Basement islam dream book. What is the dream of the basement

Decor elements 29.09.2019
Decor elements

Every house, big or small, has a basement. For some of us, this room is associated with dampness, twilight, as well as with such representatives of the animal world as mice, spiders and cockroaches.

In most cases, this is an actively used part of the house, which today people are increasingly trying to ennoble. And now, after a good repair, this is no longer just a place to store various household supplies and blanks, but a full-fledged sports hall, cozy library or a mini cinema. After such a preface, you, without any doubt, guessed the topic of our conversation today: what the basement is dreaming of. Let's find out what the dream book thinks about this.

We will start our conversation with common interpretations about the appearance of the basement in night vision. Here the dream book offers several options at once:

  • The basement in a dream is the personification of the past (distant memories, fears, thoughts).
  • The basement as a source of some difficulties that you have to deal with at the present time.
  • It portends attention from an annoying man (for a man - from the representative of the beautiful half of humanity).
  • It is a harbinger of doubts, worries about the fidelity of certain of your actions.

strategic reserve

If you dream of a gloomy, dirty or damp basement, then be careful and in no case expose yourself to unjustified risk. No wonder they say: God saves the safe!

It’s good if in sweet dreams I dreamed of a basement full of food and supplies. Thanks to such character traits as prudence and frugality, in reality you will find success in business and considerable profit.

As another dream book says, a basement filled with supplies is a harbinger of a marriage proposal. The applicant for your hand and heart will be a cheerful, cheerful, but very frivolous person. Think before you make your choice.

The dream in which you were not afraid and looked around the room speaks of overcoming fears in reality. In the near future you will find answers to many questions and will be able to sort out your affairs. If you dream of a basement in which you were locked up, then circumstances will be beyond your control.

Go down to the basement and find there, who is actually alive and well - to be concerned about the nature of the relationship with him. They have obviously deteriorated lately. Maybe you should take the first step and correct the situation?

Next, let's talk about dreams in which the cellar was present. I dreamed of a wine cellar - you will have enough funds, some of which you will spend on daily needs, and some on savings. To get coal out of it - peace and tranquility will reign in your house. To see how someone else descends into it - troubles will bypass you.

Going down into an unlit cellar - find a solution in a matter that is unclear to you. Being locked in such a place - in reality, you should remain calm and not make any attempts to act. The moment has come when time works for you. It is better to use this period for the accumulation of strength and knowledge.

If in night dreams, while in the cellar, you resist attacks from any person, then in reality you will be able to cope with your feelings and humble your thoughts. Not everyone is able to control their emotions! The cellar in which the dreamer makes a hiding place speaks of his desire to hide his true thoughts from those around him.

Summing up the line in a conversation about what the basement is dreaming of, it is worth noting that in most cases dreams reflect the dreamer's feelings and thoughts: memories, fears, thoughts, doubts ... If the dream portends the onset of any changes, events, then they wear either neutral or positive character. There is nothing wrong with explanations about the cellar, especially the wine cellar.

ABC of dream interpretation

Basement - represents the receptacle of the unconscious part of our soul for distant memories, secret fears, dubious thoughts.

Inspect the basement - overcome fears and sort things out.

Being locked in a basement is a hopeless situation.

American dream book

The basement is the base or source of the problem. your physical energy. Often the house symbolizes our body: the attic is associated with the upper chakras, and the basement with the lower ones.

English dream book

If you dream that you are in a basement, in a deep cellar or other underground room, the dream portends the loss of a lover or an unsuccessful marriage with someone who has already been married.

Imperial dream book

To look into the basement / underground / look for something in them - searching for the past and stopping time, an internal yin state without going outside in yang actions, which corresponds to the Russian word hopelessness.

Look into the basement - the meaning of sleep is similar to the Cave / climb into the cave and Chaotic dream.

The darkness and dampness of the basement - symbolize the state of internal anxiety, anxiety and justified fear with a loss of orientation in space. Voluntarily climb into the basement, look into your past, under your foundation, under the present day. The action is caused by the loss of the path and guidelines in life, the desire to find in the past something suitable for repeating the act, emotions. Repetition is not a movement forward, and everything seen in the darkness of the basement is half-erased and completely misleading reflections of the past.

It can be pushed into the basement in a dream - a natural search for the causes of one's real misfortunes in the past. But the darkness of the basement symbolizes that the dreamer does not fully understand why he is doing this, either he is looking in the wrong place, or he blames those around him in the past, while the reason was blinding his own emotions (again, inner darkness). it can be interpreted as a warning about an imminent unfavorable change in the situation, the cause of which will be the dreamer himself - the inadequacy of his behavior, inactivity, lethargy. In terms of health, it is a sluggish spleen and weak kidneys.

Small Velesov dream book

The basement is the past.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Basement dreaming?

Basement - you will hide from an annoying boyfriend, a young lady.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Basement - basement or cellar. Unconscious.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of the Basement?

A dream in which you dream of a basement as a store or cellar full of goods, food, supplies - promises a good course of affairs for the future, great benefits that will be provided by your frugality and foresight.

However, being in a gloomy dungeon in a dream means danger in reality, attacking you does not expose yourself to unnecessary risk.

A collapsed basement - dreams of unfortunately, bad news.

Modern dream book of yogis

Basement is not good. This suggests that you need to think very seriously about where you might end up in your next life.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Attic - symbolizes your highest ideals, and the basement is your main energy centers. Since basements are often dark and underground, they can correspond to the deepest areas of your subconscious. It is very important to explore the repressed levels of your own subconscious. Those things that you suppress or forget about yourself (such as fears, guilt, and shame) can be quite normal human reactions when you bring them into the light. You may be able to integrate them once you fully understand. Hasn't the time come for this?

The basement can symbolize - the basis or source of the problem that you are currently struggling with. Note all the details associated with this sign.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing a basement filled with supplies - a cheerful, but a little frivolous person will offer you a hand and a heart.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The basement in a dream is a symbolic reflection of the depths of your subconscious.

Basement content - symbol forgotten memories driven deep problems and repressed feelings.

The darker and more inhospitable the basement is in a dream, the more serious the problems you have not solved that are gradually burdening you - the accompanying images of sleep can tell you what exactly is bothering you at the moment and how this can be fixed.

For example, if you went down to the basement and found the corpse of your old acquaintance there, who in reality did not even think of dying, the dream suggests that you are haunted by the cooling of relations with this person.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

If you can see the basement well in a dream, such a dream may portend that you will find the right solution and deal with many problems.

If you see yourself locked in the basement and feel fear, it is possible that circumstances are beyond your control. But still, look for a way out in your dream - try to find a window or open a door.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The basement is the past.

Ukrainian dream book

The basement is the past.

Universal dream book

The basement is the lowest part of the building, but it is also the fundamental part, the foundation.

The basement in your dream - may mean that it's time to go back to the basics in order to understand what is happening in your life.

How deep is this basement? Is it a little below ground level or does it go deep underground? - this will tell you how far you have gone along this path of development.

Perhaps the basement - symbolizes something in your subconscious that needs to be opened and wants to come out.

Esoteric dream book

The basement is the laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious.

What is the basement - such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags, a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Basement according to the dream book?

The basement, according to the dream book - a very sociable, but at the same time a somewhat irresponsible man will woo you.

It is full of provisions - you will be lucky in everything, increase your income.

If he is untidy, something bad will happen.

The basement of Felomen's dream book gives ambiguous meaning. On the one hand, you are able to boast of the ability to make new acquaintances, find topics for communication, and be in the center of everyone's attention. On the other hand, the plot symbolizes irresponsibility. A dream can serve as a kind of reflection of the depths inherent in the subconscious.

Did you see a room in your own house? Such a picture is a symbol of comfort, consent.

Was anyone in the basement?

People dreamed in the basement

Dreamed of people in the basement? The dream hints that the goals set do not correspond to the existing desires. You go for someone else's opinion. Is a person climbing the basement steps? You will have to face a serious problem. The plot promises great misfortune. However, it will end well. Did you see the dead? The dream is a reflection of the fact that you are living in memories.

What did you do in your dream?

In a dream go down to the basement

Dreaming that you have to go down to the basement to get groceries? There will be events that can make memories, thoughts, things that you have not thought about for a long time come up. Did you manage to take a lot of supplies in dreams? It won't be long before you get out of the past. This will negatively affect your career, personal relationships, and will cause problems and troubles.

The basement as a whole represents your psychological and emotional condition. Each part of the basement can have a specific interpretation. The foundation that is underground (or at least some parts of it) is, in fact, the foundation of the house.

Dreaming about the basement and understanding the dream can provide you with valuable information that can lead to increased self-awareness. Recurring dreams about the basement (this could be being in the basement, cleaning the basement, or you dreamed ground floor with furniture, etc.) these dreams should not be ignored.

These dreams can be symbols of your unconscious, instincts, intuitions, and your degree of awareness of your current situation or problem. The kind of foundation can provide you with clues about current feelings and a state of contentment. If you see a big mess in the basement, then the dream suggests that you may be feeling confused and that this is a very good time to approach life things from an emotional and psychological side.

At times, the activities that take place in the basement in your dream may be based on past experiences or childhood memories. Like all dreams, they the main objective seems to bring the dreamer into higher consciousness so that he can deal with his current issues more effectively rather than thinking about the past.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about the basement mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a basement in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

dark basement

Dream Interpretation Dark Basement had a dream about why the Dark Basement is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on initial letter an image that characterizes a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dark Basement in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - Laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious. What is the basement, such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags - a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - you will begin to be overcome by doubts and worries about the correctness of your actions.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

A parallel can be drawn between your body and your home.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

The basement is the past.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Dream Interpretation - Basement

flooded basement

Dream Interpretation Flooded Basement dreamed of why the flooded basement is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Flooded Basement in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Basement

If you dreamed that you were locked in the basement, then soon you will meet a person who will help you find a way out. stalemate. In order not to miss it, brew strong black coffee and take it to the basement.

If you dreamed that you were leaving the basement, then in the near future your reputation will be seriously affected. To avoid this, always carry something from the basement with you.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - Laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious. What is the basement, such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags - a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - Laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious. What is the basement, such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags - a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Dream Interpretation - Basement

The lower room of the "residence" of the soul.

Reflects unconscious thoughts or distant memories.

Sometimes our fears, unconscious desires, fears are hidden there.

The basement Represents the receptacle of the unconscious part of our soul for distant memories, secret fears, dubious thoughts.

Inspect the basement - overcome fears and sort things out.

Being locked in a basement is a hopeless situation.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - you will begin to be overcome by doubts and worries about the correctness of your actions.

Seeing a basement filled with supplies - a cheerful, but a little frivolous person will offer you a hand and a heart.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

A parallel can be drawn between your body and your home.

Attic: symbolizes your highest ideals, and the basement is your main energy centers.

Since basements are most often dark and underground, a basement can symbolize: the base or source of the problem you are currently struggling with.

Note all the details associated with this sign.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

The basement is the past.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

If you can take a good look at the basement, such a dream may portend that you will find the right solution and deal with many problems.

If you see yourself locked in the basement and feel fear, it is possible that circumstances are beyond your control.

But still look in your dream for a way out

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement: This is not good. This suggests that you need to think very seriously about where you might end up in your next life.

Dream Interpretation - Flooding

Emotions overwhelmed you.

Go down to the basement

Dream Interpretation Go down to the basement dreamed of why in a dream to go down to the basement? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Going down to the basement by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Basement

If you dreamed that you were locked in the basement, then soon you will meet a person who will help you find a way out of the impasse. In order not to miss it, brew strong black coffee and take it to the basement.

If you dreamed that you were leaving the basement, then in the near future your reputation will be seriously affected. To avoid this, always carry something from the basement with you.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - Laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious. What is the basement, such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags - a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - Laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious. What is the basement, such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags - a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Dream Interpretation - Basement

The lower room of the "residence" of the soul.

Reflects unconscious thoughts or distant memories.

Sometimes our fears, unconscious desires, fears are hidden there.

The basement Represents the receptacle of the unconscious part of our soul for distant memories, secret fears, dubious thoughts.

Inspect the basement - overcome fears and sort things out.

Being locked in a basement is a hopeless situation.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - you will begin to be overcome by doubts and worries about the correctness of your actions.

Seeing a basement filled with supplies - a cheerful, but a little frivolous person will offer you a hand and a heart.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

A parallel can be drawn between your body and your home.

Attic: symbolizes your highest ideals, and the basement is your main energy centers.

Since basements are most often dark and underground, a basement can symbolize: the base or source of the problem you are currently struggling with.

Note all the details associated with this sign.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

The basement is the past.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

If you can take a good look at the basement, such a dream may portend that you will find the right solution and deal with many problems.

If you see yourself locked in the basement and feel fear, it is possible that circumstances are beyond your control.

But still look in your dream for a way out

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement: This is not good. This suggests that you need to think very seriously about where you might end up in your next life.

Dream Interpretation - Go down

Descent down the hill, stairs, elevator, escalator - all this symbolizes the search for a solid foothold.

The descent into the cave is an appeal to the unconscious, where past experience is stored that will help solve problems.

Descents mean temporary setbacks that will help you draw the right conclusions.

Basement many people are green

Dream Interpretation - Green Grass


Dream Interpretation - Green Garden

To joy.

Dream Interpretation - Green color

Greenery usually symbolizes the abundance and flowering of nature.

New shoots appearing in spring are green, and therefore it can be a sign of personal development.

It is also the color of healing.

Dream Interpretation - There are a lot of people (crowd)

Fear, trouble; funny - sadness; countrymen - happiness; old - a long age; sad - war, skirmish; thin - a hungry year; naked - gossip; in chains - friends are in danger; in funeral clothes (in mourning) - dashing news.

Dream Interpretation - People

See in a dream strangers portends that in reality you will experience fear, fright or fear. Seeing a significant crowd of people, a large crowd of people means that instead of decisive and active measures to resolve an urgent issue, you will have to act on orders from the authorities, who are completely out of control of the situation.

Seeing naked people in a dream means that you will become the object of ridicule and slander. Bearded people - in reality show unbridled and unrighteous anger. People in black robes - get bad news. Kind to generosity people - get timely help and support from friends.

People sitting in silence portend pleasant fun. If people noisy company sitting at a table with drinks and snacks - to good incomes. Cheerful, cheerful, humorous people portend good health. People with a boring, gloomy expression mean that you perceive someone else's misfortune as your own and rush to help those in need. Seeing happy, contented people - to wealth and prosperity.

If you see armed people in a dream, you will experience great joy in reality. If people with spears attack you, this is a sign of an impending threat to your interests.

I dreamed of cross-eyed people - in reality you will be annoyed by the society of arrogant upstarts. If in a dream you see beautiful people around you, you will be entrusted with a responsible task. To see sleeping people - in reality your friends will slander you. People who hide their faces behind masks real life you will try to deceive a person friendly to you.

Seeing people smearing themselves with oil in a dream portends events in which you will play a primary role. People who drink heavily, swear and fight - you should be wary of losing the location of the person on whom your success depends.

To dream of people being carried away by a flood portends heavy loss and reflection that will make life a gloomy and dull existence.

To meet in a dream people who know you, but you don’t know them or cannot remember when, where and under what circumstances you met them - such a dream means a change for good if you manage to recognize them; if these people remain mysterious strangers for you, then such a dream does not bode well for you.

see people on desert island where they, like you in your dream, got as a result of a shipwreck - this portends a severe struggle for the right to take the place of the boss that you deserve to the fullest.

If you dream that you are communicating with outwardly friendly and amiable people about whom you are told that they are two-faced and cunning, you will be pleasantly surprised at how favorably your business will begin and discouraged by its unexpected collapse.

Seeing in a dream a certain group of people as official representatives of power or public interests as part of a commission, jury, etc., who make decisions on a particular issue or give their assessment of something - such a dream portends you dissatisfaction with the results of your work.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of military clothing in the blood and without people

This dream portends war

Dream Interpretation - People

To see many people in a dream - to unexpected news. Seeing a lot of naked people in a dream means that you will receive news that will surprise you. To be in the company of gloomy people in a dream portends losses, losses, worries, bad news. To be in a dream in the company of smartly dressed, decent people is a sign that your situation will improve significantly.

Seeing evil people in a dream is a sign of danger. If they threaten you with violence, then you should be more careful and not indulge in risky ventures.

People moving against your movement in a dream are an indication that you will be condemned or slanderers will be believed. See interpretation: crowd.

Dream Interpretation - Many

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He calls you to frugality and calls to your common sense. If you have a lot of food in a dream, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life, not wasting it.

Dream Interpretation - People

Buddha speaks to people - there will be great material assistance.

A Buddhist teacher teaches people by reading sutras to them - fortunately.

Seeing people singing and dancing - there will soon be a squabble.

Together with people you participate in a feast - wealth and nobility.

At the head of many people, you defeat the rebels - you will achieve what you are looking for.

You make people sow the field - great happiness.

Evil people pull each other - a disease.

A noble person distributes hats to people - fortunately.

People beat you with a mallet - portends a disease.

People treat you humiliatingly - portends great happiness.

People determine your punishment - there will be a promotion.

A lot of people gathered near the stove in the house - harmony in relationships and happiness.

Singing and dancing people - soon there will be a squabble.

You accept condolences from other people - portends the birth of a son.

Various noble, noble people dream - fortunately.

Their dead ancestors, respectable people - a great happiness.

You participate with people in a feast - portends wealth and nobility.

Teaching people how to plow and sow is a long journey.

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Many snakes - indicates affairs related to the afterlife.

A lot of people dressed in white clothes - indicates cases related to the service.

A lot of people dressed in blue clothes - indicates separation from the family, separation from loved ones.

Many people dressed in purple or purple clothes - indicates abuse.

Repeatedly prick a person with a knife - joy and benefit.

A lot of people gathered near the stove in the house - portends harmony in relationships and happiness.

A lot of people dressed in red clothes - indicates great happiness and good luck.

Lots of fruit on fruit trees- says that the children and grandchildren are in good condition.

There are many fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition.

You raise a basin, a bucket, and the bottom falls off from it - portends ruin.

Basement many people are green

Dream Interpretation - Dream ...

The usual for many, stereotypical attitude to life (basement) has suppressed your inner child (children), doomed you to a feeling of insecurity (nudity). It is necessary to understand (shoes) and give freedom to the child hiding in you, let yourself rejoice and have fun. If not now, then when? The time has come. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Shooting

The dream warns you not to allow rash acts, not to be aggressive towards other people, to refrain from harsh statements and judgments against them. Otherwise, you may be expected to backfire. The dream also says that an interesting acquaintance with a nonresident / foreign person will soon take place.

Dream Interpretation - Shooting

Apparently you are worried about problems at work, there may be harsh criticism, unwillingness to understand you. From here you dream of a man with aggression and persecution, so you shoot at him, as if defending yourself from the problems that have arisen. But problems will be solved anyway.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Lice or fleas? If lice, then for profit, if fleas, then you will receive unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation - False pregnancy

To come from another City from Studying, but being Pregnant, means in reality an oppressed and unusual state for the Dreamer, disturbing her inner balance, burdened by the Mind (Studying in another city in a dream). Instead of a real pregnancy, there is balloon, planted by the Dreamer with her own hand - this symbolizes the state inherent in the soul of the Dreamer, which speaks of well-hidden emotions. The Dreamer goes to school with Mom, but she is afraid that the Teachers will catch her in deceit and will not let anyone near her Belly - this means that the Dreamer hides her inner world, consciously limiting sincere contacts and directing them in the right direction (Climbing the Ladder). Climbing with difficulty and descending the Ladder with ease with a ball in the stomach - means in reality the restrained emotional desires with the chosen conscious position and the understanding of the low rating of the unconscious position (during the descent, the Girl pushes the Dreamer, being sure that this helps, and the dreamer stumbles and falls - this symbolizes the consequences of a sincere relationship, in accordance with one's Soul). Ball Green colour falls out from under the Dress - this symbolizes openness and sincerity in reality, but the Dreamer manages to push the Ball back - this symbolizes the current balance of Mind and Emotions, when true emotions are in their proper place - in the Soul, and not outside. like this beautiful dream, speaking of the high Consciousness of the young Dreamer, who dreams of far from childhood dreams. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - End of the World ... Unusual

Everything is simple and fits into one phrase: a reflection of your erroneous opinion that any end justifies the means, which is fraught with problems for you personally.

Dream Interpretation - Dreams in the subway

Striving for detachment and observing everything from the outside, you have learned to enter the so-called passive dreams. These dreams can both carry some information and reflect some current experiences. Continue this experience, observe from the outside, only without interfering with the analytical mind, both for those around you and for yourself. Do not be afraid. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Dreams in the subway

In such short-term dreams - visions, you are trying to analyze your unconscious, moreover, methodically, consistently. You may soon discover that it is historical. This withdrawal "into yourself" under the usual noise for you, under the general indifference and anxiety - you are listening to yourself, to the internal conflict, separating from environment, smoothly look "FOR ..." the inner essence (soul, spirit) - Literally - ontovision turns on. But consciousness, consistent with cultural norms, stereotypes and censorship - represses, blocks these impulses - signals - which have not received implementation. Subsequently, you may have impulsive reactions, or negative sensations in the body. Penetration into the world of the unconscious allows you to enter into direct contact with what is experienced by the "Ego" of a person. This means to collect all the actions that "make you", you enter, as it were, into yourself and through your images you will find out what your complex situation and problems are inside. It can be social problems and mental, and economic, and psychosomatic. The unconscious always gives answers to problems, you just need to be able to listen to yourself and understand.

Dream Interpretation - Bloody Sky

Save yourself, avoid disaster.

Dream Interpretation - Bloody Sky

Far from disaster. So don't be afraid. But the dream warns you of possible troubles (stormy sky), and these troubles will be caused by your hectic and basically empty thoughts (people turning into dust). Hence the lack of integrity (black) and internal struggle (red). To improve your relationship with life (hand) you need to be wise (man). Trust less thoughts, more intuition. Good luck.

Fall into the basement

Dream Interpretation Fall into the basement dreamed of why in a dream Fall into the basement? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Falling into the basement by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Basement

If you dreamed that you were locked in the basement, then soon you will meet a person who will help you find a way out of the impasse. In order not to miss it, brew strong black coffee and take it to the basement.

If you dreamed that you were leaving the basement, then in the near future your reputation will be seriously affected. To avoid this, always carry something from the basement with you.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - Laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious. What is the basement, such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags - a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - Laboratory of the soul. Your subconscious. What is the basement, such are the deposits in the depths of your "I". (For example: a lot of things, rags - a lot of negative clichés have accumulated in your soul.)

Dream Interpretation - Basement

The lower room of the "residence" of the soul.

Reflects unconscious thoughts or distant memories.

Sometimes our fears, unconscious desires, fears are hidden there.

The basement Represents the receptacle of the unconscious part of our soul for distant memories, secret fears, dubious thoughts.

Inspect the basement - overcome fears and sort things out.

Being locked in a basement is a hopeless situation.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement - you will begin to be overcome by doubts and worries about the correctness of your actions.

Seeing a basement filled with supplies - a cheerful, but a little frivolous person will offer you a hand and a heart.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

A parallel can be drawn between your body and your home.

Attic: symbolizes your highest ideals, and the basement is your main energy centers.

Since basements are most often dark and underground, a basement can symbolize: the base or source of the problem you are currently struggling with.

Note all the details associated with this sign.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

The basement is the past.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

If you can take a good look at the basement, such a dream may portend that you will find the right solution and deal with many problems.

If you see yourself locked in the basement and feel fear, it is possible that circumstances are beyond your control.

But still look in your dream for a way out

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Basement: This is not good. This suggests that you need to think very seriously about where you might end up in your next life.

Dream Interpretation - Basement

Dream interpretation basement

Often we happen to see in a dream familiar, inconspicuous phenomena, but sometimes our eyes see things that cause exciting emotions and even fear. In both cases, these are very important omens that require detailed consideration. They can anticipate change and protect against fatal mistakes.

According to the dream book, the basement is the personification of our subconscious, inner experiences. Basically, all events related to the underground area carry a deep meaning. In addition to reflecting the accumulated feelings and fears, they may portend some changes. Seers and psychologists will help answer this question in more detail.

What does the interpreter say?

Despite the fact that underground structures are indicators of our condition, we cannot limit ourselves to this interpretation. Remember whether you had a chance to be an observer or a participant. Such nuances will help to figure out exactly what the basement is dreaming of.

Be an observer

So, you only happened to see the basement or cellar. What circumstances awaited in it, and what did the structure actually look like?

If you dreamed of a basement


The first thing that falls on the eye - the appearance of the building. Was it ominous and dark, or completely filled with water?

  1. Deep. Unfortunately, this is an indicator that your soul is now gloomy and dark. Perhaps there was an unpleasant episode in the past that left a deep mark. In any case, you need to devote more time to yourself and deal with your state of mind. The interpreter notes that such a condition harms not only you, but also close relatives. They experience feelings and suffer from it too. Therefore, having dealt with the accumulated psychological problems, everything will return to normal.
  2. Abandoned. Also a negative image that prepares for future troubles. It is necessary to protect yourself from the slightest risks and to cope with the accumulated cases in time. Otherwise, small troubles can imperceptibly lead to big trouble. Do not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones, they will definitely support you in everything.
  3. Raw and musty. Now you are one step away from success, but for some reason you do not dare to reach the end. You yourself have inspired doubts that do not allow progress to get ahead. Be determined and achieve your goals.
  4. Clean. The cellar, in which the walls are whitewashed, looking bright and clean, is a good symbol. Soon joy and fun will knock on your house, you just have not to drive them away. Wait for old friends or just random guests, the evening with whom you will remember for a long time.
  5. Dark. You are inclined to take risks and sooner or later it will not lead you to good. Despite the fact that now life is developing successfully and safely, fortune may turn away from you.

If in a dream the cellar was of a huge, immense size, then soon all your cherished dreams will come true in the most unexpected way.

Features in a dream

Apart from appearance it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the underground building was still remarkable.

Where was the cellar or cellar

  1. He was in his home. The presence of this structure in your own home is a harbinger of favorable events in the family. Perhaps now you have accumulated a lot of claims to your soulmate and a tense atmosphere reigns in the relationship. However, soon everything will be resolved, thereby bringing comfort, harmony and well-being.
  2. Alien room. Did he seem unfamiliar to you? This is an indicator that you desperately lack new acquaintances and impressions. Although a warm atmosphere reigns in the house, and true friends regularly visit, you do not feel the taste of life. The dream book advises you to go on a trip or on any mass event in order to replenish the baggage of pleasant impressions.
  3. Locked up. Seeing such a picture is a futile and exhausting chore. Think, maybe now you are doing a useless business that will not bring any benefit in the future, but will only exhaust you.
  4. Opened door. This symbol portends a new acquaintance, especially for the fair sex. It is worth noting that the newly-made person will be very wealthy and ready to spend a lot of money on you.
  5. Filled with water. Now is the time the best time for creative plans. All the things that you have planned will end with unprecedented success, thereby bringing you considerable profit and the recognition of other people.

Participate in a dream

Continuing to analyze what the basement is dreaming of, it is necessary to recall other circumstances. Very often we are awarded the role of not only an observer, but also an active participant. What happened to be done?

Whitewashing the walls in the basement - to the changes that will overwhelm your life. The interpreter claims that they will bring only positive changes.

Other interpretations

What do other sources say? Leading visionaries, famous psychologists have spent many years of their labor to provide the final interpretation.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis

According to psychology, everything that is shrouded in darkness, something underground, reflects our subconscious thoughts and innermost desires. In some cases, it may indicate what we have acquired in the process of personal growth.

So, if you happened to go down to the cellar, you need to spend more time alone with yourself, without being distracted by the everyday bustle. You have not yet fully known yourself, as a result of which you experience internal contradictions. The source also advises paying special attention to thoughts about life goals.

But the case when you are in the basement, but something makes you leave it, shows dependence on someone else's opinion. Surrounding people, hiding behind sincere friends, masterfully manipulate you, as a result of which you harm yourself without even knowing it.

Miller's dream book

What does this place mean according to Miller? He argued that the basement itself is a reflection of our former memories and thoughts. Moreover, if it was full of supplies, various things, then this is an indicator that you are a very far-sighted person. You manage to think ahead and take care of a worthy future. This trait is highly valued by those closest to you.

Hiding in it is for fear of angering loved ones or unfamiliar people. You are a rather non-confrontational person, trying to compromise so as not to fall out of favor. But at the same time, while living for the sake of others, one should also not forget about oneself.

The basement is a dark, damp and gloomy place. This is a place where you don't want to stay for a long time. However, it can also serve as a refuge in times of danger, as well as a place to store vegetables, fruits and preserves for the winter. However, what does it mean if this room appeared in the plot of our dream. Consider what the basement is dreaming of, how authoritative dream books interpret this image.

What does the basement mean in a dream

Imperial dream book

According to this ancient source, to see a basement in a dream and look into it means that you are looking for some answers in the past. Such a dream is a symbol of stopping time, in other words, a dead end and hopelessness.

What the basement is dreaming of, this source explains depending on the characteristics of the room. Feel in a dream the dampness and darkness of the basement, loss of orientation in dark place- is a reflection of subconscious anxiety, anxiety.

If you climb into the basement of your own free will, this means that in reality you have lost solid ground under your feet, the foundation, life guidelines and are trying to cope with this condition. This dream should also be understood that from the past you want to return or repeat some act or emotion. However, you should not think about the past, as constant repetition will not allow you to move on. It is better to strive for something new. So, according to this dream book, the basement should be understood in your dream.

If in a dream you find yourself in a basement against your will, that is, someone pushes you there, it should be understood that you, trying to figure out your problems, are looking for the answer in the wrong place, go the wrong way.

The darkness of the room means a lack of understanding of what is happening in the present, an attempt to blame others for their problems. Having seen such a dream, it should be regarded as a warning about possible changes in the current situation in an unfavorable direction.

If we consider a dream from the point of view of health issues, then it may indicate diseases of the spleen or kidneys.

Modern dream book

A dream in which the basement acts as a store or cellar where supplies are stored portends an improvement financial situation, successful completion of current affairs, income that will survive thanks to your foresight. But the plot of the dream, where you are in a dark and gloomy underground room, warns that danger may await you in real life. Try not to take unnecessary risks.

If you dreamed of a basement, “dig” in your soul, there was no resentment or fear hiding in its corners. According to the dream books, the dungeon seen in a dream just characterizes the dreamer's internal state, his attitude to the world as a whole and the environment around him. To find out what the basement is dreaming of, remember how it looked.

Miller's interpretations

And if you see yourself on the subway, then the interpretation of the dream warns that someone will try to involve you in a dangerous and, most likely, dishonest adventure.

Basement of the house - From work to adventure

If you dreamed that you were going down to the basement own house, then remember what you needed there, dream books recommend. Here are a few examples of what this place is dreaming of, according to what you did there:

  • lowered or took out supplies in a dream - to get acquainted with a generous person;
  • worked in it, for example, whitewashed walls or dug a hole - to hard work;
  • fled from the fire in the basement of the house - you will be able to find a way out;
  • wandered, lagging behind the excursion - to unexpected adventures;
  • restored the basement in a dream after a collapse - you will have a chance to unravel other people's secrets.

Wine cellar as a symbol of secrecy

Why dream of a basement filled with bottles of wine, Pastor Loff's dream book will explain. Remember exactly how the bottles were located, the interpreter recommends.

If you see in a dream that all the containers are randomly placed in the basement, then this means that you do not want someone to find out your secrets. But, the bottles arranged in order mean the confidence that you hide from others for the time being, for the time being.

The bomb shelter is a sign of real threats

Hiding in a dream in an underground bunker from natural disaster- a sign that you are afraid of the judgment of others, suggests English dream book. And if you were hiding in a dream from hostilities taking place on the surface, then this indicates that you will be able to "dodge" the conflict that will play out in your team.

Understanding why you dream of sitting in the basement during training events will help Modern dream book: you are afraid of losing your loved one, so you are not behaving quite adequately.

Vegetable storage - Work: joys and sorrows

Being in a dream in a clean, dry basement with vegetables along with other people is a sign that you will soon receive a good income. True, this applies only to those dreams in which you saw appetizing-looking products. And here, a cellar with rotten potatoes, carrots, etc. promises spending and monetary losses, the Lunar Dream Book broadcasts.

Exit the cellar with full hands- a signal of a new source of income, perhaps you will either change jobs or find an additional one. And if you dreamed that you were running away from the basement because it was flooded with water, then you should pay attention to the fact that one of your colleagues wants to “drown” you.

Castle dungeons, or Think about grievances

What is the dream of the dark damp basement medieval castle, undertakes to explain Eastern dream book. If you dreamed that you were going down a dilapidated staircase leading to a dungeon, then pay attention to whether there were torches nearby.

Going down the illuminated stairs is a sign that you will understand the motives that will make your friends take offense at you. But if you went down in the dark in a dream, then you will be puzzled by the change in their attitude towards you.

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