Scenario for the anniversary of mommy 40 years. The script for the entertainment program of the birthday "fun family holiday"

Decor elements 01.10.2019
Decor elements

The cool birthday script “Everything for You” is designed to be celebrated at home with family and friends. Suitable for a woman of any age and is designed for a company of up to 30 people.

Additionally, you need to organize funny greetings from unexpected guests, gifts from children, and other entertainment - this will help create the right mood for everyone present. Guests and the birthday girl will receive a charge of humor, positive emotions and vivid memories of a fun birthday.


It is important to pay Special attention decorating the room in which the celebration is planned to create a festive atmosphere. A banner “Happy Birthday” hangs on the wall, from the photos of the birthday girl you can add an application in the form of a number - the age of the hero of the occasion. It will be interesting for guests to see how the birthday girl changed with age.

You can entertain guests with a photo zone, which is easy to do with your own hands. For example, create a wall of paper flowers different size or decorate with balloons. You can download a photo zone template on the Internet and make a large format print.


It plays an important role in any celebration. The repertoire must be thought out in advance, including the tastes of all invited guests. Music helps to tune in to the celebration, so it’s better to turn it on immediately when guests arrive. In anticipation of latecomers, the music lifts the mood.


  • 3 helium balloons;
  • a broom with a bow;
  • photo frame with a family photo;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • medal or cup "The best mother";
  • task bag;
  • photo frame 50x40;
  • multi-colored markers.

For Japanese:

  • robe;
  • wide belt;
  • chopsticks for sushi or pencils to make a hairstyle.


Leading: I can't put into words how beautiful you are. And on this day of your birth, we want to wish you many sunny days, radiant smiles, sincere friends and female happiness. Get ready to receive congratulations all day long!
Dear guests, the rules of today's holiday are simple, please read:

1. Put away sadness and sadness.
2. No need to be shy, dance until you drop.
3. Don't get too drunk, don't meet under the table, don't kiss with salad.
4. Raise toasts more often for the birthday girl.
5. Do not forget to give gifts.

Violators will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Dear guests, today there will be many more wishes addressed to the birthday girl. Each of you, I know, has something to say! I propose to raise the first toast to the birthday girl. May this day be remembered by you as one of the best, brightest, most cheerful. We are here for you. Happy birthday!

(A short break for a snack after the first toast)

Leading: Friends, who knows why men drink standing up for women?

(Guests give their guesses)

Leading: Good options, but in fact, men drink standing up so as not to hear the phrase “Stop, you’ve had enough” from the ladies sitting next to them. So, men, I will ask you to stand up and drink for the ladies present here - friends and relatives for the women's birthday!

Leading: I hope you managed to have a bite to eat, talk, because now a surprise awaits you. Dear (name), having learned about your birthday, a special guest flew in from a very distant country. He flew not alone, but with an interpreter, because he does not speak Russian at all. Are you ready to receive congratulations?

Japanese congratulations

We need two: a Japanese and an interpreter. It is advisable to change clothes: a bathrobe, a wide belt, a hairstyle will do. A broom is hidden in the hands of the Japanese - a gift for the birthday girl.

Japanese: Nihau dobroduli mare and mare san
Translator: Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Watashi shine in Japonidze's eye.
Translator: I am the representative of the country rising sun- Japan.
Japanese: For some reason, a Japanese mother is a mother.
Translator: I came to congratulate (name) on his birthday on behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: Shine lyka, do not change the dignity of a mare.
Translator: I wish you a lot of happiness, good luck, family well-being.
Japanese: Do not trump snot, do not break dishes.
Translator: May every day be filled with joy.
Japanese: Fuck the euro, loosen the lotus head.
Translator: A lot of money in my wallet, pure thoughts in my head.
Japanese: Nahlebazza autumn hochezza.
Translator: I am glad to be present today at this wonderful holiday.
Japanese: Kharya is our Japanese mother.
Translator: On behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: I want to give this idleness away.
Translator: Allow me to give you this expensive gift.
Japanese: Get rid of the whining.
Translator: May he keep your house from sadness and adversity.
Japanese: Blossom like sakura!
Translator: Happy birthday!

Leading: In my opinion, a very good congratulations. (Name), let's invite the representative of the Japanese state and his assistant to the table, and drink for friendship between peoples!


Leading: Here we are all gathered at this table for the sake of our dear birthday girl. There are family, friends, and work colleagues. Each of you knows about (name) something that the others do not know. It's time to reveal the cards! Everyone should tell some fact about the birthday girl, starting with the phrase "I know that (name of the birthday girl) ...". For example, I know that (name) is celebrating a birthday today.

(The game begins, during which the guests try to praise the birthday girl as much as possible).

Leading: Our beloved (name), you heard so much about yourself, revealed all your secrets. Tell me, do you regret that you invited us? We are ready to make amends with a good toast, the most senior representative of your family will say it. Attention, the floor is given to the grandmother (grandfather, mother, etc.).

(Sounds toast)

Leading: A lot has already been said today good wishes, but after all, a birthday is not only congratulations, but also gifts. Darling, get ready to receive gifts from the people closest to you - your children.
Children prepare gifts in advance, the presentation of which is accompanied by poems.

Congratulations from children

We will always remain children for you,
There was so much between us.
We'll keep it all
Save your best moments, mom. (Photo frame with photo)

Our beloved mother
Only best flowers.
Be always so beautiful
Let dreams come true. (Bouquet of flowers)

Thank you mommy for everything
Care, tenderness and love.
Responsible for your words
We are the children of the best mother in the world. (Medal or Cup "The Best Mom")

Leading: From a very distant and little-known country, the Sopranos came to congratulate the birthday girl modest chants. They are very shy and worried, let's support them with applause.

Congratulations from fairy tale heroes

Before leaving, the host gives 3 guests a helium balloon. You need to draw in air so that your voice becomes high. The heroes perform a song-alteration to the motive "Here is someone who went down the hill":

Came to say happy birthday
And wish from the bottom of my heart
Good luck, joy, luck
And never be discouraged.

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
Everything is also (name) good.
Keep blooming like a rose
And let your soul sing.

Good health and money
Love mutual and great
And many, many birthdays
Another note is young.

We sang this song
Without falsehood, imaginary and lies,
And in conclusion we wanted
Say "Blossom, (name), bloom!"

Leading: For the birthday girl today we raised our glasses. Wishing you a lot of good things. And to make it more fun, I propose to drink for the guests!

(Pause for a snack)

Leading: A holiday is not only gatherings at the table, but also movement, fun, laughter. I suggest to warm up a little and dance.

(dancing starts)

Leading: Each of you came here to wish (name) a happy birthday, right? And that's not true! You can't fool the leader. The host knows everything and will bring anyone to "clean water". I have magic cards in my hands that can read people's minds!

I came for my birthday because...

The host selectively approaches the guests and invites everyone to choose one card, on which the true reason for the guest's presence at the holiday will be written.

1. I wanted to drink for free.
2. You had to hide from your wife/husband.
3. Not a single holiday can do without me.
4. I have something to say to the birthday girl.
5. The door to my apartment slammed shut, but the keys were left inside.
6. I want to find a soul mate here.
7. I am a secret agent and I collect dirt on everyone.
8. They forced me.
9. The food here is delicious.
10. The birthday girl means a lot to me and I want to share such an event with her.

Leading: Do not rush to get bored, we continue to play.

The game "Special bag"

The guests are seated at the table. Music plays, they pass each other a bag with tasks in any order. On whom the music stops, he takes out the task from the bag and completes it. If someone refuses to complete the task, he should make a good toast. If the guests agree that the toast is good, the bag is passed on.

Task options:

1. Depict the flight of an eagle.
2. Like a cockerel, crow 3 times in the early morning.
3. Without errors, pronounce the tongue twister "Art Ferrari will be promoted in a spiral."
4. Emotionally confess your love to the neighbor on the right.
5. Sing an excerpt from a birthday song.
6. Kiss the birthday girl.
7. Remove one thing from yourself.
8. Make a toast so that all words begin with the letter "D".
9. Come up with and sing a ditty, in which there will be the words “congratulate”, “wish”, “from the heart”.
10. Dance a dance so that the guests can guess what kind of dance it is.

Leading: Today we danced, congratulated, gave gifts, raised toasts for the happiness and health of the birthday girl. Each of you has graced this holiday with your presence. And the memories of that day will be remembered for a long time. I have a frame in my hands, inside is clean White list. Let's give our (name) her own portrait, because an artist lives inside each of us. Does the birthday girl mind?

(The host distributes a felt-tip pen to all guests, they should be multi-colored. The guests take turns drawing the birthday girl in full height, one guest - one part of the body)

Leading: (Name), we tried very hard, painted with love, we hope we managed to create your portrait. Hang it in a visible place so that this work of art makes you happy every day and serves as a reminder that you have a loving family, true friends, reliable colleagues, and we all love you very much. Happy birthday!

If one of the friends or relatives will take on the role of leader and organizer. To help enthusiasts who are ready to arrange a holiday for their dear birthday man and loved ones on their own, we offer with scenario entertainment program birthday "Merry family holiday", which is written just for those who want to entertain guests at a friendly feast. All competitions, games, can be held in any order, during a feast or in dance breaks, and the props for games are the simplest that can always be found in the house. Instrumental melodies selected at the discretion of the organizers can sound in the background

Scenario "Merry family holiday"

When meeting guests, the culprit of the event invites them to choose multi-colored rubber bands for money from a small box and put them on their wrists like a bracelet. It is best to divide the participants of the feast into four teams, between which competitions will take place. For example, blue, red, yellow and green.


Board game "Close people"

Leading. I welcome all of you to our family holiday, where family members, relatives and closest friends have gathered.

Therefore, I ask you:

Shake hands with those sitting opposite you at the table;

Embrace those to your right and left.

Pat on the shoulder of those who are within arm's reach of you.

Kiss the one with whom you came to this holiday.

Send air kisses to the hero of the occasion.

Clink glasses with those sitting at the table nearby.

My toast is for the event!

Board game to warm up guests

Before continuing our festive feast, I ask the owners of names beginning with the letters: A, O, C, I, N to rise in their places, and I ask the rest to applaud them. (Guests applaud.)

Those whose names begin with the letters: P, E, T, B - drink brotherhood. (Guests fulfill the host's request.)

Men kiss the hands of ladies sitting next to each other at the table (Men fulfill the request of the leader.)

All women share a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. (Women make a joint toast.

Banquet break

Little fun "Take the prize"

Leading. I have prepared a souvenir for one of you. For the one who solves the riddle.

Everyone has it: adults and children, schoolchildren and teachers, soldiers and generals, tailors and scientists, artists and spectators. What's this?

(Answer - button. Guessing - receives a prize. If no one guessed correctly, the presenter continues.)

The prize goes to the one with the most a large number of buttons in a dress. (The winner will receive a prize.)

The next competition is for men. Prizes will go to those who have a comb and a handkerchief with them. (Winners get prizes.)

To competition - joke "Beauty Queen"

Leading. Dear ladies, mademoiselle, senoritas, mrs, miss, frau, medhen, woman, girls, madam, girls, citizens, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, girlfriends, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, cousins, grandmothers, sisters, matchmakers, seamstresses, cooks , accountants, engineers, doctors, pensioners… In a word, women, the next contest is for you! It's called "Beauty Queen".

Anyone who has lipstick and a mirror can participate in this competition. Congratulations! You are in the second round of the competition! Who has perfume and powder. Bravo! You are in the semi-finals!

We continue. Who has a hairbrush and a wallet. Hooray!

You are the finalists of the beauty queen contest.

The one of you who has wrench 14 to 17.

Not? Sorry! On "no" and there is no winner!

Banquet break

A fun game "Remove the negative"

Leading. I want to remind you that at the entrance to our holiday, you received a colored rubber band, which I asked you to save. It's time to pay attention to the color of your gum. I will name the color, and you wave your hand, who has the rubber band of that color. Green... blue... red... yellow... (Guests do the task.)

I ask each team to select one participant in our family holiday. I invite them to the center of the room.

(Four guests go to the host. Each is given one cheerleading broom or fluffy washcloths.)

These are washcloths - cleaners. I ask you to choose one man from those present and carry out prevention: remove the evil eye, negativity, negative energy from them. Fragments of songs will sound in which certain parts of the body are mentioned, and you carry out prophylaxis with washcloths - clean sweepers.

(Song fragments sound where various parts of the body are mentioned)

I think these women deserve a big round of applause and a moment of glory. This song is for them.

(A snippet of a song sounds"Beauties can do anything." Women solo.)

Leading. And now men with pure karma and soul invite women to a slow dance.

Sounds like a lyrical hit. Pairs of players dance, those who wish to join.

There is a dance block.


The host, with the help of a bell, invites everyone to continue the feast.

Guests say toasts, read prepared congratulations, present gifts to the hero of the occasion.

Leading. I want to remind you that at this table are the most beloved, closest relatives and friends of the birthday man.

I am convinced that each of you could easily participate in one or another TV show. And this is not said for flattery, it can be confirmed right now. I propose to turn to the cinema. Let's all remember the continuation of the legendary movie phrases together.

Game - chant "Complete the phrase"

The facilitator starts, and the participants finish the phrase.

Drinking champagne in the morning ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Who will plant him, he ... monument!
And now humpbacked! I said ... humpbacked!
Who does not work ...eating! Remember student!
Third street builders ... d 25, apt 12.
Freedom for Yuri ...Detochkin!
So that you live on one ... salary!
And then Ostap ... suffered!
I never ... I don't get drunk!
How much is opium ... for the people?
You will have coffee and tea with cocoa.
Abroad us ... will help!
I came not to kill ...Then they will kill you!
you have a global ... mother!
Baba flowers, children ... ice cream!
right now ...sing!

Leading. Now let's turn to the music, to be more precise, to the songs. I invite our multi-colored teams to remember the old songs about the main thing. The team that recognizes the melody faster than others and sings the song gets a point. Those who scored large quantity points - get a team prize.

(Fragments of popular retro songs sound. A contest is underway. The winners are awarded a box of chocolates.)

Competition "Touching ladies"

(The host takes out a tray with small cloth bags, inside of which are: salt, sugar, buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, horns, starch.)

Leading. Again I invite from each team one woman. (A participant in the game exits.)

On this tray you see bags with something inside. Feel the contents of the bag one by one.

(The game is over.)

Leading. Please applaud our "sensual and touching" ladies (Guests applaud.)

I ask the participants in the game to hand one of the men of their team a sheet of newspaper and take their place at the table (The presenter gives out sheets of newspapers.)

Competition "Newspaper heroes"

Leading. Men, I'm waiting for you at the epicenter of our holiday. Meeting place can not be Changed. (Men exit.)

The competition is simple: who will fold a newspaper sheet in half in 10 times faster?

(Competition in progress. Instrumental music plays in the background.)

Leading. Team player wins... (names team color)

I propose how to pass your newspaper sheet as a baton to another member of your team. (Other players are selected.)

I ask you to unfold the sheets and make “balls” out of them. Take the ball in right hand and stand with your back open door four steps from her. Turn your head as far as possible to the right and throw the “ball” over your left shoulder so that it flies out the door.

(A competition is underway. The distance is small, the goal is large, but rarely will anyone be able to throw a paper “ball” out the door at once. If someone succeeds, he is declared the winner.)

Dance game "Bound in one chain"

Leading. Teams of "yellow" and "green" are invited to the dance floor.

(Teams leave the table. The host gives each headdress. These can be hats, caps, earflaps, bath hats, etc.)

I ask you to try on these hats and each team to stand in a column one after another.

(In each team, for all participants, with the help of clothespins, the leader attaches hats to the rope at a distance of one meter. Each team has its own rope.)

Our dance game is called Chained. Various melodies will be played, during which the teams are invited to dance, but so that their hats do not come off.

(Popular dance melodies sound. For example, “Chivala”, “Lambada”, “Nafanana”, Letka-enka”, “Lezginka”, “7-40”, etc.)

When your mom has an anniversary, you want to make that day special for her. You want that on this day there was laughter, fun and everyone around rejoiced. But it will be so if you take everything into your own hands and organize the holiday yourself. And make up your own mind cool script mom's 65th birthday. This is not difficult to do, especially if the leading daughter. We have some ideas that will surely help you. Games, contests, toasts, jokes - you can put all this into your script and spend your anniversary with your mother. Look and make a holiday bright event yourself!

Anniversary meeting.
As the theater begins with a hanger, so the holiday begins with a meeting of the protagonist of the evening. We offer original version anniversary meeting. To do this, you need to find out from the guests who and when appeared in your mother's life. This is done in order to build the guests in order.
And so, when you figured out all this, then arrange the guests like this: at the beginning, those. Who have known your mother for a long time. For example, it could be her parents. Then brothers and sisters, childhood friends, and so on. And at the very end are the grandchildren or great-grandchildren who were the last to recognize your mother.
Everyone stands and the hero of the day enters. You announce that your mother has lived so long, she has so many good friends and wonderful relatives. And now she has unique opportunity to go through her whole life again and relive all these feelings when she met these wonderful people in her life. When mom walks next to the guests, you can say who it is and how it appeared in mom's life. And at the end of the corridor, grandchildren or great-grandchildren give flowers to their beloved grandmother and escort her to the table in her place.
Here is such a touching meeting of the hero of the day.

Main holiday.
All guests sit at the tables and you can start the holiday. First, a toast to the hero of the day. You can come up with your own toast, or you can use the one that already exists:

Now you can move on to contests that will help stir up the guests and make them more smiling.

Game is an abbreviation.
We offer this game first, but you can play it all evening. Now we will explain everything.
For the game, you need to make beautiful cards on which to write abbreviations: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Road Traffic Accidents and others. We put all the cards in a bag or put them on a tray with letters down. The guest who is about to make a toast stands up and takes out one card. He reads the abbreviation and must say a compliment or something good to the hero of the day, deciphering these letters. And only after that he already speaks his speech.
For example, concrete goods - I wish to be sparkling! The game goes off with a bang, and guests sometimes give out such transcripts that you laugh for several minutes.

Competition - cinema, cinema.
Everyone watches movies and will watch. Some more often, some rarely. But when people are many years old, they watch films more and more. In this competition, you will have to guess the name of the film, then the pictures. But do not think that by guessing the picture from the movie, you will guess the movie itself. First you have to solve the puzzle, and only then can you guess the correct name.

Guessed? This is a film - three poplars on Plyushchikha! It's simple: three fingers are shown, there is a poplar and there is a figure skater Plushenko. If you put it all together, you get the name.

What is it?

Yes, this is a camp going to the sky! See, it's not that hard. The main thing is to choose the right pictures.
Here are the other examples for the contest:

Music block.
First we sing and then we dance. We will sing not just songs, but songs remade for the occasion. They are good because most of guests knows the melody and rhythm of the song. You give them the words to the song and everyone sings in unison.
For example, here is a song based on the motive of the song “blue wagon”:

Dance competition.
Guests rarely come out to dance together. Therefore, they must be lured out by cunning. Let's do it this way.
The guests are seated at the table. The host asks them: do they know the music from the films? And offers to check it out. A famous song from any movie is included. Which of the guests guessed, he goes into the hall. The rest turns on the next melody and again, who guessed it, he goes out into the hall. And so on until all the guests leave the table. And when everyone left, the competition continues.
The host asks: can you dance like movie characters? Let's try to do it!
And for the guests, a melody from the film is turned on, for example, from the movie 2beauty, ”and the guests, especially the ladies, dance like her. Then you can turn on a cowboy tune for men and so on.

The dance competition doesn't end there. One guest is selected and the presenter shows him the name of the next song. And this guest should show the song, but without words. And the guests guess the name. When you guessed it, this song turns on and everyone dances to it.

Competition - guess the profession!
Everyone has a profession and everyone works in one profession or another. In this contest, we invite you to guess professions by their sounds! Do you think it's difficult? Not great, but fun.
For example, an ambulance has a flasher. And the carpenter has a hammer. The musician has a piano and so on. The sound turns on, and the guests guess.

You can listen and download sounds for the contest

The children of the birthday girl (anniversary) can be the leaders.

Today we drink for you!


We open the ball today,

Yes, such that no one saw!


Congratulations dear mom

I'm already giving her advice.

And we compared with mom

Now we're just women

I already give her advice.

Mom, don't regret anything

Far from your autumn

Mom far until September

Mom, don't be sorry about anything

Far from your autumn

Mom far until September

We're just big.

And we do not write, occasionally we call

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live

Chorus: the same

We will soon fly to our lands

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother

Ah, my beloved mother,

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother,

Ah, my mother is my singing bird.

Chorus: the same


On a bright autumn day, quiet,

warmed by the warmth of the sun,

The girl was born

To the delight of mother and father.

They named their daughter Lyuda.

Their joy was felt everywhere,

Proud of your baby

This is Luda in kindergarten,

Here with the neighborhood kids

Digging in the sand here

Oh yes smart baby

Here she is leafing through books

Ludmilka is good for everyone

Grows up slowly.

The years went by.

Didn't know worries

Our Luda was growing up.

Here is the school

First grade,

student here...

(photos of elementary school)

Luda is studying

School years fly by

Time flies fast

(Photo school years).

graduation ball,

Our beautiful Luda

(photo of student years).

In paradise, from the apple tree,

Having once tasted the secret fruit,

Eve became Adam's wife

Since then, people have been getting married.

Since then people have been playing weddings

At the heart of their love

And this day is the happiest

It won't happen again.

So Luda and Sasha got married,

(photos from the wedding day)

Everything is going smoothly in the Young Family,

furnishing the house,

Bought a TV

Here they hung a carpet

Everything is beautiful, everything is fine

AT clean room space.

(photos of home life).

Once on Christmas Eve at the very

Happy young father

She brought a beautiful bouquet. From the maternity hospital, a daughter with her mother, I took away the happiest one., copyright - Sasha brought them home, They began to live as a big family.

To his daughter Luda with Sasha

They gave me the name Natasha.

The little one turned out nice

All looking like mom

A year later, while Natasha

Eating sweet porridge

They began to raise girls

Mind to teach.

(photos of children).

(photos in kindergarten).

New Year's carnival

Gathered everyone around the tree.

New Year's merry holiday

Very happy kids

Santa Claus brought gifts

In chorus everyone shouts hurray!

(New Year's photos).

And our Lyuda has a birthday

She is 30 years old today.

Our Luda at work

Here she is highly respected.

10 years of raising kids

Kindergarten became her native

To such an educator

Many people want to get in.

(photos from work).

Children grew up with Luda

And gathered down the aisle

Done at the end!

(photo from the children's wedding).

Our Luda 45

Baba berry again.

(photo from the anniversary).

Many good days, dear

It was in the life of Lyudmila.

Here are the grandchildren

The years of life are spinning...


And our dear aunt

Very round anniversary

For this today

Everyone is warm and cheerful.

But, you are beautiful as always.

Look how pretty you are

And you have not been touched by the years

You walk through this life boldly

You are like our older sister

We are always good with you


Hello, dear grandmother,

We congratulate you all!

For the beloved for grandma

We baked a loaf

Don't be shy grandma

And get on the chair.



Let the music play today

Let all the neighbors know

What today, our

Mom's birthday, hooray!!!

Mom's birthday script "angels"

To prepare such a surprise congratulation for your mother on her birthday, you will need to cut out angel wings for mom, dad and children from cardboard. Dad and children come out with wings on their backs.


Everyone in the world has a guardian angel

But only we have one

Have your own angel living in an apartment

It's better than hundreds of others!

Our angel, the most wonderful and affectionate,

Now sitting in front of us

He is called simply and briefly - mom,

Our family hearth keeps!

Children: No one has ever heard whether angels celebrate their birthdays or not ... And we decided to give our angel the most real, best and most fun birthday!

Dad: And on this occasion, today all members of the angelic family should put on holiday wings!

(Put on mother's wings.)

Together they sing a song for her.

Song "Mommy"

(to the motive of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Our sweet mother

Today is a big day

And we decided mommy

Congratulations with all my heart!

Like in a good old fairy tale

The sorceress lives

So our super mom

Protects all of us!

We are so wonderful with mommy,

Cozy and easy

And it's bad if mommy

Suddenly somewhere far away.

We know what's for mommy

Most important of all:

Daddy's love and happiness

And dear children!

We want in mommy's ear

We whisper a few words

About our attachment to her,

About our love for her!

We are for our beloved mother

We tried our best

And a delicious mummy cake

All baked together!

They take out a cake with candles (a heart-shaped cake looks beautiful), ask them to make a wish and blow them out. Congratulate mom, give gifts.

from a younger child

Congratulate my mom I want a happy birthday!

And I'll even sing a song for her mood!

It's better to whisper in your mother's ear

And at the same time promise Love and obedience!

Congratulations from the older child

There is no one dearer than mother,

There is no kinder and smarter,

Although we sometimes insist stubbornly,

That everything in the world we can,

That we will make all the decisions ourselves

And without any advice...

But only trusting my mother,

We will figure it out in this life!

She guides and helps

And scold quite lightly,

After all, only a mother can do

And does so much for us!

I won't speak nicely

Can't put it all into words...

I'll just say thank you

Thanks for everything dear mom!

Dad: This was the lyrical part of our congratulations. And now the humor begins!

Children: Attention attention! In a minute you will see the unique comedy show "All About Mom"!

Pantomime "All About Mom"

Dad changes into women's clothes. They turn on cheerful music and show pantomimes on various topics:

"Mom at home", "Mom at work", "Mom with children", "Mom in the theater", "Mom in a clothing store".

The main thing here is to notice and depict mother's gait, manner of dressing, moving, etc., everything else depends on imagination. For example, on the theme “Mom at Home”, you can show a pantomime of how mom is busy with the housework and does everything at the same time: dad in an economic apron stands in front, children follow him one after another (so that only hands are visible, as in Indian dances). Everyone has all sorts of household items in their hands: a ladle, a saucepan, a rag, etc. Random movements are made with the hands: stirring with a ladle in a saucepan, wiping it with a rag, etc. Under cheerful music looks funny.

Dad(after the performance): That's the kind of naughty mother we are! And in general, we do not always differ in angelic behavior ... But our mother understands and forgives everything!

Children: And he notices everything! You can't hide anything from her! We even learned about it...

Poem "Cunning Mom"

Our mother is just a miracle,

Knows everything, about everyone and everywhere!

As for the children

It is immediately clear to her:

How many deuces brought

Why is the coat in the dust

Where the gloves are lost

What's wrong on the shelves

Who spilled the jelly and how,

Who didn't make the bed

Who sheared a dog with a cat,

Who broke the window with the ball ...

It is not clear to us:

Who is more cunning than cunning mothers?

Dad: There is no one in the world more cunning and wiser than our mother! And there is nothing more beautiful, more charming ...

Children they add: kinder, more affectionate, smarter, more fun, etc.

Dad: So let's wish her to always be like that! And what else do we wish mom? Children prompt: health, happiness, etc.

(Everyone hugs and kisses mom.)

Dad: And finally... the final part of our congratulations!


We did a great job

And already hungry!

Let's get to the meal

For mommy's birthday!

Mom's birthday script - birthday - birthday - home holiday

If you want to do original gift mom on her birthday, arranging a small show in her honor or to please her with the organization of an unusual holiday, we will help you. In this article you will find helpful tips and for the celebration.

Mom's birthday script depends on her character, lifestyle and habits. The main rule is to save the mother from everyday troubles. Give her joy with your care, be attentive to every detail when organizing a holiday.


So, if mom loves the theater, tickets for an interesting performance will be useful.

If she loves music, chatting with friends, you can organize a holiday for her in a restaurant.

If mom loves thrills, fun, organize a trip to the park, to the rides. In the evening, a visit to the cinema will be very useful, especially if there is a cozy cafeteria nearby with polite staff, a large selection of pastries and cakes, and rare varieties of tea or coffee.

You can spend your mother's birthday at home, but only if your mother does not run like crazy between the kitchen and the table, and someone from your family will take care of all the kitchen chores.


Think in advance about the table setting and decorating the room where the guests of the birthday girl will gather. Choose artificial or natural flower bouquets, electric or paper garlands, balloon decorations or soft toys. Think about the design of the wall newspaper, which will contain photographs showing the main events in the life of the birthday girl, in poetic form. You can make a wish book where each guest can enter a few lines.


"Do you know your own wife?"

One of the competitions that always resonates in the hearts is “How well does a husband know his wife”, so it must be included in the scenario of mom’s birthday. We list the “preparatory questions” for such a quiz (you can add your own):

1. Exact date And the time of your wife's birth?

2. School where did you study?

3. Favorite school subject?

4. What color was your high school prom dress?

5. What institute (technical school, academy, etc.) did you graduate from?

6. When the 1st child was born - date, time, day of the week.

7. What kind of flowers do you prefer to receive as a gift?

8. What kind of perfume does he like?

9. What dish does she do best?

10. Where do you dream of going on a trip?

Surely, he will not be able to give the correct answer to some answers, in any case, for an attentive attitude towards his wife, he should be awarded a diploma and the title of “Ideal Husband” or a medal with the inscription “Attentive Husband”.

Princess Nesmeyana

Players are divided into 2 teams. The members of the Nesmeyany team sit down and look sad. The task of the second team is to make the members of the Nesmeyan team laugh. After a smile, "Nesmeyan" becomes part of the "Jesters" team. If for some time all the "Nesmeyany" smiled, the "Jesters" team won, otherwise the "Nesmeyany" won.

"Jesters" can show pantomimes, "poison" jokes, there is only one condition: you must not touch the "Nesmeyany".

Balloon battle

Each player is tied to the ankle Balloon(thread - no more than 30 cm). After a certain signal, the participants try to pierce the balls of other players, while saving their own. The participant whose balloon burst is eliminated from the game. The last player remaining in the game is the winner.

home cinema

family comic

You can start an interesting family tradition. Take a sheet of drawing paper, draw squares of the same size on it. Draw with a felt-tip pen one of the joyful events that happened to you last year, adding a caption to the picture and the date, words for the comic. Adults can also be captivated by the process - everyone will find an opportunity to apply their Creative skills. If you keep this family comic, you'll be happy to look at it a year from now.

Karaoke competition

Karaoke can serve as a decoration for any celebration. Have each family member pick up the music and perform. Of course, friendship will win such a competition, but you are guaranteed a charge of positive emotions! By recording performances, you will make an excellent contribution to your family's video collection.

Create your scenarios in the circle of relatives and friends - give a lot of delightful minutes and many pleasant memories! And of course, you can move "not according to the script" to give mom's birthday some zest.

As a worthy end to the birthday, you can give your mother a musical card. It’s good if the congratulation is in verse, and you compose it yourself. Give her the medal "The best mom in the world!" She will surely be delighted!

Mother's birthday script

Scenario for Mom's Birthday Scenario in poetic form with songs and participation of guests in action.

(leaders can be children of the hero of the day)

Today we drink for you!


We open the ball today,

Yes, such that no one saw!


On this glorious day of the jubilee,

We all gathered together not in vain,

Congratulations dear mom

Applaud loudly friends!


We congratulate our mother,

Happy birthday, my dear!


Raise the jubilee bowl


Friends and relatives

Words without regret

Congratulate you in a hurry

In honor of the anniversary.

After several congratulations are heard, guests are invited to sing a song, hand out words


"... If you frown, leave the house" From the repertoire of L. M. Gurchenko.

Good health

We wish her

We promise to come

For the hundredth anniversary.

And smiles without a doubt

Light up this whole room

Happy Birthday,

Fill your glass soon!

And Luda our

Everything comes out clean

And order in the house

Husband and children are

She has many talents

Do not count everyone

Let today in this hall

Songs flow until the morning

And for our hero of the day

Let's shout out loud!



True Flower.


Cheerful old ladies

cool girlfriends,

friendly faces,

Lights of cheerful eyes

We walk around the area

Two white crows

We congratulate anyone

Just feed us

We walk around the area

Two white crows

We congratulate anyone

Just feed us.

(referring to leaders)

Yes, and who should be congratulated?


We have a girl!


Girls are different

Black, white, red...


Stop, stop!

It's not that girl.

Congratulations to her mother!

After all, it's her birthday!

Mother said! Your...,


She's still a girl anyway

Yah you.

You look cool today

Cool just like your own

And what is sitting behind the muzzle,

Probably all your relatives?

I can do that, even better.

Listen here!

(continues rap)

We came here today

For this anniversary of yours

You are as beautiful as ever

More than many of ours!

Well, how cool we seemed to them here, will they take us to the table now?

How is Dumash?

Birthday Holiday of childhood And no where, no where to get away from it


Dear guests and, of course, the birthday girl, here are some more guests who will ask for a moment of attention.

Our choir sings an old chorus

And the wine flows like a river

Your loved one has come to you

Gypsy camp dear

Luda, Luda, Luda,

Luda, Luda, Luda,

Luda, Luda, Luda,

Luda! Lyuda, drink to the bottom!


Wait, wait! Here another young gypsy girl was late, meet her, support

friendly applause!


To guitar chords

Playing a bright shawl

Under floods and swoops

The girl came out barefoot

And the guitar, oh how it sang,

Sounds of crying sobbing

And gypsy tunes

The curious were collected!

Oh, gypsy, gypsy

daring girl

Have fun dancing, darkie,

Help the guitar ringing

And while the guitar sings

Legs themselves dance rush

Sounds break the soul

But they remain in the heart

(You can also include fortune-telling.)


Dear guests, and now I want to announce a competition. For this competition, I invite 2-3

couples, can be of the same sex. The competition is as follows, under a melody that changes in pace,

it is necessary to dance in pairs, holding a balloon between them without the help of hands:

1. Holding with stomachs.

2. Holding heads.

3. Holding backs.


Competition for grandchildren.



Dear mother, kind, glorious

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you everything


(to the motive of the song "Mama" from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova)

And we caught up with mom

Now we're just women

I'm already giving her advice.

And we compared with mom

Now we're just women

I already give her advice.

Mom, don't regret anything

Far from your autumn

Mom far until September

We are just big

Mom, don't be sorry about anything

Far from your autumn

Mom far until September

We're just big.

You always expect letters from us for weeks,

And we do not write, occasionally we call

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live

Chorus: the same

Let's sit side by side on the couch

We will soon fly to our lands

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother

Ah, my beloved mother,

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother,

Ah, my mother is my singing bird.

Chorus: the same


Reflects important life moments of the birthday girl

On a bright autumn day, quiet,

warmed by the warmth of the sun,

The girl was born

To the delight of mother and father.

They named their daughter Lyuda.

Their joy was felt everywhere,

Proud of your baby

Their eyes shone with happiness...

(photos in infancy)

This is Luda in kindergarten,

Here with the neighborhood kids

Digging in the sand here

Here she sews handkerchiefs for the doll,

Oh yes smart baby

Here she is leafing through books

Ludmilka is good for everyone

Grows up slowly.

(photos as per description)

The years went by.

Didn't know worries

Our Luda was growing up.

Here is the school

First grade,

student here...

(photos of elementary school)

Luda is studying

School years fly by

Grade 2, 4, 5

Time flies fast

Soon the last bell will ring for Lyudmila ...

(photographs of school years).

graduation ball,

Our beautiful Luda

Many boys already like her,

The path of life is open before her,

Maybe become a famous star?

By virtue of his wonderful nature,

Luda decided to become a teacher.

(photo of student years).

In paradise, from the apple tree,

Having once tasted the secret fruit,

Eve became Adam's wife

Since then, people have been getting married.

Since then people have been playing weddings

At the heart of their love

And this day is the happiest

It won't happen again.

So Luda and Sasha got married,

(photos from the wedding day)

Everything is going smoothly in the Young Family,

furnishing the house,

Bought a TV

Here they hung a carpet

Everything is beautiful, everything is fine

The clean room is spacious.

(photos of home life).

Once on Christmas Eve at the very

In the night, God gives Lyudmila a daughter!

Happy young father

She brought a beautiful bouquet. From the maternity hospital, a daughter with her mother, I took the happiest one. Sasha brought them

home, began to live as a big family.

(photos in the maternity hospital).

To his daughter Luda with Sasha

They gave me the name Natasha.

The little one turned out nice

All looking like mom

A year later, while Natasha

Eating sweet porridge

She had a sister, Blue-eyed Alenka.

Luda and Sasha are satisfied with the addition to the family,

They began to raise girls

Mind to teach.

(photos of children).

The children have grown up. They have already gone to kindergarten.

(photos in kindergarten).

New Year's carnival

Gathered everyone around the tree.

New Year's merry holiday

Very happy kids

Santa Claus brought gifts

In chorus everyone shouts hurray!

(New Year's photos).

And our Lyuda has a birthday

She is 30 years old today.

All carry gifts, congratulations

Her husband brought her a big bouquet of roses...

(photos from the 30th anniversary)

Our Luda at work

Here she is highly respected.

10 years of raising kids

Kindergarten became her native

To such an educator

Many people want to get in.

(photos from work).

Children grew up with Luda

And gathered down the aisle

On a summer day

Two weddings at once

Done at the end!

(photo from the children's wedding).

Our Luda 45

Baba berry again.

(photo from the anniversary).

Many good days, dear

It was in the life of Lyudmila.

Here are the grandchildren

The years of life are spinning...

(Photo different years, grandchildren)


And our dear aunt

Very round anniversary

For this today

Everyone is warm and cheerful.

So many of your years have flown by

But, you are beautiful as always.

Look how pretty you are

And you have not been touched by the years

You walk through this life boldly

Not afraid, not storms, not winds,

Who will say that you are our aunt,

You are like our older sister

Be always healthy and cheerful

We are always good with you

We look at you - this is the school!

We will live like you, wow!


Hello, dear grandmother,

We congratulate you all!

For the beloved for grandma

We baked a loaf

Don't be shy grandma

And get on the chair.

The hero of the day is forced to stand on a chair. \ (Children invite all guests to become a round dance).


And now let's all sing together for our granny!

As we baked a loaf on Lyudina's name day

Here is such a width, here is such dinners,

Here is such a height, here is such a low.

Loaf, loaf, choose whom you love

Of course, I love everyone, but my grandmother most of all.


Let the music play today

Let there be songs, dances until the morning

Let all the neighbors know

What today, our

Mom's birthday, hooray!!!

Birthday script for mom

(leaders can be children of the hero of the day).

Today we drink for you!


We open the ball today,

Yes, such that no one saw!


On this glorious day of the jubilee,

We all gathered together not in vain,

Congratulations dear mom

Applaud loudly friends!


We congratulate our mother,

Happy birthday, my dear!


Raise the jubilee bowl


Friends and relatives

Words without regret

Congratulate you in a hurry

In honor of the anniversary.

(Congratulations from guests and relatives).

After several congratulations are heard, the guests are invited to sing a song, distribute the words in advance.

Guest Song:

"... If you frown, leave the house" From the repertoire of L. M. Gurchenko.

Today we are Ludu (or another name)

Our congratulations. Happiness and good luck. She will have a lot.

Good health

We wish her

We promise to come

For the hundredth anniversary.

And smiles without a doubt

Light up this whole room

Happy Birthday,

Fill your glass soon!

And Luda our

Everything comes out clean

And order in the house

Husband and children are

And the grandchildren are growing up fast too.

She has many talents

Do not count everyone

Let today in this hall

Songs flow until the morning

And for our hero of the day

Let's shout out loud!


Two "new Russian" Grandmothers came to our holiday with congratulations.


Hello grandmothers, where did you come to us from? And who are you?

grandmother 1:

Now we will tell and show everything about ourselves, right, Matryona?

grandmother 2:

True Flower.

Song of new Russian attendants:

(to the tune of "Merry Girls", they sing together)

Cheerful old ladies

cool girlfriends,

friendly faces,

Lights of cheerful eyes

We walk around the area

Two white crows

We congratulate anyone

Just feed us

We walk around the area

Two white crows

We congratulate anyone

Just feed us.

grandmother 1:

(referring to leaders)

Yes, and who should be congratulated?

Who was born to you, a girl or a boy?


We have a girl!

Grandma 1 sings:

Girls are different

Black, white, red...

(At the same time, he looks at the youngest of the daughters of the hero of the day)


Stop, stop!

It's not that girl.

Congratulations to her mother!

After all, it's her birthday!

grandmother 1:

(sings to the motive: ... From far away for a long time, the Volga river flows)

Mother said! Your...,


She's still a girl anyway

She even on tour, and even at a banquet

She is, after all, only seventeen years old.

grandmother 2:

Yah you.

It is necessary to congratulate in a new way, in a modern way.

(In the style of REP, he sings with characteristic movements).

You look cool today

Cool just like your own

And what is sitting behind the muzzle,

Probably all your relatives?

grandmother 1:


I can do that, even better.

Listen here!

(continues rap)

We came here today

For this anniversary of yours

You are as beautiful as ever

More than many of ours!

grandmother 1:

Well, how cool we seemed to them here, will they take us to the table now?

How is Dumash?

grandmother 2:

But how!

(sing together "Birthday" from the repertoire of I. Nikolaev)

Birthday Holiday of childhood And no where, no where There is no escape from it.

(Leaders invite them to the table).


Dear guests and, of course, the birthday girl, here are some more guests who will ask for a moment of attention.

(a gypsy camp appears with noise)

The camp sings:

Our choir sings an old chorus

And the wine flows like a river

Your loved one has come to you

Gypsy camp dear

Congratulations to Luda, we wish her happiness,

And e Sche we will say together Luda, drink to the bottom!

Luda, Luda, Luda,

Luda, Luda, Luda,

Luda, Luda, Luda,

Luda! Lyuda, drink to the bottom!


Wait, wait! Here another young gypsy girl was late, meet her, support her with friendly applause!

The choir sings:

To guitar chords

Playing a bright shawl

Under floods and swoops

The girl came out barefoot

And the guitar, oh how it sang,

Sounds of crying sobbing

And gypsy tunes

The curious were collected!

(a man disguised as a gypsy appears to the singing of the choir, dances on the go and sticks to men)

Oh, gypsy, gypsy

daring girl

Have fun dancing, darkie,

Help the guitar ringing

And while the guitar sings

Legs themselves dance rush

Sounds break the soul

But they remain in the heart

(the song can be found in the recording or the chorus can be replaced with an ordinary gypsy girl with an exit).

(You can also include fortune-telling.)


Dear guests, and now I want to announce a competition. For this competition, I invite 2-3 couples, you can have the same sex. The competition consists in the following, under a melody that changes in pace, it is necessary to dance in pairs, holding a balloon between them without the help of hands:

1. Holding with stomachs.

2. Holding heads.

3. Holding backs.

The pair that does not drop the ball wins.


Competition for grandchildren.

Feed each other blindfolded yogurt...


Competition for men. Who will drink beer faster through a cocktail straw...

Children of the hero of the day:

Dear mother, kind, glorious

In our destiny, you are the most important.

Happy birthday we congratulate you

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you everything

Health, success, luck and happiness

Let bad weather not enter the father's house

Thank you for living in the world

With love to you, your adult children.

Song by daughter: (to the motive of the song "Mom" from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova)

The years are taking away the fleeting time,

Erasing the boundaries of adults and children,

And we caught up with mom

Now we're just women

I'm already giving her advice.

And we compared with mom

Now we're just women

I already give her advice.

Mom, don't regret anything

Far from your autumn

Mom far until September

We are just big

Mom, don't be sorry about anything

Far from your autumn

Mom far until September

We're just big.

You always expect letters from us for weeks,

And we do not write, occasionally we call

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live

Why wrinkled paper

And a postman with a briefcase

We'd better talk live

Chorus: the same

Let's sit side by side on the couch

We will soon fly to our lands

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother

Ah, my beloved mother,

I'm sorry that you are very early,

So early became a grandmother,

Ah, my mother is my singing bird.

Chorus: the same

Photo album view:

Reflects important life moments of the birthday girl

On a bright autumn day, quiet,

warmed by the warmth of the sun,

The girl was born

To the delight of mother and father.

They named their daughter Lyuda.

Their joy was felt everywhere,

Proud of your baby

Their eyes shone with happiness...

(pictures in infancy)

This is Luda in kindergarten,

Here with the neighborhood kids

Digging in the sand here

Here she sews handkerchiefs for the doll,

Oh yes smart baby

Here she is leafing through books

Ludmilka is good for everyone

Grows up slowly.

(photos as per description)

The years went by.

Didn't know worries

Our Luda was growing up.

Here is the school

First grade,

student here...

(photos of elementary school)

Luda is studying

School years fly by

Grade 2, 4, 5

Time flies fast

Soon the last bell will ring for Lyudmila ...

(photographs of school years).

graduation ball,

Our beautiful Luda

Many boys already like her,

The path of life is open before her,

Maybe become a famous star?

By virtue of his wonderful nature,

Luda decided to become a teacher.

(photo of student years).

In paradise, from the apple tree,

Having once tasted the secret fruit,

Eve became Adam's wife

Since then, people have been getting married.

Since then people have been playing weddings

At the heart of their love

And this day is the happiest

It won't happen again.

So Luda and Sasha got married,

The people danced at your wedding.

(photos from the wedding day)

Everything is going smoothly in the Young Family,

furnishing the house,

Bought a TV

Here they hung a carpet

Everything is beautiful, everything is fine

The clean room is spacious.

(photos of home life).

Once on Christmas Eve at the very

In the night, God gives Lyudmila a daughter!

Happy young father

She brought a beautiful bouquet. From the maternity hospital, a daughter with her mother, I took the happiest one., Sasha brought them home, They began to live as a big family.

(photos in the maternity hospital).

To his daughter Luda with Sasha

They gave me the name Natasha.

The little one turned out nice

All looking like mom

A year later, while Natasha

Eating sweet porridge

She had a sister, Blue-eyed Alenka.

Luda and Sasha are satisfied with the addition to the family,

They began to raise girls

Mind to teach.

(photos of children).

The children have grown up. They have already gone to kindergarten.

(photos in kindergarten).

New Year's carnival

Gathered everyone around the tree.

New Year's merry holiday

Very happy kids

Santa Claus brought gifts

In chorus everyone shouts hurray!

(New Year's photos).

And our Lyuda has a birthday

She is 30 years old today.

All carry gifts, congratulations

Her husband brought her a big bouquet of roses...

(photos from the 30th anniversary)

Our Luda at work

Here she is highly respected.

10 years of raising kids

Kindergarten became her native

To such an educator

Many people want to get in.

(photos from work).

Children grew up with Luda

And gathered down the aisle

On a summer day

Two weddings at once

Done at the end!

(photo from the children's wedding).

Our Luda 45

Baba berry again.

(photo from the anniversary).

Many good days, dear

It was in the life of Lyudmila.

Here are the grandchildren

The years of life are spinning...

(photos from different years, grandchildren)

Congratulations from nephews:

And our dear aunt

Very round anniversary

For this today

Everyone is warm and cheerful.

So many of your years have flown by

But, you are beautiful as always.

Look how pretty you are

And you have not been touched by the years

You walk through this life boldly

Not afraid, not storms, not winds,

Who will say that you are our aunt,

You are like our older sister

Be always healthy and cheerful

We are always good with you

We look at you - this is the school!

We will live like you, wow!

Congratulations from grandchildren:

Hello, dear grandmother,

We congratulate you all!

For the beloved for grandma

We baked a loaf

Don't be shy grandma

And get on the chair.

The hero of the day is forced to stand on a chair. \ (Children invite all guests to become a round dance).


And now let's all sing together for our granny!

As we baked a loaf on Lyudina's name day

Here is such a width, here is such dinners,

Here is such a height, here is such a low.

Loaf, loaf, choose whom you love

Of course, I love everyone, but my grandmother most of all.


Let the music play today

Let there be songs, dances until the morning

Let all the neighbors know

What today, our

Mom's birthday, hooray!!!

End of birthday script

Congratulation-game "Star Trek"
Guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the host. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops in front of the "star path".

Leading: Step aside, friends, step aside
Smile at this moment.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)
Expensive …!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.
So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,
And it seems to us that life is a big fairy tale.
To extend this fairy tale to us,
At least for a little
You are not in a hurry, manage to pass
Star track.
Every star is just a mystery
You only need one clue.
Get up on the star track
And guess at least something!

1. Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers.)
(Give a bouquet of flowers.)
2. To remember later your biography,
We will make this now ... (photo.)
(taking pictures)
3. From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss.)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl.)
4. For all the heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause.)
(Guest applause.)
5. Miracles today we can not get around,
Let it rain from the sky now ... (confetti.)
(A star with confetti is attached to the ceiling. One of the guests pulls the string, confetti showers the birthday girl.)
6. To be always with friends together,
We all need to perform ... (song.)
(Guests sing the song "Happy birthday".)
7. And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary ... (salute.)
(Guests, piercing air balloons mimic fireworks).

Leading: You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.

(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated.)

Leading: In December, when it's cold and hard frost,
There are different amazing demand for holidays.
Someone is happy with the magician's day,
Someone to the Day of Resurrection,
We are celebrating my mother's birthday today.
I sincerely welcome the assembled guests,
And I am happy to open my mother's anniversary!

(Fanfares sound. Guests applause. Garland lights are lit on the main design of the backdrop.)

: May this day go down in history forever,
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And the guests have fun, let them carelessly,
No one, I hope, will leave sad from the anniversary.
To start the celebration, as expected,
It is proposed to fill all the glasses.
(Music. Guests fill glasses.)
I propose to drink the first toast while standing.


Happy birthday mom, happy birthday!
This evening we are with you.
And good words will not regret
For you beloved and dear!
Our evening has long been shrouded in winter darkness,
You, mother, are with us, you are our star.
And may we celebrate your holiday in winter,
We wish you all: shine always!
For you, dear mother!

(Guests drink. Musical pause.)

Congratulations "Star Rays"

Leading: Dear guests! No wonder they say that a woman is a source of warmth and light, and for her family and friends - a guiding star that helps to confidently walk along the roads of life.
A star named Tatyana
Now it's in my hands.
And everything in it, as if without a flaw,
I am ready to confirm this not only in words.
Here all the rays radiate heat so strongly,
That guests have been wanting to touch them for a long time.
I invite those present to choose any ray of the star and express their attitude towards the hostess of tonight.

(The host approaches the guests with a beautifully designed "star", to the rays of which strips of paper with text are attached and offers to read it in a certain order.)

1. Tatyana! What does the name mean?
2. And the fact that she seduces everyone.
3. The character is firm, strong-willed.
4. At first glance, it is not easy.
5. But mostly optimistic.
6. Has a personal outlook.
7. Nature is devoted, proud.
8. Goes through life without much difficulty.
9. We Tanya, however, have long been admired by everyone.
10. And we will try to express feelings on this day.

So that the feelings of the birthday girl are always overwhelmed,
I want us to raise our glasses now!
(Guests drink.)
(Musical pause.)

Congratulations "Cloud of Wishes"

Leading: Dear birthday girl! This date is celebrated only once in a lifetime. And we would very much like you to be in seventh heaven on this day. We hope that our cloud of wishes will give you special joy.
(The host demonstrates a voluminous paper cloud with the inscription "Be like our cloud")
Leading: Friends! I think that with your help this cloud will gain tangible weight and fall into the hands of the hero of today's celebration. I suggest you name wishes-adjectives starting with these letters. The one who offers the best option will be awarded a prize. So please!
(Filling the cloud with wishes. Rewarding the best.)
Leading: Dear mommy!
We give a cloud of hopes and wishes,
So that more natural talents are revealed in you!
(Handing over a cloud.)


Guests! Pour more glasses
For the hero of the day, drink everything together to the bottom.
(Guests drink)

Congratulations Angels

Leading: A cloud has disappeared from the sky
But the angels are not at all angry.
They come down from heaven
They'll be here in a minute.
(Angels appear:)
First angel: And here we are, curly angels,
We have greeting cards in our hands.
(Open scrolls, read.)
Second angel: Dear birthday girl!
Congratulations on your anniversary
As always, we protect.
First angel: Save from various troubles
Another hundred years ahead.
Second angel: Rumor has it,
That we are great musicians
Have to show for you
All hidden talents.
(They perform a song to the soundtrack "Strawberry".)


On a birthday like this
Duet meet groovy,
Your mood
That hour will rise in an instant.
Anniversary for all guests
The birthday girl is more important.
That's why, friends,
Sing along to us.

Congratulations on the date - yeah, yeah ...
We sincerely wish - yeah, yeah ...
Happiness is personal, boundless ... Yes, yes, yes!

(Chorus repeated twice.)

Leading : Dear birthday girl!
Let's not make long digressions,
Let's start now with heartfelt congratulations.
It is known that from the constellation "Builder"
Your leader came to congratulate you.
(Congratulations from the boss.)

Leading: The team would like to know
When he will congratulate.
Your turn has come.
Get started gentlemen!
(Congratulations from the team.)

Congratulations from Spouse and Children

Leading: Dear guests!
You are all witnesses that in our sky
One star is not fading light now.
And by the way, there is one fan among us,
Who has been studying this for many years.
The word is given to the native and close person- the husband of the birthday girl.
(The phonogram of Suleiman's song sounds. Suleiman comes out, sings.)

I am the only one in the East
Shib-dayo-dy-ba-da. (2 times.)
Who gives magic lessons
Shib-dub-dy-ba-da. (2 times.)
The wizard Suleiman
Everything is honest, without deceit (2 times.)
The wizard Suleiman.
(The phonogram fades and Suleiman-husband pronounces the words.)
Suleiman: Oh, the star of my eyes!
You captivated me at first sight...

(Suleiman leaves. The soundtrack of the song “We came to you for an hour” sounds. The “Brilliant” group. The children of the birthday girl in wigs from the New Year's rain, with guitars in their hands, imitate the performance of the song - the first verse and chorus, after that they say the words ...)

The first: We are the real stars of this children,
And they call us simply "brilliant".
Second: We are known as pop stars,
Us once again You don't need to introduce everyone.
Third: Since we are musical people,
We will issue a special congratulation.
The first: Dear mommy!
Kirkorov sent you a bouquet on your anniversary.
(Gives flowers.)
Second: His wife is a big hello.
(Send a kiss.)
T retium : Christina - cover photo.
(They give a photo from the cover.)
The first : Bulanova - beautiful boots.
(They give boots from Barbie.)
Second : Gazmanov - tender words.
Third: And Gubin ... was in no hurry yet.
The first : But we are ahead of him
And we present our gift.
Second : From Suleiman and from the "Brilliant",
From son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren standing here,
We give this miracle - to watch the latest Hollywood.
(The grandchildren carry the box from under the TV to the middle of the hall. The "brilliant" pretend to take out the TV.)

Game "Live Buttons"

Third: When checking a new TV, we need to make sure the quality of the channel picture. So, we press the button.
(“Press” the TV button. “TV presenter” appears.)
Announcer-leader : Good afternoon, dear viewers! The program “Ai, yes I!” is on the air, and everyone, including you, can become participants in it. I invite the most daring and risky three women and three men to the studio.
Announcer-leader: Dear participants! Please split into pairs. Women will act as players, men - as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the leader asks a question to all players at the same time. The participant who knows the answer to it must press the “button”, which will “issue” its musical signal that hour, and only after that can answer. I ask you to consult in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: “meow-meow”, “peak-peak”, etc.
(Men - "buttons" put berets on their heads.)

1. How many letters are in the word "anniversary"? (Six.)
2. Name the date of birth of the birthday girl.
3. What is the name of the youngest son of the hero of the occasion?
4. What city is the birthplace of the hero of the day?
5. How many floors are there in the house where the birthday girl lives?
6. What is the name of the car that is in the family of the hero of the day?
7. Name the river that flows in the city where the birthday girl lives.
8. Which vegetable ranks the most large area in the garden of the hero of the occasion?
9. In what month does the birthday girl meet autumn?
10. What newspaper informs the hero of the day about the life of our city?

Announcer-leader: This was the last question. It's time to take stock. The best connoisseur was ...
(Winner's reward ceremony.)
Announcer-leader : This concludes the program "Ai yes I!". With you was the incomparable Ellochka.
(“Brilliant” “turn off” the TV, hand over a passport to the hero of the day from him.)
"Brilliant": Dear Mom!
TV "Sharp" - the best in the world!
Let him always stand in your apartment.
(The Shining Ones leave the room.)

Leading: About congratulations, guests, I ask you not to forget.
You now have a minute to eat.

Leading: Today to the birthday girl with a low bow
The constellation turns
What belongs to family and friends.
(Congratulations from relatives.)

Leading : Among all the constellations brighter, more fun
We see a constellation of friends here.
It hurries to wish happy birthday
And say congratulations to your friend.
(Congratulations to friends.)

Leading: Gifts, cards and congratulations
It evokes a wonderful feeling.
To extend our holiday
Glasses should be poured.
(Guests fill glasses.)

I propose a toast to your wishes!
(Guests drink.)

Leading: Friends!
We continue our festive banquet,
We invite the birthday girl and her husband to dance.
(Dance of the spouses.)

(Dance department.)

Congratulations from the Hunter and Hares

Leading: Dear guests! If we look at the starry sky, we will make sure that the birthday girl was born under the sign of the Zodiac "Sagittarius". Therefore, I ask you to greet the person who is directly related to this sign.
(A hunter enters on mini-skis, wearing a hat with earflaps, a gun over his shoulder.)
Hunter: Happy birthday, Sagittarius!
Clearly, you are a fighter.
And neither fluff nor feather
It's time to wish you.
I'm late for the holiday
I chose all the gift
To achieve my goal
I had to hunt game.
Here brought the hares,
Maybe there is a demand for it here.
(Two guests dressed as hares run out and sing a song.)

Every year on this day we gather together.
Not then to sit at the table again:
On your birthday, we are without falsehood and flattery
Let's sing with all our heart and soul about...

And we don't care, and we don't care
What will we eat, what will we drink.
We've known for a long time, that's the way it is.
Your birthday should be kind.

We go to visit you, we are not at all for dinner,
We managed to find out the generosity of a good soul,
That's what we need your birthday for
So that they can congratulate you and tell you ...

Leading: I ask the hunter with game to keep up,
Invite all guests to the dance.

Competition "Light Dance"

Leading: Dear guests! The brightest dance of our evening is announced. We invite couples who want to take part in it. Condition: before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers. Music sounds. Couples are dancing. At the end of the dance, the prize is given to the couple that has the longest burning Bengal fire.
(Competition. Rewarding.)

: We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all seats at the table.
(Guests take a seat at the table.)

Rocket flight game

Leading: Dear guests! We are always in awe of the shining stars in the night sky. Especially our attention is attracted by the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which the people simply call the bucket. We managed to get these star ladles from the sky, and we invite you, friends, to drink a star drink from them, proclaiming a toast in honor of our hero of the day.
(A toast from the guests.)
Leading : I would like to wish our birthday girl that her life always remains a full cup, like this ladle shining to us from the beautiful night sky.
Looking at the hostess of tonight, we can say that she, like a star, is both close and far to us.
To reach this distant star.
Need to fly
And each feast on an ambulance rocket
I suggest getting ahead.
(The host gives out two rocket models.)
So, attention, flight rules: at the signal of the leader, the first participant, looking out the window, loudly says: “Happy anniversary!” and passes the rocket to his neighbor. The second, looking out, says: “Congratulations!”, The third: “Happy anniversary!” and so on, until the rocket goes around each guest at his half of the table. Let's see whose rocket will reach the birthday girl faster.
Leading: But, before you go on a flight, let me approve the crew lists. Request to guests: answer in chorus.
Leading : Us plus, minus 42.
Are you ready to fly?...
Guests: Yes!
Leading: There is no reason to worry -
All approve...
Men : Men!
Leading: Well, women in response
Tell me: are you afraid? ...
Women: Not!
Leading: Rockets are ready.
The teams are in place.
Let's all fly together.
5,4,3, 2,1… start!
(Rocket flight game. Summarizing).

Leading: Today for the birthday girl is a decisive, turning point in her life. After all, every big event is a real finest hour which determines our future life.
So, hostess of the celebration,
Your finest hour is coming.
Now you are in the role of a deity
And the whole room wants to listen to you.
(Answering word of the hostess.)

Leading: I ask guests to drink you
For the coming star hour!
(Guests drink.)

Leading: Friends!
Don't forget about music
Perform all dances together.

Competition "Light the Stars"

Leading: I invite guests to light a few new stars in our sky.
Task: all team members take turns lighting candles that are set in the shape of a star. Who will complete the task faster?
(Game. Rewarding.)

Congratulations from the Astrologer

Leading: Dear guests!
Who keeps score for all the stars?
Well, of course, the astrologer!
Only flash where the star
He arrives there.
(Stargazer exits.)
Stargazer: Good evening, Dear guests and hostess!
Birthday girl from heaven
I got a miracle of miracles.
Congratulations on your anniversary
I give her this cake.
It has many lights on it.
It takes a lot of strength to blow them out.
Dear birthday girl!
On the command "three-four!" - You need to smile wider.
And on "once!" or "two" - get ready first.
How do I say “start!” - you can blow out the candles.
(The hero of the day blows out the candles on command. The cake is put on the table after the competition.)

Leading: We ask guests to sit down at the tables of all,
After all, you need to drink and eat a little.
(Guests take their seats.)

Leading: This holiday is a birthday
Just a glorious anniversary
To keep the fun going
I’ll say to everyone, “Pour it!”
(Guests fill glasses.)

Let the wine sparkle in glasses
It congratulates Tatyana on her anniversary.
(Guests drink)

Fortune telling "Joyful Stars"

Leading: Dear birthday girl! There are many pleasures in life. And we wish you, of course, a whole hundred of them on your birthday. But, you know, not all wishes come true. Therefore, we have to find out which of the hundred joys of life are exactly waiting for you in the coming year until next day birth.
We'll make a starfall
Catch the stars all in a row.
How many will you catch here?
So many joys to know.
(The presenter throws stars on which “joys of life” are written, the birthday girl tries to catch them.)

Star inscriptions:
1. The bliss of being at a philharmonic concert.
2. Quiet joy after sowing seeds in wooden box on the windowsill.
3. Exuberant jubilation after winning the cup match of your favorite team.
4. Pleasant learning about the amount of interest that has run up on a bank account.
5. One hundred percent relaxation while staying in a 100-degree sauna.
6. The exotic pleasure of making love in an inappropriate place.
7. The pleasure of "shopping" (shopping) in a foreign capital.
8. Primitive delight during duck hunting.
9. Unbridled fun at a drunk and stupid party.
10. Tremulous expectation of a compliment while regaling guests with pickles and homemade jams.
11. Selfish joy from a personal acquaintance with a famous doctor.
12. Blissful frenzy from sitting with a mormyshka in hand and on the ice near the hole.
13. Pleasant ache in the joints after hilling a potato plantation.

(The inscriptions on the stars caught by the birthday girl are announced to everyone. Then those that she missed are read out.)

Star necklace game

Leading: A star fell from the sky
And all the guests were punished
So that one of them without delay
This is where the necklace was made.
(Two people are invited to compete in the creation of a star necklace. At the signal of the presenter, it is necessary to attach the stars with paper clips to the thread of the New Year's rain. Whoever manages to use the most stars and completes the task faster will be considered the winner. The game. Summarizing. Rewarding. Presenting the necklace to the birthday girl.)

Black box game

Friends! In honor of today holiday a black box is drawn. Whoever names the contents of this box will be able to become its owner. The host has the right to answer the questions of the guests with the words “yes” and “no”.
(Variants of the "content": 1. Cognac - a star drink, 2. Audio cassette - the voices of pop stars. Raffle .. Presentation of the "content").

For the fact that henceforth everyone was so lucky, now we will pour all one hundred grams.
(Guests drink.)

Leading: You can't do without music
Let's have fun, friends!

Leading: The anniversary has long come to an end, friends,
It's hard to say goodbye, but it's time.
I hope in a year on this day and hour
At the hostess's table I will meet you again.
(Music sounds. Guests go home.)

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