The better to paint the lining on the outside. Painting lining - how and with what to cover (paint, impregnate, process) wooden lining inside and outside the house, bathhouse, balcony

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

Lining is a finishing material that looks good in the interior wooden house. It is used for both residential and commercial premises. The wood from which it is made needs to be treated with protective agents. And to give an attractive appearance to the lining is applied decorative coating. Naturally, to create beautiful coverage you need to choose the right means for processing and materials for decoration.

Why process lining and how to choose the right funds

Before processing the lining, you should find out:

  • do you need to apply protective covering, or you can do without it;
  • in what rooms the processing will be carried out - in dry or with high humidity;
  • whether to apply a decorative coating, tint or leave it natural.

Having decided, you can proceed to the choice of impregnation and material for decorative lining lining during indoor areas. You can leave the lining uncoated, but this option is suitable for people who are satisfied with the fact that the wood darkens over time. Some owners specifically do artificial aging with a blowtorch. After this, it not only darkens, but also releases resin, which gives the surface an individuality. It happens that the owners of the baths do not process the walls due to the fact that they use cheap lining. It will be more practical for them to change it completely in a few years than to spend time and money on processing it.

In order to properly process the walls, you should know what functions the impregnation for lining inside the house should perform. So, the impregnation should:

  • give good protection from ignition, such qualities are given to wooden products by fire retardants, which reduce its combustibility;
  • protect from moisture, especially in damp areas. To do this, antiseptic agents are applied to the wooden surface;
  • protect from mechanical damage (chips and scratches);
  • protect from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Wood treated with UV-resistance products changes color more slowly;
  • provide bactericidal protection against insects;
  • give the walls a beautiful look. You can give the lining the desired shade using toning. Using varnish, you can make the surface glossy, matte or semi-gloss.

To give the tree the necessary properties, usually several compounds are used that have the necessary qualities.

Types of compositions - fire retardants, stains, varnishes and paints

All compositions for processing lining can be divided into two groups: protective and decorative. The first are designed to extend the service life. They protect against moisture, insects, the formation of fungus, mold. The second gives the lining an attractive appearance. Processing must be updated regularly, as funds lose their properties over time. Processing of lining in the premises is carried out by the compositions listed below.

Flame retardants reduce the combustibility of wood. This is especially important for living rooms. In the event of a fire, flame retardants prevent the spread of fire, help to extinguish it. They are odorless and therefore harmless to health.

Antiseptics protect against the formation of mold and fungus. Stop the spread of existing mold. Over time, the product is washed out and evaporates, so re-treatment is required. There are bio moisture protective agents that not only protect against fungus, mold, pests, but also give the tree water-repellent qualities and an attractive appearance. They are expensive, but they make it possible to refuse treatment with stain, antiseptic and varnish.

The stain performs antiseptic functions, but at the same time gives the wooden surface a shade. The most popular are stains that give dark shades. This tool does not create a film on the surface, but penetrates into the pores of the material to a small depth. Stained wood should be varnished, otherwise the surface looks dirty. Drying oil was previously very popular, but recently it has been used less and less. The tree quickly darkens, and after 2-3 years the surface becomes sticky. It is used for business premises.

Bleaches are designed to remove dark spots, areas with a blue tint, stripes from wooden surfaces. There are several types of such funds, differing in application and effectiveness. Usually the product is applied to the surface and after certain time washed off.

Varnishes are used if you want to preserve the naturalness and texture of wood. Indoor use acrylic varnishes harmless to human health. The first layer is applied transparent, without dyes, and coloring pigments are added to the second. Alkyd varnishes are more used for floors, as they have high strength properties. They are applied to walls in places where high mechanical loads are possible. Wax mixtures can serve as an alternative, which protect the wood and give the surface a semi-gloss shine.

Oil paint penetrates deeply into wood, provides good protection against moisture, and is resistant to mechanical damage. Used for decorative finishing. Disadvantages: low vapor permeability, dries for a long time, loses color over time. Acrylate paint is in many ways superior to its oil counterpart: it dries quickly, does not fade over time, penetrates well into pores, gives a rich color, and has high vapor barrier qualities. Does not crack if the panels led from temperature changes. This paint has one drawback - the high cost.

Technology for applying protection and decorative coatings

A novice builder at the finishing stage has to master new technologies. You need to properly nail the lining, know how and with what to process it, perform decorative trim. The coating of the material with the selected means is carried out in stages. Before processing, prepare the lining.

  1. 1. First, it should be cleaned of contaminants with a solution. To do this, dilute soda in warm water. Wash the lining with this solution. If there is an old layer of paint, for better adhesion, it is advisable to completely remove the previous layer in order to remove cracks and peeling.
  2. 2. Inspect the cleaned lining: remove mold, fungus, treat darkened spots with bleach. Finally, the panels should be wiped with a clean rag to completely remove dirt and paint residue. If there are damaged panels, they must be replaced.
  3. 3. At the next stage, we perform surface grinding. The operation is performed using a pumice stone or fine-grained sandpaper. So that there are no unpolished places left, divide the entire wall into small areas and deal with them sequentially. Grinding perform evenly, trying not to rub in one place and not to apply great effort.
  4. 4. The final step in preparing the lining for applying funds is priming. We apply a layer of primer to the wall with a brush or spray gun. Particular care must be taken to process the seams between the panels. One layer is enough. Sometimes a paint composition is used as a primer.

By itself or with a brush. For painting, prepare two brushes: narrow and medium - with the help of a narrow one, hard-to-reach places are stained. In order for the coating to serve for a long time and be durable, you need to apply 2-3 thin layers. The coloring procedure is as follows:

  • mix the paint and pour it into a small container;
  • dip the brush in the paint to half the bristles;
  • before applying, press the brush to the surface and smoothly guide along the panel;
  • then the paint is similarly applied in one direction over the entire surface, without affecting the painted areas;
  • paint corners and openings with a narrow brush.

Start applying the paint from the top so that there are no streaks. To eliminate color differences, apply a layer at a time. If necessary, interrupt work should be left in a place that is not visible. The next layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. We make the final layer of the minimum thickness, apply light uniform movements top down.

Lacquer is applied in the same way. If the product is tinted, then before applying it should be thoroughly mixed and periodically stirred during operation. We add less coloring pigment to each subsequent layer, in this case the surface after staining will acquire a deeper and more attractive sheen.

Lining has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity with finishing works ah both inside and outside the house. This material is not only reliable, aesthetic and durable, but also environmentally friendly. In order for the wooden lining to serve faithfully for many years, it is necessary to paint it or process it with a special compound. As a result, it is possible not only to protect wood flooring, but also to implement at your dacha best ideas, seen on numerous photos of interiors in various publications.

Lining painting: decorative paints

Today it is used for painting lining a large number of varnishes, paints and other preparations which, in addition to protective properties have high decorative qualities and can be different colors. The better to paint the lining, everyone chooses for himself.

  1. Oil paint

Best traditional way lining painting - applying oil-based paint to it. This coloring is applicable both inside the house and outside, as it reliably protects wooden lining from moisture. Oil paint dries quickly, does not change color, it needs to be renewed every 5-6 years, because over time it loses its luster and microcracks appear on the surface. In stores, you can find many different colors of oil paint suitable for interior decoration.

  1. Water based paint

Water-based lining paints can be used indoors or outdoors, but for facades and balconies, weather-resistant types of acrylic paints should be chosen.

A distinctive feature of this paint is its high drying speed and lack of smell. Work outside the house can be carried out at low temperatures.

Working with acrylic or latex paint is easy, it can be applied in several layers. Painting the lining in this way is durable, while the wooden base continues to breathe. Such paint is not suitable for painting lining inside a bath or steam room.

The cost of paint varies greatly, the higher the price per m2, the better quality and longer service life.

As a rule, acrylic paint is produced in white; this color of the lining is suitable for interior decoration in the Provence style. Lining paint can be tinted using special colors, and to realize any idea, photos of interiors and examples of painting lining inside the premises can be viewed on our website.

  1. Decorative impregnation

If you treat the lining with such paint, you can significantly extend its service life. Azures or stains allow you to simultaneously paint and impregnate a wooden lining. As a rule, such paints are produced separately for indoor and outdoor use, since they have a different toxic composition. With decorative impregnation, you can process or paint the lining in the bath, but this requires a special heat-resistant one. For a steam room, this option is not suitable.

The paint is produced in different colors imitating types of wood, which can help in the implementation various ideas interior design of an apartment, cottage or balcony The coating on the lining will be translucent, and in order to enhance the color intensity, it should be processed wooden elements several layers of paint.

  1. Silicone

Unusual materials such as silicone or plastic are also used to paint lining. With the help of such paint, you can decorate the interior of the balcony or the house outside in an original way. The paint will completely hide all the flaws and texture of the wood, which will allow you to process the old lining. It is better not to use silicone paints indoors, but to paint well-ventilated balconies, terraces or verandas.

When choosing how to paint the lining, keep in mind that different varnishes and paints behave differently on a wooden surface and can change color, this is important to consider if interior design is not the last place in the repair.

And for allergy sufferers and families with children, it is better to choose water-based paints and varnishes for painting lining indoors.

protective equipment

In order for the wooden lining to serve for a long time, and the house or cottage to remain beautiful, it is necessary to process it in a timely and correct manner. In this matter, all kinds of wood protection products are in a hurry to help, which can be used both outside the house and inside.

  1. Alkyd-based varnish

One of the best coatings for lining. It is strong, durable, reliably protects the lining from external factors, creates a protective film on its surface. It can be used both indoors and outdoors, for example, on a balcony. The varnish lasts up to 10 years, after which it should be updated and the lining repainted.

It is often used simply over a primer, allowing the lining to retain its natural color and pattern. And if the surface is first treated with impregnation of the desired color, and then varnished, then the interior will noticeably change. The best way protection of lining on the facade of a house or cottage, balcony or on the floor - painting with deck varnish.

  1. Water based varnish

In terms of protective and decorative qualities, it is not inferior to alkyd varnish, but differs in environmental friendliness and drying speed. Akvalak is suitable for painting lining in a bath or sauna, because it does not emit harmful substances. The finish can be either matte or glossy. Lacquer is easily tinted desired color like acrylic paint.

Due to the high environmental qualities, water-based varnish is actively used for painting lining inside the premises of a house or cottage. The varnish reliably protects wood from rotting and damage by microorganisms, is fireproof and does not cause allergies.

  1. Antiseptics

These compositions are what can be used to process the lining inside the house, and on the balcony, and on the facade of the dacha. Depending on the base, they can either simply protect the wooden lining from pests, mold and decay, or act as paint. Antiseptics penetrate deep into the structure of wooden planks and provide reliable protection from external factors and changes in the color of the wooden lining.

May include fire-fighting additives. In addition to colorless compositions, there are also tinted ones, the application of which in several layers will save you from painting or applying varnish to the lining, and when decorating the interior, it will give you many interesting ideas.

  1. Oils and waxes

How to soak the lining for the benefit of wooden product? Wax paints give not only a decorative effect that emphasizes the features of the interior, but also nourish wooden panels, penetrating deep inside, while creating the best water-repellent coating that prevents the lining from rotting. But the cost of such materials is very high, and painting the lining will not work without good skills. As the best option, oil-wax is used to finish lining in baths and steam rooms, because such a coating remains vapor-permeable.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of what paint or varnish will cover the lining, it should be processed in advance to ensure a high-quality end result. When working inside the house, the following steps are taken, without which the interior of your house or cottage cannot look like in a photo in a magazine:

  1. Treat the lining from dust, dirt or traces of old paint. For this, hard brushes are used, grinding tools and soft fabric.
  2. All existing defects: cracks, knots, chips - are filled with wood putty suitable color.
  3. If there are traces of resin on the wooden lining, then they must be treated with a solvent.
  4. Process the wooden lining to a smooth state. The best way- sanding tools, but regular sandpaper will do.
  5. The entire surface of the lining should be carefully treated with a colorless antiseptic or antifungal agent. After drying (1-2 days), a layer of fire-retardant impregnation can be applied.
  6. Using a brush or roller, apply a penetrating primer or another layer of antiseptic to the wooden lining, dry it, after which you can start painting.
  1. Apply paint to lining wide brush or fur roller, so the color will be uniform.
  2. The recesses between the planks of the lining, especially when painting a house, cottage or balcony, should be treated more carefully, since these are the places that are most susceptible to decay.
  3. Paint or varnish should be applied in a thin layer, to enhance the color it is better to apply a coating in 2-3 layers, carefully drying the previous one.
  4. It is better to paint the lining all at once, but if the work had to be interrupted, then the seam should be left in the corner so that the color does not differ much.
  5. Often, drying oil is used to paint the lining, but wooden elements can darken, so it is better to apply it as a primer for oil paint.
  6. To paint class B and below lining, especially inside the house, it is better to use opaque paints.

Design Options

Inside the apartments, lining for decoration is rarely used, except perhaps on the balcony. But there are many options for how and with what to paint the lining inside the house in the country. wood finish creates a unique comfort, but in order for the interior to become unique, it is worth creatively approaching the idea of ​​​​its design. Numerous photos of interiors trimmed with clapboard can help with this.

The use of varnishes and paints of various colors and textures will help to effectively zone the room. Part of the walls inside the house can be painted with a glossy azure of natural shades, and applied to the other acrylic paint required color. So you can save the pattern on the lining, and give the interior an original look.

The lining painted with stripes looks interesting in the interior. This idea of ​​alternating colors can be achieved with paints of two or more shades, a brush and masking tape.

A house in which the lining is painted white will look unusual and spectacular. This option is an excellent base for interior design, especially in Provence style. When painting, it is necessary to apply a penetrating primer white color and the use of a brush - so the color of the lining will be uniform, and the coating itself will look very neat.

By the way, in order to paint the lining in this way, it is better to choose waterproof paints or cover the finished coating with varnish. For painting lining in the Provence style, namely for such interiors, this material is the best, focus on paint in white, blue and brown colors.

In order for the wood in the interior to look harmonious, you should not paint the lining on the walls and floors with contrasting colors.

The balcony is a special room, if it is fully insulated, then you can cover the lining inside it with any varnish or paint, depending on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating the interior. But the cold balcony experiences a significant influence of the atmosphere.

When choosing how to process the lining on the balcony, first of all, you should pay attention to paints for facade works resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. First of all, these are decorative impregnations, which should be applied in at least two layers. The paint color for the balcony depends on the interior. Ideas on how to paint the lining on the balcony can be viewed on the presented photos and videos.

How to process lining on the balcony, inside the house, baths

Varnishes and paints for work inside the house or cottage should be environmentally friendly. It is best to use water-based paints and varnishes. Inside the house, the paint can be applied in 1-2 layers, since additional protection of the lining is not required. The best way to paint the lining in the house or on the balcony is to apply a decorative impregnation of a suitable color and varnish it.

It is better not to paint the lining inside the bath or steam room, since varnishes and paints rarely withstand high temperatures and begin to release harmful substances. The best way to process lining in a bath, inside a steam room, is oil or wax. Such a coating will emphasize wooden interior, will protect the lining and allow it to breathe.

The cost of painting lining per m2

The final price per m2 of lining painting will depend on the initial state of the walls, the cost of their processing, the cost of the chosen paint or varnish, the number of application layers. You can calculate the price of painting the lining per m2 yourself, knowing the consumption of the selected paint or varnish, usually the packaging indicates what area this volume is calculated for. Since it is better to paint the lining in several layers, keep in mind that the paint consumption decreases with each layer.

Much in choosing a way to improve the appearance of a home depends on the material with which it is finished. So, if the lining acts as a coating, then you will have to make a choice - what composition should the wooden panels be coated with.

Features of wood panels

Not so long ago, it was customary to understand the term "lining" exclusively as wooden boards, which were used to clad the walls of rooms both from the inside and outside. It can also be used as a finishing material for extensions to the house - balconies, verandas, terraces and even baths, subject to the correct choice of wood species.

To date, the number of materials from which it is possible to manufacture lining has expanded significantly.

Among them:

  • MDF panels;
  • Plastic panels (PVC and);
  • Wood panels.

Types of panels, of course, differ from each other. Speaking about the factors of choice, you should pay attention to such an indicator as the price, since it will also affect the appearance of the products.

The positive aspects of lining

  • At proper care behind the cladding panels, you can get a high service life;
  • The lining perfectly retains heat, protecting the house from extraneous sounds and noises;
  • Wood paneling is perfect for areas where the emphasis is on the use of natural elements.

How to choose a coating agent

After choosing the material for cladding, it's time to answer the question of how to paint eurolining from the outside of the house. There are several processing options.

Use of antiseptics

  • With their help, you can protect the walls of the house from the formation of microorganisms, insects, mold, as well as from exposure to sunlight;
  • Due to their special consistency, they can be easily absorbed into the structure of the material for which they are intended.

However, there are antiseptics and negative trait- these tools are not transparent, so the tree structure will not be visible.

Glazing antiseptics:

  • They are distinguished by a transparent composition, with which you can not only not lose, but also highlight the structure of the tree, as well as emphasize its color shade;
  • Like all antiseptics, they protect the surface from decay, microorganisms, including mold, and also from the effects of weather.

It is important! Before buying, you should pay attention to the features of antiseptics, since most of them cannot be subsequently painted over with paint. In addition, on old paint or an old layer of varnish, most of them are also not applied.

Oil based paints

  • Able to penetrate the wood as deeply as possible;
  • They can increase the resistance of the facing material to precipitation, and also prevent the penetration of moisture.

Disadvantages of oil paints:

  • The need for constant renewal, since over time oil paint loses its color, it can become dull, which is undesirable for bright shades;
  • Too long drying time, which can take up to several days. In addition, you should not apply paint in bad weather if the facade of the house is not protected from wind and rain.

It is important! If you are going to make a choice on how to paint the lining outside the house, do not forget to prepare a film to cover the freshly painted surface. This will prevent dust from settling.

Acrylic based paints

  • Color retention is noticeably longer than when using an oil-based coloring composition;
  • Acrylic paints are the most eco-friendly material when compared to the others.

Alkyd varnishes

  • With their help, it is possible to create a film that does not allow water to exert Negative influence on wood.
  • Protection against microorganisms in the form of mold, fungus, and insects.

Speaking of the negatives alkyd varnishes, then here it is necessary to highlight, perhaps, their composition is too dense, which does not allow the tree to "breathe".

Yacht varnish

  • With it, you can avoid the yellowness of wood;
  • Its drying time is minimal - 3-5 hours;
  • Creates a stable protection of wood against moisture and temperature extremes.

Accordingly, when answering the question of what kind of varnish to paint the lining on the outside of the house, one should take into account not only the features of the coating, but also the financial capabilities and other wishes of the owner of the house.

How to prepare the facade

If you are going to answer the question of how to paint a lining, which, you need to carry out some procedures that have a cooking effect.

  • The main point of surface preparation is the removal of dust and all existing decorative elements on the surface. These include not only shutters, but also platbands and other decorations;
  • In the event that the surface is contaminated or infected with microorganisms, it should be treated with special solutions;
  • In case of cracks, sealing is necessary. It will also be required at the joints and seams;
  • Do not apply paint to wet wood as the facade will end up looking unattractive.

Sometimes you have to apply paint on the old coating, which, in principle, is not very desirable. However, there are still several methods that will tell you how to repaint the lining without extra costs.

Attention! It is not necessary to apply a new layer on the old one, if it does not differ in integrity, it is better to remove it completely from the lining surface.

  • Priming procedure with drying oil and primer solution. The combination of these two compounds can give an excellent result, due to which the surface is leveled, and the danger of fungi disappears;
  • Carrying out lining polishing in order to remove the previous coating entirely;

  • Immediately before painting, the surface should be degreased with a special solvent. Next - let it dry and only then apply paint. This method of staining is the simplest, and the applied composition can remain in its original form for up to 4 years.

In the event that you, wondering how to paint a varnished lining, are not too confident in your abilities, you can turn to the services of specialists. However, it is worth noting that in any case will lead to additional expenses. With a limited budget, it is desirable to cope with the task on your own.

Some nuances

  • It is necessary to apply protective equipment at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees. Otherwise, they will not properly interact with the surface to be coated;
  • Facade walls must be dry during application, moisture must be avoided. Do not allow rain to fall on the painted part of the facade, otherwise the layer will be damaged;
  • We paint the lining with a roller only on flat surfaces. In junctions, as well as in hard-to-reach areas, small brushes should be used.

Thanks to the information above, you can find the answer to the question of how to paint the lining in the country, and also select the desired composition. Nevertheless, the same means may be suitable for processing the premises from the inside and outside, but no one forbids you to distinguish between them. This is especially true of the facade of the house - it is better to use more resistant materials.

Balcony painting

Most often, scuba gear is used for this purpose, which protect the wood, while helping to preserve the features of its structure visible on the surface.

Below are the most common options:


  • Creates a coating that helps repel moisture;
  • As part of an antiseptic that prevents the formation of microorganisms;
  • Protection from the rays of the sun, which allows you not to lose color;
  • It does not paint over the texture of wood, while the color spectrum of the composition is quite wide.

Are you thinking about how to beautifully and correctly paint the lining in the room? Try to use scuba for this purpose.


  • Increased resistance to ultraviolet and humidity;
  • Prevention of the appearance of microorganisms and fungi;
  • Emphasizing the natural color of the lining, regardless of the number of layers. The photo shows an example;

  • In the event that the coating is not affected by too low temperatures, its service life is very high.

The information above showed how the facade can be painted if it is made of lining. In addition, you learned how to paint a wooden lining if the inside of the room is finished with it.

A few more tips:

  • The quality of staining depends on how competently you can prepare the surface;
  • Equally important is the tool, use only high quality rollers and brushes;

  • Instead of one thick layer, apply 2-3 thin ones. So you get a more reliable coating that dries quickly;
  • It is important to know how to properly drive a roller or brush when painting: from top to bottom, without sudden movements.

In conclusion

The article above gives a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint the lining with your own hands. In addition, a video instruction has been posted: how to decorate the walls from the lining. There you can find all the answers to your questions.

Painting the lining is a simple task. If you have full information about all the details of the choice and paint and its application, the process will be as simple as possible.

When painting exterior wooden walls, you need to consider the type of finishing material. Clapboard, timber imitation, wood siding are one and the same material. These finishing boards differ only in thickness and profile. For all these types of cladding, the same paints are suitable, which can be applied using any acceptable technique.

If the wall is built from timber or logs, a different approach is required to the choice of paint and how it is applied. You need to know about this before deciding how and with what to paint the walls of a wooden house.

Do not be afraid that after 2-3 years you will need to renovate or repaint the facade. If you know all the rules and secrets of the staining process, the facing layer will not lose its properties even after 10 years. Many manufacturers of paints and varnishes (LKM) give a guarantee for a longer period.

Important points to know

Most homeowners who are not familiar with the nuances of choosing and applying paint complain that the very next year after painting, the facade loses its attractiveness. The finishing layer begins to peel off and crack. All these troubles can be prevented.

But even among specialists, few people know that in order to receive excellent result you need to change the way you paint wood. This job requires as much attention as painting a car. To obtain a durable facing coating, you need to perform several actions:

  • carefully prepare the tree;
  • prime the surface;
  • apply as many coats of paint as the manufacturer recommends.

Let's consider each of these processes in as much detail as possible.

How to properly prepare wood for staining

Drying lining

Careful preparation of wood includes several stages. The first of them is high-quality drying of the finishing material. If the lining is damp, the paint will not last more than 1-2 years on it. Already next season, its peeling and fading will become noticeable. The owner may decide that the quality of the paint or the inept hands of the workers are to blame for this, but in fact the reason is improper preparation wood or ignoring this important step.

The board must be dry before painting. Permissible degree of humidity 15-20%. But it is not always possible to achieve such indicators, especially for those facades that are already lined. Masters recommend using this method: build a canopy over the walls to protect them from rain, and dismantle it after 3-4 weeks. During this time, the tree will lose a sufficient amount of moisture and it will be possible to start finishing work.

There is an opinion that the process of drying wood accelerates the application of a high-quality deep penetration antiseptic to it. These include Neomid 46 Bio.

Penetrating into the pores, the composition replaces moisture and the process of its evaporation is accelerated. For these purposes, you can use any preservative with which to protect the tree during the construction of the house. On average, these compounds act for 6-7 months, after which they spontaneously decompose into biologically safe substances.

How to check the degree of humidity lining

  1. Cut out a piece of plastic film measuring 40/40 cm.
  2. With the help of adhesive tape, it is attached to the lining so that there are no gaps.
  3. Leave for 24 hours.
  4. Assess the degree of humidity inside polyethylene film.

If the surface of the polyethylene is wet to the touch, then the lining has not dried. Such wood cannot be painted.

Lining processing

An important point in preparing for painting is grinding the boards. All materials of average quality (grade B and below) need this procedure. Often on such wood one can notice “hairy” areas, profile irregularities, height differences in the area of ​​knots. All of the above are problem areas, without eliminating which it is impossible to obtain a high-quality painted surface.

Easiest to handle facing material before it is laid on the walls. In this case, you can use various tools: a milling cutter with a cutter of the appropriate profile, angle grinder with an abrasive disc, thickness gauge. However, the use mechanical way processing does not eliminate the need for manual labor. All recesses and protrusions of the profile will have to be sanded with sandpaper.

If the lining is already fixed on the facade, a nylon abrasive brush and a grinder are used to process the wood. The grinding process is not fast, but it will allow you not to think about finishing the facade for 8-10 years.

Wood priming

After the lining is smooth and smooth surface wood must be primed. Do not delay this process for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to determine in advance the type of primer and purchase its required amount. In this case there is important point: It is not recommended to choose the most inexpensive composition. It will not be able to provide high-quality adhesion and will not adequately protect the wood from moisture.

High-quality primer often costs more than paint. This situation is observed in different product lines of Tikurilla. A competent manufacturer knows that the most important part of painting work is priming. It is its quality that determines the durability of the paintwork.

For external works suitable for the following types of primers:

  • acrylic;
  • based on acrylic and silicone;
  • based on epoxy resins.

Regardless chemical composition primers, you need to choose those products on the packaging of which it is indicated that they are intended for facade work. Another important property that you need to pay attention to is the degree of penetration of the solution deep into the wood. On the primer it should be indicated: “deep penetration”.

Valtti Pohjuste - Valtti Pohjuste

It is not recommended to use alkyd compositions for facade work. They form a thin film on the surface of materials. It simultaneously protects the lining from pests and mold, and prevents moisture from escaping from the deep layers of wood. Therefore, the best choice is water-soluble primers, which include acrylic and (or) silicone.

When priming and painting the facade, special attention is paid to the south side of the house. She is more exposed negative impact ultraviolet. Therefore, on the north side of the house, the paint fades less and cracks less often.

The choice of paint for a wooden facade

Many homeowners make one mistake: they do not read carefully, or do not read at all what is written on a can of paint. This information contains the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer, following which, you can achieve the desired result. But before it comes down to them, you need to decide on the type of paint. After that, you can begin to familiarize yourself with the nuances of its application.

It is noticed that the fastest lose color saturation oil paints. They crack faster than others. The reason is the composition of these coatings and their viscosity. The latter property provides high covering ability, but does not guarantee the quality of the coating. So oil formulations rarely used for facade decoration.

The best choice for outdoor use - quick-drying water-soluble acrylate paints. You can pay attention to the products of the Tikurilla company. This manufacturer has a wide range of coatings for facade work. Excellent reviews about the paints "Ultra" and "Pica Teho".

"Pika-Teho" acrylate paint

For regions with unstable climatic conditions, characterized by temperature changes and cold winters, silicone-based facade paints are suitable. These compositions successfully withstand low and high temperatures, have a high degree of moisture resistance, and at the same time remain vapor-permeable. Silicone exterior paint combines best properties acrylate and silicate compositions, forms a durable uniform coating.

Characteristics of facade coatings

The lining can be painted with stain, tinting impregnations and oils. Wax or varnish is used as a topcoat.

Methods for painting lining

Before choosing a staining method, you need to learn about those rules for performing work, without which it will not be possible to achieve a high quality surface finish. The main point is the timing of the work. The lining is painted no earlier than 3 days after the last rain. During this time, the wood will be able to dry completely.

The air temperature must be positive. The boundaries recommended by the manufacturers of paint and varnish materials are + 5 ° С - + 20 ° С. It is also important to consider the time of day. It is best to start staining at 10-11 am. By this time, the lining will be completely dry from the morning dew.

Lining painting techniques

The easiest way is to paint the lining before mounting it on the facade. In this case, you can get a uniform layer, without smudges. The paint is applied with a brush, roller or spray gun. Since the boards are long enough, the work is done in spacious room or on the street. In any case, you need to do a little preparation.

If you decide to work indoors, you need to provide for the possibility of high-quality ventilation. Floor, furniture and household items are covered plastic wrap. This is especially important if you plan to use an airbrush. Do not forget about your protection. First of all, you will need cotton gloves. If the paint will be applied by spraying, put on goggles.

Painting lining with a paint brush

The process of applying paint is most simple if you use a quality paint brush. The best choice- semi-rigid bristles, with a fairly soft and even edge. The choice of tool also depends on the scope of work. Synthetic bristle brushes are more durable.

The staining technique consists of a few simple steps.

Step 1. Open the paint container and mix the composition thoroughly using any convenient device. Can be used wooden lath sufficient length.

Step 2 Immerse the brush in the paint for 1/3 of the length of the bristles.

Step 4 Slightly squeeze the bristles on the edge of the can.

Step 5 With light strokes, paint is applied to the tree.

Step 6 Repeat the process until all the boards have been painted.

Painting lining with a roller

Choose a narrow roller, equipped with a fur coat with a pile of medium length. You will need a paint tray, which is otherwise called a “paint bath” or “construction ditch”.

Step 1. Open the container and mix the paint.

Step 2 Pour the paint into a special tray.

Step 3 Immerse the roller in the paint to ½ the height of the roller.

Step 4 The roller is rolled along the corrugated beveled part of the cuvette. Thus, the paint is evenly distributed over the fur coat and the excess is squeezed out. One set of paint should be enough to paint 1-1.5 m 2 of lining.

step 5. The paint is applied by pressing the roller against the wood with a uniform force.

Step 6 Distribute the paint so that the surface is qualitatively painted over, and there are no smudges on it.

Step 7 Repeat the process.

The lining has a rather complex profile, so the edges of the boards will have to be painted over with a brush.

Painting lining with a spray gun

An airless sprayer can be used to apply the paint. This is the most successful way to perform finishing work with an already mounted facade. The spray method allows you to paint all hard-to-reach places. But the area near the window and doorways needs to be finished with a paint brush.

Apparatus such as paint sprayers can also be used to apply paint. low pressure. When working with these tools, it must be taken into account that some of the drops will settle on objects located near the workplace. This is because the output of paint from the nozzle of the apparatus is fan-shaped. Therefore, not all particles fall on the surface of the facade.

Working with a spray gun is more convenient than with a brush and roller. In addition, the staining process will be much faster.

Video - How to paint a wooden wall so that it lasts for 10-15 years?

Processing of material with protective compounds

For interior decoration, lining is most often used, and this is not surprising, because this material has proven itself on the good side. It is worth noting that it needs special additional processing, which contributes to a long service life, so today we will find out how to process the lining outside the house.

Reasons for processing panels

Most buyers of wood material are simply sure that it does not need additional processing and can be used in its original form, that is, in the form in which they purchased it.

This opinion, as you understand, is erroneous, because this way of using wood is short-lived, moreover, the raw material will simply lose its original appearance very quickly.

But if you look far into the past, it becomes known that people from very ancient times covered the tree with various compounds in order to protect it from external influences and factors.

Especially the material that is used for exterior finish, because he is under the constant influence of various factors unfavorable for him: wind, sun, precipitation, temperature changes, the invasion of pests that are just waiting for the owner wooden structure decides not to handle it.

All of these factors can lead to:

  • rotting;
  • mold coverage;
  • swelling;
  • fading in direct sun;
  • surface coating with fungi and bacteria;
  • loss of original appearance.

In the event that the lining that you purchased is made of coniferous wood, then when the temperature rises, it will begin to release resins. Such a process can lead to spontaneous combustion and various kinds of burns.

If the processing of wooden lining is done correctly, all of the above consequences are simply not terrible for her. This procedure is the guarantee solid construction which will last a long time and will not lose its original appearance. Panel processing is carried out in several stages, which we will discuss below.


The first thing to do with the purchased material is to clean it from dirt, dust and foreign parts. If the lining is processed correctly, according to all norms and rules, then it can be used in any room, even if the humidity in it goes off scale.

Advice! Processing eurolining is carried out on both sides.

  1. First, we rid the panels of roughness, for this we need a fine sandpaper, which is used for the sanding process. After such an operation, the surface of the material becomes smooth and the application of various compositions to it becomes problem-free.

  1. We continue cleaning the surface with a steel brush, thereby leveling the wood. If there are places on the lining that are already affected by fungus or mold, they need additional processing, cleaning of such areas should be thorough. In the event that you could not completely get rid of mold or fungus, watch the training video, which shows this process in detail.
  2. In order to get rid of the fungus on the surface of the material, you will have to use bleaching agents that can easily cope with this task. After bleaching, it is necessary to cover the lining with stain so that it does not darken and does not change its color for many years. Very quickly, with your own hands, you can achieve the desired result, if you do everything according to the instructions.


After the boards are cleaned and rid of fungi and other imperfections, we proceed to the primer. This stage is mandatory in the processing of boards. There are several types of primer and you have to choose one of them to use on the purchased material.

Acrylic primer

Designed for processing any kind of material, except for metal products. Typically, this type of primer is used for wood, which will be used to decorate rooms and rooms from the inside, for example, on a loggia. Acrylic primer protects the wood from mold and rust, which is important for rooms with high humidity.

Alkyd primer

It is intended for processing of surfaces from a tree. Any type of wood material can be treated with this primer. When buying any protective composition or mixture, you need to consult a specialist who will offer you best option.

Polystyrene primer

Suitable for wood processing. It is necessary to take into account the fact that this composition can only be used indoors. open type. The instructions for such products are designed to ensure that the buyer fulfills its points unconditionally and in a clear manner, keep this in mind.

The performance characteristics of the material are improved by applying a primer to the surface, which fills all the pores present on it. Also, over time, the wood will not sag and will be easy to grind.

Application of antiseptic compounds

Processing the lining with an antiseptic is one of the stages in the processing of wood material. Thanks to these means, the lining will not suffer from:

  • spots dark color, bacteria and fungi, mold;
  • insects;
  • humidity.

Important! When you buy any antiseptic, you need to make sure that you have a certificate that guarantees safety when using this product. If there is no such certificate, do not purchase the tool, for your own safety.

If the purchased panels will be used for interior finishing, then it is better to impregnate the material with a product, if it will be used for exterior finish- the type of agent does not matter here. Processing lining from the outside is much easier than from the inside.

It is best to purchase already processed material, because factory processing is of higher quality, especially since the application of funds protective type produced under pressure.


Before you treat the wooden lining with varnish, you need to figure out what kind of composition you want to cover the surface with. Today on the market building materials you can find a wide variety of varnishes.

From this list, you need to choose only one type, which one is up to you:

  • Lacquers are polyurethane. They are universal compositions, suitable for both indoor and outdoor work. They perform a protective function, protect the tree from burning out and fading under the sun. There are matte and glossy;
  • Alkyd-type varnishes, for example, are considered to be as versatile as polyurethane ones, only the price for them will be higher. Such varnishes contribute to the repulsion of moisture by wood, which contributes to the long life of the material;

  • Acrylic varnishes. Used only for interior decoration, because the properties of such a composition do not include protection against atmospheric precipitation. The advantage of such a tool is almost instantaneous drying;
  • Acrylic-polyurethane compounds protect the lining from mold and fading.

In conclusion

If you cannot decide how to process eurolining, seek advice from specialists or people who have already encountered similar types of work. If the budget allows, you can purchase already processed material, then all issues will be resolved in one fell swoop, more precisely, in one payment. Whatever means to protect the material you choose, the main thing is that it brings the desired result, and you do not regret your choice.

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