Do-it-yourself competition: create a loft-style interior and save $7.5 thousand equivalent on repairs. How to create a trendy loft-style interior? Self-renovation of a loft-style apartment ne

Landscaping and planning 29.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Modern trends in the design sphere use a wide variety of approaches to interior design, one of which is the loft style. This trend in design has its own characteristics, which can be organically integrated into the overall interior, which gives atmosphere and zest to the atmosphere.

Features of repairing an apartment in a loft style

Loft is a style of architecture typical for rooms designed in the 20th and 21st centuries, that is, it is a very young trend in the field of design. Main Feature loft is the use of industrial elements in the design. A refurbishment of a loft-style apartment may have a ceiling with beams that are used to install ceilings in factories, the walls may be finished with red or gray bricks without cladding, and the lighting system, for example, may consist of light bulbs without shades. Renovation of an apartment in a loft style is distinguished by originality and originality, which is very much appreciated these days. In addition, this interior design can be described as "severe comfort", but despite all the rudeness of some elements, they fit very naturally into big picture creating a unique environment.

Design solutions for the renovation of a loft-style apartment

When developing a loft-style apartment renovation project, photo examples of which can be easily found on the Internet, they are presented in in large numbers, it is worth considering not only the style of design, but also the comfort and practicality of operating individual zones. For example, a loft-style studio apartment is perfect for a single and independent man who this moment does not plan to become a family man.

Such housing reflects his personality and is saturated with masculinity. And if you are a member of a large friendly family, then you already need a bigger apartment, since the renovation one-room apartment in the loft style will not be able to meet the needs of your friendly "team". At the same time, you should not think that the elements in the nursery, decorated in this style, will be harsh and gloomy - no one has canceled the use colors, and your kids will be delighted with the drawing boards hung on the walls.

The cost of renovating an apartment in a loft style

There is no guarantee that loft-style repairs will be very cheap. Given the popularity of this style and the use of a wide variety of materials to bring design fantasies to life, decorating an apartment in a loft style can cost a pretty penny. Wherein this indicator is individual - it all depends on the choice of contractor, Supplies, unplanned expenses, sudden ideas and the difficulty of their execution.

Translated from English, "Loft" means "attic". In addition, this word denotes the upper premises of the warehouse. This style began to gain popularity in the middle of the 20th century in the USA, when the empty warehouse and industrial premises were actively converted into residential premises and offices. Today, the influence of the Loft style has spread throughout the world thanks to its hallmarks playing into the hands of the hosts. People are fascinated by the space that accompanies this style and the combination of ultra-modern materials, technology with aged interior decoration, vintage sanitary ware and furniture, typical of industrialization times.

Today we will learn the features of this iconic style for Americans, the options for finishing and decorating in the Loft kitchen, together we will consider interesting photos, and also consider whether Loft and are compatible.

4 main style features

To begin, consider characteristics style:

  1. The iconic difference is the combination of ultra-modern materials with restored floors, brickwork and rough plaster on the walls, pipes "in plain sight". The fusion of new and old here looks harmonious as nowhere else.
  1. High ceilings set the tone for the space. Repair in the spirit of Loft will fit perfectly, for example, to an apartment in "Stalinka", in a pre-revolutionary house or in a new building with an individual layout and high (preferably even high!) Ceilings.

  1. The room is divided into zones, not rooms: with the help of furniture, color or lighting, the space is divided into functional purpose. The living room is most often a continuation of the kitchen, and may differ slightly in color.

  1. Non-standard decor items, reminiscent of the “factory” origin of the room, will look very handy here.

Repair Ideas

At first it may seem that the design of a Loft-style kitchen is a low-cost affair, because everything looks “factory-like” there, rude and deliberately unfinished. However, repairs with thoughtful negligence and appropriate finishing here require high costs both financial and labor. Sometimes a brick in the interior of the kitchen is obtained, as they say, “from the developer”, when you only need to get to it in the process of repairing and decorating the walls. If the brick was not used during construction, then you can depict an imitation of brickwork, for example, with wallpaper with a pattern. At the same time, if the kitchen is small, then we advise you to limit yourself to brickwork on only one of the walls, and the neighboring ones can be stone or even leave a concrete base.

If the latter is too extreme for you, then you can get by with textured plain wallpaper.

Tip: A great alternative to brickwork is glass blocks. An example of how you can successfully beat them in the interior of the kitchen, see the next photo slider.

The flooring should be wood based - or preferably glossy, sanded and lacquered/oiled.

A more wear-resistant floor finish is large or vice versa small metlakh tile like in the photo below.

We offer ideas for finishing the ceiling from the following selection of photos.

Furniture and accessories

Furniture in the Loft style can be both deliberately modern and have a touch of antiquity - this style is based on contrasts. There are few places where you can combine different textures and materials, and the Loft-style kitchen is an excellent springboard for this. Take a look at the following photos: a glossy headset and a chrome hood here easily “get along” with rough wooden shelves, and Brick wall in the kitchen, it organically coexists with chairs in velvet upholstery and floor-length curtains.

You can zone the space with furniture, for example, when you can separate it with a bar counter, an island or a sofa.

Curtains are an optional decor item that can be neglected. Otherwise, you can either curtains to the floor as in the photo below. The main condition is that loft-style curtains must be strict in style and sewn from natural or high-quality combined fabrics.


Loft-style kitchens involve many light sources. In addition to natural light coming from uncurtained windows, care must be taken to artificial lighting. Loft style lamps are usually made of metal and glass and have simple shapes.

It can also be emphasized industrial options, such as large light bulbs hanging from cords.

Or you can go the other way and choose emphatically modern lighting as in the following photos.

  • Youthful green. The contrast of factory roughness with fragility looks interesting. Build wooden shelves especially for plants, greenery will perfectly dilute the severity of the Loft style. Check it out by looking at the photo.

  • Loft does not tolerate "loneliness", try to decorate at least adjacent rooms in this style, for example, if the living room is combined with the kitchen, or better, the whole house. Loft will play a worthy couple for its "brothers" - minimalism, hi-tech,.
  • Size matters. If the quadrature of your kitchen does not have two-digit numbers, but join fashion style I really want to, there is no need to despair. For example, you can, thereby launching more light into the room. But it is best to combine a small kitchen with a living room, then you will only strengthen the illusion that this is not a typical apartment, but a former industrial building without partitions.

  • Color design. The characteristic colors of furniture, textiles and finishes for the Loft style are brick red, burgundy, brown, dark green, blue, beige, gray and contrasting white and black.
  • We hope that the photos and tips for arranging the Loft kitchen that we have selected will help you equip it according to all the canons of style. May your life also be full of light and there will always be a place for everything unusual and non-standard.

The renovation ended the way you feared: the foreman has disappeared with an advance payment, the painter is sleeping with a bag on his head, and the apartment is in a state of semi-finishing, like a good steak. But until you find a new brigade, you need to somehow live here and even receive guests.

Elena Kozhina Ignat Sakharov

General form

Designer's opinion

“There should be a feeling in the loft that there really used to be an attic or an abandoned workshop,” Fedor began his exciting story. - Negligence finishes, bare and raw walls, brickwork and imitation of collapsed plaster. Open engineering communications, ventilation and electrical wiring.


Designer's opinion

“This style was originally intended to save on finishing materials. The main difference between the finishes has always been the naturalness and rawness of the surfaces, so you should not worry about some unrealistic estimate and colossal labor costs.

Your actions

It’s a paradox, but in order to pass off an unfinished renovation as a loft, you will have to destroy almost more than create. Therefore, stock up on a set of tools, in which, in addition to a hammer and a drill, there will be a set of good chisels. You will also need plaster, spray paint of several colors, parquet varnish, metal pipes for electrical wiring, corrugation for ventilation. Furniture, lamps and small design elements about which will be discussed further, you can collect from relatives and friends or go to flea markets for this. With a strong desire and some luck, you can meet 40-50 thousand.

Designer's opinion

“The loft style just needs space. If it is possible to remove any walls, this must be done, ”Fyodor insisted sternly.

Your actions

The specialist's word is law. If the apartment has plasterboard partitions, they can be demolished on their own, an ordinary sledgehammer is enough. Put on a construction helmet and a respirator, then there will be a chance not to get hurt. Before the start of the show, it would be good to arrange redevelopment, otherwise there will be problems when selling the apartment. And check with floor plan apartments to make sure that this wall is not load-bearing. Otherwise, the whole house will turn into one big loft, from which rescuers will pick out your angry neighbors.

Designer's opinion

“For the background material of the walls, concrete is more suitable. A concrete wall can be not only homogeneous, but also structured. You can even paint over the wall with graffiti,” the expert continued.

Your actions

If the workers had time to level the walls - good. Did not have time - even better. Wash in a new building concrete wall, wait until it dries, and paint it with spray paint. If someone used to live in the apartment, pieces of plaster may remain on the wall stripped to concrete - before washing, walk with a fine sandpaper. At the end of the work, walk along the wall with a chisel and give it multiple scratches and chips to add brutality.

Designer's opinion

“You can always contact a specialist for an individual order,” Fedor assured, handing out business cards. “In the manufacture of lamps, the same materials are used as for furniture: glass, wood, raw metal.”

Your actions

The lamp may turn out to be more expensive than the rest of the pseudo-loft stuffing. A lone lamp on a wire asks for such an interior, but design options are more expensive than Kremlin stars, and an ordinary lamp will turn a loft into a switchman's booth. Compromise - lamps for the street in the form of old-fashioned lanterns. Among them there are those that need to be hung on the wall - they are suitable for the role of a sconce.


Designer's opinion

“If the base of the floor is plank, you can not even remove it, but simply process it and paint it with a colorless varnish. Such a floor should be slightly diluted with a bright shaggy rug.

Your actions

Rug or bearskin - at your discretion. If the base is wooden and you followed the expert's advice, that's enough. Worse, if they managed to make only a screed on the floor: even the inhabitants of the Bastille would find the concrete under their feet harsh. But get some old worn carpets different size and colors, throw them on the floor with an overlap, like it was meant to be. Carpets must first be cleaned and disinfected: old age must be worthy.

Designer's opinion

“A voluminous retro-style armchair will perfectly complement the current coffee table from raw riveted metal and wood. And a rare chest of drawers with twisted legs can be combined with a rack of water pipes,” Fedor boasted of his work.

Good photos on the Internet! And what about the residents of a odnushka, do they also want to live in a luxurious spacious loft? Despite the skeptics, we will prove that a small loft-style apartment is not absurd, but a reality. And we will also show that the style of the loft is ideal when the budget for repairs is very small.

Because the interior style is a way of life and the atmosphere of the house. Not the footage.

Many people think that the loft style is only suitable for apartments, maximum for country house, they say, a loft is a huge industrial building, and recreate it for 40 square meters unrealistic, which means there is nothing to write about here.

But the designers do not agree - and they do an excellent job with small-sized projects in the loft style. The trouble is that residents of small apartments often do not have money for a designer. So, excuse me, dear designers, we will style our house as a loft with our own hands.

Loft style design - why is it like that

The fact is that the loft style is not so much an architectural format as a mood, a way of life. It all started with the fact that in the 1940s land became very expensive in New York, and industrialists had to move their plants and factories away from big city. But the buildings remain.

Wealthy people completely refused to move into the empty workshops, but for the simpler contingent, and especially for creative people, the huge premises were quite suitable - both inexpensively, and an art studio-house in ready-made. Because a little tidying up, arranging art objects and a few chairs - and here you have a bohemian salon for exhibitions and performances, you can also live. So the loft style ceased to be an architectural indicator and turned into a way of thinking.

And this is the whole loft: it is asceticism, contentment with little, endless creative flight and the rejection of luxury (although a chic velvet sofa in the background old plaster looks great).

Do you understand? For a real loft style, five-meter ceilings are not so much important as the spirit of freedom. This is not a brick wall and pipes under the ceiling, but a creative eclectic interior, inconceivable without modern art in all its manifestations.

Even designers do not understand this line, but now you know: first of all, you need a creative interior, and secondly, an industrial one.

What should be the interior of a loft-style apartment

So, what should be changed during the renovation so that the very mood of the American loft is felt in the apartment?

1. Introduce the spirit of the factory (crossed out) loft interior

But you will have to start by searching for those very elements of the “abandoned factory”. Because if initially industrial premises were turned into residential, then you, the owner standard apartment, you will have to do the opposite, make an industrial object out of the apartment.

Here you will need to think: what is in your apartment similar to the view of the plant? It turns out that under the drywall were once hidden whole system water pipes, under plaster bearing walls you can find an old red brick, and cast iron batteries, it is worth removing the decorative flap and painting them brighter, the situation is ideal. So we look under the laminate, we are interested in what we have there false ceiling… Bare concrete? Gorgeous - let's go! The floors, however, would be better to fill with a special non-dusting mixture, but on concrete ceiling even metal hangers may not need to be removed.

Many of these "finds" will be found already in the process of repair. Record all observations in a notebook so that you can later use them when drawing up a project on your own.

2. Work with surfaces. Top 3 loft textures according to Loggia

Materials and surfaces in a loft interior play a huge role. And if the walls of your Khrushchev are made of shingles, it doesn’t matter, brick and concrete can be perfectly imitated with the same textured plasters.

Italian manufacturer decorative coatings Loggia recommends choosing textures that combine luxury and rough industrial processing. It is the loft style that allows you to use, say, a “concrete look” coating on one wall, and on the other - Venetian plaster or texture "velvet" - and all this in one room! We recommend the following materials.

  • Kymera is a unique coating not just with a rust effect, but a natural oxidized metal, it even has magnetic properties.
  • Marmo Romano - allows you to create a deep texture.
  • Diamond - the effect of natural metal.

After all, the task of the loft is to give one room a variety of functions (as if the former workshop has become a kitchen, an office, and a living room at the same time), and it is better to separate functional areas, if possible, not with partitions, but just different design walls and floors. In this sense, decorative plasters, which have become last years more accessible, allow the soul to turn around. Brickwork, concrete blocks, crumbling plaster, noble surfaces of silk or marble - plasters can do everything. Unless the wood in the loft should be used natural, even if your master knows how to perfectly imitate wood with plaster.

Of course, we are far from a classic loft with spacious rooms, but maybe even in your apartment the layout can be changed? Talk to a familiar architect or show the plan of the apartment on a professional forum - it may very well be that, for example, the living room can be combined with the kitchen or the partitions between the rooms can be made of glass. Here is the treasured space for you.

Even if it is impossible in your case to move the walls, the feeling of a large space is enough. The light color of the walls, not too high furniture - there are enough tips on the Internet, we even wrote an article about expanding the space. Thinking about the loft, it's time to think about storage systems, and choose better hidden ones.

And also windows: it is unlikely that you will be able to drastically increase them, but it costs nothing to remove traditional curtains - there will be an order of magnitude more “air”. If you have to hide from neighbors, choose laconic blinds or something similar. But don’t even think about changing windows to plastic ones, you’ll kill the style - you can quite tolerably restore and insulate old wooden ones, and after successful contrast staining, they can become an interior decoration.

4. Clean up

The loft does not tolerate a heap of unnecessary things. Many attributes of comfort will have to be taken out of the house: give carpets to student neighbors, blankets with which each chair was covered - to your grandmother, and in order not to offend, ask for her old bookcase instead.

Art objects are responsible for the comfort and homely atmosphere in the loft, unusual furniture and attributes of romance.

By the way, for the repair of an apartment in a new building, the loft style is generally salvation. At the same time, you can save a lot: the walls do not have to be plastered, and the floors are perfectly leveled. Ceilings can also be left draft, and you don’t even have to hide the wiring in the walls, saving on their scraping. But in order not to overdo it, choose only one or two surfaces that you leave untouched, the interior should remain residential and welcoming.

5. More style, more creativity!

To design a loft-style apartment on your own, you need to be really free. Here you can safely combine Buddha figurines and modern paintings with an ironic colorful armchair, a magnificent crystal chandelier with cheap plastic furniture - the loft calls for mixing styles and eras.

The main thing is not to confuse freedom with bad taste: in order not to miscalculate, focus on a mixture of industrial style with minimalism, high-tech style elements and old retro gizmos, furniture from the past and, if possible, real antiques. And again, you can’t do without art objects.

turn small apartment into a cozy loft, and even with your own hands, is a very adventurous task. But look at the photo finished projects- even a tiny studio in Khimki can be transformed into a unique Manhattan home.

Jul 6, 2017 Sergei

Loft is one of the most paradoxical styles that combines underground and bohemianism. Interiors in this style have a conceptual approach to space. They show how industrial premises unfit for life are transformed with the help of art, turning into shocking and luxurious dwellings.

Translated from English loft (loft) stands for non-residential premises , as a rule - unfurnished attics or attics. In a more familiar sense, these are most often one-story industrial abandoned buildings, under a high roof. The adaptation of industrial and warehouse premises for housing is at the heart of the loft style.

Loft style in the interior of a modern person's apartment

What explains the popularity of the loft? For starters, this is a protest against the standards that make dwellings similar to each other. The choice of furniture, zoning methods and finishing techniques are very predictable, no matter what idea or popular style you decide to choose. The loft is another matter - it is a space for the artist's imagination, a revolutionary approach to space and constantly unexpected solutions.

Is it possible to recreate a loft in the interior of an apartment modern man, which is far from the appearance of colorful factory buildings of the last century?

Loft style features

To answer this question, we first select main features classical style loft:

When it's not about recovery industrial buildings and creation on the basis of their dwellings, it is obvious that the ideas modern loft usually focused on interior design in a special atmosphere of outrageous chic. Modern designers successfully cope with this task. How? They play with the ideas of the free and large areas, "industrial" texture in decoration, original furnishings and elements of the "factory" entourage.

Zoning and free planning

The principles of free planning are at the heart of the loft. Ideally, the building should be fully visible. Behind the partitions there are only utility rooms and a bathroom, sometimes a bedroom.

Lighting and space are the main value, therefore, there should be a minimum amount of furniture in a loft-style interior, and it should not be located as usual - in the corners or close to the walls, but in such a way that it remains free space around the walls.

The main part of household equipment and all things are “hidden” in spacious utility rooms, leaving in the residential part only what is needed for creativity and relaxation. Utility rooms need to be given a lot of attention. There may be several of them - they must fit and a pantry, and a laundry room, and a wardrobe. Their task is very important - to free the residential part from everything superfluous, which violates the aesthetics of space and distracts from creativity.

If there are high ceilings, then vertical zoning is often used, an “open floor” is equipped, which is most often used for private areas. For example, there may be a bathtub that overlooks ground floor. Also upstairs can be equipped with a bedroom.


Elements required for loft-style decoration:

  • Brick.
  • Beams.
  • Pipes.

Loft style is different expressive texture of ceilings and walls- concrete, masonry or rough plaster that does not mask the material of the wall blocks. When the walls are smooth, then a special decorative plaster or tiles imitating brick. For walls, you can choose various finishes, which, by the way, plays an important role in zoning. For example, three walls are cleaned to bricks, and the fourth is plastered. Another option is to veneer with textured putty on the central section long wall, highlighting this recreation area or dining area. When painting the walls, cold colors are used.

"Unfinished" and deliberately rough finish creates the effect of unpretentiousness, democracy, negligence. But against this ascetic background, even a grandmother's bookcase or the simplest leather sofa are perceived as luxurious items, and this gives the interior a special chic.

gas, water pipes and heating systems do not hide behind false walls or screens, but, as a necessary entourage of style, "flaunt". Metal parts are not painted, or painted "under the metal".

Wall decoration is quite original. They can be decorated with metal road signs, advertising posters, posters or painted with graffiti. An element of originality is picturesque large paintings by contemporary artists, which, as a rule, are casually installed directly on the floor, leaning against the wall.

Most often, “aged” slats are laid on the floor or covered with “stone-like” tiles.

The ceiling is painted in silver or light color. Often under the ceiling, by analogy with factory communications, they lay "industrial" large pipes made of shiny metal.

For lighting, factory rare lamps are usually used, which hang from the ceiling. But a really powerful luminous flux, which will create the atmosphere of a factory floor, can be provided by diode lamps on busbar systems.

Windows, when they are large (preferably from the floor) - do not cover with curtains. If the landscape outside the windows is very different from the urban one or they are small, then blinds are installed.

Accessories and furniture

In the loft style, furniture has the following requirements:

  • Leave large gaps between walls and furniture.
  • She must be stylish.
  • It should be a small amount.

With a deliberately simple finish, any bright and large object will catch the eye - it is very important that this is not a standard product. Preference is given ultra-modern or vintage designer furniture.

You can safely buy long sofas, chairs on wheels, metal shelving, folding plastic chairs, instead of cabinets - metal floor hangers. All these pieces of furniture appeared simultaneously with the loft style, they will harmoniously complement this interior.

In the loft are out of place furniture sets. There is no place for shelving and shelves made of wood even in utility rooms- instead of these items put metal light racks. Tall cabinets visually break the unity of the room, in addition, everything that is in them can be placed in the back rooms.

Of all the styles of furniture, ethnic style, country style, as well as cheap cabinet furniture are not suitable for a loft. Preference is given leather, plastic and metal furniture.

An important point: you should avoid installing equipment and furniture along the walls. It is necessary to achieve the feeling of an empty, open, large space, where inhabited zones are located as islands.

Dining room and kitchen equipment

In the kitchen area, either rare stylized kitchen equipment in the spirit of the 50s, or a chicly equipped, but small high-tech kitchen are installed. Technological innovations, as well as metal chrome surfaces, are welcome. Great when she looks like a small cafe kitchen or a restaurant with modern equipment - a stainless steel screen and rack, countertops, a bar counter, a coffee machine. Moreover, the kitchen must be quite compact, and not stand out.

In the dining area, any design solutions, but let the table be in the style of hi-tech or minimalism - made of glass, plastic and metal. As a contrasting addition in the eclectic style, you can install a small sideboard self made or a collection of antique chairs.

Living room furniture

A fluffy carpet, a cozy armchair, a sofa with soft upholstery will create an oasis of relaxation and peace in the cold space of an "industrial" room. The luxurious atmosphere in this part can be distinguished by paintings by artists.

An important point - loft implies any technical innovations, in any case, it is very difficult to imagine it without high-quality video and audio equipment. A powerful audio center and home theater will look outrageous and bold against the backdrop of an old factory interior.

Bedroom arrangement

The sleeping area is allocated in the studio, taken out to the second floor or isolated with partitions. plays an important role in zoning flooring and lighting. It is not excluded that the role of a partition will be performed by a low chest of drawers or a closet, which will highlight the privacy of this area.

Metal high bed will be an absolute favorite in the bedroom. Bedside tables will also bring the stamp of antiquity. Do not forget about fashionable high-tech lamps. The built-in wardrobe is installed as hidden as possible, but at the same time it must be roomy - order must always reign in the bedroom.

Arrangement of a bathroom and bathroom

The bathroom can be arranged in fundamentally different styles:

  • Trendy technogenic high-tech.
  • Eclectic style with vintage elements.

To begin with, the difference is due to the choice of plumbing equipment.

If the opportunity to buy cast-iron antique bathtub on "golden" legs, that is, it makes sense to install it in the center of the bathroom, create a vintage unique atmosphere, use aged metal shelving and choose plumbing that is close in spirit. Matte and fine mosaic tiles, open metal pipes, an old-fashioned bidet and a rare shower complete the renovation in the loft style of the bathroom.

When old plumbing is missing, it makes sense to focus on new equipment. Shine of mirrors, enamel and chrome, halogen spotlights, the most modern forms, multifunctional shower and Jacuzzi will contrast beautifully with uneven brick walls and old-fashioned drainpipes.


industrial style does not tolerate small trinkets and decor items. It is better to decorate the interior with several expressive and large objects: an exquisite figurine, an expensive vase, a couple of paintings by young artists or a designer chair.

Historically, the loft implies the presence of a fireplace. If possible, then build a vintage wood-burning fireplace or a modern, high-tech, but equipped with an old chimney, this will give the room a special charm.

If in tall building located second floor for bedroom or bathroom, then the design of the stairs must be approached responsibly. Stairs can connect both floors and also be a memorable decor. You can style it like an attic spiral staircase from monolithic concrete, forged metal or cast iron.

Loft in the premises of an ordinary apartment

Taking into account the different directions of the loft, which do not have to be done “in its purest form”, even with the condition of reconstructing a small (less than 100 sq. M.) apartment, you can make the look of the original semi-residential and semi-industrial premises with your own hands and fill them with the spirit of luxury, ease and freedom. Much more possibilities provides big private house , it almost does not limit the designer's imagination.

Many ideas are successfully and actively applied in modern designer interior- a combination of antiquity and high technology, brick textured walls, open plan. fashionable furniture continues the traditions of the loft - leather, metal, glass, plastic, laconic forms, bright colours. Electrical elements, manifested in art deco style, have also long been loved. By and large, all the features of the loft are already familiar today.

Probably this explains new wave interest in the seemingly defiantly irrational renovation in the loft style. When all the elements are combined, there is a perfect revolutionary and fresh look, pleasing with invigorating outrageousness, originality and novelty of the updated interior.

Naturally, not every person will be able to decorate the interior with their own hands in such original style. Most often, a loft is decorated creative people for whom this project in itself is a holiday, and further life in the interior, which is decorated in vintage style, will be able to push to bold and new achievements.

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