What section of timber is best for the house. The right wooden house from a construction beam

garden equipment 26.06.2020
garden equipment

The first and budget option is sawn wooden beams. The dimensions of such a bar are standard six meters, since the timber is delivered to the sawmills on timber trucks of a standard size. Sections of sawn timber - 100x100 mm and above. Unplaned timber does not undergo additional drying, so the appearance of cracks cannot be avoided. Also, buildings made of sawn timber require shrinkage, and to prevent the appearance of “cold bridges”, caulking of joints will be required, and additional insulation of the house from the timber inside, followed by wall decoration. Prices for sawn timber from 6000 rubles / m3.

Profiled timber is a solid material for the implementation of a timber house project. It is planed on precise equipment, which allows observing the geometry of the walls being erected. The tongue and groove connection prevents the appearance of "cold bridges" and after shrinkage, it will not require caulking of walls, interior and exterior finishes. Due to the tight fit of the profiled timber to each other, the material has a low heat loss coefficient. The planed beam during shrinkage gives a smaller web of cracks, thanks to rational cuts in the grooves. The length of the profiled beam is standard six meters. A beam with a section of 190x140 mm corresponds to a log with a diameter of 32 centimeters, while it has a smaller cubic capacity, and as a result, a cost than a round log or rounded log. Prices for profiled timber from 7500 rubles / m3.

Dry profiled timber - made from chamber-dried wood. After drying, the moisture content of raw materials is 12-18%. The material is processed on the machine. The walls give minimal shrinkage, 3 percent, which means you can immediately build a turnkey house, which has definitely become an advantage. Dry planed timber practically does not crack, because the moisture came out of it in the factory. Price for dry profiled timber from 13000 rub/m3

Glued laminated timber has appeared on the market of wooden housing construction relatively recently. Production requires the use of high-precision equipment. The selected material is dried in drying chambers, and then spliced ​​together along the length and treated with special glue. Under pressure, the glue impregnates the wood. Then the material is passed through the machine, where the profile is cut. In size, such a beam reaches a length of up to 14 meters and a cross section of up to 26 centimeters. Glued laminated timber does not shrink and almost does not crack, so it does not need wall decoration, turnkey work can be done immediately.

Building a house from a bar is a great opportunity to live in an eco-friendly building, enjoying the silence. This aspect is especially important for a city dweller who is tired of street noise and polluted air. It is good that it is quite possible to choose a suitable variant of timber among the variety of goods. You just need to know the characteristics of each type of bars and compare your desires with financial capabilities. Here we have to consider these issues in more detail and determine which beam is right for you.

What types are there?

Since the choice of timber for building a house requires a competent approach, let's try to simplify the task, while understanding the essence of the issue thoroughly. Let's start with the fact that in local markets and hypermarkets you can find three main types of timber - planed, profiled and glued.

Each type must be considered separately, highlighting its main characteristics.

Planed timber

Such a bar is obtained by cutting a log - as a result, a bar with a section in the form of a rectangle or square is obtained. It has an undeniable advantage - a low price, which will certainly appeal to people with low incomes and those who are looking for ways to save money during construction. It is much easier to assemble a log house from such bars than from logs. And it is much easier to make a foundation out of it than out of bricks.

You have to pay for a low price - planed timber is made from wood of natural moisture content. And this means that its level will gradually decrease over time, that is, the tree will simply begin to dry out, and there will be some problems here:

  • Deformation - a wooden beam will begin to warp and can bend in the most incredible way.
  • Cracks - if they only affected the appearance of the material, then it's not so bad. In addition, performance will suffer.
  • Rot, blue and mold will no doubt appear where there is high humidity and ventilation problems. And this also applies to the material lying in storage in piles.
  • Shrinkage is one of the most important factors to consider when building a house. After all, the tree will lose moisture, which means that the bars will lose in size. The degree of shrinkage depends on the level of initial moisture content of the material and the conditions prevailing around.

To avoid significant problems with shrinkage of the material, a fresh log house made of planed timber after erection must be left alone for several months, preferably under a roof. During this time, it will settle and take on a more or less final form. If this is not done, serious problems may arise, because we are not talking about a few centimeters of shrinkage, but about more serious values. It happens that the owners of the house begin to think about the missed opportunity only when the door and window openings are deformed and when the wall decoration outside and inside is damaged.

  • Slots are also quite common when using planed timber, which is not a model of absolute dimensional accuracy. The gaps between the crowns can only intensify when the wood dries, so sealing materials are usually laid between the crowns, and the walls themselves are caulked to avoid the negative effects of humidity and cold.

Planed timber is more affordable than all the others and is the simplest option for construction timber.

The planed beam has dimensions of 100x100mm, 100x150mm, 150x200mm and 200x200mm in cross section and from 2 to 6 meters in length, so choosing the right size is not difficult. It is important to know that the moisture content of the finished timber should be in the range from 20 to 22%. If this indicator is higher, the material is considered to be of poor quality. Also, modern planed timber goes on sale being treated with various compounds that significantly extend the life of the tree and increase its moisture-resistant characteristics. But often unprocessed material is also found.


Profiled timber is devoid of some of the disadvantages of planed timber, so its purchase is more profitable. It also differs externally - smooth front sides and a comb / tenon groove on the workers. When choosing which timber is better, it is worth focusing on the moisture content of the material, and not on personal preferences.

When using a spike-groove connection, a heater is used, which is laid out between the crowns in the grooves. Even if the material dries out, the insulation will not allow the wind to blow through the walls.

Differences in the connections "Comb" and "Thorn-groove"

The comb, unlike the thorn-groove, does not require a sealant, since the protrusions are fully adjacent to each other as closely as possible. However, this quality will remain unchanged only in dry bars. When humidity changes, the parameters of the protrusions may change.

The advantage of a profiled beam is laid in the process of its manufacture - first it is dried to a moisture content of 22% or less, and only then it is milled on a tetrahedral machine. If the humidity during processing is higher, the quality of the material will suffer. High-quality profiled timber does not shrink as much as planed timber.

Often products are made with already cut "cups" for joints and corner joints. With this approach, you just have to assemble the house as a children's designer.

And yet, the profiled beam cannot do without cracks and shrinkage, therefore, after assembling the log house, it will also be necessary to leave it alone for a while.

The profiled beam has protrusions that allow you to fit the beams to each other with maximum density

The dimensions of the profiled timber are the same as those of the planed timber. Its thermal conductivity is 0.1-0.36 W / m * deg, and the thicker the timber, the lower this value. With an increase in the moisture content of the material, the indicator increases. Profiled timber requires additional processing, as well as planed.


This type of timber has the best characteristics and at the same time a high price. Low humidity is the main strong point of glued laminated lumber, which means that there are no problems associated with shrinkage of the material. It turns out that it is possible to build a house from it in just a season, without making technological breaks.

Glulam has low moisture content and does not require shrinkage time

The manufacturing technology of glued laminated timber allows you to get a product of the highest quality, which is devoid of all the disadvantages of raw wood and takes all the best from wood. This timber already has an impregnation that prevents rotting and burning, so it does not require additional processing.

Glued laminated timber can also be made to order, just like profiled timber. Some manufacturers have gone even further and offer ready-made kits with assembly instructions.

A novelty on the construction market is a D-shaped glued beam, which looks like a rounded log.

Externally, the D-shaped beam looks like a rounded log, which makes it even more attractive.

The thermal conductivity of glued laminated timber is 0.1 W/m*deg. This is simply amazing - a 20 cm thick wall of glued laminated timber is equivalent to a 1.6 m thick brick wall. With such characteristics, comfortable conditions are provided at any time of the year: in winter the house is kept warm, and in summer it is cool. In addition, glued laminated timber is good for both facade work and for the construction of internal partitions.

What to choose for building a house?

Of course, glued laminated timber surpasses all other options in terms of its characteristics. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it. In addition, lovers of an environmentally friendly approach may oppose the presence of polymeric substances in the composition of glued beams. In this case, it is better to use planed or profiled. However, this choice involves a rather long wait for a housewarming party, since a lot of time will be spent waiting for shrinkage. And this is where glued beams come to the rescue.

Comparative table of three types of timber

Environmental friendlinessEco-friendly, as it retains all the properties of natural wood.Eco-friendly.When bonding, resins are used that emit toxic substances.
StrengthThe tree may dry out, as a result of which the timber will begin to deform, targets and cracks may appear.Cracks and crevices are possible, as is the case with planed timber.The material practically does not deform over time.
thermal insulationAdditional wall insulation is required.When using the tongue-and-groove connection, a heater is used. The "comb" does not require insulation, however, if the tree begins to dry out and cracks appear, additional measures will need to be taken.Thermal insulation is not required.
fire hazardHigh fire hazard.High fire hazard.The fire hazard is lower, however, if the material is not processed, then the likelihood of fire will be the same as that of profiled or planed timber.
EconomyLow price.The price is slightly higher than that of the planed one.Relatively high cost.

How to choose quality material?

In order not to get into trouble, it is important to visually check the product for quality even during the purchase process. To do this, the beam is placed with all faces in turn on a flat surface, checking it for the presence of curvature and eversion. The growth rings visible on the end section are also important. There should be an equal distance between them - this is a guarantee that over time the timber will not begin to bend.

And so you are planning to build a house, and now you have a question from which timber to build a house. First of all, you must decide on the dimensions of the beam. This is very important, because if you choose a thinner timber than you need, your house will be cold in winter, in addition, you will have to additionally sheathe the house from a timber for insulation, or insulate the house from the inside. All this will not only entail unnecessary waste, but also add a lot of trouble. Therefore, first, the most important thing is to determine the thickness of the timber. Then you need to decide on the type of wood and the type of timber.

For your information, cedar timber is considered the most environmentally friendly and useful, by clicking on the link you will find out its properties, main application and what experts say about this timber.

What kind of timber to build a house from - types of timber and its thickness.

If the house is planned only for summer living, and you will not live in winter, then it is better to choose a thinner timber to save money. 100x150mm is quite suitable for these purposes. For a full-fledged stay in the winter in the house, the timber must be chosen thicker. Here you also need to focus on your winters, if it goes smoothly, then a bar measuring 150x150 may well be enough, for colder winters, take 200x200mm. It would also not be bad to consult with the owners of similar houses in your region, they will certainly tell you about the thickness of their timber and the comfort of living in the house in winter.

Now let's decide on the types of timber from which you can build a house. The cheapest option is the usual solid timber. Of course, you can build a house out of it, but the only advantage of this material is only the price. A house built from ordinary timber is subject to strong shrinkage, in order to minimize this it must be well dried, it is advisable to buy chamber drying timber. Further, such a beam should be very even - so that there are no gaps, and this is rare.

There are always gaps between the beams, therefore, choosing such a material, get ready to systematically caulk it, and annually treat it with various impregnations to increase its service life. Therefore, it can be used if in the future you plan to sheathe the house both inside and outside.

Profiled timber is a more suitable material, due to the grooves on the material, slot formation is significantly reduced. In addition, such timber is sold in a more dried form, which reduces the shrinkage of the building. But still, over time, shrinkage will occur, and this is the main problem of timber houses. For longer operation, such a bar also needs protective impregnations. You will also have to close the gaps with tow or other suitable material.

The most suitable material for building a house is glued laminated timber. Its quality, of course, largely depends on the manufacturers. Indeed, not only its durability, but also the size of the shrinkage of the house, slit formation, and more depend on what kind of glue was used, how dry the timber is. The price of glued laminated timber is not small, so not everyone can pull such a building material. Manufacturers of glued laminated timber say that a house built from it does not shrink, but this should be treated with caution. And in the future, if you want to do interior or exterior decoration, you'd better wait a couple of years after the construction of the building until it shrinks completely. You can read about the disadvantages of glued beams by clicking on the link.

From what timber to build a house, you already know the answer - the desired thickness is 20x20 cm, the timber should be profiled and even better glued. Instructions for building a small wooden house -.

Building a house from a bar - video

Selection of wood for building a house.

Now let's decide on the type of wood, which type of wood is better to use.

    If you are more or less okay with money, you can use Siberian cedar, this is one of the best materials for building a house or a bathhouse. It is an excellent antiseptic, therefore, living in such a house made of cedar, people get sick less, it is also a natural aphrodisiac, it has a purple-red tint. A house built of cedar will emit a pleasant tonic smell. You can read more about this wood.

    Further, a larch beam would be a good option for building a house, the positive aspects are a beautiful texture, the tree is stronger than oak, it is very durable. Having a high density material resistant to moisture. The tree has healing properties, a house filled with the smell of larch will have a positive effect on your health. For your confidence in choosing this material, I would also like to add that in Siberia there are houses built from this tree that are more than 300 years old. True, in order for the beam to be of high quality, it must be made of wood that is at least a hundred years old.

    Pine timber is the most common material. Its main advantage over other breeds is its low price. Also, the not bad quality of this material contributed to its popularity. Of course, it is not perfect, but it also has healing properties, and is resistant to moisture, and the structure of the tree looks good.

    Oak timber can also be used in the construction of a house. Its main advantage is moisture resistance and durability of the material. There are also minor drawbacks - high price, high weight and due to the high density it is difficult to handle. Some use it only for the lower crown where there is a high probability of moisture ingress.

Now you know what kind of timber to build a house from, you have the opportunity to choose both by the type of timber and by the type of tree. If you build a house sparing no money, then your choice should fall on a glued laminated timber from larch or cedar.

Your warm and reliable home is the dream of many people. A house built of wood is not only warm and reliable, but also environmentally friendly. Modern construction technologies offer various options for the construction of wooden houses. Perhaps the best is building a house from a bar.

The beam minimizes the unpredictability of the behavior of the tree during operation, and therefore is the optimal building material. Timber houses are completed within one season and have a lifespan of at least 50 years. There are 4 types of timber used in the production of wooden houses: solid non-profiled, solid profiled, glued profiled and the so-called LVL timber (from the English LVL - Laminated Veneer Lumber).

Which is better to use to get a house that is optimal in terms of price / quality ratio? Consider the pros and cons of each type.

Solid non-profiled

The beam is made from a single log, which has a round edge cut off on four sides. For the construction of residential buildings, as a rule, a bar 150x150 mm of natural drying is used.

  • low cost;
  • availability at any sawmill, that is, by choosing the nearest one, the issue of delivery of building material is easily solved.
  • warping, shrinkage and cracking - shortcomings of wood of natural drying;
  • wood defects - internal rot, flying knots, foci of damage by pests, fungus that appear after construction is completed;
  • the need for additional finishing - it is not subjected to finishing, therefore, it needs additional finishing;
  • the need for enhanced insulation of the seams - it does not have strict transverse dimensions and evenness of the saw cut, as a result - large gaps between the crowns;
  • low manufacturability - initially not suitable for the construction of walls, so you have to make additional strengthening of the bearing walls and corners of the house, and this is extra labor and time.

The price of a solid unprofiled bar of natural moisture is about 9500 rubles. per cube Plus the cost of finishing, mandatory processing with fire-retardant compounds and additional work.

Conclusion: not the best material for building a house, but if you have working hands, patience, accuracy and attention to detail during construction, you can build a house from it, and for moderate money.

Solid profiled

The beam is also made from a single log, only at the same time it is driven through special equipment, where it is given ideal geometric dimensions, a special lock profile is selected and, of course, planed to give an aesthetic appearance.

  • low probability of warping - the technology of industrial drying of wood makes it possible to achieve 10-15% moisture content in the final material with virtually no deformation effects;
  • does not need additional processing and fine finishing of the walls;
  • high connection accuracy (no gaps);
  • manufacturability - locking profiles greatly facilitate the construction process.
  • all possible defects of wood, which were mentioned above;
  • the need for additional time for shrinkage - after all, the existing probability of shrinkage and warpage of solid beams requires time for shrinkage of finished walls.

The price for a solid profiled beam of chamber drying is on average 12,000 rubles. per cube More expensive than unfiltered, but the final result is much higher in quality.

Conclusion: after processing with fire and bioprotection, subject to the construction technology, perhaps the best choice in terms of price / quality ratio, however, one must be prepared to deal with possible "surprises" of a solid bar.

Glued profiled timber

As the name implies, this type of timber is also calibrated and equipped with a lock profile. However, it is not made from a single log, but from separate blocks. They are glued under pressure with special glue.

  • all the advantages of profiled timber;
  • resistance to warping - due to the combination of different types of wood when chopping blocks for one log, further deformation, cracking is absolutely excluded and shrinkage of finished beams is practically excluded;
  • no need for additional time for shrinkage - a house built from glued beams does not shrink and is habitable almost immediately after construction is completed.
  • high price;
  • low environmental friendliness compared to a solid bar - glue is a foreign material;
  • the natural circulation of moisture inside the timber is somewhat disturbed, due to the use of glue, moisture is not able to circulate between the layers, because of this, a slight disturbance of the microclimate inside the house is possible.

The price of glued laminated timber is on average 25,000 rubles. per cube - twice as expensive as whole. However, it should be noted that the cost of a project of wooden houses made of glued laminated timber is no different from similar projects of houses made of solid timber, and in the cost of construction itself, the cost of walls is about half of the entire construction budget. Consequently, the final house will not rise in price by much. In addition, with a reduction in construction time, and when using glued laminated timber, as mentioned above, it is minimal, the cost of work also decreases.

Conclusion: if it is possible to spend money on this expensive timber option, then for the quick construction of a turnkey wooden house this is the best option, otherwise, it is probably better to stop at a solid profiled timber.

Beam LVL

The manufacturing technology of LVL timber resembles the technology of glued laminated timber, only it is glued not from a block, but from 3 mm veneer. Plywood is produced in almost the same way, only, unlike it, the wood of adjacent layers in an LVL beam is parallel to each other relative to the fibers. This allows this type of timber to be processed in the same way as solid or glued timber. When gluing, the density of the various layers is selected in such a way that the denser layers are located on the outside, and the soft ones are on the inside.

  • all the advantages of profiled glued beams, only raised to the rank of an absolute;
  • increased strength and elasticity, as well as indefiniteness in length, makes it possible to manufacture spans of any size;
  • increased moisture, fire and biostability.
  • the highest price;
  • the lowest environmental friendliness.

The price for LVL timber is about 35,000 rubles / m 3. Such a price makes it unprofitable when building the walls of houses from timber, but since it makes it possible to increase the spans without the use of supporting pillars and beams, in combination with other types of timber, it significantly expands the possibilities when choosing a project.

Conclusion: for the construction of walls is an irrational material, but quite suitable for auxiliary structures.

All conclusions are quite clearly shown in the final table:

Name Availability Techno-
Fire, moisture, biostability Strength Construction time Eco-
Risk of wood defects Conclusion
Solid non-profiled ex. bottom. bottom. bottom. bottom. bottom. ex. bottom. Satisfactory material
Solid profiled choir. ex. choir. choir. udov. ex. ex. avg. Very good material
Glued profiled udov. ex. ex. choir. choir. ex. choir. ex. If it wasn't for the price, it would be perfect
Beam LVL bad. ex. ex. ex. ex. not Spanish bottom. ex. Very expensive to build. Great for strength elements

Thus, what will be the house, it is always up to the one who will live in it. Materials for construction must be selected based on your requests and available funds. From the analysis carried out, we can conclude that the most preferable for building a house from a bar are solid profiled and glued profiled bars, however, there is also a place for other types.

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