Making a suspended ceiling with your own hands. Suspended ceiling with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions and valuable recommendations

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

For many years, the ceiling was in the shade of his more popular "fellow" - walls and gender. His fate was similar to the share of the garde duckling - we were stuck, more or less leveled, painted, and ready - serve and do not comprehend. Whether the wall is colored, elegant, textured, with decor. Or floor - parquet, stone, patterned, decorated with carpets. I looked at the entire case of the ceiling and sad: when will the queue comes to me? Why do I protect everyone from cold, water and neighbor noise, and no one and "thank you" say? And finally, he was lucky: they remembered a white old man and invented several "jewelry" - know-how of structures, among which the most sought-after in our country is suspended. Dream to know how to make a suspended ceiling? There is nothing easier - read the material carefully, and go ahead - give a tribute to your old man, and you will delight yourself!

Acquaintance with finishing options

To start any business should be able to understand the process, so we will start the installation courses from what this design represents, for what purposes, besides beauty, it is erected, from which there are suspended ceilings.

Suspended ceiling - this is new surfacewhich is suspended to the basic ceiling and takes part of its functions. As in the proverb: one head is good, and two are better. For hanging, the framework will always be involved (made of metal or wood) and often the suspensions.

With the arrival of new designs of the apartment played in the new light

If the beauty of the room is minor for you, is it worth changing something? Still, see what kind of know-how is able to?

  • hide irregularities and others serious shortcomings surfaces;
  • hide communications (pipes, air conditioning systems, exhaust, etc.);
  • implement the idea of \u200b\u200bspecial lighting;
  • protect against the noise of neighbors living on you;
  • make the room warmer;
  • serve as a flood insurance;
  • accelerate the repair process.

And this is not to mention the fact that you can surprise the novelty of your loved ones and friends, but perhaps yourself.

If the house is cold, do not forget about the insulation layer

Varieties of suspended structures

To understand how to make suspended ceilings, you need to decide, and what, actually, do you want? "How, is there any choice here?" - You will be surprised. Imagine, already - yes. If you think that the suspended ceiling is attached plasterboard, then deeply mistaken. Now you can choose from a variety of options.

So, according to the features of the framework of the frame and the types of material used, the suspended ceilings are solid and modular.

You can play not only with materials and forms, but also with lighting


If everything is clear with a solid design, it is just the option that you immediately thought. Such a surface is able to solve all the tasks described above, with the exception of the protection against moisture, except that you will find a special waterproof drywall, and then in case of staying above you, the unreliable family should think three times before you choose this option for the bathroom. Meanwhile, there is an additional device for protection against water between plasterboard and the basis, and thus get out, as you can see, if you wish, all your ideas can be implemented.

By the way, the plasterboard itself can be attached not only in one level, but to make such "floors" as you wish. In addition, you are free to play with forms and even make patterns. Therefore, the solid construction is still heading the first step of the charts of suspended ceilings.

Get acquainted with the types of suspended ceilings?


But with modular structures, as they say, "Walking the soul". What is this surface? System collected from individuals having various shapes modules. The following subtypes can be attributed to this type of suspended coatings:

Skill lessons

Well, it's time to tell how to make the suspended ceilings and that for this you need. Consider the most popular option - suspended ceiling of plasterboard.

It all starts with a plan. IN this case Action Plan. So, what work await you?

  1. Selection and purchase of tools and materials.
  2. Marking of the base ceiling.
  3. Mounting frame (suspended design).
  4. Fixing and fitting of plasterboard in the form of plates.

This is how some components of the system look like

Block 1: Selection and Purchase of Tools and Materials

From the tools, blank (find, buy or lend) such:

  • screwdriver;
  • bulgarian or hacksaw for metal;
  • perforator or a special drill;
  • a hammer;
  • water level;
  • scissors for metal;
  • trassser (for marking).

Build materials next list (Naturally, before purchasing you will need to calculate the flow):

  • plasterboard in sheets;
  • profile of two types (L- and P-shaped);
  • screws (and for drywall, and for profile);
  • suspensions;
  • crabs;
  • dowels for mounting suspensions to the base;
  • serpenta;
  • shpaklevka

Scheme-tip: What is going on

Block 2: Marking

Now go directly to how to make a suspended ceiling. It all starts with the searches of the lower corner. If you have ever checked this moment, and you are fine, then choose any angle and measure the distance you need to hide everything that you planned to hide from the eyes. Less than 5 cm indent is not recommended. Next, with the help of a water level and the tracer, transfer this line on the walls. Then follows the marking under the guides. To do this, it is necessary to outline parallel lines with an interval of 1.25 m.

Fragment of markup

Block 3: Mounting frame

First throughout the perimeter, L-shaped profiles are attached with the help of dowels (step - 23-50 cm). Next comes the suspension queue, which are mounted on the applied lines in 50 cm increments. Next, we make the so-called "lattice". First, the profiles along the length, connecting with the suspension with the help of screws, then in width. The intersection points are fixed by crabs.

It is important to know! Check out the framework for strength, otherwise the ceiling assembled will thunder or, which is good, will not withstand the load, especially if you make a multi-level construction.

So looks like a frame for a multi-level ceiling

Block 4: fixing plasterboard and fitting plates

Consider 2 options for the trim.

Fastening sheets of plasterboard - one of the most simple stages. Apply the sheet so that it covers half the profile, pinch the surface with self-draws, then install the backward next sheet.

Installation of plasterboard sheets is better to pride, in order to avoid the deformation of the material

  • Multi-level construction

With this option, the coating will have to sweat, but you will win in beauty. The algorithm of work is such: apply a sheet to a frame, a pencil mark contours. Move the sheet on a flat surface and cut the desired shape, you may have to adjust the element for several times necessary size. Creparate part of the sheet by self-drawing, and so the element behind the element is like puzzles.

Literally a couple of smears

Everything, you can with the help of putty to align the surface, not forgetting about the points of fastening of the self-tapping screws, and then what you want - Kraft or look with wallpaper.

Video lesson: how to make a suspended ceiling

You did not think that make a suspended ceiling - it's so simple, right?!

In the modern interior, the suspended ceilings occupy an honorable place. They are of a wide variety of forms and mounted from different finishing materials. Them undoubted dignity - This is a simple installation with a minimum execution.


When plastering from builders, a certain accumulated experience is required. This process cannot be carried out without preparation. But to put the frame on the ceiling in the presence of a minimum of tools can almost everyone. The main thing is to have in Arsenal: Drill, Lobzik, Screwdriver and Level. It should be noted that there is a type of ceilings that requires attention of professionals. This is a system of stretch ceilings. Installation is carried out using special equipment, heat gun. House master It can independently mount the suspended ceiling system from plasterboard, plastic, lining. And also master the ceiling design "Armstrong".

To properly choose the type of ceiling cover, you need to consider such factors:

  • functionality;
  • aesthetics;
  • technical and operational aspects.

When determining the functional characteristics of the suspended structures, instructions and technical sheets from the manufacturer should be used. They are painted in detail how to carry out installation for which type of premises is suitable different types Ceiling. IN technical descriptions Examples of calculations are given constructive features, as well as tables with all data. Therefore, specialists have developed approved documents in which one or another type of ceiling coating is more suitable for any premises.

You need to choose not only the material for installation, but also to develop a ceiling configuration. Baking frame must clearly perform its functions.

The choice of the type of ceiling significantly affects:

  • need to install the ventilation system;
  • laying communications for connecting electricity;
  • conditioning;
  • the need for specific properties of the material (sound absorption, fire safety, impact resistance);
  • lifecy and possibility of replacing individual elements.

Each consumer has a list of their requirements, especially aesthetic and designer. But there are generally accepted, from manufacturers of suspended ceiling systems. Their number belongs functionality, moisture resistance, thermal insulation, operating time. On them and you need to navigate.

Acoustics is a way to distribute sound. For office premises this is very important criterion. Low noise levels have a beneficial effect on the workflow and increases productivity. There are special acoustic slabs from German manufacturers who absorb well sound. Their use is justified in rooms with an elevated noise level.

Suspended ceilings can provide free access to communications, pipes, ventilation system, heating, fire alarm. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to remove decorative ceiling plates that will provide access to ceiling overlap. Using a suspended ceiling, you can easily hide defects and base cracks. Work on installation, dismantling and leaving less time-consuming, if compared with other types of finishes. The suspension system makes it possible to arrange more lamps and absorbs noise.

EXCLUSIVE Development designer Ceilkov Different, sometimes bizarre form, can do the owner very expensive. But she will be the only one in her way. Modern materials make it possible to make a cellular suspended ceiling structure almost inconspicuous. You can order a different design of the plates, and then collect the intricate individual drawing on the ceiling.

Positive aspects of ceiling structures are as follows:

  • wide defects and disadvantages of the base. It is relevant when conducting repair work In old buildings, where the ceilings are usually shuffled. Over time, the finishing layer went cracked and even somewhere could fall off. This type of coating must be completely folded and apply a solution again;
  • building materials manufacturers offer many design solutions, shaped and design of ceilings. The cost depends on the customer's estimate: from inexpensive to exclusive solutions;
  • highly big choice Coatings are glass ceiling plates, plastic, metal, drywall, from wood. There are brilliant I. matte ceilings, as well as with 3D effect;

  • no need to disassemble the entire ceiling to replace part of the coating;
  • light in care. Sufficiently wet wipes, besides, coatings have dust-repellent properties;
  • in the interpochor space, you can lay communication, wiring, pipes, ventilation;
  • suspended ceilings involve the use of a variety of lighting devices, such as raster lamps, point, LED system, chandeliers;
  • large service life. Frame elements are given a guarantee of 15 years of use. When leaving, the elements of the suspension system serve longer;
  • they have thermal insulation properties, absorb the sound, fireproof, do not depend on the sharp change of temperatures.

The negative side of the ceiling structures consist in the following points:

  • reducing the distance from the floor to the ceiling. Suspended construction, as a rule, keeps on the spokes, whose length is 25 cm. In small-sized apartments It will be very noticeable to reduce the height of the room;
  • high price level relative to other materials. Bicycle the ceiling is cheaper, taking into account the development of the construction industry, it is better to choose more expensive and durable material. Each customer is committed to individuality, and this can be achieved using modern solutions;
  • high humidity fear. In the case of flooding it will be necessary to replace decorative coating and carrier elements.


Suspended ceiling consists of metal carcasswhich occupies the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation and ceiling platesattached to the supporting structures.

Plates can have different types of compound:

  • Cells. The entire ceiling is divided into squares or rectangles, which are behind the plates behind the plates.
  • Tile. Mostly used in office space.
  • Panels. As decorative element The panel is taken in the form of a rectangle width more than 30 cm.
  • Cassette. Squares of the frame design are closed by paneling of the same size.

  • Reiki. When installing, they use decorative rails different lengths and widths.
  • Solid ceiling.Most often collected from sheets of plasterboard.
  • Stretch ceiling. Used PVC films.

Decorative finish consists of different materials:

  • Sheets of plasterboard.They make it possible to create a perfectly smooth coating that can be splashing, caught with wallpaper, paint, apply decorative plaster. With the help of sheets of plasterboard in the interior there are ceilings different levels and geometric shapes. Plasterboard is environmentally friendly, corresponds to sanitary standards. Its minuses include the fact that it is afraid of the conditions of high humidity and needs the finish coating.
  • Plastic panels. They are made from polycarbonate. The mirror surface of plastic ceilings is a wonderful replacement of glass panels. Such a ceiling is easy to install, moisture resistant, racks to mechanical effects, is easily cleaned.

  • Metal. These are aluminum or steel rails, cassettes, panels. They can be matte or glossy, with a mirror coating.
  • Wood. Any product made from natural treeis the key quality and durability. Wood products will never come out of fashion, but their big minus is a high cost. Manufacturers offer to apply a cheapest way in the finish. Using chipboard and MDF plates whose surface is covered with patterns that simulate natural wood. You can find plates covered with veneer.


Before starting to install, you should calculate the number of materials, to purchase a tool, process the base and put markup.

The root is made of steel galvanized profiles. It is not afraid of moisture, since the profile is protected by zinc. For the device ceiling of drywall or plastic, you will need ceiling planks (60x27 mm) and guides (27x28 mm), as well as suspensions that will keep the design: butterflies, couplings connecting, anchor suspensions, connecting elements. For consolidation, you need to purchase self-tapping screws and polypropylene dowels.


Basic tools for self-mounting frame structures are as follows:

  • corner grinding;
  • perforator;
  • laser level;
  • roulette, pencil, line;
  • construction knife and sawdust on metal or wood;
  • rule;
  • plumb;

  • scissors for metal;
  • protective glasses;
  • hammer with a nail);
  • pliers, crimping passatats;
  • hoven for metal with fine tooth;
  • shooting, sewer.

The level is needed in order to apply marking to install the guide element. The rule is used with plasterboard sheets. After installing plasterboard, it will be required to further finish. Tools and materials that may need:

  • ribbon for reinforcing seams;
  • tape for sealing;
  • primer solution;
  • putty;
  • malyary roller and brush;
  • putty knife;
  • abrasive sheet number 240.

How to calculate the flow?

The norms of the costs of the ceiling "Armstrong"

Knowing the cost of consumption, you can:

  • independently calculate the number of required materials;
  • calculate approximate cost procurement;
  • make a estimate;
  • select the budget for work.

On the example of the ceiling of the square form with a total area of \u200b\u200b100m², we will be calculated. The length of the guide strip is 3.6 m. It is mounted in a step of 1.2 m. To find out the right amount, we divide the ceiling width of 10 m per mounting step (1.2 m). It turns out 8.33 rows of carriers. We multiply the length of the room 10 m per number of rows. Almost 84 m, and these are 28 pieces of carrier profiles. The transverse bar of 1.2 m is raised in a step of 60 cm. We repeat like the calculation: we learn the number of rows (10 m length divide by 0.6 m mounting step). We have almost 17 of them. In straight meters It turns out 167. And in pieces it turns out almost 140 (167 p. m. M must be divided into 1.2 m - the length of the plank).

Guides 0.6 m are set in increments of 1.2 m. We carry out the calculation similarly and it turns out that it will take 84 pounds. m rail. Their number will be 140 pieces. The suspensions are put on the planks of 3.6 m in increments of 1.2 m. On 1 m² ceiling will need 0.7 pieces of suspension. The angular profile is calculated along the perimeter of the room, its length is 3 m. On 1mqm you need 0.4 p. m.

With the help of these calculations, it is possible to calculate the flow rate of the cutting ceilings, acoustic ones. Do not forget that this is averaged calculation. In any estimate, it is better to lay 7-10 additional interest so that there are no unpleasant situations. Take into account the following factors:

  • premises form;
  • the possibility of location of the regions diagonally;
  • cutting plates;
  • percentage of marriage.

Ceiling standards for plasterboard sheets

We take for an example of a ceiling with a length of 10 m and a width of 10 m. The size of the ceiling drywall 2500x1200x9.5 mm. As a result of calculations for work, such materials will be required:

  • plasterboard - 100 m²;
  • cD profile - 87 pieces;
  • uD profile - 14 pieces;
  • suspension 60/27 - 160 pieces;
  • connector longitudinal - 70 pieces;
  • condition coupling - 160 pieces;
  • ceiling dowel - 1600 pieces;
  • self-sore "flea" - 900 pieces;
  • dowel 6x40 - 200 pieces;
  • spacek - 40 kg;
  • fiberglass tape - 130 pounds. m.


Installation of the suspended ceiling of plasterboard

The first thing to do is find an assistant. Alone to mount the sheets of drywall is very difficult, you need a substrate. It is better to start with a simple single-level ceiling preferably a small area.

  • Preparation for mounting. You need to carefully examine the walls and ceilings, remove everything that can interfere. Put communication, close the cracking in the ceiling base.
  • Place the ceiling. At this step you need to decide on the lighting devices and their connection. Using point lamps The ceiling is lowered by 3-4 cm below their total length, and during the operation of raster - by 5-10 cm. View the degree of curvature of the old ceiling, prevent such errors with the new. Using the level to find the lowest angle from which the markup will begin. Drawing the corners, the rule measure the solid horizontal line on the walls. This is the bottom line of the UD profile.

  • Installation of frame elements. Krepim on the perimeter guide profile. To do this, at a distance of 30 cm, perforator make holes for dowels. Screw the screws on the tree in them. The length of the dowel plug must be at least 40 mm. CD profile is installed in 60 cm increments. They are 3 and 4 meters. To give a rigging frame, you need to use suspensions for rack profiles with a step of fastening 40 cm.
  • Communication laying and selection of place for the lamp. To install a point lamp, you need to make a hole in the drywall. Not allowed to get into the profile. In the case of the chandelier, it is attached to the base or guide profile. The profile must be further enhanced by suspension. Wires are stacked in a special corrugated pipe. Communications for an overhead luminaire are displayed through a hole in the drywall.

  • Heat insulation. Frame design can and need to be insulated with sheets mineral wool. It not only serves as thermal insulation, but also absorbs the sound.
  • Fastening sheets of plasterboard. Knowing the width between the walls, you need to calculate how many sheets you need and how many pieces. Cut sheets with construction knife Or Plasterboard Pilking. Fasten up the metal sheets of GLCs with a step of 25 cm. The heads of the mounting elements are combined into plasterboard so that they do not rust over time. Subsequently, they will close the putty. At the joint of two sheets glue a special tape and sharpen gypsum mixture. After complete drying, the seams should be sutured. The whole surface is necessarily ground so that the finishing finish is better to hold.

Installation of the suspended design of the type "Armstrong"

  • Marking and circuit drawing. As in the previous case, you first need to make a scheme for the location of the structures. Then proceed to the markup. The profiles in such a system are not attached to the ground, but along the markup lines the wizard is faster, where carrier profiles and the remaining jumpers will be located.
  • To mount the suspension ceiling, it is necessary omit at least 15 cm. This is a constructive minimum clearance for laying communications and installation of lamps. You can also set the insulation in this space. Most convenient way Place the wall is to use a laser level. Instead, you can use ordinary bubble levels.

  • Laying communications.Before starting to mount the frame, you need to implement all the work related to the electrical wiring. For example, if it is known that the lighting device will be large, then the place of its attachment must be additionally strengthened by the suspensions.
  • Installing a frame. After completing all the work, you can move to the installation of profiles. Corner profiles are attached to concrete grounds With the help of dowels. Their diameter is 6 mm, they are set with a step of 30 cm throughout the perimeter. IN wooden base The angle is fixed with screws on a tree. Their length is 30 cm.

If it is planned to sow the walls of the room with sheets of GKK, then an additional horizontal profile is put into the metal wall. This is done for the rigidity of the construction. This extra profile creates a wall corner. According to the laid lines, you need to fix the attachment set (suspension, butterfly, knitting knitting). 1 m² requires one set of suspensions. In those places where lamps are planned, you can put additional fasteners.

The supporting profiles (3600) are put on the willed corners and fastened with suspensions. The distance between them is 1.2 or 0.6 m. It depends on the drawn scheme. All work must be controlled by level. Fastened bearing must be located strictly horizontally. The hooks of the suspensions are slightly pressed by pliers so that the carriers have been well. The carriers of the 1200 are set in 60 cm increments. They are included in the slots, which are located on profiles 3600, and snap. Some masters are bend them, but it is optional. Frame and so will be hard.

  • Installation of ceiling plates. After all the work on the installation of the frame structure is completed, lamps and decorative plates are installed. Electric wires In advance, summarize the desired square, where the lighting device will be. And the lamp is connected using terminal blocks. First install whole plates. They do not attach anything, just put on the prepared frame. As a rule, extreme cells may not coincide with the size of the plates, so the trimming is needed. The plates are easily sawmed with a hacksaw, and after put in the holes.

After their installation, the installation of the ceiling can be considered completed. Additional finish is not required. This is the simplest plates laying scheme, but there is more complex optionsWhen the plates are stacked diagonally or with a shift. Bearing elements allow you to perform a frame of different configurations. Choosing such a ceiling, the master gets the opportunity to do on its own design.After all, these coatings can be painted in different colors, combine each other.

It should be noted this type of panels as LED lamps. These are panels that are similar to the screen are covered with matte film. They are designed for ceiling outboard and have a standard size of 600x600 mm. Very powerful LEDs are built into such panels that distribute bright but soft light. It is enough to have one such lamp so in the room to create daytime diffused light.

Today, the suspended ceilings of various species and their homes are increasingly in apartments and houses. different materials. The advantages of such structures can be called short times and relative ease of installation. If the art of surfaces is not available not to everyone, then even installation of the frame and installation on it of certain panels can produce, probably, any owner of the housing, who knows how to use a drill, an electric bike and a screwdriver. Of course, there are such suspended ceilings, the installation of which is better to entrust to those skilled in the art, since the technology of their installation will require a certain qualifications. These ceilings include, for example, the tensioning of their option.

The suspension ceiling can be made of drywall, plates made from various materials, wooden lining and others. To make a decision on right choice Designs for independent execution, it is worth considering them in more detail.

As a rule, most of the suspended ceilings are mounted on the frame made from wooden bars or metal profiles. This design becomes the basis for attaching the selected sheathing on it.

Metal elements are used for stretch surfaces, but this type of design is radically different from other ceilings.

A few mansion stands and the Armstrong suspended ceiling systems, which have become quite popular due to their aesthetic appearance and the possibility with ease of repair, quickly replacing with the required number of damaged panels.

Suspended ceiling of plasterboard

Plasterboard is an environmentally friendly building material that does not emit absolutely no harmful evaporation into the environment. For this parameter, it is ideal for finishing almost any surfaces in residential premises.

Due to the fact that several types of this material are produced, it can be used not only in rooms with ordinary conditions, but also in rooms where humidity exceeds the norm, for example, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, etc. In addition, there are varieties of this material that can be used for and ceiling from high temperatures, inevitably arising, for example, when the fireplace or furnace is melted.

Each of the types of drywall has its markings and a certain tinting of an outer cardboard surface:

MarkingStandard sheet size, mmColor coatingMarking colorAppearance
GLC (Normal)1200 × 2500.
thickness 6; 9.5; 12.5 mm
G CLEM (moisture resistant)1200 × 2500.
thickness 6; 9.5; 12.5 mm
GKLO (fire resistant)1200 × 2500; 1200 × 2600.
Thickness 9.5; 12.5 mm
Pink or grayRed
Glevo (fire resistant and moisture-resistant)1200 × 2500.
Thickness 9.5; 12.5 mm

Suspended stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are able to completely change and visually expand the space. They can be absolutely white, monophonic color, have an ordinary or spatial pattern, which, for example, imitates the heavenly arch with floating clouds or crowns of trees.

Stretch ceilings can be made of fiberglass, knitted polyester, which is impregnated with polyurethane, or polyvinyl chloride film.

Installation of the canvase occurs on special aluminum profiles, fixed on the walls, or on the installed frame, if the ceiling is planned to be made combined. In the latter case, the overall design may consist of several materials, for example, from drywall at the edges of the ceiling and stretch design In his middle.

Combined ceiling with tension and plasterboard sites

This type of ceilings has a lot of advantages to which moisture resistance, aesthetic appearance, good adaptation To any interior, durability of operation without losing decorative qualities. However, specialists who have the appropriate experience and special equipment should be engaged in the installation of such original systems.

Raster or cassette ceilings

Raster or cassettes call ceilings consisting of suspended on the brackets to overlapping a metal frame forming the cell of the required sizes. In which the finished panels are then stacked proper form. The dimensions of the panels are different, but in the overwhelming majority of the models, standard blocks 600 × 600 or 600 × 1200 mm are used.

The type of suspended ceilings includes the Armstrong systems, which are often used to finish offices, public buildings, etc. However, they are widely used in private construction. It is the suspended system "Armstrong" and further presentation will be devoted.

Suspended ceiling system "Armstrong"

This ceiling system was developed in the English company "Armstrong" at that time of the construction boom, when it became necessary to quickly decorate the ceilings in shopping Hallhaving very large squares. In addition to the speed of installation, the requirements of aesthetic, accuracy and, together with next - restraint Design. As a result of the embodiment of these conditions and the design was born, which is used today all over the world, and not only in offices and halls shopping centersBut for the design of the ceilings in the residential premises.

Initially, the "Armstrong" system was developed for rapid finishing of large areas of shopping complexes

Today, the name of these ceilings has become nominative for all suspended systems of this type, using light plates of square shape.

Panels stacked in this systemcan be made of gypsum reinforced with fiberglass, mineral fiber, acrylic or silicate transparent or matte glass.

Some of the ceiling panels are simultaneously peculiar lamps, as they are equipped with glass, highlighted lamps installed in the interporal space, or having their own built-in lighting devices.

Another option to make the room as light as possible to the main whitewashed ceiling, and then the installation of the suspension decorative surface from the matte glass panels. Glasses for such a layout will work like Lenses, as a result of which you can get a soft scattered light, which will not leave even the corners of the room.

The most popular in everyday construction practice are hypusoloconne Plates having a porous surface. Most often exactly they are issued most of The ceiling area, and the lighting panels are mounted between them.

It should be noted that the developers for the manufacture of the system panels have provided environmentally friendly, non-emitting evaporation, lightly most Material Does not take the suspension design and at the same time gives the ceiling a strict neat look.

Porous surface of the Armstrong panel

If desired, through the time the plates can be temporarily removed and painted in another color gamut. MoreoverThe process of such tinting can be carried out on the street or on the balcony, without polluting the surface of the floor of the apartment and without bringing the smell of paint to residential premises. This feature exists due to the fact that the panels are easily dismantled, and after processing - easily fit into place.

In addition to this panel, in contrast to polystyrene foam slabs, absolutely not combustible, do not give smoke and do not contribute to the spread of fire when fire appears next to them. It makes the room completely fireproof from the ceiling.

Ceiling design

Principle of installation of the Armstrong system, consisting of guides of different types , about the same. The suspension design is collected from the following elements:

Approximate design of the suspended ceiling "Armstrong"

  • Plates stacked in the design, of which the decorative ceiling surface is formed. Produced with a size of 600 × 600 and 600 × 1200 mm, designated on the diagram of pos. 1. Plates rectangular shape - less popular than square, although the framework and their laying occurs much faster due to the smaller number of used suspended structures.
  • T-shaped frame profiles are usually labeling T15 or T24 - depending on the width of their transverse shelf in millimeters:

- Longitudinal bearing profiles that are the main elements of the design, are made up to 3600 mm long. In the diagram, they are shown pos. 3 and 4.

- Transverse jumpers installed between carrier profiles. Produced standard dimensions 600 and 1200 mm. In the scheme - pos. 2.

- Corner profiles fixed on the wall and supporting edges of profiles and panels around the perimeter of the room. They have a shelf size 19 × 24 mm, length - up to 3000 mm. These elements are indicated on the scheme of pos. 6 and 8.

To hold the entire design, special elements are applied at the required general level - suspension. Most often in ordinary construction practice, knitting needles with a spring-loaded latch "Butterfly" are used. With these elements, the suspension system can be omitted from the capital ceiling to the required distance. It is impossible to disagree that it A fairly simple way Display the perfect horizontal of the ceiling surface.

Such a suspension usually consists of three elements:

- Spin, equipped with an ear at one end, on the scheme - pos. 5 B. UCHO is intended for hanging on an element, enshrined in the overhaul ceiling, pos. 7.

- A needker, having a hook on one of the ends, to which the frame profiles will be engaged - pos. 5a.

- Spring type "Butterfly", pos. 5 helps to adjust the relative position of the two spokes relative to each other. "Butterflies" can be several types.

However, you should know that spring-loaded suspensions, "butterflies" - this is not the only way to fasten the frame. The system "Armstrong" can be divided into several varieties that differ in design suspended fasteners. All of them are accurately designed by the manufacturer, taking into account the surface on which the framework will be suspended. Moreover, protozoa methods are used in the form of a wire closer, and quite complicated, in which the height of the suspension is regulated by a screwdriver, giving high accuracy Installations.

Type of suspensionRegulation limitsInstallation accuracyNote
Wire30 kgUp to 5000 mm± 2 mmDo not apply with elevated wind loads
G-shaped profile30 kgUp to 3000 mm± 2 mmUsed when creating hard vertical connections
45 kgUp to 1000 mm± 0.5 mmEspecially recommended for the installation of metal cassette ceilings "Armstrong Orcal"
25 kg165 ÷ 980 mm± 1 mm
25 kgUp to 2000 mm± 1 mm
Hook nonus15 kg300 ÷ 800 mm± 0.5 mm

Manufacturers of the "Armstrong" system developed and recommendations on the use of various fasteners for the installation of suspensions on those or other surfaces of the overlap. This moment T is as much as important to consider when choosing and acquiring the necessary components.

Ceiling material Type of suspended system
WireG-shaped profileThreaded rod + adapterDouble-spin hook with spring retainerSingle hook with spring retainerHook nonus
Reinforced concreteHilti HA-8 suspended hookAnchor Hilti DBZ 6SSpeaker sleeve HILTI HKD S M 6 × 30Hilti HA-8 pendant hookHilti HA-8 pendant hookAnchor Hilti DBZ 6S
Metal beam- - Hilti X-EM 6-20-12 Mit thread pin- - -
Professor- - Anchor MF-SKD- - Anchor MF-SKD
Wooden overlapScrews on wood
Hollow blockAnchor Dowel Hilti HHD-SAnchor Dowel Hilti HHD-SUmbrella dowelAnchor Dowel Hilti HHD-S- Anchor Dowel Hilti HHD-S
Dedicated concreteSpeaker sleeve HKD S M 6 × 30Speaker sleeve HKD S M 6 × 30- Speaker sleeve HKD S M 6 × 30Speaker sleeve HKD S M 6 × 30
Foam concrete- - Speaker sleeve HKD S M 6 × 30- - -

Tools and materials for mounting the "Armstrong" system

To mount the suspended ceiling, the Armstrong system will need to prepare some tools that will help to quickly cope with the work:

  • Electric drill with shock function or perforator. If the design is mounted on concrete ceiling And walls, then without this tool can not do.
  • Scrupovye rT To screw the fastening screws.
  • A hammer.
  • Scissors for metal.
  • Electric jigsaw for fitting extreme plates. Many plates can be cut with a conventional sharp construction knife.
  • Pliers.
  • Marking cord, simple pencil or marker.
  • Construction level, construction corner with rulette, roulette or folding meter and a line of 1000 mm.

From the materials you need to prepare the following elements acquired by the dimensions taken from the ceiling surface:

Angular profile that will be installed on the walls around the perimeter of the room.

Bearing profiles that will be suspended with the ceiling, and the edges are based on the corner profiles. To calculate their number, the width of the room is divided into stripes in 600 mm and take away two angular profiles from the resulting result, since they will perform the same function. For example, the width is 3000 mm, it means 3000: 600 \u003d 5 2 \u003d 3 pcs. It turns out that with this size of the room, between the angular rails on the walls, you need to install three middle T-shaped support profiles.

600 mm T-shaped rake - jumper. Their amount for laying between the two supporting profiles is calculated in the same way as the longitudinal one-piece elements, but since such intervals will be five in this case, it means that the resulting quantity must be multiplied by this figure. For example, the length of the room is 5400 mm, it must be divided by 600, it turns out 9-2 (angular rails) \u003d 7 × 5 (rows) \u003d 35 pcs.

Ceiling two-stroke suspension with a clamping spring. These elements will need 1 pc. per 1 sq. M. .. Therefore, you need to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, round up to an integer.

Example: the room is 3 × 5.4 m in size:

- corner profile 16.8 m;

- carrier rails 3 pcs. 5.4 mm in size; Since they are released with a length of 3 .6 m, then they will have to perform them from two components.

- 600 mm jumpers - 35 pcs.;

- Suspensions - 16 pcs. And as much ceiling mountswhich are selected depending on the material of the ceiling.

Drawing up a mounting scheme

It is necessary to consider that the carrier T-shaped profile is installed in the middle of the width of the suspended ceiling - it must predetermine the arrangement of the jumpers. This is done because it is extremely rare the ceiling will be completely assembled from one-piece plates, and the narrower cells of the frame are better to arrange along the edges of the room.

Sometimes they do and thus placed carrier profiles with a pitch of 1200 mm, then they are connected to them with jumpers 1200 mm, between which the shortest are already installed - 600 mm.

In the scheme:

1 - carrier profiles;

2 - jumpers with a length of 1200 mm;

3 - lintels 600 mm long.

Making the drawing, the ceiling sizes on the appropriate scale are transferred to the sheet (optimal - 1:10). Then applies axial lines, vertical and horizontal. Further, the segments corresponding to the size of the plates are measured from the center, and the entire plane is discharged into squares. Such clarity will help correctly determine the profiles used, and their number, and with the exact location. It is possible that it will be more intelligible in terms of aesthetics or saving materials somewhat shifting the lines so that they are not profiles, but the centers of the series of panels.

It is recommended to carry out all the calculations accurately and in millimeters, then you can get right size The cells that will be located along the edges of the design. The material should be purchased with a reserve of 10-15% - such foresight will help to avoid problems with its shortage in the process of work.

Signing surfaces

In order for the frame to be installed qualitatively, it should be accurately marked with ceiling and walls. Although profiles will not be fixed on the capital surface of the ceiling, the markup line should be present on it, as it will easily navigate, having bearing rails and jumpers.

Here it should also be noted that the suspended ceiling can be located at least 150 mm from the capital ceiling - it must be considered, choosing this system to finish the premises. This distance will be needed for communications and installation of lighting devices. In addition, insulating and soundproofing material may also be laid into this cavity.

Marking can be carried out in modern wayusing laser level-tracer. However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a similar tool, so it is worth considering traditional way Placement work.

  • The first step is to determine the distance to which the suspended ceiling will be lowered. To do this, from the interface of the ceiling and walls using construction Corner The line is measured right distance In the place where the surface of the ceiling is visually located below all (in most cases, the ceiling slab can be placed strictly horizontally, and its surface is not always different).
  • Then, this mark must be transferred throughout the perimeter of the room, at least three risks on each wall. You can, of course, take advantage of a long construction level, for example, in combination with the rule. However, it is still easy to make mistakes in this approach, and as a result, the line spent on the walls will not comply at one point. Therefore, it is optimal - to make marking using a water level - so the probability of error will be excluded.
  • Then, the marking painted cord is taken, stretched, aligns along two extreme points on the wall, and a flat line is fought on the surface. The third point, in the center of the wall, will serve to control. It is better to carry this procedure together with an assistant. If it holds one master, then one end of the cord will have to fix on the wall in one of the extreme points, and then spend it stretching and folding it.

  • Next, it is necessary to place the surface of the ceiling. If the accurate drawing is made, then the distances from the walls to the nearest longitudinal and transverse lines will be accurately known, and will remain to make marks and break through the line with the cord. In the event that the installation of the panels is assumed from the exact geometric center of the room, the axial lines are initially fought off.

  • Then, in all directions, the segments of 600 mm are noted, and color strips are also fighting along them. As a result, the ceiling must be "rated" into the correct cell with the sides of the squares of 600 mm.

Laying Communications

After marking, go to the next stage of work.

Since all communications can be hidden over the surface of the suspended ceiling, which are most often wiring for various purposes, then it must be done before the start of installation work.

In the event that it is planned to "embed" into the design of the ceiling lightingWith a considerable weight, it is necessary to take into account that you should choose the type of suspension system, which is able to withstand an increased load. So most often for ordinary ceilings The suspensions can be used to withstand the force only 6 ÷ 6.5 kg per square meter, but there is a fastener type, designed for more significant loads, constituting up to 10 and above kg / m².

Montage Karcasa

After completing preparatory work in CE, you can move to the installation of the frame. And start it from fixing on the walls, along the horizontal lines placed, the corner profile throughout the perimeter of the room.

  • If the walls are concrete, then the corners are fixed on them with a dowel with a diameter of 6 mm. To do this, through the metal corner, holes are drilled in a step of 300 ÷ 350 mm in which a dowel is inserted and clogged.

  • On the wooden walls The corner is fixed with a 25 ÷ 30 mm long, a diameter of 4 ÷ 5 mm.
  • If the suspension ceiling is mounted in the room with walls prepared for the trim plasterboard sheetsThe distance that it will be omitted from the level of overlapping should be foreseen in advance before installing GCL to the crate. In this case, an additional profile is mounted in the crate under plasterboard wooden bar In the place where a wall corner for a suspension construction will be fixed.
  • In the corners of the profile shelves can be laid on the On the other, or their protruding parts are cut off at an angle of 45 degrees.

Installation of suspensions

  • Further, by the interspersed lines, the suspensions are fixed by dowels or self-testers. Their placement is carried out in step one suspension per square meter.

  • In places of the planned panel installation, it is recommended to deliver, for insurance, additional suspensions at the corners of the square.

  • If the pendants of the suspensions were longer than the distance between the two ceilings, then they are cut, for example, with the help of grinding.

  • When installing suspensions, their lower hooks are recommended to focus immediately in one direction - this will facilitate the installation of the guides.

Bearing profiles

  • The next step is the installation of carrier profiles. They should lie on the corners with their edges, fixed on the wall. However, the corners are only a guideline, but do not fulfill in this case carrying role. Each of the profiles has special round holes through which they immediately wear on the hooks of the suspension.

  • The carrier profiles are mounted at a distance set by a predetermined drawing, 600 or 1200 mm from each other. Make it difficult to make a mistake in this matter - for this it will be enough to navigate on a shot down on the ceiling Lines and already located on them suspensions.
  • The general "departure" of the suspension must be accurately adjusted, that is. Tightening or omitting just below, so that the transverse shelf of the profile lay on the wall corners without a lumen, but without resting on it with effort. Control during work is carried out using a construction level - with proper markup in this position, the profile must take the perfect horizontal position.

  • In order for the profiles well on the hooks of the suspensions, the latter need a little compress the pliers.

Having finished the installation of longitudinal carriers, go to the installation between them the crossbar (jumpers).

Installing jumpers

  • The jumpers are installed between carrier profiles with a pitch of 600 mm. At both ends of the transverse elements, there are narrowed perforated "ears-locks" with rounded corners.

  • They are inserted into the slits located on the carrier profiles. Some masters bend these parts of the jumpers, pressing them to the carrier rail, then the design becomes more rigid. However, it is not necessary to do this at all, since the latches are quite reliably fixed elements among themselves, and after full mount Total frame required rigidity will be fully respected.

  • The hole holes are sufficient width so that they can insert "ears" from two jumpers, which are installed between two adjacent carrier profiles and are combined with the continuation of the common transverse line of the design.

Installation of panels

  • After the installation of the frame is completed, the next step is to install lighting panels or plates with dotted in them.

Panel - LED lamp

There are panels resembling a screen closed with matte glass. They are specifically designed for installation in the Armstrong system, therefore they have the corresponding dimensions - 600 × 600 mm. Powerful LEDs installed in such a panel give a sufficiently bright soft light, and for a small room one such a LED lamp is enough to create almost daytime diffused lighting.

  • The lighting device after installing the corresponding panel is connected to electric cablewhich is connected to the place of installation in advance, with the help of special terminals or pads.
  • Next, the installation lead, starting with whole ceiling plates. They fit into the skeleton cells, and, since the panels are small, they are extremely simple to mount them. These elements do not require any additional consolidation - they simply fit into the inner shelves of longitudinal and transverse profiles.

If the end to the wall of the design of the design is less width, then the plates need to be adjusted.

The material from which the panels are made are easy to cut the usual hacksaw, but first with a narrow cell you need to remove right sizes And transfer them to the stove. Then, read smooth line Cut slicer and pump off the excess part (or even cut off with a sharp construction knife).

In fact, after laying all the fragments in Dol walls, the installation of the ceiling "Armstrong" was not required to be completed. No additional finishing operations are required.

It should be noted that the most simple framework scheme for this type of ceiling was discussed above. In addition to it, there are others, for example, when the plates are stacked on the diagonal of the room, or even rows, but with the cells of the cells relative to each other - the design of the guides allows.

Ceilings of the Armstrong system open great opportunities In the interior design. They can be painted in different colors, apply the selected pattern on them, as well as decompose in the desired order. They can be mounted in the form of strips different color or in chess order, and well-chosen light panels will add general style Interior room of exclusivity and aestheticism.

And at the end of the topic - visual video instruction On the installation of the cassette ceiling "Armstrong".

Video: How to correctly mount the suspension ceiling "Armstrong"

If the stretch ceilings can be installed only with the help of specialists, then the wrap or drywall ceiling can be installed independently, significantly saving its budget.

Suspended ceilings in our time is the most common method of finishing the ceiling surfaces. It is beneficial for the price, it is available to do it yourself, the ceilings retain the ceilings for a long time. good view, they can be installed in different rooms and rooms, the main thing is to choose the optimal coating of the suspended ceiling for the room. Suspended ceilings are similar between them with a suspended construction, which is attached throughout the ceiling area in order to keep facing materials.

But facing materials differ from each other with the material of manufacture, installation method and appearance.

Types of suspended ceilings

  • Rush;
  • Tile;
  • Panel;
  • Cassette and lattice;
  • Stretch;
  • Plasterboard.

The plasterboard ceiling is also considered to be suspended, because the installation of facing materials is carried out on the frame structure. But unlike other species, the plasterboard ceiling needs decorative finishing with putty and paint after installation.

The main feature in the installation of suspended ceilings is that they are all attached to a frame that is mounted for a rough ceiling, only the design of the frame itself is different.

For a rack, tile, panel, cassette, lattice and drywall ceiling, a suspended ceiling frame is installed throughout its perimeter on carrier profiles, after that, the frame profiles are distributed evenly throughout the surface of the ceiling. The suspended design for the stretch ceiling is slightly different, it is mounted only around the perimeter of the ceiling surface and the edges of the stretched canvase are attached to it.

Making a suspended ceiling with your own hands

The suspended ceiling can be constructed and installed with your own hands, if you know the rules and principles of frame mounting and facing materials. The suspension ceiling is a metallic design that is attached to the ceiling and walls, and serves as the basis for facing material, holding it.

Before proceeding to independent decoration of the ceiling, you need to spend some preparatory activities.

Preparatory stage

  • Determine with the type of facing materials, with their necessary quantity;
  • Calculate the ceiling surface area and quantity essential materials for frame;
  • Prepare a draft ceiling, having previously cleared it from raid, paints, wallpapers and other finishing materials that can fall behind with time;
  • Provide yourself with all the necessary tools and materials necessary for work.

When the ceiling surface area is measured, it is necessary to calculate the number of materials for the frame and for decoration. Calculate the material better with a small margin than to lack the lack necessary material. Ceiling surfaces are often uneven, so the length needs to be measured along the long edge itself, after fixing the frame, the excess length of the profile can be cut off.

Next, you need to prepare the surface of the ceiling to the installation of the frame. The ceiling must be cleaned, removing the old coating from it. This will facilitate the installation of the framework of the frame and prevent the collapse of the old coating.

After preparatory work, armed with all required tools Both materials, you can start the ceiling finish.

With metal profiles for the suspended ceiling frame, you need to use very gently. They must be gently transported, prevent the formation of bends, convexities and other damage. Damaged profiles need to be replaced by integer, otherwise the design will come out uneven, it will be difficult to make the installation of facing materials, such a ceiling will not withstand the weight of the finishing materials.

How to make a suspended ceiling of plasterboard (video)

Instruction how to make a suspended ceiling

Step-by-step instructions for mounting a suspended ceiling will help make it yourself mounted ceiling, without the help of specialists. The first step in creating a suspended ceiling, this is the markup of the level of the suspended ceiling according to the level of the old ceiling, walls and height of the room. The ceiling layout is carried out using a construction level, chalk or pencil and roulette. Using a level, at the very upper point of the walls, it is necessary to carry out a small line in the horizontal direction. Then, with the help of a roulette and chalk, it is necessary to outline the lowest point, and on the walls outline the level of the new ceiling by the horizontal line, it will be a reference to install the frame.

After marking, you can start the mounting of the frame, for this you will need:

  • Self-tapping screw, dowel or anchor;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Drill.

On the perimeter of the upper horizontal line, which is scheduled on the walls, the guides are mounted using dowels, tongs or screws. After that, markup is made to install carrier profiles. From the edge of the guide profile, with the help of a roulette and chalk at the same distance, the future position of the carriers of the guides is scheduled, and then attached to the surface to the surface. The height of the frame is adjusted by the suspension, which is attached to the base ceiling.

During the installation of the frame, it is necessary to take into account the area for lighting, you can display the wires, set the cartridge for the lamp. After installing the frame, it is necessary to check its height according to the labels and the level of walls using the construction level. If irregularities and protrusions are observed, the distance is reduced by suspension by adjusting them.

After installing profiles, the strength of its fasteners to the ceiling surface is checked, as well as the hitch of profiles between them. If the design is mounted correctly, the irregularities are not found and the frame, tested for strength, can be searched for trim facing materials. Plates, panels, rails are attached to the frame plasterboard plates other decoration Materials, make a decorative finish.

How to make a decorative ceiling finish

Both the installation of the frame and the decorative exterior ceiling decoration can be made. On panel I. tiled ceilings Seen joints to successfully hide them, use a finishing tape or rack. The tape is superimposed on the joints, in the vertical and horizontal direction, forming stylish finish Ceiling surface. Additional costs and work requires finishing of a plasterboard ceiling.

Necessary materials:

  • Primer;
  • Putty;
  • Water-emulsion paint.

Splitty junctions plasterboard sheetsIt is necessary to sharpen holes with a hat from the screws so that the surface is perfectly smooth.

The plasterboard surface is hidden by primer, putty align the joints, comparing them with the rest of the surface. Prepared under painting surface can be painted.

How to make a mounted ceiling with your own hands (video)

Plasterboard sheets look perfectly on the ceiling in any color, you can safely experiment, repaint. Suspended ceilings are long-term in the service and are convenient in the installation by installing stretch ceiling Houses or in the office, you can forget about repairs for a dozen years.

The mounted ceiling is a design that is attached to the base surface, but is from it at a distance. This type of finishing is very popular, as it does not require alignment of the main ceiling. Designed structures of different species, of which you can create complex multi-level or standard flat surfaces. It is due to the variability and perfectness of the finished ceiling suspended systems Used very often. Set simple designs You can do it yourself.

The design of the hinged ceiling consists of a frame and a trim. The basis is usually metallic, it holds the whole finish. The lining can be made from different types of materials: plates, plasterboard sheets, PVC panels, rails.

Advantages of mounted structures:

  • No need to level and repair the base;
  • You can hide protruding communications and beams;
  • Suspended ceiling provides additional sound and thermal insulation;
  • Such finishes for a long time does not need to be repaired;
  • Constructions can be given an unusual complicated form, thus zoning the room or visually change the proportions of the space.

The cost of finishing with suspended structures is slightly higher than the plaster and staining of the base ceiling, but the investment will pay off quickly, since the repair will be required at least in a dozen years.

Preparation of the base surface to mount the suspended ceiling

In this case, the alignment is not required. The only thing to do is to check the reliability of the base ceiling, its strength and ability to keep heavy design.

If there are damaged plaster areas on the ceiling or peeling the paint, then the surface must be cleaned so that the slices do not climb the space between the base and trim.

It is necessary to dilute the lines of electrical wiring in advance, place the location of the lamps, ventilation, fire system, video surveillance and other communications.

One of the most important stages of work is to remove the installation level of the new ceiling. Hydroorrow will help to cope with this work. How to use it, look at the video.

Mounted ceiling of plasterboard

Designs made of drywall can be given any complex shape. This material is given preference in the construction of multi-level ceilings. The framework for such designs makes special profiles. The main species are two: the guide ceiling (it is fixed around the perimeter of the walls) and the racking ceiling (connects the guide elements together and creates a plane for fastening the sheets of plasterboard). For fixing racks to the base ceiling, special elements with perforation under the self-tapping screw are used - suspensions.

To make a frame of curvilinear shape, you can use a special arched profile or make notches on the side sides of the rack profile and give the desired bending.

To create corners, in the side sides of the racking profile you need to make V-shaped cuts and bend under the desired degree.

How to make a frame:

Next, you need to make the resulting frame of the carcass sheets of plasterboard. To do this, it is necessary to measure the area on the ceiling, cut off the desired fragment from the GLC and secure it with self-stairs on the guide and rapid profile.

To make a smooth slice, a sheet of drywall needs to be placed with a pencil, attach a rule or a long line to it and hold the top layer by the stationery knife. Then bend the sheet so that the gypsum filler burst through the intended line, and cut the second sheet of cardboard.

The drywall box needs additional finish. First, it must be primed, then sharpen the lines of the joints of the sheets, the hats of the screws and corner connections. Next, the surface can be painted enamel, water-level or oil paint.

Suspended ceiling from PVC panels

Most a budget option Finishing of the suspended ceiling - PVC panels. They do not need additional finishes and repair during operation. Plastic is well withstanding high humidity and low temperatures, so it is possible to use this type of finish in the bathroom, on the balcony or veranda. Designs from panels are very simple in care - any contamination is removed from them with a damp cloth. The width of standard parts is 25 and 50 cm.

The panels are equipped with grooves in which each subsequent sheet is installed and hides the place of fastening the previous to the frame. This ensures not only the simplicity of installation, but also the tightness and strength of the finish.

For the manufacture of the frame you can use metal profiles For drywall or wooden timber. The shaft step should be no more than 50 cm. The panels are very lungs, therefore only perpendicular racks are sufficient.

Do not forget about fire safety. Wiring lines under the ceiling from PVC panels must be hidden inside corrugations.

The set to install the suspended ceiling consists of a P-shaped guide of the plastic profile and the panels themselves. The guide elements need to be installed around the perimeter of the room, the ends of the panels will be installed in them.

Installation of panels:

At the final stage, a decorative plinth is mounted. It is necessary to glue it on liquid nails. The adhesive should only be applied to the other side that will lay down to the wall.

Armstrong suspended ceiling

Armstrong ceilings consist of a suspension base and plates. The frame for installation partially remains open, so its visible parts give an attractive appearance. Material for the manufacture of plates can serve: extruded mineral fiber, glass, plastic. The convenience of such a design is free access to hidden under the ceiling communications.

The frame design of carrier and transverse profiles is held on spring suspensions, which are easily adjustable by level. Instead of point lamps or chandeliers for Armstrong, it is advisable to use special built-in luminaires that are selected by the size of cells and plates.

Installation of the ceiling Armstrong:

During laying mineral plates in cells, it is necessary to use pure gloves. This is due to two reasons: the surface of the parts is easily dirty, mineral fiber can act on the skin annoying.

Rush ceilings

The design of the cutting ceiling consists of narrow and long panels and suspended carcass. Rakes produce from metal and plastic. The frame is collected from adjustable suspensions and universal carrier tires. Along the walls, the design is held by guide corners. The panels are fixed on the tire with special latches, so no additional fasteners will be required.

Reiki are represented by B. huge assortment. You can pick up different ones, material and texture elements that harmoniously complement the interior of the room. Two types of ridge fastening are possible:

Installation of the ceiling is made in several stages:

At the final stage you need to install a decorative profile if used open system Fastening the rails, and glue the plinth around the perimeter.

The choice of design and materials for the suspended ceiling depends on the set of factors. If the installation is performed by itself, it matters its complexity. The performance characteristics of the material play a major role. For premises C. high humidity and low temperatures it is necessary to select material steady to these effects. Masters and the complexity of the design of the design, for example, in the kitchen it is better to install a ceiling of plastic, metal or glass. From the painted surface of the drywall, it will be difficult to remove contamination from fat and gary.

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