Change externally for the better. We start a new life: Create a new image

Decor elements 20.10.2019
Decor elements

There is a moment in life when I want to change my life completely and start this process from my appearance. Our external transformation involves the transformation and internal. External changes may be cardinal, and may affect only individual elements of the general image. It all depends only on your personal desire.

How to start your external transformation?

First of all, it will be important here to determine for yourself what you want to get from life by changing yourself. What reasons make you do this: maybe you bored your job or relationships that do not go further and have not satisfied you for a long time, but you are afraid to admit to yourself. Maybe you just want to feel like a young girl, in front of which only the doors are opening in adulthood, and you still have ahead?

Think what changes can help you feel all this. Mentally imagine that in your appearance can cause you such emotions. Short cheek, braid or boyishing haircut. And maybe it will be enough minimum cosmetics on the face. After mentally, you presented yourself, proceed to the process itself.

To externally, you felt completely transformed, you need to start from your inner world. Changes in your gloves will allow straightening shoulders, improve and make a more confident gait, keep a high head, change your attitude to the world, forcing the eye, and cause a smile on the face. To begin with - make up the plan for your personal development for the next 15 years. Enter there all the radical changes you want to do in life during this time. Indicate for you the most important and start to carry out your dreams. For a faster implementation of transformations in your life, you can designate the time when you want to accomplish the intended. You will notice soon that adhering to your life plan, you will feel how you begin to change, becoming more confident in yourself, giving preference to such an appearance, and not the other.

How to change externally by choosing a specific style?

  • If you want to become like girls who themselves decide all their problems and can stand up for themselves, you will fit a short haircut or hairstyle, a high tail or braid. This image will correspond to the minimum makeup on the face.
  • But for a girl striving for passionate and vivid relationships, it is necessary to select bright makeup and hairstyles, emphasizing femininity and fire hidden inside.

  • Your image should attract the attention of all others. If you want to become similar to business women, pick up suits-triples and trousers of business style for your wardrobe for walking. Makeup for business style eliminates the use of bright colors and a large layer of carcass. From hairstyles, you can stop your choice on the collected hair or a beautiful haircut of medium length.

Employment Rules

When the appearance is changed, remember that you must be careful, choosing one or another image. It will not be combined with your long braid and an image of a decisive, energetic girl. Short haircut for business style will not suit, because it will make your image more sporty and mischievous. Remember: the image you selected must match your mental state. If you are in the depths of my soul a quiet and peaceful girl, then the image of a fatal seducer will only make discomfort in your soul. If you want to become more serious, changing externally will help you become calmer and balanced. But in both cases, you must first solve your inner doubts, and the external transformation will only help you become another.

How to change externally completely?

Those who for one reason or another is dissatisfied with their appearance to whom it seems that the appearance interferes in achieving important changes in the life, it is necessary to change dramatically. For such a transformation, it is worth changing the hairstyle and, if desired, repaint hair. There are no restrictions, if you feel that it is necessary to repaint in a light color, if you are a brunette or vice versa, in a burning brunette. Buying new clothes, focus on your inner sensations. Your new clothes should you like at first glance.

In order for the change in externally, it is really able to organically merge with your way, you need to work with your inner world. If you smoke, immediately begin to fight this destructive habit. It does not care for any health, nor appearance. A counterweight sign up better for fitness or other sports activities. Be sure to find a completely new lesson for yourself, do something unusual for yourself. Start reading other books, watch movies, listen to music. You must consolidate your external transformation, internal changes and then will become another person.

We all sooner or later want to change. This may be caused by absolutely different reasons. Just in the nature of a person change, thereby denoting the living stage and began a new one in his life. Starting is always better with the change of internal. It is our internal needs that make us change outwardly, thereby emphasizing that we are growing and improving. Representing how you want to look, start changing your wardrobe, hairstyle and makeup in accordance with the selected image. And you yourself will not have time to notice how changing the hairstyle, clothes and makeup, will become a completely different person. It's small - take the first step. Good luck to you!

Over time, you change. And not only in terms of life position, but also in terms of appearance. All this passes so unnoticed that, looking at occasionally in the mirror, it seems to you that your world someone put on a pause and really wants to press the "Play" button. And this is reflected on your life: you think that there is no development, no movement, nor spontaneity. Live becomes boring, dodovukha covers with his head, not giving relax. If you saw in the description of the whole situation yourself, then you urgently need to change something, and dramatically! We recommend starting with appearance, and there already goes.

Reflect or fucking beard

No matter how banal it sounds, but the beard really changes the style. Not everyone goes, but it is impossible to say that they will let the beard be a bad decision, especially if you look like a teenager, but I want to become more courageous. However, it should always be remembered that the beard, like your hair on your head, requires care. If they are neglected, then the maximum that will work out, is a Chubakka from star wars. Beard is good for men only if it is well-groomed. Need high-quality men's cosmetics (do not be afraid of the word "cosmetics" - this is the norm when it comes to the beard).

Hand all body

We say, of course, about tattoos. One little tattoo is unlikely to change your appearance dramatically, but if you challenge the whole body with high-quality drawings, you will not only catch up from your mother, but also a completely new image. He will allow himself to say: "I am a new person." Actually, people who want to change their lives in one way or another are referred to tattoos. From a psychological point of view, a person really feels herself after such an experiment on his body updated, and this is good.

Pumping teeth

Let's just say, not all people were born with perfect teeth. And even add: the nature of Khrenovo cost us in this regard. But today the dentistry developed so cracks that any teeth are capable of becoming perfect. One of the options are veneers, they are just doing all these guys with Hollywood smiles that you know from the Hollywood films. Even Clint Eastwood is probably included in their number, so do not think that it is somehow wrong. And today you can put a veneer for 1 session, without stretching prosthetics into several visits. This is possible thanks to CEREC technology. Her and give it as a council.

Play with bone width

Do we tell you that the weight of damn changes people. And it applies not only to the maidens. If we sharply make up, then we will not know, you understand yourself. Or, on the contrary, if you were all my life a fat man, but suddenly they lose weighty, then you will be perceived quite differently. In general, the total one: the weight affects your appearance. Surely you knew about it even without our ingenious expert opinion. However, come now to the mirror, take a shirt, look at yourself. Want to be thicker? Or loudness? Maybe it's time to take a diet, eh?

Glow muscle

Do you think to go to the hall - this is not radical? You try, and then doubt. Many of us tried, but the power of the will is not so developed to make hiking to workout with the style of your life. But only this way you can get big muscles that will change your image for the better (there are beggars, but we will not speak about them). And yet we will leave this advice. What is the example of the Epifantsev, who today, despite the rampant lifestyle, looks like a bodybuilder. The muscles clearly went to the benefit of man, and his sex life too. In general, download, if there is a desire to change yourself.

Not, with the orientation, we are fine, and even painting your hair is, perhaps, not the norm, but certainly not something extraordinary. Somehow try, since you want to change something in your life. By the way, it is not necessary to buy a harsh paint for this, which for a long time will change your hair color. There are also all sorts of tonic, and on Alierech, at all you can buy a gel that keeps the color to the first washing. A pretty comfortable thing when you want to go crazy, but only a couple of days. The gel is called Mofajang.

In this article, we will not talk about the reasons for such a decision, although they can be very disturbing and even criminal. We will assume that the question "why?" You have an absolutely sound and adequate answer. We will talk about how to change appearance, and it is necessary to separate this concept from "to become more beautiful." These are completely different things. Life is very cruel and unjust, therefore, not everyone can become beautiful, but to change the appearance to everyone. And it is not necessary for this to go under the surgeon's knife.

How to change appearance?

When it comes to women, the first thing that comes to the mind is to trim it under Kare. There is no such cliché for men, probably because of their greater excerpts and constancy in this matter.

We give several universal ways:

  1. However trite it did not sound, but one of the measures is indeed changing hairstyles. It is advisable to turn to a good stylist who will pick up something original for you and corresponding to your mental state;
  2. For men - reflect, for women - change Makeup;
  3. Change style style. If you always wore loose clothes, you have to go into a business suit, if you prefer discreet tones, then it's time for bright styles with unusual prints;
  4. Start wearing glasses with ordinary stools. It is very important to choose a suitable frame. If you already wear them, then on the contrary - go to contact lenses or make laser vision correction;
  5. Get around zagar. Artificial or natural - does not matter.

Try something new and experiment until you feel that we found something corresponding to your inner urges to the change in appearance.

Fast and cheap ways

As a rule, there is nothing good in such ways, but sometimes there are such life circumstances that you have to resort to:

  • Sharpe sleep. Suitable for both men and women;
  • Take an overweight, starting to eat cheap and harmful meal. Someone may argue that this method is not fast at all, but in fact it all depends on your diligence. If you can be affectionately to call yourself "Pukhlyash", then it does not fit you;
  • Change gait, start sliding. You can watch movies about American ghetto and start moving around as the inhabitants of the black quarters of New York. Or see the movie about the Renaissance Epoch and try to copy the aristocratic posture and gait;
  • Start dressing not by age, but without buying new things, and borrowing them from the wardrobe of your parents or children (depending on what age you have).

In the era of the crisis, when the lumen at the end of the tunnel is not visible, for sure these tips will be useful for someone.

How to change beyond recognition?

Cardinal changes require cardinal measures. This is what other plastic operations can be taken:

  1. Change work. If you now work in the office, then go to work in a mine or to the regions of the Far North. So fundamental changes will certainly be praised on appearance and even health;
  2. Tattoos and piercing on the face. Some consider it not aesthetic, but the degree of unrecognizability is quite high;
  3. Change the hair color or start using a wig. And the color should be rather radical, and the wig is extravagant;
  4. Make crowns for teeth of gold and diamonds. Now they can be seen not only in rappers, but also in pop artists.

No matter how far you did not go, remember: first of all, the person must accept and love himself. If no metamorphosis contributes to this postulate, then you need to stop and deal with your psychological problems.

In this video, Anastasia Epifanova will show, as with the help of which it is possible to change its appearance beyond recognition:

Modern girls are ready for the wildest changes in their lives, for permanent self-improvement. Many know to become better, smarter, more attractive, sexier, - you need to work a lot over your appearance, lifestyle, habits and rules of behavior.

If you think about how to become better, you will help a clear plan for 30 days. Change life for the better can every girl! It is not as difficult as it seems.

One representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to change their image are needed years, others try to implement something new to life in a very short time.

In any case, if the result would be guaranteed, quite many people would like to know how to make yourself and your life is best only in 30 days a girl. In our article you will learn how to implement it and change radically for a month. Improve yourself outwardly and internally.

It is not so difficult to change for the better as it seems.

How to become better for the month: Real Action Plan

To improve your internal and external data in 30 days, it is required to make a plan of action on your appearance and habits.

How to become better in 30 days a girl: a plan for a month

1 Week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks
To accustom yourself to early rises. Throw all unnecessary items and things that are not demanded for a long time.Make a plan for recreation and work, performing everything on items.Try to do otherwise than it was before, to learn innovations.
Eat light food. Finish all the intended affairs or abandon unnecessary.Map dreams.Start all your fears.
Daily play sports, dancing or yoga. Stop communicating with people who negatively affect self-esteem (exception: parents).Daily in the evenings to draw up a plan for the coming day.Right rest (without the Internet, outside the house, one on one with you).

Cosmetology procedures allowing to become better

To externally become better, it is required to visit the cosmetologist. Elasticity and elasticity of the skin support regular cleaning faces that happen:

  • ultrasound;
  • manual;
  • peeling.
  • fruit peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization.

After 30:

  • correction of small wrinkles butoxin;
  • fillers with hyaluronic acid.

By 40 years it is necessary to add volume, freshness, clarity of lines. Recommended procedures:

  • plasmolifting;
  • peeling;
  • revitalization;
  • grinding with a laser;

Cosmetology procedures are selected strictly by age and recommendations of the specialist.

Skin care, hair and nails

External changes must touch hair, skin and marigolds. Hair should look well-groomed, without seed tips (you need to follow). The roots of the hair should be twisted in time, and the remaining length is refreshing if necessary.

Improve the condition of the hair will help gelatin-based masks For a dry structure, with the addition of cognac for fat curls. If the hair length allows, you can master the braid weaving, it will add novelty to the image, besides it is fashionable. For the average hair length, arm will suit.

Please note: the nails must have regular care. Men do not like the operated manicure, burstles, as well as dirt under the nails.

The strong semi is like Franch, red or better transparent varnish. If within 30 days the girl will take care of the nails daily - it will become a habit.

A modern girl does not always manage to make a manicure every day, so it is necessary to resort to salon care. It has proven itself to such a procedure as lamination of nails. It restores the nail plate, hides all flaws and disadvantages.

The marigold is covered with substance that fills all the depressions and deformation. After the procedure, the plate is heated, aesthetics and nutrition are returned to them. Such a procedure will improve the appearance of the nails, and the preparatory stage in the form of massage hands will give a feeling of relaxation and complete harmony.

The skin of the face should have a smooth tone, fresh, well-groomed view with emphasising makeup. To do this, you need to feed daily, moisturize, clean and refresh face. This will extend the youth.

Facial facilities are chosen by skin type. Houses in the refrigerator, there must be ice cubes with a chamomile, which should be wiped the face daily. After a week of such procedures, the skin calms down, the color is leveled, freshness appears, fatigue disappears.

It will be more attractive to help light tan. To do this, the auto bank or visit to the solarium is suitable.

How to become better: proper nutrition

The correct diet will help become better: internally and externally.

Healthy nutrition - the key to healthy life and a good mood
  • Before you begin to any meal, for 1/4 hours, it is necessary to drink 200 ml of water.
  • Daily girl should drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • By excluding the harmful calorie food for 30 days, you can reset the extra kilograms.
  • The existing side dishes are required to replace with vegetable dishes.
  • Forever exclude from the diet of sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products.
  • Between the meals, the interval should be at least 3 hours, the power must be fractional.
  • Evening meal should be 2.5 hours before the deposit to sleep.
  • Every week you need to make unloading days.
  • It is impossible to skip breakfast.
  • Every day on an empty stomach you need to drink 1 tsp. oil flax.
  • Bakery products are better replaced by citrus.

It's important to know! It is impossible after taking food with a liquid or water (there must be at least half an hour).

The best diets for weight loss and good well-being

To answer the question, how to become better in 30 days, a girl, you need to bring your figure in order. This will help various diets, the most popular of them are considered soup, kefir and fractional.

Soup diet will help to lose weight

The diet consists of a variety of soups without potatoes, legumes and cream oil. During the diet, the bread should be abandoned. Salt use very small doses. After the seven-day period, you can reset up to 4 kg of excess weight.

Kefir in the fight against extra kilograms

This diet is designed for 7 days. During this time, it is easy to reset to 5 kg of excess weight. During the week, 1,5-2 liters of skimmed kefir daily need to drink daily.

Diet staircase

This diet is designed for 5 days. On the first day it is necessary to clean the intestine (for the day to eat 2 kg of apples and drink activated carbon). On the second day, the body requires restoration (to eat cottage cheese and kefir).

Lestenka diet will help quickly lose weight

The third day of meals should consist of products rich in useful sugars. The fourth day is protein (use low-fat poultry meat in boiled form). Fifth day - in the fiber diet (Muesli, oatmeal, fruit).

For 5 days, a loss of 7 kg is possible. A diet can be held every 2 weeks, the main thing is that there were no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to become better in 30 days a girl - psychological trainings

It is possible to become better for the month with the help of psychological trainings. Each girl chooses a program to help develop its hidden qualities.

Confidence in yourself - another component of a successful life!

By choosing for yourself the right program, in 30 days you can change completely, and most importantly change everything around yourself. Raise your self-esteem, become more successful.

Girls after training programs are becoming better, and the main question is how - in itself disappears. Any questions are solved with ease, there are no fear and fear, which means the end of depressions and stress.

At home, you can spend independent trainings. To do this, you need to write all the good deeds made on a sheet of paper, achievements, awards, joyful memories.

Read this list is needed daily, and soon it turns into life guide. The more positive cases and accomplishments will come to mind, the longer the list will turn out, which means that daily readings will give positive results for 5 minutes a day.

Requires not to forget to praise - this is a reward and lifting self-esteem. You can do the praise in front of the mirror.

Do not forget to smile yourself every day - then things will be the most successful.

Creating a new image to become even better

Any girl has its own image that she is more acceptable and convenient, but to change for the better will have to be completely changed. This denotes that the path to success lies through the cardinal changes.

The change in the image can be started with hairstyles:
Long straight hair - twist, and curls - straighten, make a fashionable haircut or coloring. This season at the peak of Fashion Ombre and Ballozh.

Change and familiar makeupWhen trying to make fashionable: painted eyelashes, supplied with eyeliner, tone cream, neat and expressive brings, gloss or lipstick for lips.

If there are vision problems, then you have to replace the usual glasses to replace the contact lenses.. If contact lenses were used, stylish glasses or colored lenses will help change the image.

The change in the image refers to the change of wardrobe. Business women who are accustomed to strict costumes can dilute their image easier and playful accessories, for example, use a bright color handkerchief in combination with a dark suit. Lovers of free sports style can be purchased several feminine dresses and heel shoes.

All image emphasized stylish accessories
: bags, belts, jewelry, and most importantly shoes. All things must complement each other.

The change of image is not only in creating a new image, you need to change your habits, remove unnecessary gestures, change the loud laughter on a smile. Knowing its complexes and disadvantages, they must be adjusted.

So that the girl becomes better, she must have his own individual unique image. You should not shoot yourself, just as shyring new acquaintances (in 30 days, you can start at least 10 buddies). It is necessary to make new friends all the time, but at the same time do not forget about the available. The circle of communication should be diverse.

A lot of important role is played by sociability. The company needs to be cheerful, joyful, then the success of leadership is provided, there will be a place for such a positive person in any company.

Sociability is the key to success in life. Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends!

Important to remember! Favoring yourself with all the power - others will not remain indifferent. No wonder there is a proverb: Love yourself as you want, to love you others.

Wish to become better - this is a painstaking daily, every minute work. It is necessary to work on your views, taste, ways, feelings, fears, perfection and external data.

If you do not retreat from the rules, then the achievement of the goal will be quite close, and all unpleasant memories and fears will remain in the old life.

Useful videos on how to change your life for the better. How to get better girl

Tips for girls how to become healthier and more beautiful:

How to become a beautiful girl - the main secret:

Lifehaki for girls // How to be beautiful and well maintained:

How to become better in 30 days a girl:

Instagram, undoubtedly, makes celebrities closer. So nice to go and see what they live, what appearance they have today from the window, that they eat for breakfast, and as they see themselves in the mirror.

And if there are more and more in the Facebook, the instagram drives us into a narrow framework of individuals and tel. And few at this moment realizes the danger - the danger of comparing themselves with others!

First, no one will post the photos of "raw." Do not even need photoshop. To make the skin cleaner, the features of the face is more elegant, and the figure for 5 kilograms is slimmer enough filters.

Secondly, pay attention to how all the instagramy beauties are similar to each other: just native sisters. Fashion on the shape of the nose and lip thickness will change, and in their 19 years they will go to the dump of history, giving out their place to new fashion faces.

Expert comment:

"Today, the approach to the concept of beauty has changed a lot.

To be a beautiful time, you need to be original.

It is the creation of an individual image that I am engaged in the last 10 years of my practice and developed my own methods of harmonization appearance.

Harmonizing surgery is a modern direction of aesthetic plastic surgery, the so-called "attractiveness medicine". It is the term "attractiveness", and not "beauty" is used as an assessment criterion.

We are all different and everything is beautiful. Just the beauty of some people should be helped to fully manifest. And this is already a matter of science and art, at whose junction I and practicing. "

MEDPOR chin implant is installed, Bisha lumps are partially removed. Performed: Ipornev Andrei.

"To" and after 10 days "after" rhinoplasty (surgeon) and removal of Komkov Bisha (surgeon). The lower third of the faces stretched out, gone severity. The face looks lighter and harmonious.

Photo "To" operations and on 5 day "after".

Removal of bisha lumps, endoprosthetics chin implant Porex (USA), laser liposuction chin, nithel lifting of the lower third of the face. Surgeon - Iskornev A.A.

This patient appealed to me through the program "Let them speak." As a result of intratous injury and deformation of the facial skeleton, her face looked to the operation as a asymmetric, ptosted, with a pronounced omission of the middle zone of the eyebrows on the right, excess fabrics of the lower third of the face. I was satisfied: endoscopic forehead suspension and middle zone, endoprosthetics of the skil orbital complex on the left implant Medpor, removal of Komkov Bisha, lipophiling, plastic scar of the lower lip.

In the photo, the first stage of the reconstruction of the face. Surgeons: Iskornev A.A. , Vasilyev M.N.

In the second stage, we plan to make endoprosthetics of the lower jaw angle on the left.

"To" and "after" operation to harmonize appearance. Surgeons - Mkhitar Meoyan (Rhinoplasty) and Vasiliev Maxim

Photo from the private archive of the patient, 1.5 months after surgery to harmonize appearance.

V-Shape harmonization of a person on exclusive technology


How to change face shape

What is a harmonizing approach?

Expert comment

"I created more than 50 protocols in the direction of" harmonizing surgery of the face ". Harmony is considered to be what is found in nature.

Accordingly, if we are talking about harmonizing surgery, then we mean the most natural result of the transformation. Passed the times of unnatural and disproportionate parts of the body. "

Sometimes attention from eye "pulls" too big nose. Then it makes sense to work with him. Sometimes the contour of the face is interferes. Slavic faces Typically have round shape with pronounced Ekami. Removal Komkov Bisha In this case will help make a person already, Make a clearer face profile, and again make your eyes the most noticeable part of it.

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