Yucca - flower care at home and in the garden. Yucca (Yucca)

garden equipment 16.06.2019
garden equipment

Yuka is a heat-loving flower from the Agave family, which fell into temperate latitudes from the tropical and subtropical climate of Central America. The tree or shrub plant is also known as the "denim tree", since it was this culture that became the raw material for the production of denim fiber. A beautiful and unpretentious culture in the wild is represented by 30 species, some of which are cultivated in middle lane Russia on the windowsills of apartments and in garden open ground.

The yucca flower has its own characteristics that should be considered when growing:

  • Bright lighting - culture, being a native of desert areas with a scorching sun, needs good lighting.
  • Flowering - buds are laid only when the flower is in the cold for a long time.
  • Growth rates - the development of yucca is very slow, which forces impatient flower growers to acquire an already adult plant.

Yuca flower (Yucca): home care

The yuca home flower, reaching a height of up to 2 m, requires the implementation of only the most basic rules.

Lighting and location

To provide the necessary bright lighting, similar to natural, it is recommended to place the yucca near the southern windows. In the absence of such an opportunity, the brightest rooms are selected, where, if necessary, an additional light source is organized.


For the spring-summer period, the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bin the range of 20-25 ° C are suitable for the plant. lowering in winter temperature regime should be limited to a limit of 10°C.

Substrate requirement

Yucca needs light, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5-7.5 and excellent throughput water. The substrate can be purchased at the store or prepared independently, taking humus, compost, sod land and sand in equal parts.

Irrigation system and air humidity

Watering yucca should not be plentiful and frequent, which may darken the edges of the leaves and begin to develop root rot. With an optimal irrigation regime between procedures, the substrate should have time to dry to a depth of 5 to 7 cm. Yucca growing under the hot sun does not need spraying, with the exception of some moisture-loving species.

Advice! If the air in the apartment is too dry, it is better to install a humidifier or a container of water near the flower.

Top dressing and fertilizer

The plant responds well to foliar feeding, which is carried out twice a month from mid-spring to late summer. As fertilizers, preference is given to mineral complexes, the concentration of which, when used, should be half that indicated on the package.

How to care for the leaves, cleaning from dust

To facilitate the breathing of a flower and rid the leaf plates collected in sockets of accumulated dust, you can resort to spraying from a fine spray gun. However, this procedure should not be abused.

Yucca flower transplant

The culture is transplanted only when necessary - the pot has become small, the rhizome has become rotten, or the yucca was purchased 2 weeks ago.

During the procedure:

  1. A high stable pot is selected, on the bottom of which a drainage layer of expanded clay is placed.
  2. Using the transshipment method, the instance is moved to a new container.
  3. The remaining voids are filled with soil, which is compacted and moistened.

Attention! In case of disease, the earthen lump is broken, and the diseased parts of the rhizome are removed, after which the plant is planted in a new substrate.

Landing in open ground

Often, yucca adorns home gardens with its exotic appearance. country houses. And in this case, one of the main stages for successful cultivation is planting.

Soil preparation and site

For garden varieties a well-lit place with a deep bedding is chosen ground water. If the relief of the site allows, then it is better to select sites on hills with slight shading at the peak. solar activity. When digging the site, peat and sand are introduced to ensure a loose soil structure.

Landing technology

Planting yucca is carried out in the spring after the establishment of stable heat or in early autumn. Wherein:

  1. Planting pits are prepared, twice the diameter of the root system of seedlings.
  2. A layer of gravel is placed at the bottom.
  3. After planting the seedlings, the soil is lightly compacted and moistened.

garden care

Yucca in the open field requires a little attention. For exotic flower it is necessary to provide two main components - watering and top dressing.


The main rule when watering is to avoid excessive moisture. The drooping foliage will become a signal for the next portion of watering, which is carried out with settled water.


After planting a young plant in the garden for the first two years, the yucca is fertilized during the active growing season twice a month with complex mineral fertilizers. After the flower reaches the age of three, top dressing can be carried out with the inclusion of organic fertilizers.

Winter Care

In order for the yucca to successfully overwinter in the open field, its foliage is collected in a tight bundle and covered with organic material. It is also possible to cut the stem in half and then wrap it.

Plant propagation

Yucca breeds like seed way, and vegetative, which is more acceptable due to the too slow growth rate of the culture.


With the advent of spring and until the end of summer, cuttings are carried out, in which:

  1. Sections of prepared cuttings are dried in the shade.
  2. After 12 hours of exposure to air planting material deepens 4 cm into moistened sand.
  3. Rooting is noted after 3-4 weeks when plantings are kept indoors with bright light and a temperature of 25-30 ° C.

Barrel parts

From an adult, overgrown specimen, you can get several young plants.

If you use the method of reproduction, in which:

  1. The tops of an adult plant are cut off.
  2. The cut sites are treated with an antiseptic.
  3. After drying in the fresh air, the tops are immersed in boiled water.
  4. After the formation of roots, new plants are planted in separate pots.

Advice! If the trunk is of considerable size, then you can divide it into several parts, each of which should be planted in an individual container.

Pests, diseases and control methods

When the immune system is weakened due to a violation of the regulations for the care of yucca, scale insects are noted, spider mite, aphids and thrips. The shield can be successfully treated with a saturated soapy solution, which is left for an hour. After that, it is washed off. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. In the fight against harmful insects, insecticidal preparations are the most effective. Among the most common diseases, rot and spotting stand out, which can be cured by early stages development by spraying with fungicides.

Potential Growing Problems

Cultivation of a representative of exotic flora is often associated with certain difficulties:

  • Yellowing of leaf plates- if the yellowness touched only the lower tier of the leaves, then this is a natural process associated with the maturation of the yucca. When yellow spots elliptical shape, brown spotting is diagnosed, which must be treated in a timely manner.
  • Drying of the leaves- the lower leaf plates dry for natural reasons, while the reason for the drying of the upper ones is heat and lack of light. If the problem touched only the tips, then this is due to the dryness of the air.
  • leaf shedding- an excess of moisture in the soil can provoke a similar situation, which is easy to deal with when the irrigation regime is normalized.

Garden yuca flower in landscape design

The exotic representative fits perfectly into the gardens, made in mediterranean style. A drought-resistant culture is indispensable for the design of rockeries and composite flower beds, where the yucca is located in the center. The flower looks great flights of stairs and rocky patios. An exotic representative in a flowerpot will decorate any architectural art objects.

Thus, the undemanding yucca flower, the care of which is not at all burdensome even for a busy person, is a beautiful plant that can decorate not only a living space, but also household plot, bringing notes of overseas design to the landscape.

Sadovaya. A plant similar to an exotic palm tree looks very impressive and festive in the garden. Recently, this decorative flowering culture has gained great popularity among landscape designs and gardeners. In this article will be discussed about planting and nuances of caring for garden yucca in the open field.

Description and photo of garden yucca

The exotic plant is perennial tree shrub and belongs to the Agave family. Its stiff xiphoid leaves form a dense rosette in which they grow in a spiral. Leaf plates can have a green or gray color and grow up to 25-100 cm. A large panicle extends from the center of the outlet - a peduncle with drooping white or milky flowers. Up to 200 bells 7 cm long and up to 5 cm wide can bloom on each inflorescence per season. By the end of the season, a seed fruit is formed on the plant.

Types of garden yucca

Two types of yucca are grown outdoors:

  1. Yucca gray is distinguished by leaves up to 90 cm long and a short trunk. Its thin greyish-green leaves have lighter edges. Yellowish or greenish-white flowers form narrow, small-branched inflorescences. The peduncle can grow up to three meters. The plant is not demanding on the soil, and can grow even on sand. The gray yucca tolerates drought and frost well, but can die with excessive moisture.
  2. Yucca filamentous is a bush with xiphoid leaves up to 70 cm long. In width, its leaves can grow from 3 to 10 cm. They are framed by protruding threads along the edges, and are slightly bent from above. Peduncle 2.5 m long consists of beige-white drooping flowers. Yucca filamentata is very unpretentious plant which can withstand frosts down to -20C.

Yucca garden: planting and care, photo

It is not recommended to plant the acquired plant immediately in open ground. First it needs to be tempered. For this, in the early days of the bush taken out to fresh air for an hour or two. The time spent outside gradually increases, and after about two weeks, the yucca can be planted in a permanent place.

An exotic plant loves light, so well-lit, elevated areas are suitable for it. When landing in the shade, or even partial shade, the rosettes become loose and thinner. In variegated species, the leaves turn pale.

Landing Features

For young bushes are required not very large pits, but taking into account their growth. For a three year old large plant the pit in girth should be from 70 to 100 cm. Their root deepens by 40-50 cm.

It is recommended to dig up the ground and prepare a hole for planting yucca in the fall. The site should be well-drained and non-clay. The best thing garden yuccas grows on clay-stony, sandy, calcareous soils and black earth. The plant does not like waterlogging, so there should be no groundwater near the place of its planting.

Coarse gravel or sand and two handfuls of ash are poured into the bottom of the hole. The bush is carefully planted and its roots are sprinkled with earth. The soil is slightly pressed by hands and watered with water at room temperature.

The plant is planted in the spring, after the night temperatures are at least +10C. It is recommended to work while planting a bush with gloves, as dense leaves can prick or cut your hands.

Watering and subcortex

The tropical plant does not require excessive care. When grown outdoors, regular but infrequent watering. It should be carried out only after it dries well. upper layer soil. From time to time, the leaves of the shrub can be sprayed, especially if they wither or dry out. Spraying is done in the evening or early in the morning.

Twice during the active growth of the garden yucca, it is fed with complex mineral fertilizers for succulents. The first top dressing is applied at the beginning of the vegetative period, which begins in May, and the second - after the flowering of the plant.


An overgrown exotic tree that has been growing in one place for a long time requires a transplant. In a new place, garden yucca will grow with renewed vigor and bloom spectacularly. However, it is not advisable to transplant the plant too often.

  1. Transplant in spring or late summer.
  2. Dig up the plant very carefully so as not to damage the roots. It must be borne in mind that in an adult plant they can go to a depth of up to 70 cm.
  3. If a shoot has appeared near the bush, then it must be separated and planted as an independent plant.
  4. The new landing site should not be very different from the old one. The site should be well lit and protected from drafts.

The transplanted garden yucca, after two weeks, is fed with special complex fertilizers. It will bloom a year after transplantation.

Do I need to dig up a yucca for the winter?

Many are wondering - do i need to dig up a tropical plant, or can you just insulate it before the onset of cold weather? If a filamentous or gray-gray yucca grows in the garden, then these are frost-resistant plants that easily tolerate a short-term drop in temperature. In regions with severe winters, garden yucca is recommended to be insulated. In the first two years, young plants are insulated in any open areas. There are several ways to cover a garden yucca for the winter:

warm the plant for the winter follows in late October - early November. Remove protection only after the last threat of frost has passed.

Reproduction of yucca garden

The plant can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • stem;
  • dividing the bush.

The division of the bush is the most in a simple way reproduction of garden yucca, which can be carried out during its transplantation. The overgrown bush is dug up in April or early May, and sprouts with roots and shoots are separated from it. Delenki are planted in a permanent place and watered. They demand special care, which consists in careful infrequent watering, shading the plant from direct sunlight and top dressing after rooting.

When propagating by stems, a piece of the trunk is cut off a little above the root neck, which must first be dried, and only then planted in river sand or perlite in a horizontal state. Rooting should take place at room temperature. The substrate around the stem is kept moist. As soon as sprouts with roots appear, the stem is cut into pieces and planted in the ground. Each segment should have its own sprout.

To get a cutting you need cutting down upper part stem, which should have a bunch of leaves. In pots with perlite or coarse sand, cuttings are planted only a few days after drying. Care for them consists in spraying the substrate with water at room temperature.

Growing in the open ground, garden yuccas often set seeds, which can be collected at the end of August for subsequent propagation of the plant. You can buy seeds in almost any flower shop. They have a rounded shape and reach 0.5-1 cm in diameter. Sowing is done in an earthen mixture, which should consist of equal parts:

  • leaf land;
  • sod land;
  • coarse sand.

The first seedlings should appear in about a month. When two true leaves appear, they are produced picking in individual cups. Already well-strengthened and grown young plants are planted in large pots or open ground. Yucca grown from seeds will bloom only in the third year after planting.

Thanks to tropical plant on his garden plot you can create an exotic corner. Very beautiful, colorful, and at the same time unpretentious in care, yucca will make the garden unusual and will delight you for many years.

Yucca resembles a palm tree in its appearance, although from a botanical point of view this is not the case. This hardy and big flower very popular and can be found in the homes of indoor plant lovers quite often. It is inexpensive, easy to care for, and easy to propagate.

The homeland of this plant is Central America and India, where it reaches a height of several meters. In our homes, a slow-growing species is common, which is distinguished by a strong structure, extraordinary beauty, low requirements for care and conditions. At home, it reaches a height of 1.80 meters.

How to care for a yucca flower at home

What is required for care:

  • settled water;
  • fertilizers;
  • clay pot;
  • compost;
  • some peat and coarse sand;
  • soft fabric.

Where to put the pot

This flower prefers full sun and grows best on a sunny windowsill. However, it needs frequent ventilation. During the summer months, you can keep it outside or on a balcony to provide the plant with fresh air.

Yucca is a light-loving plant and reaches its full beauty if at least three hours a day the leaves are exposed to direct Sun rays. A favorable temperature for growth and development is in the range of 10 to 24 degrees Celsius or even more, provided that fresh air is provided. Throughout the year, the flower can remain at room temperature.

Irrigation system

Yucca is watered as needed, using a simple tap water, which stood in the bank for at least 12 hours. Not required a large number water should be watered sparingly. Too generous watering can lead to rotting of the roots and wilting of the leaves.

Depending on the symptoms, reduce the amount of watering or even apply a houseplant antifungal agent, which can be purchased at the store. In winter, it is better to reduce the frequency of watering to a minimum.

Leaf care, dust removal

From time to time, dust should be removed from the leaves. Just wipe them with a soft dry cloth. Thanks to this operation correct breathing leaves will become lighter, tiny pores will open in them.

lower leaves gradually begin to dry out, they should be cut directly near the trunk. Transplantation is carried out every 2-3 years.

If the lower leaves start to turn yellow, it means they are not getting enough light. It is necessary to remove them and put the pot in a bright place.

By the way, what to look for when buying? First of all, when buying, examine the trunk well, it should be firm and intact along the entire length, and the leaves should be healthy and green.

Fertilizers, substrate and planting pot

Fertilizing the soil at home is carried out from April to August, once every 2-3 weeks. You can use fertilizers in moderation, which are convenient to add to the water when watering.

A clay pot is great for planting, it is not recommended to use plastic options. The best substrate for yucca is a mixture of compost, peat and coarse sand.

Home care: reproduction and transplantation of a yucca flower

Reproduction by seeds. In February or March, seeds can be sown in a mixture of earth and sand, and then covered with a layer of soil a few centimeters thick. Conditions with high humidity and a temperature of about 21 degrees are favorable for seed germination.

When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to move the container with seedlings to a bright place, if it was previously in the shade. After about three months, when the plants reach a height of several centimeters or more, they are transplanted into pots.

Propagation by cuttings of a yucca flower. When the flower reaches maturity, we can use it for cuttings and propagation. Cuttings are carried out in the spring at high temperatures environment And high humidity air. For cuttings, side shoots are taken, while older ones are preferred.

The shoot must be placed on a hard surface and cut with a saw into pieces of at least 10 cm, each cutting must have at least one eye. The sections should be sprinkled with a rooting preparation, after which the cuttings should be planted in the substrate, taking care that they do not touch the bottom edge of the pot, otherwise the roots will not develop.

The procedure is best performed in a humid, shady and warm place with a temperature of about 24-27 degrees. When the seedlings take root, and new shoots appear on it, you can transplant it into separate pots.

Yucca garden - care and cultivation

Yucca garden is a very interesting and beautiful plant. Among the rather stiff leaves, collected in a rosette, a long thick stem grows, on which rather large white flowers periodically appear. Yucca garden has a lot of flowers. root system large, the roots are long and deep.

It is better to plant a plant in the form of small seedlings in a sunny and well-ventilated place, then it will bloom well. The place must also be protected from strong wind, the soil should not be waterlogged and strongly alkaline.

Yucca plant care, watering and fertilizing

Water the flower regularly throughout the summer, but the soil must be well permeable so that the water does not stagnate, otherwise the roots may rot. In the spring, when there is water in the soil, you need to add a little liquid fertilizer. This will strengthen the flower after winter and prepare it for the flowering period.

Fertilizers should be added regularly during the summer, as growth can be disturbed due to the large number of flowers. If you want to accelerate growth, you can break off the flowers in the first years so that the plant does not waste energy on them. After flowering, all wilted parts must be removed.

wintering yucca

The yucca flower is frost-resistant, its leaves are evergreen, however, the roots must be protected from freezing. We can do this by covering it with fir branches. Yucca leaves retain their green color even when it snows, being the pride of their owner.


Young plants are obtained most easily by dividing large ones. This should be done in the spring. It is necessary to dig up the whole plant in order to separate the young seedlings.

Yucca (Yucca or Jukka) is similar to a palm tree exotic plant actually has absolutely nothing to do with palm trees. It is a tree of the agave family, natural conditions grows in subtropical and tropical climates. In warmer regions of Russia, it can grow in open ground, and in temperate climate it must be protected from the cold for the winter.

Under natural conditions, it is a large bush covered with large thick leaves. The lower leaves dry up and fall over time, which is why the yucca becomes like a palm tree in the structure of the trunk and a cap of hard long leaves at the top.

Exists in nature for about 30 various kinds this plant. The most popular for growing at home are two:

Yucca ivory

This plant is native to Central America. It grows quite slowly, growing from 4 to 8 meters in height. By old age, the thick trunk of a yucca becomes like a huge elephant's leg, thanks to which it got its name - elephant yucca.

The plant has long stiff leaves, up to one meter long, with jagged edges and a fibrous rough structure.

This type of yucca is unpretentious in cultivation, adapts to different conditions and will withstand the care of even a completely inexperienced botanist. The plant is able to adapt to life in the most cramped conditions of a small city apartment.

Yucca blooms extremely beautifully. Yucca inflorescences are long, reach two meters, grow directly from the basket. Lush panicles of bell-like white very beautiful flowers resemble bouquets, each up to 7 centimeters long. After flowering, boxes with black seeds inside are formed. However, at home, achieving yucca flowering is a rare case.

The homeland of this plant is the subtropical part North America. Distinctive features it has the following: leaves up to a meter long, bluish-green in color with a white border around the edge and slightly fibrous in structure. She has a very short trunk, so it seems that the leaves grow directly from the ground. Over time, growing, this yucca becomes like a large ball with thick, wide leaves.

This plant is less common in the open spaces of city apartments and requires some preparation from the owner of an exotic specimen.


Once in new house, the plant needs to acclimatize. It is best to transplant it into new pot slightly larger diameter new ground. We must try to provide the plant with sufficient drainage, at least 5 cm. To do this, it is necessary to lay gravel or expanded clay on the bottom of the pot.

When planting, the stem should be tried not to deepen by more than 3 centimeters, so as not to provoke its decay.

Light, temperature, humidity

Of course, a native of the southern latitudes, yucca needs good lighting. This is especially true for young plants. With the advent of warm days, yucca can be settled on a balcony or an open area.

However, care must be taken that there are no drafts and sudden changes in night temperatures. IN winter period the plant needs additional lighting. It is believed that it is precisely because of insufficient illumination that yucca cannot bloom in an apartment.

Yucca is a subtropical plant, so the temperature in summer for it can reach up to 26-30 degrees, and in winter - about twenty. It is very important to prevent sudden temperature fluctuations in winter. A window open at night next to a plant can destroy it.

Under various temperature conditions, yucca is necessary different level soil moisture. Yucca is adapted to dry conditions and therefore it is necessary to focus on the age of the palm and the size of the pot.

For a small plant, a small amount of water is enough, but daily, while big plant Enough watering once every two weeks.

During the hot summer months, watering is done about once a week, and when the temperature drops, watering is reduced. When the temperature drops to 18 degrees, watering is reduced to once a month.

In this case, you can focus on the condition of the topsoil in the pot. Make sure it is dry before watering.

When watering, you must follow some rules:

  • If after watering there is water in the glass pan, it must be poured out to prevent the root system from rotting;
  • After watering, make sure that the topsoil does not remain wet for several days, and if this happens, it is necessary to loosen the hardened soil and allow the water to be completely absorbed;
  • Be sure to monitor the condition of the soil when the humidity level in the house changes. If the humidity has increased, then watering should be reduced so that the roots of the plant do not begin to rot.

top dressing

The palm tree does not require special feeding. Feed the plant in summer period, in winter it is not necessary to fertilize it.

Can be used as a fertilizer liquid means for palm trees.

As the root system grows, the plant must be periodically transplanted into a larger pot. It is recommended to carry out this procedure every two years, changing the pot to a larger one.

During transplantation, care must be taken with the roots of the plant. If they are hurt, then the yucca will then get sick for a long time and may even die. It is better to carefully transfer the plant along with the earthy clod to a new place in order to reduce stress for it.


The palm tree is pruned mainly for aesthetic purposes, to give the desired shape or rejuvenate. Such manipulations are good to carry out in the spring. When cutting a branch, you need to make sure that it is cut off, and not broken off, so as not to damage the growth points.

The cut is treated with crushed coal to prevent decay. Cut branches are not thrown away as they are propagating material.

Diseases and pests

The state of its foliage will tell about the diseases of yucca. If their color or shape changes, this indicates a problem. Palm copes with diseases easily, you should not just start the defeat.


  • The leaves are covered with large dark brown spots. This means that they are affected by a fungus that has appeared due to too much water in the soil or humid air in the apartment.

Sick leaves are cut off, and the palm tree should be placed in a drier place and watering and spraying should be stopped for a while.

  • The stem of the plant began to rot. Again, the reason is due to excess moisture and lack of fresh air.

Here you need to see how the process is running. If pruning of the affected areas does not work, then this palm will have to be destroyed so that it does not become a source of disease for other house plants.

In general, problems with caring for yucca are at least. The plant is not at all capricious and does not require special treatment. If you follow the rules, then the palm practically does not get sick.

Pests attacking yucca are also typical for houseplants. These are spider mites, false shields and aphids.

  • When a plant is diseased with a false shield, the symptoms are very characteristic. Its leaves fall, become lethargic and inanimate, and then fall off. The impression is that the plant withers from lack of moisture.

Without treatment, the plant will certainly die. In such cases, Actellik, which can be bought in specialized departments of stores, helps very well.

At proper care palm tree is not affected various diseases, therefore, it is so necessary to create a suitable climate for the plant and sufficiently competent watering to protect it.

From the agave family (Agavaceae). In nature, it grows in the humid subtropics of North America. Therefore, the climate of the domesticated version likes dry and hot. In this article, we will take a closer look at what a yuca (flower) is - how to care for it, propagate it, etc.


The trunk of a yuca can be either single or branched. One of characteristic features of this plant is that its leaves grow not only on the branches, but also on the trunk itself (like a palm tree). They have an elongated, pointed shape. This plant blooms quite rarely. Yuca flowers are large white. They are shaped like bells. However, this plant is grown mainly not for the sake of flowers, but for its unusual appearance. Yuka strongly resembles a small palm tree.

Choosing a place for a plant

The pot is best placed next to the window, preferably on the south side. However, it should be protected from direct sunlight. If there is no possibility of placing a flower in a very bright place, you can place it in partial shade. However, in this case, you will not get a particularly lush green crown.

In summer, the flower should be moved to the balcony or taken to the dacha and placed on the street. It will be best solution for such light-loving plant like yuca (flower). How to care for her, consider a little lower. To begin with, let's deal with the rules for planting this plant.

Optimal temperature for growth

Under what conditions should these flowers be grown? Yuka, as already mentioned, loves the sun and heat. Therefore, the room temperature must be sufficiently high. + 20-25 C in the summer is considered optimal for the successful cultivation of yuca. In winter, the plant is transferred to a darker place with a rather cool microclimate - + 10-12 C. Yuka must not be allowed to get cold even during this period of the year, despite the fact that almost all processes in its tissues freeze, and it falls into "hibernation". If the air temperature in the room is too low, the plant will simply die.

Planting a plant

Yuka is a flower that can be propagated in several ways:

  1. Pieces of the trunk 15 cm long;
  2. Cut and rooted tops;
  3. child sockets.

Rooting of planting material should occur either in sand or in a mixture of sand and peat. After this enterprise is successful, the plant is transferred to a pot with a nutritious soil substrate, in which pieces of charcoal must be added. At the bottom of the pot, drainage is made of crushed stone or broken shards. The latter weigh less, and therefore are more preferable. If desired, yuca can also be grown from seeds.

Watering and spraying

Next, consider how to water a yuca plant. The success in growing it largely depends on how correctly you do this. Yuka should not be watered too often. In any case, water on the surface of the soil should not linger for a long time. The only thing you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced to a minimum. Water the plant at this time of the year no more than once a week.

In summer, yuca is not sprayed too often, being careful. While you moisten the leaves, they should not be exposed to sunlight. Otherwise, burns cannot be avoided. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that water does not fall into the rosettes of leaves and between the trunks of adjacent plants when spraying. In winter, moistening of the leaves is carried out quite often, since the air at this time in the yuca room is too dry. Spraying in the cold season is performed once a day.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Like any other indoor plant, requires top dressing and yuka (flower). How to care for him in this regard, we will now consider in more detail. Fertilize this indoor plant only in the warm season, during the period of active growth. Too often to fertilize the soil amateurs indoor flowers do not recommend. Fertilize the plant once every two to three weeks. To improve the composition of the soil and increase the content of nutrients usually use manure, humus or peat. You can also purchase commercially produced agave fertilizers.

Propagation of yuca by top cuttings

After successfully growing one plant, you can try to propagate it at home. However, you should be aware that you can take planting material from yuca only after it reaches a height of at least 30 cm. As already mentioned, the yuca palm can be propagated by cuttings from the top. It is cut with a sharp knife, or even better with a blade. You do not need to take too much material - as many green leaves as possible should remain on the plant. The place of the cut must be treated with crushed coal. After a while, several new branches will grow around the protracted wound. In this way, you can get a spectacular branched yuka.

The cut top is slightly dried (for about two hours). After that, it is stuck in wet sand. Before transferring the plant to a permanent place, it should not be allowed to dry out. You can also place the cutting in a glass of water to which Activated carbon. Before it starts to produce roots, some of the leaves may rot. They must be removed. Once the roots have grown sufficiently, the yuca can be transferred to a pot.

Reproduction by a piece of the trunk

Yuka (the flower whose photo you see on this page) reproduces, including pieces of the trunk. However, this method is best used only if you have sufficient experience in indoor floriculture. A part of the trunk is carefully cut off from the plant and placed in the same way as apical stalk, in wet sand. However, in this case, the material is not stuck into it, but is located horizontally. If you moisten the sand regularly, roots and buds will soon appear on the handle. Thus, you can get not one new plant, but several at once.

Reproduction offspring

In the event that offspring appear on your yuka, it will be very easy to propagate it. For this, a pot of wet sand is also pre-prepared. The offspring is carefully separated and placed in it in an upright position. Very soon a new small tree will grow out of it, which will need to be transplanted into a pot with oily garden soil.

Plant transplant

Of course, any housewife will be happy to watch her yuka (flower) grow up. How to care for an adult, developed plant? Of course, this should also be done regularly and correctly. In the event that the pot for the grown yuca has become small, it is necessary to transplant it into a more spacious container. This procedure is performed in late spring or early summer. If done later or earlier, the plant may be weakened. First of all, prepare new ground. Take garden soil and mix it with sand. The latter should be approximately 1/3 of the volume of prepared soil. Put broken shards on the bottom of the pot and cover them with a piece of permeable geotextile. Pour the earth up to half the capacity.

After everything is prepared, you can start transplanting yuca. In order for the transfer procedure to a new pot to be successful, as much of the old earth as possible should be left on the roots of the plant. Gently pry off the yuka and transfer it to the prepared container. Lightly press the root ball to the surface of the previously poured soil and fill everything on top with the rest of it. Compact the soil around the trunk.

Transshipment is done not only if the plant becomes cramped in an old pot. This procedure is also necessary in order to change the soil, in which the amount of nutrients significantly decreases over time. Perform transplants of yuca in without fail once every three years.

Transplanting an old yuca

The old yuca is a flower, the care of which also involves a periodic transplant. However, in this case, the ground is not left on the roots during the transfer. The fact is that in old plants they often rot and die. Therefore, the soil is shaken off before transplanting, and the roots are carefully examined. Decayed and diseased are removed. Sometimes in old plants, the trunk itself begins to rot. In this case, you just have to cut off its intact part along with the foliage and plant it in a pot of wet sand. Next, the container with the plant is placed in a dark, cool place. Perhaps after a while it will release new roots.

plant pruning

In principle, we have already considered the method of pruning yuca when we talked about the methods of its reproduction. In order to get a lush, branched plant, you need to cut off the top of the palm by about 10 cm. The cut must be sprinkled with crushed coal or covered with garden pitch. Pruning can only be done if the plant has already reached a height of 60 cm and is very well rooted.

Garden variety of yuca

There are varieties of yuca intended for outdoor cultivation. These garden flowers without harm to themselves can withstand lower winter temperatures. However, they still need to be covered. To do this, the leaves of the plant are collected in the middle of the bush and tied by wrapping with a wide ribbon. The result is a kind of columns that need to be covered with polyethylene. This procedure must be carried out carefully. The plant should not lean or lose shape.

Yuka is a garden flower, the success of which depends on how well you water it. Varieties growing in open ground, just like indoor ones, should not be poured too much. It is only necessary to ensure that the soil under the plants does not dry out. With the onset of autumn cooling, it is better to stop watering altogether. Otherwise, the plants may start to hurt.

Cut garden yuki in the same way as indoor ones. Similar are the breeding rules. It is not necessary to transplant garden flowers. In the flower bed, in any case, they will have enough space for free growth and development. You should not fertilize yuca growing in the open field too often. It is enough to feed them twice a season with infusion of mullein, well diluted with water. If the soil in the flower bed is oily, then this procedure will be superfluous.

Plant diseases

Yuka is a garden flower, whose health must be monitored. It is usually affected by fungal or bacterial infections. In this case, the leaves of the plant are covered with dark spots. At the next stage, the tissues begin to soften and rot. The same process can simultaneously occur with a part of the plant stem. For treatment, all affected areas are cut off with a sharp knife. Remove damaged leaves. The remaining healthy parts of the plant are treated with a systemic fungicide. The number of irrigations is reduced. Indoor yucas sometimes suffer from similar diseases. The procedure in this case is the same.

Yuka is practically not affected by insects. Sometimes, in too hot weather, a spider mite can attack it. In this case, the trunk and leaves should be treated with a weak solution of tobacco tincture.

Yuka is a wonderful, original, beautiful plant, which you can plant in your apartment or on suburban area definitely worth it. With a little effort, you can decorate your home or garden with real southern mini palm trees.

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