquired a dark orange colorShe was a thickness of 15 cm. Seeds in this pumpkin is not enough, and those poorly developed.

I immediately put cook porridge. And then I have already fully made sure that I finally found a pumpkin, although with the French name. It turned out to be for patient, because she needs time to ripen. By the way, the fruits of this variety are stored until April.


To prepare a "grandmother" porridge, you need to take 600-700 g pumpkins, 1 l of milk, a third of a glass of millet, a half-table of rice. Cook to the full readiness of rice and millet, and at the end of the cooking beat a raw egg, I pour into porridge and brand a little. The egg gives a quashe more spicy taste.

Another grader

The second grade of pumpkin, even more mysterious, - Peanut butter. This pumpkin is not too large - from 3 to 5 kg, very tasty, with dark orange flesh, juicy and sweet. It is quite possible in the raw form. Seeds are located at the bottom of the fetus. The peel is thin thin. The fruits of this variety are stored too until April.

Some of the most valuable plants that grow in many gods are representatives of pumpkin. Today they are represented by a variety of varieties that vary with the taste and peculiarities of care. Pumpkin is very popular with a nutmeg pearl. She is known for its fragrant flesh and simple cultivation.

This is a powerful plant that forms about 4-7 lateral weaves. They are formed by the leaves of the medium size. They have a dark green color with a weakly pronounced spa white shade. Sheet plate is not dissected and pentagonal.

To get the harvest after disembarking seeds in the ground, should pass about 100-110 days. Although often for complete maturation you need to go about 115-130 days. The variety forms fruits that are referred to as a false berry.

Pumpkins of this variety have the following description:

  • cylindrical rounded form. However, pumpkins are found rounded and oval shape with a pronounced ribbed structure;
  • the peel has bright orange color. Such a skin color acquires due to the high content of carotes. During the ripening period, the color of the peel changes its color with gray-green to greenish-orange;
  • skin is characterized by flexibility and subtlety;
  • the flesh is thick. It is characterized by soft and juiciness. For all nutmens, the fibrous structure of the pulp is characteristic. It usually has an orange yellow shade.

Fruits have big sizes. Middle weight is often about 8 kg. The length of the pumpkin is achieved 50 cm. It is worth noting that this variety has a small seed nest.

Fruits have excellent taste, which led to a variety of such high popularity. Many gardeners argue that her taste is the best of all representatives of the pumpkin family. Berries are often used in cooking for the preparation of various dishes.

The characteristics of the variety include the following parameters:

  • good yield;
  • cold resistance;
  • drought resistance.

Crop harvest is performed in dry and sunny weather. When removing pumpkins from the beds, the tilt is not allowed up to its base. The tail must have at least 5-10 cm length. After separation from the bush, the berries must stay in the sun 3-4 days (if weather conditions allow).

Fruits, if they were assembled correctly, can well tolerate long-term transportation. While creating favorable conditions (heat and dry) they can be stored a long period time. It is not recommended to store them in the basement. Here the harvest will be covered with mold and rot. When storing a berry for more than 6 months there is a significant deterioration in their qualities.

A variety can be grown both for sale and for personal use.

Features of cultivation

This pumpkin grade requires certain conditions in terms of cultivation. They must be adhere to that at the end of the season remove a rich crop of delicious fruits from bushes.

For the cultivation of this type, well-lit plots are chosen, which in the spring quickly warm up. The plant does not tolerate drafts, so the site must be protected from strong winds. It is best that at the chosen place of the soil was light-coded or soup.

Sowing seeds is performed at the end of May, but landing is allowed sowing material And in early June. Before planting seeds, it is recommended to prepare. To do this, they are soaked in mangartee. Also, seeds are treated with contact type fungicide (prevention of many diseases).

The wells are digging at a distance of 1-1.4 m. Between neighboring beds, the distance of 1.4 m is observed. There are two seeds in each hole. The depth of their occurrence is 5-6 cm. Their active development begins at + 18-25 degrees.

After the appearance of sparks on the garden, their thinning is performed. Good growth of young plants will provide correct care. In case of cold summer, pruning stalks. They should remain no more than three pieces. The top is cut when the escape reaches a length of 0.5 m. It will allow the side shoots to build on the development.

Branching interstitials must be filled with damp soil. Such a procedure is performed 2-3 times during the season. As a result, a sufficient amount of apparent roots are formed, which leads to the active development of the vegetative part. It is formed by a harvest.

So that the pollination has passed successfully, air humidity is needed at 60-70%, as well as the temperature of +20 degrees.

Despite the good stability of plants before drought, the pumpkin reacts perfectly to irrigation. Watering is performed under the root. Watering is especially important during the period of active formation of plants of inflorescences, as well as in flowering and the tie of fruits.

Watering is reduced after the bush formed the bulk of the uncertainty. Otherwise, the excess moisture will noticeably worsen the quality of the ripe pumpkins.

As you can see, care for this pumpkin is simple and does not require significant costs of strength and time. Therefore, the grade can grow novice gardens.

Dignities of variety

Pumpkin Muscat Pearl In its description of the variety contains the following list of advantages:

  • high yield indicators;
  • the ability of plants to transfer drought and low temperatures;
  • excellent taste of pumpkins;
  • good fruit transportability;
  • excellent appearance of the crop;
  • high concentration in fruits of carotes;
  • largeness. When the pumpkin is proper to leave with a lot of weight.

The fruits of this species are used in folk medicine. They help in the treatment of liver diseases, kidneys, gallbladder, gout, etc.

Explicit deficiencies have no grade. Pearl pumpkin has a lot of advantages and needs very simple care. Therefore, it is very often grown on domestic gardens.

Video "All you need to know about pumpkin"

From this video you will learn about what you need to know about pumpkin to every gardener.

Muscat pumpkin - this is annolete plant, with long leaves growing on the stems that make up the ground. This is one of the most delicious varieties, its fruits of sugar and juicy. Most of all, such a pumpkin is suitable for cooking desserts. Since it is very dependent on the Sun, it is preferable to grow it in the warm regions. Muscat pumpkin varieties with photos and a description presented on our website will help you grow up this plant on your

Muscat pumpkin varieties with photos and descriptions

Muscat pumpkin varieties - what are there?

The benefits of nutmeg types of pumpkin:

  • lack of cholesterol in the fruits of nutmeg pumpkin;
  • low calorieness;
  • contributes to the elimination of the body harmful substances, has a diuretic effect;
  • contributes to improving immunity;
  • the presence of carotene helps strengthen the visual function;
  • maintaining potassium, strengthens the organs of the cardiovascular system.

The following grade of nutmeg pumpkin is distinguished:

- The richest carotene content (up to 16%) variety of pumpkins. The appearance of the pumpkin is distinguished by a dark colorful and ribbed shape, the flesh of her saturated red, crispy and sweet. Fruits can achieve weight in seven kilograms. As a rule, it has a good yield, but the spill is long enough - about a hundred thirty days.

- This pumpkin is a favorite for softness and sweets. They have the fruits medium weight (about 4 kilograms), sleeping in early August (subject to sowing in April).

(Nut, nutmeg, squash) - has an elongated form, something like a zucchini. Color both outside and inside saturated yellow. The internal structure has a fibrous, to taste - juicy and sweet.

- This is one of their new varieties, she has a very original form - Long, resembling a pear. The pulp of such a pumpkin juicy and very tasty. Its growth period is about 130 days, the mass of the middle fetus reaches 5 kilograms. The pearl grade of nutmeg pumpkin is very tasty both in fresh and in recycled form.

- This variety, as can be seen from the name, developed in France. It has a high yield, fully ripens around four months. The fruits of pumpkin of this variety is distinguished by an orange color and a ribbed surface, her pulp is very dense, bright orange, has excellent taste. The main dignity and is excellent from other varieties of a nutmeg pumpkin in the fact that her kind is perfectly stored and tolerate transportation perfectly.

- This is a variety derived by Japanese breeders. It has a shape of a pear, the taste of her something resembles chestnut - sweet and spicy. The pumpkins of this variety do not have a large size, reach approximately 2 kilograms.

- A variety that is characterized by high ease. As can be seen from the name, it has a guitar form, can reach weight in four kilograms. As a rule, ripen at the beginning of autumn.

Muscat pumpkin varieties are known to be a lot, one can also note such as: zucchny (brown top and orange inside), golden pear (has a drop shape, sweet and vigorous), Matilda (with a wonderful honey aroma), Augustine (reminding the covered zucchini, With a dense flesh white color). Allocate the largest pumpkin of a nutmeg variety - Arbatskaya, its weight can reach twenty kilograms. Among the pumpkins of this species, it matures later, has a cylinder form.

As a rule, nutmeg varieties are grown in the south, but also for middle strip Russia breeders brought several varieties:

  • Vita: It is used both in the table and in feed food, the fruits have light brown, and the pulp is orange.
  • Pearl: Used for food and preservation. Virtually all the fruit is filled with a dense, sweet pulp. Rich carotine and gives a rich harvest.
  • Prikubanskaya: Mid-line variety (about a hundred days), with red-orange flesh, very juicy and sweet.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that the grade of a nutmeg pumpkin, with a photo and description On our site, will not be difficult to grow even novice gardens. It grows by landing seedlings and immediate seeding. It does not require very careful care, but always pleases the sweet and juicy harvest.

In a large family bakhchy culture A nutmeg pumpkin occupies a special place. Due to excellent taste and use, it can be called a real queen, especially for the cultivation of such a ticking you need to create special conditions. But with the knowledge of the main techniques of agrotechnology, it is possible to grow a nutmeg beauty in any regions, and please yourself and closely awesome vegetable.

A little bit about pumpkin and history

In a wild form, this type of pumpkin grows in Central America - on the territory of Mexico, Peru, Colombia. Fruits can have various shapes and color, respectively, and mass:

  • cylindrical;
  • oval;
  • pebble;
  • rounded.

Most often B. open soil Grow the nutmetic ticking of the extended species, as well as the "cylinders" and "pears". All their fruit has a special five-marched form. Weight different, from 1 to 8-10 kg, there are gigantic copies reaching 100 kg.

Peel bent, thin. Inside, almost the entire pumpkin is filled with pulp, seed cameras are very small and are compact in one place. The pulp juicy, fibrous, gentle, has orange. Different varieties can have shades: cream, amber, dark yellow. The taste is sweet, the very pleasant fragrance of Muscat is felt.

On a note!

It is believed that the best taste of a nutmeg pumpkin of small sizes.

A nutmeg pumpkin has different names: "Batternat", "nut", "Moskhat" and others, but regardless of their own behalf, this culture has earned popularity among gobby. In the Russian regions, the big does not grow up, all the same, this vegetable is thermal-loving, but good care And sowing through seedlings in the open soil you can get pumpkins up to 5-7 kg (depending on the variety).

Useful properties of pumpkins

In addition to the fact that orange beauty is incredible delicious vegetable, she also possesses numerous useful properties. As part of the pulp of nutmeg pumpkin is contained in large quantities:

  • vitamins A, C, B, B6, E, K, and others;
  • potassium, magnesium, manganese.

The vegetable is dietary, low-calorie, is widely used in baby diet. The content of carotene pumpkin "is ahead of" carrots, so it must be used in food to those who have vision problems.

Pumpkin fruits - false berries, help to remove harmful slags from the human body, toxins, contribute to the rehabilitation of the kidneys, slow down the processes of the organism. It is useful to use a delicious vegetable to improve blood clotting, people suffering from heart disease, as well as those who wish to increase immunity.

And, of course, a nutmeg pumpkin found an application in cooking. The pulp it is better to use fresh, using in salads. Delicious are puree, various samples and cereals, also from pumpkin content you can cook excellent pancakes. Muscat ticking of small sizes stuffed, and as a filling you can take vegetables or meat. Popular pies with pumpkin, Halva and Cuokati.

Features of choosing a place for pumpkin

Since this type of pumpkin "arrived" into our edges from warm continents, then special conditions need special conditions for growing vegetable culture in the open soil. Muscat pumpkin is very demanding of heat, so the gloomy of the middle strip and more northern regions must not only be selected early variety, but also grow a vegetable through seedlings.

For landing it is required to choose solar sections, while it is better to make high ridges. So the nutmess "Yuzhanka" will be warmer and more comfortable. The ridges must be covered with the sun all day, protected from winds. The best soils - Lungs, loamy, without moisture.

On a note!

Pumpkin is best growing at the ridges, where they grown sites, legumes, cabbage or onions. It is impossible to plant a nutmetic (like other types of pumpkin) to the areas after cucumbers, mudflows, potatoes.

The garden is better to cook in autumn, then fresh manure can be added. If the autumn works did not spend, then the spring plot is drunk, making a referee compost or last year's coward, you can also add super phosphate.

Growing and care for nutmeg pumpkin

Care for seedle

In most Russian regions, this pumpkin is grown by a seedler. To do this, first need to prepare seeds, as well as tanks for seedlings and soil.

Sowing time is about the end of April, although it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the region. It is believed that the seedlings of Tykkov must have age - 3-4 weeks, be strong and healthy. Here, based on this, and you need to choose the right term for sowing seeds to seedlings.

  1. Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, in time - about 30 minutes.
  2. Then they are soaked in any growth stimulator.
  3. Next you need to rinse seeds, decompose wet fabric For germination.

Sustained seeds are placed in a pot with a soil mixture, two in each. The pots must have a diameter of at least 10 cm, it will then be more convenient to make a transplant.

You can cover the tank with a film and remove into a dark and warm place. But as soon as sprouts appear from the ground, the pumpkin is transferred to the illuminated windowsills and remove the shelter. Typically, the seeds ride very quickly and it is important to prevent the shading of plants so that they do not stretch.

If the sowing was produced two seeds to the pot, then after a while, one cut off, leaving the strongest and strong. Two weeks later, if the weather allows, you can make the seedlings of pumpkins on the loggia or balcony, conducting hardening it. But it is necessary to control the temperature and prevent its sharp drops. Pumpkin is a very thermo-loving plant, and it is not worth it in stress in the form of cold.

Caring for the seedle, it is necessary to water it regularly, since under the sun, the soil in the pots can quickly disperse.

Usually by the end of May - the beginning of June the soil on the ridge warms up, and the seedlings can already be replaced at a permanent place. When landing, the soil temperature should be not lower than + 10ºC, otherwise the seedlings will be root and may die.

The landing scheme in the open ground is chosen arbitrarily, but it is necessary to remember that there should be a distance of at least 60 cm between seedlings big square Nutrition.

Pumpkin care

Agrotechnology of this culture is simple, there are no specific and complex techniques. After planting seedlings, it is recommended to cover the pumpkin nonwoven material, It will save young seedlings from the hot rays of the sun, will save from returnable frosts.

Care includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • war gun.


It is especially important to clean the weeds in the first weeks after disembarking seedlings, until the pumpkin themselves are fully in force. Later, when the plants are growing, form the screens, and the leaves will start covering the nearby space, the weeds themselves will no longer grow, so it will only be necessary to loosen the soil.


The plant in the open ground tolerates drought well, but thanks the harvest if regular irrigation will be provided. Only in this case, the vegetable will grow intensively, and the fruits are poured. Before the appearance of the barriers, it is poured once in 7 days, later - at least once every 10-14 days.

Adult plants "drink" at least five liters, while the water should not fall on the leaves of the vegetable.

Pour the nutmetic pumpkin only with estimated and warm water, the temperature is at least + 18-20ºC.

Reliens are required, as this contributes to the saturation of soil with oxygen.


Tykovka react perfectly to the introduction of a cowboy, ash, so it follows several times for the season to feed nutmeg beauties. Recommended:

  • for the first feeding, use the infusion of a cowber (diluted with water 1:10), and you can also add about 25-40 grams of superphosphate;
  • for the second feeding (already during the flowering of pumpkins), a complex fertilizer is used, as well as potassium sulfate or ash.

During the flowering period, as well as the ripening of fruits, the organic was excluded from the feeding.

On a note!

Effectively use green "tea" for feeding: in the barrel to insist the nettle (about 7-10 days) and water this infusion of the plant.

Typically, such fertilizers use gardens, preferring to do with the cultivation of vegetables without "chemistry".

Pumpkin pollination

Another point: Pumpkins are not self-polishing plants, and therefore bees or bumblebees are needed, which will "help" to transfer pollen from a male flower to female. But it is not worth counting on such pollination, so it is recommended to make the procedure manually.

For this find male flower With a chuck, covered with pollen (usually the "peasants" begin to bloom earlier), carefully remove the petals from it, and then touch the chuckle of the pistols of the female flower.

On a note!

The procedure is better to do early in the morning when there is no daily heat.

Determine where male and female flowers are very simple. W. female flower Immediately under it there is a small thickening - the future fruit, and male flowers There is no such thing, and immediately after the flower makers there is a skeleton.

Formation of plants

Want to get large and sweet fruits, it means that you need to correctly form pumpkin bushes. On one plant can be a lot of uncess, but it is impossible to provide all powers. Therefore, the pumpkins grow well and ripen, leave no more than two-three ticking on one bush. All other wounds are cleaned.

The stalks are pinching (approximately 50 cm after tie), unnecessary shoots are removed. Also to improve nutrition make the skewers. What need to do? Carefully straighten the screens of pumpkins, and sprinkle them in several places. Stems will give roots that will additionally feed the bush.

Pumpkin cleaning

Two weeks before harvesting, the pumpkin watering stops. Also, if necessary, you can cover plants with nonwoven material.

Clean the pumpkin, starting from the end of August, but again, it all depends on the conditions of particular locality. A nutmetic pumpkin does not tolerate even the slightest decline in temperature, so it is desirable to remove the fruits to possible cooling.

Tykokov take off only in dry weather, gently cut off the fetus by the secateur. Fruit leave, "tail" - about 3-4 cm.

When cleaning, it is necessary to handle the fruits very carefully, trying not to damage the thin skin of the nutmeg pumpkin. Only fruits with whole skin and fruit with a "tail" will be kept for a long time.

This type of pumpkin under proper conditions can excellently "live" to spring. Best temperature For storage - + 12ºC, although it is nicely compatible and at room temperature. Many believe that the longer this pumpkin will be kept, the better and tastier will be the pulp of fruits.

How to deal with diseases and pests of pumpkin

Sweet nutmeg pumpkin likes not only to people. In case of non-compliance with the rules of cultivation and crop rotation on the site of the plant are affected by a bypass tower, as well as a bulk tool.

Therefore, it is necessary:

  • disembarking plants according to the scheme, avoiding thickened landings;
  • regularly pouring the beds;
  • ruff the Earth.

When detecting pests will have to use special preparationswho acquire in specialized stores. Of folk remedies Recommended:

  • soap solution (on the water bucket take 200 grams of chips of the economic soap);
  • infusion wormwood.

Great damage can be slugs that usually appear in rainy and cool days. To effectively apply against them the treatment of plants ashes, tobacco dust, spray plants with informos, wormwood, garlic.

Of the disease, the most dangerous are:

  • white rot (helps treatment with copper sulfate solution);
  • bacteriosis (for prevention use treatment with copper chlorokis).

With white rot, you can also sleep damaged areas with crowded charcoal, lime with membrane.

Muscat pumpkin varieties

Breeders are working to bring new varieties of nutmeg pumpkin, and today is quite large on sale. varietal variety This vegetable.

Pearl (pumpkin nutmeg pearl)

It is a medium-time variety, forms major fruits from 5 to 8 kg. Pumpkins have a rounded cylinder form, a peel in the period of full maturity of orange. The flesh of juicy, amber shade. Seed nest of small size. The description of the variety will be incomplete if it is not added that many gardeners consider the pearl to be the most delicious all nutmeg pumpkins.


Medium-bed variety, famous for its magnificent taste qualities. Fruits are large, round, slightly fightened. Can grow with good care up to 10 kg, on average - 5-6 kg. Skin color - greenish-gray, orange pulp, juicy. Marble pumpkin is grown in various regions of Russia.


Pretty popular grade standing in big row Muscat pumpkins due to its relative boom. Before aging from the shooting period, it takes about 100-105 days.

Pumpkin Prikubanskaya has fruits cylindrical form, on average, they weigh up to 3-4 kg. The pulp of orange color, juicy, tasty.

To obtain good harvestYou need to use high-quality seeds. The most yields can be ordered on the official website of the Gardens of Russia. Large selection of varieties for every taste.

Muscat de Provence

Another amazing grade of a nutmeg pumpkin, standing out by beautiful fruits with pronounced grooves.

Pumpkin Muscate Provenskaya refers to a medium-variable group of varieties, until aging, a period of almost 115 days is required. Skin, like pulp, has an orange color, thin. This variety contains in the fruits record a large number of Carotene, and is also resistant to many pumpkin diseases. Use for cooking juices and mashed potatoes.

Marina from Kijdja (Maja di Kijda)

Pumpkin Marina from Kijda amazes not only with excellent taste, but also original external species fruit. They have a rounded, slightly flashed, the color of the skin - from gray to greenish blue. Weight reaches 8-12 kg. The flesh is juicy, sweet, bright orange. The pulp of this pumpkin is missing for such vegetable crops astringency. Fruits are used in the fresh form, for the preparation of citrates, cakes, a variety of desserts.

Golden pear

The early grade of nutmeg pumpkin is distinguished by resistant to diseases, yield and the possibility of long-term storage of fruits.

Ticking have an original drop-shaped form, by weight - small, up to 2-3 kg. The color of the peel is yellow, the flesh is orange, full-time, with a characteristic nut aroma. Golden pear pumpkin is one of the innovations of breeding, but has already proven itself among the gardeners.

Honey guitar

Large-fed grade of nutmeg pumpkin, medium impact. The pumpkin variety the honey guitar has the form of Bulava (see photos), the fruits reach weight up to 12-15 kg. Skin has a grayish brown, the flesh orange. The taste is excellent, with honey-watermelon flavor. The variety is different high yieldmay be kept up to 10 months.


One of the novelties of the domestic selection is the Augustine pumpkin, which has a high yield, excellent taste.

Cylindrical fruits, externally similar to the zucchini. The skin is dark green, the pulp of yellowish, crisp. The seed nest is very small, located in the thickened part of the fetus.

By storage time - up to 100 days without loss of taste properties.


Pumpkin nutmeg vitamin ripens around 130 days, so seedlings cannot do without cultivation. Fruits have a lot of up to 7 kg, rounded, slightly closed shape. The bark is yellowish, ribbies are noticeable on the surface.

Pumpkin Vitamin is famous for its high taste, great content in the pulp of sugars, as well as so much useful carotene.

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