Runes to save the family with a reservation. Rune of love: separate runes and runic staves for love magic

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Quite often there are situations with unrequited love, with barriers between two lovers, as well as with loneliness and inability to find a soul mate.

In such cases, many begin to look for a way out of the situation with the help of magic, Tarot and Runes. In this article, we will consider how you can attract love with Runes.

It is always worth remembering that a love spell is a violent magical binding that has many negative consequences and you will have to pay for what you have done for a long time. The object of the love spell will never express sincere feelings, because they do not exist, he will only present what they have invested in him. It might get boring soon.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about attracting love to life, strengthening and stabilizing existing feelings. Attraction is the attraction into life of a person suitable for you at a given moment in life, at this stage of the path for arranging personal relationships. The right person can be the only one, that is, from the moment of meeting for life, or just a new partner. Also, the concept of a suitable purely individual criterion, since all people have different tastes and preferences.

Rules for compiling love formulas from runes

When writing staves and runic formulas, the following rules and actions must be observed.

  1. Training. You need to prepare everything you need. Runes, know the meanings of the Runes and their combinations, the place where the stav will be drawn up. Pens, ruler, sheet of paper for writing and compiling a runescript.
  2. Decide where the runescript or formula will be applied.
  3. Candles and incense, bowls.
  4. Try to ensure that no one distracts you during the preparation and writing, as well as during the pronunciation of the slander. Turn off sound and vibration on your mobile phone. Warn relatives not to disturb.
  5. All windows and doors in the room in which you are practicing magic must be closed.
  6. A special napkin or tablecloth must be laid on the table, which is not used anywhere else.
  7. Before compiling a runescript, a short meditation is recommended to calm and set yourself up in a certain way. On average, 10-15 minutes.

After preparation, you can start.

Runic formulas for attracting love consist of Runes that attract the necessary energies and, in their combination, strengthen them with a slander.

Runes of relationships and love: Hagalaz, Isa, Yera, Eyvaz, Inguz, Gebo, Soulu, Dagaz. The rune of Yera can be replaced by Jera in sound. The pronunciation of the name of the Rune can both strengthen the runescript and weaken its effect or soften it.

In runic formulas, it is advised to use the runes Gebo (partnership, relationships) and Hagalaz (need and need for love).

It is best to use red ink, as this color is a symbol of love and all its manifestations.

The main rule that should be observed: in no case should you tell anyone that you made a runic formula or a runescript for love, especially not to speak to any person. It is also forbidden to show your finished runic formulas and slander to strangers.

Runic formulas to attract love.

In all runic formulas, Gebo acts as a relationship, a partnership.

Berkana and Inguz are aimed at family relationships, love, children. Kano stabilizes the situation. Otal creates a platform for common interests, common property, common values. Isa consolidation of the achieved results. Yera is the finale, a happy ending. Uruz is a movement and a manifestation of activity. Eyvaz strengthening the actions of Uruz. Vunyo brings light and joy to relationships, gives harmony and balances emotions. Algiz acts as a defense at all levels. Perth opens a person to search for a soul mate.

The basic formula for attracting love into life

Gebo + Perth + Kano + Gebo + Vunyo + Jera

Find a life partner.

Gebo + Othal


Gebo + Laguz + Vunyo

Saving love.

Isa + Gebo - Gebo is superimposed on the Isa Rune.

Isa - the basis, the trunk of the runescript, freezes, that is, saves what has been achieved.

Gebo - partnership, relationship.

Strengthening relationships, gaining mutual understanding.

Ansuz + Gebo + Otal

Increased sexual desire.

Option 1 - Berkana + Uruz + Inguz

Option 2 - Eyvaz + Uruz + Turisaz + Kano + Gebo

Attracting a partner with the subsequent development of relations.

Perth + Mannaz + Gebo

Kano + Hyera + Othal

Inguz + Gebo + Otal

Removing barriers between loving people.

Turisaz + Kano + Soulu

Turisaz - removes obstacles.

Kano is a symbol of love and warmth, stability.

Soulu - enhances the effect of the first two runes, improving the situation, giving it integrity.

Family creation.

Perth + Algiz + Berkana + Mannaz + Otal + Mannaz + Gebo

Mannaz is a symbol of man.

Perth - opening a stream to find a partner.

Finding harmony in relationships, both in a married couple and in relationships.

Gebo + Algiz + Otal + Vunyo + Gebo

For marriage.

Nautiz + Kano + Gebo + Otal + Vunyo + Yera

Maintaining family and relationships.

Isa + Otal

When these runes are combined (overlaying Otal on Isa), the following runes are additionally formed: Gebo, Raido (in the normal and mirror position), Nautiz (in the normal and mirror position), Vunyo (normal and mirror position), Teyvaz.

Transfer of relations to a new level, development of the situation.

Gebo + Kano + Inguz

When the Runes are combined, an additional Otal Rune is formed, which enhances the effect of the runescript.

Runic love and friendship formulas

Dagaz, Gebo, Soulu, Inguz - creates an atmosphere of sociability, attracts friendly contacts.

Soulu, Gebo, Teyvaz - good relations in society, attractiveness.

Gebo, Mannaz, Gebo - be in the spotlight.

Kano, Vunyo Kano - love.

Kano, Uruz, Gebo, Vunyo, Kano - excites passion, creates sex appeal.

Soulu, Berkano, Soulo, Kano, Teyvaz - enhances femininity, sexuality.

Dagaz, Evaz, Raido, Gebo, Vunyo, Gebo, Kano - increase the circle of acquaintances, search for friends, chances for love.

Soulu, Feu, Raido, Gebo, Eyvaz - search for friends, like-minded people, chances for love.

Vunyo, Raido, Gebo, Berkana, Kano, Yer - love and marriage.

Anzus, Gebo, Vunyo - the joy of communication, the return of contact.

Gebo, Kenaz, Vunyo - a love affair, bright feelings.

Dagaz, Kennaz, Gebo - the return of love.

Each runic formula has its own clause. Which is read during the activation of the runes. Your intention is embedded in the clause. Read clearly, with faith, with a focus on what you want.

Make an appointment for your goals. You can find ready-made ones.

"Let this formula, by the power of runes, attract happy love relationships into my life. May the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones. The formula is activated by breathing, and deactivated by burning."

How to apply runescripts and formulas correctly.

Runescript is the combination of several Runes into one sign. In this case, other Runes can also be obtained. In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider the outline of the runescript, because the resulting runes can both strengthen the runescript and make it the opposite in effect.

A runic formula is simply writing runes one after the other. The order of writing also matters.

First, what needs to be achieved is written, then it is fixed with the corresponding Runes.

Runescripts and runic formulas can be applied to:

Photo of the object,

joint photo,

Talisman (wood, stone),

A blank sheet of paper (preferably landscape without rulers and cells), with the name of the object written on the back, its date of birth and the characteristics necessary for the achievement.

There are also several options for writing runes, different teachers and authors teach in different ways. Therefore, find a more convenient way for yourself and follow it as the main one.

Activation of the runescript and runic formula.

The activation of the runic formula consists in pronouncing a slander, expressing one's intentions. Activation is needed to bring the formula into action so that it starts working.

Runescripts and formulas can be activated in several ways.

  1. The sequential pronunciation of the name of each Rune involved in the formula:

When writing. Written, spoken.

After writing. Have written all the Runes, then mentally concentrate on the question or object and pronounce each Rune.

  1. Writing a special slander in poetic form. Here the intentions and goals set for the solution by this formula are expressed.
  2. The pronunciation of the name of each Rune, the stipulation that this rune must fulfill, what role is assigned to it in the formula.
  3. The spontaneous method.

After activating the rune formula, it begins to act. Be prepared for the fact that you have to wait a while, the action is not lightning fast.

The average duration of the formula is about a month. If for a month or more the formula did not give results, then it is necessary to either improve it, formulate your thoughts more clearly and charge it again.

After achieving the result, when love has come into your life, the sheet or photo with the runic formula must be destroyed. That is, burn it. This is done so that the second wave of the runescript does not go, or vice versa, the action in the opposite direction.

In the case when the runic formula is created not for a short time or not for a specific purpose, but for use for many years, then in this case it is enough to simply maintain the operation of the runescript. This can be done with your breath or pronunciation of the repeated slander. Period, so-called recharging, once a month or two months.

When destroying the rune formula, you must thank the Runes for their work, say thank you to them.

Runes for attracting love are a very affordable tool that can change your life for the better in a matter of days. Runic staves and formulas for love will help you find the partner of your dreams and become for him exactly the person he is looking for. Ancient Scandinavian symbols and the formulas in which they are used can kindle the fire of love and passion in almost any person.

In the article:

Runes to attract love - how to use them

Runes are a truly versatile tool that allows you to achieve almost any goal. And love affairs are no exception in this matter. There are both strong runic love spells, and a number of much softer and non-life-breaking ways to arrange your personal life with the help of runes. At the same time, with their proper use, you can really achieve any goal. These include the search for a suitable partner, and attracting the attention of the opposite sex, and formulas that excite passion, and those that are designed to maintain and improve relationships that have already taken place.

And if you want to take advantage of these opportunities, then there will be no obstacles for you. Firstly, runes do not require any sacrifice and are not part of a religious tradition, so you can belong to any denomination - this will not interfere with your work with runes. Secondly, everyone is given to know the runes and there is simply no ceiling on the possibilities of their use. Therefore, you will never face a lack of personal strength and the inability to develop further.

Of course, there are runes and danger. When using not special rune formulas for love, but directly runic love spells, you will encounter a number of serious problems. The consequences of using runes to change the will of another person one way or another, but will affect your karma and lead to retribution - either in this life or after it. In addition, numerous Scandinavian sagas warn about the danger of misuse of runes.

What are the runes of love, passion and happiness?

Before you start using complex runic staves and formulas for love, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of all Scandinavian symbols and understand the strength and capabilities of each of them. At the same time, it should be noted that in many situations even the correct and appropriate use of one rune can help. Some of these signs themselves can qualify as runes of happiness, love and passion.

Rune Gebo

And the most famous Scandinavian symbol responsible for love is. This symbol is translated as “gift” and represents precisely equal partnerships in which everyone gives everything that is necessary to their loved one. You can read more about all the magical properties of this rune in a separate article on our website. But in the aspect of love, it should be remembered that this symbol does not help in any way in attracting another person to itself and in creating short-term bonds and passion. He personifies exactly love in its deep manifestations of mutual assistance and unity of two people.

Rune Odal

Another symbol that also helps in love affairs can be. But it should be used only if there are problems directly in the already established family. This sign denotes a house and everything related to housing and family life. So, in itself, this rune will wash away to help make relationships more harmonious and fruitful.

Also, runic signs denoting the feminine or masculine principle - Laguz and Inguz, respectively, can also affect love. By themselves, they will help to reveal your positive qualities and attract the attention of the opposite sex. But for the harmonization of any relationship, they are not suitable, since they do not have a direct force associated specifically with relationships.

You can use these runes as amulets by simply taking the appropriate dice from the rune set. And carry it with you as a talisman. And you can apply runes on your body or on clothes and jewelry.

rune of love

As a rune for passion and love, bright runes can be used - Soulu or Kano. These symbols can really bring a new spark to your feelings and relationships, or rekindle the fire of passion from scratch. But in the same way, they do not affect long-term relationships and direct partnership and love in themselves if they are used separately, and not as part of runic formulas.

Runic formulas for love

There is also a separate article on our website about the general rules for creating and formulas. But the basic rules for working with these magical tools are not so complicated. The main thing to remember is that working with runes is always a process that requires, first of all, intellectual thinking and existing knowledge about these symbols. Therefore, before you start using runic formulas for love, you should thoroughly study the full power of these northern symbols and their features. Without knowledge of runes, an extremely limited number of staves and scripts can be used. And it is best to develop your own formulas specifically for each specific situation.

Runic formulas for love

Nevertheless, we will offer you a number of very accessible runic formulas for love, which can be used without deep knowledge of this magical tradition. So, a very simple and accessible runic formula for finding a soulmate is a combination Kano-Gebo-Laguz- it is intended exclusively for women. However, men can use the Laguz Inguz rune instead, symbolizing their masculinity.

If you want to ignite the fire of passion in a relationship devoid of it, then a combination using the Soulo and Kano runes will definitely help you in this matter. For example, this might be a program Kano-Laguz or Inguz Soulo. Also a good option could be an option using the Turisaz rune. For example, if you really urgently need to find a partner for yourself - Turisaz-Gebo-Vunyo for long-term communication. Or Turisaz-Laguz-Soulo- for fast and passionate love with the possibility of continuation. But be prepared that events will spin you in a whirlwind.

For cases when you already want to please a person, you can use the Ansuz rune. This is a sign that is responsible for wisdom and persuasion. In combination with Gebo, it can lead to the creation of a truly long-term relationship. They will develop not only on heartfelt, but also on intellectual love. Yes, the combination Ansuz-Gebo-Yera will allow you to accurately present yourself in the best possible way. In this way, you can reveal yourself as a person with whom your potential partner will really be interested.

Runes used: Evaz (like the kick itself) Ansuz (like communication) Kano (like a spark of sympathy, movement) Gebo (like the actual communication of two, partnership)

Phoenix. Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman.

Cleaning the relationship channel for a woman. Removing blocks and attracting.
The formula is designed as a cleansing and filling of the relationship channel for women who have problems in this area. Feeling of loneliness, tightness and other blocks. But if the problem is serious and global. The reason for her generic negativity. The formula won't fix it. If there is serious work on the relationship channel or celibacy, then, accordingly, it is necessary to carry out serious cleansing from the beginning and only then put the formula. In any case, before putting this setting, I would recommend doing a background cleaning. And then already becoming as a completion and work on a specific problem.

Laguz - We designate the Woman. Soulou Fills her with inner light, instills in her the feeling that she is no longer just one of many gray mice, but successful and bright.
Gebo - Relationships of a woman
Laguz + Gebo - Woman relationship channel
Turisaz - We remove all unnecessary, put in order the channel of relations. Here we must come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove obsolete ties with Vasya. Which hinder the development of the relationship channel block the way. Don't let me find something new
The middle of the formula is the cleaning of the woman's relationship channel. Since if a woman is single, then problems along the relationship channel are for sure. Accordingly, it is necessary to remove what hinders and creates obstacles. Does not allow a woman to find a couple. Here we must come to terms with the fact that Turisaz can remove obsolete ties with Vasya. Which hinder the development of the relationship channel block the way. Don't let me find something new.
Laguz - designation in the foreground. Berkana is obtained on the second. She is still a single girl. And Berkana is in the background, capable of becoming Berkana, and finding a soul mate after the blocks that interfere with this are removed.
Inguz - growth, development. Filling the relationship channel.
Perth - Opening paths through the channel of relationships, Shows a woman in the most favorable light in front of men Taivaz
Kano - Gives her the opportunity to evaluate the options that have appeared. This is the structuring and evaluation of these very possibilities. Those men who begin to strive for her. Do not rush at the first comer, but make a competent choice.
Taivaz - These are men striving for her, whom she attracts after the blocks leave.
Elm Tayvaz-Soulu-Feu is a kind of filter criterion, so that no one appears. Alphonse and more.
Taivaz - Purposeful
Soulu - successful and active
Feu - financially secure Well, as if I personally would not want to choose from one. You still need a field to select.

I direct the power of the runes with my strength. I remove blocks and negativity from the relationship channel, I cut it off from myself, everything that makes me go a lonely road, obstacles, but it creates problems in relations with men, it doesn’t allow me to create a full-fledged couple, the male sex repels me, the female essence hides, fully nature the feminine prevents me from revealing myself. Yes, instead of this, I fill myself with strength, but I fill myself with inner light, I open a new road for relationships. I leave troubles and mistakes in the past. As if I shook off the dust of myself, and confidently stepped into a new life. From now on, I will shine like a bright star. Men who are successful, purposeful, and wealthy to attract. From now on, it’s not like a gray bird for me to flutter through life, but like a firebird to fly through life. A new life and a bright start to love and a happy woman's lot to attract.
Here is roughly the intention to the formula as I see it for myself.

Our world consists of matter, which is a thinking energy. This is how the magical picture of the world looks like. If some energy is missing, it can be attracted with the help of magical runic formulas. Betting on sex, just designed to make up for the lack of energy of love in your life. How to apply magic formulas, from which runes should they be composed?

What runes are used to make love formulas? It depends on the specific situation that needs to be addressed.

a) A formula that enhances mutual understanding:

b) To attract love:

c) Formula for sexual contact:

  • - - or - -

d) Formula of love enslavement:

  • — — — —

e) Magical love binding:

f) The following ligature is suitable for inciting passion:

Important! To fasten the rune love tie, use the seal of the goddess of love Freya: -Ingvaz.

Where to draw them?

So, the formula of love has been found - now you need to draw it somewhere. Where? There are several options for this:

  • on your body;
  • in your photo;
  • in the photograph of a man;
  • on your joint photo;
  • on a sheet with the name and surname of a man.

The algorithm of actions should be aimed at the result. If you need to enhance your attractiveness, we draw runes on the body or on your photo. If you need to influence a man, draw runes on his photo. If it is necessary to achieve reciprocity, we draw runes on a joint photo. If there is no photo, we put the ligature on a sheet of paper with the initials written down.

How to activate connection?

In order for the rune formula to start working to change the situation, it is necessary to breathe life into it. The activation of the tie (stave) is the expression of your intention in words. That is, you give the direction of movement to each rune. Your actions:

  • we write becoming, all the time thinking about a man;
  • while writing the sign, we sing it out loud (sing: Isa);
  • before the start of the ritual, we light a red candle;
  • once again we say the names of the runes aloud, then we make a spell (slander).

What is a stipulation? This is the task for the stave, which he must solve. The reservation can be made in poetic form (visa) or in simple words. For example, a love binding - Feu:

“I direct the energy of the Isa rune so that it freezes the will of Andrei (Igor / Dima). Let the rune of Isa stop his self-will, so that he obeys my will. I direct the energy of the Naut rune to break all past relationships of Andrey (Igor / Dima) so that he does not remember them. I direct the energy of the Fegu rune to strengthen our bond. May it be so!"

You can come up with your own clause for this stav, suitable for your situation. After that, you should blow on becoming three times: breathing enlivens the action of the runes. Some active girls circle the signs with their own blood, but this is not necessary.

What to do next?

What to do with the rune stave when the wish comes true? An indispensable condition: the formula must be destroyed so that the opposite effect does not go. When the target succeeds, erase the written signs. If it is not possible to erase, you should burn the paper (photo) with a runic stave. In this case, the runes should be thanked from the heart for their help.

Why can't you just forget about the formula and leave it on the photo? Because the movement of energy will go in the opposite direction, towards destruction. You must accurately indicate the period for the implementation of the stav, after which its action ceases.

What if becoming created for long-term action? Then you should periodically “revive” the formula with your breath, circle the written signs with your finger. How long does it take to update? Approximately every two months. Having become a long-term use, it is better to burn on a tree or stone, but not necessarily.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Tatiana Kulinich

Before talking about specific runic combinations for solving various problems in personal life, let's consider those runes that are associated with the theme of relationships in general. This will help us understand why we use these particular runic signs for one purpose or another, and not other runic signs.

General description of runes to improve personal life

The main rune that describes almost any partnership is Gebo. From the ancient German language, its name is translated as "gift", which is indicated by its image, where we see 2 crossed lines. Rune Gebo speaks of an equal partnership, a couple where everyone is ready not only to accept the signs of attention of the other, but also to generously give him in return. It is worth noting that this rune does not indicate the sexual aspect of the relationship or their seriousness in terms of the desire to start a family. But the energy of Gebo is filled with sincerity, equality and constant interchange between partners. As a single rune on the Gebo talisman, it will suit those who seeks the joy of mutual understanding, friendly equality and having common interests. For those who are counting on more serious prospects, it is worth supplementing this main rune with others.

Laguz- one of the most commonly used runes for love talismanic magic, especially if you are a woman. The name of this rune is translated as "lake", and the meaning comes down to feelings of deep tenderness, affection, intuition, feminine softness. The element of Water, which in esotericism is associated precisely with emotions and femininity, makes this rune very effective in influencing men. Talismans with this rune should be used by women, unsure of their attractiveness, and also in order to add softness and insight to the character. For those who wish attract romance into your life, tied to intuitive intimacy and quivering tenderness, it is worth using this rune along with Gebo.

If we look at the rune Evaz, we will see that it represents two mirror runes of Laguz facing each other. Perhaps that is why in talismanic magic Evaz is associated with marriage and partnership based on sincere love and mutual assistance. The literal meaning of Evaz is a horse, and for the ancient Germans this animal and its relationship with the rider served as an expression of such qualities as devotion and unity. This rune is associated with rapid movement forward and successful overcoming of stagnation, so it can be recommended for use in those situations in your personal life when you need to get things off the ground: stimulate your partner to be active, achieve reconciliation. An amulet with a single Evaz or supplemented with other runes will suit those people who are looking for deep unity of partners in a relationship, their relentless movement forward hand in hand.

otal is almost the exact opposite of the rune of the Evaz movement, however, it is just as often used in matters related to personal life. The meaning of the Othal rune is conveyed even by its appearance: it resembles a fenced piece of land, stable and protected from external influences. Othal is our feeling of home in the broadest sense of the word, therefore, for those who are looking for love, first of all, the opportunity find traditional and strong family relationships, it is worth recommending this particular rune. It is also suitable for those who are already married and want to save the relationship from disintegration, return the spouse to the family etc.

Rune Inguz associated with the name of the ancient German fertility deity Yngwie (Freyr). Inguz denotes a favorable outcome of the situation, a sharp transition to the next level, a time to enjoy the collected fruits. This rune is closely associated with sexuality, especially male. Therefore, to improve the quality of the intimate life of a couple, Inguz should be used. This rune is also indispensable in those situations when you wish drastically change the situation in the personal sphere. Inguz encourages a person to act in accordance with his true desires. But remember, in contrast to the gradual movement of Evaz, Inguz speaks of a radical upheaval. For example, you are tired of your partner's omissions, dodging talk about marriage, which you are firmly set on. Use the Inguz rune to clarify the situation: break up with this person or receive an unexpected marriage proposal from him.

Rune combinations (runescripts) for solving problems in marriage, love and relationships

In order for the runes for love and relationships, personal life to work most effectively, it is worth using combinations of several runic signs. But, if you are compiling a runescript (as such formulas are commonly called), limit yourself to 2-3 runes. More for beginners is not recommended.

For those who wish find a life partner in order to create a strong family, we can advise a runic formula consisting of Gebo and Otal (Fig. 1). Such a runescript will bring a reliable and economic person into your life.

Picture 1.

For those who dream of bright love, the basic rune of relations Gebo should be supplemented with Laguz or the Vunyo rune, which means joy, optimism, inspiration and the whole range of positive emotions (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.

Women who dream marry a particular man, as well as those who wish to become a mother in the shortest possible time, you should use the rune becoming, consisting of the connection of Inguz and Berkana (Fig. 3). The latter denotes female maturity, readiness to become a wife and mother, excellent health.

Figure 3

If you want to make a loved one softer and more attentive to you, gain a powerful subconscious influence over him, use a combination of several Laguz runes written in a row (Fig. 4).

Figure 4

Strengthen the sexual desire of a partner and make intimate life unforgettable the runic formula of Berkan (female energy), Uruz (male power, desire) and Inguz, which is between them (Fig. 5), will help. Such a formula is suitable both for improving intimate relationships and for fulfilling the dream of conceiving a child, if this is in your plans.

Figure 5

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