What to do every day and why. List of must-have things to do every day

garden equipment 30.09.2019
garden equipment

Have you thought about what you need to do every day to make your life better? How we live our day ultimately affects our whole life. We may not be able to influence global problems but it is in our power to change the world around us.

How we live our day is our choice, which we often neglect. We are waiting for an opportunity, a moment or a happy coincidence, thereby pushing away the opportunity to become happier and more successful here and now. This can be changed. To make your life more conscious, you need to start with small steps.

Every day we do dozens of obligatory things. Sometimes they are nice, sometimes not so much. But each of us wants his day to be filled with meaning and positive. Not unreasonable joy, but the realization that you did not live this day in vain.

Everyone decides for himself what needs to be done every day in order to fill it with meaning. But we advise you not to forget about 10 important things.

1. Express gratitude

Be grateful to yourself for a small victory over yourself, loved ones for help, acquaintances for good mood, fate for luck. There are hundreds of reasons to be grateful for today. Try keeping a gratitude journal and writing down any little things you can say "thank you" for. Or at least before going to bed, think about all the good things that happened to you during the day.

2. Meditate

Those who practice meditation claim that it is life changing. Meditation helps you listen to yourself, break away from the routine, relieve stress and relax. Sit in a comfortable position, straighten your back, take a few deep breaths, breathe in your belly, release your consciousness. Five minutes is enough for the first sessions. If you wish, you can always master different techniques of meditation and yoga.

3. Make a plan for the day

We live in a rather chaotic world where we are constantly distracted by something. And in the evening we wonder why we are so tired and again did not have time to do anything. A little planning for the day will help make it much more productive, save you from spontaneous decisions and procrastination. The plan can be sketched out on a piece of paper, beautifully designed in your favorite notebook, entered into a smartphone - choose any method that you like.

4. Talk about love

There is never a lot of love, but for some reason we are sure that relatives and relatives already know everything. In fact, we all lack warmth and tenderness. Don't forget to tell your loved ones about your feelings, hug them and thank them. Remember that life consists of moments and flies by unnoticed. Have time to give and enjoy love.

5. Learn

Education does not end with school or university. Our brain is programmed to learn all our lives, it is greedy for information. Age is not a hindrance in order to learn something new, become a professional, deepen your knowledge. On the contrary, the older we get, the harder we must train our brains. This will help you not only crossword puzzles. You can learn the language, dance, read, go to courses, solve logic puzzles.

6. Walk outdoors

We clearly underestimate the importance fresh air for our health. Walking and relaxing in nature energize us and relieve stress like a yoga or spa session.

7. Go to your goal

Often we set ourselves goals, but they seem to us distant and impossible dreams. They remain so because we do not know how to approach them. This can be done if the goal is broken down into small stages and completed every day. Remember that water also wears away a stone.

8. Eat Right

Life is too short to waste it on bad habits. Do not forget to include vegetables, fruits, herbs in your diet, follow the regime, drink water and do not get carried away with sweets. Our well-being and energy largely depend on what we feed our body.

9. Dream

Is dreaming bad? Not a drop! Allow yourself to fantasize and dream, imagine your life as you would like to see it. Make collages, draw, collect pictures. Visualization works and certainly won't hurt you. Who knows where your dreams will take you?

10. Get creative

Creativity has healing power. This real magic available to everyone. Practicing any kind of art improves mood, well-being and provides answers to many questions. Give yourself permission to create, sign up for a dance studio or buy an embroidery kit - do what brings you joy.

The main thing about what you need to do every day

Routine can absorb each of us, but in order for life to be bright and meaningful, do not forget that in your hands there is the power to change the world around you.

Do every day, albeit small, but good deeds, thank yourself and the people around, take care of your body and do not forget about your soul.

Start to surround yourself with people you love and value close to you, to strive for your goals. Pamper yourself and love life. She will definitely reciprocate.

When we are small, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away toys!”. We are getting a little older, but caring parents do not stop their hackneyed record, they just slightly change the repertoire: “Get up, you will be late for classes!”, “Throw cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!”. And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and bewilderedly realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how. And here comes the following list of mandatory daily activities:

1. Show your love and appreciation to people dear to you. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile good word or a kiss in the morning can make the day beautiful not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Spend 10-15 minutes cleaning up. No need to try right away, no need to run with a rag for every speck of dust. But a little daily cleaning will allow you to keep your house clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water. Already drunk? Repeat!

4. Take one step each day towards your goal. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows even with small daily efforts to move far enough.

5. Learn something new. The degradation of the brain begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Push up. Best Exercise to keep your body in good condition. Instantly raises the tone better than anyone.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day(well deserved, of course). Thus, completely imperceptibly, you will make 365 people happy during the year. Excellent result!

8. Arrange for yourself five minutes of silence. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it's so easy to isolate yourself from everyone through a chat, social networks and e-mail, that sometimes you realize that you have even less live communication than sex.

10. Meditate or at least just think about the positive things in your life. Try every night before you go to bed, do some deep slow, relax, tune in to a positive wave. This is combined with exercise in the morning will help you sleep better and be energetic all day long.

11. Engage in any kind of physical activity. No need to strive for records or blindly follow all the vagaries of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walks, running, swimming, yoga, exercise equipment - choose what you like - will drastically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary creations from gardens and orchards. A rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously repeat that this is useful.

14. Spending time outdoors. Walk, ride a bike, walk the dog. In a word, break away from the monitor and ventilate your unfortunate lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life. Each new dawn brings with it the possibility of a new life, and it depends only on us whether we take advantage of this chance.

Approximately such answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question of the actions that each person should do constantly and for the rest of his life. And what list would readers of Lifehacker make?

Any result is the number of attempts multiplied by the regularity. Successful people often say that they could have achieved everything much earlier, but either stopped trying or did not work hard enough. Self-development is improvement, no matter what you are working on. physical form or mental faculties. In any case, training is important.

At the first stage, it is very important to get rid of excuses, otherwise nothing will work. What are the most popular excuses most people have? This is not for me, I have such a fate, I have no luck, no time, they interfere with me. In trying to become better, it is simply necessary to understand that excuses are the fence behind which there is your ideal. The person you want to become.

After there is no place for excuses in life and you are ready to start changing, you should find out what exactly empowers a person and what will inevitably lead to the development of the body and spirit. Here are a few things that you need to do every day for self-development.

Physical exercise

It is not necessary to run a marathon every day or pull iron for two hours. Moreover, sports often cause injuries that we absolutely do not need. Professional sports are one thing, but devoting 20-30 minutes a day to yoga, push-ups or stretching would be extremely beneficial. Wushu is very popular in China and every morning many residents do a series of exercises. Get in the habit of doing a little workout every day, just 20 minutes a day will make you feel great!

Foreign languages

Now many applications allow you to learn foreign words without much effort. This activity is not only exciting, but also perfectly develops memory, which means you will learn how to keep the most important things in your mind. Just 10 words a day, it's not at all difficult, but the brain will thank you.

Reading books

The Internet is full of information, but finding something really useful is not easy. Knowledge holders prefer to share them for money through paid courses or webinars. This is a whole industry that brings businessmen income no less than their main activity.

Books are another matter. Many authors have written real masterpieces and sold them for a penny. Some books are really cheap considering their content. Books on psychology and business are suitable for self-development. Give books only half an hour a day instead of TV and the knowledge gained from this lesson will make you better and wiser.

Analyze the day

Many people simply love to focus their attention on the negative events of the day, which is very bad for the perception of the world. However, it is even worse if you do not analyze the events of the past day at all. Working on mistakes is very important and spending 5 minutes before going to bed to sort out your actions, their causes and consequences, would be very useful.

Perhaps you flared up somewhere, accidentally offended someone, but somewhere you showed yourself with better side. How to make sure that you continue to behave with dignity in any situation? Set goals, decide on plans for the next day, and tomorrow again think about how it went. Did everything work and why did it not work?

Drink more water

You should develop the habit of drinking plenty of water every day. More and more studies are proving the relationship between well-being and the amount of water you drink. Not every liquid has a beneficial effect on the body, delete sodas and packaged juices from your diet. We are only interested in living water, prepare it at home and drink at least 2 liters a day.

Study biographies famous people

Surprisingly, the life of each of them was not so beautiful as it is commonly believed. Almost everyone who has achieved success has overcome quite a few obstacles and made some right moves. Read as many biographies as possible, there are a lot of tips that are hidden between the lines. For example, never give up. Great advice that will become something more for you if you find out how many people this habit pulled from the very bottom.

Reach your goals

It is important to learn to notice the results of your efforts. Set multiple goals with a time limit. Meeting deadlines is extremely important, and if you don’t know how to meet deadlines, then thinking about success is very stupid. Find a way to get things done faster than usual, turn on your head, learn to use the resources that surround you. Every day achieve goals, small, insignificant, but so important for the final result.

One day I came across a recording of a businessman who, in his youth, was selling computer programs. He went from office to office offering software CDs, but not everyone bought them. Then he discovered that it was not necessary to swear to the client, it was enough to have a good presentation and do it in a certain number of offices. Of the 5 clients, one definitely bought and then he simply went around 10 offices in a day, the scheme worked and two sales occurred regardless of other circumstances.

Sleep in the afternoon

An item that is unlikely to suit most people, since the work schedule does not allow for a quiet hour. But history shows that the most successful people used daytime sleep and considered it an extremely important habit. I have already told how John Rockefeller forbade waking him up during daytime sleep, and even the President of the United States did not dare to disturb John.

The body is so arranged that a 30-40 minute nap after lunch is like a charge for a smartphone. The second half of the day will be much more productive and efficient, and for a successful person it is important to get the maximum benefit from everything that surrounds him.

Check back often on my blog and read a series of articles called How to stop living badly alive, where I have collected many useful tips found by me from various sources.

Do you remember, when you were little, your parents always reminded you: “Finish your porridge”, “brush your teeth”, “collect toys”. Over time, the list of reminders changes: "get up, it's time for couples", "don't forget your hat." Now we are adults, and no one will tell us what to do and when. We ourselves make a list of obligatory things that need to be done every day.

1. Tell loved ones about your love. Life is too short to put it off until later. Stop being offended and frowning. A sincere smile, a kiss, an affectionate word can make the day more pleasant for the people you love. Don't miss the opportunity to make someone happy.

2. Clean up the house in 15 minutes. No need to run around with a rag around the house, and feel frustrated and tired after cleaning. Do not postpone cleaning for the weekend, because these days are for relaxation. Just 10-15 minutes of cleaning every day will make it easy to keep your home clean.

3. Drink a glass of water. And repeat.

4. Take a step towards your goal. To fulfill your dream, you need to make efforts every day. A gradual movement in the right direction will lead you to success.

5. Learn new things. Our brain degrades without training. The day you don't learn anything new, the decline will begin. To make this day come as late as possible, you need to study.

6. Push up.Keep your body in good condition. Sports exercises will give you strength better than energy drinks.

7. Find a reason to praise one person. So you will make 365 people happy in a year. Well-deserved praise great way please a person.

8. Arrange yourself a few minutes in silence. Take a break between tasks.

9. Communicate.Not through gadgets, but in real life. We hide behind social media email and chats, and have already forgotten how to speak without emoticons. Live communication is sorely lacking in the modern world.

10. Practice meditation. Or just think about the good things that you got in this life. Every night, before falling asleep, relax and tune in to the positive. And exercise in the morning. This routine will help you be more energetic during the day and sleep better at night.

11. Go in for sports. It is not necessary to set records and obey the whims of the fitness fashion that has swept the world. Devote half an hour every day to any physical activity - walking, yoga, swimming, cycling, running, exercise equipment. Choose something to your liking and enjoy.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Someday you will be. With every dawn, we get a new chance to change our lives, and how we live it depends on us.

We all want to find one universal way become happier, more active and healthier. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. However, every day you can take one small step towards feeling better, getting rid of fatigue and starting to live life to the fullest.

1. Become a perpetual motion machine

obesity after smoking- the most common cause cancer, so make physical activity an integral part of Everyday life. Cycling in the summer, skiing and skating in the winter. At any time of the year, practice Nordic walking. Walk more and walk more.

If you do not like sports and fitness clubs, just try to be active. Go up and down the stairs instead of the elevator, get off public transportation one stop early and walk, park in the farthest corner of the hypermarket parking lot, carry shopping bags instead of using a cart, arrange regular general cleaning at home - in a word, come up with any physical activity. The main thing is not to sit still.

2. Meditate

Make it a rule to devote 10 minutes to meditation every day. Let this be a sacred time for you when you can exhale, calmly think things over or read something inspiring. Just not social media. Hunched over a smartphone causes headaches and back pain. Try to spend 10 minutes on positive thoughts - listen to your inner voice, think about how to become a better person and help others. Change the negative perception of the world and others to a positive one. Thank the world, friends and loved ones for all the good things that happened to you.

Meditation has been proven to help fight depression and reduces the risk of a heart attack by 15%. Try yoga. You can do it at home and spend the same 10 minutes on it. The practice of relaxation clears the mind and promotes positive thinking. A few simple asanas (Sun Salutation or Downward Facing Dog) will strengthen the muscles and help maintain flexibility.

3. Eat right

Healthy eating requires a thoughtful approach. Most breakdowns in the diet occur due to the fact that there was not at hand useful way satisfy hunger. Let you always have fresh fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator, and nuts and dried fruits in your desktop drawer. Don't order pizza or sushi for a friendly party. Better buy healthy snacks - berries, carrots, celery and hummus, farm cheese and whole grain bread.

Eliminate store-bought sauces from your diet semi-finished products, sausages and carbonated drinks. Pure, unprocessed foods are better digested, provide more energy and a longer feeling of satiety. Switching to healthy eating you will notice that you sleep better and concentrate more easily. The complexion will become fresh and radiant, and extra pounds will go away by themselves.

4. Look for the good

In addition to giving up junk food, you need to fill the diet with healthy foods. For example, fatty fish, rich in omega-3, protects blood vessels from aging and takes care of youthful skin. Legumes and whole grains activate the synthesis of the happiness hormone serotonin, thereby resisting bad mood and apathy. Dark bitter chocolate (contains magnesium) fights irritability.

5. Sunbathe

Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air. It has been proven that vitamin D, which is synthesized in the body under the influence of sun rays, protects against depression. UV rays pass through the clouds, so a cloudy day does not exempt you from obligatory walks. Well, in sunny weather, do not forget to use a cream with an SPF filter to protect your skin from premature aging.

6. Go to bed earlier

Lack of sleep makes us feel overwhelmed in the morning. It is useless to try to deceive the body with coffee and chemicals. energy drinks from high content Sahara. They give a temporary surge of strength, and then the reverse reaction occurs.

Lack of sleep is not only bad for performance, but also on immunity, leading to colds, obesity, heart disease. Try to go to bed no later than 11 pm, this is required by our natural biorhythms. Before going to bed, do not surf the Internet and do not watch TV. Make your bedroom a digital-free zone.

7. Do a digital detox

Social networks and virtual communication will not replace the real one. Try to reduce the use of your smartphone on weekends, always turn off your phone during lunch and dinner and when meeting with friends. Think about what you can do with loved ones and family members in the evening. For example, play board games, cook something together or discuss read books. It's better than sitting in different corners with tablets and laptops.

For those who maniacally check email every five minutes, there are applications that completely block the device for a selected time - 30 minutes, 2 hours, a day, a week or even a month.

About the expert

(Emma Woolf) TV presenter, journalist, critic, columnist for The Times and author of books about proper nutrition And healthy way life.

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