Is there real magic? How the canons of Magic were formed

The buildings 20.09.2019
The buildings

You can be skeptics and not believe in the existence of black and white magic, but this does not mean that it is not present in our earthly life. More, of course, they believe in the otherworldly powers of women, because it is they who are more sensitive by nature to changes in energy in the world around them.

I will not tell you how to remove the damage, and I will not describe the rituals and conspiracies of black magic - you will find this in abundance in printed publications and in the vastness of the network - but I will describe a couple of stories from life, which for me personally became a confirmation that witchcraft, alas, has a place to be even in a modern developed society.

Magic stories from my life

More than once I came across cries for help on women's forums, where they begged for advice on how to remove damage or a love spell from a husband, how to protect a child from the evil eye, etc. I always joined the forum members who mocked them. But that was until an interesting incident happened in my family.

strange neighbors

Strange neighbors lived next to their parents, who liked to shake rugs right under the feet of passers-by or to curse children playing under the windows. Once these people asked me to hand over the keys to the apartment for rent - at that time they moved out of our entrance, and we met by chance at the store. I tried to fulfill the request for a week, but there were no tenants in the rented housing. Then sad events happened in my family, in connection with which I forgot about the request of the former neighbors for a month! But no one came for the keys...

I felt that all this was strange and unusual., but it began to reach me, what was the matter, only when, at my 18 years old, they discovered a bunch of incomprehensible sores in me, my dad started having problems at work, and my brother simply fell into depression. A friend advised me to go to a woman who does just such strange things. When the sorceress took the keys in her hands, she felt sick. She did not tell anything in detail, the only thing she asked was to constantly drink the water that she would give, and not give anything from the house to those who would come in three days. Until the very last moment, I thought that the woman was playing a role, that she simply instilled fear in me, a young fool, but when exactly three days later the former neighbors came and began to insistently ask for water (mind you, they didn’t say a word about the keys!), explaining this by the lack of it in their apartment, I was horrified.

After that, we didn’t get sick for long - in one day all the household members woke up in good mood and good health. But I never saw my neighbors again, but I heard that their dacha burned down, and my husband collapsed with a stroke. How then not to believe in black magic and damage?

Is my second mother a witch?

The second unique case happened to me when I was already married. For some reason, my mother-in-law immediately disliked me. I was too lively and confident for her: I didn’t want to live with her, I took my son away and “twisted the screws for him” (her words), valuable advice listened, but did not perform, she persuaded her husband to buy an apartment not next to her, but in another area. I became the enemy she always tried to verbally pinch and slander behind her back, even in front of my own children. I tried not to get involved for seven whole years, but at some point my patience snapped, and I dared to speak out. By this time, her son (my husband) was also tired of her interference in our family and began to rebuff her. Our mother was deeply offended and disappeared from the horizon, pouring out a ton of negativity before that on me, my son and even on my relatives.

Literally a week later I collapsed with an inexplicable temperature. Analyzes showed nothing - everything was normal. At first I reduced it to fatigue from night work, worries about children and a lack of vitamins, but I got worse. As a result, I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, which was difficult to treat. After I was discharged, I developed a sore throat, my heart ached, and my weight began to fall catastrophically. I felt my strength go out of me. A case at night made me suspect witchcraft - I woke up from the fact that someone was crawling along my legs and, reaching my chest, squeezed my body so much that I began to suffocate. I went over in my head all the prayers that I knew, and "something" receded. I turned on the light and saw my cat hissing in the other corner of the room.

The healer's diagnosis was disappointing: my mother-in-law decided to get me out of her way in any way. She sincerely believed that without me the life of her son and my children would be better. I don’t know what this kind woman did, I just went to church and ordered magpies for the health of myself and my mother-in-law, and also drank holy water and read prayers. I was shivering, shaking, constantly drawn to sleep, my head hurt, and then everything went away abruptly. The second "mother" showed up on the doorstep on the very first day, as it became easier for me, with a package of tangerines. The grandmother who helped me warned me about this. The purpose of her arrival was not clear, as she left very soon after grumbling a little. I threw away the tangerines. Now the mother-in-law is not up to me ...

After such life situations I believed that magic exists, but modern people use it successfully. The neighbors didn’t like it, the girlfriend seemed prettier, the husband is lucky and loving - all these reasons may seem evil person quite weighty to order your life or success from some black craftsman.

Cases from the life of acquaintances

Please note that in the church you can see possessed people who scream in a voice that is not their own, rush at others, and do unthinkable things. The priests themselves say that they were possessed by an unclean spirit. I've seen them - it's a terrible sight. Personally, I left the service because I was scared. But after certain rituals, the demoniac becomes again an ordinary person. I have always been interested, because it’s not just that a certain force is instilled into people, forcing them to behave inappropriately - most likely someone “helps” them in this.

I had friends whose child was diagnosed with mental retardation. Active parents did not put up with him and took their son to the luminaries of alternative medicine. I don’t know where and from whom (they don’t say), but the baby was cured. After some whispering grandmother, the boy arrived with different eyes and completely normotypical behavior. Now he already goes to a regular school.

Personally, I witnessed two neighbors arguing in our yard. One other wanted to break all the bones, and two days later she unsuccessfully fell out of the blue. The result is a hip fracture. It turns out that magic was also involved here, because any negative message violates the energy of a person and spoils it. In anger, one word spoken from the heart is enough to harm another.

I had a girlfriend, Julia, who fell in love with a guy 5 years older. He played with her and left her, and she went crazy from her unrequited feelings. I know from our mutual friend that she mixed something into the guy's wine, inviting him to her last drink in the name of a dead relationship. A month later, he followed her on her heels, then they got married, a baby was born. Only the guy started drinking alcohol three years later, and Yulia left him.

How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye?

Believe it or not, magic and sorcery exist. You may never encounter any corruption or curse, but be careful.

Try not to go into conflict with people - a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, as the people say. Do not take gifts and any things from suspicious people, do not brag to your friends about a good man or excessive success, do not tell anyone about your income and purchases - less envy, and, therefore, fewer enemies in life. Go to church more often and order a prayer service to Saints Cyprian and Justina - they are the ones who fight witchcraft and sorcery in Orthodoxy. Magpie helps well for health for 40 or more days.

I wish you never to face the dark forces and their servants in our world!

The word "magic" in the people often has such synonyms as " sorcery», « Magic», « witchcraft», « witchery". The first encounters of each person with magic and sorcery fall on the most early years his life - for childhood. And the most beloved of each of us, for sure, were fairy tales in which magic was present.

To the question of the child: “Does this happen?” - the parents condescendingly answer: “Well, of course not!” And between many of the things that the old folk tales- truth. AND Witchcraft and magic always existed on Earth, exist and will exist.

Another thing is that in fairy tales miracles happen instantly, but in life they take time, sometimes quite a long period. AND "miracles" always have a natural shell, a scientific explanation. However, the facts of a person's influence both on objects and on other people with the help of the direct mental efforts of one single individual are obvious.

This means that it is possible to eventually introduce, with the help of some purposeful idea, an all-consuming passion, changes in more large scale to influence the surrounding reality. For faster and more accurate fulfillment of desires, magicians use.

There is an opinion that in ancient times people had many of the same abilities that they struggle to achieve modern magicians. After all, in people living today, 95% of the brain sleeps even during wakefulness!

Moses and Kabbalah

They say that when Moses first went up the mountain, he received . These secrets told what a person could do. But people were not ready to accept freedom inherent in Kabbalah. And, descending from the mountain, Moses was shocked by what he saw: people served an idol, sinned recklessly, caring more about the body than about the spirit. And Moses destroyed the slabs that brought great knowledge to mankind!

The second time Moses climbed the mountain, God gave with him plates with 10 commandments, but with the opposite meaning. Seeing human ignorance, instead of the secrets of Kabbalah, the Lord sent them commandments that people should not do. Something similar is happening with all of humanity as a whole. It’s ridiculous, you see, to trust a 2-3-year-old kid to drive a complex car on a busy highway! This is how it was with the knowledge of the great Kabbalah.

Although, to be honest, in our time, most people can hardly be counted among the cohort of those ready to truly accept freedom. There are very few people on Earth today who are capable of think independently. The majority in our time follow various doctrines of political or religious groups, continue to create idols for themselves and bow before them. And only a small fraction of the population gradually begins to think and wake up from centuries of hibernation.

It is they who make the first attempts to influence nature and man with the help of their consciousness, sometimes resorting to the help of magical rituals and. These are the actions called magic. And meanwhile, taking into account the words of Crowley, any action, any change that occurs in accordance with your will, can already be attributed to magical actions.

waiting for the bus, which is obviously late. But you really want the bus to come! And here he is turning around the corner! Of course, there are many explanations for this case, which suit both physicists and ordinary average citizens. But in fact - you were committed magical action, because with all your willpower you wanted this - the arrival of the bus.

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences R. F. Dodeltsev in his book "Modern Magic" gives an even more striking example. It relies on the actions of a person who wants to open the door. Here he takes the door handle with his hand, turns it and opens it ... Based on all of the above, he already performed a magical act.

That is, magic is not at all something supernatural and transcendent, as many around believe. Is modern man considers lightning, thunder strikes supernatural? Even the eclipses of the heavenly bodies, today's scientists have learned not only to explain, but also to predict. And imagine what would have happened to a scientist who correctly predicted an eclipse of the Sun in the 16th - 17th century? Its exactly be accused of witchcraft and simply - simply burned at the stake, like an ardent sorcerer and heretic!

and the narrowness of thinking forced people to deify many physical phenomena, because they did not know how to explain it. Now the stories about that terrible time when the Inquisition ruled seem absurd and implausible to us. But it was! Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. Phrases such as: “If I can’t see it, then it simply doesn’t exist,” have long come to mean a narrow-minded person.

Molecules, atoms and neutrons are also not available to our eyes, but no one doubts that they exist. Of course, the presence of these physical phenomena proven by scientists. But isn't it magicians and sorcerers prove daily us their existence and power? The only problem so far is that scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

People are used to hypnosis psychics give answers to questions to which no one could answer. Scientists come up with names for unexplained phenomena. But no one can yet thoroughly explain the whole ins and outs of a strange phenomenon, popularly called magic. History proves to us that every discovery on earth has always been met with hostility by the bulk of the inhabitants.

For example, with what reverence, and in some cases with undisguised horror, electricity was met! And to be honest, how many copies were broken until the computer with the notorious Internet entered our lives so firmly that today it is already difficult to find a clergyman who does not have it. Even within the monastery walls there is access to special theological sites.

Magic and religion

Very difficult
the question of whether the practice of magic is contrary to belief in God. I will surprise you by saying - no, it does not contradict. If God was disgusted by the fact that so far only some individuals master the skills and knowledge of the occult, what would it cost him to stop all this?

And one more thing: based on the expression that every hair on our head is counted, and nothing in the world happens without the permission of our Lord, how did He give the magicians such knowledge and skills?

This is one of the eternal questions that haunts humanity for thousands of years. The mystic or occultist will say that magic exists, that he has tested its possibilities on own experience. The skeptic will object - where is your magic, show it to me! I believe only in what can be seen or felt! But which one will be right?

To understand whether there is magic, you need to try to understand this issue as impartially as possible. And you should start with the origins of the origin of magical techniques. I invite you, dear reader, to mentally travel back to prehistoric times.

Why did magic come about?

Once upon a time, the world was truly vast. And frightening ... People had to face daily dangers that we cannot even imagine. Predators roamed the land, surpassing modern tigers and lions in strength. Thunderstorms, storms, hurricanes and others natural phenomena terrified our ancestors.

The man did not know whether he would return from the hunt alive, whether he could survive another attack by a hostile tribe. Any illnesses were perceived as intrigues. Of course, that a person needed protection, allowing him to feel more comfortable in this vast, hostile world.

Mankind has always been distinguished by its inquisitive mind. Some people began to study the properties of herbs, trying to interact with the "forces" and "spirits" that personified the natural elements. This is how the first shamans appeared - clergy who devoted themselves to the study of magic.

What did the shamans do?

The sorcerer was responsible for the fate of his tribe. He had to ensure a successful hunt, propitiate the gods, who could send the people both a plentiful harvest and all sorts of disasters. The shaman was consulted when it was necessary to take important decisions, for example, to change the place of parking, to start preparing provisions, to advance on a military campaign.

To get something, you need to give something of equal value in return. Ancient sorcerers used this principle in their rituals. They sacrificed to the gods part of the harvest and animals obtained by hunting. The Aztecs and many other tribes widely practiced...

Our ancestors did not question whether magic exists. They believed unconditionally in the power of witchcraft. However, if the shaman could not "negotiate with the gods" and the tribe fell into trouble, then he could simply be killed. The place of the supreme sorcerer passed to the next applicant.

Mystical practices of the peoples of the world

It would seem that scientific and technological progress should put an end to magical practices and other superstitions. But judge for yourself, magic in one form or another still lives in various parts of the globe to this day:

Shamans of Mexico and Siberia. Their rituals allow the intake of hallucinogens - psilocybs, fly agaric, peyote. In a state of trance, the shaman visits other worlds and interacts with their inhabitants, performs rituals. A common technique is shaming with a tambourine.

Yoga of India. These wonderful people completely and completely control the capabilities of their bodies. For example, a yogi can safely swallow a packet of needles and then force the needles to come out of his fingertips. yoga by own will stop breathing and fall into. Some are even capable of levitation.

Followers of the voodoo cult. These are mainly the inhabitants of the African continent. Voodoo religion involves an appeal to the invisible spirits of Loa, acting as an intermediary between man and God. widely known, thanks to the volt - a doll made for the death of the enemy.

Rosicrucians (Masons). The Knights of the Rose and Cross, whose descendants now make up the Masonic lodge, possessed sacred knowledge. Their power caused concern among the authorities of that time. To get rid of the Rosicrucians, King Philip IV of France (Philip the Handsome) entered into a secret agreement with Pope Clement the Fifth.

Anchorites of Tibet. These mystics are famous for their ability not to freeze in the most severe Himalayan frosts. They practice (inner warmth). Anchorites specially wrap themselves in wet sheets and dry them with the heat of their bodies. They also perform the sacrament of tshed, which is included in the list.

Theosophical lodge. Very common in America, despite the fact that one of the founders of the movement was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, born in Russian Empire. Theosophists can only conditionally be called magicians, although among their practices there are astral travel and séances.

Village magic is common in almost all corners of Russia. Its variety is gypsy dark magic, which includes various techniques inflicting damage and evil eye.

Exists or not?

However, does magic exist? We can say that there are and give many historical examples, but this will not convince any skeptic. Come true or Vanga? Juggling the facts, just a coincidence! The curse of the pharaohs that overtook the tomb robbers? Nonsense, just stale air has accumulated inside the pyramids! And what's about ? It's just a mass hallucination! Etc…

Dear reader, if you really want to know if magic exists, then try to study it from a practical side. That's the only way you can get personal experience form your own opinion on the matter. Indeed, in real life you cannot meet a magician who can summon a dragon or throw a fireball at his opponent. But this does not mean at all that the centuries-old knowledge of shamans, sorcerers, magicians, mystics different countries- it's just a meaningless dummy.

Since ancient times, there has been a lot of controversy about whether magic really exists or is it just fiction. Magic has existed for centuries on the verge between reality and myth. Probably, there is nothing more ambiguous and mysterious in the world than magic. For centuries, people have been trying to get to the bottom of the essence of white and black magic. But to this day, no one has been able to figure out what it is all the same. History tells us that in different parts of the world in different time miracles happen. Perhaps all the miracles recorded in world history are only hallucinations, a figment of the imagination? So does magic really exist? There is no debate in society about this.

It is hardly mere chance that one can attribute the existence at all times of an unshakable faith that magic exists. Perhaps this belief survived because it was not based on superstition, but on knowledge that was based on the life experience of all mankind? Probably, today there is an equal number of opinions - both against magic and for it. Even the very definition of magic can be argued for a very long time. What's this? Magic, creativity, some human skills, art? Those who talk about magic on a professional level define it as a certain set of actions that can change the world. And those who do not believe in magic present it as something distant and abstract, coming from children's books.

But at the same time, it is quite possible to assume that even those events that are described in fairy tales have something to do with reality, because it is not for nothing that fairy tales are called the first lessons for children. For example, in many fairy tales, water is mentioned - living and dead. Is this pure fiction or reality? Any person a couple of decades ago would have answered without hesitation that all these are just fairy tales, nothing more. Everyone believed that water, in principle, cannot be dead or alive. However, today there are entire scientific treatises that say that water directly affects the human body. Water can heal a person, and improperly charged water can poison you. At the moment, it has been proven that water has the ability to absorb information and can have a significant impact on the world around us. Until recently, scientists simply laughed at the actions of healers who were directed at water cans. But today, these same scientists invite healers to cooperate and carefully study the contents of these jars. Those. what seemed unthinkable yesterday is a fact today. Therefore, there is a high probability that magic does exist, it's just that science has not yet found a way to prove it.

It seems that not a single children's fairy tale could have arisen from scratch. Our brain puts together each innovation from the “details” already familiar to it, making up its own mosaic. But where did these "details" come from? In every fairy tale there is a certain amount of truth, it just so happened that sharp corners go down.

Adherents of materialism argue that magic does not exist, that it is just fiction. They believe that everything in the world is material and that only what we see and what is tangible exists. Everything in this world obeys the laws of chemistry and physics. But the question arises - can there not be other laws, not yet discovered, those laws according to which the algorithm of magic actually works?

Even at the dawn of human development, people already had a different idea about material world. This was manifested, first of all, in the belief in the afterlife. When a person died, the community took care of the deceased in every possible way. They believed that he continued to live, just in a different form. Therefore, he was protected in every possible way from wild animals, brought gifts to him, and funeral rituals were performed.

From time immemorial, magic has found distribution in the lands of Russia, sorcerers and healers lived in all villages. And there was a clear difference between them. For example, the sorcerer caused damage and the like, i.e. used magic for evil purposes. And the healer could remove damage and heal people. Sorcerers were natural and involuntary, engaged in love magic. For the Middle Ages, magic was something very scary, magic was condemned at that time. Sorcerers and witches were burned on a single denunciation. However, even at that time, entire organizations appeared, communities numbering hundreds of people who were engaged in magic in one way or another.

There are such forms of human belief in the existence of something invisible and supernatural as totemism, animism. Totemism was a special system of myths and beliefs of a person in a supernatural community of groups with plants and animals, which were called totems. Animism is a person's belief in the existence of spirits. Fetishism is the endowment of objects with supernatural properties. In addition, as humanity developed, necromancy, shamanism and various kinds of cults of a certain community appeared, due to the location.

Therefore, if the question of whether magic exists is answered from the point of view of history, then the answer will definitely be yes. It just obeys different laws. These laws are inevitable, irreversible and universal. Scientists have long discovered such properties of the human body as a biofield, energy. A person can control circumstances, manage environment. In reality, the case does not exist. The stronger the energy of a person, his willpower, and the stronger he himself, the more chances he has to control circumstances.

You can’t believe in magic until the end, but you can’t help but remember that for a long time humanity didn’t believe that our planet has the shape of a ball. Previously, those who made such statements were considered heretics. But in the end, they turned out to be right. It may well be that the same situation develops with magic. Science cannot yet give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether magic exists or not.

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Modern man is accustomed to the fact that there are two opposite views on reality, two types of consciousness - scientific and magical. Sometimes it seems that in modern world it's funny to think that miracles happen. scientific methods the impact on reality seems solid and logical, and faith in magic remains in childhood, when it was so easy to believe in fairy tales and.

"Inexplicable" does not mean "does not exist"

But maybe it's just easier for people to think that everything in the world is predictable and explainable? In fact, this is far from the case. Even in the familiar reality surrounding everyone, there is much that people cannot feel with the help of their senses: electromagnetic waves, the run of electrons along the wires, the speed of light. But they can observe and record these and other phenomena with the help of special instruments.

But more recently, such concepts as, for example, were not recognized by official science, unconditionally belonged to the field of esotericism. Perhaps the methods of explaining and fixing the phenomena that today are usually attributed to the field of magic, in the near future will become familiar, completely scientific?

What is magic?

But before deciding whether or not it exists, it's a good idea to understand what . We can say that magical rituals are actions that carry a certain energy impulse, performed in a certain sequence and the desired result. Thus, the magical action is not too different from the usual in its essence, except for one component - energy.

But this component turns out to be the most important in the magical action. The mood that a person receives as a result of performing the ritual helps him change his behavior, see the situation with new side, discover new resources in yourself, believe in yourself. And faith in yourself and your success is a powerful force.

The stronger the energy of a person performing magical actions, the more obvious the result will be.
This is recognized by modern psychologists, and even theologians have been talking about it since ancient times.

As for the ritual itself, successive manipulations, the words of the conspiracy, uttered in a strictly prescribed order, create the right mood, help mobilize internal resources. Rituals can be created independently.

One of the areas of psychology - Simoron - is built on the creation of fun rituals that help change reality.
The only problem with this is to believe in their effectiveness. That is why most prefer traditional, proven magical methods.

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