Street mosquito shredder. How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country area with chemical and folk remedies Liquid means from mosquitoes in the country

Reservoirs 16.06.2019

As a rule, it is overshadowed by hordes of mosquitoes. Blood-sucking insects sometimes just drive the summer houses inside dacha houseAnd the desired dinner in the fresh air turns into an extreme event. But there are quite reliable means of combating mosquitoes. We will talk about them.

Folk remedies

Before starting the fight against mosquitoes with all means, it is worth adopting some simple prevention measures that will reduce the amount of blood-sized flyers.

First of all, it is necessary to take care cover with lid or film of all open water tankslocated on cottage plotAfter all, masonry larvae feels perfectly well in stagnant water. Well also once a week fully changed water in such tanks.

Did you know? Only mosquito females eat blood, they need it for the reproduction of offspring, the males adhere to the extremely plant diet.

Another attractive for mosquito the place is long do not graze puddles and revengery earth. The elimination of thick thickets and the breaking of overly incurred will also reduce the number of bloodsuckers, because they are sitting in the thickets, waiting for their victims.

Directly from mosquitoes protect some types of plants well. For example, this insect unpleasant smell. But since resting among the beds will look somehow strange, then recreation areas you can protect the plantations of such Pijm, - they also scare the bloodsuckers.
The shores of decorative dacha water bodies can be decorated with landings, which is also a good natural repellent.

A certain effect give leaves or branches thrown on smoldering. As a repellent, cedar oil is still used as well essential oils , Eucalyptus,. They are applied directly to the skin.

Excellent mosquito Is a decoction, which is so undesirable in the country.

It is very easy to make it with your own hands: 100 g of chopped plants are poured with boiling water and boiling on low heat for 15 minutes.
The finished decoction can be applied to the skin, and you can wet a piece of fabric, which will serve as a repellent.

At home can also be built simple trapwhich although it will not help get rid of mosquitoes, but contributes to a significant decrease in their number. For this take, cut off topAnd the bottom fall asleep sugar and a spoon, the mixture is poured with warm water. Next, cover the lower part of the cut-off top using it as a funnel (the connection locations must be fixed with scotch).

Komarov attracts distinguished carbon dioxide, they penetrate inside through the funnel and die there. For greater efficiency, the trap should be wrapped with something opaque, for example, a newspaper.

Did you know? The most efficient fighter of mosquito larvae in water bodies is a small fish Gambusia. During the day, one fish can destroy several hundred mosquito larvae.

Modern technologies

The simplest modern means of mosquito are repellentswhich are widely represented on the market. They are produced in different types: lotions, sprays, gels, aerosols. The latter are good because they can process not only open areas of the body, but also clothes. There are and repellent bracelets that are put on hand. The validity period of such funds is usually from two to six hours.

The modern analogue of smoke-smoking plants are pyrotechnic open-air fumigators. They are made in the form of a candle or spirals. When igniting the tip of such a spiral, it begins to smooth, and the distinguished smoke scares.
Ultrasound repellents may be quite effective, or, as they are often called, "repelters." These devices generate ultrasound, which makes the mosquitoes from the area covered with radiation. Disputes can be stationary or individual. In the last version of the device are attached to the belt, clothing or bundle of keys and provide the owner of personal comfort. Stationary models can protect up to 50 square meters. m open space.

Important! There are many types of mosquitoes, and many in different way perceive ultrasound fluctuations. Because of this, repellers can be effective in one terrain and are ineffective in another. Therefore, more perfect models These devices are provided with the ability to change the radiation frequency (manually or automatically).

Processing chemicals

In the eligibility of the country area from mosquitoes, you can trust the achievements of modern chemistry. In this case, the placement is first made, where the mosquito larvae develops: containers with stagnant water, dacha decorative, ditch, storm taps, etc.
Then proceed to the residential and non-residential premises, wherein special attention is paying out basementwhere mosquitoes feel especially good. It is also processed.

For such a procedure, it is better to attract specialized firms, since the complex processing of the summer cottage from mosquitoes is carried out by various chemicals, and you need to know the features of their application. In addition, the processing uses special protective suits and masks, as well as special equipment - all this is on professionals.

Used chemicals Selectively act on mosquitoes and practically safe for people and animals. Of course, this applies only to certified chemicals, relevant security standards. Comprehensive treatment helps to get rid of mosquitoes at the cottage quickly and for the period from one to 2.5 months - it all depends on how rains will often go.

Destruction of pests

The simplest trap, destroying mosquitoes, is long used special sticky tapewhich is attached to the ceiling veranda or. Insects, sitting on a tape, reliably stick and dying. Its efficiency, in general, very low, because the insect will sit on it or not - the case of the case. From the advantages of the ribbon, you can only specify its low cost. But there are much more efficient traps.

According to the principle of action by an antagonist of ultrasound repellents are ultraviolet lampsMissing and destroying insects. The principle of operation is simple: mosquitoes (like other insects) fly to the source of ultraviolet radiation, fall on a mesh that is under low voltage, which is surrounded by a source, and die there. Such

Without pisis

Last Pick

And behind him, a mosquito on a balloon

Calm dreams without mosquitoes

What remedy for mosquitoes can effectively protect you at home and in the country?

With the onset of summer, one of the most annoying insects come to the hunt - mosquitoes. They are able to spoil the most beautiful evening at the cottage, and there are no rest in the apartments at night. Not only are they unpleasantly singing over the ear, and the mosquito bites are painful, their consequences are very unpleasant - a strong itching, redness and swelling.

Each summer season is on sale new funds appear, which should help us protect against mosquitoes.

The range of self-defense from the bustic insects is very wide - both creams and sprays for applying skin and clothing, and anti-car bracelets, and fumigators for apartments, complex ultrasound, ultraviolet, and carbon dioxide dischargers and traps that are designed to fight insects on big Square on open air.

Let's figure it out how these tools and appliances work? How safe are they? Which of them are really effective? And how much cost modern means protection against mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes - creatures omnipresent. This is a semi-legged insects of the docking detachment, living almost everywhere. Literally - everywhere where there is water that is necessary for them for breeding.

Today there are about 3,000 species of these insects, representatives of 100 species live in Russia.

The most widely in Russia is common to Komar-Piskun, or Comnar Ordinary (Culex Pipiens), who lives everywhere, where a person is found.

In cities there are two main varieties of mosquitoes of ordinary, bringing us on the street and in apartments. The first - forest mosquitoes. They fly to us from parks and fields. They are larger, blisters from their bites are pretty quickly. The second is urban or basements, they are smaller, but bites cause severe itching.

Forest mosquitoes "hunt" seasonally, from mid-May to August. Life life - about a month. And the basement mosquitoes are beautifully winter in warm, flooded basements, knocking on the "balls".

Scary beast

Many know that blood drink only female mosquitoes, and males feed on the nectar of flowers. This is not quite so. Females, to maintain life, eat nectar and plant juice. But after fertilization, in order to produce and postpone the eggs, she needs nutrients From the blood of the victim. It gets protein from the blood, construction material For the production of eggs. Another thing, mosquitoes have such a mechanism as autogenation: the female is capable of postpone the first masonry of eggs, without a single blood supply, for example, in a tightly closed basement.

The males are exclusive vegetarians.

Mosquito life cycle includes four stages of development: egg, larva, doll, adult individual. One mosquito female decides every 2-3 days from 100 to 200 eggs, development from egg to an adult, at a temperature of about + 20 + 25 degrees - 1-1.5 weeks. The cycle from the egg to the pupa. Future mosquitoes are carried out in water bodies - ponds, rivers, lakes, large puddles. Perfectly feel in raw, dark, basements.

Mosquitoes love damp and warm. St. Petersburg, with his rainy weather, in this sense is not lucky. Do not love mosquitoes light and sun. They cease to attack us at temperatures above + 28- ° C. It hinders them and dry weather - they can not stick in the air, because they lose a lot of water. Do not like "bloodsuckers" and high-altitude flights - on the floors above 7, only the wind lies.

Do not breathe and do not pull

Mosquitoes are poorly seen (at a distance of 1.5 meters) and not very well "hear", they are looking for their prey on the concentration of carbon dioxide, exhaled warm-blooded animals and man, thermal radiation and the smell of lactic acid contained in sweat.

As a rule, mosquitoes do not migrate over long distances, but live in the same place, they do not fly in search of mining from place to place. Roughly speaking, if they feel the smell - fly to the hunt, do not feel - they are spinning in one place until prey is taking into account.

But mosquitoes can overcome, with the help of the wind distance and 3 km, if they felt the smell of production.

Comers do not have poison, but when they bite, a special substance remains in the wound, which does not give blood to turn out - the anticoagulant, it is due to this substance Komar can drink blood. But this substance has, in addition to the basic effect, also mass by side - causes swelling and redness of the skin that are accompanied by pronounced feeling Item and burning. Point hemorrhages can be formed in the bite places. Of course, in the overwhelming part, such bites are not dangerous for life, but they have suffered a lot of suffering. We are constantly scratching bruoked places, because of what the skin is injured and a normal sleep is disturbed.

The mosquitoes are very stubborn in their hunt and are extremely selective in the choice of a bite. They try to choose a plot with the thinnest skin, closer to the blood vessels. That is why at night they can get clock over their ear, choosing a place to bite.

It is not known that it makes it more with an army-make-up squeak or itching at the place of bite. And finally, the Komar can swallow blood four times more than weighs himself.

Smear and sprinkle

How many people exist, so much and trying to come up effective methods Defense from mosquito attacks. Today, the buyer is not an easy choice - what a tool is preferred: we offer both familiar creams and fumigators, and such new items, like bracelets on hand and pocket discharge devices. There are also complex, and quite expensive, giving devices.

But in essence, all modern funds can be divided into individual, homemade (for use in the apartment, room) and street (work in the country, in the forest, in the park).

Individual means of protection

Individual means of protection against mosquitoes are applied either on the skin or on clothing.

The means that are applied directly to the skin are produced in the form of creams, gels, lotions, solid pencils.

Those that can be applied to clothing is, as a rule, sprays, aerosols.

All these means from mosquitoes refer to the class of repellents - that is, repellers (from Latin Repello - I repulse, drive away).

How do you work?

The composition of repellents can enter different substances both chemical and natural origin (essential oils with sharp odors, alcohols that insects do not like too). Chemical filling is pyrethroids, diethyl phthalate (Date) and others.

The mechanism of action of chemical dischargers is that they make a person "invisible" for mosquitoes, drowning the pheromones of the human body to which insects are oriented. And essential oils make the surface of the skin of a "tasteless" smelling for mosquitoes. Some funds work precisely that the mosquito does not sit on the skin, some act when contacting the mosquito with the applied substance.

Diethyl phthalate (DETA) is considered to be the most common, repellents based on its 60% of the world market. Many manufacturers of the famous DET abbreviation replace the less well-known full name "diethyltolumide". This substance itself is rather toxic, therefore, if it underlies the repellent, it is important to ensure that it does not get into the eye, in the mouth, on damaged skin areas

Pyreteroids are more new generation repellents, they are safer. But there are relatively few such money in the market, and they are more expensive.

Separate direction - mixed action repellents. For example, designed to protect against mosquitoes and ticks. Their composition may include alphabipermethrin - in its action, it is a neuro-paralytic poison. The insect, contacting the clothes treated with them, paralyzes and falls to the ground. You can not apply such products to the skin.

In general, aerosols from bloodsowing insects, designed to apply to clothing for one simple reason - as a rule, they contain large quantity Date than other forms of repellent means.

How to choose?

The concentration of toxic substance is an important indicator, it is necessary to pay attention to it when the protection means is selected.

The toxicity of the means and the duration of the action of the repellent depends on the concentration. The higher the concentration, the toxic means and the longer it works.

Dues there are drugs with an active substance content of 30-40% - up to five hours. Allergic, as well as pregnant and children are categorically recommended.

Most short term Actions - in those that contain 5-10% of scaping substances (valid no more than 2 hours). But they can even use pregnant and small children (and the label should be indicated by the age from which the tool can be applied).

Most of the mosquito funds can be used for children since 3 years, however, they produce and special meanswhich can be protected by very small children. They are made on the basis of natural raw materials - essential oils (citronella oil, eucalyptus, anise, cedar, carnations).

All repellents must be stored at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees. If a temperature mode Not observed, then the drug will at best lose efficiency. Pay attention to the shelf life.

It is better to choose the means of famous brands.

Pay attention to which insects the tool acts. Most of the mosquito funds are protected from human-bodied midges. But on flies, blinding, they do not act.


Chemistry - there are chemistry. Toxic substances contained in repellents are not harmless to people. Of course, they contain a small number of repellents. But, nevertheless, allergic reactions often cause.

It is important to comply with the rules of their application: apply a thin layer on the skin, do not rub and apply such a cream to damaged skin, wounds, abrasions, scratches. After a walk in nature, the tool must be flush.

And before use, it is necessary to check the skin on an allergic reaction - apply a means on the wrist and see if it flushes for 10-15 minutes.

In addition, the minus is the temporary effect of such funds. They need to be applied again. And the saddest thing is that mosquitoes are also "improved" - there is evidence that gradually they become less sensitive to repellents.


From 70-100 rubles per bottle

Room killer

The next group of funds is those that, unlike the previous ones, do not scare mosquitoes, and kill them. This group includes funds entitled Fumigant (from Latin Fumigo - fan, smoke).

This is a group of funds that, during evaporation, smoking or depricted, allocate special chemical substancesdestroying insects in the radius of insects - mosquitoes and midges. Such substances block the mosquito respiratory system. To the same group include electroplates of insects - they are called the Fumigators in the people - all of the well-known Raptor, Fumitx, RAID, etc.

How does it work?

Everything is simple - the device included in electricity heats the plate impregnated with insecticide. Insects perish after half an hour. One plate will protect you about 8-18 hours. Liquid fumigators operate along the same system, only instead of a plate bottle with liquid. It is already designed for 45 nights, and in this its advantage.

How to choose?

Fumigators are substances from a group of pyrethroids - weakly toxic compounds. Two types of insecticides are used: pralletrine (it is ethk) and esbiotrine.

The esbiotrin is the substance of the previous generation, pralletrin - the last generation, is a synthetic analogue of drawing from the Dolmatsk chamomile. It is better to choose fumigants based on pralletrine, Esbitin requires a higher concentration than for Pralletrith. Another argument in favor of the modern drug is that it is used in children's fumigants, as safer (such is on sale).


Fumigators today are the most efficient protection in the conditions of an apartment or at home. But buyers often forget that fumigants have rules safe operation. One fumigator is designed for the room area in about 12 square meters.

Completely use it: include in the room where there are no people, wait half an hour, then ventilate, and only then you can be in this room.

Our people include him literally above their heads all night.

Remember that it is impossible to use evaporating insecticides if there are children, pregnant or nursing women, people with diseases in the room respiratory tract. You can not use a fumigator indoors with closed windows. Try not to include a fumigator overnight, but only per hour or two, until the complete destruction of mosquitoes.

Another thing is that sleeping with closed windows in summer Heat complicated. And the choice is such - either all night breathe with fumigants, or wake up periodically at night to turn on and off the fumigator.


Fumigators with plates - 40-100 rubles. (Depending on the manufacturer's company). There are universal electrical fluids in which you can use both plates and bottles. Their cost is 120-250 rubles.

Street fumigators

Another type of fumigators - street candles and pyrotechnic spirals. They are convenient when used in places where there is no electricity (on a picnic, fishing). They, like fumigators, act on the principle of insecticide.



Depending on the species, the evaporating insecticide is thinned for 8-10 hours. Price, 25-50 rubles per set of spirals. Candles (they are special, large) - from 50 to 200 rubles.

Personal weapons

According to the principle of the fumigator, it works and, perhaps, the most successful new recently, anti-mosquito device Thermacell Mosquito Repellent.

This is an instrumental protection device from mosquitoes and midges intended for use in open areas (in the forest, in the country, fishing, etc.).

How does it work

According to the principle of operation, the small tidder Thermacell resembles the usual household fumigator with the difference that no electricity is applied to heating the plate with a scaping substance, but gas (gas microgorell). Batteries are not required.

Plates used in Thermacell are also different from plates used in household fumigators. Plates for fumigators, as already mentioned above, kill mosquitoes. The same plates that are included in the accumulall package contain repellent repellents. In particular, it is alleletin, an analogue of a natural repellent found in chrysanthemum colors. Alletin is effective in 98% on the effects on mosquitoes, midges and hoops. The substance is very unpleasant with its smell insect, and is practically not felt by a person, and the main thing is harmless to people. The plate spreads the protective cloud around a person about 4.5 meters. And what else is important, alleletine is more effective even at low concentrations of this substance in the air.

How to choose?

How does it work?

The principle of action of this lamp is simple: ultraviolet radiation lamp should lure insects. Flipped to the lamp, Komar hits metal lattice under electric voltage and die from the discharge of the current. This device must save buyers also from flies and moths within a radius from 30 to 100 meters, and in the apartment struggles with mol.


The mosquitoes are not butterfly, the light does not attract them. Moreover, they avoid it. Even if you try to justify the device in that it radiates warm, which attracts mosquitoes, then there is little heat, the lamp does not smell like a person. And even if you put this lamp next to you, the Komar will fly not to it, but to you.

But from flies, butterflies, moths such a lamp can help.


There is a lamp trap from 1000 to 8000 rubles.

Sandy trap: full imitation

It is quite another thing - carbon dioxide street traps of mosquitoes. They do not scare the mosquitoes, but lick them.

As already mentioned, mosquitoes fly into three components - heat, carbon dioxide and smell of sweat.

The principle of operation of such traps is based on the imitation of these manifestations of human life.

The device highlights the heat of 30-40 degrees, carbon dioxide (human breathing imitation) and attractants with odors (the substance is otenol, which is made from animal fats and smells for mosquitoes as a concentrated sweat).

How does it work?

The device consists of two main parts - mosquito nets with ventilation and a mini-cylinder with propane.

A cylinder with a propane, connected to the device, provides energy to produce energy for the autonomous functioning of the mosquito shredder. Also, when burning propane, the warm and wet mixture of carbon dioxide is produced, imitating the respiration of a person, which attracts bloodsowing insects. Carbon dioxide around the installation distributes the fan - and then, the wind. Near the fan, on the spout of the device is an otenol tablet. Its smell for man The smell of mushrooms, and for mosquitoes, propagated by the fan Oktenol is just an irresistible aroma of a large accumulation of "delicious" people. Further, everything is simple - mosquitoes fly to meet the CO2 stream, and they are sucking in the installation grid, like dust inside the vacuum cleaner. Inside the installation in isolation from the outside world, mosquito dehydration occurs, and they die.

A carbon dioxide can get rid of blood-suicing insects (mosquitoes and midges) a plot from 10 to 40 acres (depending on how open it is - the more buildings and trees, the smaller the radius)

Device Beshum is completely harmless and safe.

  • "Site represents: Mosquito Magnet in work. Mosquitoes:
  • Minuses

    This device is very efficient - it catches up to 95% of mosquitoes and midges on the plot. Negative feedback Users about him are often based on ignorance of the features of the work of the device and the cycle of mosquitoes.

    Note that

    First, the minimum trap efficiency is achieved 3-4 days after the start of work. That is, if I bought, I arrived at the cottage, turned on - and mosquitoes bite - you should not be surprised. Mosquitoes flew to the trap gradually - first coming, then under the influence of wind, more far insects are lured from your site.

    Secondly, maximum efficiency These traps are achieved after 3 weeks. That is, having caught all adult individuals, the trap should wait for a new generation and lure it too. After that, it is no one to postpone the eggs, the mosquitoes do not appear.

    Thirdly, the trap should work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the mosquito season - Spring until the end of the summer. And not only on the weekend, when you came to the cottage.

    Former generation traps connected to electricity. Many models did not use lubricating pills. It was and uncomfortable, and not effectively.

    A new generation trap works autonomously, on propane. Installations are designed for use in the sun, in the rain, the cylinders with gas cannot explode. Because no open fire, there is a system of microfanking from batteries, conventionally speaking.


    From 25 to 50 thousand rubles. More simple models of traps, for example, working from the network, cost about 25 thousand rubles.

    New generation traps, which are completely autonomous, cost from 39 to 50 thousand rubles.

    Installation service cycle - every 3 weeks. With such a frequency, you need to change the cylinder with propane (25-27 liters) and the lubricating tablet.

    Otinol tablet costs 1.5 thousand rubles, gas stamp gas - 400 rubles. Need the same can compressed airTo blow once every 3 weeks, the burner of the cylinder from the soot - another 500 rubles. Total, per month, service will cost about 3 thousand rubles. For three summer months - about 10 thousand rubles.

    Maintenance and replacement to spend simply, takes it 3-5 minutes. There are many rollers on the Internet, where to show in detail how to do it.

    The most famous brands producing carbon dioxide traps: Mosquito Magnet., Electrofrog.(Russian manufacturer), Sketervacetc.

    The editorial board thanks for the help of the preparation of the material of underbreddant Constantine, the directors of the online store site in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and a specialist in mosquito Zhukhovsky Roman

    Rule Braschik

    Many are surprised how mosquitoes penetrate through the mosquito net, they are inlets into the slightest slits. The fact is that these insects can add paws and literally screwed into the slightest hole. You can increase the efficiency of such a grid, applying an aerosol-repellent on it.

    Bracelets for the summer

    Another novelty - anti-mosquito bracelets. Designed to scare mosquitoes. It acts at the expense of impregnation from aromatic oils.

    Do they help? Help. But not all, only branded. And ensure protection is very locally.

    It is worth buying only those bracelets that are sold in an opaque hermetic packaging of silver color. Under the influence of light and air, they lose their properties.

    Check the shelf life. And storing the same in hermetic packaging.

    The term of the bracelet is 200 hours.

    I can cause allergies. Stand from 150 to 300 rubles.

    Plot processing

    There is another way to combat mosquitoes - processing of the country area with chemical and special biological solutions.

    The biological additive blocks the digestion of the larvae, and does not give them to develop in mosquitoes.

    This solution forms an invisible film on water, trees, grass. For people and animals - harmless. Efficiency - 70%. Another thing is that the film will last until the first rain, then the processing is needed again. Cost - depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site - up to 15 thousand rubles.

    Note from Khakhov Roman Mosquito Specialist.

    Lyubov Suslova did not mention another interesting, new, and, most importantly, a spectacular means of combating insects in the room, including mosquitoes. Wonderful remedy, from English Bug - Beetle and Salt - salt. Those. A rifle shooting in the insect food salt.

    The principle of action of a gun is simple, salt in a special tank is falling asleep, with the help of the shutter, the air is compressed in a special internal chamber and the shot is activated by the smoke. Salt under the pressure of the air flies out of the Bugasalt barrel to a distance of 1 meter and amazes the wings of the enemy. It does not require any batteries, the salt flies less than one gram, the victim does not smear on the wallpaper and nothing is dirty, and the random shot of any bodily injections will cause. First of all, the Bug-A-Salt rifle was invented for firing on the room flies for fun. But what prevents the mosquitoes?

    Rest at the dacha can prevent a lot, but the most frequent cause A spoiled mood in the fresh air is mosquitoes. They are buzzing over the table, climb into the eyes, hurts and leave traces, and therefore it's time to get rid of the annoying guests!

    Almost any evening in the country ends with loud applause, which sounds not the best storytellor of jokes and not even a masterfully playing a friend, but mosquitoes that fly to light and warm in our gazebo.

    These small bloodsuckers interfere not only on the street, but also in the house when we are trying to fall asleep. They publish subtle and annoying sounds, flying over us, and then sit at all on any part of the body and feed on our blood until we sleep.

    It seems to us that it has long been time to stop similar, and therefore the site recommends reading the following several sections of an article that will tell you about combating mosquitoes in the country.

    What is a mosquito

    Komar ordinary, or as it is also called, Komar-Piskun, is common everywhere, and therefore, it can occur at any summer cottage. Little insectpowered by plant juices and mainly human blood reaches sizes of 3-7 mm, and is a carrier of many dangerous diseases.

    Favorable conditions for mosquitoes on the site

    Comfortable conditions for the development and growth of mosquito population may be very many, because each species prefers its temperature, humidity, nutrition. But you can definitely declare that all such insects have and general terms and Conditions existence.

    That is why there are so many water, in thick greens, in a warm and wet climate, but also about people, because our blood is food for many of them.

    It is difficult to say why on one cottage more mosquitoes, and the other is less, but you can accurately declare that in the evening, near the lamp in the gazebo, they will definitely. We will meet them and in the garden, near the artificial countrywater, in the cellar and even in summer soul. After all, in any of these places, Komarika lives quite well.

    Fight against mosquitoes in the country: the best ways

    It's quite difficult to deal with these insects, because their number on one hundred giving can reach hundreds and thousands. After killing one mosquito, you do not affect their number, and even destroying hundreds with the help of poisons or dischargers, you are unlikely to get rid of them forever.

    But this does not mean that you need to endure bites and obsessive peak every evening ... at least, you need to try well, and free from the mosquito presence of your home and holiday destination at the cottage!

    Traps for mosquitoes

    The simplest bottle trap

    If you want to significantly reduce the number of insects in the gazebo, near the mangala or just for the evening table, we recommend that you make a simple trap from plastic bottle. We did such traps for OS and other insects, so it will not be difficult.

    Cut the top of the plastic bottle and fill in the bottom of the glass of warm water.

    Next, throw in water 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and stir well. After you can add 1-2 g of yeast, mix that do not need. Now it remains to cover the trap of a cut-up bottle, only the neck down, and install it nearby from the rest. A fairly large percentage of mosquitoes, and other midges, now will go there!

    Velcro is not necessarily sold in rolls, they can be in the form of small adhesive segments that are placed in any convenient place - on the conversation support, near the lighting lamp, on the window window.

    UV trap

    The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a trap is that ultraviolet radiation attracts mosquitoes, and a certain trap element simply kills the insect that approached or hit the desired zone. But whether the UV lamp in these devices is weak, or we choose not the most expensive and high-quality devices, but they act extremely inefficient. In general, there is in the market good devices And not very, but we do not assume them for obvious reasons!

    Best tools to get rid of mosquitoes

    Get rid of insects completely can only be in closed roomin which access is limited for them. Let's say this bedroom country housewhere the windows mosquito nets. But a couple of mosquitoes still started, and the buzzing insects are not allowed to sleep hard, and even traces of their presence are left on our body. This is where modern funds will be helped, which are sold today in almost every store.

    Tablets and mosquito liquid

    By purchasing a tablet in the store, at the same time you take a special electrical adapter, which is included in the ordinary socket. The plate is installed in the adapter, and when it turns on, it is a bit warmer.

    Due to this, chemicals that affect insects are exempt from the same plate.

    All sadness is that many more manufacturers of such tablets and plates have appeared on the market, but not all of them meet the quality standards. Almost every one of us could notice that the individuals do not die from the flavors of the device with the plate, and they become just slightly plated, fall on the floor, bed, furniture. If they do not assemble them on time and not crush, mosquitoes miraculously come to life come to themselves and take us.

    For an antitomarine fluid, we do not see the need to open a new partition, as in a small colummer offered for special adapters, the same components affecting mosquitoes. Liquid is slight more efficient, but here too much depends on manufacturers.

    there is great way Quickly kill all the bloodsicles in the house or just a closed room, but it is distinguished by some danger. Due to the fact that the fumigators are not always effective, some of us apply them a little different, already completely forgetting about adapters. The plate is clamped with pliers or scissors, sets up and stew in 5-7 seconds. At this point from the plate there is a caustic smoke, which kills mosquitoes, really kills. It is only necessary to walk around the room and give it the smoke to the venue in the room. We once again emphasize that the method is effective against insects, but it is quite realistic, which damages and human health!

    Anticomarine Spirals for Street

    In addition to tablets and liquids, a rather interesting position is derived to the market - a spiral. It is sold in small boxes, where 6-10 can be immediately.

    A spiral is installed on a special metal base and is set on fire to 10-15 seconds. Next, it must be put out to spit just a trel. Depending on the brand, there are different recommendations for use. But we can definitely say that it cannot be used in closed rooms and set themselves. Several removal meters will be enough.

    Alternative means

    It is time to go to the most advanced ways and apply ultrasound dischargers. In theory, these are quite effective devices that scare mosquitoes at a short distance.

    Today, you can find portable boxes on sale, which can be worn with you in your pocket and do not be afraid of bites, as the discreteers act within a radius of up to two meters. You can take and more powerful that work from the outlet and save from mosquitoes already a room. But if we talk about how to scare insects in the country, for example, in the evening tea party, then something is more powerful, for example, electric street dischargers, which can work within a radius even 50 m.

    Folk remedies from mosquitoes (video)

    Folk remedies

    And since we are all experienced daches, such plants simply should be on our site.

    Among them are not rare or very expensive, but only those that are consistently grown in the country. Tomatoes, mint, carnation, wormwood and Pijm - the main "Green Army", which fights against mosquitoes, but for a person!

    Repellents from Komarov

    Protection against bloodsowing can be complex, and sometimes it is even more appropriate to protect the space around himself, namely itself. For this long ago there are means that can scare mosquitoes and many other insects - repellents.

    They are applied to the skin or even on clothes, the main thing is that the fragrance of that component will be on you, which works against insects (most often, the person of this fragrance does not feel).

    Repellents are sold in the form of sprays, creams, lotions, and the most famous among them are Gardex, Off, Argus and Flop. Of course, you can find others on sale, but be sure to read the content and instructions for use.

    It is possible to use natural repellents, which are also applied to the skin, but certainly will not cause a person no harm. it room lemon, the smell of which scares mosquitoes, cedar oil or decoction of the root of the dusty, which we all consider a serious weed on the garden.

    In addition to the means and instruments we specified, you can find a lot of proposals on sale. These can be gas lamps, and traps with poisons, and essential oils that protect a person without applying it harm, but you only have something to choose what you heard positive feedback!

    Prevention of mosquito invasion in the country house

    Driving mosquitoes on the street when you relax, one thing, but you need to take action that will not give them the opportunity to mock you when you sleep. So, first of all, it is worth thinking about how not to let roofing in the house.

    Best tool Today, mosquito nets are considered to be installed on windows and doors. They are the obstacle for small insectswho are no longer able to get inside the premises. Fresh air Through the grids penetrates, and mosquitoes - no!

    Before bedtime, try not to leave in the house open windows And the doors, in time to extinguish the light on which the mosquito flies, and also in advance to turn on the fumigator, which, while there are no insects, will act as a repeller, and not as a shredder. The simplest integrated measures will give you the opportunity to sleep in the country calmly.

    Get rid of mosquitoes forever it is simply impossible, but to reduce their quantity of them, unpleasant sounds And bites - really! Take advantage of our advice, and share your thoughts in the comments if you wish to offer interesting way Combating bloodshots.

    Reviews and comments

    (13 estimates, average: 4,08 out of 5)

    sBAR 12/28/2015

    Oh, I do not like mosquitoes! I will try electric trash

    Sergey 03/30/2016

    From these scapions, it is simply impossible to get rid! They get used to everything. I wake up with cream or spray, you do not touch a couple of days, and then get used to and rushed! We and the spirals fell, and the fires sometimes helps a little, but not for a long time. Electric traps put well indoors, but in the yard it does not pass.

    When the warm time comes, then immediately begin All kinds of inconvenienceassociated with mosquitoes. It is not enough that they spend their raids even in dry places, but where there are people and do not live in a humid environment familiar to them, they don't even go to their buzz. But the biggest danger that can be involved, it is infection of some infectionwhich fell into the body through the bite or the occurrence of an allergic reaction. It is not always possible to track, the malarious mosquito bit you, or simple.

    Insecticide domestic production "Medilis Cyper" is able to destroy mosquitoes not only at such facilities as the open areas of residential buildings, but even inside such premiseslike apartments, hotels, tent tourist parking, etc.

    • The composition includes everything the same 25% cypermetrinAs the previous preparation.
    • The liquid has a transparent yellowish color, toxic, with a solution has milk color.
    • It spreads in bottles of 50 or 500 ml, as well as in 5 liter canices.
    • Preparation of the solution - from 2 to 5 ml per 1 liter of water depending on the denotation of vegetation.
    • Consumption: 1 liter of a working solution for one hundred
    • The cost of 500 ml drug is about 1534 rubles.

    Sipaz super

    1. Manufacturer country - Russia.
    2. Produced in the form of a concentrate.
    3. The capacity of the container is 1 l.
    4. Preparation of the solution - from 3 to 8 ml means for 1 liter of water. 1 weaving is 1 liter of working solution
    5. The method of application is spraying the means into the windless weather on the bushes, thick grass and the lower twigs of the trees, as well as near the places of games of children - sandboxes, swings, hammocks, flowerbeds, lawns, and so on.
    6. Active ingredient - cypermethrine 25%
    7. The drug is suitable for use for 3 years from the date of manufacture.
    8. The average cost - 2250 rubles.

    WARNING: Processing by this means due be sure to be made in the eveningWhen already bees do not fly. The effect of the drug on the plants does not have harmful effects, respectively, will not hurt a honey bee, she eats on the morning to sit on the flower, where the microchamp insecticide was hit. It is also very important to look at the season - as soon as mosquitoes woke up, so better and process the plot. They, as a rule, begin to bother earlier than bees begin to actively collect nectar.


    Substance diluted with water according to the instructions and spray Through the sprayer everywhere where there is water or a constant wet environment.

    • Great for those country territories, what are the wateror where there are close to the surface of the earth groundwater. Also handle all trolleys, barrels, ditches, drain pits
    • Activity: chlorpiffos 50%,

    When the warm time comes, then immediately begin all kinds of inconvenienceassociated with mosquitoes. It is not enough that they spend their raids even in dry places, but where there are people and do not live in a humid environment familiar to them, they don't even go to their buzz. But the biggest danger that can be involved, it is infection of some infectionwhich fell into the body through the bite or the occurrence of an allergic reaction. It is not always possible to track, the malarious mosquito bit you, or simple.

    Get rid of annoying bloodsowing insects you will be able to help various insecticidal agents, right choice which is the key to the success of any disinsectional event. Of course, it is best when professionals will take care of the case. Those specialists who are trained to select the necessary dosages of funds against bloodsowing insects. And also know the techniques and methods, how to save a plot from bloodsuckers For one session with the maximum coverage of areas.

    The easiest and accessible method of deliverance is to apply personal insecticidal means. This variant of protection includes the processing of their skin and all other people who will be on the plot. For this, special means of enzymes, components that scare insects are applied. One inconvenience in such a way - this is a specific and sharp smell of insecticide.

    Top 5 Funds from Mosquitoes

    You can select the 3 most effective and popular insecticide today, which will cope with insects in your country, located plot or in the garden. This is a digio, medilis Cupper and Bionetral I50. Perhaps on TV you will not hear in commercials about these drugs, however specialists often enjoy them.

    Dig poles


    Medilis Cupper

    Insecticide of domestic production "Medilis Cyper" is able to destroy mosquitoes not only at such objects as open areas of residential buildings, but even inside such premiseslike apartments, hotels, tent tourist parking, etc.

    • The composition includes everything the same 25% cypermetrinAs the previous preparation.
    • The liquid has a transparent yellowish color, toxic, with a solution has milk color.
    • It spreads in bottles of 50 or 500 ml, as well as in 5 liter canices.
    • Preparation of the solution - from 2 to 5 ml per 1 liter of water depending on the denotation of vegetation.
    • Consumption: 1 liter of a working solution for one hundred
    • The cost of 500 ml drug is about 1534 rubles.

    Sipaz super

    1. Manufacturer country - Russia.
    2. Produced in the form of a concentrate.
    3. The capacity of the container is 1 l.
    4. Preparation of the solution - from 3 to 8 ml means for 1 liter of water. 1 weaving is 1 liter of working solution
    5. The method of application is spraying the means into the windless weather on the bushes, thick grass and the lower twigs of the trees, as well as near the places of games of children - sandboxes, swings, hammocks, flowerbeds, lawns, and so on.
    6. Active ingredient - cypermethrine 25%
    7. The drug is suitable for use for 3 years from the date of manufacture.
    8. The average cost - 2250 rubles.


    Substance diluted with water according to the instructions and spray Through the sprayer everywhere where there is water or a constant wet environment.

    • Great for those country territories, what are the waterOr where there are groundwater to the surface of the Earth. Also handle all trolleys, barrels, ditches, drain pits
    • Active ingredient: chlorpiffos 50%, cypermetrine 5%
    • for mosquitoes 2.75 g / l, the consumption of the working solution is 50-100 ml / m. sq.., when processing water bodies 100 ml / m. sq.
    • The price average is - 1700 rubles.


    • Activity - chlorpyryphos 48%
    • Preparation of the solution - from 2 to 5 ml of the preparation on 1 liter of water. The solution consumption is approximately 100 ml per 1 sq.m.
    • Cost - 2000 rubles

    The use of these insecticides can be attributed to a professional approach. to the processing of open areas from mosquitoes. Do not forget that in addition to flying mosquitoes, there are also their larvae and eggs, the destruction of which is also very important. Therefore, disinsection specialists use stronger and efficient ways. The most effective is processing by generatorWhat can make the relevant services.

    What a means for processing the country area from mosquitoes is better to choose

    What means to handle the country area from mosquitoes is better to choose?

    With the onset of heat at the end of April - the beginning of May begins the period of activity of mosquitoes. It is necessary to be afraid of these insects not only for the reasons for annoying pisch and combing bites, mosquitoes are also peddled to human diseases.

    The spraying of the site insecticidal means will help to cope with the mosquitoes, their larvae, which will have a positive way to accommodate in the country. In order to get rid of insects for the whole season there are several ways to destroy them.

    When using grids, curtains from mosquitoes and fumigators can be protected from mosquitoes only indoors, so we will consider more effective methodsallowing to get rid of bloodsuckers not only in the house, but also on the whole site.

    Use of chemicals

    The use of chemicals can provide protection against mosquitoes for the whole season, but this method is not the safest for children and adults, since substances contained in drugs in most cases are toxic. By choosing a disinsection tool, prefer the topics that are safe, especially for children.

    Attention! During the rain, the chemicals are partially washed away, and their action weakens, so for rainy summer the processing should be carried out at least three or four times per season.

    With independent work with chemicals, some precautions should be performed:

    • during processing and in the next day, after spraying, people and animals should not be on the site.
    • mandatory use of personal protective equipment for skin, respiratory organs and eye.
    • all tanks with water drain, fill with clean water and close carefully.
    • well wash products from the processed area, especially greens and fruits.

    The processing of the country area by experts will be performed better, as disinsectors use good equipment For spraying and stronger substances for the destruction of mosquitoes.

    Chemicals allowing for a long time to get rid of mosquitoes:

    1. "Bioolavricid-100". Used to destroy mosquito larvae. All this substance is processed by all wet places On the plot where the larvae can develop.
    2. "Dr. Claus" is an insecticidal spray for spraying the territory from mosquitoes and flies.
    3. "Digalism" - concentrated tool, destroying mosquitoes (used also when removing cockroaches and bedbugs).
    4. Bionetral and 50 is effective in combating mosquitoes and flies. The solution should be spattered throughout the territory of the country area, protects against insects for 2-3 weeks.
    5. "Medilis Cyper." Used for open areas and closed rooms.

    Modern methods for the destruction of mosquitoes

    Effective in combating mosquitoes are devices for the destruction of insects. These include ultrasound devices, traps using carbon dioxide, insecticidal lamps.

    • Devices with ultrasound. Safe, different by radius of action, so they can protect the entire area. This method allows you to scare, but not destroy insects. When they are turned off, the mosquitoes are returned. Popular lamps combining ultraviolet and electricityThey perfectly fit into the situation of the country area and fight the mosquitoes in a safe way.

    • Carbon dioxide traps. The work of the device is arranged on imitation of human breathing, mosquito bait to a powerful suction device in a container, where mosquitoes die. Security for animals and man, the excellent degree of protection against mosquitoes makes this method reliable and popular.
    • Insecticide lamps. With the help of light attract the attention of insects, and the built-in grid destroys them. An efficient and safe device for the destruction of mosquitoes.

    A wide range of means and devices for protection against mosquitoes will help choose a suitable product and protect the family from these insects for the entire summer period. Without mosquitoes, life in the country will become calm and pleasant.

    Processing of a plot from mosquitoes: video

    Fighting mosquitoes on your summer cottage

    Beautiful summer rest In the country, as a rule, it is overshadowed by hordes of mosquitoes. Blood-suicide insects sometimes simply drive the dachensi inside the country house, and the desired dinner in the fresh air turns into an extreme event. But there are quite reliable means of combating mosquitoes. We will talk about them.

    Folk remedies

    Before starting the fight against mosquitoes with all means, it is worth adopting some simple prevention measures that will reduce the amount of blood-sized flyers.
    First of all, it is necessary to take care cover with lid or film of all open water tanksLocated in the country area, because it is in stagnant water perfectly feel masonry larvae. Well also once a week fully changed water in such tanks.

    Another attractive for mosquito the place is long do not graze puddles and revengery earth. The elimination of thick thickets of weeds and the breaking of over-crushed shrubs will also reduce the number of bloodsuckers, because in the thickets they are sitting down, waiting for their victims.

    Directly from mosquitoes protect some types of plants well. For example, this insect unpleasant smell of tomatoes. But since resting among the tomato beds will look like something strange, then recreation areas you can protect the plantations of such plants.Like Pijm, wormwood, mint, lavender - they also scare off bloodsuckers.
    The shores of ornamental dacha water bodies can be decorated with mite landings, which is also a good natural repellent.

    A certain effect gives the leaves of mint or juniper branches thrown on glowing coals. As a repellent, cedar oil, as well as anise essential oils, eucalyptus, carnations, are used. They are applied directly to the skin.

    Excellent mosquito It is a decoction of drinking, which is so undesirable in the country.

    It is very easy to make it with your own hands: 100 g of chopped plants are poured with boiling water and boiling on low heat for 15 minutes.
    The finished decoction can be applied to the skin, and you can wet a piece of fabric, which will serve as a repellent.

    At home can also be built simple trapwhich although it will not help get rid of mosquitoes, but contributes to a significant decrease in their number. To do this, take a plastic bottle, cut off the upper part, and sugar and a spoonful of yeast fall asleep into the bottom, the mixture is poured with warm water. Then they cover the lower part of the bottle of the cut-off top using it as a funnel (the connection location needs to be secured by scotch).

    The mosquitoes attract the distinguished carbon dioxide, they penetrate inside the bottle through the funnel and are dying there. For greater efficiency, the trap should be wrapped with something opaque, for example, a newspaper.

    Modern technologies

    The simplest modern means of mosquito are repellentswhich are widely represented on the market. They are produced in different types: lotions, sprays, gels, aerosols. The latter are good because they can process not only open areas of the body, but also clothes. There are and repellent bracelets that are put on hand. The validity period of such funds is usually from two to six hours.

    The modern analogue of smoke-smoking plants are pyrotechnic open-air fumigators. They are made in the form of a candle or spirals. When igniting the tip of such a spiral, it starts to smooth, and the released smoke scares insects.
    Ultrasound repellents may be quite effective, or, as they are often called, "repelters." These devices generate ultrasound, which makes the mosquitoes from the area covered with radiation. Disputes can be stationary or individual. In the last version of the device are attached to the belt, clothing or bundle of keys and provide the owner of personal comfort. Stationary models can protect up to 50 square meters. m open space.

    Processing chemicals

    In the eligibility of the country area from mosquitoes, you can trust the achievements of modern chemistry. In this case, the place is first made, where the mosquito larvae develops: containers with stagnant water, country decorative ponds, ditches, storm taps, etc.
    Then proceed to residential and non-residential premises, while special attention is paid to basement, where mosquitoes feel especially good. Trees, fences, shrubs are also processed.

    For such a procedure, it is better to attract specialized firms, since the complex processing of the summer cottage from mosquitoes is carried out by various chemicals, and you need to know the features of their application. In addition, the processing uses special protective suits and masks, as well as special equipment - all this is on professionals.

    The chemicals used selectively act on mosquitoes and are practically safe for people and animals. Of course, this applies only to certified chemicals, relevant security standards. Comprehensive treatment helps to get rid of mosquitoes at the cottage quickly and for the period from one to 2.5 months - it all depends on how rains will often go.

    Destruction of pests

    The simplest trap, destroying mosquitoes, is long used special sticky tapewhich is attached to the ceiling of the veranda or gazebo. Insects, sitting on a tape, reliably stick and dying. Its efficiency, in general, very low, because the insect will sit on it or not - the case of the case. From the advantages of the ribbon, you can only specify its low cost. But there are much more efficient traps.

    According to the principle of action by an antagonist of ultrasound repellents are ultraviolet lampsMissing and destroying insects. The principle of operation is simple: mosquitoes (like other insects) fly to the source of ultraviolet radiation, fall on a mesh that is under low voltage, which is surrounded by a source, and die there. Such lamps are effective only in the dark, they can have a different radius of action, several such lamps can be installed on the country area.

    Love mosquitoes not only with ultraviolet, but also thermal radiation, carbon duct, products of burning propane - all this imitates the vital activity of a living organism. There are also complex traps using several factors to lift bloodsowing, including attractants (insect substances).
    Methods of direct destruction of mosquitoes in such devices are also diverse. They are dying not only from the electric flow, but also drown in tanks with water, sucking with a fan inside special containers, become victims of insecticides.

    Complex installations are able to protect the territory of several thousand square meters. Such devices are embarrassed and destroying bloodsuit by all available methods and in the area of \u200b\u200baction provide absolute comfort. However, these highways are massive, need to set up, replenish consumables and service.

    As we see, the choice of means for scaring and destroying mosquitoes is huge. You can build the biological protection of the site, while planting certain plants, use the essential oils or decoctions of plants as repellent.

    You can attract professionals for treating a country area with modern efficient and safe chemicals. And you can scare or destroy the blooduisers using modern electronic devices. Therefore, we should not lower your hands before a mosquito threat, because you can always find a suitable way to deal with them.

    Fighting mosquitoes in the country - effective methods

    • Fighting mosquitoes in the country - effective methods
    • How to get rid of mosquitoes at home
    • Than to treat a plot from mosquitoes


    Good mosquitoes protection - This is a special clothing. Not the one you pick up by trying to avoid bites, but special, which is sold in specialized stores. For its tailoring, special material is used. He "breathes" consists of the upper and lower layers. It is such that the pants are tightly adjacent to the engines, and the sleeves cuff cover the brushes. Head protects a hood with a mosquito net.

    Plot processing

    The struggle against mosquitoes is better to concern not when they are already annoyed, but in advance, in the spring. There are firms specializing in processing from bloodsowing. With the help of a powerful sprayer, they are applied to grass, trees, insecticide buildings. The method allows protect against mosquitoes For several months.

    Mosquitoes and anti-architectural lamps

    There are many types of such devices. Some work on the principle of mosquito destruction, others simply scare them. For example, pretty good mosquito repellent - Special anticomarine lamp. The radius of its action is different - from 20 to 80 sq.m. The lamp shines in the ultraviolet range, attracting insects and working as trap for mosquitoes. They fly to the source of the waves and die in the high-voltage grid built into the lamp.

    Mosquito Repeller Rades ultrasound that imitates the hazing of male mosquitoes. Hearing him, bloodsight females are not cleared close. The device acts within a radius from 30 to 50 sq.m.


    They are different - for outdoor air and for indoor use. The first is the so-called pyrotechnic fumigators - Spirals, candles, etc. When they are ignited, the substance rejects the mosquito. Also from mosquitoes in the country, you can use the fumigator battery, it is usually attached to clothes or hand.

    Indoors use such a well-known to all device from Komarovlike an electrofumigator. It is included in the outlet, after inserting inside the plates impregnated with insecticide.

    There are fumigators in which a can be mounted with a liquid anti-organic agent. Radius of action - about 12 sq.m. If high-quality plates, the device is completely safe, including for children. Of course, there are exceptions - cases of allergies to the active ingredient.


    Mosquitoes on the site Each dachane has. Therefore, almost everyone uses such means as repellents. They can be in the form of sprays, gels, emulsions, lotions, creams. Also selling bracelets impregnated with active substance. Depending on the composition, there are similar means from 2 to 6 hours. It is more convenient to spray themselves from the canopy - they can be sprayed not only to open areas of the body, but also on clothing.

    Of course, such funds are very effective, but it is not particularly pleasant to constantly apply on the body of various kinds of "chemistry". Yes, and smell like insecticides are usually not very good. Therefore, you can choose an alternative in the form of essential oils. From mosquitoes Horsho helps anise oil, oil tea tree, clove, lavender, etc. Best mix them with usual vegetable oil And lubricate the body and face.

    Folk remedies from mosquitoes

    The best folk remedy for mosquitoes - It is smoke. Divide the bonfire, throw dry juniper branches into it, fir or pine cones and enjoy the rest - bloodsowing will not fall close.

    Fighting mosquitoes The house will have a chance of success if the room is to lay a camphor. You need to pour the camphor alcohol on the hot frying pan and spread its pairs around the room, thus clearing it from mosquitoes and flies.

    Also people They advise me to moisten the face and hand with a solution of carboles (carbolic acid), infant of drinking, juice of garlic or decoction of vanilla - they also do not endure mosquitoes.

    And on the plot and in the house you can plant geranium, rosemary, mint, basil and chamomile - they do not like bloodsowing.

    If mosquitoes already bitten, then good means from ukuusov - Soda water, it is necessary to moisten the affected place. Still perfectly illustrates itching with a "asterisk" balm.

    What means to get rid of mosquitoes in the country

    Rest in the country can prevent a lot, but the most common cause of spoiled mood in the fresh air is mosquitoes. They are buzzing over the table, climb into the eyes, hurts and leave traces, and therefore it's time to get rid of the annoying guests!

    Almost any evening in the country ends with loud applause, which sounds not the best storytellor of jokes and not even a masterfully playing a friend, but mosquitoes that fly to light and warm in our gazebo.

    These small bloodsuckers interfere not only on the street, but also in the house when we are trying to fall asleep. They publish subtle and annoying sounds, flying over us, and then sit at all on any part of the body and feed on our blood until we sleep.

    It seems to us that it has long been time to stop the like, and therefore recommends reading the following several sections of an article that will tell you about combating mosquitoes in the country.

    What is a mosquito

    Komar ordinary, or as it is also called, Komar-Piskun, is common everywhere, and therefore, it can occur at any summer cottage. A small insect that feeds on plants juice and mainly human blood reaches sizes of 3-7 mm, and is a carrier of many dangerous diseases.

    It is worth noting that only females drink human blood, which is necessary for the development of eggs and the future population. The males are more humane to us and feed on only juice of plants. That is why mosquitoes are so much on the beds, and just, in any greenery, where they feel very comfortable. You can learn about your own protection and additional comfort in the country.

    Favorable conditions for mosquitoes on the site

    Comfortable conditions for the development and growth of mosquito population may be very many, because each species prefers its temperature, humidity, nutrition. But you can accurately declare that all such insects have both the overall conditions of existence.

    That is why there are so many water, in thick greens, in a warm and wet climate, but also about people, because our blood is food for many of them.

    It is difficult to say why on one cottage more mosquitoes, and the other is less, but you can accurately declare that in the evening, near the lamp in the gazebo, they will definitely. We will meet them and in the garden, near the artificial country reservoir, in the cellar and even in the summer soul. After all, in any of these places, Komarika lives quite well.

    Fight against mosquitoes in the country: the best ways

    It's quite difficult to deal with these insects, because their number on one hundred giving can reach hundreds and thousands. After killing one mosquito, you do not affect their number, and even destroying hundreds with the help of poisons or dischargers, you are unlikely to get rid of them forever.

    But this does not mean that you need to endure bites and obsessive peak every evening ... at least, you need to try well, and free from the mosquito presence of your home and holiday destination at the cottage!

    Traps for mosquitoes

    The simplest bottle trap

    If you want to significantly reduce the number of insects in the gazebo, near the mangala or just for the evening table, we recommend that you make a simple trap from the plastic bottle. We did such traps for OS and other insects, so it will not be difficult.

    Cut the top of the plastic bottle and fill in the bottom of the glass of warm water.

    Next, throw in water 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and stir well. After you can add 1-2 g of yeast, mix that do not need. Now it remains to cover the trap of a cut-up bottle, only the neck down, and install it nearby from the rest. A fairly large percentage of mosquitoes, and other midges, now will go there!

    Lipcro trap

    Velcro is not necessarily sold in rolls, they can be in the form of small adhesive segments that are placed in any convenient place - on the conversation support, near the lighting lamp, on the window window.

    UV trap

    The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a trap is that ultraviolet radiation attracts mosquitoes, and a certain trap element simply kills the insect that approached or hit the desired zone. But whether the UV lamp in these devices is weak, or we choose not the most expensive and high-quality devices, but they act extremely inefficient. In general, there is good devices on the market and not very, but we do not advise them for obvious reasons!

    Best tools to get rid of mosquitoes

    You can get rid of insects only in a closed room in which access is limited for them. Say, this is a bedroom of a country house, where mosquito nets on the windows. But a couple of mosquitoes still started, and the buzzing insects are not allowed to sleep hard, and even traces of their presence are left on our body. This is where modern funds will be helped, which are sold today in almost every store.

    Tablets and mosquito liquid

    By purchasing a tablet in the store, at the same time you take a special electrical adapter, which is included in the ordinary socket. The plate is installed in the adapter, and when it turns on, it is a bit warmer.

    Due to this, chemicals that affect insects are exempt from the same plate.

    All sadness is that many more manufacturers of such tablets and plates have appeared on the market, but not all of them meet the quality standards. Almost every one of us could notice that the individuals do not die from the flavors of the device with the plate, and they become just slightly plated, fall on the floor, bed, furniture. If they do not collect them on time and not crush, mosquitoes miraculously come to life come to themselves and revenge on us.

    For an antitomarine fluid, we do not see the need to open a new partition, as in a small colummer offered for special adapters, the same components affecting mosquitoes. Liquid is slight more efficient, but here too much depends on manufacturers.

    There is a great way to quickly kill all the bloodsicles in the house or just a closed room, but it is distinguished by some danger. Due to the fact that the fumigators are not always effective, some of us apply them a little different, already completely forgetting about adapters. The plate is clamped with pliers or scissors, sets up and stew in 5-7 seconds. At this point from the plate there is a caustic smoke, which kills mosquitoes, really kills. It is only necessary to walk around the room and give it the smoke to the venue in the room. We once again emphasize that the method is effective against insects, but it is quite realistic, which damages and human health!

    Anticomarine Spirals for Street

    In addition to tablets and liquids, a rather interesting position is derived to the market - a spiral. It is sold in small boxes, where 6-10 can be immediately.

    That is, such a means is just for the street, and you can use it while relaxing in a gazebo, garden, or even if you left for nature. You can learn about the best methods of getting rid of moles in the country.

    Alternative means

    It is time to go to the most advanced ways and apply ultrasound dischargers. In theory, these are quite effective devices that scare mosquitoes at a short distance.

    Today, you can find portable boxes on sale, which can be worn with you in your pocket and do not be afraid of bites, as the discreteers act within a radius of up to two meters. You can take and more powerful that work from the outlet and save from mosquitoes already a room. But if we talk about how to scare insects in the country, for example, in the evening tea party, then something is more powerful, for example, electric street dischargers, which can work within a radius even 50 m.

    Folk remedies from mosquitoes (video)

    Folk remedies

    Far necessarily use expensive electrical or chemicalsAfter all, there are always living plants that are perfectly opposed by these insects.

    And since we are all experienced daches, such plants simply should be on our site.

    Among them are not rare or very expensive, but only those that are consistently grown in the country. Tomatoes, mint, carnation, wormwood and Pijm - the main "Green Army", which fights against mosquitoes, but for a person!

    Repellents from Komarov

    Protection against bloodsowing can be complex, and sometimes it is even more appropriate to protect the space around himself, namely itself. For this long ago there are means that can scare mosquitoes and many other insects - repellents.

    They are applied to the skin or even on clothes, the main thing is that the fragrance of that component will be on you, which works against insects (most often, the person of this fragrance does not feel).

    Repellents are sold in the form of sprays, creams, lotions, and the most famous among them are Gardex, Off, Argus and Flop. Of course, you can find others on sale, but be sure to read the content and instructions for use.

    It is possible to use natural repellents, which are also applied to the skin, but certainly will not cause a person no harm. This is a room lemon, the smell of which scares the mosquitoes, cedar oil or the decoction of the root of the dusty, which we all consider a serious weed on the garden.

    In addition to the means and instruments we specified, you can find a lot of proposals on sale. These can be gas lamps, and traps with poisons, and essential oils that protect a person without applying it harm, but you only have something to choose what you heard positive feedback!

    Prevention of mosquito invasion in the country house

    Driving mosquitoes on the street when you relax, one thing, but you need to take action that will not give them the opportunity to mock you when you sleep. So, first of all, it is worth thinking about how not to let roofing in the house.

    The best tool today is mosquito nets that are installed on windows and doors. They are the obstacle for small insects, which can no longer get inside the premises. Fresh air through grid penetrates, and mosquitoes - no!

    Before bedtime, try not to leave the windows and doors in the house, to spew the light on time to which the mosquito flies, and also in advance to include a fumigator, which, while there are no insects, will act like a repeller, and not as an exterminator. The simplest integrated measures will give you the opportunity to sleep in the country calmly.

    It is simply impossible to get rid of mosquitoes, but to reduce their quantity of them, unpleasant sounds and bites - real! Take advantage of our advice, as well as share your thoughts in the comments if you wish to offer an interesting way to combat bloods.

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