Sale of sweets as a successful and prosperous business: we make money on sweets. Opening a candy store: a detailed review of a business idea

reservoirs 12.10.2019

In this material:

A business plan for a candy store is a clear, well-thought-out and well-written document that calculates expenses and income, takes into account risks and provides for business development in case of force majeure.

According to statistics, the most common present is sweets. Previously, a chocolate bar opened the doors of reception rooms and helped to thank the doctor, hairdresser, and educator. Today on sale you can find the most unusual desserts - personalized chocolate, sweets with different tastes(almost like a Betty Botts dragee), chocolate and marmalade figurines, cakes, cookies. Candy shop - delicious and profitable business, which certainly has the right to exist.

The relevance of the business of selling sweets and sweets

There can be no tea drinking without sweets, they don’t go to visit without them, sweets are not only sweet, but also a cure for mental anguish. Despite the constant moaning about the lack of money, compatriots love and know how to relax, so the demand for sweet goods is guaranteed. The country is eating off for decades of shortages, buyers are guaranteed to be in the store not only on the eve of the holidays.

The candy trade has a lot of undeniable advantages: the goods do not deteriorate for a long time (shelf life is up to 12 months), refrigerators or freezers are not needed, a store does not need a large room, which means that the rent will be minimal.

What are the best candies to sell?

When planning a business, you can follow one of the beaten paths:

  1. Find an opportunity to buy very cheap sweets and sell them not very expensive. The trade-forming factor is the price, for a cheap product, not even of the highest quality, there will always be buyers. The main disadvantage is the suppliers.
  2. Conclude agreements with various suppliers and purchase sweets in small quantities, but in a wide range.
  3. If quality becomes the main factor, then the contract is concluded with a specific manufacturer whose reputation is beyond doubt. In this case, the easiest way to work on a franchise. The manufacturer's price will be significantly lower than for other individual entrepreneurs, you can save on advertising, and if the plant is located nearby (or there is a sales office in the city), then there is no need for a warehouse.

approximate list of confectionery products

Market, competition and risk analysis

To assess the prospects of opening and operating a candy store, you should find out:

  • how many "native" suppliers (manufacturers) are in close proximity and are ready to cooperate;
  • how many shops and shops of sweets work in the village;
  • what is the range of goods;
  • what sweets are most in demand among buyers;
  • How can you attract, surprise customers.

Business includes certain risks, but if you approach everything wisely, then they can be minimized:

  • bad store location
  • purchase of low-quality, unclaimed goods;
  • increase in the cost of products in the purchase;
  • damage to goods.

The prevention of any type of risk will be discussed below.

How to open a candy store from scratch

Registration of the type of activity, documents

To open a candy store, it is enough to register an IP. You will need:

  • application to the tax office for the assignment of a TIN;
  • an application to the local municipality for registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • copy of the passport;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

UTII is preferred as a taxation system.

OKVED codes:

  • 52.24.22 - retail sale of sugary confectionery products, including chocolate;
  • 52.11 - retail trade in non-specialized stores, mainly food products, including drinks, and tobacco products.

Important! The presence of a terminal for paying by card will significantly increase the influx of customers.

Premises search and location requirements

A candy store does not need a room with large area, 20 m 2 will be enough.

The room must meet sanitary and hygienic standards, have communications - electricity, ventilation, be equipped with an alarm system and an emergency fire extinguishing system.

Regarding the location - it is important:

  • high traffic (market, shopping center, train station, public transport stops, recreation parks, sleeping areas);
  • a minimum of competitors in the immediate vicinity (practice shows that a suitable assortment and a friendly attitude towards customers can even compensate for the presence of direct competitors).

Search for suppliers of sweets

Working directly with the manufacturer reduces the cost of paying for third-party services and allows you to control the quality and not doubt the timing. If the manufacturing plant is located nearby, then questions about the purchase of goods are removed automatically.

The situation is even simpler in the case of acquiring a franchise: delivery is free of charge, at the most low prices and within the stated time on the first request.

A large manufacturer will offer a wide range of sweets and other sweets, in this case it is very rare to have to look for alternatives.

It should be remembered that when buying a franchise, the owner regulates pricing by setting a minimum.

Formation of the product range

The formation of the assortment must be approached with all responsibility. It is optimal to purchase sweets in different price segments, offering customers several types at approximately the same price.

In order not to waste time and make the task easier for clients, it is worth spending some time and a certain amount to make trading visual. For each type of sweets, you need to take 3 photos: in a wrapper, without a wrapper and in a section; order or independently make small plates with a photo and a description of the composition of sweets. Thus, buyers will be able to navigate on their own and will not waste the seller’s time, create a queue and slow down the process.

The assortment should include sweets from the most accessible, cheap, to elite, about 200-250 items.

Purchase of commercial equipment

To open a store, a minimum of equipment is required - racks or shelves, glass showcases to place goods on display for customers. It is important to lay out the entire assortment on the shelves. What configuration and size the racks will be depends on the desire / imagination of the owner, as well as the size of the room.

Tip: order equipment by individual project in a reliable company, clearly stipulate in the contract the terms of production and options for compensation for losses in case of violation of the contract. This option may cost more, but it will be exactly what you need.


At first, it is strongly recommended to conduct business on your own. It is permissible to involve close (very interested) relatives, but no more. The image of the store depends on the relationship of the seller to the buyers (not a single employee will be able to work like the one who invested his own money), you can control costs and income only with direct participation. The only hired worker possible at this stage is a cleaning lady who comes for several hours, for example, and even then, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store is really large.

Opening a store will take all the time and effort, pushing into the background all other affairs and concerns, but the end justifies the means.

Advertising campaign

  1. Buying a franchise removes all questions from the very beginning: the owners provide a brand book with clearly defined requirements, it remains only to find worthy performers.
  2. Self-promotion at the initial stage requires the manufacture of a sign, a plate with an operating mode and a stand for buyers.

If you wish and have the money, you can order leaflets at the printing house (put them in the mailboxes of nearby houses), arrange a tasting and treat passers-by, attracting them to the store.

It is worth talking about your business in city groups social networks, you can start the video on the radio or on TV, advertise on the light screen.

The financial component of the business

Investments in the opening of a candy and sweets shop

At the start, investments consist of:

  • rent for 3 months - 90 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 70 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses - 70 thousand rubles;
  • initial purchase of goods - 75 thousand rubles.

Current expenses

  • rent - 30 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 5 thousand rubles;
  • wages, taxes, deductions - 20 thousand rubles;
  • replenishment of the assortment - 80 thousand rubles.

Sales revenue and profit calculation

The margin on the goods is about 140-150%. Thus, the net profit in 3-4 months after the start will be about 70-80 thousand rubles a month.

Business Profitability

Trading margin from 100% guarantees payback in 3-4 months and further development business.

The candy business is not easy, but interesting and profitable. It is very important to calculate everything on paper. First you need to be confident in the supply, negotiate and resolve all issues with franchising, see the premises and "equip" it theoretically, calculate the options for obtaining money, and only after that deal with the legal side of the issue.

Order a business plan

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  • Step-by-step plan for opening a candy store
  • Choosing a store location
  • How much money do you need to open a store
  • What equipment to choose for a candy store
  • Suppliers
  • Recruitment
  • What taxation system to choose for a candy store
  • How much can you earn by opening a candy store
  • What OKVED to indicate when registering a candy store
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Sales Technology

Step-by-step plan for opening a candy store

The Candy Store is a retail outlet that specializes in the sale of candy, marmalade, caramel, smoothies, ice cream, and other sweet foods. Number of sweet shops in last years is growing steadily. It has its own objective reasons. Firstly, this is facilitated by the growing demand for sweet goods against the backdrop of growing purchasing power of the population. Secondly, opening a candy store does not require special knowledge and financial capabilities of an entrepreneur. Plus, there are a number of proposals to start a similar franchise business. Investments in this case will amount to no more than 300 thousand rubles.

Sweet shop is a retail outlet that specializes in the sale of candy, marmalade, caramel, smoothies, ice cream and other sweet foods.

The number of sweet shops has been steadily growing in recent years. There are objective reasons for this. Firstly, this is facilitated by the growing demand for sweet goods against the backdrop of growing purchasing power of the population. Secondly, opening a candy store does not require special knowledge and financial capabilities of an entrepreneur. Plus, there are a number of proposals to start a similar franchise business. Investments in this case will amount to no more than 300 thousand rubles.

What is a modern candy store. The assortment of the sweet shop consists of such goods as: piece sweets and caramel; bulk ice cream; chewing marmalade; milkshakes; oxygen cocktails; chocolate; fresh juice; lollipops.

The markup on goods in a candy store is at least 200%, and on individual items even 500%. The average cost of goods is 20%. Approximate price policy: marmalade - 70 rubles / 100 gr., loose ice cream - 45 rubles / 50 gr., milk shake- 70 rubles / 400 ml, freshly squeezed juice - 100 rubles / 200 ml.

Choosing a store location

As in any similar business, the profitability of an outlet depends on its traffic. In this regard, the most advantageous location for a sweet shop is shopping and entertainment complexes. The ideal store format in such places is an "island" of 10-15 m2.

Due to the fact that the occupied area of ​​the retail outlet is no more than 15 m2, rental payments will not be so high - from 15 to 30 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region. For questions about renting retail space, please contact the administration of the shopping center. Of course, they need their own approach. The first thing that is important for the landlord is what you will sell and how your outlet will "fit" into the design of the shopping center.

A big plus of indoor placement (SC) is year-round operation and the absence of seasonal influence. AT winter period marmalade and caramel sell well, in the summer - ice cream and cocktails. December and January are generally considered the most profitable months. What can not be said about the placement of a retail outlet on the street, where the opening hours are limited to the warm period of the year.

How much money do you need to open a store

  1. Purchase of equipment and commercial furniture - from 150 thousand rubles
  2. Purchase of goods and ingredients for making cocktails and juice - from 50 thousand rubles;
  3. Rental deposit (1 month) - from 15 thousand rubles;
  4. Registration of activities, transport and other expenses - from 30 thousand rubles.

The total investment in the point of sale is from 245 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for a candy store

To operate a sweets outlet in the "island" format, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Commercial equipment for the sale of marmalade (slides with dispensers), piece sweets, chocolate and caramel;
  • Racks for the sale of oxygen and milkshakes;
  • Oxygen concentrators, cocktail mixers, ice makers;
  • Freezer showcase and freezer for ice cream storage;
  • Blender, juicer;
  • Bar counter;
  • Trade furniture "island";
  • Cash node.

The total cost of a set of equipment is from 150 to 250 thousand rubles.


In addition to equipment, it is necessary to resolve the issue of timely delivery of goods. You can, of course, get your own transport and deliver goods to points of sale. But this is not always profitable, as there is a need for additional control and hiring of drivers. Therefore, when working with suppliers, it is recommended to cooperate on the terms under which the supplier delivers the goods on their own. It will not hurt to receive from them a deferred payment for 7-14 days.


To operate one outlet, you will need to hire 2 sellers. Large shopping centers usually work from 10:00 to 22:00, so the ideal work schedule for sellers is 2/2. To increase labor motivation, a wage system should be applied - salary + percentage of daily earnings.

What taxation system to choose for a candy store

The optimal organizational form when opening a candy store is individual entrepreneurship. The advantages of IP are obvious - low registration costs and a minimum of documents. As tax systems It is advisable to use a single tax on imputed income (UTII). Switching to this special the taxation regime is carried out upon a written application of an individual entrepreneur. It is advisable to submit this application immediately after registration of the activity.

How much can you earn by opening a candy store

The estimated net income of one outlet is 50-100 thousand rubles. As you understand, these are not the numbers that satisfy the appetite of many businessmen. Therefore, to increase income, it is necessary to develop a network of sweets stores, consisting of at least 3 outlets. This is especially true for large cities, where there are many opportunities for the implementation of such goals.

In preparing the store for the holidays, a special place is given to increasing sales of confectionery products. It is safe to say that chocolates and sets are among the most emotionally charged products: they are closely associated with the experiences and significant events in the life of consumers, with the atmosphere of the holiday. Unlike piece confectionery - a classic checkout item - and flour confectionery, selling more expensive chocolate requires sellers to be able to create a mood. In the long run, this has a positive effect on the attitude of customers towards the store.

confectionery before the holidays

Pirates, warriors and business women.

Task 1. Increasing sales through
expanding the range and competent display

Obviously, the number of scheduled visits to confectionery shops and purchases in the confectionery departments before the holidays increases significantly. But it is worth remembering that in the pre-holiday bustle, buyers have much less time to make an informed choice, so the first task of the store is to make them make a purchase right here and for this, adequately present an assortment of gift sets and create comfortable conditions for their choice. Despite the constant improvement of the range of products offered by manufacturers, as well as their packaging, it would be erroneous to assume that the confectionery department will be attractive in itself, without competent display and application of methods to increase sales. Desire of the merchant to expose a large number of confectionery sets limited area often results in boxes upside down and packages partially closed. The face of the product is not always visible on the chocolates in the confectionery display case. Especially if special equipment is not used, the packaging is closed with price tags comparable in size to the product itself. At the same time, a negligent seller can easily slap the price tag on Alenka's face or the nose of "Unknown" Kramskoy. Expensive chocolate gifts and figurines small size can be completely lost in the window without creating a "visual frame" for them. Their sales may be adversely affected by the placement of cheap piece goods side by side on the principle of “one size in one place”. Then the buyer will have an impression, as in the story of a famous satirist: “And these, well, they are so small - but three each!”.

Task 2. Increasing sales through
expanding the circle of gift buyers.

It should also be remembered that when planning gifts, the buyer does not always consider chocolate as a permanent application. The festive budget is often limited, and alcohol, cosmetics and perfumes and other typical gifts become "competitors" of chocolate sets and elite chocolate as independent gifts.

Increasing sales with the presentation of chocolate for men.

Candy for men and boys is a promising topic, and today its potential is far from being fully realized. It first appeared in the chocolate bar and candy bar segment, and supermen, spiders, horror stories, and skeletons were called upon to create the candy look for real guys. Chocolate boutiques responded with chocolate for serious men: bitter and "super-bitter", with 98 percent cocoa beans. The Aztecs believed that a product made from the fruit of the tree of the gods (according to legend, the cocoa tree was brought to earth by the deity Quetzal-Coatl) excites masculinity. According to the testimony of the great conquistador Hernan Cortes, at the court of the Aztec emperor Montezuma, two types of liquid chocolate were consumed: sweet with cream and spicy with pepper. Cortes wrote that "one cup of this valuable drink is able to keep a person perfectly alert on a campaign from sunrise to sunset." The style of maritime romance can also be associated with chocolate - ships delivering cocoa beans to the royal courts of Europe were often made the object of attention of pirates. This style can be used both in creating brands and laying out a scattering of chocolate medals, like coins from a treasure chest. In the years patriotic war large confectionery factories produced chocolate specifically for pilots, paratroopers, scouts and sailors who needed energy to survive in conditions of physical, intellectual and emotional stress. The military victorious theme (for example, the brands of Krasny Oktyabr, Guards Glory, Slava, Peter the Great) and the theme of real men (Bogatyrsky, Presidential) are now present in the design of chocolate. And before the holidays, it makes sense to single out and group such brands and pay attention to bitter varieties so that women, having chosen sweets for children, guests and themselves, make another purchase - as a gift to a man.

Increasing sales by presenting chocolate to office workers.

Another promising group of buyers and recipients of sweet gifts are office workers, bosses and work colleagues. In business districts, to attract attention, you can group sets of candies with emblematic symbols, state and Moscow themes in the packaging design on one rack. After all, it is not convenient for everyone to give a box that depicts a bouquet of flowers or a frivolous dancer. Grouped by themes, the packages themselves contribute to the pre-holiday decoration of the hall. Producers and merchants can bring success to a topic that has not yet been worked out in a chocolate version - office gifts and jokes of the middle price category. Perhaps in the future, a chocolate laptop, briefcase or mobile phone will compete with more traditional figurines.

Let's take a look at a few more ways to increase sales.
confectionery before the holidays:

  • INCREASE IN SALES contributes to the equalization of prices for weight chocolates (more often used in the range of 10 rubles per kilogram). Most housewives like to bet on festive table a vase full of different varieties of candy, even low-income shoppers succumb to the temptation to decorate a pile of soy bars with a couple of Golden Soufflés. An interesting detail: sweets in a candy wrapper with a “fluffy tail” are often chosen for the table, because there seem to be more of them on the table. At the same price level, the seller’s labor costs at the counter and the time for service are reduced, which is important in the pre-holiday period, when there are queues of buyers in a hurry and wanting attention. The number of impulse purchases is increasing among the buyers themselves - a bag of sweets is already on the scales, and you really want to add both of them! When leveling prices, you can use a well-known brand as a sales engine. It is worth noting that this technique requires a preliminary study of buyers in order to choose the right varieties for the price range. For buyers of different groups, the price barriers may be different, while the general boundaries due to the perception of numbers are 100, 200 rubles per kilogram.
  • INCREASING SALES contributes to the packaging of chocolates in self-service stores. Candies packed in a plastic tray at a price of, for example, 38 rubles (a price comparable to the cost of a waffle cake) look attractive. Some buyers are scared away by the price of 150-200 rubles per kilogram, and a smaller amount turns the purchase of chocolates into an impulse category. Another part of consumers believe that when buying packaged sweets, they do not overpay for gift wrapping, extra paper and air in it (“Such a big box, but there are only ten pieces inside!”). In shops where most It is possible to display packaging (special packages, boxes) in a conspicuous place so that buyers can put together a gift from bulk and piece sweets - to their taste and pocket.
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the presence in the department of materials for artistic gift wrapping and the provision of this service in the store.
    In general, paper bows, ribbons and roses decorating counters and racks have a positive effect on candy sales, but in Russian stores such decor is used less often and weaker than, for example, in American middle-class confectionery stores. Individual caramel flowers are also very rare, although there are caramel baskets - for example, they are produced by Krasny Oktyabr. A separate caramel flower would make a nice gift.
  • INCREASING SALES contributes to the joint display of alcohol and confectionery sets, using decorative composition, advertising display. A bottle of champagne next to a box of chocolates, several sets under the poster "Congratulate your loved ones!" - all this serves as a reminder, a hint to the buyer and also increases the number of impulse purchases (see Fig. 1). Non-standard solutions can be successful, for example, chocolate bottles located next to each other and real small bottles. Festive goods may already be packaged in the store in a flower-decorated basket and offered as a set.
  • INCREASING SALES by grouping and highlighting well-known Soviet confectionery brands. First, it is in line with the principle the best goods– the best resources”, because behind the old brands is the reputation of large manufacturers. There is another aspect. In our research on various food products, it was found that among consumers over 30 years of age, an increase in the number of nostalgic for Soviet times. At the same time, old brands are associated with the wonderful years of childhood and youth, and the same varieties are bought to create a festive mood. No wonder the theme of nostalgia, the time, “when everything was small, but everything seemed very tasty”, is now used by manufacturers. Part of the buyers seeks to take revenge in consumption: “Earlier, they only gave orders, but now I eat caviar with spoons on New Year’s, and kilograms of all kinds of “Bears” with “Squirrels!”
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the optimization of the display of gift sets of sweets. Sets on racks can be grouped according to the principle color combinations and the contrast of packages, the theme of packaging design, as is done, for example, in Krasny Oktyabr's branded stores. To facilitate the choice of budget-conscious buyers, you can arrange sets by box size and price. Nearby it is not recommended to place packages that are close in color, and it is always necessary to check if there are any effects of reflected light when viewed from the hall. Obviously, the number of small sets of sweets in the checkout area before the holidays can be increased. The allocated display area can be limited by bright stripes of sets arranged vertically in several units on the rack (see Fig. 2).
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the use of posters with information about the composition and properties of sweets in the set. Sectioned Chocolate is being actively introduced through Rittersport advertising and POS materials from Korkunov and Derzhava. It is known that most buyers have more confidence in the packaging, which depicts the product itself, because the seller can not always give reliable information. Sellers of confectionery departments say that customers, when they see a bottle of champagne on the package, quite often joke: “Does it come with it?” No one comes up with the idea of ​​a champagne filling, but if a bottle of cognac or liquor is depicted, many buyers already expect that there is an alcoholic filler inside. We repeat once again that before the holidays the buyer is in a hurry, and he has a thousand different problems in his head. Visual information will help avoid disappointment and reduce the burden on sellers.
  • INCREASING SALES is facilitated by the use of dummies of gift chocolate figures. Figured chocolate in plastic packaging is difficult to adequately exhibit. The chocolate melts from the light, and the polyethylene shines, and these reflections destroy the integrity of the volume of the figure. Skillfully made dummies can stand in any place and draw attention to elite products. Painted plaster sculptures can also be used to decorate the showcase. So, figures made of various materials, and figured chocolate in the Konfael boutique in Moscow are among the most significant and memorable details of the interior and showcases.

Holidays and weekdays.

Shops and departments of confectionery always carry an element of festivity, so their design should create a general warm impression, evoke pleasant emotions among visitors. It is desirable to use natural materials or their skillful imitation in interior decoration and equipment. There may be elements of the colonial style - various shades mahogany, bronze or brass details, large glazed surfaces, mirrors - as, for example, in the design of "Petrossian boutique/cafe" in New York. The designers of the Mozart boutique in Toronto used a palette of colors based on the range of the product itself – shades of chocolate from white to brown, against a mauve background. In "Candy Cauldron" the theme of the Disney cartoon "Snow White" was used in the design - natural materials combined with wall paintings and sculptures create an unforgettable atmosphere.

In the display of sweets and slab chocolate decorative compositions(columns, spirals, screws, pyramids) on the counter still impress the buyer. Let us recall the Eiffel Tower of chocolates described by Bulgakov in the novel The Master and Margarita, shamelessly destroyed by the cat Behemoth. For many other products, such techniques no longer apply or look old-fashioned. But chocolate compositions incite the buyer to festive consumption, and this can positively influence the growth of sales in other groups. Composition tools can also be used in filling transparent containers with weight goods (see Fig. 3). Laying out weight sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, etc. in plastic bags instead of containers gives the impression of untidiness.

A successful combination of confectionery with products such as tea and coffee, flour confectionery - also with milk, because at the sight a large number sweets in a person in the subconscious mind, the thought of drinks arises (see Fig. 5). Psychologists have an opinion that only people with disabilities can eat a lot of sweets without tea or other liquids. Aromas of coffee and tea favorably affect sales. An example is the Krasny Oktyabr branded stores on Shabolovka and Tverskaya in Moscow. Hot chocolate is gradually becoming popular, and it has good prospects in our climate (by the way, brandy can be added to hot chocolate in the classic recipe). To emphasize the character of this drink, its density, significance, the choice of dishes plays an important role: thick-walled porcelain cups are preferred over plastic cups and light cups. Those who have visited both Sever cafes in St. Petersburg on Nevsky Prospekt could feel this difference.

If the confectionery is adjacent to groceries, it is better to “approach” it with fruit preserves, jams, etc. Despite the fact that diabetics are among the most loyal customers, diabetic products are recommended to be placed in less visible places so as not to embarrass other customers (imagine hangover cures in the center of the display in the wine and spirits department!). If diabetic products are located on a common confectionery showcase, it is more efficient to give information about ingredients in large scale (xylitol, isomalt) or use special symbols that are understandable to diabetics and will always be found. A security confirmation is also required, but can be written in smaller sizes.

In specialized confectionery shops and departments, it is sometimes difficult to lay out weight sweets and caramels on a glassed-in counter, as well as on shelves. Layout by type and price can be used: the product is divided into groups with a certain price range per kilogram, then they look at how many types can fit in one row. Examples of layouts for counters and racks are shown in Figure 6. There are times when the view of goods in the corner of a confectionery display case located near the cashier is limited. This must be checked by looking from the hall. Then put there interesting impulsive and significant profitable goods unjustifiably.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Owning a business related to sweets is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. In this high-calorie compilation, you will find 20 sweet tooth business ideas and guides to start these businesses.

The hobby of baking cakes can grow not only into an additional source of income, but also into your own small business. To start such a business in the “homemade cakes to order” format, even with the complete absence of cooking equipment, 30 thousand rubles will be enough. However, today you will hardly surprise anyone with simple “Napoleons”, so you need to think carefully about the ideas for decorating cakes.

Pies have become an actual trend in public catering. This niche attracts with rather low competition and simple technological process baking pies. To open a cafe-pie shop for 36 people, 1.24 million rubles will be required, which will pay off for 7 months of work.

A yogurt bar is a small island format point in a shopping center that sells frozen yogurt with various fillings. To open such an island on an area of ​​​​4-6 square meters. meters will require about 655 thousand rubles. The net profit of a yogurt bar per month can be about 100 thousand rubles. The menu can be supplemented with sandwiches and drinks.

To open your own smoothie bar in the format of an island of 5-6 sq. meters in the shopping center will require about 465 thousand rubles. and he will be able to bring about 80-100 thousand rubles. per month. The advantages of smoothie bars include a relatively free niche, small investment, the simplicity of technology for preparing drinks and the fashion for smoothies. The profitability of smoothie bars reaches 80%.

mini bakery

The bakery is one of the most popular small business destinations. You sell a product of daily demand, investments in opening are small, and if consumer tastes change, you can instantly adapt to new trends. You can open your own mini-bakery if you have 885 thousand rubles, which can be paid back within 7 months of work.

Selling ice cream is a business that today can be regarded not only as an option for seasonal earnings, but also as a permanent business. Large retail chains offer to open in the format of stationary off-season franchise outlets. There are many business formats - a full-fledged store, a counter, a counter or an island in a shopping center, a trolley, a microvan, and even ... a boutique.

A cafe-confectionery is a classic “sweet” business that is possible in various formats and scales. To open your own 100 sq. meters with a guest hall for 20 seats will require 1.9 million rubles. The institution will be able to bring about 800 thousand rubles a month, of which the net profit will be 175 thousand rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Pancakes are a product that is easy to prepare, but extremely promising in its capabilities. You can fill the pancake with anything, and this leaves a wide scope for culinary creativity. Your business selling pancakes is attractive with low investment in equipment and the ability to set a markup of up to 300%. To open a pancake cafe on an area of ​​100 sq. meters will require about 1.25 million rubles.

Such a product as cotton candy has an extremely appetizing margin - more than 4000%. If you sell it in a set with freshly squeezed juices and snacks, you can make a highly profitable business project. The most successful tactic would be to open several cotton candy outlets in popular city parks.

Wafers of unusual varieties and types are a trend in the catering business. These are Hong Kong pimply waffles with fillings, and well-known, but “pumped” on domestic soil, Belgian waffles, decorated on top with cream, fruit, ice cream, yogurt and all kinds of toppings and much more. Basically, waffle startups “storm” shopping centers with their islands. The business entry threshold is 350,000 rubles.

A donut shop is a great option for a mini cafeteria or mall food court department. The margin on these products without much damage to demand can reach 1000%. Donut baking technology is quite simple, and there are many manual units and automated systems on the market that can increase productivity.

Caramel fruits on sticks are sweets that are popular abroad, frequenters of festive and city fairs. The most common delicacies include caramelized apples and chocolate-covered bananas, but in principle, the scope for imagination in this business is not limited. An apparatus for caramelization costs from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and 70 thousand rubles will be enough to start in the format of a seasonal street point.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Chocolate is a great way to earn money not only for large entrepreneurs, but also for beginner chocolatiers who are ready to offer the buyer an exclusive handmade product. The technology of handmade chocolate production can be mastered by video recordings of master classes on YouTube. You can also open a figured chocolate shop that only sells finished products. Opening such a store will require about 400 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be 80-200 thousand rubles.

Peanut butter is one of the symbols of America and at the same time a completely free niche in the Russian market. The advantages of such a business can be called the simplicity of production technology, and the disadvantage is the weak “recognition” of the product, which will require the entrepreneur to actively promote the product at city fairs and constantly go out “to the people”.

Oriental sweets that have become traditional, such as baklava, halva, kyata, shaker, are made by many confectioneries and are often found in grocery stores, but the sweet riches of the east are far from being exhausted on these products. An attractive format for a business in which you definitely will not have competitors will be the opening of a specialized confectionery store for oriental sweets.

Read the guide to the production of oriental sweets

The most popular format for the sale of marmalade is a shopping island in a shopping center with an area of ​​​​up to 5 square meters. meters, selling marmalade by weight. The cost of opening such a point, taking into account shop windows and equipment, will be no more than 400 thousand rubles. The margin on these delicacies is about 100%. Opening your own production of marmalade with a minimum production volume will require from 1 million rubles.

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For many successful entrepreneurs, business once began with a garage, which served as a platform for them to experiment and first experience. What types of earnings are suitable for the garage format?

Business ideas in the field of production are characterized by large investments, but have ample opportunities for profit and turnover. In this compilation, we have collected 25 manufacturing businesses, as well as guides to them.

If you have an athlete background behind you, your experience and connections can help you start your business in the sports or near-sports field. In this selection - 25 types of businesses for athletes.

Older people should pay attention to the most relaxed types of businesses that either do not require complex processes, or are cheap to open, or provide an opportunity to make money on a hobby.

How to use a small space of a few squares to the greatest advantage: the most popular business ideas for shopping malls in the island format.

To make good money, it is not necessary to constantly communicate, acquire connections and be a public person. In this collection, we will look at 25 business ideas that are suitable for introverts.

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Any business can have its own romance, but in some areas it is most pronounced. This, of course, is about creativity, organizing unique holidays and travels.

Opening a candy store is a pretty promising business idea. Firstly, this type of product is in stable demand, and, secondly, such a store can pay for itself very quickly. In order for the outlet to work smoothly and make a profit, the main thing is to early stages properly organize the business and provide for all the nuances.

Registration and organization of business

To register a business for the maintenance of a candy store, one of two forms of ownership is suitable:

To register a store, you must contact the local inspection of the Federal Tax Service and provide an appropriate application in the prescribed form. To register as an individual entrepreneur, it is enough to submit:

  • the passport;
  • a receipt showing the payment of the state duty.

If an LLC is registered, then it is necessary to provide constituent documentation, including a decision on the formation authorized capital(required condition). Also, before starting work, it is necessary to register your organization in extra-budgetary funds.

Required Documentation

To operate a candy store, you must have the following list of documents:

  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • extract from the USRIP or USRLE;
  • permission to trade from Rospotrebnadzor and SES;
  • conclusion from the fire service on the compliance of the conditions with all safety standards;
  • forms of contracts concluded with organizations for the removal of solid waste and disinfection and deratization;
  • health records for staff.

No special licenses are required for this type of activity, the main thing is to equip the premises and organize trade in accordance with SanPiN standards. The list of documents required for trade may vary depending on the region where the store is opened, so it is better to clarify it in advance with the local authorized bodies.

The room and its location

The premises for a candy store can be purchased as a property or leased for a long-term. The second option is more suitable for beginner businessmen, since not everyone has large amounts of funds for a one-time purchase. When choosing a location for an organization retail sweets, it is important to consider the following conditions:

  1. The area of ​​the store should allow placing showcases, racks and a counter, as well as provide a hall for customers.

    The best option is an area of ​​​​at least 50 square meters. m.

  2. The room must comply with sanitary and fire standards, but you should not chase after expensive and complex interior, which will not contribute to the growth of sales volumes.
  3. The main thing is that the room should be clean, light and free of extraneous odors, which will allow customers to feel comfortable in the store.

As for the location of the future candy store, it is recommended to place a point in places of high traffic of people, but with the condition that there are no grocery supermarkets and hypermarkets nearby. They sell similar products, but at lower prices that a small retail store cannot afford. Suitable for accommodation are places located on the road to Kindergarten or school, near public transport stops, as well as on the territory of the mall.


In addition to finding premises for the smooth operation of the store, you need to take care of high-quality equipment, the mandatory list of which includes:

  • racks;
  • shelves;
  • showcases;
  • a refrigerator that maintains a certain temperature;
  • counter;
  • scales;
  • chairs for vendors;

Assortment and purchases

The assortment of the store must be selected depending on its location and, focusing on the status of potential buyers. Over time, it is recommended to change it, removing rarely bought types of sweets, and adding new items. An approximate list of varieties of products of a small candy store may consist of the following items:

  1. About 100 kinds of chocolates.
  2. About 30 types of caramels.
  3. About 30 types of chocolates in boxes.
  4. Several types of chocolate.
  5. Several types of loose and packaged marmalade and marshmallows.

The modern candy market is ready to offer a huge selection of wholesale suppliers of products.

The main thing is to select trusted companies that have reviews and a positive reputation.

As a rule, these are regional offices of large and reliable candy productions. After the selection of suitable suppliers, contracts are concluded with them, which stipulate the terms and conditions for the delivery of products to the store.


To organize a small candy store, you will need to hire the following employees:

As for the duties of the manager, at first they can be performed by the entrepreneur himself. It is not necessary to hire an accountant, you can apply for such services in special companies. But sellers need to be employed under an official contract, it is best if they are women with experience in selling similar products.


Any entrepreneurial activity that is opened from scratch needs to be promoted, even if the question concerns a store that sells food products. To save some money on advertising a candy store, it is recommended to place it in places with a large crowd of people, but you still have to decorate your establishment with colorful posters, stickers and signs. They will report on the type of products sold in the store, distinguish it from other retail stores and attract customers with their brightness.

  1. Placement of announcements in the local press and on the radio.
  2. Distribution of special brochures and business cards.
  3. Dissemination of information on urban Internet forums.
  4. Placement of ads and banners in social networks.

The financial component of the business

The sale of confectionery products is a sufficiently developed area of ​​trade in modern market. But despite the intense competition, any entrepreneur who has a certain amount of funds can enter this market niche.

In order to make a stable profit from the candy store in the future, it is important to take into account not only organizational issues at the design stage, but also to carry out calculations of the main economic indicators: the cost of opening and maintaining, the amount of future income and the payback period.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The cost of opening a candy store will depend on several indicators. First of all, on how the premises will be acquired (purchase or rent), its area, as well as on the planned product range. To open a small store with an area of ​​50 sq. m. subject to its lease, the amount of initial investment will be about 500 thousand rubles. It will include costs:

When drawing up a financial plan, you also need to take into account that regular mandatory payments will appear during the operation of the outlet, including:

  1. Rent and wages.
  2. Contributions to off-budget funds.
  3. Communal payments.
  4. Purchase of the next batch of goods, etc.

The current expenses of the candy store will be approximately 150 thousand rubles per month.

Size of future income

As a rule, the markup on candy products sold through small retail stores can vary between 30 - 80%, depending on the type of product. Suppose that the store has set an average markup of 50% of the wholesale price, and in one month of operation it manages to sell up to 80% of the purchased batch of goods. Then the amount of his monthly income will reach 180 thousand rubles.

Payback period

As a result, the minimum amount of profit of a small candy shop will be about 30 thousand rubles per month, or about 360 thousand rubles per year. Even with such indicators, it can be determined that the initial investment in such a business will pay off in 16-17 months of the store's operation. But given that the store will develop, the number of customers will gradually increase, then the amount of its revenue will increase, and, therefore, the payback period will decrease.

Opening a candy store is a promising business that can bring good profits to its owner. Of course, in order to start entrepreneurial activity, will require significant start-up capital. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on registering and organizing a business. But, if you find a good location, then all this will quickly pay off due to a constant flow of customers and stable revenue.

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