How to shepherd ceiling in a wooden house. Material

Garden technique 30.08.2019
Garden technique

Wooden houses are becoming one of the main elements of private housing construction. Due to the availability of materials and the rapid rates of the object, the consumer increasingly draws attention to the housing built from the tree. Especially since the tree is very convenient and practical material that allows you to create capital and original residential buildings in nature.

Mass construction of wooden housing causes increased demand For existing technology of interior decoration of wooden structures. If in terms of installation of the main structural elements of the building of special issues does not occur, everything is done at the rolled, tested scheme, then the ceiling device in wooden house - This is enough difficult task. In the process of finishing the ceiling part, it is necessary to solve several questions at once. It is about creating a solid and reliable ceiling overlap, simultaneously with the giving the ceilings of the necessary aesthetic qualities. What to do in this case, and which ceiling you need to use in wooden houses, we will understand more detail.

Specificity and nuances of ceilings in a wooden residential building

Wooden house Today, this is no longer a temporary building that is seasonally as a shelter or as a shelter. Most projects are a capital structure that is distinguished by strength and reliability. In such houses you can live round year, but in terms of comfort, such a housing is not inferior to stone buildings. Due to the features of construction wood, you can create the most fantastic projects of residential buildings, country houses and country houses, including the use of various interface options.

If used typical project, special difficulties With the installation of the ceiling design does not occur. However, in some cases, the construction of housing is carried out on their own and we have to mount the ceiling in our wooden house on their own, with your own hands. It is important to choose the right view of the ceiling correctly and use those decoration Materialsthat are optimally suitable in this case. The selected technology and the sequence of work determine which ceiling will be in the house.

On a note: wooden buildings Do not always allow the use of traditional finishing materials to work with the ceiling part. To achieve the desired result it is important to rely on project documentationnot neglecting the estimated data. In the process of finishing the ceiling, to the detriment of the strength and reliability of the design, you should not bet on beauty and aesthetics.

To avoid negative moments in the future, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of ceilings, designed for installation in wooden houses. To be accurate, then the ceiling part is layered cakein which each layer plays a role. When installing, it is necessary to perform work step by step:

  • overlap equipment;
  • arrangement of paro and waterproofing;
  • installation of a layer of thermal insulation;
  • gasket of the necessary engineering communications (lighting, ventilation and communications);
  • interior ceiling construction.

What can be finishing options

The use of wood as the main structural material of the residential building, imposes certain restrictions on the use of certain technologies. The underlying condition that should be followed during the work - the ceiling in a wooden house should be a light design that does not create additional load on overlapping. Accordingly, certain finishing materials are taken for work.

The most suitable in this case are the following options for finishing the ceilings:

  1. stretch ceiling, using the film;
  2. overhead plastic panels;
  3. panels from MDF;
  4. sheathing technological wood.

In each case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics interior premises and general level Isolation indoor space all buildings. Each option is better or worse for a specific situation.

For example: For residential premises, it is not always correct to use stretch ceilings made of synthetic film. The absence of a natural air exchange can cause formation inside the court and fourth air rooms. This option is suitable for the bathroom or kitchen.

Plastic panels In the tone of a natural tree perfectly suitable for the ceiling part residential rooms. This option is usually used when you need to observe all the subtleties and nuances of the interior stylistry. The ceiling in a wooden house with the use of MDF panels is the easiest and convenient way Finishes. The only minus, such a ceiling is very afraid of water. When working with MDF, it is necessary to carefully approach the solution of the issue with waterproofing ceiling overlaps. For ceiling equipment in a new building or with the reconstruction of old buildings it is very convenient to use the ceiling part finish natural wood. Often used wood-based finishing materials. It can be veneered panels, lining or laminate.

Important! Do not use for mounting the ceilings in wooden buildings such a favorite material like plasterboard. Wooden buildings over time always give a certain shrinkage, which naturally can affect the quality of the ceiling part, covered with plates of plasterboard.

It should not be massively used to finish the ceilings in the whole house plastic panels. The appearance of the interior in this case leaves much to be desired. In addition, plastic fuel and is capable of heating to allocate toxic components into the inner atmosphere. In wooden residential buildings, it is not recommended to use artificial synthetic materials. The main advantage wooden house - Environmental purity, so everything in the house must answer this criterion.

Varieties of ceilings for wooden houses

Usually in practice for finishing the ceilings are used various options. In most cases, consumers are trying to achieve maximum effect, investing the minimum of funds. The interior is the defining factors that you have to consider when choosing one or another option of the ceiling part in a residential building.

Suspended and stretch designs

If you are interested in how to make a ceiling in a wooden house, use the most common way. These are familiar to us, suspended or stretch designs. We are all accustomed that due to suspended ceilings or stretched film You can quickly arrange the ceiling indoors. To create a frame, a tree is usually used or other lightweight material. On already collected design The elements of the future coating are mounted, creating a solid canvas as a result. Quickly, beautiful and comfortable!

The only difference in both cases is the difference in the suspension. For the suspended ceiling, it is necessary to pre-install a durable and reliable frame based on the basis. Can be used boy structures Or make an additional new, aluminum frame.

In the case of a tension ceiling surface, a frame is used, mounted only around the perimeter of the room. This option is very convenient for country houses, buildings that are not distinguished by the special strength of inter-storey and attic floors.

For suspended ceilings, you can use a natural tree, panels that imitate wooden details and elements. Here attention is paid to the cost of materials.

On a note: Natural tree (lining) is an order of magnitude more expensive plastic panels trimmed under the tree. The tree can be used in small rooms in the area. Otherwise, the interior decoration of the house natural tree, including the ceiling, will be a costly.

From the point of view of ecology, the tree looks preferable, but the cost ultimately plays a key role. The ceiling basically plays aesthetic role, so investing large means in its equipment, it is impractical.

Thanks to the suspended ceilings, you can easily solve the task with the organization of lighting in the house. Electrical wiring and other communications are perfectly stacked in free spaceallowing you to use a wide variety of options artificial lighting. Stretched fabric or film provides large square closing. To that stretch surface you can choose any color solution, perfectly completing the interior of residential space.

Important! Provided that the new wooden house usually gives shrinkage, it is best to use stretch ceilings. The absence of a rigid frame will allow to achieve maximum tension of the fabric. Suspended ceilings are perfect for old wooden housesin which you can reconstruct and repair.

Due to suspended and tensioning structures, you can avoid trouble-free work on finishing the main surface. Suspended ceiling is able to hide all technological defects and unsightly places on the ceiling.

Brew ceilings and plastic panels

If not the technological ability to build a frame for suspended structures, you have to be content with small. Usually at dachas, in guest houses, where strength inter-storey overlaps Limited, used.

On the small square Beautiful plastic panels or MDF plates are perfect. However, in this case, pre-work will be required with the main surface. In this situation, you can use two options for finishing the ceiling:

  • clean beam overlap sheets of plywood or MDF;
  • using an inter bat side as an internal design element.

The first option is convenient because it allows you to solve problems with the equipment of lighting zones in any configuration. It will not be superfluous and the technical possibility of such ceilings for laying communications systems. A television or telephone cable, the Internet is perfectly hidden in free space. The second option is significantly limited. possible solutions In such situations.

For summer cottages are usually used by a cable ceiling. Using ready-made plastic panels, fane or MDF sheets, you can quickly and secure the ceiling part. Almost any color options are possible here. Plastic panels can have a specific pattern, designed in the stylistry of the entire room.

The essential drawbacks of such a design is non-compliance with geometric forms. The irregularities of the walls in the wooden structures of this type, weak floors become an obstacle to the rapid implementation of the intended.


The existing finishing materials and technologies make it enough to make a choice what should be. Much depends on what type of construction itself, how technological parameters of the building meet the requirements and tasks. Use stretch ceilings for large buildings is very convenient. The necessary effect is achieved. Uncomplicated installation And an excellent appearance. Wooden suspended structures are considered overhaul. It is appropriate to talk about the trim of the ceilings with a tree in large, massive buildings, when the strength of the structure and financial expenses are not concerned.

In most cases are used combined options Ceilings in wooden residential buildings. IN large rooms It is better to use frame suspended ceilings or pay attention to the submissive finish. For small rooms, stretch ceilings are actively used, wood trim. When choosing materials and finishing option, the ceiling part should not be forgotten about ecology. It is important to achieve not only the beautiful aesthetic perception and strength of the ceiling design, but also get a functional ceiling that provides a good indoor microclimate.

Each wooden design undergoes changes during operation. Cracks appear, the knots fall out, lose their paint and varnishes. Therefore, the repair of a wooden ceiling is an equally necessary process as the repair of plasterboard, stretch or concrete.

If there is a need to repair a wooden ceiling, the first thing you need to do is to hold visual examination of the surfaces. If there is information about how and from what the design is erected, it can be assumed that it happens behind the outer skin. But in most cases it remains only to guess.

Ceiling repair in a wooden house can be performed in several ways. It all depends on what this design is made. There are few options, but they are.

  1. Washed with clapboard.
  2. It is a staped ceiling.
  3. She is covered with sharply boards.
  4. From the outside, it is built from longitudinally or transversely laid beams, between which they are sewn by boards.

OSB plates and chipboard also made of wood, but in the device, the ceilings are not used. Or are the basis that requires external finish.

Reasons for the start of repair work

  1. With visual inspection, cracks were found in boards.
  2. There were or increased gaps between the boards.
  3. The boards "led", they curved, and their geometric form changed.
  4. There is a massive loss of bitch.
  5. The exterior finish came into disrepair: paints and varnish coating were lurking.

For completeness of the picture of what is happening with the ceiling, it is necessary shave with one of the sides. Anyway, but it will have to do. Otherwise, to identify and eliminate the cause of the troubles that occurred.

What will need for the repair of a wooden ceiling

Repair of a wooden ceiling do it with your own hands using the tools familiar to each owner. Expensive and professional will not need. For work with wood, you need:

  • screwdriver (preferably on batteries);
  • electrolovik;
  • plancock (better to have electric);
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • mounting;
  • passatia.

If the repair is large-scale, and the ceiling is covered with sharply boards, it may be necessary pleismus. With this tool align all the design elements so that they have the correct geometric shape and were the same size.

In the case of wooden ceilings, this is much simplified work. Rocking boards in the flight, remove the thin layer of chips from them, and they become like new. But for this purpose they are suitable in which no cracks and holes from dropped bitch. After breaking the design, you can always find wood suitable for re-editing. This will help to significantly save on the sawn timber.

Ceiling repair, clapped

Lining - the most popular material in the device wooden ceilings. There are several types of these boards:

  • standard or "peasant";
  • block house;
  • "Under the bar" or "American";
  • "Euro": "Classical", "Chang", "Soft Line".

All these products differ in two parameters:

  • profile;
  • castle configuration.

Whatever the type of lining was used when the ceiling wasised, the problems are always the same:

  • natural deterioration of materials;
  • violations of installation rules, vapor and waterproofing devices of the upper overlap;
  • wood drying;
  • rotting (the appearance of black spots, fungus, mold);
  • cracked appearance.

Stages of repair

Step 1. Repair of a wooden house ceiling start with dismantling.

  1. Find fastening points.
  2. With the help of a screwdriver, the screws are twisted or using the fir-handed tools, pull out nails.
  3. Take out of the grooves the first, extreme bar of the lining.
  4. Alternately disassemble all the others.

Each bar inspects, produce sorting to suitable for further use, and unsuitable.

Step 2. Inspect each ceiling beam. If there is a heatel between them, remove it. Conclusions about whether the replacement of one, several or all beams is required. The design of wooden ceilings can be different. The beams to which the lining is mounted may be part of Upper overlap, or be attached to these beams.

From the method of fastening depends on the process of the bruse and replacement of the bar. But in any case, you will need to perform the following actions:

  • with a drill or screwdriver, remove the fasteners, holding beams (it can be metallic corners or wooden bars);
  • if the beams are planted on "hairpins", in dismantling work Use the mount;
  • to examine wood and if it is suitable for further use, eliminate disadvantages (remove mold, coolant 2-3 layers of antiseptics);
  • dry under the sun or indoors with normal humidity air;
  • install the beam to the previous place.

Understandable for further use of beams with long longitudinal cracks, curved, rotten.

Step 3. Replacing thermal insulation material.

Repair ceiling in a wooden house do it yourself requires a device of high-quality heat and vaporizolation. Most problems S. wooden structures It occurs due to the low parpropusk ability to be used in the installation of materials. For this reason, an increased humidity is formed inside the cake, a detrimental for wood.

Most often, rotting processes begin in structures insulated with materials on fiber base (glass wool, stone wool, minvat). All these insulation have high degree of hygroscopicity. After moisturizing, they are heavy and lose their thermal insulation properties. What is not surprising, since wet wool is not able to keep warm.

Therefore, many masters familiar with the lack of fibrous insulation are recommended to be used as their replacement. styrofoam. Rumors about the harmfulness of this material are greatly exaggerated. If they corresponded to reality, polystyrene foam would not use as a package for food products, household appliances and other goods.

The cloth of the selected insulation is laid in the openings between the carrier elements of the upper overlap - beams. If the foam is mounted, it is fixed to the rough ceiling on special glue or plastic dowels with a wide hat, which otherwise called "fungi" or "umbrellas".

If you need to fix the ceiling plate mineral Wat.Used thin wooden railswhich nailed to the beams, placing in perpendicular to the direction relative to them.

Step 4. The device of the vapor insulating layer.

Repair of a wooden ceiling requires a device high-quality vaporizolation. It is a protective barrier between the supporting elements of the design and the outer skin (clapboard). Thus, protects the framework of the framework from excessive moisture intake. What ensures the durability of the entire ceiling construction.

What materials can be chosen:

  • reinforced or perforated polyethylene film (The second is used for premises with high humidity);
  • polypropylene film;
  • foil materials;
  • membrane films;
  • pergamine.

Requirements for manufacturing work:

  1. Vapor insulation material must be pulled evenly, without sagging.
  2. Between the canvas should be a total of 10-15 cm.
  3. The battery on the perimeter should be at least 10 cm.
  4. Rolled materials hold from sagging with thin rails or cladding from bars with a cross section of 30/10 or 20/30.

Step 5. Installation of lining.

First of all, the boards are prepared: align, processed by a transparent antiseptic.

If it is decided to cover the lacquer lacquer, most convenient to do this at the stage of preparation for installation.

Clampboards can be attached to any direction. But first choose the method of fixation. There are two of them:

  • on nails or screws;
  • on kleimers.

Mounting on nails:

  • install the first board on the place selected for it;
  • at the angle, they put the nail, retreating 7-10 cm from the edge of the board, but focusing on the location of the clawholder;
  • take a hammer and driven a nail on 2/3 of its length;
  • take Dobochnik and drive a nail along the hat.

Nails preferably choose galvanized and flat-cap. Such fasteners will be more comfortable in the mounting of the lining. In addition, galvanized hardware are not affected by moisture and rust will not appear on them.

Mounting on the kleimers is the best way, as it avoids the holes in the wood that minimizes the risk of its cracking. Stages of work:

  • along the line of the crate in the grooves of the lining, part of the metal kleimer is set;
  • finish nails nail it to the Bruck of the crates;
  • repeat the first two actions at all points of intersection of the lining with the crate.

When installing boards, it is impossible to customize them close to each other. It is necessary to leave a damper gap in 2-3 mm. It will ensure compensation of wood movements caused by expansion compression. They occur under the influence of temperature differences in the room.

Council. Repair of an old wooden ceiling may require removal of places of mold or rotting. For these purposes, household bleachers are well helped, which contain chlorine. In addition to removing stains, wood disinfection will occur. Next, it will need to dry well. If there are many stains, the bleach is applied in 2-3 layers.

If the ceiling is decided to lifting the clapboard, the first thing you need to do is correctly select wood grade and profile type. There are only three standardized varieties: A, B and C. If financial capabilities do not allow you to buy the first grade lining (a), you can choose the second (B). They differ mainly by the number and size of the bitch.

There are producers of lumber, which are offered classes of class "Extra". You should know that this variety is not in Gosstandart. He (grade) is invented by manufacturers in order to implement a qualitative, but inappropriate requirement of the first grade, sawn timber.

Wood recommended to choose with low degree of resinness. For economy option the best choice - fir. This lining is different light color, beautiful texture and durability. Spruce boards are much less than the bitch than others coniferous rocks trees.

More buyers seek to acquire a wooden house, as it is environmentally friendly, beautiful and natural. The alloy of these characteristics gives excellent well-being for residents healthy sleep and a unique cozy atmosphere. The use of new production technologies made it possible to significantly alleviate and speed up the construction. However, it is not always possible to entrust the construction of the housing to professionals. Then you have to stay alone with an urgent question: how do we make the ceiling in a wooden house?

Types of ceilings in a wooden house

The main headache during the selection of material for the future ceiling will be the problem of selecting the source material. Now their great set: wallpaper, metals, glass, mirrors, modules, wood. In a word, you can pick up everything that wanted, just enough of the funds. On the other hand, some options for the ceiling in a wooden house are more popular than others. Question: Why and how to cover the ceiling in a wooden house better?

PVC modules and their features of the workflow

If there is no need to save money, then PVC Panel helps to do it. Modules are widely represented on the market by manufacturers, in addition, they do not require additional painting. They are released different sizesthat will allow them to be perfectly fit into any room.

Moreover, PVC straps are:

  • With a matte surface
  • With glossy coating

This feature Help create Personal interesting project premises. In addition, the ceiling modules are much easier than wall analogs. In addition, they are easy to mount, which will allow you to set the panels even inexperienced.

Of course, like any material, PVC planks have some special points when working with them:

  • The modules are quite fragile, therefore it is not necessary to push or compress them on them, since the probability is great to leave an unsightly dent.
  • A diverse color of modules without difficulty allows you to disguise them under a wooden ceiling in a private house (read: ").
  • Not bad resistance to moisture makes the use of modules perfect in the bathroom or in the kitchen. In addition, they will fit well into the interior of the balcony or terrace.
  • There is more and more interesting coloring panels, which allows you to expand their applications to bedrooms and living rooms.
  • When installing this design, it should be remembered that the draft ceiling in a wooden house should be treated with anti-civil-livery solutions, and the wires should be placed in non-combustible tubes. In addition, it will need to thoroughly insulate.

Stretch designs

Based on how the general model is used when finishing the dwelling, you should make a choice in favor of the standard or unusual ceiling. One of the latter is the stretch design.

In addition, a similar ceiling may consist of adjustable suspensions having t-shaped system Fastening, corners, metal modules. A similar ceiling is called cassette.

Raster ceilings are aluminum structures on the suspension in the form of a grid. Such models are very popular, as they can be seen by mirrors, unusual modulesdiffering in invoice and forms (read also: ""). In addition, the care of the raster design is an easy task, and the installation does not provide special tricks.

Application of natural materials in the design of the ceiling

The above options for ceilings in a wooden house were mainly synthetic materialsBut there are those that are most suitable for the parameters of environmentally friendly products. For example, a tree that can be used both in wet housing and rooms and in those where dryness prevails.

Wooden rail

Considering the photo of standard forest middle strip, You can see the Trees prototypes of the future ceiling. This is elm, aspen, poplar, as well as many others. All of them are superbly suitable for the sawing on the rails, which are then applied in the ceiling trim. Moreover, each rail will have its own unpredictable pattern, which will create an adultery ceiling.

By acquiring similar material, It should be remembered that it takes a small treatment of wood sandpaper. In addition, for the best external view It is necessary to cover the rack of varnishes.

To mount rack ceiling required:

  • Pre-draw a drawing, with which you can check in order not to install the planks and modules in the wrong sequence. In addition, you can arrange the design on the floor, take a photo, and then taste with it.
  • Next, the rail toning is carried out to the place of its attachment.
  • As an attachment, you should use nails without a hat, as this will create the illusion of the ceiling airiness and hobs the clutch.

Lining: Advantages and Disadvantages

The lining is often used in wooden houses, as it perfectly harmonizes with the surrounding situation in both color and texture. It is a blackboard having a spool and groove.

Distinguish standard and euro lining. Them distinctive features Little and concluded in different quality of finishing, as well as in the depths of the grooves.

So, the positive qualities of Euro-lining:

  • It is cooked from an environmentally friendly, truly natural material.
  • The thermal insulation of the ceiling in a wooden house with such a clap will be on good level. The same is characteristic of sound insulation.
  • The design of the lining has air ducts on the back, allowing you to quickly evaporate condensate.

Standard lining has the same characteristics, but they are not so pronounced as an euro-competitor.

False ceiling and its features

If the ceiling must be hidden under the thick layer of something, due to its curvature and irregularities, then from drywall or polystyrene can perfectly cope with this task.

These designs are quickly mounted, give the ceiling a solid and curious appearance. In addition, the choice of materials will not appear a big problem: each construction store offers a large number of Possible options.

Attached a similar design to the crate, which is mounted from metal profiles. Snacking plasterboard sheets to the ceiling without a frame is not worth it, as it will reduce the reliability of the structure.

Positive traits Plasterboard:

  • You can build a multi-level ceiling, which will be spectacularly looked with the correct implementation of ideas.
  • Proper fastening of sheets is the key to lack of dents, cracks and other problems of this type.
  • Coating, with its wear, it is not difficult to replace, because you do not have to remove the frame.
  • It is possible to create a design in which the beams will be somewhat darker than sheets. In addition, these guides should be left protruding. Together, this will make it profitable to emphasize the uniqueness of the wooden house, as well as the ceiling will reflect more light.
  • Them positive characteristics are:

    • Resistance to the effects of sunlight.
    • No deformation due to service life.
    • Low price.
    • Divide only when using an unsuitable fastening solution.
    • Ceiling pie in a wooden house can be supplemented with a layer of fiberboard. It is much easier to stick to the tile, rather than on the draft basis.
    • The polystyrene ceiling will further increase the sound and thermal insulation capacity of the home. In addition, it can be wiped, but even not the most sharp home scissors can cut the tile. For completion, you can mount ceiling plinth, Which will hide the place of the joint of the material with the walls (read also: "").

DIY repair of the ceiling in a wooden house - the point is responsible. Despite the fact that the design does not bother more gravity (in most one-story buildings, it acts as attic overlap), Repair activities must be performed very scrupulously.

It will take a roulette, hammer, drill, spatula, level, hand saw. Installation of the ceiling begins with the manufacture of high-quality wooden carcasson which the carrying wheels will be held.

When planning to repair the ceiling in a wooden house, you need to make an electrical wiring plan in advance.

Features repair

When repairing the ceiling, it is not necessary to use the paint. Not standard but quite spectacular solution The coating will be a special composition that will retain the natural structure of the tree. Such solutions are not too expensive, but they give a magnificent result - the illusion of the real pine, nut, oak or cedar.

The reconstruction of old wooden ceilings has its own characteristics. She must pass gradually. The ceiling design must be inspired:

    1. Lay a vapor insulation material in the direction ceiling beams With the allowance on their height. Secure with rails or stapler.
    2. Choose a heater (foam, mineral or glass gamble, ceramzit, eco-tree) and to be used in the level of beams.
  1. Close the layer of waterproofing. If an eco-insulator was used as the heat insulator, then the waterproofing is not needed.
  2. Put a booth from a hill (across the beams). This design is necessary to prevent the deformation of the ceiling canvase during repair.

Special attention requires warming the ceiling near the chimney. The heat insulation must be fire-resistant (withstand temperatures above 200 degrees).

The heat insulation composition can be made with their own hands. For this, it will be necessary to 1 unit of sawdust, 4 clay units, 0.3 cement units, 2-2.5 units of water. The size of the insulation depends on the distance between the chimney and the upper beams. The composition poured into the form will be dried on a draft and in the shade. IN finished video It must have a humidity of 20%.

After finishing the insulation of the ceiling, you can proceed to its finish.

What are the ceilings?

The modern finishing materials market offers an extensive selection of ceiling coatings.

The ceiling finish in a wooden house must be performed in the same style with the rest of the interior. Most suitable options The sheaths are considered:

  • Wooden lining;
  • Beams;
  • Wooden panels.

Ceiling beams

Ceiling beams are considered one of the features of the wooden structure. If they are "beat correctly", the interior of the house will acquire a very unique look. In addition to natural beams, decorative designs mimicifying the building support can be created. They can be performed in different colors, have unusual forms and carved patterns.

Decorative beams can be positioned anywhere in the ceiling, and if necessary, transfer them to another point.


Wooden lining is a natural eco-friendly material that is fastened without prior shockting and alignment of the ceiling. It is a rail treated in an industrial method. Fixed elements form attractive natural coating. Quick installation of the RECEX significantly reduces the repair period.

The disadvantages of the lining include its fire hazard, requiring mandatory impregnation Fire resistant.

Choosing the cladding for the ceiling cover, you need to pay attention to the type of wood from which it is made:

  1. The pine lining is considered the most economical. It is characterized by simplicity of installation, pleasant texture and coloring. The main minus - when heated, the resinous substances are isolated.
  2. No less popular is linden lining. Its cost is slightly higher compared to pine, however, with increasing temperature, such a ceiling does not become "smiling".
  3. The lining of oak is the most expensive, but also the most reliable option.

In addition to the listed options, with independent repair, the ceiling in a wooden house is used by lining from alder, larch, cedar and other trees.

When installing the wallboarding should not be too tightly combined the boards. A small gap will allow the material not to deform when the moisture and temperature drops.


Facing from natural wood panels will serve no less than the house itself. As well as lining, panels can be made of different breeds trees.

The significant disadvantage of such a skin is considered a high cost and a complicated installation process.

Other Ceiling Options

In addition to natural wood materials, the top covering of the ceiling can be made of plasterboard, painted plywood, plaster.

Recently, wood plastered is practically not used. And this is quite explained: such work is not easy, and there is a lot of time.

Ceiling cover plasterboard implies preliminary installation Metal or wooden frame. By itself, this material is characterized by good noise insulation, durability and high confrontation of the extension (or shrinkage) of the wooden structure.


The modern "finishing" market offers a great many materials for independent repair Ceiling in a wooden house. However, the most the best option Is still a tree!

Wooden houses on country areas Evoid great popularity today. The arrangement of such buildings includes a plurality of stages. One of the most important is the ceiling finish, which significantly prolongs its service life and improves the interior of the room.

In this article we will consider the most common options for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house.

Materials and their features

First of all, the finishing materials for the ceiling in a wooden house should be harmonized with the surrounding environment inside the building, including wooden walls.


Nowadays, there are many special mixtures that will help make the ceiling smooth, smooth and light.

But if they are pretty pretty, you do not suit you, then you can contact the method that our ancestors have used repeatedly:

  • Relieve a relief mesh from the three-graduatest rails.
  • Fix it with nails to the ceiling surface.

Tip: Instead of the RECEK, you can use the ready-made kapron frame network.
It will significantly reduce the amount and facilitates the necessary work.

  • We divor the asbestos plaster with water in the percentage ratio marked on the package.
  • We apply two layers of the solution, giving driving the previous one.


The fact is that it is very compliant in wet as clay, and when it works, it takes a solid solid shape. What is ideal for creating various unusual designs.

Also, plasterboard are inherent in the following qualities:

  • Long service life. Compliance proper technology Installation guarantees more than a decade of service.
  • Ease of service. Just tying fading places.


The decoration of the ceilings in a wooden house with a lining perfectly harmonizes with the walls of the building.

In addition, it still has a solid list of advantages:

  • Available cost. You can always choose the less expensive breed of trees with a limited budget.
  • Environmental purity due to natural origin.
  • Low thermal conductivity that allows you to maintain heat inside the house.

Tip: Installation of the lining perfectly allows additional laying under its surface of the insulation material.
So you can further increase the heat-saving properties of the construction.

  • High sound insulation. It will help to burn out from the noise of rain.
  • Long service life.

Tip: Use for fixing products of kleimers will allow fully hidden fasteners.

Veneered panels

This is very interesting materials For finishing the ceiling in a wooden house. The manufacturing technology of such panels is that on the board from the cheap wood special technology Printed slim layer from 0.5 mm to 3 mm of expensive wood. So we get the same lining with all the merits inherent in her, just looking much richer.


This is what is trying to imitate veneer. Real expensive trees. But copying appearance, the veneered panel will never be able to compare with the quality of the array.

The instruction of its installation is similar to clap, but the characteristics, of course, differ:

  • Very high strength.
  • Long service life calculated by decades.
  • Solid aesthetic appearance.
  • High price.


The ceiling finish in a wooden house plywood is more economical and simple optionHow to use tie boards. The wooded plate is made of high-quality veneer, which allows it to fit well into the woody environment and at the same time remain cheap.

Mounting work with it are faster thanks large sizes And easy weight, but the assistant requires.

Stretch ceiling

This striking innovation is remarkably coming to the house from any material, but in the case of the log cabin there is an additional nuance. Suspended ceiling due to its elasticity is not afraid of the inevitable shrinkage of the building. Therefore, it can be installed immediately after the construction of the construction.


  • Beautiful appearance.
  • A wide range of colors.

  • Unique moisture resistance. If suddenly the roof of your home leaks, it will stretch, copying all the water, and will wait for the service personnel to pump the liquid.

  • High noise insulation.


  • High price.
  • The complexity of the installation work.


If your budget is significantly limited, the use of even plywood is considered, then refer to the plastic. It is much cheaper and able to have almost any color, imitating more expensive materials.

Full practical optionwhich, of course, will not replace the reliability and heat of the tree, but will be able to create its visibility.


To decorate and protect the ceiling in a wooden house, there are many decoration materials.

They are all different:

  • complexity of installation;
  • appearance;
  • worth;
  • and many other characteristics.

You can easily choose the option that meets the size of the budget allocated to finish and your preferences.

The video in this article will introduce you to more information. Have a good choice!

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