Water wealth of the Smolensk region the world around. Smolensk region

landscaping 30.06.2020
Work description

The main part of the surface waters of the region lies in the rivers. 1149 rivers and rivers of the Smolensk region carry their waters to three seas - the Baltic, the Black and the Caspian. The density of the river network is on average 350-400 meters long per square kilometer of area, which is almost 3 times more than the average density of the river network of Russia as a whole.
For such large rivers as the Dnieper, Ugra, Desna, Vazuza, Sozh, Sturgeon - Smolensk land is their cradle. Therefore, maintaining the purity of the blue arteries, on the fate of which the health of almost 80 million people of the largest international region depends, is extremely important for the Smolensk people.


The value of the rivers………………………………………………………………………..6

The value of lakes…………………………………………………………………..12
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… 14

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Exam abstract

in geography of the Smolensk region

Water resources of the Smolensk region

Completed: student 9 "B" class

Hayrapetyan Hakob

Leader: geography teacher

Kiseleva T.A.



General characteristics of rivers……………………………………………………...5

The value of rivers………………………………………………………………………..6

General characteristics of lakes…………………………………………………….9

The value of lakes……………………………………………………………………..12

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………14



Smolensk region is a unique natural corner of Russia. It is extremely rich in picturesque natural landscapes, which are created by the prevailing undulating relief, numerous river and river valleys, lakes, forests, meadows, and copses. About 3% of the territory has become a protected area.

The region is located in the west of the East European Plain on an area of ​​4968 thousand km 2 . It borders with the Republic of Belarus, Pskov. Tver, Moscow, Kaluga and Bryansk regions of Russia. The geographical position and the special condition of geological development determined the natural conditions that differed from the surrounding territories.

The Smolensk region is rich in water resources. The reserves of surface and underground oxen on its territory exceed 14 thousand hectares. km 3 per year. Their formation is facilitated primarily by a humid climate. The amount of precipitation throughout the region as a whole for the year exceeds evaporation.

The relief and geological structure of the territory also contribute to the wide distribution of rivers, lakes, swamps and groundwater.

There are also artificial reservoirs in the region. 13 reservoirs and 355 ponds have been built.

The main part of the surface waters of the region lies in the rivers.

1149 rivers and rivers of the Smolensk region carry their waters to three seas - the Baltic, the Black and the Caspian. The density of the river network is on average 350-400 meters long per square kilometer of area, which is almost 3 times more than the average density of the river network of Russia as a whole.

For such large rivers as the Dnieper, Ugra, Desna, Vazuza, Sozh, Sturgeon - Smolensk land is their cradle. Therefore, maintaining the purity of the blue arteries, on the fate of which the health of almost 80 million people of the largest international region depends, is extremely important for the Smolensk people.

General characteristics of rivers

The territory of the Smolensk region is included in the basins of the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas. Its main part (57%), belonging to the Black Sea basin, is drained by the Dnieper and its tributaries. The basin of the Caspian Sea (Volga) occupies 26% of the territory of the region, the remaining 17% belong to the Baltic (Western Dvina) basin. The drainage basin of the Dnieper includes the western, central, southern parts of the region and a small area in its north. The Volga basin occupies the eastern part of the region, Zap. Dvina - northwestern.

The river network of the region with a total length of 16,658 km. form 1149 rivers. Its modern pattern was formed in the Quaternary period, when, as a result of the activity of glaciers, the position of the watersheds changed in some places and the direction of the flow was reoriented.

The main part of the rivers (approximately 1133) belongs to the category of small ones. And only 16 have a length of over 100 km: Vavuza - 131, Vihra - 128, Vop - 158, Vorya - 137, Vyazma - 147, Gzhat - 113, Desna - 151, Dnieper - 503, Iput - 123, Kasplya - 125, Oster - 222, Osma - 104, Sozh - 227, Khmara - 100, Khmost - 111 and Ugra - 237. The Western Dvina, as a large river within the region, has a length of 69 km.

The main river of the region is the Dnieper - 503 km. Its pool occupies more than half of its area. Three river systems stand out here: the Dnieper proper, the Sozh and the Desna. The second largest basin is the Volga system. It represents the river systems of the Ugra, as well as a separate group of rivers flowing into the tributaries of the Volga basin outside the region. The third place belongs to the basin of the Western Dvina, which includes the system of Kaspli, Mezhi, as well as a number of independent rivers.

Features of the relief (the presence of a watershed node) determines the flow of rivers in different directions: into the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas.

Freeze-up occurs on average in the first decade of December with fluctuations at the end of October - the second decade of January. The average duration of the regime with ice phenomena varies from 159 to 180 days. The greatest thickness of ice occurs mainly in the second decade of March - from 12-48cm. up to 54 - 98cm. The onset of ice drift occurs on average in the first decade of April (1 - 7) with a change in its timing ranging from the second decade of March to the third decade of April.

The temperate continental climate determines the feeding of rivers with a predominance of snow (45%), as well as the features of the intra-annual distribution of runoff. A characteristic feature of the latter is the advantage of spring (more than 50%) high water, as well as the presence of a pronounced summer and winter low water.

The meaning of the rivers

A very important characteristic feature of the region should be considered the predominance of small watercourses on its territory. This is due to the location of large watersheds here. The watershed position and the predominance of small rivers create better conditions in the Smolensk region than in many other regions of the country for generating clean, good quality water. In this regard, its potential opportunities to be one of the main suppliers of such a valuable natural resource as clean water are great.

Such possibilities of the region have already been implemented. In its northeastern part, on the Vazuz and Yauza rivers, reservoirs have been created that are part of the Vazuz hydrotechnical system. They were built to supply water to Moscow. Of the total water intake in the region, the share of its intake for drinking water supply in Moscow varies from 65 to 82% over the years.

The largest consumer of river water in the region are also the nuclear power plant in Desnogorsk, the thermal power plant in the village. Ozerny and in the cities of Smolensk, Dorogobuzh, Roslavl.

The cadastral capacity of the region's rivers is about 1,690,000 kilowatts. About 72% of this capacity falls on 4 rivers - the Dnieper (40%), Vazuza (11%), Ugra (11%) and Kasplya (10%).

Currently, the energy resources of the region's rivers are not used. Before the Great October Revolution, they were used quite widely, mainly in the flour milling industry. More than 400 mills and other water-operated installations worked on the energy of falling water.

Until the end of the 60s, some rivers of the region were used to transport goods and even passengers. The Dnieper was considered navigable from the city of Smolensk. But cargo was also transported on the section of the river from the city of Smolensk to the city of Dorogobuzh. Carried cargo, passengers and the Western Dvina. The transportation of goods during the period of high water was carried out along the river. Vopi (from Yartsev to the mouth of the Votri River) and other rivers. The vast majority (up to 90%) of the goods transported along the rivers were timber. To date, the rivers of the region have almost completely lost their transport functions. Basically, in order to prevent the deterioration of the ecological state of the rivers, navigation, timber rafting, and the use of small boats (motor boats, boats) are prohibited on them.

For many decades, and especially in the first decades after the war, many rivers of the region were widely used for timber rafting. Especially a lot of wood for a long time was rafted along the Western Dvina, Mezha, Elyn, Dnieper. Along the Dnieper and the Western Dvina, the timber was rafted mainly by rafts, along the other rivers - by mole rafting. Timber rafting, and first of all, moth drifting, has significantly worsened the condition of many rivers in the region, especially in connection with the accumulation of a large number of sunken tree trunks along the bottom of watercourses.

To date, the rivers of the region have almost completely lost their transport functions. Basically, in order to prevent the deterioration of the ecological state of the rivers, navigation, timber rafting, and the use of small boats (motor boats, boats) are prohibited on them.

Great recreational value of the region's rivers. Water tourism can be considered here as one of the most promising types of recreation.

Of greatest interest are the routes along the rivers of the north-west of the region. Water bodies here are less polluted, many of the rivers flow through picturesque, little-changed landscapes with a significant variety. Particularly promising for tourism are rivers associated with lakes (Elypa, Dolzhitsa, Vasilevka, Polovya, etc.).

Of the rivers of the Dnieper glaciation zone, the Ugra, Vihra, Sozh, and Iput have the highest recreational potential.

Many favorable prerequisites for the development of water tourism have the main river of the region - the Dnieper. It crosses a variety of landscapes, along its banks there are many interesting natural objects, places rich in historical events. But due to severe water pollution, the use of the Dnieper for the development of water tourism is limited.

General characteristics of lakes

Lake resources of the region are diverse and significant. On its territory, there are about 160 glacial lakes alone, the total area of ​​which is almost 70 square kilometers. In addition, in the river valleys there are several hundred ancient reservoirs, artificial ponds, and karst lakes are also found sporadically. Reservoirs with an area of ​​no more than 50 hectares predominate. The beauty and pride of Smolensk is Lake Sapsho. The largest reservoirs are Lake Shchuchye - 1185 hectares, which belongs to the region only in the western part, and Lake Akatovskoye - 655 hectares. Large reservoirs with an area of ​​up to 300 hectares and rarely more include lakes: Kasplya, Velisto, Sapsho, Dgo, Baklanovskoye, Bol. Rutovech, Kuprinskoe, Soshno, Rytoe. The maximum depths were found in Lake Baklanovsky - 28 meters.

Lake reservoirs are distributed unevenly across the territory of our region. Most of the lakes are located in the north-west of the region, mainly in the basin of the Western Dvina River. Lakeland. Outside its lakes are rare, often of small areas and shallow depths.

The location of the lakes of the region among cultural landscapes, where various forms of industrial development have a significant impact on their regime, nature in general, and give rise to various changes in the life of water bodies. For example, the clearing of forests and the plowing of the slopes of lakes and rivers leads to the activation of destructive processes and an increased influx of sedimentary material into water basins.

Artificial changes in the water level in lakes should be considered one of the most significant ways of human activity influence. In the Smolensk region over the past 20 years, there have been unjustified descents of the most beautiful lakes of the Preobrazhenskaya group; as well as lakes Penisnar, Bessonovsky, some ancient reservoirs of the Dnieper in the Dorogobuzh region. The lowering of the water level led to a deterioration in the flow of lakes, a decrease in their area and a reduction in the natural spawning grounds of fish, strong overgrowth up to the transformation of reservoirs into swamps.

Changes in the levels of lake reservoirs can also be caused by the implementation of land reclamation works based on insufficiently substantiated projects. Particular attention should already now be paid to the amelioration of floodplain lands in the places of development of oxbow lakes. According to scientists, given the exceptional role of floodplain oxbow reservoirs as biochemical barriers, their great sanitary, hygienic and landscape significance, it is necessary to preserve the integrity of these reservoirs and prohibit the discharge of water from them during reclamation work.

Violation of the hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological regimes of lakes is also caused by a rise in the water level in connection with the construction of dams on reservoirs or rivers associated with them. Thus, on Lake Kasplya, on the basis of which a large full-system fish farm was created and put into operation in 1976, undesirable phenomena appeared due to the violation of the hydrological regime of the reservoir, its instability. With the construction of dams, in addition, the way is blocked for fish coming from the rivers of the Zapadnaya Dvina basin and other rivers to spawn in the lake basins. These circumstances should also be taken into account when designing future reservoirs.

The meaning of the lakes

Lakes of the region are of great importance as reservoirs, keepers of fresh and relatively clean water, the volume of which is 274 million cubic meters. Satisfactory water quality in lakes as a whole is due to their significant distance from large industrial centers. At the same time, quite often, domestic wastewater flows directly into lake water bodies and serves as a source of pollution. The action of sewage affects the regime of many, especially shallow basins, such as Kozlovo, Glybay, Knyazhnoye and others. This is manifested, in particular, in an increase in ammonium nitrogen. Livestock farms, which are not only water consumers, but also sources of accumulation of organic matter in the reservoir, also have a negative impact on the regime of lakes.

The influence of the anthropogenic factor on the regime of lakes is also associated with agricultural production. The increase in arable areas, the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers into the soil contribute to a significant influx of both mineral and biogenic elements into the lake. On the process of studying the chemistry of lake waters, an increase in their total mineralization, permanganate oxidizability was established. At the same time, changes are taking place in the biology of water bodies.

1.3 Hydrography and water resources of the Smolensk Territory

The territory of the Smolensk region is a watershed for three large river systems in the European part of the country - the Volga, Dnieper and Zapadnodvinsk.

On the territory of the region there are 1,149 large, medium, small and smallest rivers with a length of 16.7 thousand kilometers, 68 rivers are border and transboundary. The main rivers of the Smolensk region are the Dnieper with tributaries of the Sozh, Desna, Vop, Vyazma and the Western Dvina river flowing in the northwest with a tributary of the Kasplya. The Volga basin includes the Vazuza River and its tributary Gzhat, as well as the Ugra River, a tributary of the Oka.

There are hundreds of lakes in the region. Of these, the glacial ones in the northwest are especially beautiful (more than 160 with a surface area of ​​at least 1 ha): Kasplya, Svaditskoye, Velisto, etc. The largest of them is Akatovskoye (655 ha), the deepest Baklanovskoye (28 m). The largest karst lake is Kalyginskoye.

716 ponds and reservoirs were built on watercourses, in which 1,313.31 million cubic meters are accumulated. meters of water, of which in reservoirs - 1,221.61 million cubic meters. meters. The Vazuzskoye and Yauzskoye reservoirs in the northeast are sources of drinking water supply for Moscow. The Smolensk reservoir in the north of the village of Ozerny and the Desnogorsk reservoir in the south of the region near the city of Desnogorsk are sources of technical water supply and cooling of the circulating water of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant, State District Power Plant and CHPP-2. Water protection zones are one of the types of ecological zones created to prevent the harmful effects of human economic activity on water bodies.

The long-term river runoff exceeds 15 billion cubic meters. For 1 sq. km of the territory, specific water resources are 284.2 thousand cubic meters. meters, per 1 inhabitant -12.1 thousand cubic meters. meters. Reserves of sulfate-calcium-magnesium mineral waters have been discovered and are widely used. There are significant reserves of sapropels in the lakes of the region (more than 150 million cubic meters). Rivers and lakes are rich in pike, pike perch, bream, perch, burbot and other fish species. All this creates the prerequisites for the organization of sport hunting, fishing, and short-term recreation.

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Reservoirs of the Smolensk region

What reservoirs of the Smolensk region do you know? What is their significance in human life?

There are many different reservoirs in the Smolensk region: rivers, lakes, ponds, springs, streams. The reservoirs of the region are our wealth. They need to be preserved and protected. It is strictly forbidden by law to pollute river and lake waters with all sorts of garbage and sewage. About 40 lakes of our region are NATURAL MONUMENTS: the sources of a number of rivers, individual springs (springs), artificial ponds.

Rivers A river is a stream of water flowing in a certain direction along a channel. More than a thousand rivers flow in the Smolensk region. The main river of the region is the DNEPR. It originates 1.5 km from the village of Dudkino, Sychevsky District, in the northeastern part of our region.

Rivers The largest tributaries of the Dnieper are the rivers Sozh and Desna. The Dnieper flows through the territory of 9 districts of the region. The city of Smolensk stands on the banks of this huge river. The Dnieper flows into the Black Sea. From our region, its tributary VAZUZA carries its waters into the great Russian river Volga, into which the GZhAT river flows. The city of Gagarin is located on the banks of the Gzhat River. These rivers carry their waters to the Caspian Sea. Rivers flow in the northwestern part of the region: the Western Dvina, Kasplya, Gobza and others. The Western Dvina carries its waters to the Baltic Sea.

Lakes A lake is a natural depression (lake basin0 on the land surface, filled with water. There are more than 150 large and deep lakes in the Smolensk region. The origin of most of our lake basins is glacial. Lakes differ in size, depth, shape, bottom topography, water transparency, vegetation, fish wealth.

Lakes The largest lake is Akatovskoye. Its area is 655 hectares, and the depth is 10 meters. Located in the Demidovsky district. In the same area there are lakes: Baklanovskoye, Sapsho, Chistik, Rytoye. The most beautiful lake is Sapsho. Its area is 304 hectares, the depth is 14 meters. 6 islands stretch along it from west to east. Lake – Sapsho

Lakes The deepest lake is Baklanovskoye. Its depth is 30 meters, the area is 221 hectares. The shape of the lake resembles the letter "H", it's like two lakes connected into one. Lake Chistik is distinguished by surprisingly clear and clean water. Its area is 57 hectares, the depth is 21 meters. Lake Baklanovskoye.. Photo by Oleg a Glebova. Sergei Gursky Clouds over Lake Chistik.

Artificial reservoirs A reservoir is a large artificial reservoir with a volume of water exceeding one million cubic meters. The largest is the Vazuz reservoir. Its area is 106 sq. km., the depth is 30 meters. The Yauza reservoir takes the second place. Its area is 51 sq. km. The third place is occupied by Desninskoye, with an area of ​​40 sq. km. On the territory of the region, artificial reservoirs include ponds and reservoirs. There are more than 500 ponds and 13 reservoirs in our region. A pond is a small constructed body of water with an area of ​​no more than 1 sq. km.

Homework Take a trip to the local reservoir. Prepare a message about it according to the plan: Type of reservoir. Name. Location of the reservoir. Pond shape. Pond plants. Animals are the inhabitants of the reservoir. The use of water by people. How is the reservoir protected? Impressions from what you see. Make a memo with the rules of behavior at the reservoir. Answer the questions: What types of reservoirs are there in our area? What is their significance in human life? Why are ponds and reservoirs built in our region? How do people use water bodies in our area? Why should water resources be treated with care?

Source of the Dnieper - http://blog.i.ua/user/2243128?p=46 , http://zenanews.ru/news_1320264724.html Lake Sapsho - http://www.ustoichivo.ru/photo/view/4 /19.html Sergey Gursky. Clouds over Lake Chistik - http://forum.diveplanet.ru/underwater-photo/diver_366/10943/50935/ Lake Baklanovskoye. Photo by Oleg and Glebov - http://vkurse.ru/article/3219707/

Seas, lakes, rivers are the main water resources of the planet, thanks to which life is supported. Thanks to them, the water cycle occurs in nature, plants and animals receive life-giving moisture, and a person solves all his economic and industrial needs. Water resources are a generous gift of nature, which must be treated with care!

Water wealth of our region

Russia is a very large country that occupies an impressive territory of the Eurasian continent. There are a lot of natural and artificial reservoirs in this area:

  • more than 2.5 million rivers, among which 127 thousand are actively used by man;
  • 2 million large and small lakes;
  • 30 thousand reservoirs;
  • 37 largest water systems;
  • 5 thousand deposits with underground waters.

But, despite such an amount of water resources, the main problem is their uneven distribution over the area of ​​the country. This means that some regions are extremely rich in rivers and lakes, and somewhere there are so few of them that there is an acute shortage of fresh water.

Rice. 1. Water arteries of Russia.

The main water sources are located on the territory of Siberia and the Far East. However, only 1/5 of the population of the Russian Federation lives in these regions, and the smallest part of the country's industrial and agricultural potential is concentrated here. While in the Volga, Central and Southern regions, where most people live, there is only 10% of the country's water resources.

The water wealth of our country is mainly located on the largest rivers:

  • in Siberia - Ob, Yenisei, Lena;
  • in Yakutia - Kolyma;
  • in Russia and Kazakhstan - the Volga;
  • in Russia, Mongolia and China - Amur;
  • in the Tula region - Don;
  • in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - Khatanga;
  • in the Vologda region - the Northern Dvina;
  • in the European part of Russia - the Kama (the largest tributary of the Volga).

Rice. 2. Amur River.

The main problem of water resources

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of fresh and salt water bodies for nature and man.
Water bodies perform the most important functions:

  • supply with fresh water and food resources (fish, seafood);
  • provide transportation by waterways;
  • supply water to industry and agriculture;
  • enable the generation of electrical energy.

Since ancient times, people have built settlements near rivers and lakes. Over time, large cities grew up on the banks of water bodies, and with them - factories, plants, and various enterprises. Sources of valuable fresh water have turned into a kind of dump where tons of industrial waste are thrown out every year.

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Rice. 3. Pollution of water bodies.

The negligent attitude of a person to water resources has a very detrimental effect on the ecosystem of water bodies: fish, aquatic animals, algae, and waterfowl suffer from water pollution. In addition, the supply of clean fresh water is getting smaller every year, and this can lead to serious consequences for humanity.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “Water wealth of our region” under the 2nd grade program of the world around us, we learned how rich our country is in water resources. We also found out that they are unevenly distributed throughout the country, and their main problem is heavy pollution by industrial waste.

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The groundwater
Within the boundaries of the region, the age, structure, and physicochemical properties of rock strata vary from place to place. This causes the heterogeneity of both the state of groundwater and the location of aquifers. The territory of the Smolensk region belongs to the western part of the Moscow artesian basin of the open type. Within the boundaries of the region there is a zone of active, slow and very slow water exchange.

In the zone of active water exchange (the depth varies from west to east from 30-70 to 250-300 m), fresh waters are formed. They are of the hydrocarbon type. Salt content in them does not exceed 1.0 g/l.

In the zone of slow water exchange, brackish and saline waters are formed with a predominance of chlorides and sulfates. Salt content in them is from 1-2 to 55 g/l. The depth of the zone varies from west to east from 150-200 to 500-750 m.

The zone of very slow water exchange covers the base of the sedimentary cover, which lies in the most subsided areas of the basement. In this zone, layers of rock salt (Vyazma) and brines (Smolensk, Dorogobuzh, Yartsevo, Vyazma) have been exposed. The content of sodium chloride salts in waters varies from 50 to 200 g/l and more.

Although the water resources of rivers and lakes in the region are large, but their share in consumption is small. In cities, a huge amount of groundwater is still used for household consumption, catering and much more. But industrial enterprises consume even more. Moreover, a third of the extracted mass of groundwater is used by them for technical needs. From year to year, groundwater consumption in agriculture is increasing. Thus, there is an obvious need to apply the most advanced methods of using both groundwater and surface water. These requirements are also relevant because only about 50% of groundwater is renewed due to the natural cycle. The rest, irreplaceable part, can be exhausted in the next 50 years.

The region has a dense network of rivers. The territory of the region belongs to the basins of three large rivers - the Dnieper, the Volga and the Western Dvina. There are 125 lakes with a total area of ​​42 sq. km.

The main river of the Smolensk region - the Dnieper, originates in the north of the region, from the Belskaya Upland. The river network of the region is quite dense.

Most of the rivers are tributaries of the Dnieper. Of the tributaries of the first order, one can distinguish the Sozh and the Desna, the second order - the Oster. The second largest river in the region - the Western Dvina with a tributary of the Kasplya - flows in the northwest.

Most of the rivers of the Smolensk region (1133 out of 1149) are small rivers - permanent streams up to 100 km long and with a basin area of ​​​​2 thousand square meters. km. Their main part (about 760) has a length of 5-10 km. The majority of these rivers are unnamed, with only about 226 having permanent names. By length they are distributed as follows: 218 rivers 11-20 km long, 79 rivers - 21-30 km, 39 rivers - 31-40 km, 13 rivers - 41-50 km, 20 rivers have a length of 51 to 100 km. Among them are Tsarevich, Gobza - 96 km, Zherespeya - 81 km, Votrya - 78 km, Bol.Vopets - 75 km, Voronitsa - 74 km, Uzha - 73 km, Sezha and Yauza - 71 km, 64 km, Berezina - 63 km, Molokhovaya, Elsha, Sapsha - 58 km, Volost - 54 km, Arzhat, Chichaga, Mal. Vopets - 52 km. A number of rivers of this category - Osuga (96 km), Demina (70 km), Mereya (67 km) belong to the region only in their upper reaches. They are distinguished by narrow (3-10 m) and winding channels with small slopes and low flow velocity, they have narrow (a few meters or tens of meters) segmented floodplains, low (up to 1 m, less often 1.5-2.0 m), located above the water's edge. The floodplains are heavily swamped, significantly overgrown with shrubs and small forests.

Small rivers are important sources of water supply for local industrial and agricultural enterprises, objects for the development of an integrated pond economy, solving recreational and other problems.

There are also large tributaries of the Volga (Vazuza, Moscow) and Oka (Ugra).

ARZHAT - a river, the left tributary of the Chitanka (basin of the river Mezha). Length 46 km, basin area 533 sq. km. It originates in the northern part of the Dukhovshchinsky district. In the lower reaches, for 10 km, it goes beyond the Smolensk region. It receives the main tributaries on the right: Slavitsa, Liteya, etc.

BEREZINA (BERYOZOVKA) - a river, a left tributary of the Sozh. The length is 31 km, the basin area is 354 sq. km. It originates from a swamp near the village of Dolgiy Most, Khislavichsky district. It flows along the Sozhsko-Oster lowland in a northwestern direction, flows into the river. Sozh near the village Khislavichi. It receives the main tributaries on the right: Dukhovaya, Trosninka.

BEREZINA - a river, the right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 63 km, basin area 938 sq. km. In the upper reaches (6 km) it flows through the Vitebsk region. Flows to the southeast, flows into the river. Dnieper west of the village. Gusino, Krasninsky district. The basin is asymmetric, confined to the Berezinsky (Gusinsky) lowland. It receives the main tributaries from the left: Malaya Berezina with a tributary of the Olshanka, Leshnya, Yelnya and Smerdyachka.

CONVERSATION - the river, the right tributary of the Iput. To the Smolensk region includes 22 km and 250 sq. km of basin area. It originates from a swamp located 2-3 km southwest of the village. Belovshchina, Ershichsky district. Flows in a southwesterly direction.

BIG FIRE - a river, the right tributary of the Osma. Length 39 km, basin area 276 sq. km. It originates from a swamp near the village of Azarovo, Safonovsky district, on the southwestern outskirts of the Vyazemskaya vozv. It flows in a southwestern direction and flows into the river. Osmu above the village of Lenkino, Dorogobuzh district.

BIG PRISMAR - a river, the left tributary of the Desna. Length 41 km, basin area 330 sq. km. It originates southeast of the village of Novaya Berezovka, Roslavl district. It flows in a southwestern direction, flows into the river. Desna, 2 km north of the village. Ekimovichi opposite vil. Genino Roslavl district. On the right, it receives Malaya Prismara with a tributary Rzhavets.

BIG VOPETS - a river, the right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 75 km, basin area 156 sq. km. It is distinguished by a deep valley and a high sinuosity of the channel. It has almost no tributaries in the form of rivers, but receives many streams. It originates in the south of Dukhovshchinskaya vozv. at the village Morkaty Kholm-Zhirkovsky district. Flows in a southeasterly direction. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village of Verkhniye Nemykari, Kardymovsky district.

VAZUZA - a river, the right tributary of the Volga. Length 162 km, within the Smolensk region. - 131 km. Pool area 5 360 sq. km. It originates 3 km from the village of Lomy in the Vyazemsky district in the eastern part of the Vyazemsky uplift. It flows through the territory of Vyazemsky, Novoduginsky and Sychevsky districts. In the upper course it has a narrow and shallow valley. Near the city of Sychevka, it becomes a relatively large river with a channel width of 25-30 m. The main tributaries: Samek, Lyubushka, Kasnya, Gzhat on the right; Sluya, Amchastnya, Losmina on the left. The water level in the V. and its tributaries was raised from 25 to 225 cm as a result of the construction of the Vazuza reservoir in the V..

VEDOS - a river, a tributary of Vopi. Length 32 km. It originates in the west of the Safonov Upland. In the upper reaches it flows to the southwest, then turns sharply to the west. Falls into the river Vop south of the village of Harino, Yartsevo district.

VELITSA - a river, the left tributary of the Tsarevich. Length 34 km. It originates on the Dukhovshchinskaya vozv. It flows southeast half way, then south. Falls into the river Tsarevich opposite vil. Zhatemlya Dukhovshchinsky district.

VERZHA - a river, the right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 41 km, basin area 341 sq. km. It originates on the Safonovskaya Upland, flows south-southeast. It receives the tributary Bolshaya Verzha. Falls into the river Dnieper near the village. Myakhnovo Safonovsky district.

VIKHRA - a river, the right tributary of the Sozh. Length 158 km. Smolensk region belongs to 128 km with a basin area of ​​2,230 sq. km. It originates on the southern slope of the Smolensk Upland to the southeast of the village. Korytnya (according to other sources - near the village of Perkhovichi) of the Smolensk region. Flows south-southeast. Falls into the river Sozh on the border with the Mogilev region. opposite vil. Ponarv. Main tributaries: on the right: Molokhovka (Molokhovaya), Gorodnya, Spadtskaya, Rufa, Merta; left: Rest in peace, Zheleznyak, V. has a well-defined valley. From the source to the village The monastery is trough-shaped with a depth of up to 25-30 m and steep slopes. The floodplain is from 20-50 to 150-200 m wide and 1.5-2.0 m high above the water line. Terraces are rare. Below the village The monastery valley expands to 0.5-0.6 km and acquires an asymmetric structure. In the lower reaches, the first terrace is pronounced, with a height of 5-6 m to 6-8 m.

Volost - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 54 km, basin area 580 sq. km. It originates from the village of Boltutino, Elninsk district. It flows in a northwesterly direction, flows into the river. Dnieper, 3-4 km below the village. Sinchitsy, Kardymovskiy district. V. is winding, receives many tributaries. Main tributaries: Detkovka, Marsha, Moshna, Borovka, Dubna on the right; Dobrynya (Good), Pig, Livna with Slovyazha on the left.

VOP - river, right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 158 km, basin area 3,300 sq. km. It originates in the northern part of the Safonovskaya upland in the swampy territory of the Kholm-Zhirkovsky district. It flows south-southwest, flows into the river. Dnieper near the village of Solovyevo, Yartsevo district. V. is distinguished by a winding channel, a relatively symmetrical basin, and many tributaries. Main tributaries: Kokosh, Votrya, Tsarevich, Pesochnya on the right; Chernaya, Sveta, Lekhvinka, Kamenka, Prudok on the left.

VORONA - a river, the right tributary of the Ugra. Length 59 km, basin area 663 sq. km. It originates in the Kaluga region. For 49 km it flows through the territory of the Smolensk region. Falls into the river Ugru, 6 km east of the village. Shoots of the Ugransky region.

VORONITSA - a river, a left tributary of the Iput. The length is 74 km, the basin area is 859 sq. km. It originates south-west of the Roslavl ridge and, skirting it from the east, flows for a long stretch in a southerly direction along the border with the Bryansk region. Falls into the river Iput opposite vil. Krestovaya, Ershichsky district. V. has an extremely winding channel, so the river valley is well developed. A low floodplain, as well as a complex of terraces on the right bank, stand out noticeably. The river receives many tributaries. The main tributaries in the Smolensk region: Prozheda, Cherny Pet, Trosna.

VORYA - a river, a left tributary of the Ugra river. Length 153 km, within the Smolensk region. – 148 km. The basin area is 1,552 sq. km, within the Smolensk region. – 900 sq. km. It originates in the Moscow region. In the lower reaches, V. serves as the border between Smolensk and Kaluga regions. It receives the largest tributaries on the left: Istra, Tralya, Mogilenka, etc.

VOTRIA - a river, the right tributary of the Vopi. Length 78 km, basin area 419 sq. km. It originates in the northern part of the Dukhovshchinskaya Upland, east of the village. Pochinok and, often changing direction, flows to the southeast. Falls into the river Vop near the village of Mouth of the Yartsevo district. The course of the river is rather winding. Almost all tributaries (except Krapivenka) are taken on the right. Of these, the largest is Votritsa.

VYAZMA - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 147 km, basin area 1,350 sq. km. It originates from a swamp near the village of Ekaterinka, Novoduginsky district, in the center of the Vyazemskaya vozv. Before Vyazma, the river flows to the south, and then sharply turns to the west, then to the north-north-west. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village of Ustye, Kholm-Zhirkovsky district. V. is characterized by a large sinuosity and a small number of tributaries. Main tributaries: Luzhnya, Bestryn, Borovka, Guzhenka and Bebrya on the right; Boldan and Street on the left.

VYATSHA - a river, the left tributary of the Kaspli. Length 32 km, basin area 205 sq. km. It originates at the village of Bashki in the Demidov district in the north of the Kasplyanskaya ridge. It flows in a north and northeast direction and flows into the river. Kaslyu near the village of Minaki. On the left, it receives the tributary Cherebesna.

GZhAT - a river, the right tributary of the Vazuza. Length 113 km, basin area 2,370 sq. km. It originates 5 km south of the village of Pokrov, Gagarinsky district, flows into the river. Vazuzu on the border of the Gagarinsky district. Flows to the north. Main tributaries: Aleshnya, Yauza on the right; Small Gzhat. It was navigable. From 1705 to 1870 there was a pier on it in Gzhatsk (see).

GOBZA - (from the old Russian gobz - "abundant", "rich") - a river, the right tributary of the Kaspli. Length 95 km, basin area 713 sq. km. It originates in the western part of the Dukhovshchinskaya elevation, flows into the river. Kaslyu near Mr. Demidov. The G. basin is distinguished by the presence of a large number of lakes and reservoirs with a total area of ​​2.3 sq. km. km. Main tributaries: Cherneika on the right; Dryazhna, Pesochnya, Manor, Alteration on the left. The most ancient deposits in the Smolensk region are exposed in the G. valley. - Devonian limestones.

GORDOTA - a river, a left tributary of the Ugra. Length 37 km, basin area 44 sq. km. It originates in the southern part of the Vyazemsky district, flows mainly to the southeast through the territory of the Ugransky district. On the right, it receives the Roslavka tributary. Snow nutrition prevails (up to 50%). G. is described in the works of the famous Russian writer I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov, who lived for a long time in the village of Kislovo, located on this river.

GORODNYA - a river, the right tributary of the Whirlwind. Length 45 km, within the Smolensk region. 37 km. Pool area 291 sq. km. It originates in the Vitebsk region. It flows to the southeast and flows into the river. Vihru near the village Tatarsk, Monastyrshinsky district. Tributaries: Kadinka (Lynya) on the right; Frolovka on the left.

DESNA is a river. The name is borrowed from the Old Slavonic language; the word gum means "right." In fact, it is a left tributary of the Dnieper. This circumstance has long confused scientists. Only recently was the ancient all-Slavic rule for determining the left and right tributaries, standing towards the stream of water, established. Therefore, in this case, the Desna is the right tributary of the Dnieper.

The largest left tributary of the Dnieper. The length is 1190 km, the basin area is 89.26 thousand square meters. km. Smolensk region belongs to 151 km in the upper reaches and part of the basin with an area of ​​1.7 thousand square meters. km. It originates on the Elninskaya vozv. near the city of Yelnya. The position of the source is determined by many researchers in different ways (the Golubev Mokh swamp, the villages of M. Prilepy, Klyuchi, Romashkovo). Main tributaries: on the right: Stryana, Boldachevka, Alymovka, Selchanka; left: Prismara. The D. valley is divided by structure into two segments. Upper, or Elninskiy (from the source to the mouth of the river Stryany), is characterized by a relatively narrow (0.2 - 0.3 km) and shallow (10 - 20 m) valley. The floodplain, about 150–200 m wide, is heavily swamped and overgrown with shrubs. In some places, the 1st terrace 3.5 m high stands out. Keys are often found along the slopes of the valley. The lower, or Ekimovichi, section begins below the confluence of the river. Stryany and continues until the river exits the region. The valley expands sharply (in some places up to 6 km or more), deepens (50-60 less width, often very steep slopes complicated by landslides. The structure of the valley includes low (2.5-3.5 m) and high (4-5 m ) floodplains, the first, second and third terraces with heights of 6-10, 1 meters up to 3-4 km As a result of the creation of a reservoir with a water surface area of ​​​​42 sq. km at the Smolensk nuclear power plant (see) the appearance of the valley in the segment from the mouth of the river The river and the valley have a certain recreational potential: picturesque landscapes, archaeological sites (settlements, settlements, burial mounds). was used for timber rafting to Bryansk.

DNEPR - a river originating from a small swamp located 1.5 km from Lake Dudkino, Sychevsky district, Smolensk region. The length of D. within the Smolensk region. 503 km. Almost to the city of Dorogobuzh, the D. flows in a southerly direction, then in the rest of the region - in a western direction. The D. basin occupies approximately 60% of the total area of ​​the region (about 3 million hectares), including the Sozha and Desna basins, which are of independent importance within the region. The main part of the D. basin is located within the Smolensk-Moscow Upland. Main tributaries: on the right: Sozh, Vopets, Vop, Khmost; left: Vyazma, Osma, Ustrom. The valley of D. is well developed. Its width at the source is 0.6 -–1 km, in the area from the confluence of the river. Vyazma to Dorogobuzh - 2 - 4 km. Below the town of Dorogobuzh, the width of the valley gradually increases to 12–15 k. The floodplain is two-sided for a greater extent. Its width to the mouth of the river. Vyazma 50 - 200 m, lower to the mouth of the river. Vopets - from 400 to 1500 m; at the confluence of the river Osms - up to 4 km. The widest floodplain D. in the area of ​​Pridneprovskaya station is more than 10 km. The surface of the floodplain is flat or wavy, swampy and peaty depressions are often found, in some areas there are many oxbow lakes. During the flood, the floodplain is flooded to a depth of 0.5 - 2.5 m for a period of 5 to 20 days. Before the confluence of the river Vopets riverbed D. meanders strongly. To the west of Smolensk, D.'s sinuosity drops markedly. The width of the river is from 20 - 50 m in the upper reaches to 100 - 120 m near the border with Belarus. The depth on the serredin D. varies from 1.5 - 3.5 m to 6 - 8 m in separate pits. The flow rate in low water is from 0.2 - 5 0.4 m / s. up to 0.4 - 0.8 m / s on the riffles. The bottom of D. is even, clayey at the source, usually sandy below. In the upper reaches, before the confluence of the Vyazma River, the channel in summer in many areas is overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Below the channel overgrows only near the coast. They are mostly steep, often precipitous at bends. Their height is from 3–5 m in the upper section to the city of Dorogobuzh, below - from 4 to 9 m, in places (near the city of Smolensk) up to 12–15 m. From the mouth of the river. Vyazma to the city of Smolensk in the D. valley can be observed up to 2 terraces above the floodplain. In the area of ​​Krasny Bor on the right bank of the D., three floodplain terraces are expressed. The hydrological regime of D. has a number of features. The course of the spring flood is approximately the same until the village. Solovyevo. The flood in this area is clearly expressed. The water rise is 5-7 m. Interannual fluctuations in the highest levels are relatively small: 1.2.5 m. Solovyevo noticeably affects the course of the spring flood. Near the city of Smolensk, the height of the water rise sharply increases. The amplitude of fluctuations in high levels is about 7 m of water rise at the peak of the spring flood. From 1970 to 1995 only three times (1977, 1986, and 1994) did the maximum water level in D. reach or exceed the long-term average. There is a decrease in the share of spring runoff from its total annual value. Until 1973, the share of spring runoff was about 60% and changed little during the almost hundred-year observation period. In the next 2 decades, on average, the share of spring runoff only slightly exceeded 50%. The autumn (about 17%) and summer runoff (about 14%) increased noticeably. The average dates of the beginning of the spring flood, the maximum water discharge and the end of the water decline fall in the area of ​​the city of Smolensk on 26.III., 21.IV. and 25.V respectively. The maximum height of water level rise for the Smolensk region is 1139 cm, the average is 815 cm, the minimum is 423 cm. The average water flow near the city of Smolensk is 98.7 cubic meters per second. The main part of the D. basin within the Smolensk region. belongs to the zone of high turbidity. The average annual turbidity of D. near Smolensk is 36 g/m3. In the summer-autumn period, it usually changes from 17 to 30 g/m3; in winter - from 4 to 7 g / m3. The highest monthly turbidity value is 200 g/cu. m, and the largest daily - 500 g / cu. m. The main share of the runoff of suspended sediments falls on the spring period - 81.7%. From the beginning of the 70s. the trend of shifting the maxima of the content of suspended particles for the summer period was clearly marked. This is due to a decrease in the maximum water flow during the spring flood and an increase in the role of large settlements in river pollution. Differences in the temperature regime along the entire length of the D. are insignificant. The average date of the transition of water temperature through 0.2 degrees falls on the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd decade of April. The transition of water temperature through 10 degrees falls on the middle of the first decade of May. The highest water temperatures are observed in July; the average monthly water temperature this month in the area of ​​Smolensk is +20.3 degrees. The transition of water temperature through 10 degrees to lower values ​​is usually noted in the middle of the 1st decade of October, after 0.2 degrees - on November 27. The beginning of freeze-up in the upper reaches of the D., where there is no discharge of warm water from urban areas, is noted in late November - early December; below the city of Dorogobuzh, ice cover is established in the last ten days of December. Within the boundaries of the city of Smolensk, freezing has not been observed in recent decades. The duration of freeze-up varies from 160-164 days in the upper reaches to 97-119 days in the area from Dorogobuzh to Smolensk. The hydrochemical regime of D. is determined primarily by climatic conditions; in different phases of the water regime, the chemical composition of water changes markedly. During the period of the peak of the flood, the mineralization of water in D. ranges from 50 to a stable and well-defined low water period, the mineralization of water in D. increases several times. It reaches its highest values ​​(406-470 mg/l) in the winter low water before the snowmelt. During periods of summer-autumn floods, water mineralization decreases to 120–150 mg/l. The content of oxygen dissolved in water undergoes significant changes throughout the year. During the period of the open channel, the amount of oxygen is close to saturation; in winter, with the establishment of ice cover, the oxygen content in some years is 3.5–4.5 mg/l (25–30%) of saturation. The pH value varies throughout the year within 6.4 - 8.0, with the highest value in summer and the lowest value in high water. The water protection zone along the D. has not been formed. D.'s water is heavily polluted. The content of oil products exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). The content of synthetic surfactants (surfactants) is tens and hundreds of times higher than the MPC. With the waters of the river Vop and wastewater from enterprises in the city of Smolensk receive a large amount of phenols. Almost throughout the D., there is an increased content of organic substances of ammonium and nitrite nitrogen in the water, as well as a high content of iron and copper salts in the water. The most polluted sections of D. are located below the cities of Dorogobuzh and Smolensk. Since the 80s there has been a tendency to reduce the content of individual sulfate substances in the water of D.. No decrease in the concentrations of organic substances, phosphorus, chlorine, ammonium nitrogen, pesticides was noted. Unfavorable changes in the ecological state of D. had a negative impact on the species composition and abundance of fish. Asp, pike perch, sabrefish, ide, chub, catfish, sterlet and other species have disappeared or survived in places in a small number.

SMOKE - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 33 km, basin area 301 sq. km. It originates in the southeastern part of the Safonovskaya Upland. Flows west-northwest. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village. Kryukovo Safonovsky district. Tributaries on the right: Angela (Dymka), Dymitsa.

ELSHHA (Sapsha) - a river, the left tributary of the Mezha (the basin of the Western Dvina). The total length is 68 km. Most of the river flows through the territory of the Smolensk region, with the exception of a ten-kilometer segment of the lower reaches. It starts from the lake. Petrakovskoe, flows from north to south through the territory of the Demidov region. The E. basin is characterized by significant forest cover (41%) and waterlogging (19%). There are more than 20 lakes and reservoirs in the E. basin. Tributaries: on the right - Vasilievka, Sermyatka, Skryteika, Dolzhitsa; on the left - Ilzhitsa.

ZHERESPEYA - a river, the right tributary of Kaspli, length 81 km, catchment area 576 sq. km. Beginning on the western slope of the Dukhovshchinskaya Upland. On a large stretch, it flows along the border with it in a south-south-west direction, and then sharply turns west-north-west and flows into the river. Kasplya near the village of Bor north of the village of Kasplya. The territory of the basin is mainly formed by the landscape of a gently undulating and small-hilly plain of the Valdai glacier with large-hilly-ridge areas. The catchment is asymmetric. Zh. has few tributaries: on the right - Opalenka, and on the left - Sosenka and Lushchenko-Penisar. The river is very meandering. The basin is slightly forested (4%) and significantly overgrown and waterlogged (12%). In the past, there were several mills in Zh. (the villages of Petrishchevo, Sudniki in the Dukhovshchinsky district, Yazvische and Kadishchi in the Kasplyansky district, and a hydroelectric power station also operated (the village of Zaozerye in the Kasplyansky district).

ZHIZHALA - a river, a left tributary of the Ugra. Length 64 km, catchment area 612 sq. km. It starts south of the village of Tumanovo, Vyazemsky district. It flows mainly from north to south across the territory of the Vyazemsky district, in the lower reaches it enters the limits of the Temkinsky district. Food is dominated by snow (up to 50%), the maximum consumption occurs in spring.

WESTERN DVINA - a river flowing in the north-west of the Smolensk region, in the Velizh region. The total length is 1020 km, within the region - 69 km. It originates on the Valdai Upland, flowing out of Lake Dvinets, flows into the Baltic Sea. The structure of the valley Z.D. within the region, it is characterized by a lack of expression or lack of a floodplain, the presence of only one floodplain terrace 7-8 m high above the low water level. on the right - Vvozovka, Bosnia. Larger tributaries (Kasplya and Elsha) flow into it outside the region. Food r. predominantly snowy (from 50 to 80%) with a maximum runoff in spring. The average height of the spring flood is 5-6 m. The river is navigable. The main river piers are the city of Velizh and the village. Drakes.

IPUT - a river, a left tributary of the Sozh. The length is 437 km, the basin area is 10.9 thousand square meters. km. Within the Smolensk region. has a length of 124 km, the basin area is 1,830 sq. km, very winding. Main tributaries: on the right Baranovka; on the left: Voronitsa, Borovitsa, Gostinka, Vyazovka, Kolpita, Chelkna, Bystrik (Borovichka), Pryshchanka. The river valley is well developed. As far as the villages of Rudnya and Dobronosichi, the valley is asymmetric, with a width of 0.5 to 1 km, and a depth of 25-30 m. To the south, the slopes become gentle and terraced, gradually turning into a watershed. A low (1-1.5 m) floodplain up to 1-1.5 km wide can be traced throughout. The first terrace up to 2.5 km wide is well traced. The second terrace, 15-18 m high, stands out less clearly. In some parts of the basin and in the valley, karst manifestations are observed. They are most widely distributed in the right bank. Due to the small slopes of the channel, the current is barely noticeable, the river quickly overgrows.

Kashnya - a river, a tributary of the Vazuza. Length 107 km, basin area 480 sq. km. It originates 5 km north of the village of Novoye Selo in the Vyazemsky district on the eastern slope of the Vyazemsky upland. Flowing north. Falls into the river Vazuzu near the village of Sokolino, Sychevsky district. The main tributaries: on the right - Ruza, Gorodnya, Sezha; on the left - Abolonka, Holding. An outstanding Russian scientist, the founder of genetic soil science, V.V. Dokuchaev. The result of these studies was the work "On alluvial formations of the county of the Smolensk province" (1872).

KASPLYA - a river, a left tributary of the Western Dvina. Length within the Smolensk region. 157 km, together with the lake of the same name - 164 km. Pool area 4,790 sq. km. The source is Lake Kasplya or the beginning of the river. Klets. Falls into the river Zap. Dvina in the Vitebsk region. near the town of Surazh. The valley is divided into three segments according to its structure. In the upper reaches (4-5 km) the valley is narrow, with a swampy floodplain, without terraces. In the second section, between the mouths of the river. Polovya and r. Zherespei, within the Demidov lowland, the valley is expanded and heavily swamped. Here, the first and second terraces are observed with heights of 5-6 and 7-9 m, respectively. The third section - from the mouth of the river. Polovya to the border of the region. Here the valley narrows and deepens again. The width of the floodplain is up to 50-150 m. The heights of the first and second terraces increase to 5.5-8.5 and 9-11 m, respectively. The first terrace has a width of 50-100 m. Against its background, the second terrace stands out in size, the surface of which is eroded in places and represents boulder fields (near the city of Demidov, in the village of Pochinok, Myshkovo, etc.). The channel strongly meanders, abounds in stretches, rifts, and boulders. In this section of the valley, there are several lake-like extensions with oxbow lakes. Main tributaries: on the right: Zherespeya, Svaditsa, Gobza, Starka, Boroda, Vyazmena; Left: Olsha, Vyatsha, Galiska, Rutavech, Chernavka, Polennitsa and Balazna. The river is rich in fish (bream, pike perch, pike, perch, etc.), and its valley is rich in archaeological monuments (hillforts, parking lots) - the village. Kasplya, Smolino village, etc.). In ancient times, one of the routes of the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passed along K..

KATYNKA - a river, the right tributary of the Dnieper, located in the vicinity of the village of Katyn (see). The name of the river comes from the name of the village through which the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed.

KLETS - river. Length 31 km, basin area 459 sq. km. It originates from the village of Borok, Smolensk region, on the Rudnyanskaya ridge. It flows first to the south, then turns sharply to the southeast and flows into Lake Kasplyu near the village of Gorbuny, Smolensk region. Some researchers take it as an integral part of the river. Caspli. Tributaries: on the right: Udra with Lelekva, Grebelka; Loina on the left.

KLOVKA - a river, a tributary of the Dnieper. It flows in the city of Smolensk along the western outskirts of the Svirskaya Sloboda. It is formed at the confluence of two streams flowing from the Klovsky ravines. Short, very shallow. The water is polluted with domestic and livestock effluents. In ancient times, K. was a bustling trading place. At the mouth of K. in the late XII - early XIII centuries. The Trinity Monastery was erected, later the "Gostiny Dvor Lithuanian" with warehouses of goods, a pier was also located there.

KOKOSH - a river, the right tributary of the Vopi. Length 32 km, basin area 376 sq. km. It originates in the Tver region. Falls into the river Howl at the village Bogolyubovo Kholm-Zhirkovsky district. Tributaries: on the right: Trukhanovka, Osotnya; left: Strelka with Turyanka, Korytnya.

KOLODNYANKA (Kolodnya) - a river (34 km), begins on the Dukhovshchinskaya Upland and flows into the Dnieper south of the village. Kolodnya, crossing the hilly-ridged and moraine plain. Its valley is narrow and deep (30-40 km), with sloping and steep slopes, densely dissected gully forms, complicated by landslides. A floodplain stands out along its entire length, and in the lower reaches there is the first terrace. The channel is very winding, the width is from 0.5 to 5 m. In the mouth part, it cuts into the rocks of the Cretaceous system (chalk, glauconite-quartz sands). the basin is almost treeless (4% 0 and slightly swampy (up to 5%). Erosion proceeds intensively on the adjacent slopes, which is associated with a large solid runoff.

LOYNA - a river, the left tributary of the Tsarevich. Length 32 km, basin area 151 sq. km. It originates from the village of Berdino, Yartsevsky district, on the Dukhovshchinskaya vozv. Flowing south. Falls into the river Tsarevich at the village of Kolkovichi.

Losvinka - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 34 km, basin area 236 sq. km. It originates near the village of Zaluzhechye, Krasninsky District, in the northeast of the Krasninskaya Vozv. In the upper reaches it flows to the northeast, then to the north-northeast and flows into the river. Dnieper near the village. Syrokorene Krasninsky district.

Losnya - settlement, center of the Losnyansky rural district of the Pochinkovsky district. 1099 inhabitants (1998). Secondary school, kindergarten, club, shop, bakery, gravel and crushed stone plant.

LOSMINA - a river, the right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 38 km. It originates from the village of Molyavchino in the southeast of the Dukhovshchinskaya vozv. and flows to the southeast. Falls into the river Dnieper near the village of Makeevskaya, Kardymovskiy district.

LOSMINA - a river, the left tributary of the Vazuza. Length 49 km, basin area 421 sq. km. The source of the L. is located close to the source of the Dnieper, the mouth is 6 km northeast of the city of Sychevka. On the left, it receives the tributaries Yablonya and Mal. Apple tree.

LUPA is a river, the right tributary of the Mereya. Length 40 km, basin area 185 sq. km. It originates near the border with the Vitebsk region. Flows to the northwest. Falls into the river Mereyu near the village. Samony Krasnensky district. Tributaries: on the right - Komarovka (Rekta); on the left - Elena.

LUSHCHENKA - a river, the left tributary of the Zherespeya. Length 27 km, pool area 87 sq. km. It originates at the village of Penisnar from the lake of the same name. It flows first to the northwest, and then turns sharply to the northeast. In the middle part it has a lake-like extension - Lake Babni. Falls into the river Zherespeyu near the village of Kislye, Smolensk region.

SMALL BEREZINA - a river, the left tributary of the Berezina. Length 43 km, basin area 360 sq. km. It originates on the Rudnyanskaya ridge near the village. Perevolochye, Rudnyansky district. Flows to the southeast, flows into the river. Berezina near the village of Privolye, Rudnyansky district. Left tributaries: Leshnya (Gotynka), Olshanka. The city of Rudnya is located on the river.

MALY VOPETS - a river, the right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 52 km, basin area 126 sq. km. It originates near the village of Kovalevka, Kardymovsky district, in the southeast of the Dukhovshchina Upland. It flows almost parallel to B. Vopts to the south-southeast. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village of Nizhnie Nemykari, Kardymovskiy district.

MEREYA - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. Length - 67 km, basin area - 662 sq. km. It originates in the Vitebsk region, for 36 km it flows along the border with it to the north-northeast. Tributaries within the Smolensk region: on the right: Lupa with Elenka and Rekta (Komarovka), Svinaya with Litivlenka and Dobrynka (Dobraya).

MOLOKHOVKA (MOLOHOVAYA) - a river, the right tributary of the Vikhra, length 53 km, catchment area - 271 sq. km. Beginning in the south-west of the Krasninskaya Upland near the village of Nikolaevka. It flows through the landscape of a moraine plain with a cover of forest-like loams, medium and strongly dissected (moraine-erosive). It flows opposite the village of Zalkovo. The basin is almost treeless (2%) and not waterlogged (2%). Erosion is intense on the slopes.

MOSHNA - the river (27 km) begins on the Smolensk Upland and flows into the Sozh on the right near the village. Koshchino, Smolensk region. It flows in a southeasterly direction along a moraine plain with a cover of loess-like loams with heights of 210–220 m. In the upper reaches, the valley is shallow (10 m) and narrow. Below the mouth of the Lastochka tributary, it noticeably expands, the floodplain in such areas is heavily swamped. On the right and on the left, the slopes are cut by numerous beams up to 1.5 - 2 km long. Its basin is almost treeless (3%). The valley is rich in peat bogs. Several archeological monuments are connected with the river (settlements, villages, mounds).

NEMOSCHENKA - a river, a right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 46 km, basin area 266 sq. km. It originates from a swamp near the village of Fedottsevo in the Kholm-Zhirkovsky district in the northeast of the Safonovskaya Upland. It flows to the northeast, then turns sharply to the southeast. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village of Krekshino, Kholm-Zhirkovsky district.

HAGAT - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 26 km. It originates on the Smolensk Upland. Among the rivers of the Dnieper and Sozha basins, it stands out for its great sinuosity, which is due to the hilly-ridged relief of the basin. In the middle reaches, the river valley is heavily swamped and is a peat bog. In the lower reaches, the valley has a narrow (1-1.5 m) channel with a low water flow rate.

OLSHA - a river, the left tributary of the Kaspli. Length 23 km, basin area 107 sq. km. It originates near the village of Maryshki in the Demidov region in the north of the Kasplyanskaya ridge. It flows from the southwest to the northeast, in the lower reaches it turns to the southeast. Falls into the river Kaslyu opposite the village of Blonnaya, Smolensk region.

OPOLENKA - a river, the right tributary of the Zherespeya. It originates on the southwestern slope of the Dukhovshchinskaya vozv. It flows almost parallel to the upper and middle reaches of the main river. The morphological features of the valley are identical to the river. Zherespee. A heavily swampy floodplain is presented throughout.

ORLEIA - a river, the right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 34 km. It originates near the village of Hateslovichi, Kardymovskiy district, in the southeast of the Dukhovshchinskaya Upland. It flows southeast parallel to Khmost, B. and M. Vopts.

OSTER - a river, a left tributary of the Sozh. The length is 274 km, the basin area is about 3.4 thousand sq. km. It originates in the southeastern part of the Pochinkovsky district between the villages of Belik and Ryabtsy. It flows into the Sozh River on the border with the Mogilev region. It flows through the territory of Pochinkovsky, Roslavl and Shumyachsky districts. Main tributaries: on the right: Stomet (61 km), Ostryk (34 km), Nemka (29 km), Krapivnaya (16 km); on the left: Bolshoi Navlya (27 km), Shumyachka (26 km), Rydyga (15 km), Chernaya Rydyga (13 km).

The O. valley inherits pre-Quaternary depressions for a considerable length. Its width varies from 0.3 - 0.4 to 1.5 - 2.0 km, and the depth from 10-15 to 40-50 m. According to the structural features, it is divided into 3 sections. Upper, from the source to the village of Vlasovo below the mouth of the river. Stometi, is characterized by a narrow valley with a depth of 10-15 m. A floodplain with a width of 10-15 to 0.5 km and a height above the water level of 1.5 - 1.8 m is distinguished throughout the floodplain. . The first terrace is presented up to 6 m high, up to 200-300 m wide. The second terrace, up to 10 m high, up to 200 m wide, is observed on the left bank of the valley near the city of Roslavl. The third terrace, about 25 m high, 5-7 m wide in places, is also expressed on the left bank near the city of Roslavl.

In the middle section (Vlasovo village - Krivoles village), between the Roslavl and Petrovich ridges, the Ostra valley sharply narrows and becomes deeper (40-50 m). The slopes of the valley are dissected by numerous gullies and ravines. The width of the floodplain decreases to 10–20 m, and the height increases to 3–3.5 m. The first terrace occurs locally. This section of the valley and the territory adjacent to it are particularly picturesque and are of interest from the point of view of recreational use.

On the lower section, from the village of Krivoles to the village of Ustye, the valley becomes symmetrical, expanding to 1.5 - 2.0 km. Its depth reaches 50 m. The slopes of the valley are steep. The floodplain and the first terrace are developed. The width of the floodplain increases to 0.5 - 1.5 km. The first terrace is presented in a number of places (the villages of Krymki, Dubovitsa, Ivanovskoye, etc.). At the village Dubovica, it has a width of up to 300 m, a height of 6.5 m. The second and third terraces are rare. A section of the second terrace is noted near the village of Dubovitsa.

OSTRIK - a river, the right tributary of the Ostra. Length 34 km, basin area 210 sq. km. It originates on the northwestern outskirts of the Ekimovichskaya elevation, southwest of the village of Kovaly, Pochinkovsky district. It flows southwest and then southeast. Falls into the river Oster, 4-5 km southeast of the village. Lyubovka, Roslavl region.

OSMA - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. The length is 104 km, the basin area is 1,530 thousand square meters. km. It originates 6-8 km north-east of the village. Osma of the Vyazemsky district in the southwest of the Vyazemskaya Upland. It flows, changing direction, generally to the southwest, then turns to the northwest and flows into the river. Dnieper near Dorogobuzh. The main tributaries: on the right: Semlevka (Denezhka), Khitsa, Kostrya with M.Kostrey, Rekta, Velichka, Anizheoz, Abramovskoye, Zereshno, Borovyanka and Sukromlya; left: Korea (Kureloka), Slulibnya, Skalka, Artesha, Ryasna and Vedog.

PENISNARKA-LUSCHENKA - a river that flows out of Lake Penisnar on the southwestern slope of the Dukhovshchinskaya Upland and flows into Zherespeya on the left upstream of the Opolenka River. There is a lake in the middle part of its valley, therefore the upper section of the river to Lake Lushcha is called Penisnarka, and below it and to the mouth - the Lushchenko River. The meandering of the river (1.73) is close to that of Zherespeya (1.69). Its catchment area is homogeneous and is an outwash plain. It is characterized by low forest cover (4%) and low density of the river network (230 m/km2), but high swampiness (24%). The direction of the river changes dramatically in different sections. The river has an inherited valley, but with a restructuring of the flow. In general, it is characterized by low water, slow flow and a heavily swampy floodplain.

RUTAVECH, river, left tributary of Kaspli. Length 45 km, basin area 361 sq. km. It originates from the lake of the same name. It flows generally to the north, often changing direction. Falls into the river Kaslyu at the village The lower reaches of the Rudnyansky district.

SVETA, river, left tributary of Vopi. Length 33 km, basin area 167 sq. km. It originates south of the village of Levkovo in the Kholm-Zhirkovsky district in the north-west of the Safonovskaya rise. It flows to the northwest with almost no tributaries, flows into the river. Vop opposite the village of Bozhonka, Kholm-Zhirkovsky district.

SEZHA - a river, the right tributary of the Kasni (Vazuza basin). Length 66 km, basin area 573 km. It originates south of the village of Vyrubovo, Vyazemsky district, flows into the river. Kasnyu, 9 km north of the village. Tesovo, Novoduginsky district. The S. basin is characterized by significant waterlogging. The largest swampy massif with an area of ​​3,000 hectares is located in the S. floodplain on the territory of the Novoduginsky district.

SMYADYN - a river and a suburb in the western part of Smolensk. It was first mentioned in the annals under 1015 in connection with a sad event - the murder of Prince Gleb. When Prince Vladimir died in Kyiv, his son Gleb, passing through Smolensk, stopped at the mouth of the Smydyan River, which flowed into the Dnieper. On September 5, 1015, according to the confession of Svyatopolk, Prince Gleb was stabbed to death. Later, the body of the prince (as well as his previously killed brother Boris) was transported to Vyshgorod. The chronicle, telling about this incident, testifies that this place (Smyadyn) is “visible (visible) from the city”. In the XI century. it was not yet inhabited, in some places it was covered with forest. In honor of Saints Boris and Gleb in 1145, as the chronicle says, “in Smolensk, on Smyadyn, laying the stone church of St. Boris and Gleb in the City”. At the church, one of the earliest in Smolensk stone Borisoglebsky monastery was founded. The Smyadyn Bay was very convenient for ships to call: “na-sadov”, “uchanov” (large boats) and “shipmen”. Later, Lithuanian merchants, as well as Tver, Moscow, and Vyazma merchants stopped at the Smyadynskaya pier. However, due to deforestation, the shallowing of Smyadyn and its bay began, and gradually Smyadyn dried up. Borisoglebsky Monastery was destroyed in the Polish era. According to the Smolensk historian S.P. Pisarev, at the end of the 19th century. on the site of the monastery, only mounds rose. They try to associate the name S. with the word stinky - smelling strongly (N.V. Andreev). It is known that tar mills have long stood on the banks of the Dnieper and tarred boats, so the air around was saturated with the smell of tar. Thus, S. (both the river and the word) belongs to the most ancient layer of the history of Smolensk. In 1991, a memorial sign was erected at the place where Prince Gleb is believed to have been killed.

SOZH - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. The length is 648 km, the basin area is 42.1 thousand square meters. km. Smolensk region belongs to 218 km and part of the basin with an area of ​​​​about 10.5 thousand square meters. km. In terms of the length of all drains and the size of the basin, S. occupies the second place in the region. It originates 12 km from the city of Smolensk in the south of the Smolensk Upland. The source is formed from the confluence of three rivers east of the village of Sozh. The width of the channel is from 5 to 25-30 m, the depth is from 0.5 to 5 m. The main tributaries: on the right - Gorodok (15 km), Lyza (28 km), Oslinka (21 km); on the left: Oster, Khmara, Rossozha (24 km), Sozhenka, Belenka (21 km), Chernyavka (18 km) and Berezina (31 km). The S. valley is heterogeneous and is divided into 2 segments. On the upper, from the source to the mouth of the river. Damn, it's underdeveloped. On the lower section from the mouth of the river. Khmara before leaving the region, the valley expands to 1-3 km and becomes asymmetric 40-50 m, the slopes are complicated by 2-3 floodplain terraces. S. is of great economic importance. The river is rich in fish, notable for ponds and archaeological sites. Floodplain meadows are of great economic value.

SOZHENKA (SAZHENKA) - a river, a left tributary of the Sozh. Length 44 km, basin area 294 sq. km. It originates from the village of Kostyukovka, Shumyachsky district. Flows in a northwesterly direction. The main tributaries: on the right - Dunayka, on the left - Krapivna. Falls into the river Sozh opposite vil. Podluzhye, Mogilev region.

SALT - a river, a left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 67 km, basin area 380 sq. km. It originates from the village of Prikazniki, Kholm-Zhirkovsky District, in the north of Safonovskaya Vozv. Flows to the southeast. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village of Mosolovo, Safonovsky district. Main tributaries: on the right: Salting, Lemna, Ivashovka; on the left - Olshanka.

STABNA - river. Length 27 km. It originates on the Dukhovshchinskaya Upland, flows parallel to the river. Kolodnyanka. S. is winding and almost not swampy. There are deposits of limestone tuff, developed in a number of places. Ponds have been created for fish farming.

STOMET - a river, the largest tributary of Ostra. Length 61 km, basin area 587 sq. km. It originates near the village of Zaborye, Pochinkovsky district, on the northwestern outskirts of the Yekimovichi Upland. It flows strongly meandering to the northwest, then sharply turns to the south-southeast. Falls into the river Oster near the village of Pechkura, Pochinkovsky district. It receives the main tributaries in the upper reaches and on the right: Belichok, Stomyatka, Chepenka, Garspiya (Gastia). It has a pronounced floodplain with oxbow lakes.

STRYANA - a river, the largest right tributary of the Desna. Length 42 km, basin area 303 sq. km. It originates to the north of the village of Petrovo, Elninsky district, in the west of the Elninskaya vozv., Not far from the source of the river. Ustrom. Flows to the southeast. Falls into the river Desna near the village of Stryan, Pochinkovsky district. It receives the main tributaries on the right: Pisklya, Shcheryuobin and Stryanitsa.

UGRA, river, left tributary of the Oka. Length 399 km, basin area 15,700 sq. km. Within the Smolensk region, it has a length of 257 km, the basin area is 6,070 sq. km. It originates near the village of Babichi, Elninsk district, on the Elninskaya vozv. It flows to the northeast through the territory of the Yelninsky and Ugransky districts. In the southern part of the Temkinsky district, it turns sharply to the south. Main tributaries on the right: Demina, Vorona, Sigosa; on the left: Usiya, Gordota, Volosta, V has in most places a low, up to 1 m and a high, up to 5 m, floodplain and two floodplain terraces with heights of 8-10 and 12-15 m. The U valley is one of the most picturesque in the Smolensk region . In the valley there are limestone outcrops, from which powerful springs come out. Among the rivers of the Smolensk region, U. is the least polluted, and therefore rich in fish.

UDRA, river, right tributary of the Klets river. Length 27 km, pool area 180 sq. km. It originates from a swamp near the village of Banny Ostrov, Smolensk region, in the northeast of the Kasplyanskaya ridge. It flows to the northwest and flows into the river. Klets opposite the village of Zaborye, Smolensk region. On the left, it receives a large tributary of the river. Lelekwu.

UZHA, river, left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 73 km, basin area 468 sq. km. It originates northwest of the city of Yelnya on the Yelninskaya vozv. It flows almost to the north. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village of Bizyukovo, Dorogobuzh district. The river bed is narrow and deep. The main tributaries: on the right - Uzhitsa, Gostikha, on the left - Dobreika and Vorsikha.

REST, river, left tributary of the Whirlwind. Length 31 km, pool area 150 sq. km. It originates near the river. Sozh in the southwest of Smolensk Flows west-northwest. Falls into the river Whirlwind opposite the village of Chaltsevo on the border of Smolensk and Krasninsky districts.

USTROM, river, left tributary of the Dnieper. Length 60 km, basin area 427 sq. km. It originates south of the village of Bol.Tishovo, Glinkovsky district, in the north of the Elninskaya uplift. Flows to the northwest. Falls into the river Dnieper opposite the village of Makeevskaya. It receives the main tributaries on the right: Krutenka, Trubelnya, Viletovka, etc.

HMARA, river, right tributary of the Sozh. Length 82 km, basin area 980 sq. km. It originates southeast of the village of Denisovo in the Glinkovsky district in the east of the Pochinkovskaya uplift. It flows to the northwest to the village of Zasizhye, then to the mouth of Glubotyn - to the south, and then again sharply turns to the southwest. Falls into the river Sozh northwest of the vil. Bazylevka, Pochinkovsky district. Main tributaries: on the right - Luchesyanka; left: Kamenka, Glubotyn, Kocherezhka. The river valley has a different structure in different areas. Before the confluence of the river It is relatively narrow in depth (0.2-0.3 km), and then expands to 2-3 km, crossing the Khmarsko-Glubotynskaya basin. Outside it, along the entire length of the river, a floodplain is well expressed, with a width in the lower reaches of up to 200–250 m. -8 km The second terrace is rare The third terrace above the river Glubotyn stretches in a wide strip (1-3 km) and has a height of 15-20 m above the water's edge.

Khmost, river, right tributary of the Dnieper. Length 135 km, basin area 636 sq. km. It originates south of vil. Bobyls of the Dukhovshchinsky district in the highest part of the Dukhovshchinsky vozv. Flows to the southeast. Falls into the river Dnieper among swamps far from settlements. The main tributaries: on the right - Olshanka (Alder) with a tributary Terekhinka; left: Moshna, Krupitsa, Babinka.

TSAREVICH, river, right tributary of Vopi. Length 96 km, basin area 859 sq. km. It originates southwest of the village of Zamalichye, Dukhovshchinsky District, in the center of the Dukhovshchinsky Vozv. It flows, strongly meandering, in the upper reaches from south to north, and then to east - southeast. Falls into the river Vop to the south of the village of Skachikhino, Yartsevo District. The main tributaries: on the right - Zimovets and Bereza; left: Velitsa with Kamenka, Velenya with Pisarevka and Tunka, Loina with Losevka.

APPLE BREED, river, left tributary of Losmina. Length 51 km, basin area 152 sq. km. It originates in the north-eastern part of the Sychevsky region. Falls into the river Losmin, 2-3 km from its mouth.

Yauza, river, left tributary of the Gzhat. Length 71 km, catchment area 749 sq. m. It flows in the northern part of the Gagarinsky district. The basin of Ya. is distinguished by significant forest cover (38%). In connection with the construction of the Vazuzskaya hydrotechnical system for the water supply of Moscow, a reservoir was built on Yakutsk. Its area is 51 sq. km, coastline length 210 km, maximum length 25 km, maximum width 4 km, maximum depth 25 m, average depth 4.5 m, normal operating level 215 m, low water level - 212 m. The volume of water in the Yauza reservoir is 290, 3 million cubic meters

Artificial reservoirs with a water surface area of ​​more than 1 sq. km., on the territory of the Smolensk region there are 4 such reservoirs. Their total area is 20.6 thousand hectares, the volume of water is 1.19 billion cubic meters. Artificial reservoirs with a water volume of more than 1 million cubic meters are also classified as reservoirs. There are 14 such reservoirs. The largest reservoirs of the region are: Vazuzskoye, Yauzskoye, Smolenskaya NPP (Desnogorskoye), Smolenskaya State District Power Plant (Lake Soshno).

Vazuz reservoir the largest in the region. Rustic type. Located on the river Vazuza. It is located within three districts: Sychevsky, Gagarinsky (Smolensk region) and Zubtsovsky (Tver region). In the latter (village Pashutino) there is a dam target. V. is intended for the water supply of Moscow. Its filling began in 1978. Length B. 77 km, average width) km, maximum - 2 km, average depth 5 m, maximum - 30 m. Snow, rain, ground, with a predominance of snow. The volume of annual flow (50% security) - 1332 million cubic meters. m.

There is still no properly formed water protection zone and scientifically substantiated structure of land use within the catchment area. There are frequent cases of water pollution with organic substances, the intake of biogenic components that contribute to the development of blue-green algae, and oil products. Positive for the quality of water in the reservoir is its rapid turnover. The average water exchange rate for it is 0.4 years.

Yauza reservoir created on the river Yauza in the Gagarinsky district. Rustic type. Together with Vazuzsky, it is part of the Vazuzskaya hydrosystem, which is a source of drinking water supply for the city of Moscow.

The site of the dam is located 3 km from the village. Karmanovo. The beginning of filling - 1977. The length is 25 km, the average width is 1 km, the maximum is 4 km. The average depth is 4.5 m, the maximum is 25 m. The food is snow, rain, ground, with a predominance of snow. The volume of annual flow of 50% supply is 121 million cubic meters.

There is no properly formed water protection zone around the reservoir and along the rivers flowing into it. However, compared to the Vazuzsky, the Yauzsky reservoir is less polluted with organic substances, has a better oxygen regime, which is the result of a less significant spread of shallow waters.

Reservoir of the Smolensk NPP built on the Desna River. Rustic type. The dam is located in Desnogorsk. It is located on the territory of three districts: Roslavl, Pochinkovsky and Elninsky. It is a reservoir-cooler for nuclear power plants. Filling began in 1979, completed in 1984. The length is 44 km, the average width is about 1 km, and the maximum width is 3 km. The average depth is 7.6 m, the maximum depth is 22 m. The length of the coastline is 134 km. The catchment area is 1250 sq. km. Food is snow, rain, ground, with a predominance of snow. Annual volume of runoff (50% security) - 255 million cubic meters.

The reservoir is characterized by specific features of the hydrological, thermal and hydrochemical regimes, due to the operation of the nuclear power plant. An increase in water temperature significantly increases the risk of development of blue-green algae, which contributes to the formation of oxygen deficiency in the bottom horizon and its hydrogen sulfide pollution. Significant pollution of water with organic substances.

Reservoir of Smolenskaya GRES located in the Dukhovshinsky district. Lake type. The target of the dam is located on the river Shesnitsa near the village. Mouth. The increase in the water level in the former Lake Soshno was carried out through the construction of a hydroelectric complex and recharge from the Arzhat River. The filling of the former lake started in 1977.

The length of the reservoir is 10.5 km, the average width is 0.6 km, and the maximum width is 0.7 km. The average depth is 5.8 m, the maximum is 11 m. The catchment area to the site of the hydroelectric complex is 57.2 sq. km. Food is snow, rain, ground, with a predominance of snow. The annual volume of runoff (50% supply) is 10.4 million cubic meters.

Polluted with organic substances, oil products, salts of heavy metals. Low oxygen content in the lower water column in winter. Pollution comes from runoff from the state district power station, pos. Ozerny and agricultural land.

Relatively small reservoirs in the region include six artificial reservoirs. The ponds of the Kasplyansky fish farm (Smolensky district) have the largest area among them - 630 hectares, the volume of water is 8.5 million cubic meters. Bulk ponds were built in 1978 in the floodplains of the Zherespei and Kaspli rivers for fish breeding.

The reservoir of Smolenskaya CHPP-2 (cooling pond) was built on the Dresna River in 1972. It occupies 215 hectares, the volume of water is 6 million cubic meters. The cooling pond is used for fish breeding.

For fish breeding in 1967 in the Safonovsky district on the Peremcha River, a 200-hectare farm was built. with a total water volume of about 3 million cubic meters. The same area has a reservoir in the area of ​​the microdistrict "Moskovsky" in Vyazma. Built for crushed stone washing and water supply.

Somewhat smaller are the reservoirs built on the Moshna River (Smolensk District, inter-farm) and the Zheleznyak River (Monastyrshchinsky District, Zarya Group of Companies). The first of them occupies 125 hectares, the total volume of water is 1.9 million cubic meters, it is intended for irrigation. The second occupies 114 hectares, has the same volume of water, and was built for fish farming.

There are 4 more artificial reservoirs on the territory of the region: Penisnarsky (JSC "Zhukovo", Smolensk region), area 89 hectares, total water volume 1.6 million cubic meters; on the Lapovka River (TSOO “Perenka”, Roslavl district), area 86 ha, water volume 1.53 million cubic meters; on the M. Berezina River (JSC Udarnik, Rudnyansky district), area 82 hectares, total water volume 1.3 million cubic meters; on the Lyzka River (JSC Rassvet, Khislavichsky district), area 75 hectares, total water volume 1.75 million cubic meters. The first of these lake-type reservoirs was built for fish farming, the other three are of the channel type, built for land irrigation.

An artificial lake near the sanatorium "Krasny Bor", 8 km from Smolensk in a large mixed forest park, dominated by conifers, near the Dnieper. A lake with a mirror area of ​​9 hectares was created nearby. In the middle of the lake there is an island with an area of ​​3 hectares.

BAKLANOVSKOE LAKE is located 15 km west of the village of Przhevalskoye (Demidovsky district). Glacial, complex, is located in the depression of the large hilly-ridged relief of the Slobodskaya Upland, genetically related to the activity of the Valdai glacier. Area 221 ha. The deepest lake in the Smolensk region is 28 m.

The absolute mark of the water is 169.4 m, and of the adjacent areas - 225 m. It belongs to the river basin. Kasplya. Rich in fish. It has important recreational value. A monument of nature within the national park "Smolenskoye Poozerye".

GREAT RUTAVECH is a lake located 12 km north of the city of Rudnya and 2 km east of the village of Mikulino (Rudnyansky district). Glacial, hollow. Its length is 3.5 km, the maximum width is 750 m, the area is 215 hectares, the maximum depth is 14.5 m, the absolute level is 178.8 m. It belongs to the river basin. Rutovech (left tributary of Kaspli). It is located in a depression among the Valdai regional large-hilly moraine relief. The bottom has a complex relief, there is an alternation of underwater ridges and small depressions-hollows. The shores, especially in the eastern part, are sandy with good beaches, beautiful peninsulas and bays. On the northwestern coast there is a large group of burial mounds. B.R. was a transit point on the way from the "Varangians to the Greeks." The lake landscape is very picturesque. It has important recreational value. Monument of nature.

VELISTO - lake, located 14 km northwest of the village of Prechistoye in the Dukhovshchinsky district. The area is 300 ha, with an almost meridional basin for 4 km, extended from the south to 1250 m, the maximum depth is 6.5 m, the average is 2.8 m. The catchment area is 71 sq.m, the volume of water is 8470 thousand cubic meters , the absolute mark of the level is 183.5 m. The lake is glacial, hollow, It is located in a strip of hilly Valdai relief. The river Velistitsa is connected with lakes Knyazhnoe and Shchuchye (basin of the river Mezha). The shores are gentle, high, especially the eastern one, where the village of Velisto is located. The northeastern and southwestern shores are surrounded by mixed forest. The relief of the bottom of the basin is relatively flat. There is a chilim water chestnut in the lake. Relatively rich in fish: bream, pike, roach, bleak, ruff, etc. This area can become a good recreational center. The lake has been declared a natural monument.

VERVIZHSKOE - lake, located 1 km north-west of the village. Prechistoe, Dukhovshchinsky District. Glacial, Valdai, residual - a window among the raised peat bog "Vervizhsky moss". The area is 115 hectares, the maximum depth is 8.5 m, the absolute level is 196.6 m. A heavily overgrown narrow channel is connected with the river basin. Mezhi (left tributary of the river Zapadnya Dvina). The lake is rich in fish: perch, ruff, etc. Place of accumulation of migratory birds. A monument of nature within the limits of the national park "Smolenskoye Poozerye".

VITRINO - lake, located 3.5 km west of the village of Mikulino (Rudnyansky district). Glacial, sprung. The area is 120 ha, the maximum depth is 8.5 m, the absolute level is 184.8 m. The catchment area is 18 sq. m. km, the volume of water is 4110 thousand cubic meters. It belongs to the river basin. Rutovech (left tributary of the Kaspli River). The southern shores are high, very picturesque, the northern ones are low, swampy. The lake is rich in fish: perch, ruff, pike, etc., sapropel. Has recreational value. Monument of nature.

DIVO is a lake located 18 km southeast of Demidov. Glacial, dammed, lies in a deep basin surrounded by moraine and sandy hills and ridges. The area, together with the islands, is 124 hectares, the maximum depth is 21.5 m, the absolute level is 176.4 m. The catchment area is about 30 square meters. km, the volume of water - 8700 thousand cubic meters. m. One of the most picturesque lakes in the Smolensk region. It has a runoff to Akatovskoye Lake. D.'s bottom is exceptionally uneven. Deep closed basins alternate with underwater ridges and hills. The shores are high, often sandy, often covered with mixed forest. Rich in fish. The lake landscape of lakes D. and Akatovsky is an attractive place for mass recreation, tourism, and water sports. A tourist and fishing base is organized on the shore of the lake. Monument of nature.

DGO - lake, located 6 km northwest of the village. Przhevalskoye (Demidovsky district). Glacial, hollow. The area is 234 hectares, the maximum depth is 15 m. The absolute mark of the level is 196.5 m. The catchment area is almost 14 sq. km, the volume of water is 11,800 thousand cubic meters. Through the river Ilzhitsa it is connected with the river Elshoy (basin of the river Mezha). It is located in a depression of the picturesque Valdai hilly-morainic relief, overgrown with forest. There are a lot of fish in the lake: bream, pike, perch, etc. There are 3 islands on the D. On the largest southern one there is one of the large (length - 4.2 m, width 250 cm, height above the ground 125 cm) boulders (red granite), bears traces of cult history. Has recreational value. Monument of nature within the national park "Smolenskoye Poozerye".

ELSHHA - lake, located 20 km north of the village. Przhevalskoye (Demidovsky district). Glacial, thermokarst. The area is 95 hectares, the maximum depth is 3.5 m, the absolute mark of the level is 179 m. It belongs to the river basin. Elsha, connected with the river. Mezhoy. It is located among the slightly hilly Valdai relief. The coastal part of the basin (after the destruction of the dam at the end of the 1980s, which provided for several decades a molar rafting of the forest across the lake) was heavily overgrown with reeds, reeds, calamus, and sedges. E. is rich in fish. Has recreational value. Monument of nature within the national park "Smolenskoye Poozerye".

GAVRILOVSKOE - lake, located 25 km west of the city of Sychevka, just a few km from the source of the river. Dnieper (there is a connection through an overgrown channel). Area 23 ha, maximum depth 5 m, catchment area 15 sq. km. This is one of the few relatively large picturesque glacial lakes located on the territory that was previously freed from the Dnieper glacier. G.o. is a window in the middle of a raised swamp. There are fish, a lot of game. Has recreational value. Monument of nature.

KALYGINSKOE LAKE is located 18 km southwest of the village of Novodugino. This is the largest karst (failure) lake in the Smolensk region: the area is 14 hectares, the maximum depth is 12.0 m, the catchment area is 28 sq. km. The volume of water is 750 thousand cubic meters. m. A narrow overgrown channel is connected with the Vazuza river. The shores are gently sloping, overgrown with moss and shrubs. There are fish: pike, perch, roach. Has recreational value. Monument of nature.

KASPLYA (Kasplyanskoye) is a lake located 35 km northwest of the city of Smolensk. Glacial, hollow, submeridial strike. Area 345 ha, maximum depth 4.5 m, average 2.2 m. Kasplya (see). It is located in a strip of hilly-ridged Valdai relief. The length of the lake is almost 7 km, the maximum width is about 1 km. The shores are generally high, well terraced (southern coast), but in some places they are low, but there are few wetlands. To the north of vil. Pilichi and north of the village. Prudniki to the shore of the lake are sandy (ozovaya) ridges. There are good sandy beaches. The shores in many areas are bare, plowed up. At one time (1946-61) there was a dam of a local hydroelectric power station on the lake, which caused swamping and negatively affected the spawning of fish. In the past, it was a lake rich in fish: bream-perch. The fish stocks are now depleted. K.o. - one of the links on the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks." On the east coast is the village. Kasplya. On the south coast in the center there is a fishing and sports base. The lake has a recreational value. Declared a natural monument.

KUPRINSKOE LAKE is located 18 km west of the city of Smolensk. Glacial, hollow. The area is 215 hectares, the maximum depth is about 2.5 m. The absolute mark of the level is 164.7 m. The Katynka River is closely connected with the Dnieper. It is located among the large Valdai hilly-morainic relief. The lake is heavily overgrown with rafts. The lake surface is disturbed by numerous islands of sedges. Thick strata of sapropels have accumulated in the basin (in the center of the basin, the silt thickness is 16 m), which are calcareous towards the base. Can be used in medicine, agriculture. Early 90s. an attempt was made to extract sapropel for fertilizer, but did not receive development, as well as on Lake Penisnar. The lake is rich in game and fish. In winter, due to lack of oxygen, there are suffocation of fish. One of the links in the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks". Has recreational value. Monument of nature.

MUTNOE - a lake 4 km west of the village. Przhevalskoye (Demidovsky district). Glacial, thermokarstovoe. The area is 13.5 ha, the maximum depth is 3.5 m, the absolute level is 181 m, the thickness of precipitation in the center of the basin is 8.0 m. It is located among the Valdai large-hilly ozovo-kame relief. High-quality therapeutic muds have been discovered in the lake, which have been used by the local sanatorium since 1974. 600-700 tons of them are mined annually. Silt reserves are estimated at 1 million cubic meters. A well was drilled in the lake, which unearthed the most ancient organo-mineral, heavily sandy deposits in the center of the basin - Allerodian in age. The lake was freed from ice about 11 thousand years ago. Since that time, sedimentation has been occurring in the reservoir. Monument of nature within the National Park.

PALTSEVSKOYE LAKE is located 13 km northwest of the village of Prechistoye, Dukhovshchinsky District. Glacial, residual - a window among the raised peat bog "Vervizhsky moss". The area is 51 hectares, the maximum depth is 8 m, the absolute mark is 199.4 m, weakly flowing. It is located somewhat to the west of Lake Vervizhsky (within the territory of the National Park). It is interesting that, being located among a peat bog, during the year it has a low mineralization of water, its high transparency. Only perch lives in the lake. Place of congestion of migratory birds.

SAPSHO LAKE is located 39 km northeast of Demidov. One of the most beautiful lakes in the center of Russia. N.M. Przhevalsky called it "Baikal in miniature". The length is 3 km, the maximum width is 1.8 km, the maximum depth is 14 m, the average is 6.9 m. The total length of the coastline is 7.8 km. There are 6 islands on the lake, covered with tall pines and oaks. The catchment area is 84 sq. km. The absolute mark of the level is 172.7 m. The volume of water is 21 thousand cubic meters. The system of rivers Elsha - Mezha is connected with the Western Dvina River. The lake is glacial, the basin is complex, confined to the large hilly-ridged Valdai relief of the Slobodskaya Upland. Almost a continuous ring is surrounded by high - up to 25 m - sandy ridges and hills, with pine forests. Along the banks, the remains of Neolithic sites, burial mounds, and settlements have been preserved. On the high northern coast, where the village is located. Przhevalskoye - 60 large and small mounds, and on the high southern shore - the remains of a large Slavic settlement. In 1947, at the exit of the river. A dam was built from the lake, which caused flooding of the shores and disrupted the natural spawning of fish. In the early 60s. the dam was destroyed. In the 80s. Many keys and springs that fed the basin disappeared due to the construction of a concrete platform in the floodplain of the northwestern part of the basin by a local sanatorium. The hydrological post (settlement Przhevalskoye), which has been conducting observations since 1964, since the lake was declared a reserve, has established an increase in the compounds of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and oil products in the lake water. The lake is moderately rich in fish: bream, pike perch, pike, roach, perch, ruff, ide, tench, crucian carp, burbot, etc. The surroundings of the lake are one of the best recreational areas in the region. Since 1992, the lake has become part of the Smolenskoye Poozerye National Natural Park (see). Monument of nature.

SEMLEVSKOE LAKE lies one km to the west of the village. Semlevo (Vyazemsky district) - residual, window among the peat massif in the area of ​​the Dnieper glaciation. The area is 2.2 hectares, the maximum depth is 6 m, lake olive silt is 16 m. It is located in a strip of medium-hilly relief. According to a legend that came from the 19th century, when Napoleon retreated into the lake, jewelry looted in the Moscow Kremlin was dropped. The legend has given rise to numerous literature, interest in research has intensified in the 60-70s, but the hypothesis has not yet been confirmed.

SOSHNO LAKE is located 12 km north of the village Prechistoye, near the village. Ozerny. Glacial origin, hollow. Prior to the transition to the reservoir stage since 1977 (at the Smolensk State District Power Plant) it had an area of ​​210 hectares, a maximum depth of 5 m, an absolute level mark of 179.1 m. It is connected with the Mezha River through the Shesnitsa River. It is located among the Valdai hilly-morainic relief. With the creation of a dam on the river. In Shesnitsa, the water level was raised by almost 6 m. The area of ​​the Soshninsky reservoir is 6.8 sq. m, length - 10.5 km, maximum width - 0.7 km. Rich in fish. A fishery has been established. The lake has a recreational value.

CHISTIK, a lake, is located 2.5 km west of the village of Przhevalskoye (Demidov district). CLEANER. With words to clean, a chistik is called an open place. In central Russia, these words are widespread; they can denote both objects of primary landscapes and those transformed by man. In the Smolensk region, Chistik is "a large sphagnum swamp, completely treeless." Apparently, later this name was transferred to the name of the lake and the village.

Glacial, thermokarst. It is located among high sandy ozovo-kame formations, overgrown with mixed forest. The area of ​​the lake is 57 hectares, the maximum depth is 21 m. The absolute mark of the level is 181.9 m. It is connected with Lake Sapsho by a small channel. The waters of Lake Ch. are highly transparent throughout the year. One of the most picturesque lakes in the region. It has important recreational value.

SHCHYE, lake, glacial, hollow. The largest is 1185 ha, but only its western reach (180 ha) belongs to the Smolensk region; maximum depth - 12 m, average 4.7 m, water intake area 310 sq. m, the volume of water is 55,000 thousand cubic meters, the absolute level is 179.5 m. It is located in a strip of hilly-ridged Valdai relief, stretching latitudinally along the border of the Smolensk and Tver regions. Flowing, belongs to the basin of the Western Dvina River. On the northern shore (the village of Shchuchye) there is a hydrological post. Recent studies indicate a noticeable increase in the composition of water compounds of phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, the acidity of water has increased (the influence of the anthropogenic factor). The lake is rich in fish (pike, bream, perch, roach, zander, etc.). From aquatic vegetation - water chestnut chilim. In connection with the organization since 1992 of the national natural park "Smolensk Poozerye" (see), the Western (Smolensk) part of the lake basin became part of it.

Mikulinskaya group of lakes
This group includes 8 lakes stretching almost 15 km latitudinally. They are located in the depressions of the Rudnyansk-Mikulinsky finite-moraine complex. Almost all of them are interconnected by small channels. All are included in the system. Rutovech - the left tributary of the river. Caspli. The lakes have a high recreational potential, most of them have good transport accessibility.

The ecological state of the lakes is constantly improving. This is due to a sharp reduction in the area of ​​cultivated land in their watersheds, with the cessation of the functioning of farms previously located here. The environmentally unfavorable consequences noted in the change in the state of lakes include increased poaching, which undermines their fish productivity.

Lake Bolshaya Rutavech
Location: 10 km north of the district center, 1.5 km southeast of the village of Mikulino, near the village of Zaozerye.

Description: Lake with an area of ​​202 hectares, the largest among the lakes of the Mikulin group. It has a complex shape, elongated in the southwest - northeast direction. In the same direction, its width increases. The contours of the coastline vary greatly. The length of the lake is 3.5, the average width is 0.5 km, the average water depth is 5.8 m, the maximum is 14.5 m. The volume of water in the lake is 11.7 million m3. The lake is flowing; water from the lake Glybay flows into it along the channel. Three streams also flow into it, flow out of the Rutovech River.

By origin, the lake is hollow, located within a strongly rugged, large-hilly moraine relief. The bottom is uneven, pits are not uncommon, there are small sandy and rocky shoals. Bottom sediments are mostly represented by silicate and organo-silicate sapropels.

The shores are for the most part sloping and steep, near the inflowing and outflowing streams they are low and swampy. Vegetation nearby: reeds, reeds, egg-pods. Trees are distinguished: birch, aspen, spruce, pine, alder, buckthorn, hazel. Currently, the most common types of fish are roach, bleak, ruff, pike, and bream. The most convenient places for recreation are located in the north-eastern part of the coast, where there are more convenient approaches to the water and there are small sandy beaches.

There are no large objects of pollution near the lake. Water pollution, especially in the northeastern part of the lake, is associated with the presence of a significant amount of garbage left by vacationers in the spring and summer.

Lake Vitrino
Location: 7 km north of the district center, 3.5 km west of the village of Mikulino, near the village of Zaborye.

Description: occupies the 2nd place in terms of area in the group of Mikulin lakes. The lake is elongated from north to south, widened in the center and strongly narrowed in the north and south. The lake is flowing, in the southern part it flows into a channel from Lake Devino, from the northeast - a channel flows into Lake Edritsa. Lake of glacial origin, impudent. It is located within the marginal formations of the Valdai glacier. Its western coast is high and steep for the most part. At the foot there are keys, large boulders. From the northern and southern sides, extensive swampy lowland swamps adjoin the lake. The predominant rocks of the coast are moraine loams. The bottom is relatively flat, muddy.

The shores of the lake are mostly overgrown with shrubs and small forests. There are currently no plowed lands near the lake. In the western and northwestern, the highest part of the coast, meadow vegetation prevails. In the herbage, the most common are: cereals, common toadflax, loosestrife, St. Shrubs grow in places, the area under which increases to the south. Gray alder prevails, there are mountain ash, bird cherry, closer to the coast - black alder. Near the shore, in waterlogged areas of the meadow, the most common marsh cinquefoil, marsh forget-me-not, sweet-bitter nightshade. Calamus marsh, European bathing suit, and European hoof also predominate. Of the aquatic plants found here: white water lily, yellow water lily, Canadian elodea, floating pondweed. There are no convenient approaches to water here.

This lake is the richest in fish. There are such species as pike, perch, roach, bream, crucian carp, rudd.

Lake Devino
Location: 7 km to the north-west of the city of Rudnya, 0.3 km to the west of Samsontsy

Description: The lake has an oval shape, slightly elongated from west to east. Average width - 246 m, length - 435 m, water volume - 0.195 million m3. Waste lake. From the eastern part of it flows a stream that flows into the lake. Showcase. In nutrition, the leading role belongs to groundwater.

The water in the lake is relatively clean, colorless, yellowish. It has a transparency of 40 - 60 percent. For most of the year, with the exception of snowmelt and heavy rains, pollutants do not enter the water. There are no arable lands and livestock farms near the lake. Mineral fertilizers are not used in the water protection zone of the lake.

There are few fish, mainly roach, pike, ruff. There are cancers.

Lake Edritsa
Location: Located 8 km north of the district center, 2.5 km east of the village of Zaborye, 1 km west of the village of Yashkulino.

Description: Occupies an area of ​​16.5. The lake is confined to the marginal formations of the Valdai glacier. It is located in a deep basin, which has an irregular oval shape, slightly elongated in a northerly direction. The reservoir is flowing; It is connected by canals to the lakes Vitrino and Glybay. The flow along the channels comes from the lake. Showcase to the lake. Glybay and further into the lake. Bol. Rutavech, connected by the river of the same name with the Kaspley River.

The water in the lake is clean and transparent.

Coastal vegetation is rich. There are rare species and a significant number of medicinal plants. In the northwestern part, on the flooded sections of the coast and to the border of farmland, mainly moisture-loving plants grow.

The fauna of the coast is very rich, you can see the mallard duck, sandpiper, grebe, muskrat, gray heron here. Of the birds there are goose, harrier. Fish: pike, perch, roach, tench, bream, crucian carp.

There are no sources of pollution in the lake. In various parts of the coast, where there are convenient approaches to the water, you can find bonfires and household garbage.

Lake Kupelische
Location: Located 6 km to the southwest of the district center, 0.4 km west of the village of Samsontsy.

Description: Occupies an area of ​​12.3 hectares.

The lake has the shape of an oval, elongated in the direction from north to south. It belongs to waste. The bath is located within the marginal deposits of the Valdai glacier. The bottom relief is flat. Often there are boulders. The relief and vegetation of the shore of the lake are diverse in nature. At the water's edge there are cattail, reeds, calla, hemlock, St. John's wort. Among the marsh vegetation, calamus, cattail, reeds predominate. A long esker ridge runs along the eastern shore. The coast here is not swampy. There are many convenient approaches to the water in this part of the lake.

The north coast is a vast beach. The southern coast is swampy, heavily overgrown with calamus and reeds. This is the habitat of a large colony of gulls, and a couple of swans also live here.

The water in the lake is relatively clear, with a slight yellowish tinge. Water transparency does not exceed 60 cm. The main source of pollution is a livestock farm located on the northwestern coast. Periodically, pollutants enter the lake as a result of washing agricultural machinery and cars.

Lake Malaya Rutavech
Location: Located 12 km from the district center, 1 km south of the Kartashevishi village.

Description: It occupies an area of ​​9.8 hectares, noticeably elongated from north to south. From the east and west, the lake is bounded by water-leek ridges. The western ridge is gently sloping, the eastern ridge descends steeply to the lake. The coastline is gentle from north to south.

The bottom is muddy, in the deepest places, sandy. The thickness of the silt is up to 0.5 m.

Strong overgrowing of the lake with aquatic vegetation in its northern and eastern parts. Here the yellow water lily and the white water lily grow. In silted areas, there are scarlet telorez, floating pondweed.

The fauna of the lake is diverse: muskrat, otter, many birds. The lake is also famous for various types of fish: roach, bream, pike, rudd, ruff, tench, crucian carp, etc.

The lake is aesthetically pleasing, despite its small size, has significant prospects for recreational use.

Lake Glybay
Location: 10 km north of the district center, 2.7 km north-west of the village of Perevolochye, near the village of Mikulino

Description: Occupies an area of ​​19.2 hectares. The shape of the reservoir is t-oval. The lake is flowing. It is connected by channels with the lakes Edritsa and Bol. Rutovech. The basin is of thermokarst origin. The bottom is uneven, muddy, sandy near the coast in many places. The thickness of bottom sediments is represented by a thick deposit of silicate sapropel.

The shores of the lake are mostly flat. A high steep bank is characteristic of the eastern part of the basin from the side of the village of Mikulino

The water in the lake is clean. The pollution of the reservoir is mainly due to the littering of the eastern shore by vacationers in the summer. The lake has good prospects for the development of recreation.

The coastal zone is dominated by trees and shrubs. The most common are alder, birch, aspen, vine. From the aquatic vegetation, you can see a yellow capsule, a reed. Various types of fish are common in the lake, such as: rudd, silver bream, bleak, perch, pike, tench, ruff, etc.

Lake Staiskoye
Location: 10 km northwest of the district center, 2 km north of the village of Stay.

Description: The reservoir does not belong to lakes, but to ponds. It was built in the floodplain of the river. Chernitsa, flowing here along the border of Russia with the Republic of Belarus. It occupies a part of the left-bank floodplain of the river, located a few tens of meters from it. Fenced off from the watercourse by a dam. The area of ​​the reservoir is 11.1 ha.

The pond is fed by melted snow and rain waters coming from the south by surface runoff. The length of the pond is about 700 m, the average width is about 160 m, the average depth is 3 m, and the maximum depth is 5 m.

The bottom relief is flat, with a slight slope towards the river. The relief adjacent to the pond area is wavy, the predominant rocks are moraine loams.

The pond was built to irrigate the land. Elongated in the direction from north to southwest. Its southern coast is indented with 2 bays strongly protruding in this direction; one of them is narrow and very shallow, the second is wide, but not much deeper. To the west and south of the pond are large areas of drained land.

Of the trees there are oak, alder, plantings of young age. On the banks of the vine. Sedges predominate in the grass cover here. The southern coast is swampy. The condition of the pond is unsatisfactory. Intensive overgrowing of it near the coast with aquatic vegetation is noted. The water in the pond is cloudy with a greenish tint and the smell of rotting plants. The transparency of the water is 30 cm. The poor quality of the water is due to the lack of flow and the periodic flow of polluted water into the pond from adjacent areas. Periodically, cars and agricultural equipment are washed by the pond.

HYDRONYMY OF THE SMOLENSK REGION - a set of hydronyms, that is, the proper names of water bodies on the ground, including rivers, lakes, swamps.

According to the most ancient and stable layer of names, they are equated to the most valuable monuments of history and culture. Some hydronyms that arose in pre-literate times serve as the only source of information about the language of former tribes and peoples. There are two groups of names in the river city of Smolensk region. One of them goes back to the pre-Slavic era. Its first "initiators" were multilingual tribes, among which the Finno-Ugric and Baltic ethnic communities played the leading role. The Finno-Ugric beginning is noted in the names of such rivers as Vyazma (water + earth), Vorya (mountain, hill), Osuga (river), Rutavech (muddy water), Sigosa (pork), Sozh (wolf, wolf), Uika ( swampy lowlands).

The foreign-language group of river names on the territory of the Smolensk region and adjacent regions arose primarily on the basis of the language of the ancient Balts - the ancestors of modern Lithuanians and Latvians. On the modern map of the Smolensk region, more than half of the names of the rivers are of Baltic origin. Among them there are those whose etymology is revealed in connection with the word “water” or “river” (Vop, Iput, Kasplya, Lupa), vegetation cover (Gzhat - “shrub”, Ugra - “meadow”, Usiya - “ash tree”) , wildlife (Kasnya - “mosquito”, etc.). The Baltic semantic basis is also carried by many other names of rivers, including those not marked on the map: Derzha (viscous), Dresna (river), Kolpita (swan), Obsha (lake), Yauza (tributary).

A special place in the river hydronymy of the Smolensk region is occupied by names “brought” from outside. They are typical for the largest rivers, the lower and middle parts of which go beyond the Smolensk region. The original place of "birth" of the name of the Dnieper is its lower reaches. The Iranian-speaking tribes of the Scythians and Sarmatians who once lived in those places called the widely overflowing river simply a river (Iranian dana - water, river). Later, the second word ipr was added with a semantic meaning close to the first one (stream). From the composition of the two bases, the proper name of the river was formed, firmly established in the Russian toponymic vocabulary.

Second half of the 1st millennium AD was marked by the beginning of the settlement of the region by the Eastern Slavs, primarily by the tribal union of the Krivichi. With peaceful communication between the local and alien population, a mixed area of ​​names began to form. River G. absorbed a layer that had developed on the basis of the Balto-Slavic linguistic community (Bebrya, Berezina, Vydra [Udra], Gordota, Gostizha, Dubna, Nagat, Luchesa, Ruf, Sveta, and others). Some of the names underwent a radical rethinking (Tsarevich - from the Finnish saarivesu - island + water, Bride - from the Finnish nevo - "swamp") or morphological "processing" in the Slavic way (Vazuzka, Dnieper, Ugrichka, Upinka, Shesnitsa and many others. ). In the conditions of later settlement and economic development of the territory by the Slavs, not only previously insignificant rivers, but also many streams became additional objects of toponymization. At present, against the general background of river G., the share of the Slavic layer accounts for approximately 80% of all names. Hundreds of river names sound in Russian, which reflect the natural conditions of the surrounding places: landscape (Vzgorye, Gryadenka, Kholmenka, Bolotinka), rocks that make up the riverbed (Glinka, Ilovka, Kamenka, Kremnushka, Pesochenka), flora and fauna (Berezinka , Borovitsa, Elyonka, Lipnya, Olshanka, Pine, Trostinets, Apple tree, Boar, Grakovka - “rook”, Zhurikha - “crane”, Swallow, Chanterelle, Menka - “burbot”, Bee, Pet - “bird”, Somenka, Teterevina , Ut - “duck”, Chaytsa - “lapwing”, Chernogozka - “stork”). Natural signs and qualities are involved in the names that reflect the shape of the channel (Vilyanka, Krutenka, Kryukva, Trubotnya - "narrow channel", Street - "straight", Sluya - "curved"); the dimension and water content of the stream (Velikaya, Glubotyn, Dolzhitsa - “long”, Korotynka, Malyshka, Slabenka, Usokha); physical properties and quality of water (Arzhat, Voronitsa - “dark, black”, Red, Svetelka, Studenets, Chernushka, Chernogryazka); the movement and noise of the stream (Runner, Brykovka, Guzynovka - from humming - “slow down”, Burchalka). The semantic meaning of a large group of river names is revealed in connection with the historical, social and economic conditions of people's lives. Ethnic features are reflected in the names of such rivers as the Vyatsha (from “Vyatichi”), Litivlyanka, Lyakhovka (from the nickname of the Catholic Poles), Nemka, Slavitsa, Radomlya (from “Radimichi”). The past of trade relations can be traced in the names Gostinka, Lyubogost, Turgoshcha. Production activity is revealed on the example of the names of the rivers Degtyarnya (Dektyarnya), Krupchik, Molokhva, Rudomoyka, Sazhalka, Smolevitsa, Skorovka - from the Old Russian skor - “skin”, Shchepet (from wood chips). The social, gender and age composition of the population is expressed in the names of a number of rivers such as Babinka, Dedovka, Detkovka, Damovka, Devichenko, Pankovka, Smerdyachka, Kholuitsa. Emotional and evaluative coloring can be seen in the names of the rivers Vetosh, Golodnya, Dobrynya, Kocherezhka, Evil, Lyubica, Nezhenka, Nerypitsa, Slepynka, Skryteyka, Tomilinka, Uryatka, Khuditsa, Shalinka. Toponymic names that arose on the basis of the original toponyms are widespread (the village of Gusino - the Gusinskaya river, the village of Khokhlovo - the Khokhlovsky river, the village of Bagretsy - the Bagritskaya river, etc.).

Lexico-semantic models complement their morphological constructions:
1) non-derivative names formed from single-valued appellative words in the form of the nominative singular or plural (Birch, Bolon, Zhar, Mezha, Myza, Ponds, Chern);
2) names in the form of phrases (Big Berezina, Malaya Berezina, Dry Woodpile, Black River) and word combinations (Ryboshirka, Glazomoyka, Three Rivers, Chernogryazka);
3) prefix-suffix names (Bezymyannaya, Zaborenka, Nadvorka, Peredelnya, Polezhanka, Priyutinka, Svaditsa, Usvyata);
4) suffixal names with typical Old Russian formants (Khotomlya, Lomna, Rechitsa, Ustrom) and late Russian ones - the most productive in the word formation of numerous river hydronyms of the region (Zabelinskaya, Starka, Borovka, Zuevka, Dunayka, Volcheyka, Moschanka, Vilyanka, Guzhenka, Mytinka).

Lake hydronyms occupy a modest place in comparison with river names, yielding to them in number by about 4 times. Like river ones, they are divided into 2 main groups. The first includes names with a “mysterious” etymology (Dgo, Kasplya, Koneda, Lososno, Penisnar, Sapsho, Rutovech, etc.). The assumption that the names of some lakes of this group are connected with the Baltic word “ape” - water (Cas-ap-la, S-ap-sho) is not excluded. The same meaning is acceptable in the name of Lake Rutavech (from the Finnish rautavesi), where the second part of the phrase means that the lake is really “water”. In relatively recent times, there has been a tendency to replace obscure names with variants in the native language. As a result of this, the famous lake Sapsho became known as Slobodskoye, Lososno - Petrovsky, Dgo - Yarilovsky, and the completely harmonious and far from foreign-language lake Svaditsa - Akatovsky.

The second group of lake names arose on a Slavic basis, which determined their semantic conceptuality, emphasizing the size, shape and depth of lake basins (Big, Small, Long, Deep, Round, Curved, Bottomless), water quality (Mudnoe, Muddy, Chistik), signs of overgrowing and “bogging” (Rotten, Mokhovoe, Rzhavets, Ryasno), the nature of water exchange (Bystrik, Standing, Tekuchka). Of the "colored" lakes, there are such as White and Black, Green and Red. However, most lake names are secondary, derived from other toponyms, for example, those related to settlements, including well-known ones (Akatovo, Aleksino, Babny, Baklanovo, Budnitsa, Derebuzh, Izvekovo, Kuprino, Mankovo, Milyatino, Semlevo, Chizhovo and many others). .).

Reservoirs of anthropogenic origin are called ponds and reservoirs. In the Smolensk region, the concept of "pond" was originally associated with an artificial pond dammed by a dam at the mill. With the mass disappearance of water mills, the ponds left without a designated purpose in a number of places began to be called lakes, and the bed in place of the drained ponds - lakes. At present, the vast majority of ponds are associated with artificial reservoirs such as diggings. In the lakeside region, the proper names for ponds as artificial reservoirs have characteristic features. Firstly, the names of the ponds contain production features associated with water-acting installations (Bukovishte, Melnya, Plotina, Stavok). Secondly, only artificial reservoirs are characterized by names with a defining word in front (Banny Pond, Duck Pond, Chvikovo Lake, School Lake). Thirdly, if for lakes a memorial name is a rare exception, then for lake ponds it is a common phenomenon (Andriyanovo Lake, Petrov Pond, Przhevalsky Pond, Sashkino Lake). Fourthly, due to their relative “youth”, lake ponds have not fully formed names (Lake near the bathhouse, Lake near Ulina Mountain) or these names are not much different from the terms (Lake, Ozerok, Pond, Kopan).

Swamp hydronymy (gelonyms). In most of the Smolensk region, the swamp is compared with the plant term moss.

In the process of overgrowing lakes and turning them into swamps, an unsteady mass of intertwined plants is formed on the surface. Swamps of this type are designated by the terms tyn, swell, shatalnya, bagna, ver (verv). Open water spaces in swamps are designated differently: in the village. Kamenka (Smolensk district) - sparkles, in the village. Gorodno (Yartsevsky district) - rapids, in the village. Przhevalskoye - polynyas, and in most places - windows, windows, lakes. Where the “windows” are located above deep places, there are abysses (villages of Aleksino, Dorogobuzhsky district), and above the bottom of shallow waters - tufts (village Odrino, Rudnyansky district). In the designation of viscous and impenetrable swamps, the terms “bog” and its analogues (topina, flood, flood, etc.) are involved. In almost all districts of the region, they are synonymous with: dregva, drachevina, dry, dry, as well as blowhole, blowhole, etc. In a number of places, marsh marshes are marked with elms and swamps.

Plant communities, along with water and soil, are inseparable companions of swamps from the beginning of their inception to transformation into peatlands overgrown with forests and shrubs. Among the well-known reeds, water lilies, cattail and mosses, there are local names of grasses: club moss (dereza), dog (string), juice (sedge), frog grass or pleshka (duckweed), mud (a collective term for floating plants: duckweed, water lilies - water lilies, club mosses, etc.). The meadowsweet that grows on the surface of peat bogs is called bagun, cranberries - cranes, blueberries and blueberries - drunkard.

Vegetative terminology formed the basis of the proper names of swamps at different stages of their development. At the first stage, these names reflect the signs of an incompletely overgrown reservoir: Bezdon, Bolshaya Tyn, Oknishche, Ozerets. At the second stage, characteristic of overgrown but impenetrable swamps, proper names fit into such lexical forms as Dryazhna, Zybun, Topkoe swamp. When moving to the third stage, the swamps become low-lying grassy composition: Yavorskoye, Reed. At the fourth stage, the swamps pass to the final cycle of development, becoming high-moor peatlands: Moss-Moss, Moss, Moss swamp, Green moss, Cranberry moss, Crane, Chistik, Drunken (Drunken) swamp. At the termination of its existence (the swamp is overgrown with forest), the concepts shift: forest Swamp, forest Moss, peat swamp Sosonnik.

In addition to geographical terms, gelonyms have absorbed evaluative features related to the shape and size of swamps (Big Swamp, Small Moss, Long Moss), their color (White Swamp, Dark Swamp, Rusty Swamp), as well as binding to certain landmarks - rivers ( Kolpit, Oster, Ustrom, Khmost) and settlements (Akseninsky moss, Golubev moss, Belokholmskoye, Dengubovskoye, Lyubavichskoye, Miloselsky moss, Svitsky moss, etc.). Many swamp names are of zoophoric origin: Snake moss, Zmeinka, Moshkara, Goat swamp. Folk beliefs in "evil spirits" left a mark in the names: Fornication swamp, Mocked swamp, Leshachi mosses, Devil's swamp, Devil's forest, Devil's moss.

An important place in the names of swamps is played by the anthropogenic factor. Some of these names keep the memory of specific people (Bychkovo swamp, Kubarevo swamp, Markino swamp, Osipov moss, Senkin midges), others testify to changes in landscapes under the influence of human activities (Vygor, Gary, Burnt swamp, Burnt amshara, Fire).

Bogs and wetlands, due to their low suitability, did not cause any visible interest in their systematic accounting for a long time. In connection with the beginning of intensive peat extraction, an accounting was carried out. Of the 1,300 swamps suitable for these purposes, about 800 are included in the systematic list. All of them, with the exception of those marked “unnamed” or “nameless,” received their own names in written confirmation. Some made up a number of incompletely formed gelonyms (Floodplain of the Osma River, Mokh in the Konenkovskoye Forest, Mokh near Solodovka, Podgora, etc.).

V.A. Shkalikov, N.S. Korovina, N.V. Gorodnichenko, A.S. Kremen, V.S. Kartavenko, B.A. Makhotin, B.N. Manuilov

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