How to paint ceiling tiles. How to paint foam ceiling tiles

reservoirs 03.03.2020

One of the inexpensive, but at the same time aesthetically pleasing methods of finishing the ceiling, is the installation and painting of foam ceiling tiles. Foam tiles are available for any budget, and the use of this material requires almost no special experience.

There are two types of such tiles - laminated and with a surface suitable for painting. The laminated coating may gradually lose its original color, the tile turns pale, spots of various origin appear on it.

Painting foam ceiling tiles solves several problems at once related to maintaining the interior in the proper form:

  • a layer of paint protects the coating from damage and moisture penetration, which helps to extend the life of the finish, strengthening its structure;
  • ease of wet cleaning - ceiling tiles without painting or laminated coating cannot be cleaned properly due to the penetration of dirt into the porous surface;
  • when painting, you can choose any color that best matches the chosen design of the room.

Tools and compositions for coloring

As a tool, the usual inventory used during painting work is used:

  • paint roller and wide brush for painting the relief;
  • brush for painting corners and edges of tiles;
  • containers for brushes and a paint tray for a roller;
  • protective equipment - special clothing, which will most likely be stained with paint, and goggles that protect the eyes from splashing and dripping paint from above.

Water-dispersion paints adhere perfectly to cellular plastic materials. Therefore, the question is whether it is possible to paint ceiling tiles foam has a positive response. The exceptions are substances capable of dissolving plastic gas-filled masses. Styrofoam cannot be coated with the following types of paints and varnishes and solvents:

  • alkyd enamels;
  • solutions containing acetone;
  • white spirit, nefras, thinner gasoline, as well as any solvents obtained as a result of oil distillation;
  • multicomponent solvents containing toluene;
  • oil paints.

Water-dispersion paints are environmentally friendly, dry quickly and adhere well to the painted surface. These include formulations comprising an aqueous base and a finely distributed binder. To paints best suited for painting plastic panels, relate:

  • water-based;
  • silicone;
  • acrylic;
  • latex.

Such paints are not able to dissolve the foam and have certain differences and features.

Water-based paints have a relatively low price, but they can develop mold due to their ability to accumulate moisture. Therefore, such paints are more suitable for dry, well-ventilated areas. Low moisture resistance also affects the possibility of wet cleaning of the coating, while the surfaces painted with water-based paint quickly become covered with dust.

Silicone, acrylic and latex paints provide a more even and smooth surface so the dust doesn't collect as quickly. Acrylic, silicone and latex, acting as a binder, give the paint increased water resistance and make the coating less susceptible to temperature changes. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost.

Preparing for painting

Before painting the foam ceiling tiles, certain surface preparation work should be carried out:

  • dust and other types of pollution are removed from the ceiling;
  • a check is made of the strength of fastening on the ceiling of each tile, if necessary, loosely adhered plates are re-glued;
  • with the help of acrylic sealant, the joints between the plates, the gaps next to the ceiling plinths (fillets) and baguettes are sealed;
  • when painting laminated foam boards it is recommended to lightly sand the surface with fine-grained sandpaper to increase adhesion - improve adhesion paintwork with a machined plane;
  • to increase the quality and durability of the painting, it is recommended to treat the tiles with a primer layer using a brush or a paint roller; acrylic primer is best suited for ceiling tiles made of foam panels.

Coloring process

It is possible to pre-paint the tiles before mounting on the ceiling surface, but in this case it will not be possible to seal the joints between the tiles, which will affect the appearance of the final result.

It is somewhat more difficult to paint plastic plates on the ceiling, but after puttying the joints, such a coating will better perform its decorative function and become more effective.

Painting itself is carried out in the following order:

  • the paint is prepared, it is thoroughly shaken, if necessary, it is tinted (giving desired color by adding other shades);
  • the paint is partially poured into the paint tray, into which the roller or brush is dipped;
  • it is recommended to first paint over the edges of the tiles and the areas adjacent to the ceiling plinths with a brush (a strip 3-5 cm wide is made);
  • paint is applied to the main surface with a brush, paint roller or spray gun;
  • the paint should be applied evenly, without smudges, trying not to bring the brush or roller to the end of the ceiling plane, so as not to stain the walls;
  • the first layer is applied perpendicular to the light falling on the plane, this will help to better control the quality of the painting;
  • after drying, the ceiling tiles are painted over again, the direction of painting is now perpendicular to the direction of the previous layer;
  • when painting with water-based paint, a third layer should be applied, working in the same direction as when performing the first.
  • when performing each new layer, it is recommended to rinse the roller and brushes well;
  • paint, especially water-based paint, should be applied in a thin layer, since if applied excessively, the paint may crack or peel off;
  • make sure the quality of the painting done by carefully examining the ceiling, directing a source of artificial light (lantern, bright lamp) at it.

Until the applied paint dries, do not open the doors and windows in the room. In addition, it is better to protect the painted surface from exposure sunlight by covering the windows with curtains.

By painting foam tiles, you can quickly and effectively transform the ceiling, thereby changing appearance the entire room. With the correct execution of the painting procedure, such a foam coating will retain its decorative properties, providing a harmonious combination of all elements of the interior.

October 3, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Foam ceiling tiles are quite practical and at the same time inexpensive material. However, in natural white, it looks cheap, as most often the structure of the foam is visible on it. This problem can be solved by painting the ceiling tiles, which, in fact, this article is devoted to.

In general, this procedure is not difficult, however, like any other work, it contains its own nuances that affect the final result. Therefore, further I will tell you in detail how to paint the tiles correctly.

General information

Many people doubt whether it is possible to paint ceiling tiles. It really depends on the type of material. If the coating is plastic or laminated, then it is better not to waste your time and money on such a finish, since you still will not achieve a high-quality result.

If the material is made of expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) and does not have a laminated coating, then its coloring will be successful. But for this, of course, it is necessary to follow a certain technology.

A few words about paint

If you decide to paint a foam plastic ceiling tile, then the first question that will surely arise in front of you is how can this material be painted? I must say right away that polystyrene foam is susceptible to chemical attack. In particular, white spirit and other solvents used in oil, alkyd and many other paints can dissolve it.

That's why optimal solution are water-dispersion polymer paint coatings:

  • acrylic paints
  • silicone;
  • latex, etc.

Since these paints use water as solvents, they will not harm the foam. In addition, water-dispersion coatings have other advantages:

  • odorless and environmentally friendly;
  • dry quickly
  • adhere well to the surface and are quite durable.

The price of these paints on average starts from 150 rubles per liter.

If you plan to paint the ceiling in a room with high humidity, for example, in the kitchen, it is better to give preference to moisture-resistant paint. Of course, it costs a little more than usual, but it will last much longer. In addition, you can perform wet cleaning ceiling.

Painting technology

So, we figured out whether it is possible to paint the tile, and the better to do it. Now let's move on to painting technology.

First of all, I note that this procedure can be performed in two ways:

Let's take a look at each of these stages below.


Before painting the ceiling tiles, it is necessary to perform preparatory work. They are carried out as follows:

  1. if the ceiling has been pasted over for a long time, it must be wiped with a damp cloth to clean it of dust and dirt;
  2. if you want to remove the joints, they must be carefully covered with putty using a narrow spatula. I must say that this procedure will turn the ceiling covering into a continuous surface. In this case, the patterns will resemble gypsum stucco.

This completes the preparation of the ceiling tiles for painting. The only thing you need to do is priming.


It should be noted that the surface of the foam material is of two types:

  • smooth glossy - paint fits well on such a coating even without a primer;
  • porous and rough - as practice shows, it is better to prime such material so that the paint lays evenly.

To perform priming, in addition to itself, you will need a paint roller and a pallet for it. The instruction for performing this operation looks like this:

  1. first of all, the primer must be thoroughly shaken;
  2. then the composition should be poured into the roller tray;
  3. now the roller should be dipped into the liquid and slightly squeezed out on the platform of the pallet;
  4. thereafter using a roller, apply primer to the surface of the ceiling in a thin, even layer;
  5. in hard-to-reach places, you can apply liquid to the surface with a paint brush;
  6. when the first layer of the primer dries, the procedure must be repeated to achieve the maximum effect of the primer;
  7. at the end of the work, the roller and the pallet must be washed in running water, since these same tools will be used for painting.

Since the surface of the tile has relief patterns, a paint roller with a long or at least medium pile should be used for priming and painting.


The final stage of work is painting the ceiling. This procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the paint - shake it thoroughly. If the paint is white, but you want to give it a certain color or shade, the composition can be tinted. It is best to deal with this procedure even when buying paint on a special machine.
    But, if tinting was not done right away, you can add color with your own hands. The only thing is that you first need to decide on the proportions of the dye. To do this, you need to dilute the color in a small amount of paint until the desired color is obtained;
  2. then the paint must be poured into the roller tray, and then dip into it yourself. Before applying paint to the ceiling, the tool should be pressed slightly to avoid splashing the paintwork;
  3. now gently work the ceiling with a roller so that the paint lays evenly and without streaks. Keep in mind that the first coat is applied perpendicular to the light falling from the window;
  4. after the first layer has dried, the ceiling should be painted again, but in a perpendicular direction relative to the first layer.

This completes the staining process. I must say that we considered the method of painting in a solid color. However, you can also use paint to highlight the patterns of the coating, for example, by painting them in gold or bronze color.

For these purposes, you should use special paints which are called glazes. Patterns are painted with a thin brush.

Also, interesting effects can be achieved if you apply glazes with a “dry brush” or even with a sponge. As a result, the finish looks very expensive and beautiful.


Painting tiles allows you to literally transform the ceiling. Moreover, this procedure is simple and fast. The main thing is to adhere to a certain technology so that the ceiling does not have to be repainted.

For more information, see the video in this article. If you have any questions regarding painting the ceiling tiles, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

Properly selected, it plays an important role in the design of premises, and its first-class performance properties increase its popularity and make demand for it consistently high. But in order to achieve the desired aesthetics in the room, you need to know how to paint the ceiling tiles, because the paint must be resistant to moisture, have high adhesion, adhere firmly to products, and meet other parameters. A large role is played by the variety of ceiling tiles used.

Figure 1 The beauty and uniqueness of the ceiling.

Types of ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles according to the manufacturing method are represented by the following varieties:

  1. Pressed. It is produced by stamping or pressing from polystyrene foam blocks. This variety is thin, its thickness does not exceed 3 millimeters, which complicates its transportation and installation, the surface is rough.
  2. extruded. It is made from special polystyrene strips by pressing and immediately painted in a certain color or covered with a thin patterned film.
  3. Injection. Manufactured from expanded polystyrene heat treatment, is different correct forms, deep pattern, convenience, ease of installation, durability and strength.

Attention: When choosing a tile, be sure to take into account its features, only then you will achieve the desired result, making the design in the room beautiful and unique.


Finishing the surface with tiles allows you to quickly, inexpensively and effortlessly update the ceiling. It makes it possible to hide various defects without leveling and puttying. The tile is suitable for living rooms, bedrooms, offices and other rooms with acceptable air humidity.

Figure 2 Use in the kitchen.

This material should be used with caution in kitchens and bathrooms, as the tiles in the kitchen are quickly filled up, lose their original appearance, and may become unusable due to high humidity. Only painting can save you from this. If you don't know if a ceiling tile can be painted, pay attention to its color - if it's white, feel free to get to work.

Painting ceiling tiles

Painted tiles can be used in any room, as the layer of paint protects the material from moisture, soot, simplifies cleaning, thereby significantly extending the durability, making it universal.

This procedure is also important for the attractiveness of the ceiling, because over time, the material turns yellow, and painting will help hide this flaw. The ability to give the surface the desired color, indispensable for the design of the room, allows you to realize any ideas.

Painting tools

High-quality painting of the ceiling is possible only if there is necessary tools in particular rollers and brushes. Their correct choice is the key to quick, easy work and achieving the desired result.

Figure 3 Painting tools.

The types of rollers are as follows:

  • Natural.
  • Foam.
  • Synthetic.
  • Fur.

Natural rollers are practical, comfortable, they perfectly absorb paint, and when painting, they distribute it over the entire surface.

Foam rollers are inferior to other varieties, as they do not absorb paint very well and do not always distribute it well over the surface.

Synthetic rollers are used infrequently, as they do not absorb paint well, and hard fibers leave marks after it is applied.

Fur rollers have positive reviews for the ability to absorb paint well, leave no residue after application, distribute it over the entire surface.

Despite the advantages of rollers, for painting finishing material in hard-to-reach places, brushes are used, divided into natural and synthetic. The latter are used for painting a small surface. If the amount of work is solid, and the quality should be at its best, use natural brushes that absorb well, evenly distribute the paint over the entire surface and leave no marks.

Paint features

When thinking about how you can paint ceiling tiles, remember that the main factor in achieving a positive, durable result is the quality of the paint, the requirements for which are as follows:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Dense structure.
  • Detergent resistance.
  • High adhesion.
  • UV resistant.
  • Strong adhesion to the surface.

The composition of the paint should not include components that adversely affect the material of the ceiling tile, for example, acetone, toluene and others.

acrylic paint

Acrylic compositions are the most versatile, they include resin and polymeric acrylic components. Among the advantages we highlight:

  • Variety of colors.
  • Lack of smell.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Ecological purity.
  • Fast drying.

Figure 4 Acrylic composition.

Among the shortcomings is only a high price, which pays off with its first-class performance features.

Water based paint

Water-based paint is a water-based emulsion, which includes pigments and particles of polymers that are in an insoluble, suspended state. Among its advantages:

  • Affordable cost.
  • Fast drying.
  • Even coverage.
  • Ecological purity.
  • Vapor permeability.
  • Lack of smell.

Figure 5 Water-based composition.

Among the disadvantages are possible cracking, peeling, instability to pollution, poor tolerance to detergents and cleaning products. But the affordable price boosts this paint and makes it popular for painting ceiling tiles.

Preparatory work

When thinking about how to paint ceiling tiles, do not forget about preparatory work. The integrity and strength of the material are checked in advance, if some tiles do not hold firmly, they are re-glued. Dust, cobwebs are removed from the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, acrylic sealant is applied to the joints. To prevent the formation of lumps during painting, to increase the adhesion of the laminated tile, carefully walk with fine emery over its surface. Then, cleaning is performed, which requires:

When tiles are found in the kitchen, the most powerful and effective detergents are used to efficiently clean the surface of grease deposits. Before applying cleaning products, protect your eyes and hands.

Figure 6 Surface preparation.

Attention: Read the instructions for use of the cleaning agent carefully.

After cleaning, let the ceiling dry well for 3-4 hours. Then, with a roller or brush, apply a layer of acrylic primer to the ceiling, which prevents streaks and stains when painting, improves adhesion, increases durability, and reduces paint consumption.

Having coped with the preparation of the surface, cover the furniture, floor, special plastic wrap, impervious to moisture and proceed to painting.


Decide in advance on the desired color, try to make it fit into the interior of the room as best as possible. Calculate how much paint you need for the upcoming work, select suitable composition, see how they are recommended to paint ceiling tiles.

For painting, acrylic and water-based paints are recommended, the advantages and disadvantages of which have been described above. To protect the wallpaper on the walls, stick masking tape around the perimeter of the room at the interface between the ceiling and the walls.

If the finish is smooth and even, it is painted with a roller, and in the corners with a brush, to paint the relief tiles, first use a brush, and then walk over the surface with a roller. If the relief on the ceiling is too deep, the best option for painting - an airbrush that allows you to simply, effectively apply paint even to inaccessible places.

Figure 7 Painting.

Painting starts from any angle, but you should not bring the roller to the wall itself, otherwise you can accidentally cover it with paint. To paint the section of the ceiling adjacent to the wall, use a brush. You should not take a lot of paint on a roller or brush, otherwise smudges are possible, and the layer will be too thick.

To make the surface uniform, painting is done in one direction. After applying the first layer, wait for it to dry and move on to the next one. To remove excess paint from the surface, you can walk on it with a semi-dry roller.

Using water-based paint, its application starts from the window in the direction of the light. The second layer is applied perpendicular to the first. Given the characteristics of water-based paint, it is recommended to apply it three times. Last layer applied, like the first, from the window, in the direction of the light. By adhering to these recommendations, you will get an attractive, high-quality and durable surface.

Attention: While waiting for the applied coat to dry, avoid drafts, close windows and doors, allowing the paint to dry naturally.

When the tiles are painted, check the quality of the work by pointing a bright lamp at the ceiling and carefully inspect it with different parties. While waiting for the paint to dry, avoid drafts, for which close the windows and doors, as this process should take place naturally, especially if the finishing material has a relief ornament.


Ceiling tiles significantly improve the design of the room, and to improve its performance, durability, the material is painted with acrylic or water-based paint, which have proven themselves well and have numerous advantages, in particular, high adhesion, moisture resistance, strong adhesion to the surface.

The procedure is performed with a roller or brush. Before painting a ceiling tile, remove dust, cobwebs from it, check its strength and integrity, clean and apply a primer. For high-quality painting, apply several layers of paint, remembering to allow the previous one to dry completely when applying a new one.

Painting the ceiling tiles on your own will not be any particular problem. Just follow the recommendations for surface preparation and paint application, follow the sequence of work, use quality paint and tools for its application.

The main gist of the article:

  1. The best and most common compositions for painting ceiling tiles are acrylic and water-based.
  2. Before using paint, read the instructions, find out its advantages and disadvantages.
  3. To pay attention right choice roller and brush, because the quality of painting depends on it.
  4. Carefully treat the surface preparation, clean it, apply a primer.
  5. Follow all recommendations, do not allow a draft when the paint dries.

Styrofoam ceiling tiles are a light, inexpensive and easy-to-work finishing material. To extend the life of the tile and add decorativeness to it, the ceiling is covered with special paints.

Why paint Styrofoam ceiling tiles

Painting ceiling tiles gives the surface a beautiful finished look.

The need to paint foam ceiling tiles is due to two main reasons:

  1. The main purpose of this procedure is to protect the material from negative environmental factors - for example, from high humidity, temperature fluctuations, mechanical influences. If you use paint with good water-repellent properties in your work, the surface can subsequently be easily washed from dirt.
  2. The second function of paint is decorative. The painted ceiling will look neat and finished interior detail. By painting the surface in a certain shade, you emphasize color scheme and the style of the whole room. It's no secret that white foam turns yellow over time. A layer of paint on the ceiling will negate such a lack of material.

Modern water-dispersion paints are presented in a variety of colors and shades.

The durability of the ceiling coating directly depends on the quality of the material chosen for the finish. It is desirable that the ceiling paint you choose has good density, was resistant to moisture and impact detergents, did not fade, firmly adhered to the surface and looked beautiful.

It is possible to paint the foam by far not with any composition. For example, substances containing acetone are not suitable for this purpose. Styrofoam ceiling cannot be painted alkyd paints, oil formulations also used extremely rarely, since the surface after drying does not have sufficient strength.

It is best to use water-dispersion paints for finishing, which include two groups of materials: water-based and acrylic compositions. Water-based paints have many positive properties:

  • they are non-toxic, environmentally friendly, safe for health;
  • dry quickly on the surface;
  • easy to apply with a brush and roller;
  • have good density and moderate gloss;
  • are relatively cheap;
  • presented for sale in a wide range of colors;
  • have good vapor permeability;
  • fireproof, resistant to the growth of microorganisms.

Please note: water-based paints are unstable to moisture even after they have completely dried. Therefore, it is better to use such material in dry rooms.

Water-based formulations also have disadvantages - for example, they do not fit well on previously painted surfaces and are not suitable for painting metal. If applied too thick, the paint may flake off, and in high humidity, mold will sometimes form on it. The surface painted with this composition easily absorbs dirt.

Second group water-dispersion paints- acrylic. They are made from polyacrylates and have the following advantages:

  • water resistance and heat resistance;
  • elasticity and good strength;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures, as well as to ultraviolet radiation;
  • brightness, rich variety of shades;
  • environmental friendliness and hygiene;
  • Easy to apply, fast drying.

The disadvantages of the material include high cost and poor vapor permeability. Just like water-based paint, acrylic paint bubbles and peels off the base if applied too thick.

Preparing for painting

To paint the main surface of the ceiling, it is most convenient to use a roller

To paint the ceiling, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

  • ladder;
  • paint tray;
  • construction goggles;
  • brushes and rollers of different sizes;
  • protective clothing.

Before starting work, furniture and appliances must be taken out of the room, and what cannot be taken out should preferably be covered with plastic wrap. If the floor and walls are not to be further finished, they should also be protected from splashes of paint. Protective clothing, gloves, goggles, and a hat will help you not get dirty yourself.

In order for the surface of the ceiling to be even and smooth after the paint has dried, the joints between the tiles must be sealed with putty, and then rubbed with fine sandpaper.

Acrylic coloring

  1. Having protected the furniture, walls, floor and yourself from paint ingress, you can proceed to finishing foam tile ceiling. All seams between the panels and other unnecessary recesses are sealed with putty and cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. After that, the ceiling is cleaned of dust with a dry cloth or brush.
  2. In order for the paint to lay down more evenly, the surface is coated with an acrylic primer.
  3. The paint is diluted with water to the required consistency, a small amount of the mixture is poured into the tray and the shade and density are checked by painting a small piece of foam.
  4. The ceiling is painted with a paint roller, and for hard-to-reach places use a small brush. During operation, the roller is moved in one direction so that the shade of the ceiling is uniform.
  5. When the first layer of paint dries, the surface is repainted to achieve a more saturated color.

Please note: if the ceiling tiles have a relief pattern, then it is better to use a paint spray gun to finish them. The tool applies paint by spraying and allows you to paint over all the bulges and recesses of the relief.

Water emulsion finish

To work with water-based paint, you will need the same tools and fixtures as listed above. The progress of work can be described in stages:

  1. First you need to paint the junction of the ceiling with the walls around the entire perimeter of the room. To do this, take a brush, dip it into the paint, wring it out a little and apply a strip 3-5 cm wide along the perimeter of the ceiling. This is done so that during further painting the roller does not stain the walls.
  2. Water-based paint is applied to the surface in three layers using a wide roller. The first time the movement of the roller is carried out in the direction of the light from the windows. Work begins from the left corner of the wall on which the window is located.
  3. To get rid of excess paint, an already semi-dry roller, on which there is almost no solution left, is passed over the freshly treated surface.
  4. The second layer is applied perpendicular to the first and only when the paint on the ceiling is completely dry.
  5. After the second coat of paint has dried, the ceiling is treated again. The third time, work begins from the corner of the wall opposite the window. The movements of the roller should be directed in the direction of the light from the windows. The last layer is best done with a new clean roller, then the painted surface will turn out to be homogeneous.

Please note: it takes 8 to 12 hours for each layer of water-based paint to dry. You can apply the next layer of the composition only on a well-dried previous one.

The quality of the painting can be checked with a bright light directed at the ceiling. Until the surface is completely dry, it is better not to open windows and doors in the room. It is also desirable to avoid exposure sun rays on freshly painted tiles, so the windows should be curtained.

Video: painting the ceiling with water-based paint

Painting a foam ceiling is easy. For this work, water-dispersion compositions are used, which are easy to apply, environmentally friendly, have good performance properties and an attractive appearance.

Painting the ceiling tiles allows you to tell the finish the desired shade. In most cases the material of this type has a basic White color, which is very convenient for additional decoration.

Ceiling preparation

The popularity of ceiling tiles is explained by a number of advantages of this finishing material. For this cute stylistic decision characterized by the presence of an optimal ratio of cost and decorative features. A variety of design plates allows you to choose the most best option for finishing various premises. Low cost and variety are by no means the only strengths polystyrene tiles.

Among other advantages of this material for finishing the ceiling, the following can be distinguished:

  • Washing ability. Excellent moisture-resistant characteristics allow the plates to withstand any wet cleaning and cleaning the surface from dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Long term operation. The service life declared by the manufacturers is up to 10 years.
  • Good quality. Despite the low cost, such a finish cannot be accused of unpretentiousness or rusticity.
  • A wide selection of textures and patterns. The base white color can be easily changed by painting the ceiling tiles with water-based paint.

Only polystyrene foam tiles for the ceiling can be painted. Plastic or laminated counterparts do not have this advantage. Some users, out of inexperience, begin to paint plastic, which ultimately leads to damage to the finish. The same applies to laminated products: such experiments can lead to the replacement of the entire skin.

Selection of paint for ceiling tiles

Having received an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint foam plastic ceiling tiles, they proceed to the choice of a suitable product. There are only two options for what paint to paint the ceiling tiles with. These are acrylic and water-based composition. Use for this purpose other paints and varnishes absolutely not recommended. Only the specified formulations have the most suitable performance characteristics, including fast drying and durability.

Acrylic and water-based paints have a fairly extensive range. This greatly facilitates the task of choosing how to paint the ceiling tiles. Materials of this type have the necessary strength, density, washability, water repellency, resistance to mold and excellent decorative characteristics.

acrylic paint

Acrylic compounds are a great option when choosing which paint to paint your foam ceiling tiles with. The high popularity of the materials of this line is explained by their reliability, bright shades, the ability to hide the surface well and dry quickly.

Among undoubted merits Acrylic paints include the following:

  • Hue saturation. This makes it possible to radically change any room.
  • Simple application. Painting is much faster than using oil paints.
  • High resistance to various aggressive influences.
  • The absence of volatile substances harmful to humans.
  • The elasticity of the material avoids the formation of streaks and bulges.
  • Vapor permeability. This saves from the appearance of the effect of blockage in the room. Highly useful property when used in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Completely missing bad smell during drying.

acrylic paint for ceiling tiles made of foam plastic forms a dense, uniform coating on the base. It is not prone to dust accumulation, resists moisture well and endures temperature extremes. When choosing acrylic composition its cost must be taken into account. When service life finish, the decorative layer begins to wear off.

water emulsion

It's about very quality paint what color ceiling tiles. Performance characteristics materials are at a very decent level, quite comparable with acrylic counterparts. The range of shades here is also quite large.

Water-based formulations have a number of strengths:

  • Cheapness. From a financial point of view, a water-based emulsion is much more affordable than an acrylic counterpart.
  • Excellent vapor permeability.
  • High level environmental safety, which allows for staining in residential premises.
  • Easy to use with no unpleasant odor.

Before whitewashing the ceiling tiles with water-based paint, it is necessary to take into account the low resistance this material in relation to moisture. In addition, the decorative layer quickly becomes dirty. Therefore, it is recommended to paint ceiling tiles with water-based paint in dry clean rooms, such as a hallway or bedroom.

When choosing the type of paint for your home, first of all, take into account functional purpose premises and repair budget. It is better to initially invest in high-quality material, which will last longer, and initially will have better decorative effect. Also, when finishing the floor, it is important to use a ceiling tile that can be painted. As mentioned above, it is better not to use plastic or laminate products for this.

Painting rules

Before you paint the ceiling tiles with water-based paint, you must take all necessary measures to protect the floor and walls. If this is not done, upon completion of the work, you will have to spend a lot of time washing off the dried drops. The room where the repair is being carried out is recommended to be freed from all items and furniture that can be taken out. Too heavy objects are shifted in one line to the center of the room and covered with a thick film. When starting work, it is advisable to put on work clothes and a headdress.

The technology for applying paint to the ceiling tiles is as follows:

  • Seal the joints between adjacent tiles with putty. As a rule, after gluing there remain small gaps that the paint is not able to block. This will achieve a solid finish: after the paint dries, it will look like plaster. Instead of putty, it is allowed to use acrylic sealant.
  • Preparation of the paint composition. Before that, you need to carefully study the instructions on the plastic bucket. As a rule, the manufacturer recommends diluting the first layer with water a little (by 10-20%). In addition, to inform the paint of the desired shade, the desired dye is introduced into its composition. To make the texture of the finish rough, a little sand is added to the composition.
  • All areas of the ceiling where putty was used must be carefully sanded with paint sandpaper No. 120.
  • The finished paint is poured into a special plastic block, where it is possible to roll out the roller. You can start painting the ceiling tiles with water-based paint from any angle, gently dipping and rolling the roller.

  • For decorating areas along the walls near ceiling plinth It is more convenient to use a paint brush with a soft bristle. The same goes for the recesses and patterns on the tile itself. Quite often you have to deal with a relief pattern that needs careful painting.
  • Having painted over the area that can be captured from the construction goat, you need to get down to the floor and move the goat to another corner. In this case, the distance should be enough to normally combine the border in the middle. This area needs special attention, because. this is where most often there are influxes.
  • After the entire area of ​​the ceiling has been painted, you need to walk around the room and carefully examine the surface of the tile for gaps. All detected flaws are eliminated with a small brush.
In order to get a quality finish, it is recommended to make another painting. Before that, you need to wait for the first layer to dry.

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